91.92% A Nascent Kaleidoscope. / Chapter 512: Chapter 463

章節 512: Chapter 463

Hades POV


Devils, always causing me so many problems.

Even when I called one an ally, it's nothing but additional work dropped in my lap. Did they think that running the most utilized/populated Afterlife in the world is easy? No, they only thought of themselves regardless!

Izanami needed to smack some sense into her new lover, let him understand how demanding my job was!

Of course it was Mother who asked this of me, but it was the Devil brat who initiated it all.

I'm the one who had to explain to the others of my family what happened over on the Norse side of the world. I'm also the one who needed to placate them, to warn them off from doing something inevitably stupid on their parts. I'm the one who has to soothe both my siblings who will want to go and kill off Father properly and take back his remains.

Hmph, at least he was a reliable ally.

That was more than I can say for the All-Father.

And it was better than dealing with my Siblings, admittedly. He offered me the proper respect, and he was easy to get along with.

Izanami clearly loved him to put up with him, Cerberus liked him, and even Persephone liked him. There really is not much more I could ask there.

I stepped through a Teleportation Circle, and only destruction met my eyes. "All-Father." I greeted the person there to meet me.

"Skull and Bones." He grinned at my arrival.

I ignored the nickname he gave to me. "This place is utterly wrecked."

"Yup, it was quite the raging party!" He laughed happily, but there was a look of melancholy to him. "It could have been worse though."

I have been to Asgard a handful of times in my existence, and it was a magnificent City befitting of Gods. I could not claim that Olympus was superior in any meaningful way and seeing it in this state, it made me ponder how I would feel to see Olympus brought to a similar state as well.

"I find myself disgusted by this welcome." I scoffed in annoyance. "You should have at least had the decency to clean up."

"Well excuseeeee me, your majesty." He did an exaggerated bow. "Do you want me to roll out a red carpet, maybe have Freyja fondle your balls while I'm at it?"



I looked at him then back at the surroundings. In the distance, I could see the residents of Asgard cleaning up and beginning to rebuild. "I will send some materials after I return home."

"Thank you." The All-Father politely returned.

I waved it off. "You have my gratitude for allowing my sudden intrusion. I can understand that my presence would be off putting considering who was partly responsible for the state of your home."

"We're smart enough to know who to blame, brat." Odin grunted. "But I'm still keeping this on the down low. Go take care of your matters and leave on your own."

"Even so, I apologize, All-Father. They were under my watch and escaped."

"And from what the brat told me, even the Primordial Night was caught off guard. What could you have done that she couldn't?"

"There's no need to make an excuse for me." I shook my head. "Regardless of the circumstances, I failed in my duty."

"Fine, fine. Even though you originally offered to help, and I declined you." All-Father let out a sigh. "Just send some stuff to help us rebuild and we'll call it even."

He says that knowing that the Underworld's riches are beyond measure and I already offered such unconditionally.

It's times like this that made it difficult to dislike him.

It would be insulting to him if I pushed further.

"How is he doing?"

Odin silently looked off onto the horizon, I had no doubt his gaze reached where I asked about. "He is behaving."

"Well, there are miracles left in this world then." I snorted.

"It might not be what you expect." He stated.

"My expectations are low." I said with a dry tone.

Odin shook his head. "It's not for me to say, but if you want to hear the words of an old man like me. Perhaps, you should keep an open mind. Whatever you decide, what your opinions are, they are yours to hold regardless."

I found myself frowning. "An open mind? Did you forget, All-Father, I am Greek. We are indignant, small-minded, and vindictive."

"Do what you want, Skeletor." Odin simply waved it off and began to walk away. Though, not before leaving a Teleportation Circle on the ground.

I had a great many things to speak to the All-Father about, but I was grateful he was allowing me my personal business unabated.

Stepping onto the Teleportation Circle, I found myself whisked away across the Norse Realms.

I did not quite know where I was, but I had no fear of a betrayal from the All-Father.

All around me was wheat.

The golden tide of grain spread out as far as I could see. With all but a simple path leading through the fields.

I ran my hand through the many strands that stood tall and pointed towards the sky.

It was…peaceful.

I couldn't help but look upwards at the sun and feel the faint familiar feeling as I did throughout this same field.

My feet carried me across the fields up to a small cabin that looked newly built and still somewhat under construction. It was large, befitting someone of bigger stature, especially for the person sitting on the front steps, whittling away on a wooden branch with a knife.

He paused when he saw me.

He was lessened to a degree that I couldn't have imagined even from what I was told. Just his outward aura was but a fraction of his true terror.

We stared at one another for a long period, neither of us initiating words.

That was until another familiar figure joined us. The Titan of light, beret of his namesake approached with several large species of fish hanging off a stick over his shoulder.

"…..Hades." The Titan of Light acknowledged my presence.

