News of the attack on Riften reached almost every Hold in Skyrim in a matter of days, the event striking fear into the Jarl's who'd neglected purchasing adequate fortification even after Dawnstar's destruction.
Riften hadn't been destroyed, of course, they'd actually managed to force the dragon to retreat with their overabundance of siege weaponry. Along with the wandering mages they'd temporarily hired for the city defence.
Dragons were incredibly magically resistant, but that didn't mean immune. Enchanting weaponry to be sharper with Alteration magic, creating magical barriers to protect against the dragon, and even enchanting siege equipment to be more fire-resistant. All of these things assisted the city.
While a good portion of it had still been burned, it mostly extended to the slum areas of the city... Which, if folk didn't know any better, some would claim that Brynjolf had led the dragon to those areas so he could start renovating them... The only evidence to this however was how quickly Jarl Brynjolf had gotten people to start rebuilding, as if he'd already had plans laid out for it.
Other than the attack on Riften, the Stormcloaks had surged forwards and captured Fellglow keep after killing all the rogue mages that'd set up shop there.
While the fortress might be a ruined mess of what it once was, it was still intact enough to be used as a staging ground for any operations into Whiterun's territory. While Ulfric didn't wish to do a full-on assault, he was still aware of Balgruuf's change in attitude towards his faction.
Surtr had been offered a position as Thane of Whiterun, but the Nord rejected it when he realised that such a role would put him against the Stormcloaks, this was one of the reasons he'd elected to journey to the Greybeards...
General Tullius had begun moving his own forces as soon as the news of Jarl Skald's death had been made known. Dawnstar was still Stormcloak territory however, so as soon as his troops had become visible, the half-burned city had started to fight back.
Many of the citizens decided to stay out of it, but many more decided to fight against the Imperials, even with how outnumbered they were.
Soon enough, around two hundred civilians and one-hundred and fifty guards had been killed, and Dawnstar was claimed by the Imperials. The Jarl had yet to be decided, but they would most certainly be an Imperial puppet.
From there, Elisif had some Imperial forces go towards Winterhold to scout out the area for a potential invasion... None of them returned however, as they'd accidentally wandered into the forest of ice, of which, the trees of ice had started to sprout.
What sprouted wasn't anything organic, instead, they produced soul gem-like crystals that were entirely frost-attributed. As an added effect, they also made the area around the completely inhospitable, simply due to how cold they made it... Anything that got near without adequate protection was frozen completely solid... This was how Saya found the Imperial scouts, each of them frozen solid mid-stride.
Once this was reported to Jarl Korir, he'd called upon the Arch-Mage of Winterhold to make his intentions known... If the Imperials intended to invade Winterhold despite their complete inaction so far, the College would need to assist and pull its own weight.
Reluctantly, Savos Aren gave an unofficial promise to act should the Imperials attack without any provocation from Winterhold itself.
Unbeknownst to everyone, Michael had begun working on his own defences, powered by the Eye of Magnus within the Spire... He was eagerly awaiting the chance to use it, the only real problem was the fact that it only worked if the enemy was within eyesight.
Michael and Saeko ride on Illococoo's back as she flies towards Northwatch Keep in her dragon form. While he couldn't touch the Thalmor embassy due to it being integral to the Dragonborn's journey, that didn't mean he couldn't air his grievances at another Thalmor outpost.
Not to mention the fact that Illococoo was a dragon... If questions came up, it'd be completely written off as another dragon attack, like the one on Dawnstar and Riften.
According to Brynjolf, their target was a Thalmor Justiciar by the name of Sarulian Lamptsi, a man who'd been received his position not long before the death of Ondolemar... Funny how both would end up dying at Michael's hand.
Saeko had been very persuasive in her assistance to rid Skyrim of any Thalmor, mostly due to the abundance of war crimes they'd committed in Hammerfell. She was certain they'd be doing similar things in Skyrim, only less public.
Soon enough the group the fortress, the Thalmor guarding each scrambling into action once they spot Illococoo's flying form.
"FO KRAH DIIN!" she shouts as she dives down, spitting a large burst of ice and frost at anyone stupid enough to get near her, each person either getting torn apart by the icicles contained within the attack, or simply frozen solid from the intense cold.
Michael and Saeko jump down once they'd close enough, the latter drawing her new Ebony and Dragonbone katana with glee, instantly slashing the throats of two armoured Altmer as she lands.
Michael himself had cast Winter's Curse on the courtyard holding a large portion of the Thalmor that was now streaming out from within the interior of the fortress, each person getting caught up and forced to attack the single person afflicted by the curse. He then throws a Fadebolt and finishes it up with a Tidebringer enchanted slash, causing a sharp swipe of pressurized water to behead every elf caught up in the courtyard, killing them all instantly.
Each kill produces a crimson light that enters Michael's body, the souls of his enemies getting stolen and stored within him for further use later.
"Think you can beat that, Saeko!?" he asks as his female companion cuts through a line of Altmer men as if she were Madara on a warpath.
