"-I kill Zeke by accident but when I try to resurrect him, Ymir pops out!" he glances at the pouting girl, "Not that I'm complaining..."
"Uuh huh..." Tiffania ers, "And what did you do to Marley? This 'Empire' which resembled the Nazis from your own world?"
Michael plans the back of his neck, "About that... Ymir here decided that she'd had enough and destroyed them..." he states while sending a silent apology to the now pouting girl.
"Is that true...?" she asks, locking eyes with Ymir as the 'young' girl nods.
"Ah, did I mention she can't speak? Or write?..."
"Don't you have a spell to link minds?" Tiffania questions.
"Yeah but it didn't work. Anything that she could even attempt to communicate with, be it writing, word cards, or telepathy simply doesn't work... Has something to do with her divinity I think." he shrugs, inwardly fist-pumping for the tangent. "Anyway, I'd actually like to hear what Saeko and Megumin got up to while I was busy?" he asks, only now looking at them and seeing them slouching on the couch with tubs of ice cream...
Ymir sees this at the same time of course and walks over while pointing at the treats with curiosity. Megumin shuffles over to make room and feeds the girl a mouthful, causing her face to light up as if all of her dreams had come true simultaneously.
Tiffania's eyes soften at this but she composes herself enough to ask, "So, you brought a genocidal god into our home...?"
"Er? Yeah? You can't say Marley didn't deserve it? I mean, compared to the Nazis these guys were probably worse! If they started running low on Eldians to become Titan Shifters they'd forcefully 'breed' them. And that's forgetting the fact that they were literally turning people into giant cannibalistic monsters to terrorize their former friends and families..." Michael says and shakes his head before continuing,
"It wasn't just the Eldians either, when I was loot-*Ahem*, searching through their offices, I found plans of subjugating other countries with similar means. They wanted to wipe out all the Eldians but their own to use them as weapons against everyone else after coming up with a reason to discriminate against them."
"You did it, didn't you Michael?" Tiffania asks, knowing after his 'speech' that if Ymir hadn't destroyed them, Michael would have. After all, he'd killed many more people for much less.
He wets his lips, "Yeah, fine, I did, and I'd do it again if I had the chance." he admits and Tiffania's face falls.
"And the innocents in Marley?"
"Collateral. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't steal most of their souls, and those I did are sitting comfortably in my realm." he shrugs.
"How many...?"
Michael quirks a brow, having not considered it. He glances to Ymir who stabs her spoon in her ice cream and begins signing numbers.
1-1's. 8-0's.
"One hundred million..." Tiffania mouths with a trembling hand, she gets to her feet but stumbles slightly and has to be escorted out by Maria, who also looks horrified by the number. Illococoo and Charlotte stay put but even the latter was appalled by the number, even while controlled by Clavicus Vile she'd not come anywhere near a thousand, let alone one hundred million...
Michael lets out a sigh and flops onto the beanbag next to the dragon girl, "What's the big deal? They were going to die eventually, I just sped the process up."
"That's not the problem and you know it," Saeko drawls, "While I don't care, they do, and Tiffania asked you not to in the past. Why wouldn't you just lie about it." she states.
"I don't know, I reckon it would have come out eventually anyway. If it helps, I think they deserved it too." Megumin adds before changing the subject, "Can we hear what you did now Saeko? I want to hear how you picked up that Mikasa girl."
"Yes, let's just ignore Tiff having a panic attack and move on like nothing happened." she huffs, "I'll tell you after Michael goes to check on her." she all but demands despite spoon-feeding Ymir yet more ice cream...
"You're right, I know you're right but it feels shit to be wrong... Even if I still think I'm right." he mutters as he gets up for the Nth time, Illococoo letting out an irritated noise as moves her and heads for the door.
"Are you sure that's a good idea? She did just hear about you killing an entire country of people..." Megumin questions.
He shrugs, "Not like it's anything new, the Middle East looks more like the 'Eastern-Sinkhole' nowadays."
With a click he exits the room, leaving the group just silently sitting there.
"Say, anyone feel like watching 'Transformers'? Those giants kind of remind me of them." Megumin asks.
Michael tracks Tiffania down to the local Orphanage and finds her quietly sitting on a bench that overlooked some orphans playing in a makeshift sandpit. She spots him and looks ready to move again when he speaks up, "Tiff, I'm sorry-"
"You're not sorry... I know you're not, otherwise you wouldn't have done it. I know you're struggling with emotions right now but you still know the difference between soldiers and civilians..." she quietly says, her voice rough from suppressed sobs.
He gives a slow nod, "I know, I'm not sorry for what I did, but I'm sorry for hurting you... Again..." he scratches the back of his head, "Can we just sit down and talk about this? It isn't like I didn't have my reasons for doing it. We did basically the same thing back in Cendri-"
Tiffania clenches her jaw, "T-that's not the same!"
"Isn't it? That fire killed entire families, and we were both responsible for it. It was revenge, cold and clear. So, it is the fact that I did it that's the problem or just the number of people affected?"
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
"So, it is the fact that I did it that's the problem or just the number of people affected?"
