Daichi felt the cool water cascading down his body. It helped him relax after the intense sparring session he had with his grandfather. He was looking over and closing the piled up notifications that appeared during and after the fight.
Several skills and stat points have increased due to the intensity and length of the fight. The notification of the quest completion for surviving the spar was also dismissed after being looked over.
Daichi got out of the shower, put on some new clothes and meditated. He felt the aches and pains throughout his body disappear. His stamina, chakra and health points slowly regenerated.
When the time came he met his grandfather downstairs and both of them headed out. It was past 6 in the evening. Both of them slowly walked through the village.
Daichi noted the somber and almost quiet atmosphere when he walked through the village. It took him only a few seconds to realize the truth of the matter. It was October 9th today. Tomorrow was the 5th anniversary of the nine tails attack.
It didn't take long for Kensei and Daichi to reach the BBQ restaurant. A large restaurant with wide windows and multiple green seated booths. The menu was plastered on the wall. Each table had a charcoal brazier built in the center and was equipped with tongs for cooking. A restaurant with a Gyū-Kaku style form of dining in which the customers cook their own food after ordering it.
Daichi and Kensei found an empty booth in the corner and sat down. They gave their order and waited for the food.
After a few seconds of silence Kensei spoke. "You've gotten a lot stronger during these last few months. In your current strength I'd say you'll be able to handle a 2nd or 3rd year student of the academy."
Daichi wasn't surprised at the evaluation. He visited the academy a couple of times during the last few months. And he observed any kid he could find. Their levels showed that he was stronger than most of the first, second and some third year students. Daichi simply nodded.
"I know you're still holding back quite a lot. You didn't use chakra to strengthen your body did you?" Daichi asked.
Kensei shook his head. "No. If I had used that now, our spar wouldn't mean anything to you since you won't even be able to touch me. Although I'm surprised you knew about such a technique."
"I read about it in the chakra theory book you gave me. It's a skill that can only be learned after someone has had extensive chakra control training. Like mastering the water walking." Daichi replied.
Kensei nodded. "Yes. That's true. But you're nowhere near ready for that."
"I know gramps. I'll take it slow. One step at a time." Daichi wanted to completely master the leaf concentration exercise before moving on to the next one.
"Daichi. I want you to take the next few days off. No training for another three or four days."
Daichi usually only took a single day to rest in a week. He already planned on taking a rest tomorrow but he didn't understand why the old man extended the recuperating period to more than one day.
"I was already planning on taking a break tomorrow but why more?"
"All you've been doing is training. Even though you cook and paint sometimes during your break it's still not enough. I know I've said this before but now is the time for you to enjoy being a kid. Go out, play, make some friends or simply enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the village. Whatever you wanna do except training. It will do you some good."
"But I like training." Daichi said in a somewhat whiny tone.
Hearing the childish whiny tone of his voice brought a smile to Kensei's face. "Now you're acting like a brat your age."
At that moment their order came.
Kensei ordered the premium buffet. He knew Daichi had a pretty big appetite. Especially after a fight. He watched the appetizers being placed on the table.
Daichi looked at the various dishes and couldn't help gulp his saliva. He was extremely hungry and the tantalizing smells of the food was only making it more difficult for him to hold back. He used 'observe' as the waiter placed the various dishes on the table.
[Minced beef Katsu]
[A panko coated deep fried ground beef cutlet with layered cheese filling. It is served with tonkatsu sauce, shredded cabbage and a small portion of rice. A delicious dish made by chef Joren.]
[Chicken Karaage]
[A bite sized chicken thigh coated with flour and a special blend of spices and deep fried in hot oil. When done the chicken is coated in a crispy shell with the tender and juicy meat preserved inside. An exceptionally flavorful, crispy and juicy fried chicken. 4 bite sized pieces served in a decorative bowl.]
[Beef Okonomiyaki]
[A popular pan fried dish that consists of batter and cabbage. Beef is the main ingredient with several vegetable toppings added. This is a dish that is grilled on an iron griddle and prepared by chef Hanshi.]
[Chili Cheese Fries]
[These chili and crispy potato fries topped with homemade beef chili and cheese and then baked to perfection. A tasty snack perfect for an appetizer. ]
[Wakame Salad]
[This simple yet tasty dish is made from an edible seaweed widely used around the world. This dish contains corn, tomato, dried seaweed, sesame seeds and thinly chopped carrots. It's highly nutritious and rich in fiber, calories, calcium and protein.]
