Fire Capital.
Several months had passed since Tsunade accepted Daichi as her student. He completed the basic training within the first month and Tsunade started him on Medical ninjutsu training.
Right now Shizune and Daichi were in the operation theater going over the medical history of Daichi's new patient. Tsunade was several feet behind them in a chair looking over the patient's medical files.
"Patient 47 years old, condition critical. Has sustained minor injuries on the left leg, bruises on left arm and torso but has a severed right arm." Daichi spoke as if giving a report.
"What's the next step?" Shizune questioned Daichi.
Daichi carefully looked over every injury the man had and quickly came to a conclusion. "Give priority to the critical wound and create a viable treatment. And then proceed to the other minor injuries."
"Good. Examine the injury and determine the damage."
Daichi examined the severed limb and the arm on the table in great detail. It took a few minutes but he completed his analysis.
"The skin, bone, muscles, blood vessels and tendons have a clean cut. The weapon is most probably a thin but sharp sword. Restoring blood flow. Chances of a successful surgery is over 88%. Beginning limb reattachment surgery." With those words Daichi began operating on the man.
He carefully attached the severed arm to the man's limb and started joining the bones. He then started to reattach the blood vessels, nerves, and muscles. It was a delicate process. Daichi's perfect chakra control greatly helped him with the complex microsurgical procedures. Once everything was done he used chakra and created new skin above the cut.
Once the critical injury was dealt with, Daichi moved on to the other wounds. He was able to quickly heal them and once his work was done he took a few steps back and let out a breath.
Shizune had her eye on Daichi the whole time. She was impressed he had reached so far so quickly. "Well done. Everything looks good. He can now be taken to the observation room."
Daichi nodded and then turned to look at Tsunade.
She looked at the boy and nodded her head. "Good work."
"Thank you Tsunade sensei."
"Tell me Daichi, if you were on the battlefield right now with this man how would you proceed? Moreover, his arm was destroyed in the battle. How would you treat him?" Tsunade asked him.
Shizune stayed silent and looked at Daichi.
Daichi stayed silent and thought for several seconds and then answered.
"If there are enemies present, I would heal the wound, stop any blood leakage and treat for any infections or poisons present. If no enemies are present, if there are fresh bodies available for a donor arm then I'll see if I can find one for limb transplant."
"But when matching a donor hand with a recipient hand there are several things you need to consider. Would you have the time for that?" Tsunade asked him.
"I have to quickly check the blood type, tissue type, skin color, age and sex of the donor and recipient, hand size and muscle bulk and make sure they're a match. So I would use the Cell Scanning technique and quickly assess the conditions of the limbs and then proceed." Replied Daichi.
"What are the risks of such a transplant?"
"Risks such as infections, bleeding, and blood clots can be minimized with medical ninjutsu. But rejection of the donor arm and long term Immunosuppression risks will be present." Daichi replied.
"That's right. You have to be prepared. You have to evaluate the situation and make a decision on whether or not to have the transplant… You will have to make decisions that may not be the one your patient wants… You need to be ready. During battles you have to make split second choices that could have life changing effects. These are all things a battle medic must be prepared for." The seriousness in Tsunade's voice told Daichi just how difficult this path would be for him.
"I will be prepared." Daichi gave a simple reply. He had an iron will that wouldn't break under pressure.
Tsunade looked at the boy's determined face and slightly smirked. "We'll see." With those words she left the room. Daichi and Shizune followed after her.
Tsunade walked into another room and saw two Daichi's working on their patients. One was healing a minor injury while the other was extracting poison from the unconscious child on the table.
As she looked at the two shadow clones she couldn't help but be impressed and become more curious about him.
'His chakra level has increased explosively during these last several months. He's using shadow clones to heal the wounds of people with non critical injuries. Two months ago he could only use one clone but now he can use two. Moreover he has to create two clones that have enough chakra to heal those that come to them. He must have incredible recovery ability as well. He hasn't missed a single day since he began training under me. And I know for a fact that he goes to bed completely worn out from training. So that means his chakra recovery during sleep must be several times normal. And he has precise control over his large reserves. His growth rate is remarkable… Now I understand why Sarutobi sensei sent him my way. This child can learn things in a fraction of the time it takes for others. His talent, his skills and his abilities… It's truly amazing.'
