20.07% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 53: New Friends ll

章節 53: New Friends ll

I'm not exactly sure what kind of first impressions I thought I'd make on people I'd just met. In general, I wanted to appear confident and intelligent: a guy who had his shit together. College was supposed to be about fresh starts, an opportunity to debut into the world as an independent adult free of any baggage from one's hometown, family, or any other ties to the past. New town, new life, new identity.

For one, I no longer had my old high school reputation as a Casanova. For the past two years, that reputation had simultaneously driven three-quarters of the female population away from me in terror that I might somehow seduce them against their will while also bringing the other 25% right to me in the hope that I might seduce them and give them the greatest sexual experience of their lives.

But this was a city 500-miles away, and I was just a lowly freshman. Instead of 2,000 high-schoolers there were 35,000 people attending Berkeley. That's practically a small city of its own. And with about a 54% female percentage, that meant close to 20,000 girls. Yeah, technically, I had a lot of options. But also, the sheer size meant it would be much more difficult for them all to network and spread rumors about me. And while a part of me had enjoyed the Casanova rep, it often proved more trouble than it was worth. So I was looking forward to being just "Ben".

But sometimes, your past follows you into the future. I made it a point to never talk about my sexual conquests. The girls around me didn't quite share the same philosophy.

First was Paige. Here was a girl I'd literally met just days ago under rather extreme circumstances. I never intended for her to learn the gory details of my sexual history, but she now seemed on a minor mission to dig into my past. Adrienne, as my girlfriend, was obvious. Dawn had already admitted that we'd dated in the past, even though we were just friends now. There was the comment about fucking Felicia's brains out. And Paige had her suspicions about Kady and now Lynne. And on top of them were Gwen and Robin. Gwen hadn't been shy about confirming that she and I had fucked in the past. Paige didn't know whether to be more surprised that Gwen had also slept with me or that Robin hadn't. So even though Paige hadn't personally experienced me, she was going around the room stirring up the conversations about my sexual history.

Then there was Felicia. The gorgeous, older fashion model was a big hit with Brandi's and Dayna's friends, both male and female. She was a social butterfly and flirted with everyone, regaling them with stories of a cosmopolitan life in San Francisco. And when asked about how she knew the people in the house, Felicia had for some reason decided to both explain that she knew us from summer camp as well as comment that I, Ben, had been the most fantastic lover she'd ever met.

And hell, there was even Dayna. While the eldest Evans daughter wasn't so brazen as to tell everyone that she was currently fucking me every opportunity she got, she wasn't shy about telling her girlfriends that she HAD bedded me in the past and come away quite pleased with the experience.

Despite that, I was trying to keep a lid on things. I started by trying to cool down Paige. She and Bert were chatting rather animatedly with Gwen and Robin, digging for details about my previous relationship with Dawn. They weren't being that quiet and I knew other people could overhear if they wanted. So I stepped in and told the petite redhead, "Hey, nobody likes a gossip."

"I do," Gwen chirped while grinning at me seductively.

"What, can't take the heat?" Robin smirked.

"Got something to hide, Ben?" Paige looked up at me sweetly.

Bert just looked wide-eyed at everything being discussed.

"Paige, please?" I sighed and canted my eyebrows. "Look, I know we barely know each other and you're really, really curious to find out more about me. So let's sit down and talk sometime, huh? Can you just cool down the inquisition for now? Please? For me?"

The instant I said the word "please", Paige's deep blue eyes softened and she smiled. "Of course, Ben. For you, anything..." There was a hint of a promise in her eyes, and danger signs flashed in the back of my brain. I loved Adrienne and I was still-emotionally drained from trying to organize my feelings for Dawn. The LAST thing I needed was a lovestruck Paige pursuing me full on.

I sighed. "Well, in that case, put down the beer."

"What?" The petite redhead hiccupped and furrowed her eyebrows, glancing at the can of Bud she held in her small hand.

I sighed. "Have you ever had beer before, Paige?"

She rolled her eyes. "It was a private school, not a prison."

"I'll take that as a yes."

Paige giggled and wobbled just a bit.

"But not very often, have you?"

Paige hiccupped again. "What makes you say that?"

Great. Lightweight. Hell, Paige probably didn't even weigh a hundred pounds. "How many of those have you drunk, Paige?"

"I dunno. Three? Four? Six?"

I sighed. "Paige, no more. I'm cutting you off."

"What? You're not my dad."

"You said you'd do anything for me."

"This is rididiculuslus!" she protested. I winced at her attempt on the word ridiculous.

Sighing, I looked at Gwen, Robin, and Bert. "Keep her out of trouble, will ya?" Then I pointed at Bert. "If she hurls, I'm making you clean it up."

"Wha-?" Bert jerked his head back, looking a little pink himself.

I shook my head. One down, two to go.

I found Felicia in the backyard, a glass tumbler filled with an amber liquid in hand as she chatted up two of Dayna's girlfriends.

"Ooh, speak of the devil..." Felicia drawled, a slight slur in her voice as she turned and grinned at me. Those big pale blue eyes were smoking in their steely grey as the gorgeous older woman looked ready to pounce on me.

"Felicia..." I said in a low voice with just a hint of a warning in my tone. "Have you been spreading rumors about me again?"

"Rumors? They aren't rumors if they're all true." Felicia giggled, and the other two girls joined in as well.

I frowned, but the beautiful model smiled enigmatically and let her eyes simmer on me. "Relax, Ben. I'm just buffing up your reputation a little bit."

Steeling my spine I reached a hand forward to the two other girls. "Hi, I'm Ben, Brandi's little brother. Don't believe a word this girl says," I head-nodded to Felicia.

