90.22% Different #BDSM stories / Chapter 120: - A True History

章節 120: - A True History


The true story of my encounters with beastkind.

I don't know exactly when it was that I began to have an interest in bestiality. I never knew it was called that, or even that there were other people who practised it, when I became aware of it in myself. Just as I do not know when, I do not know why. I have been interested in dogs as sexual partners from a young age, but contrariwise, I was more of a 'cat person'. I have no reason to believe that I had any kind of sexual encounters when I was young, whether from animals or humans, so that rules out sexual abuse. Perhaps it is only because while I am not a very sexual person, I have always been sexually aware, having genuine interest in the opposite sex since the tender age of 5. Perhaps my sexual frustration was projected onto my canine friends… who knows?

The first dog I ever knew was a bitch named Minnie, an Airedale, and the family dog. She was already getting old by the time I was born, and died when I was five or six years old. I never had any sexual experiences with her, and I hardly even remember her, but I sense that it may be how it all started for me. For one thing, my father, normally so strict and fearsome, loved Minnie with all his heart. The only time I have ever seen my father cry was when Minnie had to be put down, a result of illness from her old age. It only occurred to me a few years ago that perhaps my father's love for her ran deeper than what is considered 'normal' adoration for a pet. I still don't know if this thought disturbs me or reassures me. This could explain my own orientation.

Within a year or so of Minnie's death, my parents brought home a kitten, a purebred of Oriental descent, and named her Coco. When I was around 8 years old, I (to my shame) tried to gently persuade Coco to lick my pussy, but to no avail. Instead I took some Q-tips and inserted them into her little hole to see how she would react. She seemed nonplussed by this, and I desisted because she didn't react the way I was hoping, and anyway, I felt bad for doing so.

On that note, now is probably the time to mention that while I believe that animals can have vastly differing personalities, just like humans – which most people believe – I also believe that animals can have a deeper understanding of things, an almost humanlike quality to them. I don't know quite how to explain this properly without sounding idiotic or irrational, but anyone who has a deep love for animals, sexual or non-sexual, should understand what I mean. I could never use an animal just for its body, and indeed I find the pornography in which girls use dogs like little more than living dildos repulsive and anathematic for that very reason. Just as I would feel ashamed for fucking someone I hardly knew, I would feel ashamed for fucking an animal without getting to know it first.

Maybe a year later I had a sleepover at a friend's house. She had a lovely pet Staffy who was friendly and playful. At night when we were sitting around watching movies, her Staffy (whose name I don't remember) charged into the room with his red cock fully erect. Being all of us young, we squealed and laughed and said how gross it was, and pushed him away. When everyone was asleep that night, I gave him a hand job.

When I was ten or so, two things happened. First of all, my family got another dog: a White Shepherd rescued from an animal shelter. He wasn't de-sexed, had no name, and we were unsure as to how old he was. We named him Merlin. The second thing that happened is that I started horse riding, and with it came a deep and intense love for horses. At that time the closest I had ever come to sexual contact with a horse was handling a horse's cock – not sexually, I was cleaning his genitals. The only time anything sexual occurred to me around horses was when, on a long trail ride, a seam of my jeans was pressing into my clit. I was surreptitiously grinding myself on the saddle for about 10 minutes but didn't manage to come.

I continued horse riding for three or four years. During that time, when I was about 12, I chanced upon my first mention of bestiality while checking my email. There it was, sitting in my junk folder: 'Horny teen farm girl fucks a horse with a 12 inch cock!' I wondered if that was possible. Then I started thinking about the sizes of all the horse cocks I'd seen. I'd never really noticed them before, apart from the occasional immature and embarrassed titter when one of the geldings would random get an erection. I opened the email and stared at the pictures of girls with these enormous dicks filling up their holes, and almost immediately my hand went down to rub myself. Being twelve I was of course a virgin. I'd sometimes fingered or teased myself absently, but I never came. Staring at those girls, their faces twisted in ecstasy, and the beautiful, long cocks thrusting into them, I was jealous and insanely turned on. Rubbing my clit didn't help, it never felt good enough to bring me to climax, and I needed some way to relieve all that young sexual tension.