Daichi didn't waste anymore time and started eating. Kensei joined and after about a dozen minutes all that was left were empty plates.
"Oh wow. That was delicious."
"Indeed. This is one of the few places in the village that can match Shi's restaurant taste quality." His grandfather said.
Daichi took a moment and let himself relax. He took a moment and looked at his grandpa. "Hey gramps. Are you thinking about tomorrow?"
Kensei sighed. "Yeah. Tomorrow marks the 5th anniversary of the nine tails attack." He had a somber expression. The images of his son, his daughter in law and his wife came to mind. All of them, taken before their time due to the tragic event.
Looking at the old man's face Daichi stayed quiet. He didn't have any memories of his parents from this life. He didn't have any particular attachments to anyone aside from his grandfather Kensei, Matron Aiko and Jozu at the orphanage. That too was a small bond courtesy of the respect he felt towards them for taking care of him.
Right now his mind went towards another orphan. Someone burdened with a heavy duty and shunned for something that wasn't his fault.
'I wonder how you're doing… Naruto?'
'Should I visit the playground? He would definitely be there… No. He would definitely have guards. It would be suspicious if I went and decided to become friends with him out of nowhere when everyone else stays away. I would get on the radar of all the people I definitely don't want to.'
Daichi sighed. He didn't think about it anymore.
"We'll go pay the cemetery a visit early in the morning tomorrow. By noon and till evening it will be somewhat crowded." Kensei said to Daichi.
He just nodded and quietly sat. Both of them, thinking about various things. In a short while the main course came and was served. Several plates of various cuts of beef and chicken were placed. Daichi didn't bother with using 'observe' this time and just grilled and enjoyed the food.
Both of them ate while discussing various topics and left the place after about an hour and went back home.
It was October 10th early in the morning. Daichi and Kensei were standing in the leaf village cemetery. It was located at the outskirts of the village. The cemetery had a sculpture resembling a fire at the front. It represented the will of fire of the village and had the kanji for Hokage inscribed on its base.
Both of them were in front of a gravestone. On the stone were the names of Kensei's late family. They were buried together due to Kensei's request. After a few minutes Kensei spoke. He had a slight angry tone in his voice.
"Hotaru was talented. And the village took advantage of that. They brainwashed him with propaganda and ideals of the village so much that he and I became estranged. And his death was what caused my beloved Fumiyo's untimely demise."
Hearing the old man's words, curiosity got the best of Daichi and he used 'observe' on the headstone.
[Headstone - Fumiyo Yasaji]
The grave of Fumiyo Yasaji. The late wife of Kensei Yasaji. She was a chunin when she met Kensei. He saved her during a dangerous mission and they formed a relationship thereafter. She had a son named Hotaru who died during the nine tails attack. The loss of her son affected her mentally and physically. Slowly weakening her heart with each passing day. She died two years ago at the age of 58, in her sleep.
[Headstone - Hotaru Yasaji]
The grave of Hotaru Yasaji. The late son of Kensei Yasaji and Fumiyo Yasaji. Hotaru was a talented shinobi during his time. He graduated from the academy at the age of 9 and had participated in the 3rd world war. Due to the number of missions he completed and the merits he received during the war, he was quickly promoted to Jonin. Later at the end of the war he married his childhood sweetheart Eriko Hatsmi. During the last few years of his life he had an estranged relationship with his father due to their contrasting philosophies regarding the village. He was 26 when he died in the nine tails 5 years ago.
[Headstone - Eriko Hatsmi]
The grave of Eriko Hatsmi. The late wife of Hotaru Yasaji. She was an average shinobi who worked in the administrative department after becoming a chunin. During the end of the 3rd world war she married her childhood crush Hotaru Yasaji. She was 26 when she died during the nine tails attack 5 years ago.
Daichi reading the details felt like he had a better understanding of Kensei. 'No wonder the old man doesn't talk about his son all that much. He might probably still be blaming his son for his wife's death. That's a whole can of worms I'm not gonna open any time soon. But still…isn't being angry at a dead man still pointless?'
It was sometime past seven in the morning when they reached the cemetery grounds. They prayed and stayed there for sometime before placing the bouquet of flowers Daichi made from his garden on the stone and left shortly after. They ate some breakfast from Shi Fang's restaurant and went home.
When they neared their house Daichi asked Kensei what was on his mind.
"Hey gramps. Are you still angry with your son?"
Kensei was slightly startled by the question but then composed himself and answered.
"After his death all I felt was regret for not communicating with him. But when Fumiyo died I wanted to blame someone. And he became a convenient scapegoat. It was his death that caused her to die after all. But after some time I came to the realization that I was mostly just angry… So to answer your question, No. I'm not angry at my son."
"Then who are you angry at?" Daichi asked this question because he wanted to know if the old man's anger was misplaced onto Naruto like most of the villagers.
Kensei answered his question with a question of his own.
"Daichi. Do you know why I'm training you like this even though you're only just 5 years old?"
"To get me strong and make sure I'm at the top of my class…?" Daichi replied in a somewhat unsure voice.
"I graduated from the academy just a year after the third graduated. I've participated in three wars. I've traveled all over the world. Met all sorts of people. And I learned one important fact."
Daichi's eyes slightly narrowed as he listened to Kensei. That's when he heard something that surprised him.
"The leaf village isn't the center of the world." Kensei said with a strong voice.
"I was like most people at the beginning. I believed in the will of fire and philosophy of unity of the village. But over the years I've seen the dark twisted side of the village."
"I saw teammates killing teammates to keep the secrets from spreading on the orders of the higher ups. There was even a time when I was attacked by ninjas of this village because I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. You can say that I've opened my eyes to the truth of the world. There is no right or wrong. Only those with strength can make their own path."
"My philosophy regarding this place changed. But my son was someone who believed in this place. He would have given his life for this village without hesitation. And that was what created our rift. I wanted him to put his life above all else. Even the village. He disagreed. Our ideals clashed and we drifted apart."
Kensei sighed and looked at Daichi. He continued.
"My father was a traveling merchant. When I was a child it was my dream to travel the world. But fate had other plans. I became a ninja and dedicated the prime of my life to this place."
"The reason why I'm training you and pushing you is because you are someone like me. I understood that from the first day we met. You want to become strong so that you can leave this village without fear of death, don't you?"
Daichi was stunned when he was asked the question. For a split second he thought about lying but then decided against it.
"Yeah. I want to travel the world. But if I leave the village without becoming a ninja I'll probably be killed by someone on my journey because I was too weak to defend myself and if I become a ninja I'll be declared a missing nin the moment I leave and be marked for life. The only way to avoid all that is to become stronger than everyone else."
"Precisely. That's why I'm training you. I want you to have the chance I never had. Daichi. Whatever path you choose… whether it's to stay in the village or leave, I want you to be strong enough so that it's your choice. And to answer your earlier question, no one. I'm angry at no one. Not anymore anyway."
"You know, for a moment I thought you hated the village because of what happened to your family." Daichi said to him.
Kensei had a small sad smile when he heard this. "Hate is a strong word. I do hate some people within the village. I hate some policies put in place but...I don't hate the leaf village itself. Despite everything that's happened this place is still my home. And I would protect it if the need arises."
Daichi nodded when he heard this. After a few seconds of silence Kensei spoke. "Daichi! Promise me something."
"What is it?"
"I know I told you that you can choose whatever path you want… but… promise me that when the time comes it won't be one that will harm the village." Kensei had the face of another genius in mind as he asked this of Daichi. A powerful ninja he once worked with and now a traitor to the village.
"I won't do anything to hurt the village or its people. You have my word." Daichi said with as much seriousness as he could. He wanted to make sure Kensei knew he wasn't a threat to this place.
Kensei was carefully looking over the boy's chakra and he was satisfied with the answer. Both of them talked for a while and soon they were nearing their home.
Daichi felt like he understood Kensei much better now. He simply nodded to his grandfather's words. They soon reached home.
Daichi did as his grandfather told him. He took a few days off from his training to enjoy himself. He created some beautiful artwork and made some dishes to cheer up the somewhat depressed old man.
After a few days of rest and recuperation he resumed his training. The remaining 6 months passed by in a blur. Before long it was the last night of march. Tomorrow he would start the academy.
Author’s note.
Review, Comment and Rate the story.
