50% Shinobi Squad From Hell / Chapter 7: Changes.

章節 7: Changes.

After we reach our camp, we bathed and ate our lunch. And now we were currently lazing around while enjoying the digested food and inspecting our loot.

Well, mostly Syntax was the one inspecting the loot.

The tin skeleton was currently watching the various bronze coins pilled on a cloth, their leather pouches on the side. However, what made the vast majority of the group interested in the situation wasn't the money. But the little device connected to Syntax head.

"I don't have any sort of recollection of such coins to ever exist. Whatever they are, they're not from our world." His cold voice concluded, making the chilled expression of a few change into a frown.

I closed my eyes with a deep sigh and answered to him "Well, that pretty much seals the deal. We're in another world. How did it happen? It doesn't matter guys, we need to carry on and left the questions once each one of us has their room."

Hearing a few hums in agreement, I heard Seto's unsettling voice "But there has to be a way to return, right?" She looked at Syntax with hope in her eyes.

Although she was pretty much sold away to the Shek Kingdom allies, a.k.a us, she still maintained her relationship with her mother after all.

I heard a few groans and scoffs after her words, after all, she was the only one that could be said to have some sort of relationship with her past.

"There may be, or may not, there's so much left to be known in our situation to answer your question." Syntax's gaze moved towards her and simply respond.

Seto simply gulped down and sat lifelessly on the ground. Her eyes looked aimlessly at the forest.

Seeing her expression I shook my head and made my thoughts known "We're in an unexpected situation and we only have a few options on the plate for all of us. Either we remain united and pave our way into this world, or we just simply scramble this squad and do whatever we want."

Feeling everyone's gaze, I looked directly toward Seto and continue "You have lost your only family, something I know may be invaluable for you. Something I wish myself to have yet here lay an opportunity for you. We can start something entirely different here, far from the horrors we'd all witnessed and lived through."

I stand up and walked towards the stream, struggling with my next words for a few moments until I continue "It's on your hand to decide what you want to do, I'm going to give you two weeks until I want a clear answer from you. We have yet to know more information from this place, but once everything is said and done, I wish to know the future of our squad."

I finished while throwing a last glance toward them. Then I crunched down and started gathering water from my bottle.

Only the calm sound of the stream and the chirping birds were to be heard for a long time. Until Syntax interrupted once again.

"Anyways, we have nine hundred coins, of which four hundred varies from the others. It is best for us to know what values they have and how much can we get from them." I nodded at his words while he continue.

"There are many things that we're lacking currently and we're in dire need of them. I will join Manin in our effort to gather more info, while I suggest you, boss, try and form some sort of relationship with either this village or another place." As he finished his words, I turned around with the bottle filled and nodded to him.

"We'll do that, now that we saved that old man, they'll probably won't be too hostile to us. Still, we need to work on our alibi, our questioning and lack of information would raise suspicion." Putting the bottle on my waist I raise up once again and walked towards them.

"We can always say we came from a different place. After all, we don't need to clarify more than we should, these people owe us their lives after today." I heard Kang raising his opinion.

I acknowledged his words but remained quiet.

"You know they would probably want to get more information about us, we're strangers after all. Nine individuals that killed a big group of bandits would raise anyone's else alarms... Well not in our world but you know what I'm saying." Ruka said dismissively.

"Well, fuck their curiosity, I have no reason to answer them, and until I know what I can buy with the money here, they have no way of getting anything from my lips." Kang grumbled down and pretty much closed his opinion.

I moved my gaze toward Masaru and Stenn, that were sitting together. Yet I frowned once I saw their expression.

It seemed they have yet to recover from the news regarding this new world. Leaving the matter for later I heard Seto's opinion.

"We're drifters that escaped their homeland, if they want to ask more about it, we can always say we don't want to talk about it. It's not a nice place after all, so we wouldn't be laying in that regard." Her lifeless tone concerned me a bit but I nodded in agreement to her words.

"Half-truths are easier to maintain, so I suggest we use that one and only deep into it when it's required." And finally, Syntax finished the matter with his insight.

"Well, that's pretty much it, I don't know you guys but I need a little nap. I'll see you in a few hours." Patting my thighs I raised up and went towards the house.

I saw Ruka getting up too and following me behind.