That's how I remembered that when I was much younger, my sister and I used to shower together. One time we were in the bathroom alone, and I stood outside the shower door watching as my sister lay on the floor of the shower with her legs spread, letting the water droplets splash over her legs, belly and puss. 'It feels good,' she had said, and with that I rushed off to the shower. But lying on the hard tiles, with only a few light drops sprinkling my clit, only served to tease and frustrate me further. So I decided to go one step up. The bathtub's sides squeaked horribly as I settled myself into position: propped up by one side of the tub with my ass under the faucet and my legs spread wide. The water gushing straight onto my clit felt amazing. I lay there fantasizing about being fucked by a horse, and came within minutes. The orgasm was so intense that I could feel liquid gushing out of me – I thought I had voided my bladder but I would later learn this was not the case. Thus began my long love affair with the bathtub. Funnily enough, though, I never even connected wanting to be fucked by huge horse cocks with the actual horses that I knew and loved.

When I was 12, in the summer holidays between primary school and high school, I stayed at my friend's house for about a week or so. She had a little fox-terrier cross called Jack who I was fascinated with. I followed him around her house, always tickling and playing with him. A few times I was alone with him, and when he rolled over so I could scratch his belly I would tentatively reach for his sheath. He never shied from the contact, but I never did get to touch his cock because there was always somebody around, or the threat of someone seeing what I was doing. There was one time when my friend and I took Jack to her neighbour's house. While my friend stood chatting with her neighbour I followed Jack around as he kept trying unsuccessfully to mate with the resident cat. My friend told me to 'Leave them alone, don't watch, it's gross,' but I was turned on every time Jack leapt onto the cat and started thrusting manically. Even more turned on when the cat stood patiently accepting it. I think that's when it began to occur to me that I wanted to be fucked by a dog.

After school one day, at the age of 13, I was home alone with Merlin. I was on the computer in the family room and he was curled up in a corner licking his privates. On impulse I typed the words, 'dog dick' into a search. I didn't expect the likes of anything that came up, the most I had hoped for was a picture of a dog's cock or two, or at the very most, two dogs mating. To my surprise and delight I was met with thousands of results, and many including pictures of girls slobbering over shiny red cocks. I surfed through them for a while, getting what free kicks I could from the paysites, and getting more and more aroused. Then I went and masturbated. It was the first time I had multiple orgasms.

The next day after school, in the hour and a half between the time I came home and my sister came home, I played with Merlin. Nothing heavy or sexual at first, the usual wrestling, hugging, tickling and tug of war. As I scratched and petted Merlin I gradually moved my hands to his belly. Obligingly he rolled onto his back for me, and I slowed my movements and instead began to gently stroke his fur, moving slowly towards his sheath. 'Good boy,' I murmured as my fingers moved closer and my heart sped up. He kicked his legs happily, not at all displeased, and soon enough I was softly moving my fingers across his sheath and cupping his balls. The red tip of his penis slid out of his sheath, gleaming wetly. My panties were damp by this time and my cunt was throbbing urgently. Then I made the mistake of touching his naked cock. My friend's Staffy, who I had jacked off years earlier, had not minded the direct contact.

Anyway, even though I did so as gently as possible, Merlin jumped up and sprang away, his cock disappearing back into its sheath. Disappointed, and having learned my lesson, I hugged him in apology and started all over again. This time, when his cock emerged from its sheath, I made sure my hands went nowhere near it. I fondled his balls and used his sheath to masturbate him. As I watched his cock jerk and quiver, and short spurts of watery fluid spray out, I was so turned on that a single touch would have undone me. As it was, even that was not required. After three minutes or so, a huge bulb grew at the base of Merlin's dick and swelled: bigger, bigger, bigger… he froze, then whimpered, and I came just from watching as the last of his cum, thick now and white, came shooting out.

By then it was only ten minutes or so until my sister was due to be home. I hugged Merlin and kissed all over his face, then hurried to clean up the cum on the floor. When my sister came home I was sitting innocently in front of the computer, and Merlin was again in his corner cleaning his dick with his tongue.

About a week later my sister had some kind of parent-teacher night at her school. Both my parents were meant to attend, and they wanted me to come as well, but I faked a minor illness, saying I was tired and would sleep while they were gone. Of course I did no such thing. As soon as they were gone I sprang out of bed and called Merlin inside and into my room. Already I was aroused by thoughts of what would happen, if everything went to plan.

Merlin came in eagerly and jumped up on my bed to lick my face. I hugged and petted him and we played for a while, which eventually turned into me fondling his cock, something we'd done together two or three times since that first day. This time when his cock was fully emerged from his sheath, I let go instead of masturbating him. Merlin rolled over and stood up, whining, and started thrusting his hips into the air, a few drops of cum flying. I got off my bed and hurriedly stripped off my clothes before sitting back down beside him and stroking his fur. Then I spread my legs and softly invited him to lick my pussy. Merlin whined a few more times and then bent and licked at his cock. I took his collar and guided his head towards my pussy. He started sniffing enthusiastically, his cold nose bumping into my cunt and thighs making me shiver. But no licking.

