Reviews of Job Change For Everyone: My Job Can Infinitely Evolve by Infinite Evolution - Webnovel



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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景


LV 12 Badge

i like the story so far. its been years and there is no update. can anyone tell me where can i find the raw and whats its alternate title. i coulnt find it in google. sad :(


Pls continue writing, i`ve been waiting over a year now, LOVE this Novel!




Like why do you explain a single thing multiple times? First your chapters are too short. Then you explain the same stuffs again and again only to increase word and chapter count. Either you write simply which is good for this story or you put something interesting. Don't disappoint us readers please.


man , chapter 55 still i am reading stuff about a useless newbie dungeon with nothing interesting going on except explosive wolves and how awesome Moss is. The author could not help but make us forcefully understand how awesome MC is. Most chapters are fillers , i read upto 60 chapters and hardly there are 5 to 6 chapters in it. The concept of the system is interesting which made me start reading it in the first place.


Usually, I would kinda imagine that knight was kinda like warrior and all with the sword, but I think in this story it’s about equivalent to a tanker ig.

LV 11 Badge

Hi I am sorry I missed you yesterday and I’m glad I did that to my life I love love this too much love love this too bye love you too love love bye bye hi bye love bye hi hi see you later love you too bye love bye hi hi love love you too love you guys wilove ei ueuuw wrtoo wri wye e wueue I have no problem I just want you too bye love love this too ven


This story has so much potential but author ruined it.There are so many filler chapter first you read it from MC's perspective then from 3rd person's perspective for example uf there are 10 chapters then 1 to 6 will from MC' perspective and then 7 to 10 will be repeatance of what happened in first 6 chapters from 3rd person's perspective. There are people who try to harm mc again and again but he don't take any action against them in the name of humanity. And there is still many more things like people hide normal thing to make it mysterious just so others can mock MC and the MC can face slap them. so all in all if you want to read a novel with a goody too shoe MC then go ahead.


I give almost everything 3 star it was better then most of the novel out there and I just hope he got more skills, all he got was one attack skills and 1-2 defence skills and that it

LV 4 Badge

what can i say im force to review because of how bad it is that it will leave me restless if i didnt give it one star, i think that is more than enough to say about this novel so to those lucky fellow that will see my review before reading it, congats.




The idea of the system is good, the first chapters are good. But pretty soon you will have to skip multiple chapters after EACH interesting part because there's only senseless "netizen" blabbering. Multiple chapters where unknown people on the internet talk trash. Not worth it, skip this book!


I struggled to get through the trial read of 40 chapters. The content in these 40 chapters could probably be reduced to 15 or less. This is because multiple times the author repeats action from multiple points of view. Also, the first 10 chapters or so is about the MC struggling to decide which class to pick only to rebuff every opinion and go with the Knight Class which we already knew he was going to go for anyway. This novel is riddled with the common tropes you would expect though once again repeated since you get the same information multiple times. Could possibly be a good read, but couldn't see myself paying for more of it. I have found better things which have a better translation and overall composition.


All in all. Great idea, terrible execution, and web novel really needs to start quality checking. They're way too many poorly cut diamonds. Because of this there's so many stories that would have been good but turned out terrible, because of either a bad writing habit or repetitive simple mistakes(ect). I especially think they should encourage polishing up old chapters, especially when the writers need a change of pace. besides revisiting old chapters will always a good thing.


This author deliberately slows the pace and makes you read the same scene twice over from 2 different perspectives to pad the word count. This could be a gem but the author is obviously experience at squeezing as out of people as possible. I recommend pirating it or just not reading it or anything else by this author.

LV 4 Badge

I actually liked this story in the beginning. The translation by Endless fantasy is always decent but not great, the plot / premise is generic system level up but the background storytelling was promising. The main problem of the novel is that the author started filling up the storytelling with useless day to day activities specifically the peanut gallery most readers have pointed out. Opinions of minor characters towards the MC or the events MC is participating in hardly adds value to the content especially if 3-4 characters makes comments every time. The story drags along to a very slow pace as a result. MC is 16 when he got the system. 200 chapters later not even one year has passed. MC is lucky to graduate by chapter 1000+. I don't expect this novel to finish by 3k chapters and by then either the readers will drop this novel or the author will.


Pretty good, hopefully they don’t do the whole the continent Moss is on is the weakest, then go to the central continent, then other worlds while keeping this pace, far to many chapters.