Add to your library and if you enjoy my story vote with some power stone.
See you in the next update.
It was the morning of April 1st. Daichi and Kensei were walking down the road. Their destination - The Academy. It didn't take them long to reach the place.
Daichi was excited. He'd been waiting for this day for a long time. Both Daichi and his grandfather walked through the entrance gate of the academy building.
They saw dozens of parents and their children roaming the grounds. Kensei brought Daichi to the academy a week ago to get him registered. He answered some questions and completed some easy physical tests. After the teacher reviewed the results, Daichi was successfully signed on as an academy student.
Right now the entrance ceremony was about to take place. As the time for the ceremony to begin was nearing, the academy teachers instructed the new students to stand in several lines. The parents stood back watching the children stand in order.
Daichi was looking around the place. He spotted some familiar faces among the children and parents. He was using 'observe' and most of the kids were around 3-7 level. But they were mostly civilian children. Daichi spotted a couple of clan kids and they were around 7 and 8 level.
'Looks like those from the clan receive training even before joining this place. But that's to be expected. But even most of them only have a level of around 7 to 9. Looks like I'm the strongest in this batch. I guess all that intense training really paid off.'
Daichi, who was lost in thought, regained his bearings when the Hokage made his presence. He was in his usual attire with the traditional white robes and the Hokage hat on his head. He walked to the front and stood on the makeshift podium.
"Congratulations to all of you who were accepted into the academy. From this day forth, do your best to reach your goals to become a shinobi. You have a lot of hard work ahead of you on this journey. I expect great things and I know you'll do the leaf village proud. May the will of fire burn brightly in each and everyone of you."
Daichi was looking at the Hokage as he welcomed the students and for some reason he felt as if the Hokage was looking at him specifically during the end of his speech. He didn't put much thought into it as the instructors brought everyone to their assigned classroom.
The Hokage watched as the teachers took the children to their assigned classrooms. He was in deep thought as he looked at two particular students.
Hiruzen looked at Naruto who was slowly disappearing among the crowds. 'Minato… Kushina… Your son is slowly growing up. I know you would be proud of him.'
He then turned his attention towards Daichi. He was looking forward to Daichi's growth throughout the coming years. 'His chakra has increased by a wide margin. At least when compared to when I first met him. Show me just how talented you are, young Daichi.'
Hiruzen turned around and was about to leave but then he saw Kensei standing near the other parents. 'Should I go talk to him?' Kensei noticed the Hokage's gaze. A slight frown formed on Kensei's face and he left. Hiruzen let out a sigh and left the academy as well. 'Another time and place I suppose.'
The moment Daichi stepped into the classroom several notifications popped up. He took a seat in the back corner of the class and looked over the blue boxes that popped up.
[Quest - 'Get ahead of your peers' Completed.]
[Rewards: ]
1500 Exp,
+1 Level
+3 To all awakened stat points
+1 LV. to all Skills
+12 Stat Points
Rep increases with The Leaf village citizens.
Rep massively increases with Kensei Yasaji.
[New Title - Prodigy (This title will increase the level of your skills faster by 20%.)]
[Special Reward - New Skill (Mana Manipulation.)]
'Wow. I can use Mana. Is it different from chakra? That's a stupid question. I have no doubt it definitely is. That will come in handy. And the prodigy title will definitely help my speed of improvement.'
Closing the quest completion box Daichi opened his status page. 'Status'.
[Name : Daichi Hekima (The Gamer)]
[Class : Student]
[Age : 6]
[Title : Capable Child, Explorer, Prodigy]
[Level : 14 (5477/6700)]
HP : 1625
CP : 1743.3
SP : 1275
Primary Stats
Strength - 36
Vitality - 34
Dexterity - 33
Agility - 34
Intelligence - 43
Chakra - 39
Wisdom - 27
Special Stats
Sense - 32
Stamina - 36
Indomitable (LOCKED)
Charisma - 14
Persistence (LOCKED)
Dignity (LOCKED)
Stat Points - 97
Ryo - 5700
'Wow. Except wisdom and charisma all my stats are above 30. And my stat points are nearing 100.'