I pushed him off the bed and sat on the edge with my legs spread as far as they could go. This time, I got lucky. He eagerly began to lap away at my pussy. I had never been eaten out before and it was absolute heaven. It was a few years more before I realised that man can never quite hope to match a dog's tongue in length or dexterity. I came within two minutes. Even after my orgasms subsided he kept at it eagerly and I had to push his head away and hold it so I could recover my breath.

Eventually I let go of his head. His beautiful cock was still fully erect and out of its sheath, and he had started to thrust his hips again. I was already aroused once more, and I tried to get Merlin into position by patting the bed at my sides. 'Up, boy! Up!' I took his front paws and tried to guide him, but in his excitement he was thrusting every which way and couldn't hold the awkward two-legged position long enough to penetrate me. So I got down on all fours.

He mounted me easily, but his big paws rested awkwardly over my shoulders and neck, and scratched me. He was still thrusting wildly, and I tried to get one hand back behind me so I could position him at the right angle. His cock slipped past my hand a few times and I felt it jabbing my ass and thighs, and then a great pain as it rammed home. I remember it hurt a lot at first but the pain went away quickly. I was about to come when Merlin suddenly slid out of me, then came around to lick my face. 'Up, boy, up! Come on!' I urged him, and he mounted again, still with his forelegs over my shoulders. In a few seconds he was inside me again. He began to pound me mercilessly into me and I could feel every inch of his cock inside me and his great weight pressing down on me. His cock was hot, temperature wise, and that only added to the pleasure, likewise when his fur-covered balls banged into my clit. Within a minute I was shaking with the intensity of multiple orgasms, and the floor was spattered with what I thought was his cum but later, from the scent, turned out to be mine. Remember when I thought I'd pissed after coming, that time in the bathtub? That night was when I discovered it wasn't actually piss, and when I looked it up on the internet I discovered all about the phenomena of female ejaculation.

Back to Merlin and I – I had forgotten about the 'knot', the bulb that grows at the base of a dog's cock when they mate, and of course I had never experienced it for myself, only seen it in the photos on the Internet. When I felt Merlin's cock curiously swelling inside me, I remembered the pictures I'd seen and panicked. I started to struggle and try and throw his weight off me before we became 'tied'. I managed to throw Merlin slightly off balance, and his dick slipped out of me and faltered for a moment. But his paws had come off my shoulders – his forelegs slid back, gripped me around the thighs and his cock slammed into me with new intensity, knot and all. Then he stopped thrusting and instead gave a series of little jerks. At the same time I felt his knot grow even more, and to my surprise it didn't hurt. It felt amazing, stretching me out, and I could feel its throbbing vibrate through all my pussy and mostly, my clit. I came again after a few seconds, and after ten minutes or so Merlin's knot slipped out of me and I hugged him in thanks. He went to go and clean up his dick, and I ran to clean the floor before my parents came home.

Merlin and I repeated the above activities, and many more, many times for several years. He was a fairly old dog when we got him, though, and he died when I was seventeen. I will always miss him, not just for the sex but for being a loving pet and companion. He was my first animal love and the one I lost my virginity to. It was only later when I started 'training' other dogs that I realised Merlin was an old hand at sex with a human. I can only be grateful to whomever owned Merlin before my family, not only for the training they gave him but for giving him away so I could come to love him as my own.

Before I continue I want to clear some things up about dog sex and the things people seem to write about it. I've read stories, not only on this site but others, where people say that as the dog came inside them they could feel the cum shooting into them. Maybe it's just me, or else the dogs I've had as partners, but I've never once felt anything of the sort. Another thing people seem to like writing about is how their dog thrust so deep into them that the first inch or so of their cock entered their cervix, and they screamed and moaned in ecstasy, etc. etc. ad infinitum. Let me tell you that this is just not possible. Firstly because, unless you are for whatever reason fucking a dog within hours of giving birth, your cervix is only about a quarter of the width of your vagina, not large enough to accommodate a dog dick as it does not stretch like the vagina does. Secondly, if you have ever experienced being fucked by a larger-than-average cock, you may have felt it banging against your cervix during sex. Therefore you would know that if something ever forcefully entered your cervix, you would be screaming in agony, not ecstasy.

