15.98% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 42: Chapter 35: Prom

章節 42: Chapter 35: Prom

May 2002, Senior Year

The last week and a half had been perfect. Allie's and my relationship had been re-energized and we'd been fucking like rabbits every chance we got, in every position possible. I found that having such a small and light girlfriend had its advantages. I could lift Allie and literally fuck her up the wall of my bedroom without getting too exhausted. I could fuck her wheelbarrow style without my arms giving out. And once we even had completely free-standing sex, without supports of any kind. My legs turned to jello after I spunked inside her, and we collapsed onto the floor in the end. But still, we'd pulled it off.

Allie repeatedly said she wanted to get the most out of her 'vacation' and she considered each day a failure if she didn't somehow manage to get my cum inside her body, one way or another. That line of thinking led to some risky sexual encounters. She even rode me one time in an out of the way school bathroom stall after classes had ended, straddling my lap and propping her feet up where the toilet bowl met the wall so that no one could see her feet. Allie even made some sly references to finding a way to fuck me during our Senior Prom.

Speaking of Prom, I pooled together with the guys as we came up with our arrangements. Kenny, Sung, and I were renting a big stretch limo to take Abbie, Stephanie, and Allie together. Daniel, Kaito, and Cameron were doing the same for Elaine, Megan, and Cassidy.

As for my cheerleader friends, Heather and Lynne had both found themselves dates. And Adrienne was being escorted by Kyle McGinley. Her opinion of him had been significantly raised when he came to our defense during the whole Drew-Marco thing, which led to the two of them talking more in the following weeks, and eventually led to him asking her to the Prom. She'd accepted, and while I personally didn't think they were going to start dating again, I didn't put it past either of them to just fuck around a bit for the fun of it. They'd certainly gotten close when they were dating before, and Adrienne no longer seemed to have her mental blocks with sex and trust.

So with Prom coming up on Saturday, just three days away, everyone in our group of friends waited anxiously in anticipation of one of the biggest nights of our young lives. I myself was pretty excited about it, looking forward to spending a romantic evening with Allie and just letting the magic of Prom sweep me away.

Little did I know what bomb was about to be dropped on me.

It was just after 4pm when the doorbell rang on Wednesday. Per routine, I went over to the front door and opened it for Adrienne.

"Hey, Tiger," Adrienne stood there, looking absolutely radiant in the bright afternoon light. The sun was still high over the horizon, basking everything in a golden glow. Butterflies leaped to action in my stomach and I felt my heart speed up, the way it always did when I saw my gorgeous friend.

"Hey, A.D.," I smiled. "How's Kyle?"

"Nervous, actually," Adrienne giggled as she stepped inside and then followed me into the living room.

"Hey, A.D.," Brooke meandered by and waved before sliding past us into the family room and seizing control of the remote control. I let her go. I had better entertainment now.

We settled onto the living room couch and I gestured for Adrienne to continue. "You were saying how Kyle's getting nervous?"

"Yeah. For such a big, macho guy, he's got a surprisingly sensitive soul. I hadn't noticed the first time around."

I shrugged. "Don't judge a book by its cover, right?"

Adrienne nodded.

"So does his sensitivity make it more likely or less likely that you'll start dating him again?"

Adrienne laughed. "Dating? Ben, we graduate in little more than a month!"

"I see," I nodded sagely. "So it's just recreational fucking to pass the time until you both move on."

"Ben!" Adrienne slapped my arm and grinned. "Are the twins home?"

I shook my head in the negative, then Adrienne sighed and said, "Actually, I'm not sure if Kyle and I will ever get that far."

"What?" I arched an eyebrow. "You've been complaining to me for the past month about how much you've been craving cock."

She glanced down at my crotch for a moment before saying, "I'm not saying I don't WANT to. It's just..." she trailed off. "You really don't mind?"

I shook my head. "Of course, not. I'm your friend, Adrienne. I just want to see you happy."

She smiled. "That's sweet. And I don't know yet if Kyle and I are going to sleep together."

"He IS getting a hotel room, isn't he?" I leaned in and leered.

"Actually no, I don't think so. We're not together and he didn't want to be presumptuous. He just seems happy to be my date and we'll see where things go from there."

I snorted. "He'll have a backup plan, just in case. No self-respecting guy would forgive himself if an opportunity to be with you passed him by."

The gorgeous blonde blushed. "I dunno."

"Well I'll make you a deal. I've got a hotel room and if I strike out with Allie, you can come stay with me," I ogled Adrienne's chest while she both rolled her eyes in mock annoyance and arched her back to shove her tits towards me. We both knew we were still terribly attracted to one another physically, and only our friendship and agreement to keep things platonic were really holding us back. Joking around about it every now and again let us relieve the sexual tension.

Adrienne giggled for a bit, but then she pulled back and sighed, giving me a dead serious look. "You know, you probably shouldn't joke about that, Ben."

I frowned, not understanding. "What?"

Adrienne's hazel eyes softened as she looked at me with a trace of sadness. "You know, I thought for a long time that we'd be going to Senior Prom together. Back when you told me you broke up with Dawn and ... well ... even though we were 'nottogether', I thought we'd still end up together, you know?"

I exhaled and bit my lip. Quietly, I replied, "I'd thought the same for a long time."

"It's my own fault," Adrienne's eyes started moistening. "If I'd just had the guts to take the chance and be with you the way we both really wanted..."

"Hey, hey," I pulled Adrienne into a hug. "Don't beat yourself up over this. The past is past. I'm here for you now and here for you always. Isn't my eternal friendship worth one night with Kyle McGinley as your escort?" I said lightly.

Adrienne snorted. "Yeah, yeah. Friendship..."

The smile slowly disappeared off Adrienne's face and then it felt like time slowed down. The world went quiet around us and shrunk, the walls and floor fading away until there was nothing left but this couch and the two of us. The air became still as I focused on this beautiful young woman, the softness of her skin, and the batting of her eyelashes.

Adrienne turned in my embrace and looked up into my arms. Her eyes were big and luminous, searching into the back of my soul from just inches away. Her face was a priceless work of art, enchanting in its beauty. And when she spoke, her voice had such a melodic, sensual tone. "Still, Ben, it would be nice to be with you on Saturday."

My mouth was dry and my world shrunk further down to only her. My heart spoke for me next and I husked softly, "You still can be."

