The rest of the day was slow and uneventful, a day that was supposed to be designated for rest. The investigation seemed to have reached a standstill. Katie ordered Sandra to get back home and rest for the remainder of the day while she handled the rest herself. She was not going to let what Chandler had claimed to go unchecked and decided to check the homes of every absent student until she confirmed they were all safe.
The Chase family was taught to follow their gut and not once had it ever failed them. As long as something mattered, everyone was bound to feel something amiss if something was wrong with it. However, even with all that training, Katie had not been able to save Ash and it still bothered her. She got done with the absent students that evening and decided to go to one last stop to take a rest, the same hill that she'd gone to with Cole the other day.
She did not tell him to approach her that evening or that she'd be there, but she hoped he'd show up. Nonetheless, she needed some time to herself. Patience played a key role in what she was trying to figure out, as well as a well-focused unyielding mind. A buzzing sound brought her out of her thoughts. She retrieved her phone from her pocket to tap the answer button, "Hey, how are you doing?"
"Hey, Kyle, it's rare for you to call. Enjoying your sleep," Katie replied.
"Yeah, my sleep is divine. I'm sorry I couldn't be with you when… it happened," he said.
"It's fine… you probably had enough assignments to deal with. How much do I have to catch up on?"
"I was calling to say that I finished your share of the homework, so you don't have to worry about that. I'll teach you the rest of it when you get time. There is a concept in the physics that you said was giving you trouble a while back," he reported.
"Oh, thank you. Much appreciated. Make sure you keep your Anti rogue mechanisms turned on to keep your house safe. We don't know how many of them are still present," Katie told him.
"You know I wouldn't do otherwise. Everyone says I shouldn't worry about you, but I can't help it. How's Sandra holding up?" he said.
"I sent her home. She needed to rest so I gave her the day off. Found her training with the alphas as well," she smirked, revealing the intel.
"Oh my, you think there is something other than training that's speeding up that friendship?" he asked, his voice perking up, begging for gossip.
"I honestly don't know, but if there is anything, then we'll find out soon enough," Katie chuckled, "You better get enough rest as well. Tomorrow is a long day. I heard you will be required to run one of the booths that will hold your rocket project," Katie said.
"Can't believe you were paying attention to that," he said, "Getting the rest of the team to work on their parts of the project over the phone has been torture…"
"Yeah, good luck with that… I'll come to check on you tomorrow then…" with that they bid each other farewell and turned off the phone and set it down. Laying down on the grass at the top of the hill, she couldn't help but feel the presence of someone watching her. Nonetheless, she did nothing to show her awareness and lay down spread-eagled on the ground.
"Who was that?" Cole's voice came. Happiness would have been the first reaction Katie would get if Cole's voice came out with the usual tone it had. However, at this moment, he sounded like he didn't even hope to be here.
Katie got up to see Cole walking up to her. He reached her and sat beside her, pulling up his knees and looking over to the setting sun. "I didn't think you'd come."
"I wasn't planning on it. Not really in a chatty mood, but I couldn't bring myself to stay seated when there was a possibility that you could be here. Why didn't you call at least?"
"Well, today is not a good day for any of us. I figured after the display in the dungeons, you'd be sick to the stomach and need some time to get those gruesome images out of your mind," she explained, laying back down.
"What about you? Are you okay?"
"Well, I was able to prove that none of the students that Chandler claimed to have killed are all still alive. I guess his aim was to tick me off," she said.
"Did he succeed in ticking you off?"
"He did… Quite nicely, I might add," Katie chuckled lightly, "I guess there are things that can get through my emotional defence. Hunters are still human after all."
"That's hard to believe after what I've seen in the past few days. Who was on the phone?" he replied.
"It was Kyle… He was…" Katie stopped as her heart pounded loud all of sudden, a rush of blood going to her head and springing a miniature headache. Shivers ran down her spine when she thought of this.
"Hey, are you okay?" Cole asked.
'Every time I think of just how surrounded you are. You will never see it coming… You will be so surprised when you find out who killed that poor traitor… someone who has been in that school for longer than you have. You will never see them coming. I pity you, Chase… no, all I regret is not having the opportunity to see the look on your face when you find out. My best bet is that now that all of this has happened, he won't need to stay in hiding for so long," the words Chandler said rang out through her mind. Why was she thinking about this now?
"Cole, I have to go check out something at the school," Katie said, her voice came out rushed and panicked as she picked her phone and turned in the direction of the school. Cole got up and grabbed her by the arms.
"Katie, tell me what it is that you are thinking about. What has gotten into you?"
"Just follow me, Cole. I don't have time for this. I have to check something," she begged the wolf.
"Okay, then, hurry. I'm right behind you," he said. The moment he let go of her, she vanished from sight leaving him in absolute silence. 'Damn, she's fast.' He thought while he let his wolf out.