Briefly I want to recount another episode in my life. When I was older I went back to horse riding, at a different place this time, a place that was more ordered and professional (the first place I went to when I was a young teenager didn't have stables, only corrals, and the tack was old and dusty and kept in two big shipping containers. Not to mention the horses were somewhat underfed, and most of them were old, flea-bitten and tired-looking). There were about thirty horses there all up, most of them purebred, as well as some young colts and fillies and some ex-racehorses. I started a relationship with two young horses, one a strawberry roan filly who had just been weaned, the other a two-year-old bay stallion. I helped to raise them and developed strong bonds with each of them, which at first was non-sexual but soon became otherwise.

I was brushing down the filly, Maya, one day, when she was about 14 months old, when she started displaying to me signs of sexual arousal, the most notable the raising of her tail to display her genitals. I ignored it but by the time I was brushing down her hindquarters she had started turning to expose herself more, and started rubbing up against me. To put a long story short, I ended up with my hand in her cunt, which Maya enjoyed. After I'd satisfactorily pleasured her and finished brushing her down, I moved on to my favourite boy, the bay two-year-old, Beau.

I guess those of you who are into horses know what happens when a stallion picks up the scent of a mare's cunt. Beau was restless, butting his head into me and nibbling my clothes, and soon enough the entire length of his cock had come out of his sheath and he was slapping it against his belly, which is how a horse masturbates. I was slightly turned on. Beau was a beautiful specimen of horseflesh and here he was wanting to fuck me. But of course, it being the middle of the day, I could do no such thing.

A few days after I returned to the stables, this time at night, using the hidden spare key to unlock the main door and let myself in. All the horses were nestled in their stalls sleepily. I went to Beau's stall and let myself in with him. He pricked up his ears and started nuzzling me again. I fed him an apple and started stroking him all over, including under his belly, but while he enjoyed the attention I didn't see hide nor hair of his cock. I let myself out of his stall and went to Maya, who was all but asleep. She also enjoyed the attention and the petting I gave her, and didn't mind at all as I slipped my hand under her tail and probed into her so my hand would be covered with her scent.

I went back to Beau's stall and rubbed my hand over the stallion's nose. Almost immediately his cock slid out to its full length, about two feet long and patched dark brown and pink. I worked my way over his body, stroking and talking to him, and soon enough came to his dick. He was slapping his cock against his belly again, but stopped as I tentatively started touching it, seeing what he responded to and did or didn't like. Eventually I rid myself of everything below the waist and started working his cock again, wondering how I was supposed to achieve sex with a horse. Obviously I didn't want his weight on me, and though I could have dragged over an empty grain barrel to lie on I didn't fancy the awkward position, especially if I needed to get his cock out of me in a hurry.

Eventually I just stood at his side and bent over at a slight angle, my head facing away from his hindquarters. I held onto one of his front legs to support myself and with the other hand reached behind me and gently guided his cock into my pussy.

It slid in easily. I could nowhere near take the full length of it, and stopped when it was about four inches in. Luckily enough too, because as soon as he felt it he gave a massive thrust that nearly knocked me over. Fortunately, I suppose, he couldn't thrust very well on all fours, and he didn't try to rear up and mount me or anything of the sort. I had to work myself back and forth on his dick and every so often he'd give as big a thrust as he could manage.

Seeing as he was fully erect it didn't take long for him to come inside me and step back. His cock slid out, a good eight inches of it, and with it a veritable river of cum. I was surprised to see the tip of his cock had ballooned into a huge fist-sized bulb. I'd had my fare share of fisting in my time otherwise I could have potentially been in large amounts of pain. I hadn't orgasmed from the encounter but I was happy enough just to have fucked my lovely Beau.

Since then I've enjoyed sex with Beau the stallion on a regular basis, as well as each of my two dogs. This brings me to the end of my story so far. Hopefully in future I'll have more bestial encounters to write about.

章節 121: meeting Daddy_(0) 


how Daddy opens me to a new reality

I am not sure if it is the knowing what is going to happen or the actual act occurring that is more erotic. I was going return to the man I called "Daddy".


Last week was our first time together after a few months of online banter. I had told him over those months some of my most base sexual secrets and our evening had progress along those lines. After entering his house and dispensing with the awkward first time conversation, I was told to get comfortable and quickly doffed my clothes and got on my knees in the subservient position. Daddy had stood in front of me with just enough distance between us that I was having to bend to shower kisses on the end of his hanging penis.

