58.24% Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic) / Chapter 106: 105. Second Forever Knight Heist: Stage One

章節 106: 105. Second Forever Knight Heist: Stage One



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- Good morning. - I said as I entered the RV after teleporting back to the campsite.

- Do you have something to do from morning to early again? - Max asked with a smile, finishing eating scrambled eggs.

- Yes, everything is as always. But what I really meant to say is that I'm going to have to leave for the day today. - I said, drawing the attention of Gwen and Ashley, who were doing the dishes together.

- Something happened? - Grandfather asked, putting the plate aside.

- A friend of mine asked for help. I owe him, so I need to help. - I said honestly.

- And what exactly did he ask you to do? - Ashley asked.

- Nothing special, just a little heist. - With a smile, I said.

- Heist? - Gwen involuntarily asked, then turned away, once again defiantly ignoring me.

- Yes, some bad people stole from my friend a thing that belongs to him by right. Now he wants her back. - I said without further details.

- And in a different way? - Grandpa asked. He himself does not accept this approach, but he is well aware that the world is far from black and white, and sometimes, you need to act dirty. For the greater good, of course.

- The Forever Knights are involved, so you know the answer yourself. - Shrugging, I said.

- That's right, it's normal not to agree with these fanatics. Besides, it's time for them to taste their own pills. Okay, you can go, but be careful. If you find yourself in danger, run without looking back. There is nothing shameful in this, after all, life is more precious than anything. - Max said with a sigh.

- Okay, Grandpa. Thanks. - I said with a grateful smile, and then asked: - Will you stay here, or continue on way?

- I wanted to go to Massachusetts, where they had a puritan fair in Salem, with all the trappings of that time. The whole day will be spent on the road, so you don't have to worry. Hardly anything will happen today. - Max thought for a moment.

- So Salem, huh? - I asked, seeing Gwen's displeased look. Maybe this is a good chance to introduce Hope to Grandpa.

- Then don't be bored and take care of yourself. Oh yeah, don't forget to feed Nebula. - I said, pointing to the still sleeping tigress.

- Have fun there. - Ashley waved goodbye to me. Meanwhile, Gwen showed no reaction. Eh, it looks like it's going to take a long time for things to get back to normal.

I got off the bus, turned into my new speedster and ran east towards the ocean. I have over 6'000 km to cover and I'm wondering how UltraViolent will perform. Turning on the navigator on my Infinity Tattoo, I headed for London, soon entering the water, which I ran without problems.

After 15 minutes of running on the water, I saw the island of Great Britain. Looks like my original judgment was wrong. UltraViolent is still faster than Fasttrack. It seems to be all about UV rays, which Leisritters can passively absorb from the light of the Sun, and with their help increase their physical data.

Last time, I tested this alien indoors, so I didn't have access to sunlight and couldn't find out how much it affects this race. Not at the level of the Kryptonians, of course, but this is also a good result.

I didn't want to draw too much attention, so as soon as I got to the ground, I turned into the SkyLord and soared high into the air, where I got lost in the clouds. In this way, I calmly flew to the capital of the kingdom.

Thanks to the head of a falcon, I also had the eyesight of a falcon, so that, despite the height, I was able to find from the air Bedford Square, the place where Lee and I met. Dive down, in the fall I turned into a Slug and slammed against the paving stones, like a piece of ... I won't say what.

Gathering my body together, I changed my appearance to a random 25-year-old blond and walked towards Lee, who was already waiting for me. I'm not going to show my real face, so disguise is necessary. And, at the moment, Slug is the only alien with this ability. Besides, I can just absorb the symbol of the Omnitrix into myself, so that no one will understand that I'm in the form of an alien.

- 12:45. Right on time. - said a gray-haired 50-year-old gentleman with Chinese features as I approached him.

- Punctuality is my main advantage. -I said with a smile as I sat down on the bench next to Lee Shen.

- And how should I contact you? I can't call you Legion. - Shadow said calmly.

- You can call me Kirby. - I offered with a smile, using the original Ben's middle name.

- Fine. So that's what you are, 'Kirby'? I thought you were younger. - examining me, commented the well-known thief.

- Yes? And why did you decide so? - Looking into the eyes of my interlocutor, I was curious.

- Experience, perhaps. - Lee said calmly, and then jabbed at me with his cane, which he had with him, and which complemented his image of a gentleman, along with a stylish dark blue three-piece suit.