Adrienne blinked a few times as her hand came up, her fingertips gently brushing against my cheek. What happened next came automatically as I dipped my head down. She sensed my intention and quickly rose up to meet me, and then my brain was exploding as Adrienne's patented nuclear kiss set off every nerve in my body.

But just as soon as we started, Adrienne jerked back. "Oh, no, no."

I blinked and pulled my head back as well. "Oh, shit. Adrienne, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." The world around us reappeared: walls, the floor, windows. And my promise to Allie that no matter what, she would be my date. "Oh, hell," I gasped.

"No, Ben. We can't. Even if we really wanted to, I couldn't break it off with Kyle three days before the Prom. And Allie really doesn't deserve to get her heart broken."

"You're right, you're right." I was holding my head and nodding. "That was a mistake. That was my mistake. I'm so sorry, Adrienne."

"No, I'm sorry, Ben. I started it."

"No, I did."

"I kissed you."

"But I leaned in."

Adrienne took a deep breath and then looked away, speaking rapidly. "We can't work out, Ben. I want you. GAWD DAMMIT I want you! But you belong to Dawn. You're going to go be with her in the summer and at school and you'll break my heart if we're together. And I can't take that."

"Adrienne," I groaned and reached for her. I couldn't be losing her. Not again. I exhaled heavily. "What if ... What if I wasn't getting back together with Dawn at school? What do I know? I spend only a month out of the year with her. We're not kids anymore. We're growing up into different people and who knows how much we've changed?"

"You don't believe that," Adrienne frowned, moisture in her eyes as she shook her head.

"But ... what if?" I reached for her.

Adrienne's lower lip quivered and she shook her head. "Don't do this, Ben. Don't get my hopes up unless you're sure."

"I still love you, Adrienne," I pleaded. "Do you want to be with me?"

She whimpered, "Would you really choose me over Dawn?"

I was breathing hard. Would I? Out of sight, out of mind, right? I claimed I loved Dawn, but when was the last time I talked to her? And who was Dawn really, as a grown-up person? It was easy to love 'summer camp Dawn'. When we were together, we were in our own little world, a magical retreat away from real life. But would I still love the real-world Dawn? Did I even KNOW real-world Dawn? Hell, I hadn't even known she liked country music.

Dawn was a fantasy girl. It was always easy to love the fantasy girl. Together from birth, soulmates, finding each other again at college after being separated, it was all so romantic and perfect for a fairy tale. But life isn't a fairy tale. And Adrienne was real. She'd been here, with me, through ups and downs and raw emotions. She'd hated my guts and trusted me so completely. And after it all, we were still here, still with a chance to be together.

I wasn't a kid anymore. I was eighteen now, technically an adult, and maybe it was time to think beyond fantasy and face up to the real world. Adrienne was here, in the flesh, in my life, not just a memory in the distance. I looked at the stunningly beautiful young woman intensely and asked, "Adrienne, do you love me?"

Adrienne quivered and whimpered with furrowed eyebrows, a tear rolling down her cheek as she said softly, "Yes."

I took a deep breath. My next words would change my life forever. And in a deadly serious voice, I stated, "Then yes, I would choose you over Dawn."

Adrienne started crying right then. Her face twisted up into a mask of fear and pain, not quite the result I was expecting from such a life-changing decision in her favor.

I reached for her but Adrienne held her palm out to me, keeping me away. And I sighed and realized my own selfishness. This wasn't just about me. A relationship wasn't just about me choosing Adrienne over Dawn. There were two people involved and Adrienne still had to decide if she really wanted to be with me. Maybe it wasn't a question of me versus Kyle; but it certainly was still a question for Adrienne of being with me and taking the risk that we might eventually break up for whatever reasons versus playing it safe and staying friends.

To be honest, I wasn't sure which way I really wanted her to choose. I wanted Adrienne to be mine. I really, really wanted to be with her. But I had my own fears. We WERE young. Shit happens. Did I really want to take the risk of us breaking up? Could I live without Adrienne in my life down the road if I fucked things up?

And then my cell phone went off.

I ignored it. This was too big a moment for the both of us for me to deal with cell phone calls. I reached for Adrienne again, but she just brought her knees up to her chest and shook her head.

My cell phone blared annoyingly and in frustration, I picked it up so I could hit the END-button to turn off the ringer. But then the caller ID caught my attention.

It read: DAWN.

I stopped breathing. We hadn't talked since she called to wish me a happy birthday weeks ago. And out of all the times to call me, Dawn had to do it NOW?

I looked up at Adrienne, who stared at me through bleary eyes as she recognized the shock on my face. "Who is it?"

"It's Dawn," I croaked.

Adrienne studied me, her gaze locked onto my face. This was it, a tangible moment of choice. I had loved Dawn. She had been my best friend since infancy, my partner in both childhood playtime and teenage sexual exploration. We were lovers and we were friends. But we were growing up now and if my relationship with her was going to continue into college, it would have to be based on more than just our childhoods.

So I made my decision. I hit END, silencing the ring, and set the phone down on the coffee table.

The ball was in Adrienne's court.

"Ben ... I..." she began through her tears. "I just don't know. This is all so sudden and Prom is right around the corner and this will get SOOO messy with Allie and Kyle and I ... I ... I'm still scared."

I sighed and let my shoulders sag. It WAS a little too much in too short of a time. And I KNEW I hadn't completely thought this through. Could I really do this to Allie? I'd made a promise, hadn't I? So I nodded and said, "It's okay, Adrienne."

"Ben, I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay, it's okay. Adrienne, I swore I'd never pressure you, and I'm not going to start now. Manipulating anyone into a relationship they don't want will NEVER work out in the long run."

"I DO love you. And ... and ... I'm overwhelmed that you might actually choose me over Dawn. But I'm just not ready for a relationship, Ben."

"It's okay. I get it."

Adrienne flung herself at me then, not for a kiss, but for a hug as she wrapped her arms around my mid-section and squeezed as hard as she possibly could. "I don't ever want to lose you, Ben."

"You won't," I patted her back gently and squeezed back. "You won't."

