New Leaf+ had been relatively small, and it would have been possible to count its NPCs on one hand (for some races anyway). But, Sprigfield Town was entirely different.
The best way to describe Sprigfield Town was "brown": the light brown of wood, the deep brown of ancient rocks, the tanned brown of leather, and even the cooking smoke looked freaking brown!
Surprisingly the brown still gave it a charming look. It looked rustic yet full of life, especially with the NPCs and players rushing about.
As Jack reached the town entrance, a man suddenly stopped him.
"Hey there, fellow! You can't just head in. You have to pay the entrance fee! It's 50 silvers!" The guy thundered, his hand extended forward.
The man had the pleasant odor of booze and vomit, mixing together in an indescribable aroma. He had made an effort to clean up, but he still looked 100% like a drunken rat.
I had come to town to find the peculiar mimes, but as I saw this man I decided to do a small detour. After all, he had to be special to fearlessly scam people right at the entrance!
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