48.57% The Eternal Soldier Reincarnates / Chapter 31: Recuperation

章節 31: Recuperation


POV: Astaros


I awoke slowly, my body moving at a sluggish pace while I raised myself into a sitting position. The quiet soft breaths of Fillia and Dryis echoing throughout the room in the silence of a new, early morning. No sunlight came in through the window indicating sunrise had not yet come to pass. The bed creaked slightly as I yawned and stretched my newly repaired arms.

The divinity had done its work. And the best part is it was my own divinity which was granted to me by the Astral being. "Should I achieve a great feat I would reach the realm of the divine '' is what was stated in his message accompanying my rise to the title of destroyer. It came with two other titles, something I am still trying to grasp. What do titles do? I don't know. They don't seem to be for personal satisfaction though.

'Now that I think about it…' {Astaros}

I haven't checked my abilities and titles since I began focusing on my recovery. That's something I should check as soon as possible. I looked around the small room, my eyes adapting to the darkness extremely quickly.

My mind was not new. If I needed to adapt to a bright light or dark space it would take less than a second to do so. After a million or so years it just became automatic, something I couldn't forget how to deal with.

Many things normal humans would find hard to accept or adapt to wouldn't faze me in the slightest. It was one of the many advantages I had on earth that came here with me. Now then, exactly where am I?

I spread out my mana sense and checked around. I was in the church in the third hall of the recuperation wing. The reason I didn't know this was that the only thing I had been able to do before my mind shut down to speed up the regeneration was tell Fillia what to do if I was classified as SS rank and to not allow any foreign mana to enter my body. So I was quite clueless about the current situation. I looked at Dryis sleeping peacefully, her chest rising and falling as she slept. Fillia was curled up in a little ball and had wrapped her fluffy orange tails around my waist, as though to hold onto me and prevent me from leaving. Her little ears twitched intermittently as I shifted and moved.

I smiled and sighed. I guess getting up to test my skills was out of the question. Lets just check them out instead.

'Damage Core, give me a report on my received abilities from the drake battle' {Astaros}

A weak red glow shone through my chest, illuminating the room slightly. The sphere within my chest began to rotate slowly, picking up speed and becoming brighter before reaching a form of apex.

'Secondary Initialization Complete. The new updates to the constitution of Astaros The Destroyer are as follows: class upgraded Arcane Warrior has become Divine Devastator. Skills Divinity Manipulation, Mana Crystallization, Destructive Force, Rampage, Trait Sharing and $+@=*% *%%@^/!@##$@^! have been unlocked.'

Oh cool. That isn't ominous at all. I really hope that's not a passive because that would be really annoying. An unknown ability going off at random times would be truly problematic.

'Damage Core what was that garbled section?' {Astaros}

The damage core spun a little bit and then stopped, its red glow fading away. So it doesn't know. Well then let's try this.

'Damage core can you disable that ability till I can see what it is and does?' {Astaros}

The damage core spun again, emitting a purer red light, as though excited at the fact I had given a solution instead of faulting it.

'Huh, recently this thing has become pretty expressive. Well as expressive as a glowing red bead can be.' {Astaros}

Suddenly I felt a warm energy course through me before dissipating.

'Subject: Astaros The Destroyer's solution to possible concerns is acceptable. Skill has been sealed until said skill is considered utile.' {Damage core}

'That solves that then.' {Astaros}

Ok then with that solved lets begin to concern ourselves with all these skills I gained.

'Damage core, define all newly gained skills. Also what is the point of gaining titles?' {Astaros}

'Defining abilities then defining reward class item 'Title'' {Damage core}

It spun for a moment and slowly began to emit more light as it began.

'Divinity Manipulation. You have unlocked the ability to manipulate Celestial grade divine energy. Your divinity belongs to you, the progenitor human. First and last of your kind. This divinity has an extremely high purification rate but an extremely high divine domain cost. To utilize your domain would require you to essentially put nearly all your divinity into this ability, thus rendering regeneration impossible. The basic ability of the progenitor of humanity divinity is empathic clairvoyance. You can tell the emotions of others around you, something you have been using subconsciously since coming to telos. Your divine enhancement seems to be that when used on a weapon, any damage blocked is dealt as pain to the soul eightfold, bypassing any natural pain resistance a species may have. This is known as empathic true damage. It can be fatal if the damage is high enough and the opponent's mental resilience is low enough as the shock would kill them.' {Damage Core}

Alright now this has set my expectations for the rest of my abilities. If this keeps up exactly how powerful am I going to become today? I am definitely going to enhance the shattered star and the bear claw knife just for good measure.