As Tsunade stood there looking at Daichi, he completed his work and was done for the day. The two clones dispelled themselves as soon as the original walked into the room.
"Using your clones to heal is impressive. But don't overdo it."
Daichi nodded his head to the advice. Soon the trio of medic ninjas left the hospital. Daichi had a thoughtful expression.
"What are you thinking about?" Shizune asked the boy.
"My friends back at the village… I miss them." Daichi answered.
"I'm sure they're feeling the same." Shizune placed a hand on Daichi's shoulder as if to comfort him.
Daichi appreciated the sentiment. He looked at the sky and the faces of his friends flashed through his mind. 'Mid term exams must be going on at the moment.. I wonder how they're doing right now?'
Leaf Village - Academy.
The students at the academy were having their mid term exams. Currently Daichi's class was on the academy grounds preparing for the Taijutsu test.
Iruka called out the names of two students and began the test.
"Sasuke Uchiha and Kiba Inuzuka! Step forward."
The Uchiha and Inuzuka stepped inside the large ring with different expressions. There were a few girls cheering for Sasuke but he paid them no mind.
For Sasuke, due to his strength he rarely sparred with any of his classmates since Daichi left. He knew his strength and was completely calm and nonchalant while Kiba was nervous. Kiba knew his chances of defeating Sasuke were zero.
The other members of the future Rookie 9 were also paying attention to the fight.
"Both of you make the seal of confrontation."
At Iruka's words Sasuke and Kiba raised their hands and made the seal.
Kiba slipped into the Inuzuka stance as soon as the match began. He was still for a few seconds but seeing Sasuke not even entering a stance and just watching him made Kiba slightly angry. Deciding to attack first, he rushed towards the Uchiha.
Kiba might have been moving as fast as he could but for Sasuke it was pitifully slow.
The Uchiha looked at the incoming assault and sighed. He parried or redirected the attacks with one arm. 'He's so slow. His attacks are wild and predictable. And they lack the necessary strength… He's so pitifully weak…'
Sasuke looked at the sweating and panting face of Kiba as the boy tried and tried to land a successful strike on him. As the battle progressed the Uchiha had a strange feeling in his heart.
'Is this what Daichi feels every time he battles me?'
As this thought crossed Sasuke's mind he caught the punch aimed at his throat with the intent to incapacitate him. Sasuke had a strong grip on Kiba's hand. The Inuzuka boy couldn't retrieve his arm from Sasuke's clutches and sent a kick to Sasuke's midsection.
The young Uchiha easily sidestepped the attack and looked into Kiba's eyes. A second later he let go of his enemy's arm. He saw Kiba jump back and gain some distance to prepare for the next round of attacks.
"I think I understand Daichi a little better now." Even though Sasuke only said this to himself, Kiba and most of the students heard it.
Kiba raised an eyebrow at that. He was confused as to why Sasuke would bring up Daichi's name at this moment. "What? What do you mean?"
Iruka and most of the students were also curious.
Sasuke looked at his sparring opponent, let out a sigh and answered. "There is no point fighting and defeating the weak. It's just a waste of time and energy and not worth the effort. Especially if the enemy is so weak they can't even force you to use both hands."
"Why you…!" Kiba was mad when he heard that.
"Daichi's not like that." At that moment Sasuke and Kiba heard Naruto shout out from where he stood.
The Uchiha only had a smirk as he heard that. He had fought Daichi at their secret training spot several times over the course of last year. So he had a good understanding of his training partner's mentality.
"If you believe that then you don't know him as well as you think." He looked at Naruto and had a cold smirk on his face.
Naruto gritted his teeth. "Why that jerk…"
"Calm down Naruto. It will only become more troublesome if you interfere in the test." Shikamaru was able to keep Naruto from blowing up and saying anything more.
At that moment when Sasuke was looking at Naruto, Kiba launched a quick sneak attack. Or at least he tried.
