22.97% Game of Thrones: The Targaryen Awakens / Chapter 17: Chapter 17

章節 17: Chapter 17

- Qarth - Deserted Alleyway - With Varys -

The Spider was rarely nervous. Rarely showed fear. Worry. All the emotions that made men and women make rash decisions at the moment of truth. Varys had long since made the controlling of one's emotions a skill few could master. And it wasn't easy to master like some would suspect given his childhood trauma in having his manhood removed by that damn sorcerer all those years ago when he was a boy. Since that day, Varys struggled to master everything about himself that he had left, and focused on others once his skills were adequate enough.

Slowly, the former boy from the traveling circus in Essos went from child entertainer, to boy eunuch to struggling to survive child to eventually adult with many "friends" until finally becoming the Master of Whispers in the Mad King's Court before he was the Mad King. He had seen a King go mad. A Prince with such promise marching off to war and never return from it. He saw a spiteful lion sack a city and use his mad dog on a helpless family all to prove his loyalty to the new Stag King.

A new King, who had no respect for the position of power he wielded, and let the Seven Kingdoms become more unstable as a result of his lack of trying. And like before with the Mad King, the Master of Whispers tried to do the impossible in keeping things from falling apart.

Hence why the Spider was here now. A message from Dooku had arrived several Moons ago requesting he meet the man in Qarth at this point in time. A chance for them to talk and discuss the future of the Seven Kingdoms in relation to the Targaryens coming back into power. When Varys had heard of his Magister friend's home being sacked by Khal Drogo, he feared the worst had happened to both of them.

Fortunately, his little birds were reliable in providing him with information on the issue, which stated the Prince had perished, but the Princess still lived. Clearly, the Prince had shown signs of the madness, but not the Princess. As such, Dooku and Connington had decided to take Daenerys away and left the Prince to his fate against the Khal, which the Spider knew was certain death. But what was strange about the whole issue is what had come after the Dothraki Khal had sacked the Magister's home.

Namely the disappearance and rumored death of Khal Drogo and his blood riders on their way back to his Horde. From what Varys could determine, the fierce warrior and his men had been attacked before they could reach the Horde. And if what the Spider believed to be true, some kind of magic ritual was performed that night on one of all of them. The Dothraki warriors who came to the sight had been fearful of that area and the ritual used on their Khal.

As such, the area where the ritual was performed and Pentos itself was considered to be forbidden to go unless something else happen to one of their own. A lingering curse put in place that targeted any and all Dothraki who came close to the Free City. How long it would last, no one who believed it knew, but no one dared risk testing it for one reason or another.

"You came as expected. And alone no less. I'm glad you followed my instructions," said Aegon from out of the shadows near Varys without a sound.

"Lord Tyranus. I applaud you for being so stealthy in your walk. Your footsteps are even more silent then my own," commented Varys with a short bow.

"We need to have a nice long talk Lord Varys. A talk that we both know is long overdue at this point," replied Aegon with Varys smiling since they were going to get to the heart of the matter.

"Yes my Lord. I believe it is time. For starters, I assume Lord Tyranus or Dooku is not your real name nor part of any House in existence. Correct?" said Varys to start things rolling.

"Correct. I assume you know or presume to know my true identity from the one message I sent you?" asked Aegon with Varys nodding.

"Yes. Though I was puzzled at first considering the only son Rheagar had was killed as a babe by Gregor Clegane when Tywin Lannister was sacking the city. The only other way you could be Rheagar's son, is if he was with another woman not Elia Martell. Namely a certain she-wolf from the North arranged to be married to the Stag. However, in order to call yourself a Targaryen and not a bastard Blackfyre, you would have proof of the two marring prior to your conception. Meaning all of the rumors of Rheagar kidnapping and raping her were false from the start," deduced Varys with Aegon nodding.

"Your intellect and keen mind serve you well Varys. As expected from the one given the title as Master of Whispers. Though I do wonder why you were never able to confirm or deny the rumors themselves. Surely providing proof of the rumors being lies would have turned the tide in drawing more supporters to my Father over the Usurper," said Aegon with Varys sighing.

"In truth, I did try to find out my Prince. I am also ashamed to say they failed in their task I assigned them. One of the few times I might add that my spy network failed me when I needed it most. My little birds were unable to move through the land during the war and I suspect someone knew about them snooping around. Whether it was Rheagar or Robert I had them spying on, neither man gave away what I did not already know. Rheagar was fighting to save the Crown against the growing rebellion and Robert was leading it on the field in the name of his 'one true love' for all to hear it. Neither man gave away anything I could use to challenge the status quo at the time," replied Varys sadly with Aegon staring at him from behind that dreadful mask and made the Spider slightly nervous.

"What about Jamie Lannister? What can you tell me about him and the day he killed my Grandfather?" asked Aegon curiously.