The two were at the school in a few minutes, a large black wolf following Katie at a high speed. Katie rushed through the booths that were distributed in the gym and the hallways before moving on to those that had been arranged in the field. In each booth, equipment lay already set up. It was obvious that every project was already done by the time the Founder's festival was set up. It wasn't allowed for someone to set up their projects at the last minute.
She continued to the field where she zipped through the different booths. Some were demarcated with cardboard while others were left in open space with only a sign to show what they were about. Projects of all nature littered all over the field. She finally came still in a secluded area. Large cardboard stood with images of planets and the stars on it. It described space and what there was to know about it. However, there was nothing in the place. There wasn't any apparatus or equipment. At the bottom of the cardboard were a rocket and the name of the student that was leading the project, 'Kyle Dwyer.'
Katie continued to look through the poster in a frantic search for something. From the looks of the project, there was no sign that it had been cancelled, but with it incomplete the way it was, there was no telling whether it would happen or not. "This one is empty. What's going on? Katie, you are worrying me."
'I'm guessing you never know someone until they show their true colours. Katie was sure surprised to find out,' Kyle's words echoed through her mind. For a moment then, she'd thought she saw something wrong in the way that Kyle looked at Ash.
'The Chase family always follows our gut when dealing with acts of deception or things we cannot see… to answer the question you asked me one time… Yes, it is possible for something to go through one's defences undetected and that is through trust… you can't suspect someone you trust or else, trust itself loses all its integrity,' this was a lesson that had been taught once and never again. Based on their location, there was never meant to be such a problem and trust was something that was earned by someone.
"For a second there, I thought you weren't going to suspect me of all people," a voice came from the speakers that had been raised up at the corners of the field. "I called you just moments ago and you still sounded like you were my friend. Do you mean to tell me that you realised in that short time?" It was Kyle's voice. "Don't bother talking back because I won't be able to hear you.
I know, however, that you can hear me loud and clear. It was nice while it lasted. You're a formidable opponent and it would be foolish of me to stay in this wretched town any longer. How does it feel to know that you lost? To know that from the moment you set foot in Brigade High School, you've done nothing, but talk to your direct enemy. It was I who ordered the attack on the collection of people that Shaemus was so kind to collect for us. That idiot did such a terrible job that he didn't get enough of the junior hunters to lower their guard. I underestimated how much control you had over them. Nonetheless, it's been fun, Katie Chase."
"Cole, how far can your ears pick sound if you focus?" Katie turned to Cole without sparing a second. She had finally stopped her rushed actions and looked to be in deep thought over what was going on. Cole was slower on the uptake. He had been able to recognize the voice on the speakers to be someone that he knew… soon enough, he was able to recognize it to be the boy who sometimes walked with Katie, the name, however, came later than he'd hoped. Kyle was like a shadow to him as of the three boys, he did not talk to Cole at all and the two had developed an awkward relationship that was restricted to greetings and nods.
"At this time, there is nothing I can't pick up on school grounds and a little into the forest," he replied, perking up his ears to try and pick up the sound. A half transformation had them getting longer and pointed, allowing him to borrow the added range of hearing that werewolves had in their wolf forms without having to fully shift.
"And there is no one in the area, huh. Figures, I guess he's talking through the speakers through a wireless connection that he established. What a pain! A rogue that had an education… Odd," she said.
"No, the school is empty. Hold on," Cole closed his eyes and focused, even more, waiting for that moment of silence. There was a bit of too much silence though. He managed to block his own heartbeat from the assortment of sounds that came into his ears. However, he found that he had to search for the second heartbeat that was of the person next to him. Katie's heartbeat, if only for a moment, seemed non-existent.
After waiting for nearly a second, a heavy beat sounded from her chest going dead-silent in the next moment and staying that way for what felt like three seconds. The rest of the sounds did not cause any alarm to go off in his mind. Nature was undisturbed in the entire school and the immediate forest that surrounded parts of it that weren't the road leading back into town, "All I can hear is your heartbeat slowing down incredibly and nothing else. Are you fine?"
"Yes, I did that to reduce the distractions so that you could focus on something else. Didn't it help?" she asked as though what she had just said meant nothing at all.
"That's creepy. It's more of a distraction than a normal heartbeat that I can isolate," he retorted.
"Oh sorry, didn't think of it that way. That rocket would have been fun to see," she said, rubbing her temples.
"Oh, yeah, though it doesn't look like a rocket project. More like something educational to show how much information on space that has been gathered by the student presenting it. There is nothing impressive though. Most of it just looks like those boring lessons of the solar system that I was forced to sit through in school," he groaned, looking at the poster.
"Yeah, that's true. I wonder what trigger was used to know that we'd reached this place," Katie mused, "Wait, you paid attention in your science class?"
"What are you trying to insinuate by that?" he asked, "Of course, I pay attention in science class. Werewolves also have dreams beyond the pack, you know."
"That's very hard to imagine. With all the biology going on in those bodies, not to mention a certain goddess who's constantly watching, I find it so hard for the
"You've been irritable today. Did my display displease you that much?" Katie asked. She'd been planning on keeping that to herself, but it was becoming excessive.
