62.82% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 168: Chapter 14: The Sex Tape l

章節 168: Chapter 14: The Sex Tape l


Casey and Carolyn crashed overnight with me, and I woke up in a tangle of girlflesh the next morning. The situation called for an encore, and after taking care of both girls, I wound up titfucking Casey until I parked both blondes on their knees side-by-side and gave them both a facial.

Afterwards, I proved myself the gentleman by going downstairs and making breakfast for all three of us while they got cleaned up. And then I kissed them both goodbye before sending them off without any firm plans to meet up again. I figured they'd both need a few days to recover at least, and all three of us knew there wouldn't be any serious relationships coming out of this.

I lounged around for the rest of the day, doing homework and watching Pittsburgh upset Denver for the AFC Championship and then Seattle beat Carolina for the NFC Championship. Kim returned to the house just before dinner, deciding to make sushi for me as a special treat.

I decided to have her do nyotaimori, which was MY special treat.

On Monday things started returning to normal. My light class schedule meant that today I had only a single class in the afternoon, so my time was spent doing a little studying, playing a little Xbox, meeting my friends for lunch, and then heading off to Isakova's class with my project team. I flirted with Casey but went home with my friends. We did a little work and a lot of chatting, and then made dinner. I flirted with Sasha throughout the day but she went home by herself. Kim and I took showers, made love, and then we went to sleep.

The whole thing seemed as good a routine as any, and I figured on repeating the same itinerary more or less for the foreseeable future. I was in no hurry to move into any serious relationships, not for the sake of being single but more because I was rather burned out on the whole concept. Kim had plenty of time during the day to hang out with her nerd/biker friends, but she would also keep me company in the evenings. I knew that she would go home on the weekends, but I figured on maintaining semi-consistent dates with Casey (and possibly Carolyn) for a little while at least. And even if those casual relationships fell by the wayside, I sort of figured I could always find another one. I AM Big Ben after all.

But the very next day, that routine got shaken up before it even started. It was late evening on Tuesday when my phone rang. Bert and Sasha had already left for home, and Kim was in the shower while I remained in the living room doing homework. I checked the display, and as soon as I saw who was calling, my schoolwork was immediately forgotten.

"Adrienne, hey!"

"Hey, Tiger. How's it going?"

"I'm good, I'm good. Long time no talk."

"I know. I'm sorry. Things have just been so hectic up here," Adrienne apologized. I had called her the day after DJ left me, after I'd gotten the parameters of my new relationship with Kim sorted out. Adrienne had consoled me over the loss of my fiancée and of my baby, although she'd known about the abortion since the day we had the procedure done. At the time she'd said she would try to find a way to fly out to see me, but in the intervening week and a half she hadn't done so. I didn't mind. I knew she loved and cared about me, but also trusted me to get through this period without needing her to hold my hand.

"It's okay, I get it. Fashion Week is just around the corner."

"Yeah, and the swimsuit issue, too. They tried to get me to fly back to the Bahamas for re-shoots, but Valentino and Marc Jacobs wouldn't let me out of contract to go. One reason why I couldn't get out to you, either."

"It's okay. I've been good, really."

"You sure? This past week and a half must have been rough on you."

"You know, it could have been. But I'm doing alright, really."

"Kim's taking good care of you?"

"You know it."

"I'm glad. You must be wearing the poor girl out. I can't remember the last time one girl had to keep your libido satisfied all by herself. Unless you're down and in the dumps and pulling some stupid celibacy thing as penance. You're not doing that, are you?"

"Me? Hell, no. But don't worry about Kim. She's had a little help these past few days."

"Oh, that's right. Wait, is Paige still a Tuesday thing?"

"Actually, Paige and her boyfriend went and got serious over winter break. She's not going to cheat on him, so no, we haven't hooked up since last semester."

"Oh! Well, that's good for her. I did always want to see that girl happy in the end, even if it wasn't with you."

"I know you did."

"So who else then? Hmm, Sasha? If so, I don't know if that's such a good idea. From what you've told me--"

"Relax. No, not Sasha. Actually, I hooked up with a classmate AND one of her friends. You'd like them: peroxide blonde, big tits. Wait, scratch that. You wouldn't like them. They're both totally straight. Even when we had a threesome they barely touched each other."

"What a waste. You're not serious with them, are you?"

"No, not at all. Pure booty call, although I did go on a date with Casey just to give it a shot. Cleaning the pipes for me, good orgasms for them. Everybody wins."

"That's nice. Well then, it sounds like you're managing to survive just fine without me."

"I'm a big boy now."

Adrienne giggled.

"So what's up? Or are you just calling to check in on me?"

"Partly. I should have called sooner, what with DJ and all that. I wish I could have been there for you. Really, Tiger. I mean it."

"Hey, hey. I know. You don't have to worry. It's fine. I'm fine."

"Good, because we can focus on me then for a minute."

I arched an eyebrow and sagged against the couch's backrest. "Sure thing. What's going on?"

"I need a favor."

"For you? Anything."

"Don't be so quick to agree, because this favor might require you putting a video of your penis on the internet."

My jaw dropped. "Umm, I don't think I heard that quite right."

Adrienne laughed. "Yes, unfortunately. Yes you did."

While John Wayne Airport was only a short trip from home, San Francisco International was a good 45-minute drive from the campus in regular traffic. Adrienne had already made a habit of catching a taxi or hiring a towncar to run her to the Berkeley house instead of make me take a couple hours out of my day to pick her up, and this trip was no different. It wasn't like she couldn't afford the expense.

But this meant that I had no idea when she would arrive. Sure, her flight schedule plus reckoning the time needed to pick up a cab could allow me to estimate her arrival, which would put her at the house just after my friends and I returned after Isakova's class. But her flight could be delayed and I might have to wait around a little longer. Or possibly worse, her flight could land early and with good traffic she'd actually beat me to the house, let herself in with the key she'd never given back to me, and give me a helluva surprise when I walked through the door.

It would be just like her to do that, to not call me and just meet me at the door wearing some ridiculously-expensive ensemble of lingerie she'd modeled on a catwalk somewhere in Italy, nevermind that I told her I'd be returning to the house with Bert, Sasha, and Kim in tow.

I didn't know.

Pain suddenly blossomed in my right hand. I jerked upright in my chair, gritting my teeth as I realized just in time that I probably shouldn't scream in a filled classroom. With wide eyes, I looked down at my hand, half-expecting to find it severed at the wrist with blood spurting out of it like a fountain.