The 5'6" Asian girl reached her hand out first. "Angela Chan," she smiled with a twinkle in her eyes. "We don't need to believe Felicia. Dayna's already talked a lot about you."

I raised my eyebrows but Angela dropped my hand and I offered it to the 5'10" curly-haired bottle-blonde with really big tits. "Monique St. Claire," the second girl said in a huskier voice, with just a trace of a French accent. "Don't worry. It's all been very good."

Angela then smirked. The corners of her lips tugged upwards while she obviously let her brown eyes run up and down my body. "You're cute, Ben. And if you're half as good as Dayna and Felicia say, we just might find ourselves visiting the house a little more often, eh, Monique?"

The bottle-blonde looked me up and down as well, her own dark eyes sparkling beneath slightly thicker brown eyebrows. "Oui-oui."

"Back off bitches," Felicia grinned without any heat in her voice as she slid behind me. "This one's got a waiting list." And then without warning, Felicia shoved her hand into my shorts, quickly finding my cock and wrapping her fingers around my member.

I gasped and jerked, torn between trying to remain calm and spinning around to hide myself from Dayna's friends. In the end, my eyebrows just popped wide open and I reached down to grab Felicia's wrist and tug her hand out of my shorts. "Not here, Felicia."

"So later then? That a promise?" she purred into my ear from behind.

I pasted a smile on my face while looking nervously at Angela and Monique, who both watched at rapt attention. "We'll see," I hedged.

Felicia released me. Then she brought up her other hand and pressed two fingers into my mouth. I quickly realized that the digits were coated with pussy juice, probably her own. And automatically I sucked on the sweet flavor. "Don't keep me waiting too long, Ben," she sighed, looking ready to melt onto the ground.

Angela and Monique glanced at each other before Angela grinned and asked, "How do we sign up?"

Feeling like a piece of meat, I did my best to maintain my confidence while three pretty girls flirted with me before I managed to find an excuse to retreat.

So much for a fresh start. I didn't even bother trying to talk down Dayna. My reputation had already been carved into the cement.

I was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by all the new people around. Gwen, Robin, Bert, Paige, Angela, Monique, and on and on and on. I couldn't keep the names of all of Brandi's and Dayna's friends straight and I knew that after this night, I was going to have to slow down and get to know some of these people at a more sedate pace. I supposed it was just how the first few days of college goes for everyone: Too many new faces in too short a time.

Plus, of the couple dozen people at the house, the vast majority were female — more than a 2 to 1 ratio. So after being ogled and appraised by a dozen upperclassmen girls who all seemed to have been informed of my sexual prowess, I decided to spend more time meeting the guys. And as fate would have it, all of us "boyfriends" ended up talking together. I was Adrienne's boyfriend and Ryan was Dawn's, but this was some of the first extended time either of us spent with Brandi's and Dayna's guys.

Matt Kanemura was Brandi's boyfriend. The 6'1" Hawaiian was an exotic mix of Japanese, German, and Swedish. His longish hair was a spectrum of colors ranging from blonde to black and every shade of brown in between. He wore a loose linen button-down shirt on a lanky frame, and every time I'd seen him he wore the same puka shell necklace. We'd first been introduced when classes started and he arrived to take Brandi out. Then and now, I felt rather awkward around the guy, aware I'd been intimate with his girlfriend without his knowledge. But Matt seemed to just chalk it off to freshman nervousness and your run-of-the- mill little brother syndrome. He was friendly and low-pressure in a laid-back Hawaiian way.

Dayna's current "boys" were Aaron Collins and Kevin Weiss. Both were tall, well- built, and handsome. Both were fully aware that theirs was not an exclusive relationship with Dayna and in fact, both were free to date other girls, although such an occurrence usually killed the Dayna-hookups. Their deals were pure booty calls for Dayna, at her beck and call, sometimes even together at the same time. She held all the power and the guys didn't seem to mind one bit. Neither guy had been around for more than a year and while Dayna hadn't spread around that she'd also been boinking me the past week, in the interest of honesty she HAD admitted such to these two.

"How does your girlfriend deal with that?" Aaron was asking me. "What with you schtupping the hot blonde upstairs..."

I shrugged. "You'd have to ask Adrienne."

Aaron grinned and glanced across the room where Adrienne was walking out of the kitchen with Dawn and Lynne. "I just might," he leered. "I don't suppose she likes to play outside of your little sandbox, too..."

I frowned and narrowed my eyes, feeling a green flash of jealousy. "No. She doesn't," I said rather abruptly.

"Hey, hey," Aaron held his hands up. "No offense, man. If that babe was mine I wouldn't let her out of the house without a chastity belt."

Kevin snorted his beer and I rolled my eyes. I glanced over a Adrienne. Sure, she more or less let me screw every hot babe who showed an interest. Hell, she'd encouraged me more often than not. But so far she herself had shown no inclination to 'play outside of our sandbox' as Aaron had put it. And I wondered just how I'd react if and when she finally did.

Matt actually jumped in to my rescue. "Hey, leave the kid and his girlfriend alone," he drawled. "If nothing else, you don't want to annoy Dayna and give her a reason to cut you off... again."

Aaron burped and then crushed his beer can against his own forehead. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. And what would you know about what Dayna wants? She tell you the last time she joined you and that hot girlfriend of yours?"

Matt rolled his eyes.

"Only one thing matters to that slut: How well you fuck! Long as I keep pounding the shit outta her whenever she gets the urge, I'm gravy," Aaron said a little too loudly. "Don't matter if I piss her off. She knows ain't no fucker here can fuck her like I fuck her."

Kevin leaned in and whispered harshly, "Dude, cool it."

I also growled crossly, "She's not a slut, and I'll thank you not to call her that."

Aaron kept going, cracking another beer can open. "That Dayna's a hellcat. Grade One nymphomaniac if I ever saw one. I just wish I could figure out a way to tie her down and make her mine. Course, I might die from excessive ejaculation if you know what I mean." He hiccupped, and then smirked at Ryan. "I'm curious, man. Did she ever show up to give you the sisters fantasy?"

Ryan blinked. "I don't talk about that sort of thing."

Aaron grinned. "Sounds like a 'yes' to me!" he crowed.

"That's a 'I don't talk about it'," Ryan corrected with a clenched jaw.

"Dude," Kevin patted Aaron on the shoulder. "I think you've had enough to drink, man."

"Fuck!" Aaron grunted, standing up a little unsteadily. "I think I'll go ask her myself."

Matt and Kevin sighed. Ryan glared. And I just kept my mouth shut as the boorish Junior turned and staggered away. We all watched him go and then let an awkward silence fall over us.

Matt broke the silence first. "So Ben, Brandi tells me you and Dawn are gunning for the Undergraduate Business Program."

"Yeah, uh, you're already in, right?" I picked my head up.

"Yep," Matt nodded. "Who'd you get for UGBA10?"

I was just about to answer when a little danger signal went up in the back of my head. Aaron had said 'I think I'll go ask her myself.' Initially, I'd assumed the "her" meant Dayna. But with alarm, I realized the "her" meant Dawn. I suppose I could have been wrong, but I wasn't. I was SURE of it. Immediately, I jumped to my feet. "Ah, hell."

Matt frowned. "What is it?"

I turned and looked at Ryan. "Dawn." And then I half-ran back into the house.

Sure enough, Aaron Collins was just outside Dawn's bedroom. He trapped her with both hands against the wall on either side of her head, exhaling his noxious breath right into her face. And with a look of fear, my beautiful best friend shrunk back, looking like she wanted to melt into the wall.

I ran up, feeling an odd sense of déjà vu, and barked, "Hey!"

By now, Aaron had grabbed Dawn's ass while she cowered away from him. The drunk guy jerked his hand away at my shout and turned to face me with a deer in the headlights look.

I pushed him back and away from Dawn, getting him separated a good couple of feet away from her. And then Ryan was blitzing past me to grab Aaron by his shirt and bodily yank the guy away, slamming him into the opposite wall.

The commotion alerted everyone around, Felicia and Monique poking their heads in from the living room. Gwen and Robin appeared in Dawn's doorway. My bedroom with Adrienne at the other end of the short hallway popped open and Adrienne, Lynne, Paige, and Bert also looked out. And after thirty seconds of Ryan growling something unintelligible at Aaron, Dayna and some other friends came around as well.

"What's going on?" Dayna stared at Ryan and Aaron.

Ryan just physically pulled Aaron off the wall and shoved the guy towards Dayna. "Tell your boy-toy to keep his hands off my girlfriend."

Dayna's eyes went wide open. "Did you touch Dawn?"

"Dayna, please," Aaron mumbled.

"Did you touch my little sister?"

"Well, I-"

"Get out," Dayna said coldly.


"Go home, Aaron."

"Fucking bitch," the guy grunted and suddenly Dayna rushed forward, slapping the guy's face loud enough for the sound to carry through the whole house.

"Go HOME, Aaron." Dayna's voice was the definition of 'Hell Hath No Fury'.

The guy wizened up and left. I'd find out two days later that Dayna indeed cut Aaron off, this time permanently. She'd find another boy-toy if she wanted later.

After that, most all the upperclassmen cleared out, leaving just Dawn's friends in one doorway and mine in the other, along with me, Ryan, Dawn, and Dayna in the hallway.

"How'd you know?" Ryan asked me.


"How'd you know she was in trouble?" Ryan nodded to Dawn, who was now curled up beneath his arm.

I looked over and my eyes met Dawn's. Time slowed down for a moment as her blue eyes sparkled, communicating all her gratitude to me with a purity of emotion that filled my heart. She smiled. I smiled. And the world once again made sense.

I looked back to Ryan, shrugging and saying, "I just knew."

And then Dawn and I were smiling at each other again.

Just when it felt like I'd averted one disaster, another one nearly sprung up while I was distracted.

Content that Dawn was safe and seeing that Adrienne was in some animated, friendly conversation with Monique and Brandi, I went in search of my other freshman friends. Along the way, I passed Bert, who was chatting in Korean with Angela Chan. Her pronunciation was off, as it wasn't her native language. But she was showing all the signs of obvious flirting and Bert was surprisingly relaxed and confident, given his normally nervous and geeky behavior. Ah, alcohol, the social lubricant.

In any case, I headed up the stairs on a whim, getting halfway up when I heard an alarmed, high-pitched, "Hey, hey! No! I didn't say you could do that!"

I recognized the voice: Paige.

Nightmares of what happened to Brooke at Drew Walker's house flared in my mind and suddenly my legs were churning up the stairs. I burst into Brandi's bedroom where I found one of the guys with his tongue in Paige's mouth and a hand inside her blouse.

"Hey!" I barked for what seemed like the fifteenth time in two days.

A muscular Asian guy with spiky blonde hair turned around. "What the fuck?"

It took me a second to remember his name but in the meantime, I marched forward and bodily jerked the guy back by his shoulders. "Get the FUCK away from her! ... Alan!" I added his name at the end once it finally came to me.

"Whoa! Whoa! Relax, man! We weren't doing anything! Fucking hell, she invited me up here!"

My eyes popped open as I glared at Paige, who was using both hands to keep her blouse closed since it was no longer buttoned. Now somewhat frightened, the little redhead in the schoolgirl outfit seemed even younger and more vulnerable, spiking the protective instinct in me. "Whatever, Alan. I heard her protesting and if the girl says 'no', that's it. Right?"

