When Lorena announced that there was a Marjorie Plum on the line a little after three, Jason almost jumped out of his chair. Was she busting him, or was she calling to offer assistance again?
“Hello,” Jason said sheepishly.
“How did your dinner go last night?” she asked.
“It was great. Thank you for the casserole. I don’t know what I would have done without it.”
“Well, if you were smart, you would have ordered food from the best restaurant you know that Howard was unfamiliar with and tried to pass their work off as your own. I did that a million times with Gene. It was easy for me though; Gene doesn’t like to eat out so I had many restaurants to choose from. You, on the other hand, would probably need to go into DC or Baltimore. Howard is pretty familiar with Three Rivers and all it has to offer.”
“Oh, I think he’s finding some new things out about it,” Jason said.