This story had potential, but the author ruined it from the beginning. It literally starts rehashing the same events from chapters on end starting around chapter 20. Like I'm currently skipping reading these POV changes that just rehash the same events but with commentary from the peanut gallery. Such a waste and disappointment. What a waste.


its a good story and concept where he have underrated job which can be evolved.. anyway nice story-telling overall, it could be improved for better reading experience by not repeating that knight is useless at every chance, well its okay for sometimes but not everytime... and second, please if you may, dont make another chapter only to see the event from another PoV, that was confusing..


It feels like his teammates are actually holding him back. He does most of the lifting and yet exp is shared equally between them, if not r his teammates, he should be at least twice as strong as he is now (

LV 3 Badge

the author loves to tell the same story from different perspectives, first you read 3 chapters about mc, then 5 chapters about how others saw the action going. mc is smartest in the class, first antagonists is second smartest- actually a retard, who has no common sense, doesn't know anything about monsters, even so they had several years of education about new world and his family trained him. i hate it, when my iq is being questioned, and authors bends on colouring readers as stupid.


why in gods name is the mc named moss?? do people not know how to name a character. May be dumb to nit pick the name but its hard to immerse in a novel when im reading about moss.


The story concept is good but the way author writes it is annoying to say the least. He just explains a single scenario with MC first as something around MC in one chapter and then he explains it all again with bystanders view and what they think in 3-5 chapters after that making the story boring and way more lengthy. Author also lacks creativity a lot.


The story is good, but you read 6 chapters and the next 6 chapter are a recap of the 6 chapters that you already read, jus so the autor can have new chapter this is trash.


I’m at chapter 50, and for me, it was detailed, or should i say ’overly detailed’ to the point that even an unimportant scene could take up half a chapter or more… And because of how detailed it is, chapters are quite often being repeated from different perspective, or a particular topic for that matter. All in all, I liked details in my stories, since those small details can really bring a story to life, but this novel add it a little TOO MUCH it felt quite repetitive and VERY slow-paced.

LV 13 Badge

Overall, I dislike almost all the characters in this story besides the MC. Each one is just constantly talking down the MC and his class. Even the supposed best friend is just constantly questioning him and acting as if he is some weakling despite already seeing how strong and smart he can be in a fight. This is the main issue with this story, the constant peanut gallery that for some reason needs to be given multiple chapters of worthless filler time. And this is further worsened by the fact that the author has this horrible writing style where after a situation occurs he goes back to the start of it but from the peanut gallery’s perspective. Its the most jarring thing and ruins the whole flow of the story because it feels disconnected and you are forced to try and figure out at what point in time this is happening. Another issue is how this story tries so hard to be some VR/game story despite already saying that it revolves around an apocalypse and human gaining powers. Like it feels like the author does not know where to take the story and is just mashing different things together. This results in super out of place or illogical world building aspects. Like for example, at the part I am writing this (ch 80) the MC is in a supposed competition for their school’s rank, but somehow, some way people in this stadium are unable to actually see what the competitors are doing or if they are struggling or not, they just see whether they left the rift/mission area they were assigned to. Like what type of competition is this? It had already been shown that it is possible to see into these mission areas so there’s no reason they can’t do so for this competition. Now the reason I’m harping so much on this one aspect is because even I (a reader) am not told what happens in this mission area! Like imagine, you are simply told how they went into a rift, what mission they got, and then have to scroll through dozens of paragraphs about the peanut gallery and how they look down on the MC, and then are just told the MC and his team somehow succeeded in their mission. Like no explanations or details, just a quick one paragraph blurb and it’s back to peanut gallery. This story is honestly frustrating to read because I feel that the system and premise could have been interesting, if it was actually written by a competent writer. I can’t in good conscience recommend this story to anyone. Like at most wait until it’s completed and read it then but don’t waste your time and coins trying to read this low tier work.

LV 13 Badge

This would be a great story if the author would stop making you re-read everything 4-6 times from different points of view. A 30 sec fight scene had almost 10 chapters of commentary.




Way way way way way too much repetition. Like you actually have a whole 5 chapter fight with the wolves and then you litterally repeat every single thing again but from the other prespective. and you do this 3 times(or more idk I dropped it) which was like 10-15 chapters of nothing new. Good concept but if you decided to repeat too much.


