57.24% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 153: Chapter 6: More Than Friends ll

章節 153: Chapter 6: More Than Friends ll

Sasha actually returned ten minutes later, cool and composed and giving Bert the excuse that she'd needed to run to the restroom. For the rest of the class, she acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary, presenting the same studious, driven young woman personality she showed every day on campus.

When class was over, we started packing up our bags and Sasha turned to both of us. "Playing ball tonight?"

I glanced at Bert, knowing he hadn't brought his gear. "Uh, no, actually," I replied. "We kinda got out of the habit these last couple of weeks. The DJ thing and all."

Bert nodded his confirmation. I didn't think he was terribly upset that we hadn't been playing ball. Sure, he'd tag along and get the exercise if I wanted to go, but the game wasn't his thing.

"You making dinner then, Master Chef?" Sasha followed up.

I arched an eyebrow. "Hungry?"

She grinned. "On my budget, I'll take any free meal I can get."

"If that's the case," Bert commented, leaning in and jerking a thumb behind him. "I know for a fact that Rich Ocampo two rows back would love to ask you out on a date."

We all turned and looked over at Rich, who felt our gaze and glanced up to find all three of us gawking at him. Not sure what to make of it, the poor guy turned beet red and quickly stared at anything else before making a hasty exit.

I chuckled and turned back to Sasha. "Yes, I'm making dinner. Lemon chicken on angel hair. Steamed veggies."

"Sounds delish."

"Then let's go."

The three of us got up and bundled up for the walk back to my house. Conversation was light, inane, and about nothing in particular. Two days before Thanksgiving, our teachers weren't assigning us a whole ton of work to do. And once inside the front door, our school bags were quickly tossed aside while we collapsed onto the couches to veg out and deliberately not do anything productive for a little while.

It was a nice break, but twenty minutes later I realized I would have to start my dinner preparations. I'd defrosted the chicken since last night, but there were sauces to prep, veggies to steam, and pasta noodles to boil. The house's heater had brought the room's temperature up to a comfortable level, and I unzipped my hooded sweater as I got up, excusing myself to start the meal.

"Need any help?" Sasha offered. "I may not be much of a cook, but after eating so many dinners here, I think it's past time I started pitching in."

I waved her off. "Nah, I got this. It's a pretty easy recipe, and you can play Xbox with Bert."

Bert's eyes lit up, and an Xbox controller quite magically appeared in each of his hands, one of them proffered toward Sasha.

She gave him a sour look and raised her eyebrows to me. "I think I'd rather cook. Or better yet, maybe you can teach me. My culinary skills have mostly consisted of making cold sandwiches and pouring hot water into a Styrofoam cup o noodle. I think it's about time I really learned to feed myself."

"Perhaps the student HAS become the master," Bert intoned. "You both go ahead. I can play by myself."

I shrugged. "Works for me."

Sasha followed me into the kitchen, but when I turned around to introduce the recipe to her, my eyes bugged out a big to find that she'd shed her bulky sweater and was clad from the waist up in only a pale green tank top, the straps of her nude-colored bra evident. The scoop neck gave me a rather wide view of her expansive cleavage, and when she realized where my gaze was locked, Sasha grinned and crossed her arms beneath her bosom, compressing her tits together and giving me an even more enticing view.

"You've got the heater on full-blast. Even I'm starting to feel warm in here," she explained nonchalantly.

Blinking, I forced my eye level back to her face and shrugged. "I can handle it if you can." And then I launched into my recipe explanation, passing it on to Sasha the same way Brooke had taught me.

For a couple of minutes, I simply outlined the entire process from start to finish. Baking the chicken would take the longest, and everything else would be done while that went on. Mixing the lemon sauce was the priority and would take the most mental effort. Cutting up vegetables would be next, and we would steam them at the same time we'd be boiling the angel hair pasta. Sasha followed along studiously, and I could see her taking mental notes. But when I stopped and told her to recite everything back to me verbatim, she giggled cutely and shook her head in the negative. We went from there.

Cracking jokes and flirting went hand in hand with the dinner prep, not so different from when the girls had been teaching me. I had fond memories of DJ standing behind me, rubbing her tits into my back while holding my hands to show me the proper angle for slicing the vegetables, so when I had Sasha start cutting up veggies, on a whim I simply stepped up behind her and did the same.

She blushed and turned to look at me, her big brown eyes just inches away from mine while her lips ever-so-subtly puckered. But I didn't kiss her, merely smiling and then patting her ass while telling her, "Focus on your knife. Last thing we want is Type AB-negative sauce on the broccoli."

"Eww." Sasha made a face and focused on her food, although I felt a shiver run up and down her arm when I held her hand to show her the proper technique. And I couldn't help but take the opportunity to peek over her shoulder and down at the panorama of her marvelous D-cups just on the other side.

That was the way DJ found us when she and Brooke walked into the kitchen. "My, don't you two look cozy," my little sister cracked with a grin.

Almost hurriedly, Sasha set down the knife and stepped out from between my arms, turning beet red. "Uh, thanks for showing me how to do that," she stammered at some empty spot on the floor to our right that was equidistant from me and my girlfriend. Then picking her head up to look at DJ, she shrugged and added, "I'll leave you two experts to help him finish up."

The two younger girls watched with bemusement as Sasha practically fled from the room, and DJ glanced up at me. "What was that all about?"

I shrugged. "We were making dinner. I was showing her how to cut the broccoli."

My girlfriend gave me a sly grin. "The same way -I- showed you how?"

I smiled back. "The very same."

Rather than look upset, DJ merely appeared intrigued as she stared out the doorway to where Sasha was joining Bert on the couch and picking up the Xbox controller of all things. But the look vanished off DJ's face when she looked back at me, replaced by an expression of warmth and love and ... well, a little naughtiness. Her smile turned into a smirk as she slid herself behind me, pressing those big tits right into my back as she re-oriented us toward the still uncut vegetables. And taking my hand in hers, she proclaimed, "Well, you're still not doing it quite right. Guess it's time for a refresher course."

I thrust forward a final time, grunting my orgasm into my girlfriend's ear as a quart of spunk flowed out of me and into her sucking pussy. DJ arched her back beneath me, thrusting those glorious tits against my naked chest while she moaned in ecstatic bliss. I felt my biceps tensing as I clutched her body with savage power, holding my pelvic bone against her crotch as the diluvial torrent of jism flooded her womb. And together we scaled the heights of absolute physical delight.

"Ohhh, that was a good one," DJ moaned blissfully, her head lolling to the side as she gasped for air. "I'm gonna miss that tomorrow night."

