My eyes widened once I felt the Ki from my wife shift.
It wasn't a huge change, but it was like another element had passed through it.
it was enough to get my attention.
My eyes also narrowed when an orange portal opens up, I knew this was my children's energy signature, but I also recognized that Ki, is very similar to my wife, and kids. and it has a strong resemblance to the new Ki that Hela has currently.
My son, Gohan, 7 and a half years old, he seems to be carrying Gine, my daughter who is 5 years old, bridal carry, with an unconscious Tho-
I blinked, 'Ah...everything is starting to make sense now.' I thought, staring at Thor with a thoughtful look on my face.
"Hey dad." Tina she was...the twin sister to Gohan, followed by Xelera who was...six years old, I know that is somewhat of a rare occurance with humans on Earth, I have know I dea how that happened either, there was just a peroid of time where the both of us were horny as hell and had done nothing but fuck like rabbits.
Good times...Good times....
"Hello Tina, Gohan Xelera." I said smiling calmly, "How was school?"
"The usual." Xelera said flatly.
"Up until a random storm came out of nowhere." Tina added, "We saw Uncle Thor fall from the sky Knocking Gine out cold."
My eyes locked onto my youngest daughter, expression shifting to concern as I remembered in the dragon ball anime. That is exactly how Goku lost his memories.
"She's fine dad." Gohan said, "I already checked on her,"
I nodded to him, "I made sure all of my children were prepared for the real world, the unknown could be manipulated and used as a weapon against us to tear us apart. Especially when your married to a Goddess of Death So in order to be sure, I told them everything.
I told them about Hela's past, I told them about Asgard, I told them about the Saiyans, I told them about the history of the saiyans.
They were shocked, but instead of growing fear, they accepted it, and we moved on from there.
I taught them how to control the Ozzaru, I taught them how to do magic and Ki, the first thing that I did was teach them how to control the monkey form, then following after was magic and Ki training.
Suddenly a crackle of thunder was heard, the door was slammed open causing all of us to turn to the source. It was Hela, in blue Asgardian armor with a crimson cape and a silver viking Helmet.
Not going to lie, I stared.
"What do you think of my new look dear."
Hela's smirk grew and was about to respond when..
"Ugh..." a voice moaned as all eyes turned to her Gine stired as her eye-lids slowly fluttered open "What hit me?"
"Uncle Thor." Xelera responded flatly, Gine looked at her in confusion, but Xelera pointed to Thor, who was still laying on the ground unconscious.
Hela looked to Thor with an unreadable expression, Gine took a deep breath,
"So, are we going to wake him up?" Gohan asked,
"I suggest we tie him up." Tina muttered, Xelera nodded silently in agreement with her eldest sister. My eyebrows twitched.
"Screw that!" Gine growled, she glared at the unconscious body.
"Oi, Goldilocks!" She kicked him really hard in the ribs. "Wake Up!"
As a normal human girl her age, this wouldn't hurt much, but Gine was half Saiyan, half Asgardian, so..basically it hurt like hell.
Thor flipped into the air before he landed onto his back, he grunted as his eyes snapped open, he jumped up onto his feetand glared daggers at the girl...
"You Dare strike the Son of Odin." he growled
"I don't care who you are,." Hela stepped in glaring at Thor, "You do not talk to my daughter like that."
Thor glared at Hela, but once his eyes locked on Hela He paused, his eyes went up Hela's form from head to toe, taking in everything at once, before his gaze landed onto the hammer. His eyes widened, and a sense of dread washed over him as he stared at the hammer that had chosen a new wielder
Hela knew her brother's feelings, and loved every single second of his misery during his realization.
"Foolish little brother..." she said her smirk turning cruel, "You have no idea what's possible."
Stones? I appreciate it, have a good day