The moment Kiba's fist neared Sasuke's face, it was as if Sasuke disappeared and reappeared behind Kiba. Sasuke sent a few fast jabs aimed at Kiba's joints and lower torso that sent the boy tumbling down in seconds.
"Match!" Iruka ended the fight seeing the results of the match. Once Kiba was up on his feet he made them do the seal of reconciliation and called out the next two students.
Kiba had a scowl on his face as he slowly walked towards his group of friends. Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji and Shino were together while Ino, Sakura and Hinata were on the other side. Naruto and the gang were waiting for their turn.
"He's so arrogant right now. Man, I wish Daichi was here to knock him down a peg or two." Kiba said as he rubbed his arms to relieve some pain.
"I'm definitely gonna challenge and beat Sasuke when it's my turn." Naruto said confidently as he looked at the Uchiha standing on the other side of the ground.
"Be serious Naruto... Sasuke is a lot stronger than he's letting on." It was Kiba who said this and he was unusually serious.
"What makes you say that?" Choji asked him.
"Aside from the whole fight!? It was when he attacked me at that last moment… I could tell. He was holding back. A lot!" Kiba might be hard headed and arrogant at times but he was smart enough to assess the strength of someone he fought against.
"It makes sense when you think about it."
Choji turned towards his friend and asked. "What do you mean Shikamaru?"
"For the last four years Sasuke's only goal was surpassing Daichi. He only had Daichi in his view and kept pushing himself everyday. I wager that he's the only person other than Daichi who trains harder than anyone in our class. So it's no wonder that he'd be that strong… And now that Daichi's gone and he's at the top, Sasuke's realizing just how far ahead of us he is. So I suppose it's natural that he has no interest in fighting us."
"You really think so Shikamaru?" Kiba asked.
The Nara just shrugged. "It's just a guess."
As Naruto heard those words, he had a metaphorical fire in his eyes as he looked at Sasuke. "I'm gonna make him take us seriously."
Shikamaru just sighed as he looked at the blonde. 'This guy! Getting in the middle of his new obsession would only be more trouble than it's worth. I'm just gonna lay down, look at the clouds and ignore this whole thing.'
With that thought Shikamaru sat down under the shade of the nearby tree and looked at the sky. 'Still… I can't help but be curious... What are you up to right now Daichi?... Eh! Whatever it is, I'm sure it must be important to you. And I know you're not one to waste your time… Good luck with your endeavors Daichi. See you when you get back.'
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Location - Dozen miles away from the Leaf Village.
It was a snowy December night. A team of ninjas covered entirely in black battle gear was moving through the woods near the leaf village. They were speeding through the trees in a diamond formation. In the center of the team was an old man with his entire body shrouded in darkness.
Several meters behind them were 4 other teams composed of ninjas wearing the same gear. Each of them, a formidable group of shinobi capable of battling against even the strongest Jonins and together the teams of ninjas would be capable of taking on and even killing S Rank nins.
As the teams all sped through the forest silently, a figure with half black and half white face appeared from the earth without being detected.
Only half the body of the strange creature was present atop the earth.
He was Zetsu. The spy of the Akatsuki. Zetsu looked at ninjas who vanished from his sights after a few seconds. He already analyzed and found the organization they belonged to.
'They're from the Root. But this many teams…? This is unusual. And If I'm not mistaken, that was Danzo's chakra coming from the lead team. He's usually not the type to leave the village and expose himself like this. And the number of ninjas protecting him. Something significant is going down. I need to find out what…'
"I wonder what they're up to…"
"Let's follow them." The gruff voice of Black Zetsu replied to the question of his white counterpart.
After some time the team of Root ninjas reached their destination. They came to a stop in front of a small cave.
The man in the lead team only said a single word. But it conveyed his intentions.
A ninja from the lead team raised his right hand, made a half ram seal and closed his eyes. After a few seconds he looked at the man in the center.
"All clear, Lord Danzo. I can only sense one chakra at the base."
The man Danzo Shimura removed his hood and walked forward.
At that moment another man from the other team also joined Danzo's group.
"Let's move." With Danzo's orders several of his Root walked into the cave and then Danzo and the rest followed.