Adrienne whimpered and continued to hold me, and a strange feeling of calm settled over me. I rubbed her back and thought about my life, thought about this gorgeous young woman draped around me and just how much she NEEDED me. A terrible period of abuse when she was young had scarred her for life, opening a great void inside her that forever yearned to be filled. I filled that void for Adrienne. I was the one man in this world she trusted, the one man who loved her the way her father and brother should have but didn't. And she loved me equally because I did. It was a powerful thing, to be needed like that. And it bound us together in a way completely different from any other relationship I'd ever had with a girl.

"You'll never lose me, Adrienne," I said firmly. "One way or another, we'll always be together."

Adrienne had finally calmed down and was still lying against my chest, feeling rather drowsy in the aftermath of her tears. She was emotionally wiped out, and as I held her, I was reminded of just why Adrienne always seemed to choose this form of relationship over a more intimate, romantic relationship. The fact was, she needed me as her support more than she needed me as her lover. Almost mournfully, I realized she saw me in part as the brother she should have had instead of the husband she might want for her future.

But eventually Adrienne managed to gather herself together and sit up. She sniffled at the congestion that had built up in her nose and she wiped her eyes, her fingers coming away streaked with running makeup.

Still sniffling, she pointed and said, "Maybe you should change your shirt."

I looked down and chuckled, seeing the vibrant colors that didn't belong on my otherwise white T-shirt. Adrienne then grabbed her purse and headed for the hallway bathroom to clean up before my parents and the twins got home.

I exhaled slowly and leaned my head back. These emotionally-charged moments were just so exhausting.

But then I picked my head up and saw the cell phone on the table again. Dawn had called me and from the way the phone was lit up, she'd left me a message. So after stretching out the kinks in my neck, I reached for the phone and held down the 1-button, listening in as the call went to my voicemail.

Dawn's voice was rather melancholic, full of deep heavy breaths. She said hello and apologized for not calling sooner, but that she'd had quite a bit of thinking to do. She breathed heavily a few more times and then began with a sentence that chilled my heart into nearly stopping:

"Ben, I'm sorry. I know we talked a lot about how we would get back together in the summer and for college, but things with me and Ryan have kind of changed."

My jaw dropped and my eyes went wide as I listened to the rest of Dawn's message. Knowing she had a finite amount of time before the recording cut her off, she kept things short and to the point. And with each continuing sentence, my heart sunk lower and lower and lower. And when she was finally done, all I could do was hit the END-button and set the phone back down in stunned silence.

It was strange. Intellectually, I knew I'd made a rather life-changing decision on my part that I would choose Adrienne over Dawn, to choose my real-life over the fantasy that Dawn represented. It never occurred to me that Dawn might choose the same.

Feeling as if a knife had been thrust into my heart, I got up and silently walked to the stairs. Ascending them one step at a time, I got to the second floor and went to my bedroom. And with a kind of quiet detachment, I went to the framed photo of Dawn on my desk and gently folded it face-down.

Adrienne was in the bedroom with me again. How long she'd been there, I didn't know. But she clearly could read my face and the shock written there. "Ben? What happened?" she asked in a concerned voice.

I just sat on my bed, staring off at nothingness. The world around me had ceased to exist, as if somewhat had stolen it out from beneath my feet. And in a shocked monotone, I replied, "Dawn said she's going to stay with Ryan. He worked really hard this year and he was accepted as a transfer student to Berkeley. She said that as much as she adores me and values our lifelong friendship, she doesn't want to walk away from what she and he have built together."

I went silent and just kept staring at the wall, feeling numb. I didn't know WHAT to think, how to feel, whether to be angry or sad. After all, wasn't I just about as ready to walk away from her?

Adrienne was just quiet as she stood a few feet away, who knows what running through her mind. But after another second, she simply walked over, sat beside me on the bed, and wrapped me up in her arms.

"I'm sorry, Ben," she said softly and sincerely. "I'm sorry."

I just closed my eyes and forced myself to breathe. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life.

Adrienne stayed with me until my parents got home. Since it was a Wednesday, she was already planning to stay with us and despite my desire to just go catatonic and ignore the cruel, cruel world, she got me to at least sit at the dinner table.

I ate ... a little. I didn't speak. And given the 'go-the-fuck-away' signals I was giving everyone, no one tried to make me. My parents gave me my space, understanding that something was wrong. But they did ask Adrienne, and eventually she pulled both my parents into the kitchen to tell them I'd gotten a voicemail from Dawn, telling me that we were staying broken up and she was staying in her relationship with Ryan. I'm pretty sure that sometime later that evening my mom called Deanna Evans to get the other side of the story as well.

After dinner, most everyone left me alone. Adrienne hugged me and promised she'd see me tomorrow. I was pretty sure she'd have stayed to try and help me out if her own emotions weren't so fucked up in the aftermath of our kiss and renewed declarations that we still loved each other.

The twins didn't try to get through to me. They ignored me, content to wait things out and see if I would become better in another day or two, as I usually did.

Brooke, on the other hand, seemed to be on a personal mission to cheer me up from whatever was ailing me. She chatted incessantly with me, trying to draw me out and showing remarkable patience for a girl who wouldn't turn 16 for another couple of weeks. In retrospect, I probably should have known EXACTLY what she was going to do. My little sister wasn't the type to ever give up and after all, she'd already done this twice before.

Sometime in the late evening, well after my parents had gone to sleep, I was still sitting up in bed, contemplating the nature of my existence. I simply had never imagined my future without Dawn in it. Really, I didn't think much about my future in general, but when I had, Dawn had always been by my side. It just seemed ... wrong ... somehow, for her not to be with me when we were gray and old.

I heard a light knock at my door, and still in my own little world, I didn't answer. No matter, a few seconds later, it began to swing open. "Ben?" Brooke called softly as she came into view, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her torso. Her hair was damp as she was just out of the shower, and I couldn't help but notice how her growing curves stretched out the towel in very specific places. At 5'6" and nearing sixteen, my little sister certainly had the body of a growing young woman.

She didn't bother with the hand waving this time. She knew better. I was a sexual creature and sex had always been the easiest tool with which to manipulate my moods. Brooke simply closed the door, dropped the towel to the floor, and let me stare at her beautiful naked body.

She had a golden tan and a rich glow from the shower. Her dark hair was damp and slicked back against her scalp, the wet look I loved so much. Her breasts were bigger and perkier with age, perhaps already bigger than Brandi's. If I had to guess, my sister would be the first one in our family with a C-cup very soon.