"Uncle." I acknowledged him back. "You abandoned your power to manifest down here?" I glanced upwards again, realizing what he had done.

Not to say it's anything drastic. He could retrieve his power at any moment, but as he stood here in front of me, he was significantly weaker than he was normally.

The Titan of light walked over to a wooden table, setting down his freshly caught fish. "I was told to power the sun, that is what I am doing." He said simply.

I couldn't argue with his logic. And I'm sure the All-Father didn't care if he does this as long as he didn't go around causing problems.

With the current situation, I felt myself at ease.

I was not in danger as they were now.



We finally spoke to one another after thousands of years.

"I didn't expect to see you here." He stated.

"I didn't expect to find myself here." I admitted.

"I see, you're acquainted with the mortal who defeated me, aren't you?"

I found myself frowning. "You were able to deduce this?"

"It's not hard to put together." He shrugged. "Neither you nor your brothers, if you decided to come, would have approached so quickly. You all are far too cautious for something like that. Perhaps that's something you inherited from me."

"I believe you mean paranoid." I corrected.

"The distinction is often proven immaterial." Father appeared…peaceful, and it was strange to witness. "I am surprised you trust the mortal so much to approach me like you are."

"I'm surprised with how highly you speak of him. Just from your tone, I can glean the respect in your voice."

"Hahaha, well, I can't not respect a Mortal that defeated me. My ego is only so fragile, if I don't put him up on a pedestal, what else am I supposed to do?" He laughed so naturally before settling back down. "The world is so much different now. Mortals rule it for good reason it seems."

"He's not exactly the norm."

"Where there is one, there will be two, and four, and eight. They produce in such vast numbers and already populate all corners of Mother's blessing. Maybe it's time for us to step to the side."

"Careful, you're almost sounding wise." I rolled my eyes.

"A long life of regrets can open the most hard headed person's eyes with enough time." He smiled wistfully.

"And do you mean it?"

"Mean what?"

"That you feel it's time for you to step aside?" I narrowed my eyes.

He reached up and scratched his head. "You're probing my intentions, huh? I guess I can't blame you." He let out a sigh. "How many from my time are still active across the world? Why did they all retreat and let the mortals take center stage? Maybe they saw something I've yet to see fully and I want to know. Even the cruel War God of these lands stepped off his throne and willingly handed it to his son. Am I worse than him?" He looked up to the skies.


Father didn't argue nor get angry. The Kronos I knew, he would have gotten angry at the slightest insult levied against him.

"You're right. Odin changed much from the past, and it makes me feel like a relic out of time. I feel irrelevant, outdated and unneeded."

"You should know better than anyone, Father. Time waits for no one, not even us." I felt a strange twinge within my old heart.

"A truth that I should have pondered a long time ago."

I let out a sigh as this talk did not go the way I had envisioned. "Who aided you in your escape?"

"I can't say."

"Someone still loyal to you then?" I narrowed my eyes, clenching my fists. "Perhaps a traitor, maybe – "

"Don't overthink it." Father interrupted me. "The only one loyal to me is at my side." He glanced at the Titan of Light who was quietly descaling the fish at the table. "You need not be worried about any traps or traitors I hid within your court. Not even my old Generals and comrades answered my call to arms."

"We had no reports of you approaching the other Titans we had under surveillance."

Kronos chuckled heartily. "I approached Atlas openly, arrogantly even. You know, one of yours stood there at the side, just watching as I did."

"Ares." I seethed in mild annoyance. "He was employed to watch over Atlas. That brat…" I hissed under my breath.

"Zeus' son certainly inherited his inflated ego. Don't mistake it for joining my cause, my Grandson was most certainly not on my side. He expressed openly that he only wanted a conflict to erupt and not to expect his aid."

"Of course he would. He's been getting annoying over the years with the lack of large wars for him to play around in." Stupid War Gods who can't live without bloodshed and Death.

"Don't take him lightly, he was hiding a secret that I didn't delve into at the time."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow.

For him to give that kind of warning….what are you hiding, Ares?

Father merely waved his hand through the air. "Atlas denied me as well. He said he wanted to finish his punishment and walk free without needing to look over his shoulder for his life."

I could feel the slight tinge of pain in his voice.

I closed my eyes and let out another sigh. "I'll talk to Zeus about ending his punishment soon."

"Thank you."

"I'm not doing it for you." I snorted, looking away. "His punishment has lasted long enough."

And certain behaviors should be rewarded.

"The one who freed us was not part of your world." Father said simply.

"Not our Faction?"


"Then who?"

"I cannot say." He shook his head. "I was unable to pay back the favor in doing so, I cannot reveal their identity at the very least."

How frustratingly honorable.

Trying to pry it out of him was pointless, Father was nothing if not a stubborn fool.

"I'll tell you something good though." He grinned. "A secret I found out by chance when I was snooping around their little group."

