9.52% Key of Light(New) / Chapter 4: Arc 1 - Chapter 4: There Are Problems

章節 4: Arc 1 - Chapter 4: There Are Problems

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Chapter 4: There Are Problems

A week later*

Chikao falls onto the couch, he has been using as a replacement for a bed and let out a tired sigh, for it's finally night time. And now to check his status window, hoping that he finally reaches 100% after miscalculation that he would reach it within a week.

Name: Chikao Fukui

Pathway: Wheel of Fortune - Low Sequence 9: Monster

Acting Process: 100% - Available For Level Up

Abilities: [Danger Intuition - Rank: Low] and [Precognition - Rank: Low]

Chikao leaps up with joy, to see that he has finally reached 100% in the acting process and it looks like he can level up.

Quickly, Chikao tries to figure out how to level up, even go far as saying the words: Level Up! Out loud to see if it works. It didn't.

So, after through a series of trying to level up. Chikao took a wild guess and raise his right index finger to touch the words: Available For Level Up on the status window.

Chikao was about to sigh in disappoint for a second since nothing change still, but that changed after a couple of seconds later. As the status window became very messy until it returns back to normal. Well, somewhat normal as a few things had changed while including a few things, going together with the changes.

Name: Chikao Fukui

Pathway: Wheel of Fortune - Low Sequence 8: Robot

Acting Process: 0%

Abilities: [Danger Intuition - Rank: Mid], [Precognition - Rank: Mid], [Numerical Precision - Rank: High], [Flawless Action - Rank: Low], [Numeromancy - Rank: Mid], and [Anti-Divination - Rank: Low]

"Wow." Chikao looks at his status window in disbelief, for one thing. The [Danger Intuition] and [Precognition] ranked up. This is good, but that was outshined by the newly acquired abilities. Hell, there is even one ability that would help him a lot. Like really a lot and solved his problem of worrying about defending himself.

However, there is just one thing that kinda made Chikao a little annoyed.

He now has to act like a robot instead of a monster. A bit better, but a robot? Damn. Now, Chikao has to think up a good way to act like a robot before a crowd. And that's going to be a little hard since everyone will see him as a monster still instead of a robot.

"Well, that came to bite me in the ass in no time." Chikao sweatdrop, for him to complete the monster acting part as soon as possible had also prevented him from doing the same for acting like a robot.

Nonetheless, with [Numerical Precision]. He can do [Human Magic] aka using one's mind to make [Magic] through calculations and formulas to influence the world. Knowing everything about what is about to do and how one's doing it before casting a spell.

"Time for a training montage." Chikao said dully to himself, for he now has the power to do [Magic]. [Magic]!

A week later*

Through trial and error. Chikao has learned many things in his quest of using [Human Magic] with the help of [Numerical Precision]. A very helpful ability, that makes many magicians in Highschool DxD to give up their very soul and everything they own to have it. Maybe causing a massacre if it gets to that point.

Even better, Chikao love how [Numeromacy] is great for seeing the possible futures through the help of [Numerical Precision], which made it so much easier to use. Also, Chikao figures out why he was given the [Numeromacy] when [Precognition] pretty much do the same, but through seeing it and hearing the possible futures.

[Precognition] itself is still weird and passive in some way. While [Numeromacy] is purely active and be able to see more than [Precognition] could show him. Therefore, unable to activate in time in case he wants to use it the same way he does with [Precognition] for combat.

In simple words: [Precognition] equal short predict for combat/death related while [Numeromacy] equal long prediction and used for scouting ahead too. Also a great support tool for training, which Chikao discovered by accident two days ago when trying to recreate certain [Magic] from other series with [Numerical Preision] at the time.

The biggest gain Chikao has obtained thanks to having [Numerical Precision] in the process of learning [Human Magic]. He is now able to produce his own [Magic Circle], which is just dark red and the color could easily be changed whenever he wants. Furthermore, Chikao nearly went with crazy happiness, to find out the perfect equations to recreate [17th Period Math Time Magic] from Magico series. The ability to affect anything with math terms.

Plus, this could be somewhat a specialized version of both Ddraig and Albion's powers over multiplication and division. But, including addition and subtraction.

If that wasn't enough, Chikao even planning to find the perfect equation to recreate [18th Period Science Magic], which just another set of endless possibilities of doing lots of things. But, for the time being, the [17th Period Math Time Magic] is fine for Chikao until later on.

So, Chikao now has a way to defend himself and the only limit is his imagination, along with the brief calculation to use [Magic]. But, still powerful in the right hands. Furthermore, Chikao can see many ways to use this outside of combat too. Thanks to removing that one requirement of having to touch the targets to make it work. By making it so the [Magic Circle] would do it instead. This includes other additions to it as well. Making this [Magic] even more powerful than it already is.