The cave looked small and ordinary from the outside but the interior was much deeper. As they reached the end of the cave, Danzo made a hand-seal and an entrance opened up.
"Fu, Torune, Shigaraki! You're with me. The rest of you, secure the perimeter." Danzo gave the order and went inside the cave followed by his two most capable ninjas and the scientist of his organization.
The wall closed behind them and a barrier came into existence. As the Root ninjas began securing the area one of them was concerned about what was happening.
'When Lord Hokage tasked me with infiltrating the root, I never could have imagined that things would be this bad. I know he's meeting with Orochimaru right now but that's it. I don't know what's going on or what this is about but whatever it is, it must be huge. Danzo doesn't even trust his own people with what's happening in there... Fu and Torune are the most loyal and some of the strongest of the Root ninjas and I know that Shigaraki is the Researcher… What exactly is happening in there? Damn it! I can't get any closer without exposing my intention…'
At that moment several meters away in the shadows, two yellow eyes popped up from a tree. Zetsu looked at the guards and then sensed the barrier surrounding the interior.
'This was once an old base of the Shimura clan during the warring era… I'm pretty sure they didn't have a barrier here at that time. It seems Danzo added a few modifications. It will be difficult to get inside but not impossible. But if I force myself in there like that I'll be detected…'
After thinking about the next move, Zetsu abandoned that plan. 'The less they know about me the better. It's not the time to make rash decisions. I'll find out what he's up to sooner or later.'
With that thought Zetsu disappeared back into the ground without anyone sensing his presence.
Danzo walked forward through a small tunnel and soon entered a large room. There were several medical equipment set up all around the place. He saw Orochimaru waiting for him with a devilish grin.
"Is it ready?" Danzo asked the man.
"Hm!" Orochimaru led Danzo to a special glass container with several seals all over it.
Inside it, a pale white arm with numerous Sharingan could be seen. "So you were able to replicate the Sharingan and implant it into the arm huh!"
"Yes. I took Itachi's blood and bonded it with Shin's DNA. But these are still eyes made from clones. So the effects are not as powerful as the original."
Danzo didn't say anything and just inspected the arm. Orochimaru had already sent him a sample Sharingan a few months ago and Danzo made sure to confirm that it was able to use the Izanagi technique.
Danzo inspected each of the Sharingan in the container. 'For my plans, for what I need to do, this will be enough. They will be my trump card.'
"I wonder what Sarutobi sensei would say if he found out what you were doing?" At that moment Orochimaru asked, chuckling.
Danzo narrowed his eyes. He wasn't in the mood to chitchat. "What Hiruzen thinks or says is not your concern! Now stop wasting time and let's proceed."
"Very well… Did you bring the item?"
At that, Danzo motioned to Shigaraki. The scientist stepped forward with a scroll and unlocked its contents. There was a vial of blood and some brown synthetic flesh.
"This is Lord Hashirama's blood. The other is a cultivated flesh of his blood and the specimen sample you've provided."
"You've come far in your research on the first Hokage's power." Orochimaru was not one to give out any praise but he was mildly impressed with the progress Shigaraki made.
Danzo began disrobing and got on the operation table. He knew Fu and Torune would keep vigilance and Shigaraki could spot if Orochimaru did something harmful to his body.
Orochimaru injected Danzo with a special serum and within moments Danzo was knocked out.
"Beginning surgery."
Orochimaru and Shigaraki began the operation. Danzo's crippled right arm was severed and Orochimaru placed several seals on his body. Each one meant to keep Danzo alive until the end of the procedures.
The Snake Sannin took the Sharingan arm and brought it to the table. 'The first Hokage's strength and the Sharingans. I wonder what you'll do with this power Danzo?'
The thought somewhat excited Orochimaru. He knew Danzo had his own plans and was extremely dangerous but he couldn't help but take the risks. He still had use for the man's connections.
Several hours went by as Orochimaru and Shigaraki operated in Danzo. For the Sharingan arm to be of proper use, the First Hokage's power was needed. They added his blood and grafted the synthetic flesh onto Danzo's right shoulder and then attached Shin's arm.