"No, it's not you. It has nothing to do with you," Cole began to walk heading for the exit, calling for Katie to walk with him with a nod. "Earlier, after you left the Hunter's Agency, something else happened."
"You caught that scent again?" Katie asked.
"Yes, I did. And this time someone stopped me from following it, someone who I didn't expect to do so. It all didn't make sense at all. It's been bothering me ever since. I was told that the next I was to catch that scent, I'd find her. I don't think I should be talking to you about someone else though. It's quite weird…"
"No, it's fine… if it helps you feel better, then go for it. Consider me a therapist," she joked.
"Okay, Dr Chase… I've chased her down a lot that I feel like I don't want to find her anymore. It's irritating," he huffed.
"Oh my… that bad, huh… Did they also tell you that you will find them sooner than you might expect," she told him seeking his eyes.
"Yeah, I was told… wait, how would you know that?" it was Cole's turn to get suspicious.
"Just a hunch… I'm still shocked that my best friend turned out to be Ash's killer," Katie said lightly. Silence took over them when she said that. She had to look back when she noticed he was standing still.
"What did you say?"
"Kyle, my best friend, always has his head in books…" she repeated.
"He's a human. How am I supposed to believe that?" Cole raised his voice. He had his hand balled into a fist. 'Oh, I mentioned Ash. I guess that realisation hadn't gotten to him yet.'
"So, you hadn't realised it… that the person I was hunting this whole time was Ash's killer or did you think I was simply looking for one more rogue," she asked.
"I know what you were hunting, but how did you turn on your best friend so quickly?" he said, "You sound so sure that he's the killer almost as if it's obvious."
'Cole, your words, they arouse so much anger in me. Why do you have to make it look like that?' Katie felt like telling the Royal before her. His eyes shone a brilliant bright blue; his face was one of rage. Mixed emotions were clear in them as he looked at her. He was confused, angry, bewildered, murderous and yet hesitant, all this he showed on his face clearly. Katie walked up to the Royal until they were too close for comfort.
"The difference between the two of us is a small one hidden behind our ability to conceal our emotions. If I was like you, Kyle would be on the brink of death by now, but I can't rush to that conclusion just yet. He was my best friend," she said.
"How are you so calm about this? Ash is not coming back and you know who killed him. Why do you stay so calm like you didn't just find out very important information?" he said.
Katie put her hand around Cole's neck and brought him down so that she could listen to her more clearly, "Want to know something? Rogues are afraid of me," she said.
"What's that supposed to…"
"The only way Kyle would have the courage to do what he did and admit he was the killer was if he had already gotten far away and was safe in a hidden location. If he was still in Brigadia, I'd know it… in my gut. Kyle Dwyer is miles away from here…" she said, letting go of him and walking on. Cole remained transfixed to the spot. There was no doubt about it, Katie was livid… Cole couldn't tell how he hadn't noticed it earlier, her heartbeat itself was unstable as it kept speeding up and slowing down...
Miles away from the town of Brigadia, deep in the forest that surrounded the remote town, a forest so thick that one would not think of staying there. The place was referred to as no man's land for its uncertainties. In a world like this, forests were used as country and town borders and no one was allowed to venture into forests that were out of towns. It was obvious that rogues could use places such as these as hideouts and as a result, hunters usually set out expeditions to sweep those parts and make sure there were no rogues within a certain radius from the settlement they were meant to protect.
Roads through these parts were built wide to reduce unnecessary accidents. The added employment of a hunter helpline for all such highways was another measure that was put in place to help broken down vehicles in need. Each travelling car was required to have a Hunter phonebook with a list of helplines for all respective highways. The war was clear once one was out of the safe haven of a well-protected town. The Rogue King had the whole world trembling just because of his ruthless force.
Deep within the forest, five men sat around a campfire gathering around it for warmth. The night was especially cold and the fire was dwindling in the wind. There was wood, but caution dictated that they would keep the fire minimum to avoid raising suspicion. It would have been easier to simply shift and have their fur act like a blanket, but that would increase the range of their scents and even help the wind carry it further.
A lot of measures had been put up for these kinds of people that didn't want to get caught and lacked the manpower to fend off an attack. The five men were rogues that had been stationed at this outpost to pick up someone.
"Just who is it anyway? The guy we've come to pick," one of the men asked.
"Don't worry about that. He's still a kid… about to turn eighteen too," another replied.
"Wait, so he's one of those spies that were dispatched into this region seven years ago?" the man asked.
"Not really, he is more special. He was dispatched nine years ago and has been in hiding ever since. The Rogue king says he's probably more important than all of us present here combined. To the King, he's the most important asset that the rogues have…" the man said. His voice was rough and he radiated power that dwarfed that of the other four. He was not an ordinary werewolf and was rather… an alpha that had been given power by the Rogue king himself.