"I was there your Grace. We all were there. Jamie was assigned to protect the King when Tywin Lannister marched his army up to King's Landing and asking to be let into the city in order to 'protect it'. But I knew better. We all did. I told the King not to let Lord Tywin into the city. Even Jamie, Tywin's own son said as much knowing what his Father would do the moment he entered the city. We knew Tywin Lannister was a man who fought for the winning side. Rheagar was dead, his armies defeated at the Trident. Robert intended to march his army on King's Landing with the intent of killing the Mad King and become the new King in the process. Naturally, the old lion saw an opportunity to put himself in a real position of power by assisting the Stag at just the right moment. However, it was the words of Grand Maester Pycelle that swayed the King to open the gates for Lord Tywin to enter with his army. He convinced your Grandfather that the lion was a friend of the Crown, that the old friendship they once had was still there. How the Lannister army was waiting outside to reinforce the city's defenses being further proof," replied Varys with Aegon's hands clenching into fists.

"Nothing could be further from the truth from what I heard of the stories about that day," replied Aegon with Varys nodding and a sad look on his face.

"Yes my Prince. When the sacking began, the Mad King ordered Ser Jamie to go out into the fighting to kill his own Father and bring back his head. His next order was what set the young lion to stab the Mad King in the back and slit his throat," commented Varys while Aegon already knew what it was that his Grandfather had ordered, but wanted to hear it from the Spider first.

"And that being?" asked Aegon as if he didn't know.

"He ordered caches containing jars of wild fire scattered throughout King's Landing be set ablaze knowing they would ignite at nearly the exact same time. The event itself, if it came to pass, would have consumed the city in a fiery blast of green fire. At that point, Ser Jamie acted, killing everyone in the throne room who stood in his way of killing the Mad King, and finally the man himself before slitting his throat following the stabbing in he back in order to prevent the last command from being heard," said Varys with Aegon nodding since he knew his Grandfather's last words well.

~ "Burn them all!" ~

"And yet everyone hates him for what he did. For breaking his Oath to protect the King when the King himself was the threat," commented Aegon with Varys nodding.

"Everyone assumed Ser Jamie did it at the secret behest of his Father to secure Robert's future rule and so his sister Cersei would be the Queen. Soon after the King had died, the Stag's forces had just entered the throne room and saw the sight of Ser Jamie sitting there on the steps leading to the Iron Throne with a smile on his face. Though I easily knew it was just a defense mechanism to hide his own shock and the reality of his actions," said Varys with Aegon nodding.

"And everyone calling him a Kingslayer to his face, if not behind his back. Yet they do not even bother to merely whisper it so the man hears them all the same no matter what," said Aegon with Varys nodding.

"The Stag being the loudest of all of them. He wished to kill the Mad King himself as he did the Prince, but since Ser Jamie denied him, Robert intended to make the man's life miserable. Hence the reason behind calling Ser Jamie such a title every chance he gets when they are near each other," added Varys since he knew how Robert was as spiteful as he was short tempered on all things.

"Not to mention all the whores Robert would lay with and bastards sired in the process while ignoring his wife, who just so happens to be Jamie's twin sister," finished Aegon with Varys nodding in agreement.

"That too. Though the Queen herself has been less than faithful from what I have learned of her actions since marrying the Stag," offered Varys and Aegon nodded since he knew about both of them being unfaithful to the other.

"The status of the Crown as a whole?" asked Aegon while Varys sighing again.

"The Crown is nearly in the red for six million gold dragons. Those with wealth have had theirs increased while the poor have less than when the Mad King was on the throne. The Hand of the King is constantly drowning in the work dumped on him by either the Small Council or Robert himself from his own neglect of his kingly duties. Robert's son Joffrey is showing he has developed cruel tendencies and showing signs of being the Mad King reborn. Not surprising since he is ignored by his Father while the boy's Mother coddles the Prince and his every whim. As far as the Queen is concerned, her eldest son can do no harm and is favored among all three of her children," answered Varys with Aegon saw it as a woman who couldn't even follow her own beliefs on things.

The Lannister woman had despised Robert and the bastards he has with all those different women. Yet she had three of her own. With her own twin brother no less! A hypocritical bitch if there ever was one.

"What if I told you I planned to take the Iron Throne? To take back what was stolen from my family? That I would reveal a conspiracy between Houses to remove the dragon and the rumors about my Mother were a lie created by the old Falcon and the Usurper to win the people over to their cause? Would you back me Varys? Even if only in secret to make sure you didn't risk your own position as Master of Whispers?" asked Aegon while Varys was silent for a moment in thought.