I really enjoy this story but as of right now it seems the story is no longer being updated. I hope the author changes their mind and starts writing again.

LV 12 Badge

i like the story so far. its been years and there is no update. can anyone tell me where can i find the raw and whats its alternate title. i coulnt find it in google. sad :(


Pls continue writing, i`ve been waiting over a year now, LOVE this Novel!




Like why do you explain a single thing multiple times? First your chapters are too short. Then you explain the same stuffs again and again only to increase word and chapter count. Either you write simply which is good for this story or you put something interesting. Don't disappoint us readers please.


man , chapter 55 still i am reading stuff about a useless newbie dungeon with nothing interesting going on except explosive wolves and how awesome Moss is. The author could not help but make us forcefully understand how awesome MC is. Most chapters are fillers , i read upto 60 chapters and hardly there are 5 to 6 chapters in it. The concept of the system is interesting which made me start reading it in the first place.


Usually, I would kinda imagine that knight was kinda like warrior and all with the sword, but I think in this story it’s about equivalent to a tanker ig.

LV 11 Badge

Hi I am sorry I missed you yesterday and I’m glad I did that to my life I love love this too much love love this too bye love you too love love bye bye hi bye love bye hi hi see you later love you too bye love bye hi hi love love you too love you guys wilove ei ueuuw wrtoo wri wye e wueue I have no problem I just want you too bye love love this too ven


This story has so much potential but author ruined it.There are so many filler chapter first you read it from MC's perspective then from 3rd person's perspective for example uf there are 10 chapters then 1 to 6 will from MC' perspective and then 7 to 10 will be repeatance of what happened in first 6 chapters from 3rd person's perspective. There are people who try to harm mc again and again but he don't take any action against them in the name of humanity. And there is still many more things like people hide normal thing to make it mysterious just so others can mock MC and the MC can face slap them. so all in all if you want to read a novel with a goody too shoe MC then go ahead.


I give almost everything 3 star it was better then most of the novel out there and I just hope he got more skills, all he got was one attack skills and 1-2 defence skills and that it

LV 4 Badge

what can i say im force to review because of how bad it is that it will leave me restless if i didnt give it one star, i think that is more than enough to say about this novel so to those lucky fellow that will see my review before reading it, congats.




The idea of the system is good, the first chapters are good. But pretty soon you will have to skip multiple chapters after EACH interesting part because there's only senseless "netizen" blabbering. Multiple chapters where unknown people on the internet talk trash. Not worth it, skip this book!


I struggled to get through the trial read of 40 chapters. The content in these 40 chapters could probably be reduced to 15 or less. This is because multiple times the author repeats action from multiple points of view. Also, the first 10 chapters or so is about the MC struggling to decide which class to pick only to rebuff every opinion and go with the Knight Class which we already knew he was going to go for anyway. This novel is riddled with the common tropes you would expect though once again repeated since you get the same information multiple times. Could possibly be a good read, but couldn't see myself paying for more of it. I have found better things which have a better translation and overall composition.


All in all. Great idea, terrible execution, and web novel really needs to start quality checking. They're way too many poorly cut diamonds. Because of this there's so many stories that would have been good but turned out terrible, because of either a bad writing habit or repetitive simple mistakes(ect). I especially think they should encourage polishing up old chapters, especially when the writers need a change of pace. besides revisiting old chapters will always a good thing.


This author deliberately slows the pace and makes you read the same scene twice over from 2 different perspectives to pad the word count. This could be a gem but the author is obviously experience at squeezing as out of people as possible. I recommend pirating it or just not reading it or anything else by this author.

LV 4 Badge

I actually liked this story in the beginning. The translation by Endless fantasy is always decent but not great, the plot / premise is generic system level up but the background storytelling was promising. The main problem of the novel is that the author started filling up the storytelling with useless day to day activities specifically the peanut gallery most readers have pointed out. Opinions of minor characters towards the MC or the events MC is participating in hardly adds value to the content especially if 3-4 characters makes comments every time. The story drags along to a very slow pace as a result. MC is 16 when he got the system. 200 chapters later not even one year has passed. MC is lucky to graduate by chapter 1000+. I don't expect this novel to finish by 3k chapters and by then either the readers will drop this novel or the author will.


Pretty good, hopefully they don’t do the whole the continent Moss is on is the weakest, then go to the central continent, then other worlds while keeping this pace, far to many chapters.