Tomorrow was the final Wednesday before Thanksgiving Break, and rather than stay in the house until Thursday the plan was for Brooke and DJ to head to the Evans house early, have dinner there and stay through the weekend. I would be joining them, but not right away. Across the bay at Stanford, Lynne Arian was hosting a pre-Thanksgiving dinner for her group of friends since some of them were heading home for the short holidays while others were stuck on campus. Rather than have a small get-together for those still around, she was throwing a party on Wednesday night for the collective group. Naturally, Lynne's boyfriend Bert would be in attendance, and Kim, Sasha, and I were invited as well. Sasha really had nowhere else to go, having declined her standing invitation to spend Thanksgiving with her ex-boyfriend's family, and Kim was tagging along just to hang out and also help Sasha from feeling like too much of an outsider.

I didn't respond to DJ's proclamation about missing me right away. I'd already buried my face into the pillow beside her head, momentarily wiped out from the exertion of those final few thrusts. DJ squeezed me tight with all four limbs, hugging our two sweaty bodies close together before relaxing and then gently rolling my dead weight off of her.

Shifting onto my side, I caught my breath and finally said, "I'll still get to your house after the party. If you wait up for me, you won't have to go without."

"I guess."

"Or better yet, come with me," I suggested.

DJ rotated her head to face me. "Come with you?"

"Sure. You're my girlfriend now. Nobody there will blink at me bringing a plus-one."

"I don't know. That's a completely different crowd of people, and I don't know any of them."

"But you'll be with me."

"Yeah, but I feel like I'd just be dragging you down. Those are close friends you made last summer, and two ex-girlfriends if I recall. I don't want you to have to babysit me all evening."

"It won't be babysitting. I want you there."

"But you don't mind going solo for a night, do you?"

I shrugged. "I can handle it."

DJ grinned. "I think I'd be cramping your style if I was there. I'd keep all the cute girls from throwing themselves at you all night. Might even stop you from hooking up with one of them."

I frowned. "Hooking up with one of them?"

"Yeah. What about ... what's her name? Paige's cousin, the lesbian? Maybe she'd want to go for a ride again. It's been a while."

Surprised, I raised myself up on one elbow and frowned as I looked down at DJ. "Wait, you WANT me to hook up with one of them?"

She shrugged. "I'm not saying I want you to, but then I'm not against the idea, either."

"Really?" I quickly raised my hand, forestalling any reply while I quickly added, "I'm not saying I WANT to hook up with anybody else. I'm just surprised you'd say that, that's all. Especially after how this conversation went the LAST time we were together."

"The last time?"

"The Tri-Delt Halloween party. You told me I had permission, straight up; I assured you I didn't need anyone else, that I was going to keep it in the family. And when the opportunity came, -I- thought I had permission and YOU thought I was going to keep it in the family, and that whole fiasco directly led to us breaking up."

"Ah, THAT last time."

I nodded. "Expectations."

DJ looked thoughtful for a moment, and then shrugged. "So we solve the problem of expectations: I still give you permission, and YOU don't lead me into any expectations of fidelity."

I blinked rapidly, not understanding. "Excuse me?"

She grinned. "Fuck whomever you want, whenever you want. You just have to call me first, except for the girls on the Green List; you can fuck them whenever without telling me. I hold no expectations of you limiting yourself to the Family, so I can't get disappointed. Just don't fall in love with anybody else, hear?"

"Excuse me?" I was still baffled.

DJ smirked. "Is this really so hard to understand? I was pretty much like this the LAST time we were together. I know you who are. I LOVE you, and I have no illusions about keeping you 100% monogamous and liking it. What did you say Sasha called you? A man-whore? Well, that's pretty much it. And I love you exactly as you are."

"I'm NOT a man-whore!"

DJ furrowed her eyebrows, but gave me a little smile. "It's okay. I really don't mind. I totally and completely accept you, babe-magnet and all. Isn't it easier this way? If you don't want a girl, then fine, I'm not going to push you at her; that was Dawn's thing: using you as bait to get HER teeth into one hot coed or another. I wouldn't mind a threesome if some girl interested me. And at the same time, I don't want you blowing off time with me so that you can bang some other chick. But if I'm not around, and you're horny, then ... I'm cool with it. Get your rocks off. I'll be happy knowing you've been satisfied when I wasn't around to do it for you."

We were upstairs in my bedroom, but my jaw was downstairs on the ground floor.

DJ giggled. "No expectations. No disappointment. I love you, and I want to be the perfect girlfriend for you. In fact, from the look on your face I'm thinking we're going to have to get you LAID with someone else and soon before you'll believe me."

Still, all I could do was blink twice.

DJ's smile turned feral. "Ooh, I know. Why don't you and Sasha hook up tomorrow night? That girl's been sooo into you since even before you and I hooked up. Go have fun at the party tomorrow, scramble her brains, and then come back to my parents' house and cuddle with me. Sound like a plan?"

DJ's suggestion of Sasha finally jogged my brain (and my tongue), back to life. "Sasha? Are you serious?"

"Don't tell me you haven't noticed how horny that girl is for you."

"We're friends."

"And it looks to me like she wants to be special friends, and has wanted that for some time now."

I frowned. "No way. She's not just some hot coed looking for a Big Ben Experience. It would ruin our friendship. Yes, I've known she was attracted to me since before you and I got together. She and I talked about it."

"Right after you found out she was a stripper."

I frowned. "How do you know about that?"

DJ threw me a 'duh' look. "You told Brooke."

I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, we discussed our attraction to each other and we also determined that it wouldn't be a good idea. We would both want a relationship with each other and neither of us was ready for that."

"Do you love her? Could you fall for her?"

"What? NO! I have you! DJ, I LOVE you!"

"Just checking. Okay, then ... Think she's gonna fall in love with you?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, mentally rewinding the way she'd been around me ever since DJ and I became an item. "No. Maybe in the beginning, but not now, and certainly not now that you and I are together."

"Then what's the problem?"

"She's still my friend. I don't wanna mess with that. And I still can't believe you're suggesting her, because now that I think back over it, you were kinda ... jealous ... of the attention I was giving her over the last couple of months."

"Me? Jealous of her? Don't be ridiculous," she scoffed.

I thought back over the way DJ would go out of her way to be extra frisky with me whenever Sasha was around. I remembered my suspicions that she'd sent Tammy and a drunken froshling to my room to interrupt us during the Halloween party. And then there were those few days before she got sick when DJ seemed to be doing her level best to keep me drained dry if for no other reason than to keep me from fucking Sasha, and she even sort of admitted it at the time.

"Is that what this is about? Proving that you won over her? You got me, Sasha didn't. So now that we're together, you want me to pork her like she's just another notch in my belt and still come back to you as your loving boyfriend?"

The way DJ immediately averted her eyes was telling, as was the silence that followed. I waited her out, pulling the covers over our naked bodies now that we'd started to cool down and the chilly air was getting to us. And I lay my head on the pillow next to hers while she stared at the ceiling and pursed her lips.