- It's ticklish. - I said indifferently, looking at my side, in which the tip of the cane was stuck, as if in jelly. I didn't even think of reacting because I knew I wasn't in danger. Spider sense is cool.

- As I thought, disguise. Don't trust me. - Lee said displeasedly, pulling his cane out of me.

- Rather, I just don't want the Forever Knights to get any information about me. If you want, when we're done with the case, I'll show you my real face. - I said sincerely.

- No need. I even like that you are so careful. This shows that you are serious about the matter. Do you have any disagreements with the Forever Knights? - Lee said calmly, and then asked a question.

- Let's just say that their interests overlap with mine. We have different points of view on this matter, so sooner or later, we will collide. And, unfortunately for them, this will end in the disbandment of their order. - I said honestly.

- Yes? Then I don't envy them. - Lee said with a smile.

- So, what do you know about this branch? - I asked.

The Order of the Forever Knights itself was created several centuries ago by Sir George in order to destroy a demon from another world named Dagon, who wanted to take over the Earth.

Unfortunately, over the centuries, the Forever Knights have forgotten their true purpose, and now the entire order has split into several factions, each of which pursues its own selfish goals, mainly related to personal gain or the destruction of aliens.

For example, the leader of a faction located in the US, a man named Driscoll, once a former Plumber, wants to take over the world. Why he needs it is not clear, but this perfectly shows the current state of the once noble order of knights.

- The vault manager's name is Dr. Joseph Chadwick. As far as I understand, he is an expert on alien technology. He studies the entire collection collected in the vault, after which he creates useful gadgets and integrates them into the order. That is why he was entrusted with the management and protection of this vault. - Lee said.

- Familiar name. - I said, remembering the appearances of this man in the animated series, as well as the information recently found by Morgana.

- Do you know anything about him?

- Actually, quite a lot. He used to be a member of a secret organization of scientists who wanted to make the world a better place and protect it from dangerous discoveries. But ten years ago they found a dangerous artifact called the Kur Stone. Some weirdo stole this stone to fulfill his crazy ambitions, and when the Secret Scientists wanted to return the stone, they fell into a pre-prepared trap.

In the end, only nine people survived, except for Chadwick himself, who is still presumed dead. Looks like he managed to pull through and joined the Forever Knights. Perhaps thanks to their help, he survived. But in memory of that story, he had a scar on the floor of his face and serious mental problems. - I told everything I knew.

Once again, the world reminds me that there is a history of the Saturday's here. Who would have thought that I would run into my mother's former comrade. Life is a strange thing, especially if it's an alternate universe.

- Interesting. - Lee said, with impression in his voice. I don't think he expected me to be able to give so much information.

- So what's the plan? - I asked.

- First, we will enter as ordinary visitors. We need to meet with a very money-hungry Forever Knight who has become my informant. Unfortunately, he's only a small fry, so he doesn't know much, but at least he'll be able to pinpoint the approximate location of the Diadema. Next, we will have to act on our own. - Lee replied, pulling out his pocket watch.

- How do you think of everything. I'm impressed. - I said honestly. Clearly a master of his craft.

- It's time. - Rising from the bench, Lee said and walked towards the British Museum.

Following the thief, I asked: - What do you know about the vault's internal defenses?"

- In addition to thick walls, many high-tech locks, traps and turrets hidden in the walls, there are also sensors installed inside that will set off an alarm if It sense aliens. They will work even for me, although I'm only a quarter of an alien. - Lee said calmly.

- As expected of these xenophobes. But, I must say, you know how to choose a target. - I said with a smile, throwing my hands behind my head, acting out the role of a carefree tourist.

- I have no choice. This is a matter of honor. - Lee said seriously.

- What about security? How many people are there? Or drones? - I continued to elicit information that is vital in such a mission.

- At least four hundred people there. Most of them are low-ranking Knights, but there are also experienced fighters who serve as Chadwick's bodyguards. As for drones, I'm not sure, but their arsenal is very impressive. Starting from their laser spears and swords, ending with high-powered alien guns. And of course, do not forget about explosives. Unfortunately, there is another problem… - Lee said as we approached the steps of the museum.

- How much more then? I said unhappily. Looks like this vault is really very important for the Forever Knights. I wonder what we'll find there.

- I'm not sure if that's true, but I've heard a rumor that the Knights have a weapon that can disable aliens' special abilities and incapacitate them. If you're human, nothing will happen, but if you have alien blood, then… - Lee said softly as we lined up to enter the museum.