A frown formed on Daichi's face as he looked at the special stats. 'I have no idea how to unlock Dignity. But as for Luck I've tried gambling with the old timer a couple times but it didn't work. I even flipped a coin trying to predict the outcome… or anything really but… That was a bust…'
'And as for the other two… I have an idea as to how to awaken Indomitable stat. But it's not a solid theory and doing it would be dangerous so that's out for now. And I have a few theories on how to awaken it but not sure which path to take. '
Daichi let out a small tired sigh. He decided he would tackle the locked stat problem at a later date.
'Time to see how far my skills have improved.'
[Gamer's Mind - Passive (LV.MAX)]
[Gamer's Body - Passive (LV.MAX)]
[Gaia's Blessing - Passive (LV.MAX)]
[Observe - Active (LV.18 (11%))]
[Dishwashing - Passive (LV.39 (41%))]
Effects: +73% increase in speed in Dishwashing
[Meditate - Active (LV. 36(88%))]
Effects : +75.2% to base HP regeneration per minute.
+75.2% to base CP regeneration per minute.
+75.2% to base SP regeneration per minute.
[Basic Body Conditioning - Passive (LV. 30(76.1%))]
Effects: +46% Increase in Damage inflicted.
+44.1% Increase in Movement speed.
+19.3% Increase in Physical stat growth.
-40% Decrease in Damage taken.
Daichi looked over his skills and assessed their improvements one by one.
'My Observe skill hasn't made much progress. Makes sense since I was cooped up in that house most of the time. Need to work on that and raise its level. And Meditation skill is around where I expected it to be.'
'As for the Basic body conditioning, it's slow but improving steadily. Thanks to the training and stat increase, the damage reduction buff has increased a lot. But my spars with Kensei showed that there are certain limitations. The effects of the damage reduction buff significantly decreases the higher level my opponents are. And attacks and wounds from sharp weapons can bypass the buff by a certain margin. Not sure by how much. So I need to figure that out as well…. Let's see… What else?'
[Minimap ]
[Lesser chakra affinity - (Passive/Active) (LV.32 (42%)) ]
Effects: +17% growth rate of Chakra stat.
+36.3% Strength increase to all chakra-based skills.
+34.9% Defense increase against chakra-based attacks.
+30.4% increase to maximum CP.
-15% CP cost to all chakra based skills.
[Lesser chakra regeneration - Passive (LV.32 (10%))]
Effects: Regeneration Increased by 40% of base CP per minute.
+17% growth rate of Chakra stat.
Note: Meditation increases CP regeneration to 70%.
[Chakra Manipulation - (Active/Passive) (LV.43 (73%))]
[Minor Jutsu Creation - Active (LV.2(89%))]
Effects: +6% Success rate to create new Ninjutsu.
+6% Success rate to create new Genjutsu.
-5% Less CP requirements for new Jutsu created.
[Leaf concentration technique - (Active/Passive)(LV.86(52%))]
Effects: +179.2% Increase in chakra control.
CP cost : 1.5/sec.
-43.2% CP cost to chakra techniques.
[Superior Tasting - Active(LV. 19(36%))]
Effects: +43% Increase in taste
CP cost : 1/sec.
[Superior Hearing - Active(LV.23(91%))]
Effects: +56% Increase in hearing
CP cost : 2/sec.
[Superior Smell - Active(LV. 19(41%))]
Effects: +37.7% Increase in smell.
CP cost : 1/sec.
[Superior Sight - Active(LV. 24(27%))]
Effects: +49.9% Increase in sight.
CP cost : 2/sec.
[Leaf Academy Taijutsu - Active(LV.32(30%))]
Effects: +55.9% Increase in attack power.
+52% Increase in defense.
+53% Increase in speed
-37% Decrease in damage taken.
'My chakra and taijutsu skills have gone way up. Much more than I expected.'
[Shurikenjutsu - Active(LV.34(87.8%))]
Effects: +79.2% Increase in accuracy.
+65.4% Increase in damage dealt.
[Physical Endurance - Passive(LV.26(16%))]
Effects: -30.6% Decrease in damage taken.
Note: Damage decrease depends on enemy level and strength.
[Strong Hit - Active(LV.12(85%))]
Effects: +40% Increase in critical rate.
+41% Increase in damage inflicted to the enemy.
+34% Increase in attack speed.
SP Cost: 15.3 per hit.
[Cooking - Active(LV.15(24%)) ]
Effects: +32.1% Increase in taste and aroma of dish.