He took a few steps back and made me crawl towards him asking for his permission to continue sucking his cock. I was told to lick his balls and fell on them with a vigour that could be described as animalistic; they were a wonder, as big as plums and pendulous in a sac that was shorn of all hair. Opening my mouth I let one, then the other, slip in and proceeded to run my tongue all around them and applied just enough pressure with my lips to cause Daddy to moan appreciatively. Letting them pop out with a sound like a cork made Daddy's knees buckle and without permission I swallowed his now erect penis. That was no small feat as he did not lie when he told me that he sported an 7" long and 6" thick cock.

All I did was put that wonderful cock deep in my throat and left it lie there. Breathing through my nose like a good cocksucker I waited for a response from Daddy, I stared him in the eyes and waited. He let me wait for what seemed an eternity and then pulled out until the head was brushing the back of my lips and then pushed all the way back in. I was waiting for him to do that and fell on his penis with some gusto which he took as a signal to furiously fuck my throat.

Not sure if anyone out there has been throat fucked while kneeling but that is a difficult position to be in and be able to please. I am a great cocksucker without a gag response but when my throat is being bullied the way Daddy was using mine, it is a task to continue swallowing any size cock. I put my hands on Daddy's legs to slow him down knowing that I was in for some sort of discipline. I pulled back and lay down of the chesterfield with my head hanging over the arm and once again swallowed Daddy's angry cock. I grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him into my throat with no worries of him hurting me-not that it mattered to him at all! I was there for his pleasure and he was going to get all that he needed.

Daddy had my mouth and throat for a few moments and then he pulled out and let me hang there begging for more of his abuse. He gave me that discipline by grabbing my ears and forcing his cock all the way in my mouth so that his balls were resting in my eye sockets. He just left himself there for a few moments until he thought that I was ready and then just rocked his hips and once again was fucking my throat in a manner that had me drooling spit like a tap in a matter of minutes. Daddy took some pleasure in the fucking of my face when he started long dicking me; he had the entire length of his cock pulling out and pushing right back to the roots. My body was twitching and his balls were starting to tighten, my reward was imminent.

It was during these long strokes that he pinched my nose shut making breathing next to impossible. That seemed to make little difference to him and he was continuing to assault my mouth-I loved it!! I could feel his cock thicken and his balls pull tight but that is the last thing I remember because I passed out. Daddy told me he did not know I did and had continued to thrust in my mouth and said he came in a big way then realised I was out. All I know is that my mouth was sore in a great way and I had cum all over my face.

Daddy lifted me up off the chesterfield and let me get some air back into me. His display of affection was touching and I showed him how much I appreciated it by cleaning his cock and balls of all cum. He held my head tenderly on his cock and I knew what was coming next when he unloaded a stream of hot sweet piss down my throat and pulled out to let some dribble on my face and in my hair. I looked up at him with a loving glance and hummed as I swallowed his soft cock into me just loving it.

We took a quick nap and when I woke his cock was still in my mouth and getting hard again. Daddy had a different plan at this time and pulled his cock out of me, got off of the chesterfield and pulled me up with him. We made our way into his bedroom and he lovingly pushed me onto the bed. He told me to get on my hands and knees with my ass up in the air and I quickly did so. I could hear him rustling around and the next thing I knew my ass was on fire from the swat of the paddle hitting it. Daddy grabbed my hair pulling my head back and with the other hand stuffed a penis gag into my mouth. He tightened the strap and forced my head back down focusing his attention on my upright ass. Once again I could hear him moving around and waited for the paddle to strike instead I got a warm hand spreading my cheeks and then a small insertion in my ass. The feeling of being filled from this was very weird and Daddy started to tell me that he was filling my ass with a mixture of AstroGlide and lidocaine so that I would be nice and slippery for what was going to come next.

What was next was a proper tanning of both my ass cheeks by the paddle and a nice sized plug forced in my rosebud. The feeling of both the numbing qualities of the lidocaine and the plug caused me to wiggle my ass like a stripper and that got me a few more paddles on the ass. I was now filled on both ends and had a flaming red ass when Daddy grabbed my balls in his hand and pulled them away from my body quite forcibly. He attached a large collar and separator to them and let go. Now I was excited! He was following some of the suggestions from our month long verbal foreplay and if he kept doing so I was going to be a very sore cocksucker.

He continued with the bondage path and cuffed my wrists behind my back leaving me lying on my face with the gag cutting off my breathing somewhat but he continued as if that did not matter. Once again my cheeks were the focus of his attention and this time he used a bamboo cane and laid stripes up the back of my legs and on both cheeks. I did not know how proficient he was with the cane and soon he had me closing in on the zone that is known as "sub space".