But my hand was still attached. And there was no blood. There was a little black ink on the back of my hand, more or less between my second and third knuckles. And Sasha was just removing her ball-point pen, the sharp conical metal tip gleaming like a surgical instrument.

The beautiful brunette smirked at me. At the front of the class, Professor Ice continued on uninterrupted.

"I wasn't even sleeping!" I hissed, shooting my classmate a glare.

"You weren't paying attention, either!" Sasha hissed right back.

"You okay man?" Bert asked from the other side of me. "You seem kinda distracted."

"I'm fine. Just nervous."

"About what? Adrienne? You said she's dropping by the house this afternoon, but it's not like she's ever made you nervous about her arrival before."

I bit my lip and stared straight ahead. I hadn't told my friends the reason for Adrienne's arrival. Perhaps I should have. After all, if things went according to plan they'd certainly know soon enough. But there was still a chance things wouldn't go down the way Adrienne had said, and if that turned out to be the case, it would be better for all parties involved that they remain blissfully ignorant of any wild and crazy plan ever existing in the first place.

"I'm fine," I repeated and then sat up straighter to pay better attention, ordering myself not to worry. Worrying would do me no good. After all, the LAST thing I needed right now was performance anxiety.

As it turned out, Adrienne's flight WAS delayed. New York airports are notorious for weather delays, especially in January, and this day was no different. Apparently her plane had been stuck on the ground for over an hour before it was cleared for takeoff, and she didn't make it to the house until just before dinnertime.

Adrienne had to endure a trip from lower Manhattan to JFK, interminable delays at the airport itself, a nearly seven-hour flight across the country, and finally an hour-long towncar ride in Bay Area rush hour traffic. But leave it to a world-famous supermodel to walk through the door looking as radiantly beautiful as if she'd just stepped out of her bedroom ready for a night on the town. Nevermind that her golden blonde hair had been tucked into a baseball cap for the past ten hours. Nevermind that her makeup was minimal. Nevermind that she was clad in loose sweatpants and a matching zip-up hoodie. She was still unfreakingbelievably gorgeous, and her attitude was all bubbly and perky from the minute she stepped into the living room.

"Hey guys! Long time no see!" she greeted merrily.

It was quite true. Most of her recent visits had been quick overnight trips to fuck my brains out and then leave first thing in the morning, or holiday trips to see family. I honestly couldn't remember the last time she'd seen Bert or Kim, and I didn't think she'd ever met Sasha in person AT ALL.

Bert was the first to bounce to his feet, and he quite shamelessly moved in for a hug, relishing the feel of those sweater puppies pressing up against his chest. I still remembered the deer-in-the-headlights expression he'd had when first meeting her back during Freshman year, and the boy I knew back then would never have been so bold. But then, he HAD just spent nearly four years hanging out with ME.

Kim was a little more demure, but still gave Adrienne a welcoming hug. Well, Adrienne went and gave HER a hug, as well as whispered something into the other girl's ear. Kim smiled and patted Adrienne's back. Sometimes I forgot the two of them had actually been in the same circle of friends our Freshman year, back when Adrienne first started dating Grace Choi.

Paige was next. Since it was a Wednesday, we'd picked her up by Sather Gate on our way home and she was hanging out with us for dinner. We were making it a routine for her to drop off Bert at the BART station and then give Sasha a ride to San Bruno on Monday and Wednesday evenings. She was super-excited to see Adrienne and did her little fireball-of-energy jumping thing into the taller girl's arms. Sometimes I forgot the two of them had been roommates back during Sophomore year when Paige got kicked out of her parents' home.

Sasha then stood, introduced herself, and offered a hand. Adrienne simply rolled her eyes and bear-hugged the girl, much to Sasha's surprise. She didn't quite hug back.

"Mmm, what's for dinner?" Adrienne asked, now that the introductions were out of the way. "It smells delicious!"

"My supermodel special," I replied, leaning against the kitchen doorway with my arms folded across my chest.

Adrienne left Sasha and sauntered over to me, a little smirk on her face. "Supermodel special? You made a macrobiotic salad with a couple of cigarettes?"

I barked a short laugh and shook my head. "Nope. But really, cigarettes? Tell me you haven't started smoking."

"I haven't started smoking," she reassured me. "Nor do I hook up with any models who smoke. Mouths that taste like ashtrays? Yuck!"

"Agreed. Anyway, I made the sort of thing your publicist would KILL me for if he knew I was serving it to you: Mom's meatloaf and scalloped potatoes. At least there are also steamed vegetables."

"Just like home. Thank you, Ben." She smiled sweetly and pulled me in for a warm hug, a sibling's hug, along with a simple peck on the cheek. Instantly all the tension I'd built up since Isakova's class melted away.

"It's good to have you back, even if it's only for a little while," I sighed happily.

"So what is the special occasion?" Bert asked from behind her. "Ben's been rather mum on the subject."

"Oh, he didn't tell you?"

Bert, Kim, Paige, and Sasha collectively shook their heads.

Adrienne giggled and then turned back to me. "Should I tell them?"

I rather vigorously shook my head in the negative.

But Adrienne cackled and turned around, wrapping one arm around the back of my head while more or less wrapping a leg in front of and across my hips. She managed to press her cheek against mine, and with a grin she explained, "Ben and I are going to make a sex tape."

Although I'd already heard the story, Adrienne wound up repeating it to my friends over dinner. I wondered to myself why she would reveal something so intimate and personal, but right at the beginning of her explanation she said, "It's only fair that you all know about this before we go and actually do it. Once the tape hits the internet, everyone on this campus will know about it and be talking about it. As his friends, this will probably put you all in the line of fire. I'm sorry about that, but I tend to think that simply by BEING his friends you all are sort of used to this kind of attention, and I hope it won't put any undue burdens on you. Really, this isn't a decision I'm making lightly."

"Why ARE you deciding to do this?" Paige asked first.

"Lots of reasons, but first and foremost it has to do with my reputation."

Paige frowned. "Putting a sex tape on the internet is going to help your reputation?"

"In this case, yes. Here's the thing about a career in modeling: success is entirely dependent upon desirability. Either women want to be you, or men want to fuck you. Now that's simplifying things a bit, but it's more or less true."

My friends glanced at each other for a moment before nodding their agreement.

"Now while there is a small percentage of lesbians out there in the world," Adrienne continued, "most of my target audience is comprised of straight men and women. I'm not a high-fashion model. I've got serious curves. So I do lingerie and swimsuits and the occasional sexy dress. Women buy the clothes I model because they want to look like me and seduce their husbands and boyfriends. Men buy my magazines because they want to visualize having sex with me. Everyone on the same page so far?"