But eventually she looked over at me again and answered, "Okay, maybe it is a little about proving things. I've wanted to be with you from the beginning; you know that. But you were in mourning over Dawn and you kept insisting that you weren't ready for a relationship. Then, all of a sudden SHE was around all the time and you were flirting ALL the time and I started to really worry that she'd get you. But -I- got you instead, and you can't understand how happy I am that I get to be with you. So as for her ... okay maybe I want to rub it in a little. But whether it's Sasha or someone else, I need you to understand that I really AM okay with it. Fuck Paige's cousin. Fuck Amber, your ex-girlfriend. Fuck Kim, fuck Brooke, fuck the entire Tri-Delt house or fuck some random chick you just met walking down the road. I don't care. I love you. I want you HAPPY. I want you SATISFIED. I do NOT want you telling yourself that the MORAL thing to do is to be faithfully and lovingly monogamous with me and only me and trying so hard to BE that kind of boyfriend when you're NOT. I don't want your sexual urges eating away at your insides and poisoning our relationship from within. Don't try to pretend to be someone you're not for some holy ideal of sainthood boyfriend-ness. I love YOU. I love THIS MAN. And fuck ... if you end up bringing me some totally hot piece of tail with a pussy that fucking tastes like Willy Wonka chocolate, then so much the better for ME, okay?"

Once again, all I could do was blink.

DJ suddenly rolled herself atop me, her hand reaching down to grab my prick and start rubbing it while she sealed her lips over mine and gave me the hardest, most supervolcanic kiss of her life. She moaned and growled and even nipped at me with her teeth a bit before looking down and grinning to see my cock had started to thicken once again beneath her ministrations.

"I love you, Ben. I love you with every fiber of my being and I want this relationship to last forever. My only expectation is that you love me back. I don't want your monogamy and I don't want your moralistic second-guessing. I want YOU. I accept YOU. I want you sooo freaking happy with me as your girlfriend that you'll want to make ME so freaking happy too. Is that really so much to ask?"

With her nose rubbing against mine and her sky blue eyes an inch away, I shook my head and replied, "No. No it's not too much."

She smiled, jacking my growing shaft a little harder in her hand. And then I pulled her face down to mine for another kiss, one that I knew would lead us into another round of lovemaking.

I'd make it good for her, the best. But I wouldn't give her the best SEX of her life, not this time. This was the second go round for DJ and me, and I'd prove to her I'd learned from my mistakes. This time, we would truly MAKE LOVE.

The world could have "Big Ben". Maybe DJ was right: That sexual creature was still a part of me, and she believed he would come back out eventually. I wanted to think that I'd put that life behind me, but really ... I didn't know. Maybe the Sex God was like the Incredible Hulk. "Big Ben" would come back from time to time, whether I wanted him to or not. But for DJ, for my girlfriend, for the woman I was coming to love once more, she could have... "just Ben".


I knocked, the door opened, and a beautiful, petite brunette I'd known since I was ten years old smiled up at me. "Hey there, stranger."

I opened my arms as Lynne stepped out and gave me a warm hug, the top of her head coming to the middle of my chest. I cradled that head for a moment while patting her back, and then bent down when she tugged on shoulder so that she could kiss my cheek.

"And of course, you couldn't just come by yourself. No sir, not the Ben -I- know. You simply HAD to arrive with two gorgeous escorts by your side, didn't you?"

I chuckled and stepped back to gesture at my two "escorts". "Lynne, allow me to introduce Kim and Sasha. Ladies, this is my good friend since High School, Lynne."

Sasha stepped forward first and politely shook hands. Lynne smiled and said, "Nice to formally meet you, Emmanuelle."

Sasha blushed and replied, "Same to you."

I'd briefed Sasha on which friends had accompanied me on that trip to Nocturne. Lynne, Kady, and Noelle had assured me over the phone that Sasha's 'evening job' had not been made public knowledge by this crowd. Most of them wouldn't care one way or another, but it was still better that it didn't become an open topic of conversation.

Kim then stepped forward, also offering her hand. But instead of taking her hand, Lynne hugged her and said warmly, "Nice to see you again, Kim."

"Nice to see you, too." Kim smiled and returned the embrace.

Stepping back, Lynne sized up both girls, drinking in Sasha's curvaceous body put on full display for once in a form-fitting blouse and long skirt. Kim was a little more casually dressed in jeans and a light sweater, her motorcycle jacket unzipped and matching helmet tucked under one arm. She'd followed me over here, but would return straight home to Sunnyvale after. Sasha, on the other hand, would need me to drop her off at her apartment in San Bruno since she didn't have a car.

"So just to make sure I've got everything straight, is one of them a girlfriend you haven't told me about?" Lynne asked me with a twinkle in her eyes. "Or maybe both?"

The girls and I all laughed, and I shook my head. "The three of us are just friends. My new girlfriend, actually, is home with her parents for the holidays already."

"I know. Bert already told me about DJ. THAT'S going to be an interesting conversation we need to have, but maybe not right now." Lynne stepped back and gestured us inside. "Come in. Come in. The party's already getting started."

I walked through the doorway to find a beer can flying through the air at my head. Jerking out of reflex, I caught it backhanded right before it brained me and stared in the direction from which it came. Kady Jacobsen, as expected, grinned and threw me two thumbs up.

Noelle came over and wrapped me up in a warm hug and a peck on the cheek, saying, "Hey, you. It's been a while. Good to see you again."

Amber suddenly appeared on my other side, looming over me at her full height plus four-inch heels, with her arms crossed over her prodigious bosom and a decidedly unpleasant expression on her face. "You, Mister, haven't called me in AGES. What's this I hear about a new girlfriend? I can't believe you haven't TOLD me yet! I know we broke up but I thought we were FRIENDS!"

Ivonne Corredero called from the couch. "Ben! Hey! I need a good backrub!"

Sasha turned to me, her eyebrows raised and a slightly nervous/overwhelmed expression on her face. She leaned into me and muttered beneath her breath, "Please tell me you haven't slept with ALL of these girls here."

I scanned around, blushing before replying just as quietly, "Well ... not ALL of them..."

But as I stood there, trying to figure out a way to gracefully ease Sasha into this crowd, a squeal lit off at the far end of the room.

"Sasha???" somebody called immediately after.

All of us turned to look, and Sasha clapped both hands over her mouth as a pretty brunette pushed her way through the crowd. "Emily?" she blurted in surprise.

"It IS you! Ohmigawd! I haven't seen you in AGES!" Emily Walsh, one of Lynne's Stanford friends I'd met over the summer practically launched herself into Sasha's open arms for an enthusiastic hug. "What are you DOING here?"

"Came with friends," Sasha replied, jerking a thumb back at me.

Emily's eyes popped WIDE open. "With him? Really? When did you two get together?"

"Oh, we're not together." Sasha shook her head rapidly. "Just friends."

"Are you still with Rod?"

"No, no. We broke up a couple of months ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"That's okay. We lasted almost four years. Had a good run."

"But you were so tight with his family."

Sasha shrugged. "It happens."

"But it's so good to see you! What a small world, huh?" Emily enthused.

Just then, a butch-looking girl with men's fade haircut and chunky nose ring came alongside Emily, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Hey babe. Old friend?"

Emily smiled at Ricki Carlisle and squeezed her back. "Yeah. Sasha and I went to high school together. Two studious nerds doing our best to avoid the attention of boys. Sasha, this is my girlfriend, Ricki."

"Girlfriend?" Sasha looked surprised anew, but she smiled warmly. "I never knew ... Makes sense though. I always wondered if you were flirting with me when we were younger."

"I WAS flirting with you." Emily smiled. "You just never took a hint. Or I guess you aren't into girls."

"Well..." Sasha blushed, risking a glance over at me before returning back to her high school friend. "I didn't say THAT..."

A part of me had worried I would need to babysit Kim and Sasha at the party, but the complete opposite happened. Turned out, some of Kady's butchier lesbian friends were total gearheads, and Kim geeked out with a couple of them about motorcycle stuff, discussing custom exhausts and twin cams and other things that went over my head. Sasha, as you might expect, latched onto Emily and Ricki and rehashed old times while they updated each other on their lives to date. And that left me plenty of time to reconnect with my own friends.

Surmising that everyone would get turkey overload tomorrow, Lynne had decided for tonight to be a barbecue. When it comes to grilling, she knew she could throw a couple of tongs at me and trust I'd remain in one spot. But after putting me to work, she flitted off to take care of something or another, the party host always in demand somewhere.

Amber followed and kept me company for the next half-hour, not doing a thing to help with the actual barbequing. ("And screw up my nails? Yeah, right," she'd commented.) Instead, we caught up about everything that had been going on in our lives since the last time we talked. Amber's recap amounted to explaining in two minutes that she worked too hard, studied too hard, missed David terribly and still hadn't gotten laid since the last time I porked her. She still had girl toys on the side like Chloe the bartender and Cameron Singleton, but so far she had not deviated from her ultimate goal to win back the love of her life.

I, on the other hand, was firmly committed to moving on. I acknowledged that I still had feelings for my ex, but I was looking to the future and opening myself up to loving and being loved. Amber found it quite ironic that I was doing so with Dawn's little sister, but the heart wants what the heart wants. Having been the one to send us to Nocturne, she now knew about Sasha's alternate identity, and she asked me if there was anything between me and the rather gorgeous brunette I'd brought to the party. But I explained that we were just friends and that Sasha had a rough home life at the moment, and though I couldn't invite her to the Evans' Thanksgiving dinner, I didn't want her to feel completely isolated.

"Well, from the way things are going," Amber commented, looking pointedly back into the apartment. "She may end up being invited to the Walsh house tomorrow."

I chuckled, seeing Sasha looking as bright and happy as ever in a long time as she caught up with Emily, although they were too far away for me to hear anything.

"Maybe..." I agreed. Amber and I continued chatting for a little while longer, feeling intimately comfortable with each other as if we'd never broken up, and thankfully we didn't have any of the awkwardness that marred some of our earliest interactions immediately post-break-up. But then the first rounds of food were ready, and as the guests began cruising over to my grill to load up their plates, Amber made her exit, although not before giving me a very long, very firm kiss on the lips, although she didn't slip me the tongue or anything.

Paige arrived at the party just then, having entrusted the care of little April to her Aunt and Uncle. She told me she needed to talk to me later when we could find some privacy. And when she gave me a very long, very firm kiss on the lips, SHE wasn't shy about cramming her tongue into my mouth.

Kady and Noelle were the next ones to come hang out. Kady talked me into shoving a beer can up the "butt" of one of the chickens and roasting it that way for her. She also talked me into chugging another can just to race me (I won). And right when everybody seemed to have been fed to satisfaction, Ivonne dragged me away from the grill, parked herself in a chair before me, and demanded that back rub I didn't give her when I'd first arrived.

Of course, once the girls realized I was giving backrubs, I soon found myself in great demand. Acquaintances I hadn't really seen since even before Lynne and I started "not-dating" back in June came by and got in line. Girls flirted with me, and I flirted right back. A couple more beers were consumed, a few more snacks were eaten, and the next hour or so flew by in a sea of pleasant conversation and even more pleasant company.

But the night couldn't last forever, and sometime around 9pm the party began to break up. Guests began to leave one or two at a time. As much fun as I'd been having, I started to think about my girlfriend waiting for me at her parents' house, and her comment last night about "missing" the great orgasms I'd given her every single day since last Saturday. So I started glancing around to see where my friends had gotten off to, especially the one I was supposed to drive to her home before being able to make my rendezvous with DJ.

Kim was easy enough to find. She came to find ME while I was chatting with Saffron Moore, a pretty blonde. Kim let me know she was on her way out, and I told her I'd see her on Sunday back at the house.

Paige, too, came over to kiss me goodbye, apologizing for not finding me earlier so we could talk. She said she'd call me tomorrow, and then climbed into my lap for a soul-seeking kiss before departing. And the next thing I knew, a visibly drunk Bert mimed Paige by climbing into my lap and giving me a sloppy kiss, albeit with his hand safely clapped over my mouth.

I literally tossed Bert over the back of the couch and smiled in gratification to hear his body thump noisily onto the floor. Lynne cracked up and then went to pick up her boyfriend. But of Sasha I didn't see anything. She was nowhere in sight, but I wasn't in any rush to leave right away. I kept up my conversation with Saffron until it ran its course, and then she commented about it being time for her to start thinking about heading home as well.

When Saffron departed, I asked Lynne about Amber's whereabouts first. She told me that Amber had gone upstairs an hour ago, and I pouted for a moment that she hadn't bothered to say goodbye to me. But it really wasn't a big deal, and I wasn't about to go upstairs just to whine. So I followed up with Lynne by asking if she'd seen Sasha, to which she replied, "Uh, not in a while, actually."

I scanned the room, Lynne's apartment not being all that big. Sasha wasn't anywhere in the living room, and she wasn't in view outside on the patio. "How about Emily and Ricki? Are they still here?"

Lynne furrowed her eyebrows while scanning with me. "Uh, I think so. They would have come to say goodbye before they left." And after a moment's thought, she headed to the back of the apartment and the two bedrooms there. I followed after.

The second bedroom was open and empty, but the door to the Master was closed. Arching an eyebrow, Lynne cocked her head and leaned in to the door, not reaching for the knob at all. She listened for a moment, and then suddenly stood up straight as her eyes popped open wide.

Curious, I also leaned in and listened, and a moment later I heard the distinctively erotic moans of somebody doing something naughty. The voices were faint, but noticeable. And amidst the heavy breathing and guttural groans came a voice. "Damn, Sasha. You really know how to eat pussy!"

Lynne's eyes jerked to mine. "That was Ricki."

"Ohhh, EAT me..." a second voice sighed rapturously.

"And THAT was Emily," Lynne added.

Gesturing quickly, I urged Lynne to follow me away from the door. "Leave 'em alone," I said once we'd gotten some space. "I don't have to leave anytime soon."

Lynne gave me a bemused smirk, studying my face. "You didn't know, did you?"

"Know what?"

Lynne continued smirking at me for an extra beat. "That Sasha was into girls."

I shook my head firmly. "Nope. But believe me, the last two months I've spent with that girl have been nothing BUT surprises..."

Most of the guests were gone by the time Sasha, Emily, and Ricki emerged from that back bedroom. Her olive skin was flushed with a pink hue, probably from both arousal AND the alcohol she'd consumed tonight. And she managed to turn even rosier when her eyes fell on me.

I'd been puttering around the living room, helping Lynne clean up after the party. Bert, Ivonne, Kady, and Noelle were also doing the same, although Bert and Kady were somewhat less than helpful given that they were both three sheets to the wind and a little unsteady in their movements, causing Lynne and Noelle to spend half their time minding their other halves.

Collecting three beer bottles by the neck in one hand, I dumped them into the recycle bag I was carrying and stood up straight to offer Sasha a friendly smile. She averted her eyes, staring at the floor and rather nervously scooping a lock of hair behind her ear. She turned to Emily and Ricki, hugging both of them and giving Emily a quick peck on the lips before pulling away and blushing deeply once more. Emily and Ricki then wrapped their arms around each other's waist and said their goodbyes as they headed out the door.

Sasha then came directly to me. "I'm sorry I've kept you late. I'm sure you're eager to get going to DJ's house."

"It's fine," I replied with a wave. "There's no particular time that I'm scheduled to arrive. And I already planned on staying here as long as was necessary to clean up, unless you had to get home for something earlier."

"No, no. I have no plans." She glanced around the room. "Guess I can pitch in on cleanup, too."

"Sure. But we're just about done." I turned to Lynne. "Want to vacuum after or anything?"

"No, no. You've done enough tonight. Thanks," Lynne replied before glancing over at her boyfriend, who was slumped on a couch with his noise pointed to the ceiling and his eyes closed. "Actually ... help me get Bert back to my room?"

I grinned. "Sure thing."

At first, Lynne looked like she wanted to take one side while I grabbed the other, but I held a hand palm-out to her and then bent, scooping my buddy with both arms and bodily jerking him up so that one of his armpits was supported by my shoulder.

"K-whaa???" Bert smacked his lips as he stirred awake.

"Wake up, dude. Lynne wants you in her bedroom," I told him, and then spun my friend around and gave him a healthy shove in the back.

Bert stumbled forward, frowning as he turned back to look at me. I stood there with a grin and fluttered my fingertips forward to gesture him on, and he staggered his way down the hall.

I turned to Lynne with a smile. "See? Got him to your room."

Lynne giggled and went after him. After that, Sasha and I said our goodbyes to Ivonne, Kady, and Noelle, all three girls pecking my cheek with their hugs. And then we finally left the apartment and walked over to my car.

"Have a good time?" I asked as I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road.

Huddled up in her seat, her arms wrapped around herself for warmth while waiting for the car's heater to kick in, Sasha nodded. "Thanks for inviting me."


I busied myself with navigation then, turning the roads to take me to 280 while avoiding the slow-moving Camry in the left lane and the Benz trying to pass everyone on the right at 65 mph down Sand Hill. I reminded Sasha that she'd need to give me turn-by-turn directions to her apartment after we got to the freeway, and she told me to take 280 North to 380 East before getting off at El Camino, and that she'd direct me from there.

We got onto 280 uneventfully, and I had just merged over to the fast lane when Sasha spoke again. "About tonight. I should probably explain."

I frowned and glanced at her for a moment before returning my eyes to the road. "Explain what?"

"What you saw back there. Me and Emily and Ricki ... coming out of a bedroom."

"Oh, that." I shrugged. "Nothing to explain."

"I just don't want you to get the wrong idea about me."

I glanced over again, this time with a smile. "Did you go in there voluntarily? Did you enjoy yourself?"

When I glanced over, although Sasha's face was hidden in the shadows, I could just make out a silly grin.

"Well ... yes..." she admitted.

"Then what's there to explain?"

"You don't think badly of me for doing that?"

I snorted. "ME? Think badly of you? Last thing I'm ever going to do is judge someone else for their sex life."

"I know. It's just ... I try so hard to project a certain image, you know? I'm the serious one, a dedicated student. The Sasha I want people to see at school doesn't have lesbian threesomes in a bedroom WHILE a party is going on outside. But now everybody knows."

"Well, the Stanford crew knows, but you can already tell they're extremely tolerant when it comes to sexual orientation; I think there were more lesbians at that party than straights. As for the Berkeley crowd, it's only me and Bert. Kim probably knows too, but none of us is going to tell on you, if that's what you're worried about."

"I'm more worried about what you all will think of me. The three of you are my friends, and your opinion of me matters."

"ReLAX. I know for a fact that both Bert and Kim won't think any less of you. And as for me, hell, it's kind of a turn-on."

"What? That I'm into girls?"

"Absolutely. Why do you think there's so much girl-on-girl porn out there?"

"I know guys generally get titillated by the idea, but in practice, Rod HATED it. I tried asking him for a threesome once. He got all upset and said it made him feel like less of a man or something. Like he wasn't good enough to satisfy his girlfriend on his own."

"Just because a girl likes tacos doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate sausage."

Sasha barked a laugh, and she turned to me with a wide grin that I caught from a flash of headlights going in the opposite direction. "I guess you could say that."

I drove on, and she turned thoughtful for a bit. Two seconds later, a sudden thought popped in my head. "Uh, if you don't mind my asking ... Tonight wasn't the first time you've had sex with another girl, was it?"

Staring straight ahead, Sasha replied evenly, "No, it was not."

"Again, don't have to answer ... Did you have sex with any girls while you were still together with Rod?"

She hesitated a second before replying, "Yes..."

"Did Rod know about it?"

Again, she hesitated, this time a little longer. But eventually she admitted, "No ... I thought it better that he didn't know about it. He would have considered it cheating..."

"That why you offered him the threesome?"

"Well, yeah. I was juggling these two different lives, two different relationships ... And I thought my life would be less stressful if I could bring the two together. Not that I've ever had a girlfriend per se. I definitely like guys more, believe me."

I shrugged.

"I wasn't even bisexual until a couple of years ago. I think you were there when Emily commented about flirting with me in high school and me not even realizing it. I mean, I noticed other girls' bodies growing up, and I felt a sort of attraction to them, but nothing serious and I definitely would never have done anything about it. But working at the club, being around all these sexually uninhibited, beautiful beautiful women ... stuff happens. My first time was with this one dancer, Marisa. You'll remember her; she was your waitress that night."

I briefly jerked the wheel, hitting a lane bump before straightening out. With wide eyes, I glanced over at Sasha. "Angelica?"

"Yeah, that's her stage name. She took me in from the beginning. Little bit of a mother hen, even though she's not much older than I am. She was always supportive, always there for me when I questioned whether or not I should be in the business. She never pushed me to stay or to go, just let me make up my own mind while lending an open ear and an understanding heart. She had this way of touching me, at first just affectionate hugs and stuff. But as time went on, it became clear that she was attracted to me ... and I started realizing that I was attracted to her, too."

Sasha smiled enigmatically at nothing in particular. "There's a lot of that going on behind closed doors. Not just with me and Marisa, but other dancers as well. Some of the girls are 100% dyke, and some of them are in committed relationships. But most girls who do this get a certain ... rush ... while dancing. I don't think anyone could do it for very long if they didn't get turned on at least a little bit. And when your set is over and you've had one or more people pawing at you without really being able to get you off because of all sorts of rules and these burly bouncers watching and all that ... Well ... sometimes the best way to deal is to find a friend in the back and get some relief."

I had to drop a hand from the steering wheel to adjust myself. Yes, I'm sure Sasha noticed.

"Hooking up was easy; there are lots of private places in the club, and Rod already expected me to come home late. He knew what I did for a living, but he never knew what I did with the other girls while I was there. I always showered before coming home, and he liked to think that the Sasha people saw in public was the only Sasha that really existed. I was the beautiful but buttoned-up girl-next-door. Very few people knew there was actually a slut hidden beneath the librarian veneer."

"You're not a slut," I replied quickly, the term calling up sour memories.

"Little do you know..." When I glanced over at her again, she gave me a Cheshire smile. "Okay, so I don't go around indiscriminately fucking different guys. But I've probably hooked up with just about every dancer at Nocturne, except for the totally straight ones. Let's call it what it is: I have lots of casual sex without commitments; that makes me a slut, doesn't it?"

I shrugged. "Not when they're other girls."

"If you say so..." Sasha went quiet, and when I peeked over at her, I found her staring out the window. But a few moments later, she continued, "Thing is, most of those hookups have only been since my break-up with Rod. Mostly it was just me and Marisa; she's had steady boyfriends, too. We just had each other to help take the edge off, but ever since ... It's just ... I've been so horny, you know? It's as if breaking up with him was like being a bird released from its cage. I've had all these impulses and desires ... I mean, I had them before, but not like lately. Not this often. I started mowing down the other dancers one-by-one, but after a few weeks even that wasn't enough. What I really craved ... was cock."

I looked over at her again at the word "cock", and I found her staring rather intently at me. I turned to look straight ahead, more from nervousness at the intensity in her eyes than the simple need to watch the road.

"You want to hear something weird?" she asked quietly. And then without waiting for a response, she continued, "I got my first dildo a month ago. Never had one as a teenager; the few times I masturbated were just rubbing my clit on the outside. And then once I was with Rod I never needed one. But I was complaining to Marisa about digital masturbation not cutting it anymore and missing cock, and she took me downtown and helped me picked out a nice little vibrator."

I didn't know what to say to that.

"So Marisa invited me to her apartment after we picked up the vibe and she showed me how to use it. I had the best orgasm in two months with that thing."

My eyes were slightly averted, and my cheeks were reddening now as those images swirled through my brain.

"And the greatest thing was: twenty minutes later she gave me an even BETTER orgasm pumping that vibrator in and out of me while furiously licking my clit, all while sliding a finger up my ass."

My eyes jerked over to Sasha's, finding her staring at me with a mixed expression of arousal and amusement.

"Well, well. I guess even Mr. Legendary Sex God can be made to blush by the thought of two girls getting it on."

"I'm just a man," I whimpered. "And I didn't think I'd ever hear you come out and say THAT quite so explicitly."

"It's funny; I would have thought your vast experience would have jaded you to so simple a sex act. I mean: it's not like we're talking water sports or bestiality here."

My jaw now dropped. "Uh ... have you also--"

Sasha laughed. "Relax, relax. I'm kinky and bisexual – that sort of thing happens quite a bit in the entertainment industry – but I'm not one of the weirdos."

"Sasha, I have to ask..." I gave her a serious look. "Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because I can. Because I have nobody else I can tell this stuff to."

"Not even, uh, Marisa?"

"Well sure, the sex stuff. But not the personal history stuff about my parents and all that. And I could talk to Rod or my old friends about the personal history stuff, but I couldn't talk to him about sex. He would get all weird and uncomfortable. Not like you, or so I thought. Am I making you uncomfortable?"

Frowning, I shook my head. "Uncomfortable? No. But I think I'm getting whiplash from the things that keep coming out of your mouth."

"What, that the first time I let another stripper seduce me was three years ago, and I've been screwing around with them ever since even though Rod and I were still together? Or that just last weekend I had Marisa blindfold me, tie me down to her bed, and shove a vibrating egg up my ass while she fucked me with a strap-on, and the whole time I was fantasizing that she was really you?"

Now my jaw was on the floor.

"I spent the week leading up to the Halloween party with that vibrator in my pussy while dreaming you were thrusting on top of me."

My shorts were feeling tight.

"I haven't had a real man shove himself inside me in wayyy too long, and it's getting harder and harder and harder..."

SOMETHING was getting harder. "Sasha..." I groaned, my tone a warning.

"What's wrong? Are you NOW getting uncomfortable?"

"I thought..." I took a deep breath. "I thought we were past this. 'Just friends', right?"

"Because I was mixing up my horniness for you with romantic ideas. You were fighting your attraction to me, and we were both coming off long-term relationships. But that's not really the case anymore. My romantic infatuation with you has cooled off, and all I've got left is this carnal desire to fucking MOUNT you."

I swerved in my lane again. Good thing there wasn't much traffic this late in the evening.

"Hey, 380 is coming up soon," Sasha suddenly warned.

Gritting my teeth, I forced myself to focus on driving and I started to merge over to the right and the lanes lined up for 380 East/SF Intl Airport.

"So whaddaya say, man whore? I'm tipsy, horny, and soaking wet. My roommate has gone to her parents for the holidays, and I'd really like to have your super-exothermic body help warm my bedsheets." She slid a hand over my crotch, rubbing along the length of the massive erection that had formed in my jeans. I looked over to find Sasha's face just inches away from mine, her eyes on FIRE.

"Jeezus, Sasha..." I breathed while she started stroking me.

"I'll understand if you turn me down. I know you've just started dating DJ, and the last thing I want to do is ruin your relationship with your girlfriend. Honestly, I wouldn't do that to you. But I can't keep it buttoned in any longer. I WANT you. I've WANTED you for a while now. And maybe it's because I'm still a little tipsy, or because that wicked threesome with Emily and her girlfriend has got me wound up, but I'm putting it all out on the line tonight, and I'd really rather not spend the entire Thanksgiving Break freaking out that I've freaked you out. Have I freaked you out, Ben?"

She stopped stroking me, and I was able to take two deep breaths before gathering my wits and shaking my head. "Freaked out? No. A little surprised? Well ... yeah..."

"I'll understand if you say no, but please don't say no. Please? I'm soooo horny, and I've been fantasizing about being pinned to my bed with my legs in the air and your big dick sawing in and out of me. Shit, I NEVER talk like this. But I want it. I want you to bend me over with my ass in the air, spanking my buttcheeks while you fucking POUND me until you pull out and squirt your jizz all over my naked back. I wanna wrap these big titties you keep staring at around your pole and fuck you with them until you hose down my face. I wanna give you a lapdance, the way I should have when you first visited the club. Only this time I want your dick in my cunt while I gyrate around it like I'm climbing a stripper pole. I want to show you those aerials I can do, so you can fuck me while I'm swaying from the suspended rings. Please, Ben? Please. Fuck, that's our exit! El Camino. Right there!"

I had to jerk the steering wheel and merged onto the ramp about ten feet past the solid white lines. After that, I had to make several quick turns, and Sasha focused on directing me where to go for the next minute or so until we arrived at her apartment complex. I pulled into a guest parking spot, put the car in park, and then shut down the engine.

"So ... what's it gonna be?" Sasha asked quietly. Her hand was still on my crotch, idly gliding along the bulge. When I turned to look at her, I found her other hand sliding down her own cleavage, dragging the fabric of her blouse away from a round breast, giving me quite an enticing view since she'd undone an extra button as well.

My heartbeat was pounding in my skull. I was breathing hard, and I felt the Hulk-rage like adrenaline rush screaming inside me. Taking a deep breath, I reached down and popped the release on my seat belt, and then put my left hand on the door handle. "I'll walk you up to your apartment and make sure you're safely inside," I began before taking another deep breath and pulling out my cell phone. "After that, I don't know just yet. I've got to make a call."

Sasha led us up to her apartment, a new development close to the recently reopened Shops at Tanforan. She disappeared into one of the bedrooms while I stood just inside the front door and held down my number 2 speed-dial. The phone rang twice before my girlfriend picked up.

"Hey, you coming home now?"

"Uh ... about that," I began slowly, taking a new deep breath. "You remember that thing we talked about last night? About Sasha?"

"Ohmigawd. Did you fuck her already?"

"What? No! We're not ... I mean we just ... We just got to her apartment. I'm dropping her off after the party, remember?"

"Oh, I know. I know. So what about her?"

"I have to know if you were really serious about what you said this morning."

"About fucking her? Absolutely serious. Why, does she want to?"

"Well ... yeah..."

"Do YOU want to?"

"Is this a trick question?"

DJ laughed. "Relax. You're not gonna get in trouble for saying yes."

"She's ... she's hot," I admitted.

"You've wanted to fuck her for a while now, haven't you?"

I sighed. "She's hot."

"You gonna fall in love with her?"

"What? No!"

DJ giggled. "Then do it. Fuck the living daylights out of her. Take all night if you need to."

"All night? I thought you wanted me to come home and cuddle with you?"

"It's okay if you don't. Brooke is bunking in with me tonight anyway. I actually would rather think about you pounding the shit out of her into the wee hours of the morning and then falling asleep with your deflating prick inside her ass."

Jeezus. If I'd been getting whiplash from the things coming out of Sasha's mouth tonight, I don't know WHAT you'd call what DJ was doing to me.

"Do it, babe. Give her the full Big Ben Experience. I want that girl singing hymns about your prowess in the morning, wishing that she could be your girlfriend. But THEN you come home to me, and if you can honestly tell me you did a good job then you won't BELIEVE the shit Imma gonna do to you tomorrow night as a reward. You got that?"

"Uh, I got that."

"Good." DJ giggled. "Oh, this is awesome. I'm gonna have Brooke bring out the strap-ons and screw me silly while I'm imagining the things you're doing to Sasha. Hey, maybe if it goes well all three of us can hook up at the house. I can find out if that pussy tastes as sweet as I think it does. Wait, is she into girls?"

"Uh ... as a matter of fact, yes."

"Thought so. Caught her checking me out a time or two. How DO you do it? How in the freakin' universe do you find these smoking hot, un-effing-believably gorgeous girls who ALSO happen to be bisexual? Seriously?!?"

"Uh, I don't know..."

"Do it. Do her. Don't worry about me. You have my permission, my approval, my full support, my ... What's another SAT word? My... endorsement ... Go fucking do it. Fuck her brains out already, that unequivocal enough for you?"

"Uh ... yeah..."

"And honey?"


"Enjoy yourself, alright? That's what this is really about."

"I'll try to remember that."

"Good. Love you!"

I chuckled, shaking my head in disbelief. "Love you, too."

I hung up the phone, still shaking my head. Moments later, a smoky voice from my left spoke up, drawing my attention over to her. "So... that conversation seemed to go well..."

Sasha had changed while I was on the phone. Her makeup had been freshly applied, and she'd re-done her hair. But more importantly, she'd changed her clothing into that jazz tuxedo costume she'd worn both at Nocturne and at our Halloween party. It was an outfit I mentally associated with the seductive, sexual Sasha diametrically opposite of the frumpy, baggy-clothed Sasha at school. It was an outfit that put all of her best physical assets on display, and though I'd started to lose my chubby while on the phone having that very weird phone call with my girlfriend, I felt blood filling my organ once again at the mere sight of the object of my lust dressed as she was.

"I really do feel bad that I never gave you the lapdance that you paid for that night at the club," Sasha said in a husky voice while taking slow, deliberate steps toward me that sent her hips swaying from side to side. "If there's one thing I pride myself on in my work, it's professionalism. And the last thing I want is a dissatisfied customer."

It had been a while since I felt nervous in front of a girl, what with the self-confidence born from fucking more than seventy different girls in my lifetime. But I was nervous now, and in fact probably epitomized the definition of "deer-in-the-headlights".

My nerves apparently gave Sasha self-assurance. She flashed a predatory grin, moved right up into my personal space, and then reached up to grab hold of my shirt collar. And tilting her face back before rubbing her nose along my jaw line, she practically moaned, "And I sincerely hope that by the time we're done, we're both completely satisfied."

I am ashamed to admit that our first coupling did not go very well, and it was pretty much entirely my fault. Sasha had nothing to do with it, unless you consider being so wickedly HOT and awesomely good at turning a guy on to be blameworthy.

I had gotten lapdances before from various lovers who wanted to turn me on, and very good ones at that. Adrienne especially had a way of teasing and titillating me to the brink of ejaculatory failure, and a few times she didn't even mind making me squirt all over her belly while dry humping herself against me. But even Adrienne's best was the zenith of an amateur, and Sasha was no amateur.

The lapdance was much like any other a person might get in a strip club, or so I assume. I'd never actually gotten an official strip club lapdance, since Sasha and I didn't do anything at Nocturne, and Sydney spent more time talking to me at Daniel's bachelor party trip to Bliss. But there were a couple of key distinctions this night in Sasha's living room:

First, I actually felt a connection with the exotic dancer gyrating in my lap. There was no money being exchanged. This was about pure sex, pure arousal. Sasha wasn't interested in pulling twenties out of my wallet; she wanted me hard and horny for the sake of being hard and horny. And we had no time limit, no known ending point when the fantasy ended and no expectation of a slow trudge back to my chair unsatisfied once a particular song ended. She was turning me on ... and I was gonna get laid.

Second, we were all alone in the privacy of Sasha's home. This wasn't a curtained-off room downtown. There was no burly bouncer watching on a closed-circuit camera ready to bust in and bust me up should I get frisky with the staff. I kept my hands to myself for the first minute, solely from the belief that's what you're supposed to do. But just like with Adrienne and the others, I quickly let my hands, lips, and tongue join in on the fun.

Almost right away, Sasha placed the top hat on my head and pulled the pins to let her hair down. She started off the dance in a way no other lapdance starts off: by wrapping her arms around my head and shoving her tongue down my throat with the same ferocity as Halloween night. She kissed me so hard my nose started to hurt just a bit, but I didn't care as an explosion of pleasure lit off inside my brain while we ravenously devoured each other right from the start.

But after that kiss, Sasha pulled back with a silly grin and went to work on me. She unbuttoned the tuxedo jacket, giving me full view of that abundant cleavage wonderfully supported by her white corset. She raised those breasts up to my chin, bumping me a few times while she grabbed onto the back of my armchair and really rubbed my face in her titflesh.

Her hand dropped down, tracing my bulge in much the same way she'd done in the car. And unlike any club lapdance, she quickly unfastened my jeans and slipped her hand inside to let bare skin caress and stroke bare skin.

That's about when I let my hands join the fray, grabbing onto Sasha's booty and holding on while she leaned forward to dry hump herself on my erection. She worked her body upon me with grace and fluidity, never making an awkward move and gliding around that chair as if it were her most natural habitat.

She didn't kiss me again. She got close a number of times, brushing her lips ever so unexpectedly across my forehead, or my nose, or my cheek. She nuzzled the crook of my neck with her nose and had a way of simply breathing upon my skin that set my nerves on fire and sent tingles down my spine. I started turning my head to try and capture her lips with mine, but she dexterously avoided each attempt until I gave up and decided to let her do what she wanted to me. And that's when she dismounted the chair, shed the tuxedo jacket, and spun around to work me facing the other direction.

Most strippers don't take their panties off during a lapdance. Sasha did, so that when she backed up and started grinding her ass against my naked erection, I REALLY felt what she was doing to me. She wriggled and wobbled and somehow managed to actually STROKE my cock with the cleft of her buttcheeks, all while glancing back at me through her wildly bouncing dark hair, her big brown eyes glittering with sexual heat and teasing excitement.

For something that was supposed to be a "strip" tease, that was actually as far stripped as Sasha got that first time around. She never found time that night to remove her wrist cuffs, or the black bowtie, or the garters, stockings, or heels. I did get the corset off, but that was much later. You see, that's why I have to admit that our first coupling did not go very well. After grinding her naked ass on me, letting me feel the soaking wetness of her damp pussy upon my bare cock and thighs, Sasha turned back around and straddled my lap once more. She pulled my face into her tits and reached down with her own hands to lift both round breasts out of the cups, presenting her nipples for me to suckle on. So suckle I did, all while she resumed gyrating her sodden snatch over my tumescent prick. And as I nursed at those glorious teats and felt my cockhead nudge into her vaginal cleft, my sexual control simply snapped.

I vaulted out of the armchair with a sudden rage that would have made the Hulk proud. I couldn't stand a single second longer of being teased, couldn't WAIT any more to bury myself inside her. I hadn't been with anyone NEW in seemingly forever, my "List" stuck at 71 for the past several months. But more than that, this was SASHA. I'd wanted her FOREVER. And really, I couldn't remember the last time I'd had to wait more than a YEAR to finally nail an object of my lustful greed.

I slammed Sasha onto the couch beside us, notched my cockhead at her entrance, and then LUNGED. She screamed at my sudden entry, throwing her head back and deafening my left ear. But her legs immediately scissored behind my back, holding me inside her soaking wet snatch, and she clutched herself against my chest as I rapidly began hammering her with my big, throbbing dick.

I lasted less than two minutes. I didn't do a damn thing to make it good for her; I couldn't. Even my autopilot wasn't working. I completely ignored Keira's Golden Rule and rabbit-fucked that beautiful busty brunette babe seeking only my own self-gratification. And I pounded her so hard and so fast that I started seeing stars amidst inky blackness from hyperventilation right at the point where I slammed myself forward one last time and ejected blast after blast of gooey sperm into the back of her sucking womb.

When the world came back to me, I was slumped on top of Sasha's much smaller body while she patted my back and giggled. It took me ten seconds to realize what I'd just done, and when I did I immediately picked my head up in alarm. Wide-eyed, I apologized profusely, "Oh, shit. Sasha, I'm so sorry! I just lost it and after all that waiting, for me to bust my nut in fifteen seconds and--"

"Hey, hey..." Sasha soothed me, stroking my skull and grinning widely. "I'm flattered. It's quite the trip to think that MY lapdance got Mr. Sex God to completely lose it."

"You did..." I said sincerely with a smile. And then shaking my head still in disbelief at what I'd done, I leaned back down to her and gave her a sweet kiss.

It was a nice kiss, that one. Full of tenderness and passion. But after thirty seconds or so, Sasha's fingers tightened on my head and she began pushing up at me. And taking the hint, I raised myself up and let her roll me over until I was the one seated on the couch and she was the one leaning over me.

"Still," she began, that fire back in her eyes. "I hope the Sex God reputation was right about your incredible recovery time. Because I'm still horny and after that little stunt, you OWE me, man-whore."

I grinned back at her. "Yes, ma'am."

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