Fun fact
The name Marvin, from Welsh origins, means 'from the sea fortress' or 'sea friend'. *Mari* - sea or ocean. *-winiz* - friend.
The name Lance, derived from the old French form of Germanic name Lanzo, means 'land'. The word has been associated since earlier days with a weapon (a light spear; lance).
Marvin reached Duke's place early. In fact, he was only second to David. Ezra and Felix, although lived close to Duke, hadn't arrived.
"Hey guys. Oh wow, I'm early. What's up?"
"Nothing. I got here just a few minutes ago," David answered, giving him a fist bump.
Duke turned on the TV, and they watched random stuff on YouTube while waiting for the others.
Ezra and Felix joined them after some time. Felix took a seat on the couch and Ezra, the beanbag. Soon, Marcus joined them as well. He took part in Felix and Ezra's movie talk.