Bert shrugged, his eyes yo-yoing like he was visualizing having sex with her right now. Kim, Paige, and Sasha were a little more direct in their nods of agreement.

"Two weeks ago, the New York Daily News outed me as a lesbian. It's a tabloid, really, but one that semi-approaches the respectability of a real newspaper. I guess I'd been seen out in public enough with Caroline for somebody to put two and two together, or maybe some source within the industry let it be known that I only played the 'other' side of the field. Whatever the reason, I got outed, the word spread, and then four days later my agent called to tell me that Sports Illustrated was pulling me from the cover of this year's swimsuit edition. Yeah, I was supposed to have this year's cover, but the magazine doesn't want the backlash of negative publicity for having a lesbian be the cover model of a very male-centric issue."

"Ouch. I'm sorry," I said, reaching over and patting Adrienne's hand.

"Not your fault. That wasn't even the worst part. One week ago, Caroline broke up with me. Because of the article she was getting hounded by paparazzi, and her bosses at Vogue told her she needed to keep a low profile for a while until everything blew over. It's not like there aren't a TON of homosexual people in the fashion industry, but for some reason, people decided to make a big deal out of me having a girlfriend. And it was just too much for her to take."

"Adrienne..." My palm was still on top of Adrienne's hand, and I squeezed it while giving her a serious look. "I read about the lesbian thing on the net, and sort of shoved it into the back of my mind along with the other hundred rumors out there about you. But why didn't you tell me about Caroline?"

Adrienne gave me a pained expression. "It happened two days after DJ left you. As much as it sucked to have my girlfriend break up with me, nothing could compare to what you'd just gone through. I'm alright, really. Caroline and I weren't even together a year. I'll bounce back, and this tape is one way I'm doing it."

"Pardon me for being dense," Bert interrupted. "But how is a sex tape going to help?"

"It turns her back into a straight model," Kim explained while staring straight at the table top, her eyebrows furrowed. "Or even better, it makes her bisexual. Guys get turned on by the idea of girl-on-girl action, but for her to be a full lesbian kills the fantasy. A guy needs to be able to fantasize that he might someday nail her, even if the odds are astronomically bad. A guy jerking off over her magazine can conjure up some crazy idea about running into her in an airport or at a coffee shop and somehow wooing her into going back to his place for a nightcap. To be told that she's only into girls neuters that idea. But if there's a sex tape out there, visible proof that Adrienne can take a good dicking, then he can once again believe. Even better, if she's proven to be bisexual, then that same guy can dream up a threesome."

Sasha and Paige nodded thoughtfully. Bert seemed in a daze, as if he were dreaming up that threesome right then and there. But I was frowning.

"I know I agreed to do this over the phone, and there's no way I'm going to back out on you. But since you called, I got to thinking: Isn't there some other way you could provide evidence of your heterosexuality? Like get a boyfriend?"

"I'm not getting a boyfriend and you know it," Adrienne replied while leveling me with a look.

"I don't mean an actual boyfriend. Just..." I shrugged before adding, "arm candy."

"Thought about it. One of my gay guy friends who isn't out of the closet even offered to be my 'beard'. It would help him too. And I may ultimately take him up on it once I go back to New York. But Fashion Week is in three weeks. So is the SI cover. Designers are getting skittish about having me model their outfits, and the longer I wait the more likely it is that I won't get that swimsuit cover back. Now a sex tape may or may not work. Hell, the scandalous nature of a sex tape alone might keep me off the SI cover by itself. But they say in New York that there's no such thing as bad publicity, and even the lesbian outing has at least put my name out there a million times more than it would have been otherwise. If I can nip the 'lesbian' part in the bud before that term comes to define me, I can not only reverse any damage it's done but ALSO come out ahead, even more famous and popular than I already am."

"Is that really so important?" Paige asked. "I mean, I'm playing devil's advocate here for a minute, but you ARE a lesbian, aren't you? Is that something to be ashamed of?"

"Well, lesbian plus Ben. Really, it has nothing to do with being ashamed of my sexuality so much as that I'm a public figure in the limelight and this sort of thing has a direct impact on my livelihood. It's not like I'm forcing myself to do anything I wouldn't want to do in private anyway. I fuck Ben all the time."

"But you don't have videos of you having sex on the internet just yet. Are you ready to do that?" Paige asked. "To have recorded for all time, never to be deleted, video and images of your naked tits and pussy available for the world to see?"

"Pssht. You haven't seen some of the outfits I've already worn on the runway or in magazines. Some of those pieces are downright see-thru. I make a living out of putting my body on display, and really, I can handle it. The hardest part was convincing Ben to let HIS junk be out there for the world to see."

Kim looked at me. "And you agreed?"

I nodded with a sigh. "For Adrienne."

"Sex tapes happen to celebrities all the time," Adrienne commented, "and they always go about their lives just fine afterwards."

"Ben is not a celebrity," Kim pointed out.

Adrienne shrugged. "Nobody watches a sex tape to check out the guy's equipment, unless it's like 12 inches or something. Sorry, Tiger. I love your cock, and it's a beautiful one, but nobody's really going to be staring at it."

"They'll all be staring at YOU."


"And me," Sasha suddenly said out of the blue.

Four heads abruptly swiveled over to the brunette seated across from me. "Excuse me?" I asked in surprise.

"Kim said it: a threesome would be even better. It validates your relationship with Caroline while proving you can take a dick at the same time. We'd probably have to keep the focus on Ben just to make sure the world believes your leanings are primarily straight, but we can have enough play between you and me to keep things interesting. Or do you not find me physically attractive?"

Bert's jaw was on the table.

Adrienne was a little less nonplussed. "You'd do that for me? Really? You don't even know me."

"You're his adopted sister," Sasha replied. "You're important to him, and that's good enough for me. As a benefit, you're absolutely gorgeous, and believe it or not, I HAVE seen your magazines and Victoria's Secret catalogs. Really, everyone has, and a lot of Ben's inflated reputation currently comes from the fact that everyone knows you're his ex-girlfriend. Lots of girls are curious about the guy who was banging a famous supermodel."

Adrienne laughed. "Sorry, Tiger."

I shrugged, having come to terms with the reputation for a while now.

"Plus, I'm as bisexual as anyone Ben's ever been with," Sasha continued. "And you can count me among those who've fantasized about having sex with you while flipping through one of those magazines."

"You're quite flattering," Adrienne said with a blush.