This story had potential, but the author ruined it from the beginning. It literally starts rehashing the same events from chapters on end starting around chapter 20. Like I'm currently skipping reading these POV changes that just rehash the same events but with commentary from the peanut gallery. Such a waste and disappointment. What a waste.


its a good story and concept where he have underrated job which can be evolved.. anyway nice story-telling overall, it could be improved for better reading experience by not repeating that knight is useless at every chance, well its okay for sometimes but not everytime... and second, please if you may, dont make another chapter only to see the event from another PoV, that was confusing..


It feels like his teammates are actually holding him back. He does most of the lifting and yet exp is shared equally between them, if not r his teammates, he should be at least twice as strong as he is now (

LV 3 Badge

the author loves to tell the same story from different perspectives, first you read 3 chapters about mc, then 5 chapters about how others saw the action going. mc is smartest in the class, first antagonists is second smartest- actually a retard, who has no common sense, doesn't know anything about monsters, even so they had several years of education about new world and his family trained him. i hate it, when my iq is being questioned, and authors bends on colouring readers as stupid.


why in gods name is the mc named moss?? do people not know how to name a character. May be dumb to nit pick the name but its hard to immerse in a novel when im reading about moss.


The story concept is good but the way author writes it is annoying to say the least. He just explains a single scenario with MC first as something around MC in one chapter and then he explains it all again with bystanders view and what they think in 3-5 chapters after that making the story boring and way more lengthy. Author also lacks creativity a lot.


The story is good, but you read 6 chapters and the next 6 chapter are a recap of the 6 chapters that you already read, jus so the autor can have new chapter this is trash.


I’m at chapter 50, and for me, it was detailed, or should i say ’overly detailed’ to the point that even an unimportant scene could take up half a chapter or more… And because of how detailed it is, chapters are quite often being repeated from different perspective, or a particular topic for that matter. All in all, I liked details in my stories, since those small details can really bring a story to life, but this novel add it a little TOO MUCH it felt quite repetitive and VERY slow-paced.

LV 13 Badge

Overall, I dislike almost all the characters in this story besides the MC. Each one is just constantly talking down the MC and his class. Even the supposed best friend is just constantly questioning him and acting as if he is some weakling despite already seeing how strong and smart he can be in a fight. This is the main issue with this story, the constant peanut gallery that for some reason needs to be given multiple chapters of worthless filler time. And this is further worsened by the fact that the author has this horrible writing style where after a situation occurs he goes back to the start of it but from the peanut gallery’s perspective. Its the most jarring thing and ruins the whole flow of the story because it feels disconnected and you are forced to try and figure out at what point in time this is happening. Another issue is how this story tries so hard to be some VR/game story despite already saying that it revolves around an apocalypse and human gaining powers. Like it feels like the author does not know where to take the story and is just mashing different things together. This results in super out of place or illogical world building aspects. Like for example, at the part I am writing this (ch 80) the MC is in a supposed competition for their school’s rank, but somehow, some way people in this stadium are unable to actually see what the competitors are doing or if they are struggling or not, they just see whether they left the rift/mission area they were assigned to. Like what type of competition is this? It had already been shown that it is possible to see into these mission areas so there’s no reason they can’t do so for this competition. Now the reason I’m harping so much on this one aspect is because even I (a reader) am not told what happens in this mission area! Like imagine, you are simply told how they went into a rift, what mission they got, and then have to scroll through dozens of paragraphs about the peanut gallery and how they look down on the MC, and then are just told the MC and his team somehow succeeded in their mission. Like no explanations or details, just a quick one paragraph blurb and it’s back to peanut gallery. This story is honestly frustrating to read because I feel that the system and premise could have been interesting, if it was actually written by a competent writer. I can’t in good conscience recommend this story to anyone. Like at most wait until it’s completed and read it then but don’t waste your time and coins trying to read this low tier work.

LV 13 Badge

This would be a great story if the author would stop making you re-read everything 4-6 times from different points of view. A 30 sec fight scene had almost 10 chapters of commentary.




Way way way way way too much repetition. Like you actually have a whole 5 chapter fight with the wolves and then you litterally repeat every single thing again but from the other prespective. and you do this 3 times(or more idk I dropped it) which was like 10-15 chapters of nothing new. Good concept but if you decided to repeat too much.


I really enjoy this story but as of right now it seems the story is no longer being updated. I hope the author changes their mind and starts writing again.

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