Dr. Hall spoke softly. “Christian, I’m so sorry you’ve been living with this for so long. But…I believe Jeremy said you had this dream even before they kicked you out. Since you were quite young.”
“Yes. I’ve known for a long while that what I am is shameful. Abominable.”
“Hmm, pirates. Are you familiar with the Peter Pan story?”
Christian stopped rocking and gave the doctor a surprised look. “Yes, it was one of my favorites. How did you know?”
“It creates an iconic image. Pirates capturing young men or, actually, boys. So a pirate might have a lot of power over someone innocent and boyish.” Dr. Hall gave Christian an inquisitive look.
The young man looked at his shoes. “I’m twenty-four now, Doc.”
“Is it possible that a pirate, a dominant but friendly and trustworthy one, might be the right kind of a man for you?”
Christian laughed to cover his nerves. “Too bad they haven’t been around in centuries.”