"You're quite sexy," Sasha replied with a grin.

"But are YOU okay with having your naked tits and pussy out there for posterity?" Adrienne questioned.

Sasha winced immediately. "Okay, that part I'm a little squeamish about. I'm not actually worried about being naked in front of a camera. I'm a stripper; I'm used to putting my body on display even more than you are. But it's the whole 'for all of time' thing that worries me just a bit. That said, I have an idea about it: I wear a mask, so nobody can figure out my identity. Heck, maybe I wear a whole getup, so that it looks like we're playing out a fantasy together."

"I can wear a leash and collar, and get tied to the bed to be used and abused," Adrienne breathed, her eyes glittering as she stared a thousand yards past Sasha's right ear.

Sasha giggled. "Sure, although we'll probably have to make a trip down Telegraph to get me the right costume."

"Oh, I've probably got something that'll fit you stashed in Ben's closet already."


Adrienne giggled. "I could tell you some wild stories of the things we've done in this house. Things you wouldn't believe."

"Oh, I'd believe them all right."

"Still," Kim spoke up, "there's a good probability than anyone who recognizes Ben in the video will make the connection to you, Sasha. As wild as his reputation is, you're the busty brunette seen hanging around him most often. At the very least, you'll be the prime suspect."

"We can fudge the timestamp on the camera," Bert put in. "Or otherwise make people think the video was filmed two years ago. Everyone knows Adrienne left school after sophomore year, and have you even been back on campus since you left?"

Adrienne shook her head in the negative.

"Then that's perfect." Bert looked at Sasha. "You didn't start hanging out with us until the project team Junior year, so anyone who sees the video will figure it's from before you and Ben became friends. Sure, some people will still speculate, but you can just deny, deny, deny."

I stared around the table in amazement at my friends. "Did that just happen? Did you all seriously seem to agree this is a good idea?"

"It can work," Kim replied. "There's a certain logic to doing so."

"But you should only show enough to get the point across," Paige cautioned. "Don't go wild and crazy. Like, no anal or bondage or toys. You just need to convince people you're straight enough without being too kinky."

"Oh, poo," Adrienne moaned, with an ironic twinkle in her eye.

Bert chimed in. "As for the aftermath, as long as you handle it carefully, I think you can accomplish what Adrienne needs without causing a problem for us being your friends."

"And I get to fuck Ben again. Period," Sasha breathed, her eyes glittering as she stared at me with undisguised lust.

"So what do you think, Tiger?" Adrienne clapped her hands together and rubbed them briskly. "You, me, Sasha ... wearing sexy costumes and getting dirrrty for a camera? Are you ready to make a sex tape?"

I took a deep breath and looked around the table. Adrienne and Sasha both looked eager. Kim and Paige were thoughtful. And Bert looked like his head was about to explode from the imagery.

I chuckled and then pointed to my best buddy. "Do we need a cameraman?"



"Alright, alright. I'm clicking on it. I'm clicking on it. But if I get spyware off this thing I'm gonna fucking kill you." Josh Kohn sighed and rolled his trackball to the hyperlink Joel had sent him by instant messenger, thumbing the button to click it.

"Even if you did, it would totally be worth it," Joel drawled through the phone connection.

"Not if it's bullshit."

"It's not. I'm fucking looking at the video right now. It's HER. It's THEM. This isn't a fake."

"Yeah, well, I still have my doubts." Josh sighed, waiting for the page to load. He didn't recognize the domain name, and he internally braced himself for an avalanche of pop-ups that would refuse to ever completely go away short of a hard boot on his computer. But eventually the screen resolved into an ordinary blog site called Everwander's Lair. Later on, Josh would peruse more of the blog entries written by this guy with the handle "Everwander", but at that particular moment on that particular Thursday, Josh was only interested in the most recent entry titled: Adrienne Fucking Dennis Sex Tape, along with a video box just awaiting his mouse click to start playing.

Josh clicked it.

While the video buffered, Josh glanced down at the accompanying text. In two short paragraphs, Everwander claimed to have bought a used laptop on E-Bay. Some stupid moron had left the hard drive inside, its contents wiped. But such rudimentary attempts at erasing the evidence had proven no match for Everwander's LEET skills. Old term papers and downloaded jpegs of celebrities in various states of undress had not interested him. But the nearly hour-long video that consumed a significant chunk of the hard disk space certainly had. The mpeg's time stamp showed it as being recorded in November 2003, back when supermodel Adrienne Dennis was a college sophomore at UC Berkeley. The specific location of the video was unknown, as were the identities of her two partners.

"Dude, that's your girlfriend's BEDROOM," Joel put in helpfully over the phone. "And the guy is BEN."

"DJ's not my girlfriend," Josh spat back. "And she wasn't even in college in 2003."

"Whatever. So Brooke's and DJ's eldest sisters were upstairs back then and THAT was Adrienne's room. Point is: you've been in that bedroom a bunch of times. TELL me it isn't the same place."

"Video hasn't loaded yet."

"Man, you must have a really slow connection at your place."

"MY place? You live in the same apartment."

"Well I'm not there now. You want to come to Carlos' apartment? Video's running fine over here."

"No, no. It's loading."

"Whatever. It's probably because your processor is slow from all that malware you've picked up downloading porn ever since DJ broke up with you."

"Joel, I swear I'm gonna hang up this phone and walk over there to strangle you."

"Your loss."

"Nevermind. The video just came up."

Indeed it had. The frozen image on the screen had suddenly gone into motion, showing a man's face only a foot or so away from the camera lens. The slight image distortion and the way fingers kept popping into the foreground at the bottom of the screen made it obvious that the video was being captured by a computer webcam. Morning sunlight illuminated his face from one side, and also brightly lit the rest of the bedroom. A full-size bed was visible in the background, along with a daybed in one corner. Although the wall décor and bedspreads were different, Josh immediately recognized the layout as that of his ex-girlfriend's bedroom. Joel had been right.

"See, I told you," Joel crowed without Josh having to say anything.

"Fine. You were right."

Josh recognized the man in the video as Ben, although with a slightly different hairstyle. Ben typed out a few more keys, and then the pretty face of a certain well-known model appeared over the man's shoulder, looking at the screen.

Adrienne: It's up and running?

Ben: Yeah. We're recording now.

Adrienne: I can't believe we're doing this.

Ben: Me, neither.

Adrienne: But remember: We watch this together once, and then we erase the video forever.

Ben: I know, I know. Nobody wants this sort of thing getting out. Do you really think I want some video of my penis being out on the internet for the world to see?

Adrienne kissed Ben's cheek and giggled: I dunno. Big Ben has certainly been impressive so far. Besides, Tiger, nobody would be looking at you. Everybody would just be looking at me.

Third voice: And me!

Ben turned and moved out of the way just enough to show a second woman walk into the room and close the door behind her. The newcomer wore a flowy white one-shoulder toga trimmed with gold, as well as one of those funky hard-shell masks like they used in Eyes Wide Shut. The white mask decorated with various beads and gems covered the entire upper half of her face, showing only her nostrils and mouth. But her hair was fully uncovered: long, dark, very curly locks that along with the toga made her look like a Grecian Goddess. Err, Roman Goddess?

Josh didn't recognize the second girl, not from this distance anyway. "Who's the brunette?" he asked into the phone.

"Don't know. We haven't been able to figure it out here, either," Joel replied.

The webcam video wasn't shot in high definition or anything, and subsequent zooms over the next week wouldn't help. The boys never did figure out who she was, and supposed they never would. Probably some upperclasswoman who'd graduated and moved on before he arrived at Berkeley.

The brunette sashayed over to the full-size bed, and then turned to recline across it. Even through the baggy toga, it was obvious that she had pretty big tits, and the way they jiggled beneath the white fabric made it clear that they were both real and unfettered. The brunette carefully draped the flowing skirt part of the toga and raised one foot onto the bed, showing off a golden sandal with a four-inch stiletto. And then she leaned back with one arm for support, bringing the heel of her other hand up to her forehead while posing prettily.

Adrienne, whistling: I love your costume.

Ben: You're going to love taking it off of her.

Adrienne, giggling: You start first.

Ben: After I take care of you, honey.

Ben pulled Adrienne down into his lap, enfolding the busty model in his arms as he pulled her to his face for a kiss. Although now known as a Victoria's Secret and Sports Illustrated supermodel, on this day Adrienne was clad in a simple Cal Berkeley hoodie and sweatpants. Her makeup was minimal. And from the casual way she and Ben embraced, it appeared for all the world that at the time of filming, she was simply a horny college student about to have a threesome with her boyfriend.

The pair left the desk and moved toward the bed. The webcam continued filming, its wide angle capturing the entirety of the bed itself along with a good amount of space to either side of it. Ben first went to the brunette in the toga, kissing her forehead and then giving her a quick kiss on the lips. He then turned to Adrienne, kissing his girlfriend as if reminding her that his love was still devoted. But once they broke their kiss she pushed him toward the brunette and he rolled onto his back, pulling the brunette on top of him in a straddling position over his crotch.

Adrienne exited the view of the camera to the right, and faint sounds of someone rummaging through a closet reached the cheap microphone. Words from the bed spoken too quietly to be audible up added to the ambient static, but the brunette nodded and moments later she began to gyrate on top of Ben's body, her upper torso bending and twisting with the movements of a belly dancer, except for the fact that she was straddling a man and not standing on the floor.

In this position, the brunette's back was to the camera, with her long, dark ringlets of hair obscuring most of the action. But at some point, the shoulder clasp of her toga must have been opened, because the material suddenly puddled down around her waist, held in place by a matching gold belt. As she continued to twist and gyrate, every so often flashes of side-boob became visible, with enough heft and size to prove that the brunette had quite the large rack indeed.

Adrienne then re-entered the picture, clad in a sexy nurse's costume complete with little white hat featuring a red cross. Both the brunette and Ben turned to look at her while she flashed a beaming smile.

Adrienne: You like?

Ben: What does it matter? You're not gonna be wearing it for very long.

Adrienne: So sure? Maybe I should keep these puppies covered up just to tease you.

She cupped her massive cans for emphasis, fondling them through the white nurse's blouse.

"Fuck no," Josh groaned.

"What?" Joel asked.

"I just got to the part where Adrienne said she'd keep her costume ON. Please tell me you get to see her tits."

"Yeah, yeah, relax. She actually does keep the costume on quite a bit. But don't worry; those babies eventually get set free."

"Fuck this." Josh clicked on the video slider, moving forward several minutes. He'd take his time and watch the whole video later, but for now he was getting impatient.

The video buffered for a little while, but when it came back Josh found that he'd gotten right to the action. Ben was sitting up on the edge of the bed, with both Adrienne and the brunette kneeling and giving him a dual-blowjob. The brunette was still topless, but her lower body was out of view beneath the picture. And Adrienne was unfortunately still wearing the nurse's costume.

Presently, the girls passed his cock back and forth a couple of times, just long enough for the camera to see his weapon without one of their heads in the way, and Josh had to gulp. 'Big Ben' really wasn't some 12-inch schlong or anything, but it still looked to be about twice as long as either girl's hand and seriously thick, too. For a moment, he thought about Ben pounding the shit out of DJ with that thing, and his stomach turned. It was almost enough to make him turn off the video, but then he remembered that DJ had broken up with Ben too, and he didn't feel so sick anymore. She'd been holed up at Faye Nguyen's apartment for the last two weeks, but she'd have to come out eventually. Heck, maybe he'd have a chance to comfort her in the aftermath and win her back.

Meantime, he wanted to see a naked Adrienne, so he slid the slider forward a few more minutes again.

The video buffered, and when the image resolved he found that he STILL couldn't see anything. Ben was apparently flat on his back, his feet the closest things to the camera. Adrienne was straddling him and humping up and down on his cock while the brunette sat on his face. But instead of getting MORE naked both girls were actually wearing their costumes, with the brunette even having re-fastened her toga top. At least Adrienne bent forward and raised the back of her dress high enough to show her naked bubble butt and the big dick that could be clearly seen penetrating her pussy. But still, he couldn't see and hadn't yet seen those magnificent ta-tas.

"Fuck this," Josh swore again. He zoomed the slider almost all the way to the end, and when he let go of the mouse button, the timer read 56:22. The video buffered, and then finally resolved into the image of Ben's naked ass as it humped forward and back between a woman's upraised legs. Josh groaned, wondering why these porn vids always ended up showing so much of the guys when all he wanted to see were the girls. But at least he noticed that the brunette was beside them, completely naked except for that mask, bending over to drape her tits into Ben's face. That meant that the girl getting pounded was Adrienne, and THIS time Josh could tell that she was naked.