Laying down on one of the various beds on the floor, I ignored the uncomfortable feeling of the armor while looking at the approaching Ruka, who didn't waste time and lay beside me, looking into my eyes.

We remained in silence for a couple of minutes, still looking at each other's eyes. While maintaining the gaze, I couldn't help but wonder about her nature and the passage of time, at least from me.

"You're different." She said with a whispering voice. Her eyes took a crystal glint.

I smiled softly at her words and answered "That kinda happens once you die."

I saw her flinching at the mention of it, yet she never broke eye contact. Her left hand slowly closed the distance between us as she caressed my face.

It was my turn to flinch, but I didn't stop her.

"I don't know if a man would change that much after death, I'm just happy to still be able to see you." Her whispering voice slowly quivered as a sad smile perched on her lips.

Caressing the hand on my cheek, I didn't answer her and simply gave her my smile. Closing my eyes while enjoying the warmth.

Yet before I was able to rejoice in the feeling, haunting memories started to encroach every corner of my head, cutting short any joy I was feeling. A scowl of disgust almost formed on my face.

Not wanting to be rude, I took her hand and pulled down, opening my eyes and saying to her in a whisper "Let's sleep."

I wasn't able to look into her own eyes before I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep. Ignoring my own head and the world around me.


It wouldn't be until four hours later that I woke up. Syntax was kind enough to count the exact time I went to sleep.

Although the tinhead said he would join efforts with Manin, he deemed that due to the current circumstances, of Manin staying around the village and out of his reach(even though he was about fifteen minutes away from the encampment), he would start with his effort from tomorrow onwards.

I didn't bother with him anymore and just decided to finish our encampment. With the rest of the team, that luckily didn't take so much time.

After that, I ordered them to look around the area in search of more animals and other kinds of resources that would be helpful for us. We didn't want to maim our rations after all.

Thus before we noticed, it was dusk once again and the moonlight of this world started to slowly reach the ground through the canopy.

With night, came Manin who seemed surprisingly joyful. A mood that sometime later encroached on the entire squad after some rewarding hunt.

It seemed that today's work seemed to lay some fruits. From his words we get to know the aftermath of our actions, the first and foremost being the apparent alertness of the village. No child was seen by him throughout the day. Rather he was able to notice a group of adults keeping constant vigil.

Due to several boring hours on duty, Manin was able to listen in on the conversations between these villagers, from which he gained quite a bit of valuable information.

For example, apparently, the villagers recognized our threat and think we took the village for ourselves.

Because of this, they were in constant alert, thinking that at some point we will approach them to ask for something in return.

Which is not wrong. But not entirely true either.

After that, we also learned a lot more about this village and the reason why there is a lack of men. Apparently the 'Damn short' is actually a Daimyo. A lord and owner of these lands who took all the capable men from the village.

All this Manin deduced because of the main complaint of this group, "If the Daimyo had not taken our husbands, none of this would have happened."

Which in my opinion is laughable as trouble always seems to find a way to reach everyone.

However, what interested us the most and led Manin to be so happy, was having listened to the complaints of this group.

Shocked, they commented that the most important figures in the village wanted to meet with us.

The reasons didn't matter so much to us, but this piece of news was the one that made us relax and form a smile on our faces. It was the goal we were aiming after all.

If the village would be hostile or wary of us, didn't matter, as we only wanted to get the so-needed information we were looking for. If we could reach a deal with the people here, that would be the best.

Nevertheless, we went to sleep with a grin on our faces, for once happy after reaching this world.

When we woke up the next day, we didn't go to the village and meet with them. It was decided to wait for a few more days and see what else Manin and Syntax would be able to hear.

Yet this proved to be futile, as nothing else that could be deemed as important was heard. Just random pieces of information and customs from the rants of the watch groups.

However, what took our attention and time. Was a strange occurrence with both Manin and Beep. The latter is the one that made us aware of such a thing.

Our two Hivers seemed to interact with the forest, or better said yet, with the surrounding place. Anywhere they go, they would leave behind a trail of flowers and growth grass.

What was even more baffling was the recounting experience of Manin, who told us how he was able to feel our presence everywhere, and the villagers at that too.

Not only that, but both of them stopped sleeping completely and started to sit around the camp for long hours. Seemingly blending with the surrounding each time.