Brooke knew me well. So she slinked into my bedroom, fully ready to fuck me back to happiness. I hadn't been with her in over a week, the last time she'd felt the desperate need for some brother cock, and I could feel myself hardening at the thought of washing away my troubles in a sea of orgasmic ecstasy.

But the problem was DAWN. Dawn and I weren't getting back together. I knew I'd somewhat forgotten her in the past few months. Part of that was because I didn't really want to think about her and Ryan together. More of it was because I was wrapped up in my Adrienne dramas. But I'd still had in the back of my head that she would always be there for me, patiently waiting. No matter what crisis I was currently embroiled in, everything would be alright come summer camp and college beyond. Dawn was my ace in the hole. I'd taken her for granted.

And now she was gone.

Not even sex with Brooke could make the pain of that knowledge go away.

And so maintaining my thousand-yard stare, I said in a low voice, "Brooke, put some clothes on."

My little sister ignored me and climbed onto the bed, sitting beside my knee while facing towards me.

"Brooke, I'm not in the mood."

Still ignoring me, she brushed her bangs back behind her ears and bent over at the waist, reaching through the flap of my boxers and extracting the erection her naked body had produced in me. "This is in the mood," she said quietly.

"That has a mind of its own. But even sex can't make me happy again, Brooke," I sighed melodramatically.

Still with my cock in hand, Brooke just blinked a few times before saying. "If all I can give you is five seconds of happiness, then it'll be worth it, big brother." Then she bent over and shoved my cock to the entrance of her throat, but no further. She was getting much better at taking me into her throat, but she had yet to take all of me inside. Still, my little sister was quite adept at giving me pleasure, and her warm mouth, licking tongue, and powerful suction warred for territory in my mind away from my depressive musings about Dawn.

I closed my eyes and leaned back against the pillows, grimacing in pain. Pleasure ... agony ... ecstasy ... sorrow ... Back and forth I went from focusing on Brooke's blowjob to thinking of Dawn. And somewhere along the way, my little sister inhaled and I suddenly felt her lips wrapped around the base of my dick.

Holy shit! She'd pulled it off!

Brooke backed away almost as suddenly as she'd accomplished the feat, leaving my mushroom head just inside her teeth as she breathed and panted for oxygen. And then I felt the tension in my balls go slack as they began to evacuate their contents into my little sister's sucking mouth.

She gave me much more than five seconds of happiness. For that, I am thankful.

But it couldn't last forever. And long after my sister returned to her own room, I lay awake in the dark ... thinking of Dawn.

Allie, of course, realized there was something wrong with me. I wasn't much for hiding my emotions and within five seconds my cute little girlfriend was smothering me with hugs and asking, "Honey? What's wrong?"

"Don't want to talk about it," I replied gruffly over and again.

Allie kept at it during the break between second and third periods, then again at lunch. I was sociable enough with our friends not to be a distraction, but still it was clear to everyone that I was not having a good day. And so far, Adrienne wasn't much help. Even though she was my best friend, this day she stayed with Heather and Lynne away from me, lost in her own melodramatic musings. And her absence only darkened my mood even further. Perhaps I would forever regret that kiss and the raw, emotional openness that had led us to both declare that we still loved each other and yet left us still unable to be together.

But Allie, sweet Allie, never gave up. Recognizing that perhaps she wasn't close enough to me to get through my thick skull, she first recruited Megan and Cassidy to try and talk things out of me. They were my very close friends, but even they couldn't scratch my armor when I was in a mood like this.

After school, Allie took things a step further. Knowing that there wasn't anyone around closer to me than Adrienne, she forcibly dragged the much bigger girl over to me, asking for help to figure out what was going through my head. Adrienne took one pitying look at me from fifteen feet away and turned to my girlfriend, saying matter-of-factly, "Dawn broke up with him."

Allie frowned, not understanding. "Huh?"

Adrienne waggled her head and clarified, "Right, they're not together. That's because she's up North and he's down here. They were planning to get back together for the summer and then college, but Dawn told Ben that she's staying with her current boyfriend instead."

Allie looked sad for me and turned to look at me. I just raised my eyes to Adrienne and said softly, "That's not the whole story." After all, part of my sadness was that Adrienne still didn't want to be with me, even after I'd made my own decision to break it off with Dawn first.

But Adrienne got the look in my eyes, frowned and started turning away. She still didn't want to face her own feelings for me.

"Not the whole story what?" Allie looked back at me and then reached out, grabbing Adrienne's elbow before the tall, blonde cheerleader got away.

"Nothing, nothing," Adrienne sighed and wouldn't look back at me. "You want to fix him? Fuck him within an inch of his life," she reasoned while avoiding eye contact with anyone. "He's Ben. It's how he works."

But Allie was thinking further ahead. She gripped Adrienne's hand and implored up to the taller girl, "Come with me."

Adrienne stopped. "What?"

"It's so obvious, Adrienne," Allie said firmly. "You want him. He wants you. Come with US."

"He's your boyfriend, Allie," Adrienne began.

"I TOLD you guys, I don't care," Allie said in exasperation. She'd used up all her patience trying to get through to me in the first place and didn't have any more left. "FUCK, Adrienne! Will you two just fuck each other already? Our lives would be sooo much less complicated. Especially since he's not tied down to Dawn anymore."

For a moment, Adrienne looked like she was considering it. But at the last second, she simply shook her hand free of Allie and quickly hurried away.

Allie sighed and then looked back at me, shaking her head. I didn't see why she bothered. We were friends and yes, we'd recently decided to be boyfriend/girlfriend. But we both knew this relationship would end in another month or so. It wasn't her problem. Ours was supposed to be a casual relationship built on fun and enjoying each other's company, not dealing with emotional breakdowns.

But Allie didn't give up. She took me home, informed Brooke under no uncertain terms that she was taking me up to my bedroom to fuck my brains out. And then she proceeded to do just that. And somehow, where Brooke failed, Allie succeeded at fucking me back towards happiness. Adrienne was right, I'm a sexual creature and it's simply impossible to be totally unhappy when you're cumming into the spasming pussy of a hot little teenager.

Even when we were done, Allie cuddled with me and ordered me to stop feeling sorry for myself. "You still have great things in your life, Ben. Other guys would KILL to be you."

Still in the peaceful afterglow of orgasm, I rolled on top of her and kissed my sweet girlfriend, my first sign of real recovery. "Thank you, Allie."

"Well if one orgasm is good," Allie smiled. "Let's see if two starts getting you back to the happy Ben I know and love."

Two was pretty nice. The third had me almost feeling normal.

And then that night, Brooke tried again. She hadn't fucked me after the blowjob, realizing that even though I'd enjoyed the orgasm, my heart still wasn't in it.

My heart was in it this time. And my little sister happily fell asleep with a pussy full of incestuous brother spunk.

On Friday night, Allie and her snug little pussy took me to heaven and back, until I forgot all my melancholy and could only think of my most recent orgasm and the cute, sexy brunette all flushed and warm beneath my sweaty body.

My life would go on.

"This way, ladiiiies." Kenny bowed and swept his hand dramatically towards the entrance of the hotel our school was using for the Senior Prom. He then stood formally and with an overdone flourish, he proffered his right hand out for Abbie to take.

The incredibly cute young brunette just giggled at Kenny's antics and miming his formality, she bowed and then took his hand. And the couple turned and headed for the hotel entrance.

Sung couldn't keep from cracking up. Drama wasn't really his style and he simply crooked his elbow while a radiantly beautiful Stephanie smiled and slid her arm through his. Then the pair of them moved along.

I had paused to settle things with the limo driver and made sure the bellhop was sending our bags straight to our rooms. I then returned to the rear passenger door, bowing graciously but less pretentiously than Kenny as I extended a hand out to Allie. She was exquisitely beautiful this night, far outshining her twin sister in my humble opinion with a shimmering blue-grey dress that highlighted her bare shoulders and slender physique, making her look much taller than she really was. I'm sure the three-inch heels helped with that as well.

Allie put her hand in mine and I paused to kiss the back of her hand. "You are gorgeous tonight, Allison Sanders."

"You're just trying to smooth talk your way into my panties, Benjamin." Allie grinned.

I smiled and replied, "Absolutely."

It was amazing how much my mood had changed in the span of a couple days. Thinking of how wonderful Allie (with an assist from Brooke) had made the past two days for me, I stopped us just before entering the hotel and swept her into my arms, bending down and kissing her fiercely.

When we broke apart, Allie batted those big eyes at me and asked softly, "What was that for?"

"I just wanted to thank you, Allie. For the past few days, for the past few months. You've been incredible, and I couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend."

Allie blinked a couple of times before smiling serenely, but with a touch of sadness.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She blinked and then looked up at me, widening her smile. "Nothing, nothing. Let's just go in and have a beautiful evening."

We did have a beautiful evening. Our gang got together and took a group photo in addition to our couples photos. We looked around and marveled to each other about how we'd started as ten naïve 14-year-old freshmen who made friends with each other, eventually coming together throughout the years as friends and then into a perfect set of five couples: Daniel and Elaine from the beginning, Kaito and Megan, Sung and Stephanie, Kenny and Abbie, and lastly me and Allie. Even Cassidy marveled at the sequence of events that brought her and Cameron together.

Eventually, we ran into Adrienne, Heather, and Lynne with their respective dates. The guys surreptitiously ogled Adrienne in her usual so-stunningly-beautiful-you- might-go-blind dress. Heather was no slouch, either. And Lynne was unbearably cute as well. The girls all complimented each other on how great they looked for the evening.

We then moved to split up for dinner. I couldn't help but let my eyes linger on Adrienne, both drawn to her beauty physically but also still drawn to her emotionally. I'd missed her terribly over the past two days while she was avoiding me. And before I turned away, I noticed that Adrienne looked back for me as well. Our eyes met from about twenty feet apart, and such an intense lightning bolt struck me at the back of my neck that I visibly twitched, and then I was breathing hard as I struggled to understand what had just happened to me. But then Allie tugged on my hand and led me away.

Dinner was okay. It's hotel food, what do you expect? Besides, none of us were there for the food. So without incident, we moved into the dancing portion of the evening, and I proceeded to show that I'd somehow gotten much better at dancing than I was the previous year.

They say that a woman can tell how a man makes love by the way he dances. Personally, I think that's a crock of shit made up by Latin men. I don't think I fuck anything like the way I dance. Plus, you never have to balance on your feet while having sex; that balance is all in your hips and arms.

But there's something to be said for basic coordination on the dance floor and in the bedroom. Both require a guy to pay attention to his partner, move when she moves, and do so in a complementary fashion. THAT part, I was getting much better at.

During the fast songs, we all danced in a group and almost everyone flirted with everyone else, twirling around and shaking up to close friends of the opposite sex we might never really see again. Yeah, there was still a month of school left plus the summer, but it was quite possible for all us graduating Seniors, that this represented our very last opportunity to be bold and say or do something stupid to a hot guy or cute girl.

Megan slid alongside Daniel, bumping her hip into his while giggling cutely, perhaps thinking of the guy she could never touch because he was Elaine's boyfriend for all four years. Abbie and Allie did their twin flirty thing with a cute guy on the baseball team they'd never had the nerve to approach, but who was dancing not too far away from us. And even Elaine came and grinded with me for a little bit, a naughty smile on her face.

And then there was Kenny. He first sidled up to both Megan and Cassidy, grinning like an idiot while bumping his crotch in the girls' direction. Then he spun and backed his ass into Stephanie until she actually reached down and slapped it. And when Adrienne and company twirled by, the guy wasn't shy about getting right up into the tall, gorgeous blonde's personal space and dancing up close with her while practically drooling over her cleavage. I think a some of old perverted Kenny came out for a little while.

And then the slow dances started to kick in. I quickly found Allie, ballroom spinning her into my arms before assuming the closed position and almost formally waltzing us around the room. But as the adrenaline rush from fast dances waned, I brought our outstretched hands back to the upper left of my chest, pulled her close to me, and gazed fondly into her golden brown eyes as we slowly swayed to the music.

There was an intensity in Allie's eyes that dance. She looked at me as if it was for the last time, and I was drawn into her gaze as I drew her body closer to mine until we were more or less pressed together as we turned and rocked gently. And when the song ended, I held her face in my hands and bent down, sharing a beautiful, and yet hauntingly bittersweet, kiss.

We both sensed the melancholy. I blinked a few times before asking softly, "Allie, what's going on?"

"Nothing." She shook her head, looking as if on the verge of tears. "Just a feeling."

"What is it?"

Allie furrowed her eyebrows just then, grimacing as if in pain when suddenly a hand tapped on Allie's shoulder. There stood Adrienne, a serene smile on her face. "Hey, guys!" she said with just a touch of nerves. "Can I cut in?"

As much as I wanted to talk to Adrienne again, my girlfriend was clearly upset about something. "Actually, Adrienne, we-" I began before Allie cut me off.

"Please," Allie grunted curtly and then handed me off to Adrienne, much to my confusion. And then as Adrienne pulled me to her for the next dance, Allie turned and walked away.

"Allie, wait!" I stopped Adrienne and dropped our hands.

Allie just grabbed her twin sister Abbie out of Kenny's arms and glanced back at me. "I gotta go to the bathroom." And then the two Sanders girls headed off.

Adrienne stood behind me with a perplexed look on her face. "Something wrong?"

I stared after Allie, a nagging feeling in the back of my mind. "Uh..." I began. Then I shook my head. "No, no. It's fine." And then I held my arms open and tall, regal, glorious Adrienne stepped into my arms.

She was actually a couple of inches taller than me now with her four-inch heels. It was a little disconcerting but I smiled and spun us around, enjoying the warmth of Adrienne's touch. "I've missed you these past couple days, Adrienne."

She smiled wistfully, "I've missed you, too, Ben. But that's done now. I thought a lot about what happened between us Wednesday, but I'm not going to let it keep us apart anymore. We're too good friends for that, right?"

"Right," I nodded, feeling some relief. I really HAD missed her presence. Even just as my best friend instead of girlfriend, simply having her around made me feel so much happier. "So, having a good time?"

"Better now that I'm with you," she sighed dramatically and with a little more emotional intensity than I'd been expecting.

I arched an eyebrow, not sure how to take that. Just when I was getting used the idea of Adrienne and I being just friends again, she threw me this curveball. So fishing for a response, I just played it off as a joke. "What, does Kyle have two left feet?" I chuckled.

"Yeah," Adrienne said a little nervously. "Something like that." And then Adrienne stretched out her fingers, taking a deep breath as if to relax herself, and she fixed her eyes on mine. And then she practically melted into our dance.

It's not like Adrienne collapsed against me or anything. But all of a sudden, the way she moved somehow felt like she was had become an extension of my body. When I twisted left, her entire being went along with me, in perfect coordination and harmony. Every rise and fall and lateral sway was together, and the whole time her eyes were locked right onto mine. For a few seconds, I felt the world disappearing around me again until there was no music, no floor, just Adrienne and me in the middle of our own universe.

It took a few seconds before we realized a fast song had started up again. Adrienne and I had somehow kept slow dancing through the opening bars of Janet Jackson's "All For You". Adrienne went wide-eyed again, and for the second time in five minutes, I watched a girl suddenly tear herself from my arms and walk hurriedly away.

"What's that all about?" A new voice cut in from my right. I glanced to the side to see Helene McGregory standing before me, the platinum-blonde looking absolutely incredible. Anh Le was beside her, looking quite slinky herself and the two girls were quickly grooving to the beat and inviting me to dance along with them.

Blinking past my momentary surprise, I nodded and got into rhythm, bouncing along to the beat while watching Helene mouth the lyrics "Got a nice package alright / guess I'm gonna have to ride it tonight" at me. I blushed and kept grooving while Marina Santos and Tara Abbott cruised by and joined us.

I was just starting to feel a little weird, dancing with four hot girls I'd had casual sex with while almost no one around us knew about it. But then Kenny and Sung jumped in and danced with us, the two guys flirting with the girls as well and I felt some of the pressure relieved from me. Right about then, I started looking for Allie ... or Adrienne ... ONE of them, at least.

After "All for You" ended, I started hopping my way across the crowd, away from Helene and company and back towards my other friends while scanning the sea of gyrating students for my girlfriend or my best friend. Instead, I bumped into Stephanie Vo.

"Heyyy, Ben." Stephanie grinned at me and held her arms out around my shoulders, bopping her hips towards me.

"Hey, Steph." I smiled somewhat distractedly before focusing my attention on her, as she clearly wanted to dance with me for a bit. "Having fun?"

"Hell, yeah." She smiled seductively before raising her arms up and then crossing her wrists behind my neck. "You know, I'm still kind of jealous my little sister got to you. Here we are, almost about to graduate and go our separate ways, and I might never find out what the Big Ben Experience is all about."

That got me to stop dancing immediately. "Steph..." I began in a slightly cautious tone.

"No, I know. You've got your little drama going down between Allie and Adrienne right now and I've got Sung," Stephanie nodded. "And Sung's a great guy. I'm really happy he's been my boyfriend for the past year. But we're splitting up soon to go to different schools and I have to admit, I'll always be a little curious."

"I don't think-"

Stephanie silenced me with a finger to my lips before glancing around quickly and then stepping forward, planting a fierce kiss on me. I jerked in surprise but the automatic sex-instincts in me kicked in as I kissed her back, very briefly but very firmly. And then I pulled away from the beautiful Asian babe.

She just sighed with a long exhalation. "Guess I'll never know. C'est la vie."

And then before I could say something again, Stephanie twirled and then slipped away through the crowd. And as I followed her jet black hair in a stylish, convoluted up-do, I watched her go straight to Sung and kiss him just as fiercely as she kissed me.

Women ... I'll never understand them.

And as I looked around, still unable to find either Allie or Adrienne or figure out why either girl had abruptly abandoned me, I wondered if I ever would.

Perhaps ten minutes later, confused as all hell but still hanging around the dance floor, I decided to get some help in my searches. I'd circled the entire ballroom without luck as it was. I first ran into Kyle McGinley, but he beat me to the punch by asking, "Have you seen Adrienne?"

I shook my head in the negative and glanced around. Then I asked, "Have you seen Heather or Lynne?"

Kyle shrugged and said, "No. I would have been checking with them first, too."

"Good luck, man," I nodded to Adrienne's date and then left.

I then tracked back to Kenny. "Have you seen Abbie or Allie?"

"Uh, no actually." Kenny glanced back at me, a little too involved with flirting maniacally with every pretty girl in sight. He looked a little confused as well, and his eyes began darting around the room. "Huh..."