He HAD to see when that happened. Backing up to 42:13 he actually got to see Adrienne's tits. They'd reversed their orientation so that Ben was lying on his back with his head toward the foot of the bed. The brunette was riding his dick in the background, but in the foreground Adrienne was sitting bare naked on his face while tossing her golden blonde hair side-to-side and screaming in ecstasy. Her hands were cupping her tits, obscuring the nipples, but at least her costume was off. He watched her go for a little while, finally deciding to whip out his dick and start jerking off. But after a couple of minutes, he decided he simply HAD to see the moment when Adrienne's tits busted out of that costume, and he slid the slider back once more.

The next five minutes or so were spent going back and forth along the video's timeline. He'd back up, wait for the video to buffer, and find that Adrienne's tits were still fully covered up. Ben was fucking the brunette doggy-style while she ate out Adrienne, but the nurse's costume covered up the goodies. Then he'd go forward, wait for the video to buffer, and find that she was completely naked, on the bottom of a sixty-nine with the brunette. Then he'd back up and try it all over again. Eventually, he whined into the still open phone-line, "Joel! Please tell me you know when Adrienne's top comes off."

"Uh, it was somewhere around minute twenty-six or seven, I think. The brunette takes the dress off of her before kissing her way down and sticking her face into Adrienne's crotch."

Josh's dick bounced off his belly to hear that. He quickly adjusted the slider, the video settling on 25:48. And even though Adrienne was still wearing her costume at that time, he settled in and stroked his meat, willing himself to be patient.

His patience was quickly rewarded. Both girls knelt on all fours on the bed, the bottoms of their costumes pulled high enough to show two very nice bare asses. Ben was pounding the brunette, but after bringing that girl to a moaning climax, he switched to Adrienne's juicing snatch and proceeded to powerfuck HER to orgasm. Only then did he start down the final homestretch, his thrusting speeding up to the rabbit-humping most guys are familiar with in the last few seconds before ejaculation. Abruptly, he pulled out and tapped Adrienne's hips, grabbing onto his big dick and holding it, not pumping or otherwise stimulating his meat.

The brunette had already turned around, and she reached out to take Ben's dick from him. Adrienne had just gotten herself turned around, and the brunette started stroking Ben's shaft while aiming it at the other girl. Moments later, the first string of jizz spurted forth and streaked a line across Adrienne's gorgeous face, and then a second, third, and fourth. Josh couldn't believe how much cum was coming out of Ben's cockhead. He thought cumloads like this only existed in porn, and yet there was no denying the way Adrienne's face got completely COVERED in sticky jism. What had to be a seventh and eighth shot of cum finally shot out to join the rest, and only then did Ben twist and collapse flat onto his back across the bed, his half-hard cock pointing up but deflating.

The brunette attacked the blonde's face, licking and slurping with abandon. She carried down the cum she found and snowballed it into Adrienne's mouth, and Josh nearly lost his load then and there. But by squeezing his own dick and straining to keep his orgasm at bay, he managed to keep from prematurely going off. And he settled in to watch the girls finish cleaning up.

The two hot babes made out for a little while, both of them somehow still wearing their costumes despite all the fucking that had taken place over the first twenty-five minutes. Simply put, the loose toga made for easy access to the brunette's tits and pussy. The same went for Adrienne's short nurse's dress, up until now at least. But no longer. With both girls profiled in front of the camera, the brunette's hands came up and began working the buttons that ran from throat to tails of Adrienne's costume. The top three buttons had already been undone, exposing all that cleavage, but when two more buttons were opened the busty blonde's tits began to spill forth. They were encased in a fire red lace bra, the angled cups exposing a ton of milky-white flesh down the middle while providing enough support to push the globes up and together. The brunette shoved her face into those melons, motorboating herself in them for a little while before picking her head up and mumbling something inaudible to Adrienne.

The pair of them turned atop the mattress, Adrienne sitting up on the foot of the bed. The not-yet-a-supermodel winked at the camera and thrust her bosom forward. Meanwhile, the brunette stepped down onto the floor and then kissed her way down Adrienne's chest, the back of her head obscuring the view until she sank lower and lower and eventually got every button of Adrienne's dress opened. Her face ducked into Adrienne's now-exposed crotch, her head movements and Adrienne's reaction making it obvious that she was eating her out. And while the busty blonde leaned back with both hands and thrust her still bra-encased tits up toward the sky, the brunette finally reached up with both hands, slipped the front-clasp to the red bra, and flung the cups aside to reveal those massive melons in all their naked glory.

"Oh, SHIT!" Josh grunted and painted the underside of his desk with semen. "Shit, shit, shit!"

"What happened?" Joel asked over the phone.

"Nothing," Josh snarled. "I'll talk to you later."

"What happened?"

"Later. I'll call you back after I've finished watching the vid."

"Ha," Joel laughed. "Yeah, dude. I'll talk to you when you're done jerking off."

Josh didn't respond except to punch the END button on his cell phone. And then he got some tissues to clean up his desk.



The doorbell rang, and I headed over to open it. Finding Bert and Sasha both on my doorstep, I head-nodded and said, "Hey guys. C'mon in."

It was nearly dinnertime, and Adrienne was in the kitchen helping Kim prepare the food while getting a culinary lesson of her own. Bert and Sasha followed me into the living room before dumping their bags and then settling onto the couches. I glanced over at Bert first. "So have you seen the vid?"

He nodded. "Just a bit, though. Felt kinda weird watching what amounts to a porno on my laptop in the middle of the Quad. Really, I only saw enough to verify that it's up and running on the blog site. Plus ... well ... you guys are my friends."

That last bit was directed at Sasha, and she blushed. "Nothing you didn't see at the club. In fact, I was more covered up in that video than on stage."

"Still..." Bert winced.

"C'mon, admit it." I reached over and lightly punched him in the upper arm. "You and Lynne are going to watch it this weekend and get down and dirty together."

The way Bert turned pink told me I was right on the mark. "I ... well ... I think there's something a little extra ... stimulating ... when you actually know the people in the video. Not that I'd ever pull a move on you, Sasha. But you know you're attractive and I'd have to be dead to not be turned on by something like that."

"No offense taken," she laughed lightly. "I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't comfortable in my own skin."

Bert now turned to me. "So who's 'Everwander'?"

"Friend of Kim's," I replied. "Don't ask. We're better off not knowing."

Bert's eyebrows popped and he shrugged. "There are a lot of things I'm better off not knowing. I'm sure glad you didn't try to actually make me a cameraman or anything. I feel awkward enough right NOW just knowing what happened."

"Is it going to be weird hanging around us for the rest of the semester?"

