"It's rate of regeneration and its vitality is stupidly off the charts." Elise Sands remarked seriously. "Slicing it into pieces is like helping it to divide and multiply. How would you deal with it?"
"Me? Ah I would just use the little clones as raw material for another nuclear explosion." Elliot grinned at the very simple thought. "I am probably not strong enough to deal with the main body. But the little ones should be doable."
"Not possible. That Banshee God does not have physical form. Your physical energy won't be able to capture it. And even if you somehow get hold of spiritual energy, I doubt spirits can undergo nuclear fusion." Elise Sands shook her head.
"Hmmmmm. That's true. If causing them to explode isn't a viable method, then maybe just capturing them within my spiritual energy cube should be enough? But that won't work against the main body though…" Elliot thought aloud.
Hi guys, I will be reducing the chapter updates to 1 chapter daily from 1st of July onwards. I will be focusing on my new novels
The Undying Mecha Emperor.
One Sword Requiem.
Do give them a try :)
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