'Mana Crystallization. The ability to crystallize raw mana and use it to produce materials for both purity and mana pool enhancements. When mana is crystallized the element it was rendered with will tell the color of the crystal while raw mana is transparent. Consuming crystallized mana with an affinity that matches your own will enhance your affinity with that element thus granting you more precise control. Increases the ease of imbuement when placed within an object targeted with imbuement. Being in close proximity to a large mana crystal will enhance your affinity permanently but extremely slowly. WARNING consuming a crystal you have no affinity for will damage that elements opposite affinity. Being in the proximity of a crystal that does not have one of your affinities can lower your defense to that crystal's natural element. Redirect said crystals mana radiation with raw mana to remove these effects.' {Damage core}

This puts a smile on my face. The creative uses of crystallized mana is more than enough to repair my armor better than before. Now I can also increase my control and mana pool passively. This is something I could use to repay everyone for what they've done for me so far.

'Destructive Force. Push your muscles to the limit and destroy them in a unreasonable display of power. Use in conjunction with both outburst and overload for best results.' {Damage core

And of course can't go one class upgrade without the a suicide ability popping up, and of course they say to use it with the other suicide abilities.

'Rampage. Activate passive regeneration to recover stamina while going into a state of absolute all out rampage. You will have no sense of self so leaving the state normally is impossible. The state will stay active till all hostile opponents are eradicated. Use in conjunction with outburst and empathic true damage for best results. In a worst case scenario mesh with outburst, empathic true damage and destructive force. ' {Damage core}

Okay not a suicide skill but it does have some serious downsides. Though the final combination could likely put out as an end all be all move. If I wanted to kill someone I would definitely use this. Now I think there's one more.

'Trait Sharing. Share species or class traits depending on the level of soul linkage. It works both ways.' {Damage core}

Now this was slightly peculiar. Exactly what counts as a trait? Physical traits as well or just abilities exclusive to that race? How many can I stack? Well in the first place I don't have a high enough link level to anyone to actually use this so it requires some experimentation.

'Finally titles. They offer certain perks such as better intimidation to wolf type creatures and beast-men for the title Silver Fenrir, and the others like The Destroyer enhancing physical constitution and allows for a much more powerful mana pressure to be exuded. The two new titles you received are reptile's bane and champion of humanity. Reptile type monsters and beast-men will now recognize your supremacy while the champion of humanity makes humans more respectful and trusting of you in general. You can have only two titles active at one times' {Damage core

Well then that's useful. Being able to make myself a powerful presence to other races is quite the buff. Though I'll stick with Silver Fenrir and The Destroyer for now.

Then it finally happened. A ray of light filtered in through the window as the sky of a new dawn reddened upon the horizon, as though it was an infernal sea. The clouds rolled like waves across the sky as though they were but color to a painter's canvas as I looked out upon the new day.


Fillia's tails unraveled from around me, slinking back towards her as she unfurled from my side. Rubbing her eyes as she raised herself from her quiet slumber.

"Mornin' buckethead" {Fillia}

At this Dryis also woke up stretching herself to her fullest.

"I don't have a bucket on my head anymore, Fillia." {Astaros}

I kissed her, my lips locking with hers. She was fully awake now and her feelings were exploding with both embarrassment and excitement. She tentatively sent forward her tongue, something I didn't expect but welcomed. They intertwined and touched each other as we learned our tastes. I then pulled back, to which Fillia leaned forward slightly as though she wished to continue. Her chartreuse eyes peered at me with fleeting feelings of disappointment that I had ended our passionate kiss. But they quickly were replaced with embarrassment.

"I-I I-Uh…" {Fillia}

I wrapped her in my arms as my silver star hair shined in the morning sun. I could basically see the steam coming off of her as I sat with her.

"Did you want to continue?" {Astaros}

She coughed and managed to stutter out a retort.

"N-no I d-don't. Stupid." {Fillia}

I played with her little fox ears as she grew quiet. Her heart began to beat nervously as though she was expecting something to happen.

'Ah I see. But no. Not now and not yet. Besides, I have something else I have to deal with at the moment.' {Astaros}

I got up to Fillia's surprise and turned to the source of anxiousness behind me.

Dryis was also now fully awake and on top of that completely red as well. I walked over and patted her head to ease her fears.

"Don't worry Dryis I you don't have to do anything like that if you don't want to" {Astaros}

She simply nodded as I stepped towards the door.

"I'm going to go repair my armor today alright? After that we'll get right back to out original goal of buying the island." {Astaros}

Fillia laughed from the side trying to throw off her feelings of embarrassment.

"I don't think we're going to have any problems with that anymore Astaros. Kali says the guild should be done with the drake corpse's appraisal tomorrow. That could be 500 platinum or maybe even 600!" {Fillia}

That would actually put us back on track then.

"Alright then I'll work out all my stuff out for tomorrow then. After that we'll sort out the expenses and fulfill the dream!" {Astaros}

She smiled at me as a warm feeling built up in her.

"I'll be back and this time hopefully I don't have to box a legendary creature to just fix my armor." {Astaros}

I turned and waved but then I felt Dryis's hand on my shoulder. I turned to ask what she wanted but before I could speak she gave a quick peck on the lips. Her cheeks becoming massively pink.