"I will tell you what I have told no one else until today my Prince. I am not loyal to any King or Queen. Some might say I am not loyal to the Crown. Even more so since I am not from Westeros to begin with. No. My loyalty lies with the people. The Smallfolk. The poor. The people who have nothing. The people in the realm as a whole. Why? Because I was like them once. I had nothing. I was a boy and I had less than nothing. Not even my male parts between my legs. I had to endure much in my life. Horrible things in order to rise to my current station. Most of which I wish I could forget, but I cannot. Robert is not a good King. Not as bad as his predecessor, but still not much of an improvement. Your Father was the man I hoped would one day be King and one day rule over the people in a just and fair manner. One that I would be proud to serve and protect with all of my skills, knowledge, and of course little birds feeding me whispers to inform him of any schemes or plots against him. When Robert took the Iron Throne and things spiraled out of control as they did, I feared like many of a world filled with chaos that would shatter the Seven Kingdoms. But now I see that same hope once again. I see it in you. A chance to for you to make things right. To fix what Robert has broken during his reign as King," answered Varys with Aegon thinking his words over to see if any of it was a lie.

There was none.

"I arranged for your friend in Pentos to die. Does that bother you?" asked Aegon at last with Varys shrugging his shoulders.

"I will admit, the loss of my ally is a blow that will require time to replace. But when I weigh the events of his end against the aftermath, it was worth the sacrifice. All I can do is trust you will be making such moves on other potential people as a last resort and seek to fill the holes as they appear," replied Varys with Aegon nodding since the move had been a last resort or possibly the only way for them to get what they needed.

"And now we get back to my original line of questioning Lord Varys. Will you help me take the Iron Throne?" asked Aegon with Varys nodding.

"I will my Prince. Between the Stag, the Falcon, and the old lion...none are worthy of the Iron Throne. Only a dragon can rule over Seven Kingdoms. Only a dragon can take the weight and rule despite the heaviness of the crown," replied Varys with Aegon nodding.

"We will be ready in a few more years to make our move. By then, my dragons will be fully grown and I will have an army at my back to lead. In the mean time, I need you to continue your job as Master of Whispers. Eventually, I want you to inform the Usurper of my three dragons. Of my existence. Of my deeds here in Essos as they progress," replied Aegon with Varys looking surprised.

"For what reason my Prince?" asked Varys since he was confused by this.

"Simple. I want my enemies to know I live. That House Targaryen still lives. That actual dragons live once more and are flying in the skies above. I want the time that my enemies have left to be filled with fear, terror, and nightmares of me coming for them. That I am coming to claim vengeance and justice demanded for their crimes. I want them to know I intend on bringing those who schemed against my House to their knees and watch as all they have is taken from them. To know there are worse things in this world to fear then death," replied Aegon coldly with Varys nodding.

"Fire and blood," surmised Varys.

"Fire and blood," repeated Aegon with Varys nodding.

"I shall begin preparations for your return to Westeros my Prince. I will also be sending you a list of Houses still loyal to House Targaryen in the near future. One of them being House Tyrell. If anyone will back your claim when the time comes, it will be them," said Varys with Aegon nodding.

"In exchange for certain concessions I imagine," commented Aegon with Varys smiling since he knew what the Queen of Thorns wanted.

"Most likely my Prince. Though to be fair, House Tyrell was the last House to bend the knee to the Usurper. They only did so when Lord Stark broke the siege at Storm's End and informed them of Rheagar's defeat. They are the second richest House in all of the Seven Kingdoms with House Lannister as you no doubt know being number one," said Varys with Aegon nodding.

"I will do what I must when the time comes Lord Varys. Make sure when you do contact these various Houses and people, you let them know the dragon has not forgotten who stayed loyal to us," said Aegon with Varys nodding and bowing his head.

"Of course my Prince. Anything else?" asked Lord Varys with Aegon shaking his head.

"No. Nothing right now. If and when you do have your little birds reach out to me, make sure it is for only to deliver the most extremely important pieces of information," replied Aegon with Varys nodding.

"Naturally my Prince. Or should I say...your Grace?" asked Varys with a knowing smirk.

"Either one will do Lord Varys," replied Aegon with Varys bowing once more before the man left to return to Westeros.

No sooner had the Master of Whispers left the alley did Jon Connington and Daenerys appeared from the same shadows as Aegon had when the meeting first started.

"Was he telling the truth? About the Seven Kingdoms and the Usurper? About what my Father did? What Jamie Lannister did?" asked Daenerys with Aegon nodding.

"Every word of it was true. Some of which I wish wasn't true. Varys is not one to lie to others Aunt. He doesn't have skill to lie to others due to it interfering with his profession. Misdirection of information when called upon, yes. But not lying. At least not in the more traditional sense. Besides, I think the Spider knew better then to make the attempt at lying in any way to me," replied Aegon with Jon Connington nodding since that seemed to be the case here.

"Do you think he will be able to pull it off? Rally those loyal to House Targaryen when called upon when the time comes?" asked Jon with Aegon nodding.

"He will do his part. Just as I will do mine. House Tyrell will be the biggest backer in all of this. I intend to bring the other major powers to my side. Namely Dorne and the North. Once I have them on my side, any and all opposition will be crushed," replied Aegon with Jon smirking.

"Especially with three full grown dragons under your command and the army you bring with you," commented Jon in amusement.

"That too Jon. That too," replied Aegon before they went into he shadows to head back to the house to prepare for the trip to Astapor.

And the army he needed residing there.

The Unsullied.

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