"And why would you do that?"

Father just smiled. "It's a gift for my defeat to the Mortal."

"And what secret do you have, Father?"

"Have you heard of something called the Sephiroth Grail?" He asked and I clenched my hands. "I admit I had to look into what it was myself. But it's an interesting little trinket that could cause a lot of problems, and it's in their hands."

"That is….valuable information."

"I'm glad it's helpful to you." His expression softened and it made me feel strange.

"What do you intend to do from this point forward, father?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He stood up, stretching his back. "I got a harvest to look after."

"You intend to accept the 'punishment'?"

"A loser has no right to argue." He said simply.

"…..you really changed a lot."

His expression shifted and he smiled wryly. "Maybe, I don't know. I think that I can just think more clearly than before." He turned to look at me. "Would it change things if I said I was sorry?"


"I didn't think so either, but I felt like it should be done anyways."

"I'm only here as a favor to Mother."

He paused and shifted emotions again. "The Mortal delivered on his promise. That's good."

"He did." I called forth the Scythe in question and let it hit the ground. "Mother told me to tell you that you are a coward for not doing it yourself."

He looked at the Scythe then up to me. "What –"

"5,000 years, not a second sooner or later." I made sure to repeat what she said exactly. "She will be waiting."

"I don't know what to say…" For the first time, I saw Father speechless.

"Then don't, I don't care about whatever it is you want to say at this point." I grumbled.

"How about 'would you like to stay for dinner'?" He smiled towards me.

"….are you serious?"

He shrugged. "It couldn't hurt to ask. I wouldn't mind hearing stories about my children and grandchildren."

"We are far from accepting of you as our proper Father and Grandfather." I frowned.

"That's true." He didn't argue with me and seemed to accept my stance.

"….however, I am already here, I may as well stay for a short time longer."



Wilhelm POV

The crashing of the waves on the beach was one of the most soothing things to listen to.

Especially with no other people around, particularly because I was within my soul and this was merely a 'memory' of mine.

Well, other people don't include both Ddraig and Musū Tengai who were enjoying it too.

Ddraig in particular, he was diving in and out of the ocean further along the horizon and looked like he was having a blast.

It didn't take long for Ddraig to come flying over, and he shrunk down to a much more manageable size, even if he intentionally hit the sand hard and kicked it up all over the place.

"This is fun, I can see why humans like playing at the beach. I'm sad I never did this when I was still around and kicking."

I brushed the sand off me. "I should get everyone to do a beach day." Ddraig's words suddenly gave me inspiration. Kunou would love it for sure, but everyone else, well, a nice little vacation would do wonders.

"That would be fun." Ddraig added.

"It would be a good avenue to keep a peaceful recuperation." Musū Tengai seemed to agree. "Constant battles and a strained perception in the midst of danger will have negative effects if it's not nurtured with a healthy rest."

"Just relax, brat. You earned a good break."

I turned to look at Ddraig. "You're in a good mood."

"Why not? Albion now knows that my wielder killed a 'God' in 'view' of everyone! He has to live with that now that I'm the only rightly named Longinus right now." His smug was off the charts. "It was a good fight."

"It was a good fight." I agreed. "I'm glad to have the Spear back in working condition again. Might have been a bit easier if I had it against the Titan."

"Regardless, your victory was well earned." Musū Tengai stated. "Well done, you have come a long way from that boy who first stepped into the Land of Shadows."

It felt nice to be told that.

I fell backwards into the sand, looking upwards towards Musū Tengai. "So…what's the deal with the Acorn that decided to take up refuge in my soul?"

"Why don't I show you?" He offered, though he wasn't actually asking considering the scenery around us completely changed.

We were then in a large and endless field, a circle of dirt in the middle with the particular golden Acorn right in the middle, with a tiny hint of green budding from it.

I forced myself up to look at it. I didn't really have much time or energy to consider it until this point, and it obviously wasn't dangerous at the very least.

"What's the big deal?" Ddraig asked.

"It's an acorn, inside my soul, I think it's noteworthy enough to understand better."

"Watermelons have seeds, I don't see the big deal."

I slowly turned to look at Ddraig with the driest expression I could muster, and he had the biggest shit-eating-grin I've ever seen.

Musū Tengai seemed to ignore us entirely as he stepped towards it. "If you want a thorough explanation, I'm afraid you will be left wanting."

"Even you don't know?"

"I'm not all knowing, as flattering as it is to be thought of so highly, I'm mostly in the dark here as well." He hummed.

"At the very least, it's not dangerous." I spoke mostly rhetorically.

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have left it alone. Your soul is under my protection, I will never knowingly allow something to intrude that will cause you harm." My Zanpakutō spirit reassured me.

"Except for Ddraig."


"Alas, he predates my arrival." Musū Tengai sighed.

