/ Eastern / Average Legend
In a land full of ruthless killers whose take on life is the achievements they can get from it and the heights they can reach by trampling it, a boy just wanting to live an above dismal life appears.
A girl left to die by a clan which saw her as nothing short of a nuisance and a problem, the child no one wanted back anymore.
Will he manage to become something more than bullied by fate?
Walking through the forests blindly in search of something more, will she achieve something more than despair?
Or is he destined to be stomped on forever after by the tide of the world?
Or is she destined to lose everything over and over for forever after?
Yours Truly,
I dont know if its me or the author’s writing style but this was just plain confusing to read. i have no clue who these characters are or why i should care about them. I have no idea where they are or why things are happening. On top kf that the MC is constantly belittled and gets short end of stick.