But what surprised us the most, was during one of our group sparring, when Beep was able to not only meet head-on with Masaru's strike but actually send him flying away.

Something that definitely never occurred before.

This led to Syntax trying to discern what was happening to both Hivers, to only reach the same dead end that all our questions lead through. Nothing.

We knew nothing about this place. Nor the nature of what happened to all of us.

Thus, it was after our sixth day in this world that we decided to approach the village and get our answers.

With paddy hats on our heads, and masks in the case of Manin and Syntax, and the basket hat on Manin, we approached the village.

This time we decided to reach from the road itself, to not give away the actual location of our encampment in case something went wrong, after all, Toro was still at the encampment.

As we walked through the road in the morning, we were quickly sighted by the guards who quickly went alert and scattered away their drowsiness. It seemed the alarm woke up everyone in the village, as slowly more and more people emerged from the houses.

With a number way past the one hundred, we felt their gaze eyeing each of our actions, while I saw the same blonde female that I saw the first day. Making me groan a little bit under my breath.

However, on her side was the same old man that we saved, holding the hand of a little girl. And in the middle of all them, was a woman that made me momentarily take a deep breath.

Although I was no stranger to the beauty of women, much in part due to my stay in hell and the, not so fortunate, company of those who fell into the clutches of the prince of pleasure.

The simplicity and matronly beauty of the woman in a light blue kimono surprised me. Nonetheless, I was quickly able to regain my composure and continue my way.

"Greetings honorable Bushi, welcome to our Tsumate Village, we were waiting for you." The melodious and calm voice of the lady halted our steps.

Looking at her calm demeanor, I cleared my voice and answered her "Good morning, it is nice for once not to be asked 'kindly' to get out before even speaking."

I smiled after seeing the blonde woman groan and squirm under my words.

Seeing the lady about to open her mouth I hastened "Now, let's get straight down to business, okay?" I eyed the lady who nodded at my words.

"The first reason we saved you all is simple, we didn't want to see more of those kids suffering," I said while gesturing with my hands at the kids on both sides of the villagers' group.

Hearing my words, I was able to tell a few adults to scowl at them, most likely not believing them.

"However, even though my group holds a soft spot for kids, that's not all of it. You see, we're lost and we wish to acquire more information about not only this village but the surrounding places."

Hearing my words, I saw the old man and the lady seemingly click the dots. Making the old man ask "So you're travellers I assume?"

I nodded at his question and continue "Yes, we've been through a battle and ended up here, that's the reason I approached the previous day, I didn't want to alarm anyone nor make you feel uncomfortable, but sadly I wasn't able to explain our situation before I was sent out." I eyed once again the blondie, smiling internally at her expressions.

Yet the villager wasn't able to hold on anymore and said to me "You can't blame me for being cautious, we've had dealt before with scoundrels that took our kindness with evil. I didn't want anything else to happen to my people, that much I hope you can understand."

Although I wanted to keep making the woman suffer I little bit, I acknowledged that it wasn't the time right now and nodded.

"Yes, I reached the same conclusion, I was just explaining now our circumstances and our real interest in this village." At my words, the old man nodded while sharing a look with the lady in Kimono.

"Before we continue with this conversation, I wish to present ourselves, my name is Shigure Asa, and I'm the wife of the village Chief." The lady raised her voice as she motioned with her hand to her left.

"The man you saved before is the merchant of the village, Matsui Otto." As she said his name, the man bowed his head a little bit.

Then she motioned with her right hand "And this lady here is Hatsune Minami, we would be the ones that talk with you all if that's not much." She asked while giving a small but nervous smile.

I lowered my head a little bit in courtesy, while the squad did the same. "A pleasure to meet you all, I am Ryuuji, the leader of this group, though I'm not going to be the only one to talk in this case." I smiled letting my teammates present themselves when they wanted.

Yet none said a word, making me smile awkwardly.

"Ryuuji is a nice name, well, if you don't mind, would you like to pass into my humble house? I can offer you something to drink while you ask what you want." Offered the lady as she motioned me towards the house on her back.

It was a wooden house with dark blue tiles, that seemed a little bit old. It was fairly bigger than the rest of the houses around it.

I eyed Masaru and Manin to guard outside while motioning to the group to follow me as I approached the villagers.

