"Mom, I think I got your powers too, at least one of them! When I was in the shower earlier, I heard so many weird voices in my head and I couldn't figure it out. Could this be your Telepathy?" Jax asked excitedly.
Hearing this, Jada was shocked as she was only able to use Telepathy with her Dark Jade form, which means, Jax has possibly inherited some form of it as well.
"Hmm, that's definitely the sign you have Telepathy, which we are going to have to train you to control you go back to school. Not only can you accidentally get overwhelmed or transmit your thoughts to others, but if you get out in a high stress situation, you can even break someone mentally by accident. Where or not you've unlocked the rest of my Dark Jade abilities, there's no way of telling until either we test for them or they appear naturally. There's unfortunately no exact science yet when it comes to us mutants." Jada said as she thought about her work on the X gene.
And so, the rest of the night, a few days after that, Jax was trained on his new abilities by Jada and occasionally by Logan who would "Just be in the neighborhood" every day. During this time, Jax not only gained better control over his powers, but his body was now fully adjusted to his mutant gene and he looked vastly different.
Jax now stood at 6'0 tall. All of his body fat was burned away or turned into muscle, which left him with a thick, athletic physique and facial features that men would kill for. His long, coarse hair was tied back in a ponytail and he had a charming, devilish smile that could make any girl swoon. And though he didn't need his glasses anymore, he still wore them, as he knew that when you were attractive, the "Nerdy" look was a hit with the ladies.
All in all, he hardly resembled his old self, and bore an even stronger resemblance to both of his parents now. Even his Amber colored eyes shined brighter, especially in the sunlight.
Four days after being out of school "Sick", the Wolfe household was surprised by a knock at the door, and Jax was surprised to see Peter standing there, looking small and feeble as he looked up at him.
"Um, excuse me sir, I'm here to see my friend, Jax. He's been away from school due to a sickness, so my Aunt May and Uncle Ben made a soup for him to feel better. Is he doing okay?" Peter asked meekly. The person before him toward his current size and gave off an oppressive and intimidating aura.
Hearing this, Jax had to try hard not to burst out laughing, but he was genuinely touched that Peter took the time to come check on him. Jax didn't think they were that close, but thinking about it, Peter was just a lonely kid who's only friend before was a rich popular guy who was barely at school, thanks to his numerous trips with beautiful woman. In a way, Jax was his only real friend that Peter ever felt that he related to.
"Pete, it's me, Jax. I was feeling under the weather, but it turns out that it was thanks to a random growths spurt that I went through." Jax said, scratching the back of his head while Peter looked him up and down with a look of pure disbelief, as Jax didn't even sound the same anymore, as he now had a deep, smooth and mature voice.
'Why are all of my friends so ahead of me in life?! Jax now looks like a hall of fame football player and Harry had his father's money. But, what about me?' Peter thought as he felt a little dejected.
Thanks to his mother's training, Jax could now read the surface thought of Peter's mind, and felt slightly bad for him. In almost every multiverse for Marvel, every Peter Parker shared two similarities. They were always flat broke, and their lives were miserable before they got their powers.
Though he received his powers differently in every universe, they almost always get transmitted by a radioactive spider that many fans suspect is more than just a basic spider.
Knowing how Peter felt and Peter coming to check on him, put him in a different light in Jax's eyes. Now that's he had a better handle on his abilities and got some slight combat training from his father, Jax was confident in handling his own against those futures heros at his school, even without the use of his abilities, which both of his parents have strictly banned him from using outside of the house.
"Hey, Pete, c'mon in. I'm feeling a lot better, so let me introduce you to my mom and we can head to school together!" Jax said, flashing his pearly whites. Even if he did decide to become a villain one day, which seemed more and more appealing each day, becoming a close friend to Spiderman will definitely pay off. Given Peter's sappy nature, Jax could always used it against him if he got cornered one day.
Being invited inside by Jax made Peter extremely happy, as that meant Jax saw him as a good friend as well. "Definitely! And after school, we can swing by my place so I can introduce you to my Aunt May and my Uncle Ben. They've been dying to meet my new friend!" Peter exclaimed happily, which put a smile on Jax's face. Who wouldn't be happy about someone being excited to be their friend?
After a quick introduction where Jada invited Peter over anytime and then rushed off to work, Jax and Peter headed off to school as well. Thanks to him being out of school for a few days, Jax didn't hear about their field trip that day to Oscorp to watch a science exhibit, an event that sent a bolt to Jax's mind. If he remembered correctly, it was this event where Peter was bitten by a spider and became the famous, Spiderman!