The surgery lasted for over 7 hours. It took two more hours for Danzo to regain consciousness. He could already sense the change happening throughout his body.
As he tried to get up Shigaraki quickly stopped him. "Lord Danzo. Please. Not so quickly. It's still healing."
Danzo just ignored that advice. "You're underestimating Lord Hashirama's power. He was able to heal his wounds in seconds without even using medical ninjutsu. I can already feel that power flowing through me."
With those words Danzo got up from the bed and stood without a problem. He inspected his right arm. The numerous 3 tomoe Sharingan sent a thrill up his spine.
'A total of 10 Sharingan and the power of wood style jutsu. Finally! Now I have the power of both the Senju and Uchiha!'
At that moment Orochimaru came near him. "I'm sure you can already tell, but your chakra is undergoing a massive change. You will need a few months of rest for your body to fully adapt and for your chakra to stabilize."
"Hmm." Danzo nodded as put on a cloak. At that moment Torune stepped forward with several steel couplings.
"So that's your plan?! I assume they have the seals that can block the Byakugan and chakra sensors." Orochimaru looked over the contraptions and deduced their purpose.
Torune stood silently without giving the Sannin an answer. His master was Danzo and no one else.
Shigaraki covered Danzo's right arm in bandages and then Fu took the couplings from Torune and secured them around the arm. With everything complete Danzo and his Root members exited the room.
It was dawn. Once outside Danzo ordered the other teams to head back to the village. He then took out a map and threw it to the Sannin. "The materials and equipment you wanted are marked on that location. Let's not meet for a while."
With a dark chuckle Orochimaru burst into snakes and disappeared into the forest.
Hokage Residency - Private Chamber.
Hiruzen had a grim visage as he heard Bear's report. It was only after a week that the Anbu spy was able to make contact with the Hokage without arousing any suspicions.
"This is truly troubling… You have no idea what Danzo wanted with Orochimaru?"
"Forgive me Lord Hokage but I couldn't find out what happened. I didn't want to do anything that jeopardized my position."
"No. It's alright. I need you where you are…"
Hiruzen thought about everything Bear said. He had several theories as to why his former teammate would meet his former student like this. But he needed to confirm a few things before coming to an answer.
"You said he had the head scientist of the Root with him!? So Shigaraki was present and he attended the meeting?"
"Yes Lord Hokage. It's strange. Taking Shigaraki to such a place with a possibly dangerous enemy. And Danzo himself went. The whole thing is bizarre. And after Danzo came out of the cave his whole chakra felt strange…"
"Hmm! I might have an idea as to what might have happened. But I need to confirm a few things first… In the meantime gather as much intelligence on his organization as you can. Make sure your position isn't compromised."
"Yes sir." With those words the Anbu disappeared.
Hiruzen then made his way to the vault hidden beneath the Hokage tower. It contained some of the most dangerous information, jutsu and materials of the village.
He opened the vault and went to a special spot that held a preserver. Hiruzen opened the container and looked at the content.
'They're gone!'
3 vials were missing from the row.
'3 vials of Lord Hashirama's blood are gone. Danzo would be the only one capable of taking it without alerting anyone… You bastard. I knew it. The second I learned that Shigaraki was with you, I knew you were performing some kind of experiment with Lord First' blood.'
Hiruzen took the remaining vials with him. 'I can't let anyone else get these.'
Hiruzen got what he needed and closed the vault. He made his way back to his office in deep thought.
'Danzo must have performed some sort of experiment on himself. Orochimaru and Shigaraki are the two people who know the secrets of the first Hokage's blood… So that must be why he met them… But Lord Hashirama's blood is too strong. The chakra is potent and will react violently with anyone it is injected with. Danzo knows this... So for him to still perform some kind of experiment on himself… He must be absolutely certain that he will survive and get some benefits from the experiment…'
Hiruzen sighed as he reached his office. 'It seems there is no choice. I need to move forward with my plans. Even if it goes against my morals.'
Hiruzen took the forbidden scroll from its secured location. He went through each and every jutsu in there until he found the few he needed.
Among the jutsus Hiruzen had his eyes one, was the one with the most potential and danger.
Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation!
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