Now, that Chikao finished his newest included daily training of using [Magic]. Chikao begins using [Numeromancy] to check if the plot has started by using Issei as the main core for the calculation prediction.

This process took a few minutes before Chikao got what he wanted. The answer if the plot has started yet? Nope. Would it be this month? Not at all. This year? It's possible, but not too sure as there still many unknown factors that could influence things before anything begins. For example, one of them is actually Freed, who still not in town just yet. Another is Raynare, the Fallen Angel that killed Issei wasn't in town either.

Therefore, Chikao got around a year or less to train, including acting like a robot too. That part is going to be tricky, but he got [Magic], so Chikao happy either way. Since he always wanted to use [Magic] and he finally got it after all these years. Though, Chikao still needs to figure out what martial arts to train in. If not, then having [Flawless Action] would be a waste on him, for not using it at all and continue working out to strengthen his body too.

Good thing Chikao has many fighting styles he could choose from and find the one that fits him the most. Well, the one that more useful than the other ones against the supernatural world.

"Hm. Time for lunch." Chikao pulls out his cell phone, to see it's already the afternoon. Then, use [Numeromancy] again to check all the possibles of Rias, Sona, or one of their peerage members appearing anywhere near where he is about to eat at. Including, avoiding all the people that knew about him for being a delinquent at the time.

Chikao still hasn't figured out the right formula for erasing selective memory yet, so the best opinion is to avoid those people and anyone that knows about his infamous actions.

But, hey. At least he no longer exhorts people for their money since he can now use the [17th Period Math Time Magic] to make copies of the bills in his possession. Of course, he made sure to only do it a couple of times and use it in different places while making sure to get some chances to repeat it again. This should last him for a while before the authority figure out there is a bunch of counterfeit money being used around in Kuoh Town.

An hour later*

Chikao let out a satisfying burp, for he just finished eating and now taking the chance to look for any Devils' familiars to get more flyers. He is still aiming to summon a Devil. Stray Devils to be precise. What better way to gain combat experience is to just summon them. Plus, he doing a good deed by taking care of the Stray Devils from causing any more problems to the local.

Furthermore, now that Chikao has [Numeromancy] to check what Stray Devils he might summon, or maybe, he might finally summon one of the Devils that not strays at all. Time will tell after using [Numeromancy] back at the haunted house, which is 90% secure and safe for living. The 10% is due to the plot would make it difficult for Chikao to continue living there.

While walking, Chikao got a little curious and find a spot to sit down before begin using [Numeromancy] to check out all the factors of why the Fallen Angels haven't shown up yet. Then got his answer. It's because the Fallen Angels didn't get their orders to come here yet. That's fine for Chikao. More time to train and become stronger in order to not let anyone have any control over his life.

With that out of the way. Chikao did some window shopping before returning home to resume training again. As well as figure his next plan of performance, to act like a robot too.

If it wasn't for the new addition of abilities upon finishing acting like a monster, then Chikao would have given up on his golden finger and do something else to become powerful, even thinking about becoming a Reincarnated Devil to use their [Devil Magic], where imagination and power is the limit. If things get a bit hard for Chikao to live in this world since he is already part of the supernatural world thanks to Freed. Even then, Chikao not too sure if he even has enough [Demonic Power] upon becoming a Reincarnated Devil.

After all, there is the case of Issei, who couldn't even use the [Teleportation Magic Circle] at the beginning unless someone helps out by powering the [Teleportation Magic Circle] for him, to use it.

So, with [Human Magic] and the potential new abilities upon reaching 100% in the acting part. Chikao can finally see his life-changing for the better compared to the time dealing with Freed along with finding ways to support himself after leaving the orphanage for being too old to stay there. Even at that point before meeting Freed. He didn't even know what world he was in at the time, making it a lot harder to find out how to make him strong enough not to worry about all the death events he might have to experience in the future. Since anything could be possible in a supernatural world.

A few hours later*

Chikao frown for a while now due to finding out that the flyer he has right now, the very same last one from before. Through countless usage of [Numeromancy] to see what kind of Stray Devil he will summon. Shockingly, 99% of him summoning Sona Sitri herself while the 1% is due to the flyer about to become useless. Making Chikao realize, that either Rias or Sona, mostly likely Sona, has discovered something wrong and putting a stop to it. Therefore, his easy way of gaining combat experience is now becoming unavailable.

Now that he has [Human Magic]. There is no point in summoning Sona at all. Making this a difficult decision for Chikao.

Sure, Chikao can use [Numeromancy] to find out the possible results of all his choices, but by the time he does. Most of the choices would be useless for losing the right time to make it. So, kinda hard to pick on what is the best choice Chikao could make.

People in Chikao's positions would sometimes always get involved with the plot one way or another. So either delay the meeting with the canon characters or try to avoid it all entirely altogether by leaving town. He got what needed, and maybe the only reason he stays is for Asia. But, even then, Chikao no longer needs any blessing for [Holy Water] and [Light Bullet], with both he could figure a way to remake his own or at least something to deal with the creature of darkness, including the Devils themselves. Not that he would honestly believe he be able to take on Rias' older brother, with the title: Lucifer.

The best solution for that is to avoid Rias, and now that Chikao thinks about it more clearly. Avoid Sona too. Therefore, without any hesitation. Chikao shreds the flyer to pieces, making it completely useless along with destroying the [Magic Circle] on it.

Chikao let out a sigh, for overthinking so much. Nonetheless, Chikao knew that he will have to do lots of thinking from this point on while using the [17th Period Math Time Magic]. Plans to think of, to stop anyone from using him for their own benefits. Plans to make it so people would think twice before messing with him. Plans to... Yeah, there are just lots of plans Chikao will have to make and might not even be able to start even 80% of them.

Actually, Chikao might need to leave Kuoh Town before the plot started after realizing how he will be drawn into it, rather he likes it or not, but did he really need to?

Chikao shakes his head, completely confused about what he should at all. His main goal was mainly to survive the whole ordeal, maybe find a girl to be with, and enjoy his second life. So many things coming down on him.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Chikao looks at the ceiling with a hopeless look. That maybe, just maybe, he was given such a weird golden finger, where he needs to act. For acting would hide his pain of wanting to deal with the harsh reality. In fact, Chikao could say he used Freed as one of the main reasons for wanting to become strong.

He doesn't need to, but people like him will always be involved in danger. Chikao just put himself into one so he could gain the experience to survive than having one push onto him without any notice. Just to see if he can. Then slowly sigh. As he wonders where all these thoughts coming from and wonder why now.

A smile of bitterness appears on Chikao's face and knew why. After all, there will always a price for powers and his golden finger is no different. The urge to see the possible futures is just one of them. As the saying goes: Knowing too much might not be good for you.

And just like that, Chikao knowing too much, thanks to [Numeromancy]. It's no wonder some, if not, all the powerful beings would be crazy in some ways. In fact, Chikao didn't have much problem when he only had [Danger Intuition] and [Precognition].

Maybe he is currently imbalanced?

Chikao was on [Low Sequence 9: Monster] for a long period of time and got used to the two abilities. But, now, he has four new ones and is now at [Low Sequence 8: Robot], making his thinking process completely different compare to before. Instead of acting to reach 100% and level up again. Maybe Chikao needs to rest a bit while slowly get used to his newfound abilities in his daily life.

Going too fast is putting pressure on Chikao and he guesses that he would have sooner or later snapped, then many things would lead to another, and by the time he regains back his senses. Chikao can only see all the problems he had caused.

So, as much as Chikao wanted to keep improving himself. He needs to take it slow or risk becoming unstable again. Chikao manages to regain back his normal thinking process; well, somewhat normal as he continues to see numbers everywhere he looks, even with a stray thought contain numbers in them.

Thinking about it for a while and Chikao just decides to work with his [Magic] and enjoying himself. Try not to bother thinking about problems everywhere and avoid using [Numeromancy] too much. Just a few times, to satisfy his curiosity. Chikao will just go with the flow and if he meets any canon characters. So be it.

Now, with his head still clear for the time being. Chikao figures another way for him to act like a robot without forcing it like how he did as a monster. Since it looks like something went wrong in the process while reaching 100% and leveling up. So now that he had experienced just a brief of what is literally a major downside for his golden finger. He needs to be extremely more careful about the way he acts and interacts with people.

Letting out a yawn, Chikao grim that he might become bipolar at the rate this is going. Nevertheless, it's getting late, and checking the time on his phone made him realize how long it has been while thinking so long. This made Chikao sweatdrop that he did something most characters in anime/manga would take a long period of time just for thinking alone before taking action.

"Yup. Bedtime." Chikao mumbles to himself and eager to sleep on the couch, where it's extremely comfortable now thanks to using his [17th Period Math Time Magic] by targeting the couch's time to literally return its state back in time when it's brand new with the formula: [Couch - 3 years]. After checking how old the couch was first before using the [Magic] on it. Afterward, increasing the quality of how comfortable it is. Then, there is now his priceless place to rest.

Chikao will just go with the flow in the morning and enjoy being able to sleep without having to be on guard all the time. Thanks to placing multiple defensives over the haunted house with his [Magic]. No longer have to keep one eye open.

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