Alan rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine. Whatever. Girl's a fucking tease anyways." Then he brushed past me and out the door.

"Paige!" I turned back to the redhead, exasperated. "I told you not to get into trouble!"

"I wasn't in trouble!" she protested, still clutching her blouse. "I'm not a little girl! I'm eighteen! I knew what I was getting into!"

Shades of Brooke fell over me, only making my protective instincts even stronger. "And just what did you think you were getting into up here? Were you planning on fucking him?"


"Well Alan certainly seemed to think so," I said a little harshly. Then I caught myself and calmed the tone in my voice. "Were you even planning to let him inside your shirt?"

"No ... I ... I just thought we'd do some kissing," Paige moaned. "I haven't kissed many boys, you know."

I sighed. "I'm not surprised."

"Is it that obvious?" Paige suddenly looked up at me with big blue eyes and grabbing my hands. "That I'm a virgin?"

I blinked a few times, "Uh, uh..." How do you answer that? "Not exactly, no. I mean, I wouldn't have known if you hadn't already told me at lunch that day."

"I TRY to act like I know what I'm doing," she pouted, moisture forming in her eyes.

Ah, hell, the LAST thing I wanted was a crying girl on my hands. I wrapped my arm around her, trying not to notice that I could see her bra-clad breasts now rather obviously through her unbuttoned blouse. "Shh ... It's okay, Paige. It's okay..."

"I mean, how am I supposed to know how far a guy is expecting me to go?"

"They ALL want to go all the way, baby," I sighed.

"Even you?"

"Me? No. I'm just your friend. I've got a girlfriend."

"But I'd let you, Ben..." Paige hummed softly, leaning against my arm.

I jerked back. "Paige, you're a virgin."

"And what if I want to give it to you?" She drunkenly blinked several times, a rather hopeful expression on her face.

Ah, HELL. My mind started racing again. "Paige, Paige ... that's something you need to think about and give to someone who's really special to you."

"YOU'RE special to me, Ben. You're my hero." The cute redhead was looking up at me with big blue eyes, shimmering with moisture. "I can't think of ANYONE else I'd rather give my virginity to than you!"

"Wait, wait..." I stammered, looking for an out. I did NOT need this right now. "Paige, you're drunk."


"So you're not thinking straight. What do you even know about sex? They teach that in Catholic school?"

Paige snorted, "No, not at all. But I sure figured out some stuff on my own," she giggled.

"How?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

She giggled again. "Wouldn't you like to know? Just because I'm a virgin doesn't mean I don't know stuff."

"Paige ... I-"

She cut me off by pressing her lips to mine. She didn't move them, just pressing really hard and snaking her tongue out to meet mine. My own alcohol-slowed body reacted instinctively and for a second, I found myself kissing back. Hey, for an inexperienced kid, Paige was a pretty decent kisser.

But then my brain caught up and I pulled back. "Paige! Paige! Wait!"

"What? I want to, Ben. I want you," she panted.

I grimaced, tasting the thick aroma of alcohol on her breath. And as I looked at her face her irises began to wobble.

"You are SO drunk." I wrapped her up in my arm again, tugging her upright. "Come on. We've got to sober you up. And THEN we'll talk about this."

"Bennn..." she whined, sounding like Eden. And the instant I made that association all trace of sexual arousal for the little girl died. I would NOT be doing anything further with the young redhead.

Putting on a stern expression, I stated flatly, "Food. Water. Come on."

"Wait," Paige suddenly stopped. Her cheeks bulged and she bent over, looking ready to hurl.

Ah, hell. Quickly, I practically picked up her light weight and carried her to the bathroom shared by Dayna and Brandi. I got her kneeling over the toilet just in time as her face turned purple and then a torrent of puke came pouring out of her mouth to splash rather disgustingly into the water.

Well, I supposed this could have turned out worse.

After cleaning up Paige's face, I told Adrienne I'd be right back and personally escorted the young girl back to her dorm. I made note of the location and found that her roommate had gone home for the weekend. Then I tucked her into bed and kissed her forehead softly before returning back to my house.

The mood had changed quite a bit while I was gone. Now as I said before, a college house party isn't like anything I'd ever seen before. But as the evening went past midnight, it certainly took a turn towards the wild abandon I'd seen in the movies.

First, the weather turned colder and people came in from the back yard. With the increased noise in the living room, my roommates started coming out of their bedrooms along with friends to see what the commotion was. Even Brandi and Dayna, who'd been holding court in Dayna's room most of the evening, came down.

Now a few individuals in a small group are relatively civilized. People hold conversations with each other, use complete sentences, and make well thought- out comments. However, put those same people in a large group, everyone vying for some level of attention, and the whole dynamic changes. Conversations become shouted statements. Complete sentences become short phrases. And well thought-out comments become crude remarks. We became a party mob.

Food was long gone. Alcohol was still plentiful. And as people got drunker without any food to absorb it, inhibitions started falling away. And amongst a core group of trusted friends, even the girls started to act like drunken frat boys.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!"

"I'm sooo wasted!"

"Fuck I'm horny!"

A hot, copper-redhead named Kerri Trainor wound up flat on her back on top of the dining table. She pulled up her tank top to reveal a flat belly while Julie Carpenter, a pretty brunette with a wide mouth, squirted chocolate sauce in an irregular circle around Kerri's navel. And then a petite Asian girl named Marian Liu poured Jim Beam whiskey into the center.

And to the cheers of a dozen girls and a few guys, Julie first dipped her mouth down to slurp up as much whiskey as possible from Kerri's belly before licking up nearly half of the chocolate sauce. Marian went next, trying in vain to capture some of the whiskey that had leaked past the chocolate barrier and run down Kerri's sides to land on the table. And then both Julie and Marian threw all further caution to the wind, licking and slurping with abandon while Kerri squealed in ticklish laughter.

The volume only went up even higher when Julie collected a bunch of chocolate on her tongue and extended it into Kerri's mouth, the two girls meeting in a sloppy, passionate kiss.

The girls turned and smiled drunkenly at the attention. And then Dayna was tossing Kerri a dishtowel and quickly sliding herself into the same position while pointing at Angela and Monique. "My turn!"

A few minutes later, I felt my shorts get rather stiff when Monique pushed her chocolate filled tongue into Dayna's mouth. And the roar was almost deafening when Dayna giggled and raised her tank top and bra up to bare her big tits, hooting and jiggling her torso to make those puppies dance.

A hand slid over the bulge in my shorts and Adrienne's voice was suddenly in my ear. "You'd better save this for me tonight, Tiger."

"Will do," I promised as I glanced over to see my gorgeous girlfriend beaming at me. She raised both her hands to my cheeks and then leaned in to kiss me.

The hand on my crotch tightened around the bone in my shorts. Belatedly, I started to wonder: If Adrienne had both her hands on my face, then who was grabbing my dick?

I tensed and a musical voice giggled behind me. I turned to see Felicia standing there, looking absolutely beautiful with those big blue eyes staring deep into mine. "Hey there, handsome." She gave my cock an extra squeeze for good measure.

Adrienne's voice was in my ear again. "Oh, and I invited Felicia to spend the night with us. She's been drinking and I don't want her to have to go home in this condition. You don't mind, do you, Tiger?"

While it seemed to get close three different times, the party never quite devolved into an orgy. There were just too many people around and while a lot of skin got exposed, nothing got too out of hand. Perhaps the closest was when Marian Liu shoved her hand into Brett Benson's jeans, obviously jacking his cock while he stuck a hand into her tube top. But then Tracy McMillan also shoved her hand into Marian's tube top and Marian squirmed away, laughing gaily.

Bert Kim seemed to be in a perpetual state of shock. The party was quite possibly the wildest experience of his young life, and I'm sure he would forever remember the little sequence of beer-chugging contests between some of the Junior-class girls where the loser would have to flash their boobs to the whole room. Hell, Dayna won twice and flashed us anyways. Gwen even joined in, although she won her contest and I missed out on a chance to see her tits again.

In the end, Gwen and Robin headed out with some older girls and one of the guys to make sure they got back to their dorm. Ryan was going to spend the night with Dawn. Matt with Brandi. And I'm sure Dayna had Kevin in her bedroom, if not others as well. And both Bert and Lynne were going to crash on the couches.

Only after I was sure my friends and family were taken care of did I finally let Adrienne drag me back to our bedroom. And no sooner had she closed the door than I turned around and let my jaw drop to the floor.

I'd seen a good bit of nudity in the past couple of hours, having glimpses of several very nice pairs of breasts. But there's a key difference between tit-flashes in the middle of a drunken party and a gorgeous, naked female, putting herself out on full, uninterrupted display for YOU.

Clothed, Felicia Clarkson was absolutely gorgeous.

Naked, Felicia Clarkson was a wet dream come true.

Naked, blindfolded, and bound, Felicia Clarkson nearly made me cum in my shorts.

The only articles Felicia was still wearing were her strappy high-heels and jewelry. The slinky dress was a puddle on the floor and her black thong panties had been laid out on the bed. She knelt upright on top of the mattress, her spine erect and her healthy tits thrust forward and upward, the nipples diamond-hard. Her wrists were cuffed in front of her with her hands raised up and pressed together as if praying. The blindfold obscured the upper half of her face while her flowing brown hair cascaded down to cover her shoulders. And the wide-band leather collar was connected to a leash that Adrienne now went and took hold of.

"Do you like what you see, Tiger?" Adrienne smiled at me.

I just grunted and started removing my shirt, a single purpose in mind. And less than a minute later, Felicia was pinned on her back, her high-heeled feet hooked behind my neck while I pounded into her pussy with wild abandon. The gorgeous brunette's hands were stretched back behind her head where Adrienne was currently fastening them to the headboard. And my fashion model sex-slave screamed her pretty little head off, begging me to drive my cock even deeper into her willing body.

"Yes! Yes, you fucking stud!" Felicia crowed, thrashing her head left and right, looking so helpless with the blindfold covering half her face. "Deeper! Harder! Use me! Abuse me! Fuck me until I can't breathe!"

Picking up on the "breathe" comment, I reached forward with my left hand, wrapping it around her neck and squeezing gently. Felicia started gasping for oxygen, feeling herself being strangled and her mouth flopped open while she arched her back and came as hard as I'd ever seen her.

Her pussy clamped down on my invading prick, holding on and not letting go while her entire body went NUTS beneath me. Like a fish flopping on the deck, Felicia's mouth flapped open and closed while she wriggled and bucked and trembled under my heavy weight. I felt a rush of adrenaline having her so helpless beneath me, and it took all my focus and concentration to make sure I didn't squeeze her neck too hard. With the blindfold, I couldn't even see the expression on Felicia's face to know whether she was having the greatest orgasm of her life or truly panicking with fear of death.

So I took my cues from her body. Her hips kept bucking at me while her pussy kept spasming around my cock, copious amounts of fluid squirting out of her to moisten my thighs. And when I figured she'd had enough, I let go of her neck and let the poor girl flop back onto the bed, like that gasping fish going limp in death with only a few final spastic twitches, her wrists still cuffed together to the headboard behind her.

"Holy fuuuuck..." Felicia gasped, her chest rising and falling dramatically while I let her legs fall to the bed. I settled my own weight on my elbows and knees, backing off enough to nip my lips at her nipples and kiss her forehead gently.

"FUCK I missed you, Ben," Felicia finally exhaled when she'd caught her breath. "And I'm glad I had a month off. You woulda killed me if I hadn't had time to recover from our last encounter."

I grinned and the gorgeous brunette pulled my face down to hers for a passionate kiss. But she could only keep it up for a few seconds before having to pull away and gasp for more oxygen. Felicia's jaw went slack in exhaustion and she turned her head. "Tap me out, please."

A fully-naked Adrienne was suddenly by my side, first removing Felicia's handcuffs and letting the well-fucked brunette remove her own blindfold. And then my girlfriend was pushing on my hips and rolling me onto my back where my proudly erect cock stuck straight up like a flagpole. "Aww, you saved it for me!" Adrienne grinned happily.

"You asked me to." I smiled in return. And then I looked up in sheer bliss as I saw my stunningly beautiful girlfriend. Her big round breasts were proudly bared to my gaze. I admired her flat tummy. And her toned thighs flexed beautifully as she straddled me.

Adrienne's left hand fisted my cock and aimed while she spread her own labia with her right. And then slowly, the girl I loved so dearly took me happily into her body. "Ooh ... so full, Ben. I love this feeling, the first moment of taking you inside of me."

"I love it too, Adrienne," I hummed as I reached up to palm both her massive tits.

"I'll always love you, Ben. Forever and always." Moisture began filling her eyes as she stared down at me. And all the while she continued bouncing up and down, fucking herself upon my rigid pole. "This body is yours to take whenever you want it. Take me now. Take me now!"

Seizing the moment, I rolled Adrienne over which dislodged my prick for a few seconds. But it was only for a few seconds as I grabbed her legs and rammed my dick into her once again, slamming my cock to the hilt in a single thrust.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!" the sexy blonde threw her head back and screamed at the thrust, yelling until her breath gave out. And while I hammered her body with rough thrusting she took a deep breath and screamed again, "Fuuuuuuuuuuuck!"

With meaty slaps, my pelvis impacted against hers. I drew back and then lunged forward repeatedly, slapping our bodies together.

"That's it! Fuck me, Ben! Harder! Pound me! FUCK! Fucking FUCK!"

Adrienne and I made love "our way": We fucked like animals. And with her screaming her lungs out and me bellowing my orgasm, we came together and I filled up her body with all the creamy spunk that had been storing up throughout the night. From Felicia's initial teasing to the arousal of drunken college girls doing body shots off each other and flashing their tits, I'd built up quite a load. And when the first great wad slammed into the back of Adrienne's pussy, she visibly flinched it hit her so hard. And that only made her scream even louder.


When we were done, Adrienne used her strong legs to hold me inside her for a bit longer while I slowly went limp. We kissed with tender gentleness, a stark contrast to the violence of our fucking. It was our way of showing that we indeed loved each other as much as any couple could be in love. Adrienne was sexy, gorgeous, and willing to share. I really did have the greatest girlfriend in the world.

And when I finally rolled over onto my back, panting for air, Adrienne's voice crackled in the silence. "Felicia!"

"Yes'm?" The brunette replied obediently and quickly knelt beside Adrienne.

"Suck all that out of me!"

Felicia grinned. "Yes'm."

I was really liking college so far. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and I adore the twins, but the freedom to just do whatever the fuck I wanted (and fuck whenever I wanted) without having to tiptoe around parents or younger siblings was just INCREDIBLE. I'd gotten thoroughly laid every single night since arriving and I didn't see any reason for that to change in the coming months. The fact was, I slept better after having sex.

That night, I slept very well. How could I not? I'd cum three times and fell into the deep sleep of the drunk and well-fucked.

After draining Adrienne's cunt of my first load, Felicia crawled on top of my girlfriend in a sixty-nine while I pounded her from behind and filled her up with a fresh batch. Adrienne then returned the favor by slurping me out while Felicia went down on me to revive me for a third round. And then Felicia reached over and spread Adrienne's cheeks for me while I pressed my dick into the blonde's backdoor. I literally fell asleep on top of my girlfriend's sweaty back with my cock still lodged in her rectum.

But sometime in the night, I'd slipped out of Adrienne's ass and someone had cleaned us up. I awoke just after 8am feeling refreshed and relaxed, even though I hadn't gone to sleep until after 3am. Like I said, I slept better after having sex. 5 post-ejaculate hours felt just as good as 8 hours with a round stuck in the chamber.

When I woke up, it was to find Adrienne spooned in front of me. I didn't remember cleaning up but I was wearing boxers and Adrienne was wearing panties. I dug my morning wood into the crease of her buttocks, humping lightly before full awareness hit me. After a while, I recalled that I'd bedded down with two young women last night; and I rolled onto my back to look for Felicia.

I found her sitting up on the daybed, a blanket around her lower body while she had her knees up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. Her head had been turned to the side as she rested her cheek against her knees, but presently the pretty brunette picked her head up and smiled at me, her pale blue eyes sparkling in the morning light. "Hey," she said softly so as not to wake Adrienne.

"Hey," I responded in kind. "Did you sleep over there?"

Felicia shrugged. "I'm not used to sleeping with someone else." Her words indicated she preferred to be alone but I read something in her posture and tone that said she wouldn't mind some cuddling while awake.

I nodded and then gingerly slid myself off the bed, making sure Adrienne stayed asleep. Then I crossed the room and lifted the blanket to sit beside Felicia, wrapping my arm around her shoulders as she sighed happily and sagged against chest. "What are you doing up?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Not used to sleeping in unfamiliar beds, either. It's okay. I don't need much sleep. I'm used to it."

"Aww..." I hugged her a little tighter, and Felicia sighed contentedly as she felt my warm embrace. The fashion model was all skin and bones, slender limbs and minimal body fat. She felt cold beneath my grasp, despite the blanket. I wrapped my other arm around her and rocked her gently.

"Mmm ... this is nice..." Felicia hummed. "But maybe you shouldn't let Adrienne catch us like this."

I snorted. "She watched me plunging my dick into you, Felice. I think she can handle us cuddling. Really, she won't mind."

"Sex is one thing. That's just physical. Cuddling is more ... intimate, Ben." She smiled. "And did you just call me 'Felice'?"

I blinked and smiled. I had. It just sounded more ... comfortable. "Yeah, I think I did."

The beautiful brunette smiled and buried her nose against my chest. "I had an Aunt who used to call me 'Felice'. She couldn't have children of her own and said I was her 'happy little girl'."

I smiled and rocked Felicia a little more. The pretty girl in my arms exhaled slowly. "She died a few years ago. I miss that."

"Do you mind if I call you 'Felice'?"

She turned her face up to me, eyes big and bright as she looked deep into the back of my soul. "No. I don't mind."

I smiled and ran my hand over her forehead and through her hair, brushing her silky brown locks between my fingers. Felicia hummed happily while I massaged her scalp. But then she blinked a few more times before shrugging back. "Maybe you should stop holding me, Ben."

"I told you: Adrienne loves me and she knows I love her. She won't mind."

"I don't want to be a distraction. You've got enough complications as it is. And I meant it when I said no two people can keep up the pace you and Adrienne have been maintaining so far. Life as an adult couple isn't all roses and understanding. Shit happens."

"And we'll work on it when it comes to that. I love her." I sighed and gently brushed Felicia's cheek with the back of my hand. "Do you really want me to let go of you?"

Felicia blinked twice more before shaking her head. "No..." she said quietly. "I don't." The pretty brunette exhaled slowly. "I know why girls can fall in love with you so easily. It's not just the sex. You're attentive. You're considerate. You're just so ... warm ... and strong and protective. You're such a... man ... even though you're four years younger than me."

I smiled.

Felicia blinked again and pulled herself back. "But I'm feeling things I shouldn't for you, Ben. So thanks for the hug, but we need to stay friends, okay?"

I frowned but didn't want to let her go. There was just something so innately appealing to me about holding a pretty girl in my arms. I rubbed her arm and bent her head to mine. And then I kissed her forehead tenderly. "Okay, Felice."

She shivered, blinking rapidly while staring at my chest. And then before I could react, Felicia suddenly grabbed my head and pulled it to her again, this time making sure my lips met hers as she fell backwards across the daybed and pulled me on top of her.

In the night, Felicia had pulled on one of my T-shirts, not having any other clothes of her own. The smell reminded me of how Brooke had often worn my T- shirts to bed, or how Adrienne had recently picked up the habit as well. It was certainly a good smell, a positive smell that stirred my arousal. And I was quick to help Felicia pull it over her head before ducking my face to the crook of her neck to kiss and lick while she moaned softly and clutched me to her body.

We french kissed for a few minutes, the gorgeous brunette pressing her firm tits into my bare chest while her hands stroked my spine. And once my body locked onto the concept that we were indeed about to fuck, all my automatic sexual instincts kicked in while my brain called up Felicia's "user manual". It was a pretty simple guide; the girl was an orgasm machine. Almost every button I pushed would provide her with pleasure. And she started cumming from the moment my dick slotted into her pussy.

"Ohhh, fuck me, Ben..." Felicia groaned blissfully while her eyes spaced out and her pussy spasmed around my cock. I recognized her tone. Last night, I'd fucked her. But this morning, Felicia wanted me to make love to her.

So I didn't pin her down. I didn't restrain her wrists. I didn't even fold her legs over my shoulders. I simply scooped my hands beneath her shoulder blades, keeping my weight off her chest while dipping my face to meet hers for a passionate kiss. Felicia hooked her ankles around my calves, tugging me gently to get me even deeper into her.

We moved at an Andante pace, not too slow but not too fast either. We kept the volume down, not out of respect for Adrienne's slumber but just because there was no need for words. Felicia's eyes shone as she looked at me. She whimpered softly with cute squeaks to accentuate every little thrust. Even though I had an arsenal of buttons to push, to work her body like a puppet to make her scream or cream, I didn't use them. I simply made love to her, just the way she wanted.

Felicia only had two orgasms: the first when I first slotted into her, and the second when I came. There wasn't much of a ramp up. One minute I was thrusting at a calm Andante pace and then all of a sudden I grunted, "I'm cumming, Felice! I'm cumming!"

"Cum in me!" Felicia moaned happily. "Cum in me!" And then she tightened up and climaxed as she felt my hot jets spurting inside her body.

I turned my head and kissed her as I came, feeling the blissful morning relief as I poured out my creamy load, feeling like my orgasm was flowing out of me in a single stream. Felicia hummed happily into my mouth while our tongues wrapped around each other. And our hips kept rhythmically pumping up and down on the bed.

But then Felicia abruptly pulled her face away. "No. No! Ben, we shouldn't have done that!"

"Wha-?" I picked my head up, confused as all hell. My cock twitched inside her pussy.

"You shouldn't have made love to me," she whimpered pitifully. "I needed you to just fuck me!"

"Wha-?" I still didn't understand.

"I can't fall in love with you, Ben! You're not mine to have!" Felicia started crying and slapping my shoulders. "You're not mine to have!"

"Felice..." I began slowly.