"Nah ... This weird feeling will pass by tomorrow. You guys are my friends. And let's face it: I've done a lot crazier things with you in the last few years."

I chuckled and nodded. "True dat."

I then turned to Sasha. "So have you seen it?"

She nodded. "Holed up in the library on the floor in an out of the way corner with my headphones. I didn't watch it start to finish. Being there I knew what was coming up and when to fast-forward. But I pretty much saw it all."

"Are you comfortable with your identity?"

Sasha smiled. "The mask never came off, and very few people would recognize me by naked body alone, even club patrons. I don't show it off enough around here for anyone to clue in, so I think we're safe. Plus, Adrienne and I kept those costumes on more often than we didn't."

I nodded. "Paige will be happy, I think. Nothing weird or kinky, except for when Adrienne went for that creampie halfway through. Clothes on for the most part, although I think people got their money shot when Adrienne went for a naked cowgirl ride facing the camera."

Sasha grinned. "Hey, proof positive that she's into guys. That was the point, right?"

"Right," a new voice suddenly cut in. Adrienne had joined us in the living room, and she leaned over the backrest behind me to scoop an arm across my chest and pull me back towards her for an upside-down kiss. Then, she picked her head up and stared me right in the eyes. "Just like Paige suggested: enough for get the point across that I'm 'straight enough' for mass market appeal, while admitting the bisexual side that will probably make me even more popular than I already am. All without putting ourselves TOO on display."

I smiled. "Sounds like Mission: Accomplished."

Adrienne grinned and shook her head. "Nuh-uh. We're only halfway there. See, we kept things tame for the sex tape. But really, Sasha and I didn't get to have the wild threesome we both REALLY wanted. Nothing kinky, remember? No anal or bondage or toys."

"So now we want anal and bondage and toys," Sasha explained helpfully.

"Annnd I think that's my cue to leave," Bert said laconically.

Adrienne laughed and slid over behind Bert's backrest. Then, to his surprise, she repeated the arm across the chest maneuver and sealed her lips over his in a fierce nuclear upside-down kiss that took his breath away. Even after she stood back up, Bert looked completely dazed, and Adrienne giggled proudly. "Later. AFTER dinner. First, you guys have to tell me how well I mimicked Kim's recipe."

"Oh, great. We're all gonna get food poisoning..." I drawled.

Adrienne came back and bopped me upside the back of my head. "And AFTER Ben showers my cooking with abundant praise and pleas for me to come back and cook for him again, Sasha and I will take him upstairs and keep him fucking us all night until we're both satisfied, hmm?"

"All night?" I glanced over at Sasha.

Sasha jerked a thumb toward DJ's bedroom, where she'd parked her suitcase containing her costume from this morning's filming. "Adrienne and I talked about this last night. I brought a change of clothes and my makeup kit and everything."

Adrienne grinned. "No more cameras. No more masks. Just the three of us, the toy box underneath the bed, and the limits of our imaginations..."


I woke up alone and tired on Friday morning, not even the sunlight coming in through my windows enough to rouse me any earlier than this. I'd arranged my schedule so that I only had one afternoon Monday/Wednesday/Friday class (Isakova's) and two Tuesday/Thursday classes, one each in the morning and afternoon.

It was a good thing, too. Adrienne and Sasha had damn near killed me, and I would have slept through any classes I may have had this morning. At least the two of them let me sleep in and didn't ask for a morning encore.

However, Adrienne did have one last surprise for me. After we kissed Sasha goodbye and sent her off to class, my so-called adoptive "sister" put me into the Mustang and then hopped into the driver's seat. Kim was free for a few hours as well, and she had climbed into the back seat as well. And then we were off.

Adrienne didn't tell me where we were going and I didn't ask. She didn't even have to say "trust me"; I already did. Minutes later we pulled up at a motorcycle dealership, and I turned to her with a gaping jaw.

"Yep, Tiger, ' she answered my unspoken question. "Kim told me you got your license, and I figure it's about time I got you a new set of wheels."

"But I like this set of wheels," I replied, patting the dashboard of the Mustang.

She giggled. "Oh, you're keeping this one. But didn't you tell me you've got another date with Casey tonight? How damp do you think her panties are gonna get when you show up riding one of THOSE?"

Adrienne was right: Casey got super wet when she first saw my new Triumph Daytona 675 in black and gunmetal gray, or so she told me later on that night. Rather than meet her at her apartment door, I'd called her to come down to the curb, and the peroxide blonde shrieked in excitement when she hit the sidewalk and turned the corner to find me leaning against my new ride wearing my black and gray motorcycle leathers while holding two helmets in my arms.

Two similar ear-piercing shrieks joined hers, and to my utter and complete shock I found that Casey had not come downstairs alone. Standing beside her were two more blondes, both of them dressed to kill just like my date for tonight. It wasn't such a surprise to see Carolyn, although I hadn't been expecting her tonight. It WAS a surprise to see Chevelle Morrison, the hippie-chick who had once been my project team member until she dropped out of the program. Only now did I remember Casey making an off-hand reference to Chevelle being one of her friends, but even so, I was astonished that she was here as well.

Casey wanted to go for a ride right away, nevermind that she was wearing a dress and that the only way she could ride was if she pulled the hem up high enough to show her thong panties. Carolyn and Chevelle wanted to go for "rides" as well ... and they wanted to sit on the motorcycle, too.

No matter what my original intentions for this "date", the girls had collectively decided that I would be able to keep up with all three of them. Rather than use Casey's and Carolyn's apartment, they talked me into inviting them back to my big empty house. Casey rode behind me on the Triumph, with at least her knee-length peacoat covering up her thong-bisected ass. Chevelle drove Carolyn over in her car. And then the three C-blondes and I fucked all over my house. I took the girls in the living room, in the kitchen, and in the bathroom as well. The only place we DIDN'T screw turned out to be a bedroom, and one particular romp with Chevelle actually broke a leg on the coffee table.

Plus, I found out that Casey actually wasn't 100% straight. Sure, she and Carolyn hadn't touched each other the last time we were together, but that was because Carolyn was pure hetero and Casey simply respected her friend's wishes. I already knew Chevelle would play around with other girls, and she and Casey had no qualms about crawling all over each other while I was porking Carolyn (or even when I wasn't).

Adrienne had flown back to New York just before noon, and Kim had ridden her own motorcycle home for the weekend before dinner. But I didn't feel lonely when I fell asleep that Friday night.

Not with three naked blondes in my bed.