Frowning, I left Kenny to his own search for his girlfriend while meandering around a bit more. I didn't want to panic, so I didn't go into a full-blown search just yet. But I kept dancing with the people around me while keeping my eyes open for any signs of one of the two special girls in my life.

Speaking of special girls, I had quick slow dances with both Megan and Cassidy along the way when both ex-girlfriends tracked me down and requested a spin for old time's sake. But after them, I decided to stop pretending to dance and really start hunting around. This had gone on long enough and there weren't THAT many people here. Really, there were only so many places around a hotel ballroom someone could hide. I HAD to find my girls sometime, right?

I was still glancing around when I felt a hand tug on my shoulder to spin me around. And then I had just enough time to brace myself as for the second time that night, I received an unexpected kiss from a beautiful girl. It was deep, it was passionate, and it was soul searching. And it made my heart light up with a nuclear explosion. I knew this kiss.

Adrienne had found me.

Before my eyes opened back up, I was panting her name. "Adrienne!"

"Oh, Ben. This is SOOO messed up. But I can't help it." Adrienne stood before me, still holding my shoulders in an ironclad grip. "I love you! I'm IN love with you!"

"Wait, wha-?" I was still dazed from the unexpected kiss.

"I'm sorry to spring this on you, especially now. I just ... I just can't help it. I think I've always loved you, Ben. Ever since that Spring Break last year." Adrienne squeezed my hands and there was moisture in her eyes again. "Yeah, I was pissed when we broke up but even then, I didn't stop loving you. You had flaws and you were such a guy, but I never doubted that you cared about me, that you would never hurt me."

She was talking so fast I could barely keep up. And she just kept going.

"But I was so scared. I've told you time and time again that I wanted to be just friends, just friends. But that was all bullshit. I wanted more than that. I wanted to be WITH you, Ben. I NEED you in my life. But I was scared to lose you. Scared that if we ever got together that we might break up. And I was specifically scared of Dawn."

My forehead scrunched up and I blinked rapidly. This was a lot to handle all at once.

"You left me once for her, Ben. Do you remember? I basically threw myself at you, stripped naked and pleaded with you to love me, even though I knew you had a girlfriend. I was in a very fragile state then, Ben. My confidence was shattered after Tyson and my emotions were all messed up. I was jumping at shadows and freaking out about every guy I dated. You were the one guy I could trust, but when I pushed you beyond what was right, you left me. You did the right thing, then. I wasn't stable and you stayed loyal to your girlfriend. But I never forgot that you chose her over me."

"Adrienne..." I started to say, thinking about that fateful night when Dawn got raped and called me in a panic.

"No, it's okay, it's okay," Adrienne interrupted me. "It was the right thing to do, Ben. It was the right thing to do. But then, just a few days ago, you chose me over her. You chose ME over HER, Ben."

She was breathing hard from speaking in such rapid-fire. I was breathing hard just listening to this. Was this really happening? Was Adrienne really saying she wanted to be with me?

"I couldn't think straight on Wednesday, Ben. I didn't want to face it on Thursday, even when Allie came to get my help at getting through to you. But all night Friday I was thinking about it. I was trying to decide for myself if I thought it was worth the risk. Could I really live with myself if I didn't take the chance to be truly happy with the one man I love more than anyone in the world? That's you, Ben. I need you. I love you."

She squeezed my hands so tightly I thought she might fracture my fingers. But after hearing Adrienne say that she loved me with such emotion, I couldn't care less. And still she kept going.

"But it was PROM and you were going with Allie and, and, oh, shit! How can I be doing this to her? I told myself I wouldn't do this to her. Next week, maybe. I'd sit down with her and we'd talk and I'd apologize. I've stolen boyfriends from girls before but not like this." Adrienne whimpered.

"That's okay," a new voice cut in. Adrienne froze and it was at that point I realized that Adrienne and I were far from alone.

Both of us looked to the side to see Allie standing there, a neutral expression on her face. Abbie was just beside her, along with Kenny. Kyle McGinley was standing nearby, along with Heather, Lynne, and both their dates. And on the other side, Megan, Kaito, Cassidy, Cameron, and even Helene circled around us.

Both Adrienne's and my jaws dropped. Allie just nodded her head towards the entrances. "Maybe the three of us should find somewhere a little more private to talk."

"I wasn't quite expecting to be up here so soon," I tried to say lightly as I raised the keycard and the lock turned green. I opened the door and went inside, followed by both Allie and Adrienne.

Allie looked around thoughtfully, while Adrienne just looked as nervous as she was a few minutes before.

Allie stepped further into the room, smoothing the back of her dress down her legs before spinning and then hopping backwards onto the King-size bed, leaning back with a little smile with her hands propping her up. "I've wondered what this would feel like, coming up to Ben's hotel room after Prom."

My eyebrows furrowed at the sadness in Allie's voice.

Allie just continued. "Guess it's not going to happen like I imagined."

"It still can," Adrienne put in quickly. "It should. This is your night, Allie."

My cute brunette girlfriend just smiled wistfully. "It doesn't matter. I sorta knew it would never happen like that."

"Allie..." Adrienne began.

"No, no," Allie held her hand up. "This is the way it has to be."

My eyeballs just ping-ponged back and forth between Allie and Adrienne. Clearly they were having a conversation on a level WAY beyond my understanding. "Girls," I began. "What the hell is going on?"

Allie sighed and Adrienne just bit her lip nervously, clearly deferring to the smaller girl. Allie took a deep breath and then looked somewhat regretfully at me. "This is where we break up, Ben."


My cute girlfriend just raised a hand palm-up towards Adrienne. "The one you belong with has finally claimed you. I was just keeping you warm until she figured it out."

I blinked a few more times. "Huh?"

Allie shrugged. "I knew this would happen eventually. You were in love with Adrienne. You've BEEN in love with Adrienne since last year. We girls figured it must have happened shortly after Elaine's Winter party. I couldn't forget that party; it was when Kenny and Abbie first hooked up."

I blinked.

"And Adrienne here has been in love with you ever since, what, Halloween?" Allie added.

The gorgeous blonde blushed and scrutinized her toes in the skyscraper heels.