+29% Increase in plating technique.
[Painting - Passive(LV.12(74%))]
Effects: +31% Increase in visual appeal.
+34% Increase of accuracy in painting.
[Chakra Threads - Active(LV.15)]
Effects: +30% Increase in thread control.
+30% Increase in thread speed
CP cost : 4/sec for single thread.
[Sprint - Active(LV.13)]
Effects: +41% Increase in running speed.
SP cost : 85 SP per minute.
'The sprint skill increases my agility but it uses stamina. I won't last in a drawn out battle with this skill. I need to find a skill that uses chakra instead of stamina for speed increase.'
[Rope Escape Jutsu - Active(LV.8)]
Effects: +18% Increase in success when escaping bindings.
[Clone Jutsu - Active(LV.18)]
Effects: +46% Increase when creating identical clones.
CP cost : 52 CP per clone.
[Transformation Jutsu - Active(LV.14(50%))]
Effects: +39% Increase in accuracy and details when transforming.
CP cost : 40 CP per transformation.
[Mana Manipulation - Note: Cannot use this skill until Intelligence reaches 50 and Wisdom reaches 30.]
'It's been a while since I checked all my skills. Everything's gone up significantly…
'The one with the highest level is the leaf concentration technique. As expected. I've been practicing that skill every chance I got during the last year. Even during physical training and meditation. Using leaves on my forehead and fingers and even going as far as spinning them in different directions. Right now chakra control is my strongest point.'
'Let's see. What else...Hmm....So to use mana affinity I need 50 in INT and 30 in WIS huh. I'm not gonna spend points. At least not now. I'll wait until the end of this year. If my stats haven't reached 50 and 30 by that time, then I'll consider adding points to them.'
As Daichi closed the skill list page a new quest box appeared.
[Quest Created - 'Path to the strongest.']
[The System will help the Player on his journey to become the world's strongest. Complete a set of tasks to receive System rewards. Failure to complete any task will result in activation of Penalty Dungeon. Quest Time limit: 6 years. ]
[Note: Failing to complete any two tasks for 3 consecutive days will mark this quest as a failure. ]
Complete 100 Push ups (Daily)
Complete 100 Squats (Daily)
Complete 100 Punches(Daily)
Run 10 Kilometers (Daily)
Complete at least 1 Dungeon before the end of this year.
Take the top spot in your class every year.
Status Recovery (Daily)
Random Reward(Weekly)
+3 Stat Points (Weekly)
Special reward for clearing a dungeon.
Additional rewards for each extra dungeon cleared.
-5 Stat points.
Penalty Dungeon
[Accept (Y/N)]
'So this is the quest 'path to the strongest'. The first part of this quest looks like a Saitama style workout. It's a bit time consuming to do it everyday but it's doable. And completing at least one dungeon a year. So during my time here in the academy I might need to complete at least 5 or 6 dungeons.'
'And based on this I need to complete one this year. Gotta search the village for more dungeons. Maybe I'll find an easy one. And taking the top spot in the class… I already planned on that. Still the rewards are generous. 3 stat points weekly for 6 years… that's a whole lot of points.'
Daichi had a small grin on his face as he thought about how strong he'd become. As he kept reading his heart skipped a beat as he looked at the failure part of the quest. Taking a deep breath he calmed down and accepted the quest.
Daichi closed the last of the notification boxes and then started looking around.
Most of the kids were chatting with one other. As he looked around he finally saw the kids who would one day be known as the rookie 9.
He saw Hinata nervously twiddling her fingers and Sakura quietly looking around. Daichi then spotted Kiba but he didn't have his dog Akamaru with him.
'Strange… His partner Akamaru isn't with him.' That's when he remembered something. 'Right! Kiba gets Akamaru during his time in the academy.'
Daichi kept looking around and saw Shikamaru and Choji together at the back and Shino at the front bench of the room. Ino was hanging around with a bunch of other girls and they seemed to be having fun.
Daichi was excited looking around but he didn't show it on his face. And when he looked to the side of the room he finally saw him.
'Naruto Uzumaki. Wow. It's him… It's really him… But he seems so different. He's quiet. So subdued. I expected him to have that stupid grin on his face shouting about becoming number one or trying to prank someone or something but this kid is sitting obediently not making any trouble… Strange… Oh God! Please tell me I'm not in some alternate universe where he has Sasuke's emo attitude.'