"Easily! All without your tricks!" she replies, a sadistic grin on her bloodied face.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
Illococoo continues attacking from the air, more to draw the attention from Michael and Saeko than anything else. Most of the Thalmor refused to exit the fortress after the initial slaughter, holing themself up inside while fortifying it as much as physically and magically possible.
Thalmor Justiciar Sarulian stood behind a large mass of his men who were protecting the frost gate, his mages working overtime to ward and create magical barriers around the entrance.
He was already well aware of who had decided to pay him a visit, while the dragon was a surprise, the Sword-Swinger and Battle-Mage were known to most Thalmor, along with possible strategies to use should they need to be eliminated...
Unfortunately, their information seemed keenly underprepared for the devastation Saeko Busujima and Michael Tahlin were able to produce... Half of his men had already perished outside, all in under two minutes or so.
He had no hope for survival, of that he was certain... Perhaps if only one of them came, and without the dragon they might stand a chance... But as it is now? It was now readily apparent why both had such high bounties on their heads.
"That's it! Get back and scatter the entrance with Destruction Runes! Let them take it to the face if they wish to continue!" he commands, only to step back in shock when the entire front portion of the entrance crumbles into itself, revealing Michael with a single raised finger.
"Man, I feel badass." the man in black armoured robes grins as the Sword-Singer takes her place beside him.
"What was that? I've never seen you use it before?" she asks as if a couple hundred Thalmor weren't glaring daggers at them.
He shrugs, "A gift from Tiff actually. Being a Void Mage comes with many benefits..." he trails off as his eyes focus on the large hall, scanning each of the Thalmor until he locks eyes with Sarulian. "Found you... Why don't you surrender? I just might let your men live if you do." he says, and by the uncomfortable shuffling of the other Thalmor, they were seriously considering just handing him over.
Sarulian frowns, sweat beginning to drip down his forehead, "Michael Tahlin. So have you finally decided to make an enemy of the Thalmor? This isn't something to do lightly... Leave now and I might forget the men and women you've butchered today!" he states with forced confidence.
"Are you serious?" Michael asks, glancing at Saeko who gives a nod with a shrug.
"You grab him, I'll deal with everyone else." she says, dropping into a stance and slowly approaching the vanguard of the Thalmor forces.
"Alright, I guess." Michael says as he reaches out with Telekinesis and grabs Sarulian, pulling the mage into the air and towards him, only to be stopped as the Justiciar casts a spell that frees him. The elf then proceeds to flee further inside the fortress, abandoning his men. Michael quickly follows, using Blink to bypass the other enemies as Saeko deals with them.
"You can run! And you can't hide either, bitch!" Michael laughs as he follows Sarulian who was stumbling over himself to escape.
"J-Just leave me alone! I'm useless to you, Tahlin!"
"I don't know, I think I still need a punching bag for my home."
The chase continues until Sarulian finds himself trapped in a dead-end, specifically, an area where the Thalmor had been keeping all of their prisoners...
"Wow, a torture room right next to the cells? You might be a bunch of bastards, but at least you're efficient." Michael remarks.
"Thank the Divines! Are you here to save us!?" a grey-haired man asks as he grabs the bars of his cell, all while Sarulian backs up against the wall in fear.
Michael shrugs, "Depends who you are..."
"Thorald Gray-Mane, my family would reward you greatly if you helped me here today."
"Hmm... Sure." Michael says, touching the bars and activating [Wynningbaldr] which causes the bars to crumble before them.
The Nord stumbles out of the cell in surprise, clapping Michael on the shoulder both to hold himself up and to show his gratitude. "I thank you... What will you do to him?" he asks, gesturing towards the terrified Justiciar.
Michael shrugs, "I'll leave his burned corpse outside the gates, let everyone know the Thalmor aren't wanted here." he says before telekinetically dragging the struggling elf outside to where Saeko was waiting.
"Finished?" she asks.
"Not yet, we need to check what information they've got here. Just in case they want to pull something as big as the Void Nights.
Michael transports Thorald home via a Dimension Gate after extracting a promise to not mention their involvement here today. Thankfully, the only other prisoners present were petty criminals, or those who tried to renegade on their debts to the Thalmor... These people were removed, permanently.
This left them with the task of scouring the fortress for any information the Thalmor had. It fairly easy to be honest, as efficient as the Thalmor were, keeping all of their classified information in the same room only made it easier for Michael to find.
The files were numerous, but most held information that was either old, redundant, or simply useless to them. There were, however, a few pieces that caught Michael's eye.
A 'special' guest was being kept in the Thalmor Embassy, this basically translated to someone being imprisoned there, though, there was no mention of who it might be.
Information on people of interest, specifically, him, and the rest of his group. Even Maria was included, since anyone who was close to him could either be a threat to the Thalmor, or a target that could be used against him.
Information on the Dragonborn and how to utilise him, with mentions to push him to solve the Dragon Crisis before they did anything drastic... The Thalmor had information on various prophecies, Alduin's return included, meaning they needed Surtr so the world wouldn't end.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng