Austria, August 24th 1803
8:32 AM
Lukas was in his room. He had finished his morning training, and bad just left the bath, which could be noticed by a towel he was wearing around his neck.
Lukas sighed, and sat on the bed. After that, he just started staring at the floor obliviously.
Despite having been able to start today's routine very well, Lukas looked very bad. He couldn't sleep, since the nightmares be used to have came back with full strength.
Not only that, but the blame for Adele's death was taking over him, as well as his anger for Franz. He knew that he had been the one who was in incautious, and thus, bad caused the poor girl's death. And the one who had caused it was Franz.
Lukas sighed before looking forward at his door, his face filled with anger. 'Just a bit less than half an hour, and I'll meet him,' be thought.