Jax had a decision to make here, did he allow Peter to get bitten by the spider? Or, should he risk it and try to get bitten by the spider instead? Either choice carried it's pros and cons, but at the end, Jax decided to let Peter become Spiderman. Jax wasn't inherently evil and didn't actually have big dreams of becoming a villain. He even played around with the idea of becoming a hero like his parents were, but the thought of saving ungrateful people for free didn't sit right with Jax.
Arriving at the school, the entire class was by the bus stop, boarding buses when the teacher saw them and waved them over quickly. "Peter, I'm glad to see you've arrived on time today. And you sir, I apologize, but only students are allowed on these buses." said the teacher as she pulled Peter away and eyed Jax suspiciously.
At this, Jax was already over everyone being surprised by his transformation and didn't feel like answering a bunch of questions.
"Ms. Bagwell, this is Jax! He just had a crazy growths spurt!" Peter said in defense of his friend.
Hearing this, the whole class was shocked, especially the three bullies who thought that they accidentally killed Jax the other day. After they saw Jax lying there dead, Johnny and Luke seemed to have crashed back to reality and instantly regretted their actions and vowed to change their ways. Eddie Brock on the other hand, didn't have such a Noble resolution.
Spotting the three people who abused him and left him for dead the other day, Jax had to fight had to cut them down with his claws. Even when he read Johnny and Luke's surface thoughts and saw they regretted their actions and wanted to change, it had no effect of his hatred for them. Jax was not a forgiving person, and made it his personal mission to make sure those three and their whole gang suffered for what they did to him.
After clearing up the confusion and walking on the bus with Peter, the class was now on the way to Oscorp, where his mother worked as a geneticist.
Arriving at Oscorp a short while later, the class entered the tall, stylish skyscraper and were shocked by how how tech everything was inside. The whole exhibit was gigantic and sprawled several floors, which is why the tour guide spoke quickly and clearly, and hurried to guide the class to each exhibit.
Throughout the tour, Peter was busy taking photos of everything with his old camera he said belonged to his dad who passed away. Seeing Peter take so many pictures made Jax think about Peter's future of working at the Daily Bugle and taking selfies as Spiderman, but this line of thinking made him wonder what he wanted for his own future.
Even the biggest superheroes in any universe had a second life, be it Spiderman, Daredevil or even Superman and Batman. Even Tony Stark who reviewed himself as Ironman and saved millions of lives still worked hard for his company during his downtime.
And so, what would Jax do for his future? He still had his two boons of the Starter Pack and the Holocron, which he has yet to receive, but that didn't necessarily give him an answer. Just because it was a "Villain Starter Pack" didn't necessarily mean he had to use any of it for villainy. The Pack supposed came with a hideout builder and funds, bother of which he had no details of. But, the pack would also give him a low level of genius intellect apparently, which he assumed he would inherit from his mother, as she was smart enough to get a research gig at Oscorp.
With a genius intellect, no matter the level, the whole world opened up to you. Tony Stark even used his intellect to help him fight toe to toe against literal gods and celestial being. And so, Jax started thinking that he'll wait to decide his future route until he got his Pack and Holocron.
While he was deep in his thoughts, Jax felt a strange sensation, as if he were being drawn somewhere. And then, a voice entered his head, their voice sending chills down his spine, as the eerily familiar voice produced an image of someone in his mind, Deathstroke.
"Hmmm, finally, I may have found someone worthy of imparting my knowledge on. Boy, come here, now." Deathstroke commanded, his voice calm, but carried the vibe that Jax would die if he dared disobeyed Deathstroke's order.
The issue was, the direction where Jax was feeling this strong pull, led to a door that was marked for personnel only and locked by a complex looking keypad.
"Hey, Pete, I'm going to go find a restroom and maybe say hey to my mom since she works here. If anyone asks, that's where I'm at." Jax said as he patted Peter's shoulder, which felt like a hundred pounds to Peter, and walked off to find a way into the locked door. Unfortunately, Jax didn't realize that he already had a pair of eyes that have been watching him closely this whole time.
Walking nearly the door, Jax hide behind a shadowy wall around the corner from it, concentrating hard. While he was training with Jada and Logan, Jax found that he had also inherited a variation of both of his mother's forms, coupled together. Where they were separate forms with Jada, they were as one with Jax. One of the main abilities, is power over darkness.
