Night fell on Salvator school, Hope was walking thinking about what happened today, she saw Landon, her old crush, she hung out with him, she almost killed him when they ended up in the woods and that she was in her wolf form, she then told him about her father and what the world and the books said about him. He didn't judge his father, knowing very well the blackness of the human.
She walked him out, and cast a starry night spell on him on the cell ceiling, she then showed him her memory of the day of the prom, and they finally kissed. Her heart beat faster just thinking about it, she felt good, for the first time in a long time, Fate granted her peace and happiness, even though she was sure it wasn't going to last, and there is even a good chance that she will fall from the cloud of happiness on which she is, and that the fall will hurt than never.
She headed for her favorite place, a gazebo that was in an isolated corner of the school on the east aisle. But when she arrived, she heard someone singing, he didn't have a very beautiful voice, but his tone was full of emotion, specially sadness..., she approached and saw the mysterious boy who knew his father, and whom she thought that he was close to him. The boy was tilted over one of the pillars and leaning on it, looking at the sky. She was a little far from him and could only look at him from his profile, he had extremely sad eyes, and an aura of peace and calm, he seemed to be alone in the world. Singing a poem, about dead people, a Evil demon, a mysterious flower, and a sort of end of the world.( AN: Poem of the chapter one)
She was absorbed, she wanted to paint this magnificent moment, she gradually forgot her worries, her thoughts, she had the strange feeling that time was frozen and could last forever but at the same time the scene was over in an instant. Aiónia turned around, he had a lonely look and smile sincerely at her. Hope was curious what the boy had been through to look so sad and lonely, she felt like he could relate to all the pain and loss she had been through, but the contrary wasn't true.
" Hope? is that it? " he asked with a calm voice
" Yeah that's it " She said mechanically, deep in thought.
he looked at her and then turned towards the horizon.
" It's a pretty place here, it feels like you can forget all your problems, your thoughts, your worries, looking at the horizon. " he said softly in a low voice. Still looking at the starry landscape that presented itself to him. Hope walks over and stands next to him.
" Yes it's true. " said the gril, looking at the palette of jewels that the sky was showing.
"You can say what you want, the real magic reside in nature, life, and what the world has to offer..." he continued in a low voice.
" It's beautiful... " she said, speaking as much of the starry sky as the boy's words.
" Can't you make sentences longer than three words? " he told her with a slight smile, still without looking at her.
" I don't know what to say, or rather I have a lot of thoughts but I don't know where to start, How do you know my father? " Hope said with expectation in her eyes, turning her face to him.
" What makes you think I know your father? " he asked her with a small amused smile.
" The weird reaction you had yesterday, like you heard from an old friend..., and you called her name, twice..." she said in a firm, stern voice, showing that she want and would have answers. Aiónia doesn't say anything for a few seconds then says;
" Let me answer your question, with another question that I know your answer, but you you don't." Hope raised an eyebrow at that cryptic phrase, and felt annoyance and anger welling up inside her, and before she could send him a scathing reply. Aiónia turned to her and said:
"Klaus..., has he found peace?" looking her straight in the eyes, with a straight face.
All thoughts Hope had of the boy teasing her faded away, and she couldn't think of anything, as all the memories played out before her, she saw herself as a little girl with her father, she saw again the good ones and the bad ones, she herself saw those which she had repressed. it went on for several minutes during which the boy stood still and still stared at her, looking at her eyes, something pushed Hope to give him the heartfelt answer she was keeping to herself. a small part of her wondered how the boy could have such a hold on her.
"I.... I don't know" she said in a low, almost imperceptible voice.
Aiónia looked at her took a few seconds and told her;
" Oh yes you know , your problem is even that you know too much, your heart and your head have their own opposite conviction." he said calmly. Then he turned and left.
" You will have to make a choice one day... " said as he disappeared, leaving a Hope lost in thought.
Tell me if sentence or word are bad translated, or make no sense.