Daichi quickly used 'observe' on him.
[LV.6] [Naruto Uzumaki]
Age: 5
HP: 2780. CP: 3803
[Naruto Uzumaki is the son of the late fourth hokage Minato Namikaze and his wife Kushina Uzumaki. He is the current host of the nine tails. His status as a jinchuriki caused him to be shunned by most of the leaf-citizens. He is an orphan who longs for a family. He joined the academy to be a ninja and to make friends. He has a positive and friendly attitude despite his harsh circumstances.]
'Oh Thank God. He's probably just trying to be on his best behavior to make friends… Too bad it won't help the poor kid. Looking at his stats, his level is below me but his health and chakra are way above mine. Must be because of the nine tails and the Uzumaki lineage.'
Daichi looked around and his eyes found Sasuke sitting near the window.
[LV.10] [Sasuke Uchiha]
Age: 5
HP: 1307 CP: 1189
[Sasuke Uchiha is the son of the Uchiha clan head Fugaku and his wife Mikoto. He is the youngest of two children. He is a happy child eager to please and be worthy of his clan name. He adores his older brother Itachi. He plans on becoming the first in the class to impress his father. Sasuke Uchiha has a vast amount of hidden potential and talent. ]
'So right now I'm stronger than him. Gotta keep it that way. But that's not going to be easy knowing his attitude.'
At that moment the classroom door opened and a large man with brown hair and goatee walked in. He walked to the center of the room and looked at everyone.
'For a moment I thought it would be Iruka.' Daichi immediately used 'Observe'
[??][Daikoku Funeno]
'Can't see his level or other information. Seems he's above level 59.'
"Hello students. My name is Daikoku Funeno. I'm your homeroom teacher. From now on you are to address me as Daikoku sensei. Welcome to the academy. Now I'm sure that at least some of you may have been taught how to use chakra and some Ninjutsu at home but here at the academy you'll learn how to use chakra and its applications in depth."
"You'll also learn other basic subjects and train to coordinate and work together as a team. You'll be given individual and group assignments. You'll learn the fundamentals. They're important so learn them well. The jutsus and techniques you will learn at the academy should not be used on others outside of supervised sparring. If any of you are caught breaking the rule you will face severe punishments."
"And with that we'll begin our first year. Why don't you all introduce yourselves to the class. Each of you will stand when it's your turn and tell us your name and your dreams and hobbies. Let's start from the back."
Daichi realized he was first as his sensei was looking at him. Daichi took a deep breath and let it out. He stood up and spoke.
"Hello everyone. My name is Daichi Hekima. I like training, painting and cooking. My goal is to become the strongest."
Daichi sounded neither arrogant nor silly when he spoke. He was calm and had a serious face. Some of the students had a mocking expression when they heard his goal but didn't say anything.
The teacher just smiled. "Alright. Next." The introduction went on with each student introducing themselves and telling their hobbies and dreams. Daichi listened to all of them and noted the names and faces of everyone in his class.
He paid special attention to the future rookie 9. Sasuke, spurred on by his competitive side, declared he would take the top spot of the class and one day become the head of his clan. Naruto exuberantly introduced himself and declared his goal to become Hokage.
After everyone was done Daikoku spoke. "Now that the introductions are done I'll hand out the curriculum for this year. The text books for the year will be provided in the next class."
Daichi looked over the curriculum that the instructor just handed out. It was composed of reading and writing, mathematics, science, geography, history, chakra theory and physical training. A total of 7 subjects. Even though he learned quite a bit from Kensei's library he was looking forward to what the academy could teach him.
'A Monday to Friday schedule with 5 different subjects taught a day. Hmm. Physical training is on everyday… I see… So they're focusing on chakra theory now and building up physical energy of the body. A stronger body can produce more chakra. And with a better understanding of how to use chakra and jutsu it'll become easier to teach Ninjutsu next year.'
With that the class began. The first class was on reading and writing. Since the batch was made of civilian students and orphans along with clan children it was easier to start with such a simple subject. The teachers could also assess the language and written capabilities of each student and individually help them.
Daichi looked around and had a small smile on his face. 'I might actually enjoy being in school for once.'
Author’s note.
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