Jax is able to use Dark Heal, he can form a dark Jade shield around himself and others, and he has access to his own dark dimension, just like Jada does. But the best part was, that Jax showed signs of being able to mix the mutations naturally, as one day when he was sparring with his father, Jax clawed at Logan, and five dark slashes came out of his claws, and damaged the backyard. Unfortunately, Jax hasn't been able to do anything like that again, but he was confident that when he gets a better handle on his powers, he'll get that powerful ability back.
But, the power that Jax was trying to manifest at the moment was Dark Teleport. Using the darkness around him, Jax is able to sink into the dark dimension and come out at another dark area. It sounds like a broken ability, which it is, but the problem is, in today's modern society, there aren't that many dark places as one would imagine. Also, Jada told Jax that thanks to their darkness affinity, they were weaker to any light based attacks, which in the Marvel universe, put him in a major risk of anyone with sparky powers.
Refocusing on the task at hand, Jax looked around, and when he saw the coast was clear, he quickly sunk into the darkness, disappearing from his previous position. Now completely submerge in the darkness, Jax felt a comforting coldness all around him, but heeded his mother's warning not to dwell in the dark dimension for too long, and quickly exited out of another dark spot on the other side of the door. Even that shirt time that Jax was in the dark realm, he felt like there was some massive beast that eyed him as prey.
Now on the other side of the door, Jax threw on a lab coat and name tags he saw randomly laying around. He didn't bother reading the name, as he was going to get what he needed quickly, and then leave. Using his mother's training, Jax used the darkness to create a slight Shroud around his person. To a person looking at him, his firm would just seem slightly blurry and his features un-rememberable. To a camera, he would just look like a shadowy figure that one might miss if they weren't paying attention. Dark Powers for the win!
As he walked deeper and deeper into the building, Jax felt the pull getting stronger, but also got more and more nervous. As he was walking, Jax passed many labs filled with random and shady looking experiments. Even the scientists he saw, who couldn't see his face clearly all seemed rather shady, and Jax wondered if Oscorp was always and evil corporation, or if it just got that way after Norman Osborn took up the Green Goblin mantle.
A little further in the closed off area, Jax cam to a stop outside of a room that didn't have a glass viewing area like the other labs did. The pull that Jax felt was so strong, it was almost painful. After using his senses to see no one else was on the other side of the door, Jax used Dark Teleport again to enter the room, as he didn't want to leave any prints.
Inside the room, was rows and rows of glass containers filled with what looked like failed experiments and storage artifacts. Some even contained strange looking, live creatures, which made Jax sick at the thought. He swore that no matter what, he wasn't going to end up like those other mutants and get experimented on.
Walking through the isles of containers, Jax stopped at a container that catch his interest. This container was smaller than the others and contained a glass vial of what looked like erratic silver liquid. Looking at the name plate for the container, the stage read, "Corrupted Nanofluid" and Jax was instantly interested. Nanobots in any story, whether it ends good or bad, are powerful and highly adaptive. If he could study this fluid once he becomes a genius, he could improve on their mistakes and make even more!
Concentrating, wisps of darkness surrounds the vial of Nanofluid until it completely disappears, safely tucked away in what his mother named, Dark Storage. The name was kinda bland, but Jax was just happy that he now had his own personal inventory that no idea could access but him.
With the vial safely put away, until he came to what he has been searching for ever since he came to this world. In their own special displays, sat two ornate and mysterious cubes. One was fist sized Holocron that had golden, divine lights trailing throughout it's surface. The other looked like a suspiciously, blue wrapped present with a shiny red bow on top.
Finally spotting his boons, Jax quickly focused on the two containers and safely stored away his objective. Unfortunately, these two containers have far more security than the other containers, so an alarm was sounded. Panicking, Jax quickly found a dark corner and teleported away, just before the doors burst open and security rushed in.
After they secured the location, they found nothing but three missing containers. Before they could even get a chance to report the situation, a tall man with an expensive suit entered the room, and all of the guards entered attention. Norman Osborn was a man who's very presence command respect the second he walked in a room, so the guards gave him plenty of space as he entered and inspected the containers.
"Hmm, the box's haven't even been tampered with, we're dealing with professionals here. We have students here today, so we can't lock the building down. Wouldn't look good for the press. But, check all of the cameras and search everyone who leaves this building! Dismissed!" Norman commanded, furious that his new acquisitions have been stolen from him.
'Nobody steals from an Osborn! And the there's only one group of people I know who has the ability to steal like this, The Hand!' Norman thought to himself with a sneer.
All this time, Jax had no idea what kind of hornets nest he has just disturbed in the city.