She gives a choked hiccup at that, "O-one hundred million people isn't something small, Michael!" she exclaims and marches in front of him before pushing a finger into his chest, "Cendri was a mistake, I see that now... The people who killed me should have been the only victims, not the innocent families! But now look what happened, you use the Spell that I gave you to go around committing genocide in other worlds! That's me! I'm responsible for that!"
"That's bull shit."
"Is it!? If we'd just stayed in Halkeginia or Skyrim would you have killed all those people? If I'd never given you Dimension Gate, would it even be possible!?"
Michael scowls and shakes his head, "You're underestimating me if you think I wouldn't have found a way. There's other methods of world travel I know of, Dimension Gate is just the easiest." he states, thinking to Chaos Knight, the Multidimensional horseman that wouldn't be out of place next to Doomguy.
Tiffania lowers her head, "You've changed..."
"I haven't. If I was this strong when you first met me I'd have done the same things only sooner." Michael affirms.
"I-, I don't know if that's true." Tiffania mutter unsurely, "That your so certain of it is horrifying." she admits, scared that he might be telling the truth in that regard. After all, he'd be the one pushing for revenge against Cendri, he tortured the woman who ruled it in front of her, and anyone who slighted him, or he regards as amoral or evil was fair game...
Had she been blinded by her affection for him that she couldn't see it? Or had she been taken by his momentum and turned to his way of thinking herself? She'd only recently found some stability in her charity work...
She lets out a sad sigh, "I still love you, j-just... Give me some time alone. I-, just can't look at you right now..." she mutters as she turns and enters the orphanage.
Michael goes to follow but has a rock bounce off of the back of his head... Growling, he turns towards the three orphan boys who were readying more rocks...
"Hey, leave big sis alone, you creep!"
"Yeah! Saeko-sensei said to keep away from horny creeps! That means you stay away from big sis too!"
Michael palms his face, the tips of his fingers brushing against his horns, "Damn kids..."
He decides to allow Tiffania her alone time and leaves, heading back to the Spire with a slight slump in his step. His emotions might be dulled but he had to admit that this hurt, while his actions had been for everyone's benefit (Aside from Marley obviously), he hadn't thought that Tiff's reaction would be so bad. He thought she'd just send him a glare before shrugging it off as always.
"Uuugh... Gonna have to fix this somehow..." he mutters. Since Tiff was so focussed on the lives he took, he might as well 'give' some lives... That should even things out, right?
He arrives back in the living room and falls into the beans bags-
His weight causes one to burst, sending the tiny white balls everywhere...
"Could this day get any fucking worse?"
"Um..." Charlotte speaks up, separate from the group who were enthralled with the numerous explosions and giant robots playing on the T.V, "Miraak is dead, Surtr is lost, and Louise is here..."
"Louise, is here...?" he parrots with widening eyes and Charlotte just simply nods, no particular emotion on her face.
"... How did she look?" he can't help but ask, the Anime never showed her growing up, but from what he knew about her mother she'd been the same size as a teen too...
"Taller than me...?"
Michael chuckles, "That doesn't really mean anything, if she were shorter though..."
He laughs again when Charlotte sends a glowering pout his way, "Almost as tall as you..."
"So like, seven-foot tall-Ouch!" he rubs his head after a the blunette hits him with a bullet of ice. "Alright, I get it..." he says, ceasing his attempts at humour, "What'd she do... Actually, why don't you just tell me what's been going on while I was away..."
"Huh? So she can still fire a mean explosion then... Was there a reason she didn't just cast it on our ships?"
Charlotte shrugs, not knowing the reason herself.
"I can't imagine a reason she wouldn't, she seemed pretty merciless last time I saw her... Must be Miraak if he's really the one holding the reins, explains how the guy escaped Apocrypha too..."
"Wait, wait, wait, wait... Surtr did what?" Michael cooly asks.
"Tried to brainwash us."
Michael clasps his chin with his hand and slowly nods to himself, "Huh, alright... So, why are you all Surtr's zombies right now?"
"Figures... Does anyone know where Surtr flew off to?"
Charlotte shakes her head, "Not yet..."
"I'll have to look for him myself then... So Louise and that Joseph guy escaped through a Dimension Gate and Surtr ran on his dragon. Anything else?"
"Silencer and Emperor dead..."
"Silencer's dead?... Strange, I didn't feel-wait, the Emperor's dead!?" he exclaims as the information gets processed. "How?" he asks, thoughts immediately going to his last talk with Astrid... He hadn't thought she'd take him seriously if he was being honest...
"Dark Brotherhood... They want Surtr to replace him..."
"Did he plan this or something? The attack on Solstheim coinciding the death of the Emperor and his attempt to brainwash our navy... Does he have spies here or something? But that's impossible right? I checked the city for hideouts like twice a week, Umnii should've been vetting everyone that came in too."
Charlotte shrugs, "Coincidence?"
Michael shakes his head, "There's coincidences and then there's this... I doubt-"
An angry Eren pushes his way through the room in search of an exit, only to pause when he sees the current occupants.
. . .
"Come on, Decepticon punk!"
"Hell yeah! Awesome!" Megumin cheers, interrupting the awkward atmosphere.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng