21.18% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 56: Bored l

章節 56: Bored l


"You're going down, Ben." Brett Benson glared, turning his back to me with one shoulder threateningly aimed back at my face. I didn't know the Senior very well. While he was part of Dayna's and Brandi's circle of friends, he wasn't close to either of them and not often at the house. All I really needed to know was that he was a good ball-hander, excellent passer, and a terrible jump-shooter.

So I growled and crouched, readying myself for his attack. I gave him a good couple of feet of cushion, not fearing that he might pull up and take a shot. Instead, I wanted to cut off his passing lanes and any quick moves to the rim.

"Screen right!" Matt Kanemura, Brandi's boyfriend, called out. Instantly, I jerked back and stepped around Kevin Weiss, one of Dayna's boy toys, who was trying to set a pick. I wound up still in front of Brett and he quickly dished the ball back to Kevin, who was making a break for the basket.

Kevin picked up the bounce pass, took a single step, and lofted himself into the air, fingers outstretched as the ball arced beautifully into the air.


From nowhere, Ryan Tanner elevated between the basket and the ball, right hand sending it flying away at a right angle to its intended path.

"Boo-yah!" I crowed, pumping my fist while Brett slumped and sighed. Then I turned and slapped my arm out towards Ryan, giving a low-five to Dawn's boyfriend.

He smiled and nodded while we got re-set for the next play.

We didn't play basketball very often. Courts were scarce in urban Berkeley. But every now and again we managed to book time in a school gym. It was a good way for us guys to bond, as Brandi put it. Dawn and Adrienne agreed. And I had to admit, it seemed to be working.

For a couple of months, Ryan and I had been polite and civil with each other, but I wouldn't have called us friends. The fact was, I was his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend, which would be awkward enough for any guy. That Dawn still clearly loved me and was my best friend day in and day out, spending more time with me than she did with him, could have made it a lot worse. But to his credit, Ryan had not shown any overt jealousy. And that Dawn and I went out of our way to make clear that ours was now a platonic relationship seemed to help.

Basketball, however, was bonding us ... well, sort of. Basketball got Ryan and I used to chatting with each other, and it was hard to remember all the reasons for why we should feel slightly awkward when we were too focused on the game. And it also gave us something to talk about when we were in the house's living room doing homework in a big group.

Even Bert was in on the action. The poor guy couldn't dribble a ball to save his life. But he could catch it and put in a lay-up if he parked himself under the basket. And he was surprisingly accurate at the three-point line. Case in point, we were down 22-23 on a game to 25 when Alan Kwok left Bert alone on the right wing to help out on Ryan's drive to the basket. Ryan dished the ball out to Bert, who's eyes went wide with nervousness. But he let fly with a perfectly arcing shot found the bottom the net and won us the game.

"Game!" I called with relief and immediately hunched over, my hands on my knees in exhaustion.

"Boo-yah!" Ryan pumped his fist and went out to high-five Bert, who's right hand was still in the air from where he finished his shot's follow-through.

Bert started chuckling and I picked up my head. I smiled wryly at Ryan and remarked, "Boo-yah?"

Ryan gave me a lopsided grin. "Hey, you started it."

"So Ryan had his man biting on head fakes all day, and just when it was game point and we really needed a play, Ryan goes all Kobe Bryant, taking the ball at the top of the key with an eye on the basket," Bert said excitedly, waving his hands around to illustrate the positioning. "He dribbles left and then head fakes right, and-"

Robin rolled her eyes, looking at me. "Does he ALWAYS talk this much?" she asked in her classic Robin-esque deadpan.

I snorted and looked into my Coke. "You tell me. YOU started dating him."

Robin sighed and smiled at her boyfriend, who just looked hurt for a moment. Fortunately, Ryan spoke up to save the day. "Relax, Robin. Bert's just getting to the best part."

She arched an eyebrow at me and I nodded, leaning in. "Bert just wants to tell you about how he made the game-winning shot," I confirmed. "Your boyfriend's quite the athlete."

Gwen snorted. "Really?" She shook her head doubtfully.

"Really," Ryan chimed in. "Game MVP. Couldn't have won it without him."

I nodded seriously and Robin actually cracked a smile. "Really, baby?"

"Really," Bert was beaming now. And he was even happier when Robin pulled his head to hers and pressed her lips to his.

"Aww..." Adrienne smiled and squeezed my hand while pecking my cheek. That got Dawn into the mood as she kissed Ryan's cheek. And that just left Gwen and Paige to quietly simmer in jealousy.

Robin then pulled back, smiling at Bert before fixing her boyfriend with a dead- serious expression on her face. "Okay now really: How many points did you score?"

Bert blushed. "Uh, just the three."

"And how many did Ryan score?"

Bert chuckled. "Twelve. Ben had six. Matt had the other four."

"And you just played the one game?"

"Uh, no. Three."

"And how many points did you score in the other two games combined?"

"Uh, I think five."

"So you scored the least on your team?" Robin smiled.

Bert steeled his spine, picked his head up, and looked at Robin confidently. "Yeah. But they were the most important three points in the game."

We all grinned at that.

"So Matt says you're quite the basketball stud." Brandi sighed and let her head sink forward and a little further over the edge of the pillow she was clutching beneath her chest. My older sister was currently buck naked and face-down on her bed while my plumeria lotion-covered hands stroked back and forth lengthwise along her back. I pressed deeper with the heels of my hands, leaning my weight against her muscles and forcing the air out of her lungs before I pulled back and let her make a deep inhalation.

"You really want to talk about your boyfriend while I'm doing this?" I arched an eyebrow, even though Brandi couldn't currently see me.

She chuckled. "He's my boyfriend. You're my brother. The two have absolutely nothing in conflict. Besides, he went to visit some Aunt in Santa Clara for the day."

I chuckled. "I just get the impression that if he were here to see me right now, we might have a little conflict."

"Maybe." Brandi shrugged. "He'd probably understand if I told him about this." But then she giggled, causing her entire body to vibrate for a short time. "Actually, if he were here to see what you're going to do to me in about ten more minutes, THEN we might have a conflict."

I snorted and on a whim, let my hand trail off her lower back, down through my sister's butt crack, and to her pussy, which I fingered for a brief moment, feeling her natural lubrications a little slicker than the lotion I was using.

"Oooh." Brandi wriggled. "That tickles."

I chuckled again and resumed my massage. "Anyways, we've only played two or three times and very clearly, Ryan is the basketball stud of our group."

"Not necessarily," Brandi shook her head. "Matt says Ryan's the big scorer but that you're the defensive stopper. You're quick, agile, and precise; probably why you're such a good lover. Matt said you guys would have lost that game five minutes earlier if it wasn't for your defense."

I shrugged. "Maybe."

Brandi giggled. "I would never have believed it when you were younger. You were so short, Ben. It seemed like you would get blocked every time you stepped inside the three-point arc."

I growled, "Don't remind me."

"Well now you're Mr. Stud Basketball Player, Ben. My short little brother grew up into such a strong, athletic man." She rolled onto her back, letting her firm, perky tits rise straight up as she stretched her arms behind her head and spread her legs to the sides with her knees up in the air, which drew my attention down to see her pretty, pink pussy with puffy labia already spread wide as well.

Brandi continued with a big smile on her face, dropping a hand down to finger her own pussy. "If I'd known you were going to grow up into such a stud I might've been nicer to you when we were little. I could've had you taking care of my needs a LONG time ago."

I grinned and started stripping out of my own clothes. "Matt seems to be taking care of your needs just fine. We haven't spent that much ... intimate ... time together this semester."

Brandi shrugged and pulled her own legs back with her hands underneath her knees, spreading herself even wider in a very inviting position. "He's not here now and I'm very horny, Ben. You know I get horny every time you give me a massage. You're just so good with your hands."

I chuckled and mounted the bed, nestling my hips between Brandi's thighs as I guided my erection into her folds. "Thought you said we weren't going to do this for another ten minutes."

"I can't wait, Ben," Brandi breathed as she locked her legs around my waist and tugged, pulling my shaft deep into her body. She let her head fall back and she gasped at the penetration, sighing in deep satisfaction. "Ahhh ... Well. If I'm not unconscious when you're through with me, I'll make you finish the massage until I fall asleep. Okay?"

I grinned and started slowly thrusting into my sister's tight, clenching pussy. "Okay."

Light poured in from the hallway window. It was, after all, only 3pm on this Sunday afternoon. But with the curtains drawn, it was dark in Brandi's bedroom as I left my sister to her afternoon nap. Ever so gingerly, I closed the door to her bedroom and winced when the latch clicked rather more loudly than I was expecting. I went perfectly still and listened carefully to hear if my sister woke up from her orgasm-induced slumber; but no additional sounds emanated from her room.

Smiling, I sighed in relief and then started to back away.

"She taking a nap?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin and quickly jerked around, surprised as all hell to find Dayna leaning against her door jamb and smiling at me. She was wearing a colorful pair of cotton pajama bottoms and a matching button-down top. Her arms crossed beneath her breasts which thrust them up to strain against the thin fabric, a gap between buttons exposing a bit of creamy flesh and informing me that she wasn't wearing a bra beneath them. Heck, I wondered if she even had panties on, either. I just nodded and tried to calm my rapidly-beating heart.

Dayna noticed my eyes drift down her chest and she smirked. "More than two months of living with me and my tits still get a rise out of you?"

I looked down at the tent in my own pajama pants and shrugged. "What can I say? They're very nice tits."

Dayna grinned and canted her head to the side. "Brandi and you only went the one time?"

I nodded.

"You need to save it for your girlfriend?"

I shook my head.

Her smile got even wider. "Feel like unwinding a bit with me?"

I grinned and stepped forward while Dayna giggled and backed into her bedroom.

Just another day in my ordinary life.

"Bye, guys." Dayna waved as she and Brandi went out the door. Matt and Kevin had come to take the girls out for a Sunday dinner. I smirked with the internal guilty pleasure of knowing I'd nailed both of their girlfriends within the past couple of hours.

"Byyyeee, Ben!" Dayna blew me a kiss as well just before she closed the door. My smirk got a little wider.

With a loud slapping noise, Gwen dropped her magazine onto the coffee table and glared at me. "Okay, that's it," she huffed.

Paige frowned from her spot in the wing chair. The three of us were the only ones currently in the living room. Bert and Ryan were at home with their families in the East Bay. Adrienne hadn't returned yet from her project. And Dawn and Robin were both in the kitchen working on dinner for the six of us. Paige and I glanced at each other in confusion and I furrowed my eyebrows at Gwen. "What?"

"Are you banging Dayna?"

My eyebrows shot up. "Excuse me?"

Gwen shrugged and held her hands up as if I were one and Dayna the other. "Handsome young stud..." Gwen waved her right hand. "Gorgeous blonde bombshell..." Gwen waved her left.

I rolled my eyes.

Gwen just clasped the two hands together. "Living under one roof ... Nothing to do but kill time..." She extended her index finger on her right hand while turning the left into a circle between thumb and forefinger, miming fucking motions.

I sat back in my chair and sighed. "No comment."

"You don't have to. I recognize the look on Dayna's face. Or should I say... 'looks'? I've been catching them for weeks now."


Gwen tapped her nose. "A girl knows."

"Knows what?" Paige chimed in.

Gwen chuckled and shook her head at the young redhead. Paige wasn't an entirely innocent schoolgirl, but she wasn't that worldly, either. "Okay, well most girls know. Just be glad Kevin doesn't recognize the looks or he might get upset."

I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, well Kevin might not get upset," Gwen conceded. Even she knew of Dayna's famous inability to ever commit to one guy. But she sighed and asked, "Does Adrienne know?"

By now, both Dawn and Robin had come out of the kitchen to see what the commotion was. My eyes met Dawn's and my best friend non-verbally told me to just keep whatever lid on things as I could. I shrugged and turned my gaze back to Gwen. "Adrienne and I are 100% honest with each other about everything," I said firmly.

Gwen searched my eyes. She, like everyone else, had started to figure out I was a terrible liar. And she couldn't find a lie on my face right now. "So Adrienne does know..."

"Know what?" I sighed.

Gwen exhaled in frustration. "Look, are you or aren't you fucking Dayna on the side?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "That's none of your business."

"Hey, I'm not judging. I don't care." Then Gwen curled her lips into a sultry smile while her dark eyes flashed dangerously. And in a low, husky tone, she mused, "All I really want to know is: If you and Adrienne have an open relationship, how do I get in on it?"

"Gwen!" Robin barked.

"Oh, come ON," Gwen folded her arms over her chest in annoyance and looked back at me. "It's not like we haven't fucked before, Ben."

I stared down the darkness in Gwen's eyes. Her gaze was intense, and her words brought back some very naughty memories. I remembered the sight of her healthy, good-sized mounds in her wife-beater beneath the Cal football jersey. I remembered the way she consciously relaxed herself in order to deep-throat my cock. And I remembered the sight of her unconscious body, copious amounts of honey squirting erratically out of her pussy to be mirrored by the drool dribbling out of her mouth. Even though I'd just nailed both Brandi and Dayna hours earlier, while nostalgically remembering Gwen I felt a rise in my shorts.

It was simple: I'd been nailing Brandi and Dayna for months now. I loved my sister and Dayna was an enthusiastic partner. But it was becoming ... routine. While the sex was never boring, I was becoming a little ... bored. And the idea of fresh pussy was quite enticing. But I tamped down on my lust. "That was a long time ago, Gwen."

She shrugged. "Less than a year."

"A lot has changed in a year. I've got a girlfriend now."

Gwen giggled. "You had a girlfriend then, too."

Dawn's and my eyes met. That Thanksgiving weekend had been both intense and traumatic, and being reminded of it didn't exactly put me in the mood.

"Gwen..." I sighed. "Come on, we're friends now. I don't wanna mess with that."

She sighed. "Your fucking fault, Ben. I keep dating other guys trying to find one that will make me feel the way you did. It's been almost a year since the Stanford game."

"YOU said you didn't want to complicate things by dating someone in the circle of friends," I reasoned.

"Who said anything about 'dating'?" Gwen smirked. "You don't make me feel mushy or romantic, Ben. I just want you to turn me into a puddle of orgasmic goo."

"Gwen, seriously." I made my voice stern. "I'm staying loyal to my girlfriend."

"Fine." Gwen held her hands up. But just as she picked her magazine back up, she leered at me and remarked, "Just know that I'm available if you ever want to blow off some steam."

"Paige, you coming?" Gwen shouldered her purse and looked back. Usually, the three girls walked back to the dorms together after the sun went down.

"Uh, you guys go on ahead." Paige hesitated, looking back at me. "Ben, can you walk me back later?"

I shrugged. It was only a few blocks. "Sure, Red."

Gwen and Robin nodded and then headed away. Paige then looked back at me and asked in a tremulous voice, "Uh, Ben? Can I talk to you in private for a minute?" Then she turned to Adrienne, who was sitting on the couch still chatting with Dawn. "Uh, you too, Adrienne."

My eyes met my girlfriend's and we exchanged confused but 'sure-why-not' looks. Dawn glanced at me, telling me with her eyes to tread lightly and I waved Paige into Adrienne's and my bedroom.

I closed the door and sat on my bed with Adrienne automatically nestling up to the crook of my left arm while Paige sat on the daybed. "So what's up?" I asked gently.

Paige blinked a few times nervously, biting her lip and looking at her hands before picking her head up and asking, "I know you wouldn't tell Gwen, and you don't have to tell me, but ... ah ... ARE you sleeping with Dayna, Ben?"

Adrienne and I exchanged significant looks. Adrienne hadn't been present for that little exchange and I hadn't had the time to tell her yet. So I paused and told my girlfriend first what Gwen had said about the "looks" Dayna was giving me.

Once the story was out, Adrienne nodded and turned back to Paige, taking charge of the discussion. "Why do you ask?" Adrienne asked the smaller girl. "Just curiosity? Or something more?"

The petite redhead blushed and wrung her hands together, wincing nervously. "Uh ... well..."

Adrienne and I patiently waited her out. And then Paige picked her head up and look at me with some of that old adoration in her eyes. I inhaled sharply, suddenly nervous myself. After a couple of months being friends, Paige had seemed to get over her initial crush of me, understanding that I was in a loving relationship with my girlfriend. But for whatever reason, the crush had never truly gone away and the lustful, hopeful gleam was back in her eyes.

And while this realization dawned on me, Paige looked Adrienne dead in the eye and asked, "Well it's like Gwen asked: If you two have an open relationship, how do I get in on it?"

Adrienne's eyes popped open and she glanced at me. I just looked bewildered and the statuesque blonde quickly turned and grinned at Paige. "Well, honey. If you're seriously interested, you should be aware that the gateway to-"

"No!" I interrupted and glared at Adrienne with a warning in my eyes. "No."

Paige whimpered.

"I'm sorry, Paige. It's not happening."

Adrienne turned and arched an questioning eyebrow at me. Paige picked up on that and gestured at my girlfriend. "She doesn't seem to mind."

"No, no, no," I stated emphatically. "I'm not taking your virginity, Paige."

"I may be a virgin," the redhead huffed, her eyes diamond hard. "But I'm Not. That. Innocent."

Britney Spears' voice echoed somewhere in the back of my head.

Paige continued, "I'm not the naïve little girl you think I am. There are other ways I learned-"

"No," I interrupted again. "You were there, Paige, when I explained my reasons to Gwen. We're friends and I don't want to mess with that."

"But," Paige pouted. "I thought you just said that because you didn't want Gwen. I kinda hoped you would think of me differently."

I sighed. "You are completely different than Gwen."

"So you DO like me!"

I winced. "What I meant is that I'm saying 'no' for different reasons. Gwen just wants to get laid. But is that all you really want from me?"

Paige blinked a few times, her big blue eyes shimmering with moisture. "I'll take whatever I can get."

'Whatever I can get.' How many times had I heard that? I sighed. What was this with girls and making themselves so powerless with me? I'd felt myself becoming tempted by what Paige was offering. Like I'd felt before about Gwen, fresh pussy amidst my current boredom might be exactly what I needed to energize my sex life. But the idea of little Paige submitting herself so carelessly to my whim triggered some... wrongness ... in my head. I just felt uneasy about that kind of casual sex. Didn't a friend deserve more from me?

I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Paige, this isn't just about sex. You're my friend and you're special to me. And I KNOW that you really want love and romance and a boyfriend and all that. You deserve it. But I'm not the right guy for you. I'm with Adrienne. We talked about this. You need to go out and meet other guys; and I haven't even seen you go on a single date!"

Paige pouted. "Haven't found a guy like you, yet."

"And you never will," Adrienne swooned and leaned against me. Paige nodded forlornly.

"Adrienne ... not helping," I growled.

"Oh, sorry."

I exhaled slowly, putting my forehead into my palm and bracing my elbow on my knee while hunched forward. I stopped and let my head slow down its wild spinning for a few seconds. Why did sex always have to complicate things? I thought back to my old High School crew: Megan, Cassidy, Daniel, Elaine, Kenny, Abbie, Allie, Sung, and Stephanie. In the beginning, we were all just friends, some of whom I'd known since I was 10-years-old. As we passed into our teenage years, hormones kicked in and started changing our perceptions of each other, and I even went on dates with three of them. But lack of experience, pure nervousness, and simple innocence kept things in check. And even when things turned physical, sexual, we had the benefit of years of friendship to stabilize our relationships. Yeah, in the end I slept with all of them except Elaine; but all had their own sets of complications.

But this crew? Gwen and Robin I'd barely known before, and Gwen came with the extra baggage of being an ex-lover before she was a friend. Bert and Paige were brand spanking new. And Ryan had the extra hurdle between us given our respective relationships with Dawn. Yeah, we hung out as a group together, but apart from Dawn and Adrienne, we were still feeling our way out and weren't nearly as close or as comfortable around each other as my old crew had been.

And sex was threatening to break everything right down the middle.

I had two choices: sleep with the girls and see what consequences came, for better or worse; or, maintain the platonic nature of our friendships and hopefully keep the crew's social dynamic.

It was a simple choice, really. Old Ben would have jumped on Gwen and Paige at first opportunity without thought for future consequences. The mere fact that I weighed the second option meant it was the right one for me.

"Paige, don't do this," I said softly.

"I can't help the way I feel about you, Ben," she whimpered.

I squeezed Adrienne's hand. And I took a gamble, a stab at making the decision in my life rather than just waiting for shit to happen TO me. "Please, Paige. I want to be your friend. And I want what's best for you. The universe gave me a cosmic responsibility to protect you when I came to your defense that day, and I won't see you get hurt, not even by me."

She blinked her big blue eyes at me, looking so innocent and sad.

"We can't be anything more than friends," I said firmly. Then seeing the heartbreak in her eyes, I added, "For now."

Paige brightened and internally, I winced. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to give her false hope, but the words were already out of my mouth. So I tried to finish it off on a firm note. "I just can't give you what you need and anything more than friendship would be unfair to you. Make sense?"

The petite redhead pouted and let her shoulders sag. But she took a deep breath and nodded.

I reached a hand out and patted her shoulder. "Come on. Let's get you home."

Back at home and in my bedroom, Adrienne drew me into her arms. She smirked and reached up to rub my cheek with her thumb. "You've got lipstick on you. A girl might get kinda jealous."

I sighed. "Paige just reached up and kissed my cheek; I didn't encourage it. But it seemed like she needed to do it."

Adrienne chuckled. I knew she wasn't actually upset or anything. She exhaled and said, "You did the right thing. I wouldn't have done it. I would have hopped that cute little ass into our bed and we'd have fucked her brains out. But you thought about her feelings. That's pretty cool."

I managed a weak smile. "Then why do I feel like such an asshole?"

Adrienne shrugged. "No girl likes to get rejected. And no guy with a heart — like you — feels good about rejecting a nice girl."

I nodded.

Then Adrienne sat back and arched her eyebrow at me. "On the other hand, Gwen most certainly is NOT a nice, innocent little girl. So what's up with that?"


My girlfriend rubbed my arm and leaned back against the headboard. "You did sleep with her once before, right, Ben? That girl clearly just wants something casual to take the edge off. So why isn't she in our bed right now?"

I blinked. "What, you want to sleep with Gwen, too?"

Adrienne smirked. "I know I look like a girl, Ben, but when it comes to chicks I think like a guy. I wanna nail ALL of them." My gorgeous blonde girlfriend giggled, which made her entire chest jiggle quite nicely. "Besides, she's pretty hot."

I sighed. "It's not that I don't want to. It's just that Gwen is part of our circle of friends. She's in the crew."

"So? You want me to list your High School conquests? Megan, Cassidy, Stephanie, Abbie, Al-"

"Okay, okay. I know. But this is different. My High School crew was way different. This one is still ... unsettled. It's only been a couple of months, and I don't want to ruin these friendships before we get established. There's a clear path to this you know: acquaintance, friend, then lover. If you skip the friend part and go straight to lover, you can never really go back to 'friend'."

"You already skipped with Gwen."

I sighed. "And that's probably why out of all eight of us in this group, she's the one I hang out with the least. She still sees me as Big Ben: Stud Fucker, instead of just Ben."

Adrienne grinned and patted my chest. "You ARE Big Ben: Stud Fucker. And I seem to remember we went straight to lovers ourselves."

I held her hand and trapped it against my chest. "We're very different. And that's what makes you special. But really, Adrienne. Do you think we could ever backtrack to being just friends again?"

She thought about it for a second and exhaled. "No. And I don't ever want to. I want to be this close to you forever and always, Tiger. Remember?"

I smiled. "I remember."

Adrienne smiled right back, flashing me twin rows of pearly white teeth. And then she stretched her arms straight up, thrusting her big tits out at me before collapsing back onto the mattress. And with her gaze on the ceiling, she asked almost off-hand, "So ... what do we do then about this boredom?"

"Boredom?" I arched an eyebrow. How could Adrienne possibly know I was starting to feel just a little bored with my sex life?

There was something in my voice and her hazel eyes darted into mine, started looking away, and then came right back. And with a sudden jerk, Adrienne propped herself up on her elbows. She stared hard at me and a little grin crossed her face. "You're getting bored, aren't you?"

I blinked twice. "What are you talking about?"

Adrienne chuckled and shook her head. Then she fixed me with a strong look. "Tell me if this sounds familiar, Ben: I love my girlfriend. I LOVE you, Adrienne. And the sex with you can be both amazing and wonderful and fulfilling and dirty and oh-so-tender all at the same time. Plus, Brandi is such a skilled and delicate lover. I get a naughty kick out of knowing I'm nailing, well, my sister. And that makes it extra-special. And on top of that is Dayna: a gorgeous, busty, blonde nymphomaniac whose lush body is a wonderland of pleasure."

I was nodding so far. Adrienne spoke as if she were in my head. Then Adrienne continued. "But ... I'm getting just a little bored. Yeah, the sex is great and I love my girlfriend; but I've gotten a little used to variety over the past several months. Ever since I hooked up with you, we've shared seemingly dozens of girls: Candy, Heather, Helene, Stephanie, the list goes on and on. And I'm getting itchy for some fresh pussy."

I blinked and winced, feeling guilty.

"Sound familiar?" Adrienne arched an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah," I conceded. "I'm sorry. I know I-"

"Ben! That's EXACTLY how I feel!" Adrienne interrupted. "I love you and I love the sex we have together. Brandi is MY sister too. And Dayna's body is such a lush wonderland. And I'm getting bored, too."

"You are?"

Adrienne nodded.

"So you're not mad at me?"

Adrienne grinned. "I told you: I'm not like other girlfriends. And I'll never think badly of you for being YOU. You're a sex machine, Tiger, and monogamy just isn't part of your DNA."

I managed to crack a smile.

"So it's settled: Gwen and Paige are off-limits. But otherwise, we need to go out and find some fresh pussy to share."

"Please tell me that made more sense to you than it did to me." I looked pleadingly at Kim Fukuzaki, a classmate in my Introduction to Asia class, which was my only class not shared with Dawn. The pretty Japanese-American girl sat two seats away from me in the lecture hall and we often commented with each other about whatever was going on in the class. We'd flirted only lightly up until this point. Actually, SHE had been the first one to come and flirt with ME.

You know what I mean: She introduced herself to me first and asked to sit next to me in class. She often wore a black hoodie, but unzipped it low enough to let her white tank top-covered breasts bulge out. Even then, she didn't deliberately show me her tits; her long dark hair hung over the shoulder and covered the exposed skin ... mostly, just enough of a tease to get me looking at her bosom. And then there was the way she absent-mindedly played with her hair when she talked to me, revealing more and more skin before the dark, blonde-streaked locks dropped back down.

But up until now, I'd been careful not to get Kim's hopes up. Sure, I'd thought the girl was pretty and certainly "do-able"; but I had been well-occupied at home and never bothered to try and step things up before. I'd told her I had a girlfriend and she'd seemed to accept we would always have sexual tension but no sex.

Well, after a few months of slowly falling into a rut with Adrienne, I had some hopes about changing the status quo.

Today, Kim was looking particularly sexy in a black and hot pink leather motorcycle jacket, fully unzipped to show me that ever-present white tank top. Her black and blonde-streaked hair was wild and hung loosely over her shoulders. And she absentmindedly tapped the matching black and hot pink street cycle helmet underneath her left arm with the pink fingernails on her right hand while we walked out of the classroom.

Kim glanced over at me and smiled. "Nope. I mean, that professor's got some funny ideas about Chairman Mao and The Great Leap Forward. He seems to take it pretty personally."

I shrugged. "Well, he IS from Taiwan."

Kim giggled. "True, true."

"Hey, do you have any free time this afternoon?" I began casually. "Maybe I can buy you a cup of coffee and we'll try to figure it out together."

The cute girl stopped and turned to me with a curious expression on her face. She stared at me inquisitively and I was beginning to realize my delivery hadn't been quite as casual as I might have hoped. And after months of flirting, my first invitation to actually go anywhere certainly caught her attention.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" Kim asked cautiously.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yeah, why?"

"Then why are you asking me out?"

I frowned. "I'm not," I winced defensively. I'm a terrible liar. But I tried to cover it by saying, "I just thought we might both have time to figure out this assignment together."

Kim gave me a funny look before she smirked and shook her head. "I'll see you next week, Ben."

I sighed. "Bye."

"This is a lot harder than I ever thought," I groaned and flopped back onto the bed while Adrienne changed her clothes after her last class. My gorgeous girlfriend was a fashionista style queen out and about the campus, but heels and short skirts weren't nearly as comfortable as an old pair of cotton sweat pants when studying in the living room.

"You've only tried the one time," Adrienne said soothingly with her back to me. I watched with a smile as she bent at the waist and pulled the sweatpants up and over her nearly naked asscheeks, covered only by a thin thong. "And it sounds like this girl was slightly flattered, if not terribly interested."

"I thought SHE wanted ME. That's the whole reason I went to her first."

"So you caught her off-guard. It's not like the girl was expecting you to suddenly give her a window of opportunity after two months of keeping things platonic. Give it time." Adrienne looked thoughtful for a moment, and then asked, "You said her name was Kim, right? What's her last name?"

"Fukuzaki." I shrugged. Adrienne turned her head aside immediately, as if pondering something. But I was drowning in my own world as I leaned my head back into my pillow and sighed. "You know I haven't asked a girl out since Sophomore year of High School?"

"Sure you have." Adrienne turned around, letting me ogle her bra-clad tits just before she tugged on the cute T-shirt.

I shook my head. "Either the girls came to me or they made it obvious I was guaranteed a 'yes' if I asked them out. I never had to do any work."

Adrienne giggled. "Feels weird, not having your big reputation preceding you anymore."

I waggled my hands. "I'm helpless."

Adrienne snorted. "You've led a charmed life, Tiger. Now you know what 99.9% of the male population has to deal with."

"So says Miss Gorgeous who could get any man to follow her anywhere at any time."

Adrienne shrugged and flopped onto the bed beside me. "Which would be great if I wanted another man; I've already got you. But if I want to seduce a girl, I'm in the same boat you are. Girls, especially hot girls, are tough to create interest with. Most of them are 100% straight, or at least too scared to try swinging both ways. And even with Grace, it took me more than a month to get her into bed."

"So what are you saying? That you couldn't get a girl to join us any faster than I could?"

My girlfriend giggled. "Now I never said THAT."

I read the tone in Adrienne's voice, and sat up straighter. "Wait ... what have you got planned?"

Adrienne smiled enigmatically. "I'm not telling."

I sighed in exasperation. "How the hell am I supposed to take charge of my own life if you keep pulling this shit on me?"

"Ben!" Adrienne scolded. "You took charge and came to talk to me when you knew there were cracks forming in our relationship. Now there are times when you need to take charge and not just let stuff happen to you; but there are times when you need to trust me and believe that I love you. Besides, my plans always turn out very well for you, don't they?"

I growled and Adrienne smirked. Then she got a bright gleam in her eye. "Fine. I'm changing the plan," she began. "Tonight, I'm going to bring a girl into our bedroom; but you're going to be blindfolded and handcuffed to the bed."

"Fuck! Again?" I whined. And my egotistical need to show some backbone stirred up inside me. "No. Not doing it."

"Fine. I won't bring her. And you won't get laid tonight."

Annnd Adrienne had trumped me.

What can I say? There's having a spine ... and then there's doing something monumentally stupid to cockblock yourself. I could speak up to protest, or I could sit back and enjoy while my busty, beautiful babe of a girlfriend brought me fresh pussy. I sighed in acquiescence. "Okay, okay."

Adrienne giggled. "Trust me, Ben. You're gonna LOVE this."

"Still bored, Tiger?"

"Is this really necessary?" I tested the strength of the handcuffs. They weren't that tight, so my arms didn't feel stretched; but I only had a couple of inches of movement. Similarly, the blindfold wasn't so thick as to make everything pitch black. Everything was certainly darker but there was just enough transparency for me to vaguely identify objects before me. For example, Adrienne's head was a cloudy, rounded shape before me; but I couldn't make out eyes, ears, hair, or any other distinguishing features.

Adrienne giggled as I felt her weight move off the bed. "Just shut up and enjoy this. I know I will." And then she left me.

No, really. Adrienne left me. I heard the door open and then close. The room went silent. And I lay there, blindfolded and handcuffed to the headboard.

Oh, great...

But it got better. A warm body slid beside me and I felt the soft touch of a pair of lips pressing to mine. Instantly, I knew that Adrienne had indeed brought me fresh pussy. The girl's flavor was unrecognizable. The way she kissed was unfamiliar. And I realized with a start that for the very first time in my life, I had absolutely no CLUE who I was kissing.

I'd been bound and blindfolded once before, during Adrienne's Winter Break snowboarding trip at Big Bear. But then I could at least guess between Candy, Heather, and Lynne. Now, I had not a single inkling of who was currently spearing her tongue into my mouth. And she was a really, really good kisser.

In fact, some trickle of familiarity came into my head. The mystery girl certainly hadn't been a recent lover of mine, but it was certainly someone I knew. There weren't any obvious indicators as such; I just ... felt it. And the guessing games spun my head almost as much as the kiss. Was it one of Dayna's hot girlfriends who paraded in and out of the house? Was it one of Adrienne's acquaintances or classmates I'd met on occasion? Heck, Adrienne might've violated my off-limits rule and brought in Gwen. I'd only been with my dirty-blonde friend the one time and my memory was quite clouded with Dawn back then. I just didn't know. And the thrill of not knowing made the kiss so much more intense.

And then a second pair of lips touched my body. Only this pair was around my rapidly growing cock. I stiffened in surprise when she first touched me, but then I relaxed as a delicate hand wrapped around the shaft and began stroking while the lips and a tongue began dancing upon my mushroom head. And within a few more seconds, I felt a new shiver running down my spine at the realization that this wasn't Adrienne, either.

My girlfriend had brought TWO girls.

Just then, Adrienne's voice lit up in my ear. "Surprise, Tiger."

I pulled my head away from my kissing partner to gasp in amazement at what was happening to me. My head lolled left and right for a moment as I tried in vain to see what was going on. But even though I could make out the fuzzy outline of a head in front of me, I couldn't make out her face and my range wasn't good enough to let me see anyone else at all. But then the shape before me changed and I felt the hard, pebbly texture of a nipple being lowered to my mouth and I obediently began to suckle and lick at the proffered teat.

At my other end, my blowjob partner moved to the side and I felt a second tongue, presumably Adrienne's, reach out to begin licking up the length of my shaft. But after a minute of the dual oral assault on my prick, my girlfriend seemed to spend more time kissing the other girl than kissing my dick; and the pair of them shifted to their own space on the bed while the girl shoving her tits in my face moved to straddle me.

The breasts in my face were large, but not immediately identifiable. I didn't know whether they were C's or D's or whatever, but they were very nice, both firm and soft at the same time. The whimpering voice wasn't identifiable, either. She was both familiar and unknown, and the frustration of not knowing her identity both intrigued and maddened me. Either way, she got my blood boiling and as my girl adjusted her hips, I felt the slippery wetness of a bare-shaven pussy gliding along the outside of my rod until I notched into the right position and she drove herself down upon my cock.

"Ohhh, fuck," I grunted and threw my head back, tensing my arms to the limits of the handcuffs.

"Mmm-hmm..." my girl moaned. She was tight, very tight. Her constricted vaginal walls were narrow and had to feel every bump and vein of my throbbing cock as I sunk deeper and deeper into her body. And then she began to ride me.

In. Out. Up. Down. Squish. Squish. Her cunt was tight, buttery, and oh-so-soft. She had good muscle control, clenching her innards around my invading prod, milking my orgasm out of me with every thrust. And as I felt my control slipping away, my sexual pride came to the surface and I sharpened my focus to fuck her back just as much as she was fucking me. Yeah, I was blindfolded and my arms were restrained; but I knew I could still fuck her better than any guy in Berkeley. This was a challenge, nothing more.

I didn't recognize her voice, but I recognized her vocal cues. I couldn't see her hip movements, but I could feel them. And the dick knew. My dick knew how to find her pleasure spots. And I set off doing my best to find them.

While I was fucking my newest lover, Adrienne was dyking it out with the other girl. I heard the two of them smacking their lips and moaning in heat. I could feel the vibrations and shifts in weight on the mattress. I started putting together a visual of the two of them, doing my best to guess at their actions based on my what senses I did have at my disposal. And right now I was imagining Adrienne on top of the other girl, french kissing her with abandon while squeezing the girl's tits and rhythmically plunging a vibrator in and out of the other girl's pussy.

"Oh-nngh!" the second girl whimpered. "Oh, fuck!"

I tried to key in on that phrase, seeing if I could identify the voice. But at almost the exact same moment, my girl had squeezed her cunt and wailed "Ahhh!" as an orgasm swept through her, obscuring the voice. In a fit of annoyance, I started ramming my hips upwards even harder and faster into my girl, which only made her moan even more as a second orgasm came tumbling after the first. And three or four pumps later, I held my hips off the bed and bellowed as my cock erupted like a geyser into my girl's spasming snatch.

We were far from done. I felt my girl being bodily yanked off my dick, probably by Adrienne, who would be hungry to eat my spunk out of the girl's cunt. And then the second girl's mouth descended once again over my honey-coated prick, immediately taking me deep into her throat while she actually licked my balls, the sensation ensuring that I would maintain a rigid erection. The girl then bobbed up and down the length of my cock, taking me into her throat with ease on every downstroke before pulling all the way back until her lips tugged at the lower edges of my mushroom cap.

Eventually, this second girl moved to straddle me and get my dick inside her, although she was facing away in a reverse cowgirl position. I felt the different positioning of her thighs as she lowered her steaming cunt onto my upright shaft, and then she held herself rigid while she sat down fully with my prick embedded inside her. While her mouth and throat had taken my length and girth easily, her pussy was a different matter. I'd though the first girl was tight. THIS girl had been incredibly tight on entry, almost skin-peeling, and it had taken a good amount of force to batter my way through.

"Ohhh..." I groaned at the fresh sensation. My dick was still hypersensitive from my recent orgasm and the penetration had been almost painful. But now that the pain was receding, all that was left was the wonderful warmth and wetness of her pussy as she began rocking gently back and forth with my throbbing cock inside her.

A new tongue then began licking at our joining. My legs were pushed out to the sides and from the inside of her pussy, I felt the dim vibrations of a mouth on the outside of my current lover's crotch. And then the tongue licked lower to swirl around my testicles and then to the very spot of our joining before returning upwards to titillate my lover's clit.

I wondered if it was Adrienne between this second girl's legs. But then that theory was debunked when someone straddled my face and lowered her pussy onto my tongue and lips. This time, the familiar flavor and taste was quite obvious as I recognized Adrienne. And in this contorted position of lustful excess, the four of us fucked away until both Adrienne and the second girl had screaming orgasms and I nutted my load down the throat of the first girl, who had yanked me out of my lover's cunt at the very last second.

The two girls left after that. And only after the bedroom door was closed and the room had once again fallen into silence did Adrienne come cuddle naked beside me and remove both blindfold and handcuffs.

Perhaps she expected me to wrap my arms around her lovingly, but after being restrained for so long I felt a surge of adrenaline course through my muscles. The instant I was free, I spun about and tackled my girlfriend, pinning her wrists to the mattress behind her head. "Enjoyed that, didn't you?" I growled menacingly. "Having me helpless and blind while you and your friends had your way with me?"

Adrienne giggled. "Yes... sir..." And then she licked her lips enticingly. "See, good things happen when you let me be in charge for a little while."

"But not all the time," I growled as I reached out to an open handcuff and slapped it around Adrienne's wrist. My girlfriend shivered beneath me as she both heard and felt the [click] of the lock. And her eyes burned bright gold.

I smirked down at my still aroused, stunningly gorgeous blonde babe of a sex toy. "Now it's my turn."

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