"T-that's all I can give you for now." {Dryis}

I smiled and patted her head, slightly surprised by the aggressive move from her.

"And that's all I need Dryis." {Astaros}

I then concealed and left the church, walking through near empty streets as people blew out their lanterns and the light element street lights were put out.

I left the city by leaping over the wall as I wasn't in the mood to pay. I had two things to do today. Rebuild my armor and Imbue my armor while enhancing both it and my sword. I would use crystallized mana in the armor's construction so I could make full use of my newfound abilities.

I then walked around the city to where the walls met the river. I stepped in the cool flowing water, taking off the shoes I had worn to reach here. Miniscule minnows dodged and hid in crevices while a small crablike crustacean huddled into the shape of a stone. It seemed that the further downstream you went the more aquatic flora you would find.

I walked into the middle of the river, which put the water up to my chest. Fillia couldn't even stand in this area. Only Katia could stand up and out of the water safely. I then began to walk forward, small stones rolling forward behind me in the current. They slowly floated up and out the water beginning grinding against each other, revealing small flecks of silver metal.

It was a familiar feeling and something I had done time and time before. But this time I had to do it better. I also needed to crystallize mana. For about an hour I walked downstream, occasionally submerging in the cool waters and occasionally walking through small branching streams. I then hit a small pool where I stopped and hovered the massive amalgamation of silver metal over the beach. After doing it so many times, metal gathering had become much easier. I gathered far more metal than the first time I did it and in less time as well.

I then dropped it on the small stone pool bank.


The ground shook and the trees wavered as I set it down, small animals fleeing the deafening crash of the massive lump of metal. Let's do this one more time. I then began to use my new ability, mana crystallization. I closed my eyes as the world turned black and the feelings and mana signatures of life showed around me. This was something I had to do when I wanted to look around in my early days of recovery. So now this was a natural feeling.

The mana swirled as I began with simple swirling raw mana from the air. I began to condense it, and add fire element to my new creation. Around half an hour passed as I sat on the warm river stones, heated by the sun and the circulation of fire mana. I then opened my eyes and laid them upon my creation. It was a cluster of orange shards around the size of a football. It radiated power and had a warm orange glow from the refracted sunlight. I took it in my hand and held it. It had a slightly lower mana purity as I had used raw natural mana as the base but I could work with it.


What if I used divine purification? That would raise the mana purity of the crystal and on top of that increase its potency. I gripped the crystal and it, along with my hand, was enveloped in a golden light. Instantly I felt the mana purity shoot up to my new found level from after I received my own divinity. This was what I wanted. The entire situation was taxing but I would do it. I just needed to focus on putting all the effort into a better Astaros.

And that's what I did. Earth, Wind, Light and Darkness all made into bronze, white, yellow and black crystals respectively.

I then started the age old process I first tested coming to this world. I lifted up the massive lump of metal I had, cutting it in half and placing one half in the damage core. I would only need half for the replaced armor.

I then lifted the ore with earth element before bringing it over the water. I then began a small jet of flame from my outstretched palm, which second by second grew hotter and hotter. The burning white flames enveloped the metal as I melted it and formed it into a ball. I then closed my eyes and let my memories of mana forging take over, with the added twist of tossing in the mana crystals. The boiling molten ball swirled before beginning to take shape over the next seven hours. When I opened my eyes it was finished, a near perfect replica of the armor I had used before. But now it was far more durable. I had well layered the armor pieces to prevent someone from stabbing through the less protected areas while keeping it thin. Though this made the armor heavy, that just added to the weight it held on a person's mind when thinking of attacking me. The armor was now also imbued, something I hadn't done before. It had fire resistance to prevent the melting problem from the battle with the drake. Toughened metal plates with the earth imbuement along with the ability to harden the earth beneath my feet preventing myself from sinking in things like thick mud. The light element was for better conductivity, allowing me to use things like light beams with more control. The wind element was also imbued for better punching air pressure and more controlled landings. Finally the dark element was added for easier cooling and to allow me to add an additional dark field to prevent what happened last time.

I had also enhanced it and the shattered star with empathic true damage. It was an ability I found to be truly amazing. It was exactly what I needed to fight heavily armored enemies. I was now completely back in action.

I put out my hand and touched the armor, and it then began to transfer as a red hue surrounded it and registered the armor to the damage core.

It had taken a total of nine hours to complete and it was now the afternoon, though due to the time difference from my old world it looked as though it was about 4:00. I then began to return to the city calling the wolves through Val Systin to help me make a grand entrance.

Time to make my big comeback.

Blue_Robin Blue_Robin

Alright lads Astaros is back on his feet and just in time because he ain't seen nothin yet. Vol 2 by the way is going to be yandere focused while established charachters like Kali, Christene and Fillia get a little more developpment.

Anyways see you all on saturday for the chapter blitz. Hope you guys have fun!

Also getting some more reviews for volume 1 would be nice.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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