Asa didn't waste more time and opened the door of her house while she stayed on the side of it.

It was now that I was able to notice that these people were pretty much smaller than us, probably the majority of them not surpassing the 5'2 ft in height. With a handful of exceptions among them. Beep is taller than most of them.

"Please come in." Asa motioned me as I got near to her, even from a distance I was able to smell the flower fragrance from her that made me breathe deeply.

Once inside I was able to see that the house resemble the Japanese houses from Thomas's memories, which was quite comforting in some ways.

Asa was tailing behind me as I heard her voice "Please sit on the Zabuton. I'll bring some tea if you want to drink." I lowered my head as I saw her moving a little bit faster as she walked towards one door.

Moving my gaze away from her lower back, I looked around the place that I suppose was their living room. A large table with various pillows laying around it.

"I guess those things are our seats," I muttered under my breath.

Taking a seat in the middle, I was quickly followed by Ruka who sat on my right, and Syntax who sat on my left. Both still covering their faces.

Kang quickly took a seat beside Syntax and Seto did the same with Ruka. Meanwhile, Stenn and Beep stayed on their feet behind us.

Otto and Minami took seats on the other side of the table, leaving a spot in the middle for Asa.

I keep eyeing around, trying to search for anything else that could be valuable information. Yet nothing else seemed out of the ordinary.

Minami keep looking towards me, with a wary gaze, although her hands were covered in her kimono sleeves, I could tell that she probably still carried the kunai I saw her with the other day.

I smiled at that notion while not bothering any longer with her. Luckily Otto spoke and broke the awkward silence while we waited for Asa.

"I once again wanted to thank you all for saving not only me but the village, the food I carried with me is the only thing to keep these people fed." His amiable and respectful tone made my impression of him go up a few scales as I answered him back.

"Your welcome Mr. Matsui, mind telling us what happened with your food?" Although we knew about the problem, I deemed it necessary to ask such a question.

The man sighed deeply and shook his head while saying "Nothing out of the ordinary in these lands, just lords waging war with each other for their greed while us, the common people, paying the price of their actions. They took away all of our males that were capable of fighting, while also taking half of our stored food."

As he said that, I couldn't help but notice Manami biting her lips while shaking a little bit.

"It's that so?" I couldn't help but say under my breath. "So I guess that also explains those kids without anyone to look after them." I said to him with a raised eyebrow.

The man closed his eyes in pain as he nodded "Yes, the majority of those kids lost their last parent in such a way, although we don't know if every male is death, it will be a long time until they are allowed to return, if such thing happens." He lamented while explaining to us.

I sighed in sympathy at their plight, while Otto continue "However, some of them still had their mother until a few months ago when we were raided by bandits and kidnapped their mothers, although we were able to stop them from taking over the village, we couldn't defend those women."

I saw deep regret on his face while Minami looked down and seemed shaken.

It was then that Asa returned with various cups of tea on her plate. She swiftly and elegantly put them on the table in front of us while I thanked her.

After finishing that, she lay the plate on one side and sat on her seat.

"I'm sorry for taking my time, but I hope you enjoy your tea." She smiled while I took the cup and drink a little bit.

'Taste like tea I guess.' Thomas was never a fan of tea and I personally never drank tea before, so I just simply smiled at it and thanked her.

After clearing my voice I started "Otto here explained to me a few things about the village, I'm sorry to hear what you went through." I first said, trying to improve their views on us to be more receptive and cooperative once the round of questions start.

Asa smiled with a sad face while thanking "Thank you for the words Ryuuji-san, it is indeed tragical but such it's life."

Although her defeated tone slightly bothered me, I didn't pay more attention. After all, it was easy to understand what was her current position.

"Well, since we don't have the entire day, let's deep into the subject of our visit today, shall we?" I said to them with an eager tone.

It was time to finally get some answers.


Hey there guy's! I just wanted to tell you that I used Grammarly on this chapter, let me know if there's an improvement on the reading quality!

Xerstoren Xerstoren

3.8k words!

Even though I said I would try to shorten the length of chapters, I can't help it sometimes.

Anyway, enjoy it!

Also, please leave a comment below and a power stone to show your support! It will help dearly the novel!

See you all again tomorrow!

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