"Fuck you both, Imma eat the acorn."

"Don't eat the magical acorn!"

"Imma eat it."

"Hush." Musū Tengai quickly shushed us.

The Acorn vibrated slightly, and the little bud grew a fraction of an inch, barely perceivable even if I was watching closely.

"Curious." He rubbed his chin. "I see now, it's reacting to you for its growth."

"Reacting to me?" I raised a questioning eyebrow. "Why would my thoughts and feelings have a bearing on its growth? It sprouted before – the reminder that I'm human. Yeah, I can admit that it was something I was slowly losing track of with everything going on, but it wasn't some heavenly enlightenment for me to realize and regain that bearing."

Musū Tengai held up a finger, cutting me off. "Enlightenment doesn't need to be a large phenomenon or something ethereal and philosophical that one grasps. Only the further understanding of oneself to reach greater heights. It's something important to your intrinsic being that you realized and corrected for yourself. The seed of the World Tree reacted to it because it was something that had substance to yourself."

"So what, it's going to grow every time I realize something important about myself?" That sounded odd.

"No, it was simply a coincidence that this occurred right after you obtained it. If I had to guess, you are the vector for it to grow, everything you do will influence it. The original Yggdrasil grew in response to everything around it, the Nine Realms formed, and it continued to grow to what it is today. This seed does not have anything else but you to focus on. As you grow, it will also grow in response to what it needs to be."

"And what is that exactly?" What was it 'supposed to become'?

"That is an interesting question, and I look forward to seeing the answer." Musū Tengai smiled.

"So I now have a Tree growing inside of me along with everything else."

"Well, you certainly have a lot of room here." Musū Tengai chuckled and his eyes flickered strangely, like he was looking off into the distance and seeing things I couldn't. "But I have a feeling that whatever it will become, it will be invaluable to your goals."

I took another look at the Acorn and had a strange sense of attachment to it alright. I couldn't help but smile and reached down to lightly rub it with my finger.

Keep growing, little guy, we'll see what you turn into.

"Imma eat it."

"Dammit Ddraig, don't eat my baby tree!"

"Alright, that's enough." Musū Tengai clapped his hands. "You spent enough time in here, go back outside and rest properly. Everything else can wait until you had some time to relax."

He didn't even give me time to argue before he pushed my focus outwards and I returned to the forefront of my mind.

I shuddered slightly from the position I was sitting on the ground with Musū Tengai sitting across my legs and simply put it away, and pushed up to my feet.

I looked around, noticing the lack of noise and presence around me. Not that I expected anyone to keep watch over me. I spent hours catching up with everyone, but I didn't want to put off checking on myself as well, and they understood.

There was only one person nearby, and I walked down the stairs to find them in the kitchen.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" I leaned up against the threshold of the kitchen

Izzy glanced back at me as she was apparently cooking. "Yes, and I'm fairly sure it's because you have a certain fetish and get off on mothering."

"....how did you find out?"

She stopped what she was doing and stared at me. "Stop fooling around." She huffed, throwing the nearby dish towel at me.

I walked up behind her, arms easily wrapping her up tightly. "I'm not ashamed."

"Of course you aren't." She snorted. "A person with shame wouldn't be rubbing up on my rear with a very obvious bulge."


"Don't just ignore it!" She huffed, but didn't stop me. "Are you finished with what you were doing? I wanted to have something ready for you to eat when you got up, I expected you to take longer."

"I'm all good, checked up on my soul and despite the weirdness, I got a clean bill of health by Musū Tengai and told to rest for awhile before he kicked me out."

"I find it strange how your inner spirit is somehow more mature and responsible than you are."

"It just means I can focus on more important things."

"Like molesting me while I cook?"


"Don't say it so bluntly." She turned around and lightly pulled on my cheek.

"Blame yourself for making me like this. Honestly, what am I supposed to do when the Goddess of Hips swings them around right in front of my eyes? I can't keep my hands off you." I gave her a cheeky smile.

She covered her slightly flushed face. "Did you seriously call me the Goddess of Hips. That damn Odin, I know he's been a bad influence on you."

"Oh no, I wasn't joking when I said you're entirely to blame." I looked at her with a widening smile. "Someone made a certain promise to me." I whispered into her ear. "And I think It's time I collect."

She quivered slightly, and her flush deepened a tad, eyes darting away. "You are far too perverted."

"It's a good thing I have a beautiful woman to satiate myself on, isn't it?"

"Idiot…" She huffed and started to undo the buttons on her pants. "I will not be called a liar."

Well, it's about time I corrected a cosmic mistake.

The fact that Izzy's legs have remained unloved this long is an absolute crime, one I intend to very thoroughly correct.



Part 6 of the Looking Glass omake is up on p.a..t.r.e.o.n.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

I also have a boosty if you can't use the above under the same name

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