"No!" She turned and her eyes dimmed to a steely grey. "You're not mine. You're hers. And I can't take you away from her. I've stolen guys before, but not from you." Felicia's gaze was now to the right of me, and I turned my head to see Adrienne sitting up in bed, trapping the sheets against her chest.

I blinked in confusion. Felicia shuddered beneath me and then bit her lip. "I'm sorry, Adrienne. I never meant for it to get this far."

"It's okay," my girlfriend replied softly. "I'm not jealous. But I've been there. I understand what you're going through." And then Adrienne got up, moving to me and then gently but firmly directing me out of Felicia's sodden pussy.

I sat back, somewhat confused by what was going on. I knew I was supposed to be the man. I was supposed to take charge of my life. But how the hell could I take charge of a situation I couldn't comprehend? In some ways, I understood women so innately, like how to pleasure them even better than they knew themselves. But emotions? Love? I didn't understand women at all.

Felicia whimpered but bowed her head obediently when Adrienne came back with the blindfold and collar. The beautiful brunette darted one glance to me just as Adrienne was about to put it on her, causing my girlfriend to stop and wait. But then Felicia turned her head and nodded a confirmation, allowing the blonde to fasten the blindfold and then attach the collar. Adrienne then dropped a familiar tube of KY Jelly into Felicia's hands and guided the girl onto our bed before returning to me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Adrienne simply brushed her hair behind her ears and knelt on the floor before me. "You're going to fuck her, Ben." And then my girlfriend bent over to slurp my limp dick into her mouth, sucking off Felicia's pussy juice.

"I just did," I explained.

Adrienne shook her head with my cock still in her mouth before pulling back. "No, you made love to her, a very bad thing to do when a girl feels like she's falling in love with you, at least if you don't want her to end up in love with you. Now you've got to fuck her, put her back into place."


"You're friends, Ben. That's all she really wants and all I think you want from her. Or do you want Felicia to be your girlfriend?"

It was an odd thing to hear my girlfriend asking me, and I stroked Adrienne's hair and said, "No. I love you."

"Then you have to fuck her. Just take her and use her. Fuck her and don't be gentle about it. You're friends, Ben. It's just about sex, not love. You've got to fix this." And then Adrienne bent over and resumed blowing me to get me hard again.

My jaw went up and down a few times. It was hard to wrap my head around what was going on. It was even harder while my brain was constantly being bombarded by pleasurable feelings emanating from Adrienne's fantastic blowjob.

But then I looked up to see a blindfolded and collared Felicia pull her lubricated fingers out of her own ass while bent over in anticipation. She folded her arms on top of the mattress and rested her cheek against them. And her butt was in the air, supported by her knees.

My sex drive surged, washing away any further doubt in my mind. The sexual animal inside me took charge. The goal was clear: fuck Felicia's ass. Bend her over, ream her out, and blast her bowels full of cum. Forget emotions. Forget feelings. Forget trying to understand the why I was doing this or trying to figure out what made Felicia tick. She wanted me to fuck her ass, and fuck her ass I would do. And when Adrienne stood up and moved over to spread the brunette model's cheeks, I knew exactly what I had to do.

I wasn't gentle as I rammed my dick through Felicia's anus. Her scream was loud enough to wake the whole house if they weren't up already. But the scream was quickly followed by a howl of pleasure as my hands found Felicia's clitoris and I strummed out a quick melody to send her into ecstasy. As quickly as possible, I sped up to Allegretto, sodomizing the older girl bent over before me and almost brutally shoving my thick dick in and out of her stretched anus.

Adrienne wasn't idle, either. She'd ditched her panties and moved in front of Felicia. Spreading her legs, she inched up until her pussy was right in front of the blindfolded girl's face. Felicia took the hint, leaning forward to begin lapping at my girlfriend's wet snatch while I continued reaming out her ass.

I spanked Felicia's left ass cheek.


"Take it, bitch!" No more 'Felice'. Not right now. I spanked her again.


"Take it! Take my cock up your ass!" I sped up to Vivo.

"Unnghhh," she groaned into Adrienne's crotch while my girlfriend grabbed the back of her head and shoved it deeper.

"Cum with my cock in your ass!" I commanded, reaching around to squeeze her nipples.


"Cum for me! Cum for me!" I popped two fingers into her spasming cunt, thrumming her clit with my thumb while I pinched into her left nipple with the nails of both my left thumb and middle finger.



"Ohhh-FUCK! FUUUUUUCK!" Felicia tensed and screamed into Adrienne's pussy as the climax tore through her body.

"CUM!!!" I howled.

"AAAAGH!" she screamed again, her body shaking and vibrating in orgasm.


"WAAAAH!!!" Felicia shrieked as the orgasm built even higher.

"ARRRGHHH!" I joined her, spraying down Felicia's bowels with fresh spurts of scalding hot spunk. I slammed my hips into her a final time, pushing her hard enough to make her knees buckle and her body collapse onto the mattress while I continued spewing jism into the depths of her rectum.

And when I squeezed out the last drop, feeling the slow dribble of it tumbling out of my prick to settle somewhere deep inside Felicia's anal chute, I leaned my head forward to where Adrienne was smiling at me, tilting my head to hers and sighing, "I love you, Adrienne."

"I love you too, Tiger," she replied. And then she looked down and gently patted Felicia on the head while the brunette was still blindfolded, panting, and drooling a bit onto the mattress. "And you're a good sex slave, Felicia."

I watched the corners of Felicia's mouth curl upwards. "Thank you, Mistress," she sighed, giggling at the submissive term. "But with your permission, I don't think I'm going to visit for a few weeks."

Adrienne giggled. "Need time to recharge, huh?"

"Yeah," Felicia sighed. "Much more of this and you guys will kill me."

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