- All clear. That's why you asked for my help. - Nodding my head, I said.

- Right. I would have overcome the usual traps and guards, with difficulty, of course, but still. But this weapon ... My intuition, accumulated over the years of my work, just screams about danger. - Lee said softly as he handed the tickets to the cute cashier.

- I understand your concern. There is no such thing as paranoia. - I said quietly so as not to attract too much attention, and then added: - If the protection of this place is based on technology, even if it is alien, I will not have any problems. But if magic is involved, then we will have difficulties.

- Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the magical defenses of this place. - Lee said honestly, furrowing his brows.

- Don't worry, I have a lot of trump cards that will help us, in a pinch. But have to be careful with Chadwick. Given his history, mental issues, and access to technology from different worlds, who knows what crazy inventions he's created here. It is possible that even that weapon against aliens exists. - I said, looking at the Rosetta Stone. We still play visitors.

- Right. - Lee said as he stood next to me.

- Where is the meeting with your informant?

- In the men's room, in the west wing. Let's go in that direction, only slowly, without attracting attention. - Lee said as he moved on to the next exhibit.

For the next ten minutes, we walked around the museum, slowly moving towards the toilet we needed. When we made sure that no one was around, Lee turned on the jammer of the cameras and calmly went to the toilet, and I followed him.

Inside, we saw a nervous 30-year-old man dressed in a black suit, who was now anxiously pacing back and forth. As soon as he saw us, he breathed a sigh of relief and his eyes sparkled with anticipation.

We agreed with Lee that he himself would talk to this man, so I propped the door so that no one came inside, and began to win back the furniture.

- Finally. You take too long. It's good that nobody came. - the greedy Forever Knight whispered to Lee.

- We arrived exactly at the time we agreed. Although it doesn't matter now. So, did you find what I asked for? - Lee said softly.

- Yes, a diadem similar to the one you described is located in the exhibition hall on the -5th floor. There is the manager's personal collection of alien artifacts, the purpose of which has not been found out. - the man said nervously.

- Is that how? Thanks, that's all we needed. Here is your money. & Lee said, pulling a thick envelope from his jacket pocket.

At this, the man's eyes shone with greed and he extended his sweaty hands towards the envelope. But when he grabbed the envelope, I saw an incomprehensible gloating in his eyes, so just in case, I decided to check his thoughts. And I didn't like what I saw there. Oh, why does everything always go wrong...


- What are you doing? - Lee shouted as he saw his informant fall to the ground, convulsing from the electric shock from my shocker. I haven't used it for a long time.

- They know everything. - I said seriously, sending the shocker back to inventory.

- What?

- It is a trap. Bait for you. They let you know about the diadem so that you yourself would come and they could catch you. - I told what I learned from the head of the corrupt Forever Knight.

- Are you sure? - Lee asked, gritting his teeth in anger.

- Yes. I read this man's mind. When Chadwick learned that the famous thief Shadow was looking for information about the black diadem, which is just in his collection, he decided to set a trap. - I said.

- But why do they need me? - Lee asked incredulously.

- What do you think? They want to use your abilities. As soon as you were caught, they were going to put a slave collar on you and you would become their pet thief, fulfilling any prizes. And given your penetration skills, they were also going to use you as a killer of unwanted people. - I answered honestly.

- Bastards! - Lee shouted, clenching his hands in anger.

- So, what do you think? Are we terminating the operation? Or do we continue? - I asked.

- Is the diadem here? - Lee asked.

- Yeah, I saw it in that guy's mind. In fact, he told the truth and she really is where he said. Although, of course, there is no evidence that this is indeed the Ubramant Diadema, other than its black colour..

- It's clear. - Lee said thoughtfully, and after a few minutes of reflection, confidently said: - We continue.

- Are you hoping for a surprise effect? - I asked, understanding his train of thought.

- Yes. They may be expecting me, but they don't expect the Legion to be with me. - Lee said with an intimidating grin.

- Besides, if we leave now, they might move the Diadema and set another trap for you. And next time, you might not be so lucky. - I continued his train of thought.

- That's right. So, do you agree with me? - Lee asked looking into my eyes.

- Of course yes. There is nothing more beautiful than the destruction of the plans of the Forever Knights. - I said with a grin. Now, things have become much more interesting.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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