Unlike the previous morning, I woke up with enough energy for a morning encore. I found myself spooning one of the three C-blondes and reached around to start fingering her while grinding my erection into the cleft of her ass. She began moaning as she woke up, and then she woke up fully when my dick penetrated her from behind.

Turned out it was Carolyn, and I fucked her to an orgasm before pulling out and rolling the other way. Chevelle was already awake on that side and had been fingering herself, so she was plenty wet for me to climb aboard and start rutting away. I got her off as well before flopping onto my back and inviting Casey to climb on for her last ride, thus completing the doggy/missionary/cowgirl trifecta with the three different blondes. Casey went to town on top of me, her near-white hair flying everywhere while I palmed and squeezed her big tits. And when she finally crested into orgasm, her spasming pussy pulled me along with her and I sprayed her insides with my morning load.

The girls then gathered up their dresses from the previous night and we kissed goodbye. I'd told them to stick around and let me make breakfast for them, but they shrugged and declined. There were no promises to do this again nor questions about how much I cared. We were booty calls for each other, nothing more. But I figured that if I didn't have anything else planned for next Friday I'd give Casey another call.

Once they were gone, I decided that an empty Saturday made for a good day to get some cleaning done. With no friends around for distractions and not much schoolwork to be completed, it was an opportune time. But I only got about thirty minutes of cleaning done before my phone started lighting up.

My first call was from Amber. "Are you aware that there's a sex tape of you and Adrienne floating around?" she asked the instant I picked up.

"Well, 'hello' to you, too," I drawled. "Yes, I'm aware."

"How the hell did THAT happen?"

"Well, the process begins with turning on a webcam that is facing one's bed, and then proceeding to have sex in front of that webcam."

"I mean how did that tape get out?"

"I believe the hacker in question wrote that on his website."

"You seriously sold a laptop on E-Bay and left the hard drive in there like that?"

"Relax, relax. Have you talked to Lynne or Bert yet?"

"Lynne? Bert? What do they have to do with it?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "Bert knows the whole story, but please don't spread it. We'd rather stick to the E-Bay/Hacker explanation. Point is: we circulated that video deliberately."

"Why on EARTH would you ever do that?"

"Long story, but the short version is that rumors were spreading that Adrienne is a lesbian and it was hurting her career."

"A lesbian? Ha!" Amber scoffed. "I just started watching the video and can already tell that Adrienne is about as lesbian as ME."

"Glad you think so. That's was the point."

"Why the heck would anyone think Adrienne was a lesbian?"

"Because she only dates girls, at least in New York. Paparazzi caught her with her girlfriend."

"Whatever. Believe me, I know lesbians; there are certainly enough among Lynne's friends. Real lesbians wouldn't touch your cock with a ten-foot pole."


"Okay, besides Kady and Noelle," Amber conceded. "But Kady was always curious, and Noelle was more of a one-time experiment thing. You shouldn't count. You're too good at licking pussy; I'll bet you could smooth-talk a nun into letting you sodomize her."


"Nevermind. Okay, I get your explanation, but did you really have to make a sex tape? Surely there were other ways of doing PR without leaking a sex tape. Why don't you guys just get Adrienne a boyfriend?"

"We are. She's going to start going out with a gay model who's still in the closet. But we figured the visceral evidence would get the point across faster. Fashion Week is around the corner and they're still debating the Swimsuit Edition cover."

"I guess..."

Amber sighed. "I'm not sure what I'm more upset about: that you leaked a sex tape or that I'm all horny watching you fuck those two babes into the ground."

"Surely you have friends who can help you with that."

"Not when watching the video makes me specifically horny for YOU."


"Ugh ... You know, maybe I should seduce Adrienne. Wouldn't THAT be something to watch?"

"Damn. I think my brain just exploded."

"Oh, not with you. Just me and her." Amber promptly blew a raspberry into the phone.

"Ha-ha," I drawled mockingly. "In your dreams."

Amber sighed again. "Yeah ... In my dreams ... and memories ... You know, I still can't help but feel that we would have made a great couple ... happy for the rest of our lives."

"We've been through this. And I thought Lynne talked you down from that ledge last week."

"She did. But then I see this video of you in action and it stirs up so much inside me. You'd better find another girlfriend or something and fast before I get it in my head that I can still win you back."

"You need to keep your eyes on the prize. Just a few more months until you finish out this semester and you can transfer back home." I took a deep breath. "You know what you want, Amber. You know WHO you want. Don't settle for me. Don't settle for second-best."

"But what if I can't have him? What if you could give me everything I ever wanted? Partnership. The security of commitment. Real love. Huh?"

I sighed. "Those are nice things to want; believe me, I know. But in this case, I won't let you. I KNOW you're in love with him, that it's David you really want. And no matter how happy we might make each other, and no matter how much you insisted otherwise, I would always know you'd settled for me."

For some reason, I started thinking about DJ. Had that been what ultimately undermined our relationship? Even more than the abortion? Had SHE always believed in the back of her head, despite all my proclamations to the contrary, that I'd settled for her?

"I know..." Amber replied after a long pause, drawing me back into the conversation at hand. "I know..."

"You'll be fine. You've got to believe you'll get him back, alright?"

"I know, I know..."

"You want me to come visit? Not for sex or anything; just to talk."

"No ... no. I'm still horny for you, and I'd probably jump you the minute you walked through the door. No, it's better off that you're across the Bay."


"Well, take care of yourself, Ben. I'll trust that you know what you're getting into with this sex tape thing. I know you used to complain about your Big Ben reputation over there at that school, but after this, it's only going to get worse."

"The reputation I can handle. There are only a few more months of school left before graduation."

"Maybe, but this sort of thing will haunt you well past graduation."

"Haunt me? It's a video of me nailing one of the hottest supermodels in the world, along with a bit-titted brunette. Not exactly something a guy needs to be ashamed of."

"And you nailed them very well. Lasting an hour? Cumming three times and driving them both to countless more orgasms?" Amber groaned. "Shit, okay, I need to hang up now before -I- drive over THERE to jump you."

I laughed. "Okay then. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, Ben. And because I haven't said it enough: thank you. Thank you for being the best kind of boyfriend I ever could have. And thank you for not taking advantage of my weakness right now. A lesser man would have caved already and not given me back to my David."

"You're very welcome."



Amber hung up first, and I took my phone off my ear and stared at the picture of her still on my display for a few more seconds. She really was breathtakingly beautiful, and I would have been a lucky man to have been with her for the rest of my life.

But it wasn't meant to be. That wasn't my destiny.

Oh, so we believe in Destiny again, do we?

Shut up you.

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