I was having difficulty breathing, I was gagged and bound and was receiving a beating that could only be described as brutal and I was loving it! The cane gave way to a flogger and once again my ass was screaming with the heavy handed strokes Daddy gave me. Without any notice he stopped the beating and I could feel the plug in my ass being pulled out, the bed moved and my knees were spread apart so that Daddy could gain access to my back door. There was no need for him to be gentle or loving and he wasn't, he just ploughed his thick cock in and started fucking me like there was no tomorrow and he kept saying things like "this will loosen you up" and "slut your are so stretched out now".

After the second stretched comment he pulled out and once again attacked my ass cheeks, this time with his bare hand and between each slap he rubbed the pain further in; that was a delicious pain. After a while he took more time rubbing and soon he was sliding fingers down the crack of my ass caressing my distended rosebud and further down to my bound balls which he gave a light tap every time he go there. It was my ass he was focusing on though and soon he was slipping a finger in every time he slid by and then it was two, three and before I knew it he was duck billing his hand gently pushing his hand in past my sphincter.

I tried to move but being cuffed with hands behind me it was difficult. I gave a resigned sigh and Daddy told me that if I was good he would release my hands. With that statement I did what I thought he wanted and pushed back on his hand forcing him in past the wrist-I saw stars and went over the top in pleasure and came in thick ropes all over the bed. Daddy was not happy about that and made me eat it up before the cum soaked into the sheets. He was true to his word though and after he slowly pulled his hand out of me took the cuffs off and massaged my shoulders.

He flipped me over on my back and once again started putting his hand back in me, this time going right to the whole hand which I eagerly took into me. After a few moments of slipping in and out he pushed in and made a fist seating his hand firmly in my channel. If you have never had someone fist you I am not sure how to describe the feeling; full, tight, invaded, ecstatic they all pale but give an indication. It is amazing how a fist feels as it is clenched tight and released when inside a body. It took a short while but he started to twist his fist around and slowly pull back but not out, the intent being to get me open to the feeling of a fist and relax my muscles so we could go deeper later.

After a few minutes of his clenching, twisting and pulling we both agreed that it was time to start going deeper and there was more lube inserted through a small tube and then Daddy opened his fist slowly which once again caused me some incredible feelings but I did not cum. With his hand duckbilled again he slowly worked it around, twisting and pushing, working it deeper and then pulling back and doing it again. It took a bit of time and some more lube but Daddy did work in until he was, or I was, half way up his arm. We stopped at that point and he pulled back until I was resting on his wrist at which time I told him I wanted to sit up. It took a bit of manoeuvring bit soon I was sitting or rather kneeling on my haunches with his wrist and hand still twitching inside of me. I started to pull myself up while clenching hard on his hand and soon I was able to stand on my own.

I gave both of us a moment and then had Daddy place his elbow on the bed with the rest of his arm up like he was arm wrestling; grabbing hold of his shoulders for support I looked him in the eyes, gave him a wonderful kiss and while doing that sat on his arm. I don't know why I did but it seemed like the right thing to do and he went right up to his elbow with his tight fist forcing the wind and cum out of me in a whoosh. Daddy was caught unaware but quickly started working his fist inside of me and at the same time gave my softening cock a loving slurpy lick.

I lay back, pulled my legs in the air and told Daddy to fuck me like the slut I was. It took some doing on both of our parts but soon he was pistoning his arm into the depths of my bowels and I was talking it all right to the elbow! It was after a few moments that there was a glimmer in Daddy's eye and he pulled his arm out to the wrist and twisted it around until my rosebud just gave out and his fist popped out. He pushed his fist back in my ass and I was so loose that he was punch fucking me as if there was no resistance whatsoever. This went on until I could no longer endure the pleasure and ecstasy that was waving through my body and I came once again but this was more like a whole bunch of precum oozing out than a proper cumming. Daddy took that as a cue and slowed the pistoning and pulled his fist out of my now sloppy slack ass. He kept his gaze fixed on me and leaned in gave me a loving kiss and hug. We fell asleep that way and when I woke he was still wrapped around me.

I worked myself out of his embrace without waking him, worked my way down his body and took his cock into my mouth and proceeded to make him hard; it was during those moments he woke and stroked my head. I looked into his eyes and thanked him for taking me on a journey we started on when we both logged onto that dating site. I finished giving him a most wonderful loving blowjob, swallowed his load and we snuggled again until we fell asleep. We are talking about doing some more of the things I told him about in our many months of foreplay, can't wait!!

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