"And then the two of you danced around each other for MONTHS. You were so clearly into each other, and just as clearly fucking each other, but you kept saying 'No, we're not together' or 'We're just friends'. I don't know what was keeping you from getting together. I guess it's that 'scared to lose him' bullshit you were spouting, Adrienne. But the fact is, you two are sooo completely in love with each other, none of us can believe it took you this long to figure it out."

I frowned. "But then why were you even WITH me, Allie?"

My sweet girlfriend smiled. "Because I DO like you, Ben. When you and Adrienne had that big ... whatever ... in February, when she started pretending like you didn't exist, I just saw an opportunity for my turn. You KNOW why I wanted to be with you again, Ben. You were a sweet boyfriend, but I always knew it would end. It's why I tried all along to say we were 'just friends' ourselves."

There was a note of finality in my girlfriend's voice and she was getting misty- eyed. Automatically, I stepped towards her, opening my arms for a reassuring hug, "Allie..."

She held her hand up to stop me. "No, no. It's okay Ben. I knew this was coming. That's one of the reasons I've been so horny the past couple of weeks: I didn't know how much longer we would last and I was frantic to get as much happiness and sex as I could before the end."

My face fell. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm sad about it, yes, but I understand." She chuckled quietly. "Actually, I expected it weeks ago. That's why this would have been so much easier if you and Adrienne had just gotten over yourselves and started fucking when you had that weeklong suspension all alone. At least then, I could have started pulling back from you."

Allie blinked and a solitary tear rolled down her cheek. This time, she didn't stop me when I stepped forward and caught it with my fingertip, my touch turning into a hand caress of her cheek. Allie shuddered then and just started crying even harder.

"Allie. I'm so sorry."

"I keep telling you, Ben, it's okay. I DID appreciate the extra few weeks we had, bittersweet as they were. It's like you said: We were on a vacation. Enjoy what you've got."

"But it wasn't fair to you."

"Of course it was. You were a great boyfriend, Ben, even though we both knew you were in love with Adrienne. You were attentive, you listened to me rambling on and on about all that political bullshit, and you were never less than 100% focused on me when we were making love. I adored what we had, Ben." Allie sniffled. "It's just ... over ... now."

"Allie, this is your Prom night," Adrienne said softly.

"And do you think I really want to spend it with Ben, knowing that you finally pulled your head out of your ass and told him how much you want him? How much you need him?" Allie asked, and Adrienne softened.

Then Allie laughed, cutting off her next sniffle as her cheeks rose up to make her eyes squint. "And no, Ben. I'm not going to stay here and have a threesome with you two."

"I didn't-"

"But you thought about it for a moment," Allie scolded. And then both she and Adrienne started laughing. I really was predictable.

Allie then stood back up, taking one last look around the room. "It's fine, guys. Really, it is." The cute brunette, I guess no longer my girlfriend, stepped up to me and wrapped me in a firm hug. "Friends, Ben?"

I gripped her body in my arms and patted her back. I didn't even try to pretend I was going to talk her into staying my girlfriend. We both knew I really wanted Adrienne. But I still felt guilty about it. "Friends. Always."

"The way it should be," Allie nodded and then backed out of my grasp. "You know, all I ever expected was a one-night thing with you, Ben. I got so much more. Think of it that way, okay?"

I nodded, her perspective making me feel a little less guilty about the whole thing.

Then Allie turned to Adrienne. "You really do belong together, you know that?"

Adrienne smiled bashfully and glanced over at me. I held her hazel-eyed gaze, taking a deep breath and sighing. Could it really be true? Were Adrienne and I really finding each other again after so long?

Then I glanced back at Allie. "What are you going to do?"

She smiled. "I'm going back down to the party. And then later, I'm going to team up with Abbie to give Kenny a Prom Night he'll never forget." She giggled. "Kenny can be a dumbass sometimes, but he IS cute."

Adrienne stepped forward and hugged the shorter girl. "Thanks, Allie. You're really being amazing about all this."

Allie nodded, and then for a second she tilted her head and rubbed her face into Adrienne's cleavage, causing the statuesque blonde to gasp in surprise.

Then Allie backed up. "Huh. Now I know why every guy dreams of doing that. Your boobs are so nice, Adrienne." Allie giggled and shot me a grin. I remembered that time at the end of Spring Break when Allie had mused on what it was like to rub one's face into Adrienne's tits, and I barked a laugh.

"Bye, guys," Allie waved. "And Adrienne, girl-to-girl, I'll want details in the morning."

Adrienne and I were both staring at the door for a long while before turning to face each other again. I turned first, taking the opportunity to run my eyes up and down this beautiful creature who had professed her love for me, who had declared how much she needed me and wanted to be with me, no matter the consequences.

She was gorgeous.

I already knew that she was stunningly beautiful. In her current outfit, she was mesmerizing. The dress was satiny silver and stretched tight around her bosom, with only two spaghetti-straps over her shoulders straining to support the great weight. It was nearly backless, the lack of a bra strap challenging everyone to guess how the hell her tits stayed so buoyantly upright. The material gathered in around her slim waist and firm ass before making the sheer drop to her ankles. A long slit up the side revealed creamy leg up to the thigh, flexed perfectly by her silver, sparkly four-inch heels.

The body was that of a goddess. The face was that of an angel. As usual, Adrienne's makeup was perfect for the occasion: a tad heavier and more aggressive than on a casual day but still light enough to let her natural, youthful beauty shine through. A thin, silvery necklace with open-heart pendant drew one's attention to her cleavage while dangling earrings drew one's attention to the creamy smoothness of her bare shoulders and long neck. Her golden hair was piled up with artful curls and waves. Her poise and dress made her seem like she was in her mid-20s despite her not yet reaching 18-years-old.

And yet with all that, Adrienne would just be another beautiful girl in the world except for a single fact: she wanted me. And as any guy can tell you, a girl's desire for you notches her another 2-points higher on the hotness scale, which took Adrienne from a perfect ten to an un-freakin'-believable TWELVE.

She turned and fixed her gaze on me, and my jaw just dropped at the smoking intensity in her hazel eyes. I actually backed up a few steps until my calves hit the bed; and a little off-balance, I sank down to a seated position on it. Adrienne took two graceful steps forward until she was standing in front of me, posed like a Greek statue, highlighting her beautiful curves while maintaining her intense stare at me.

I gulped, and despite all my wishes for Adrienne and me to be together, I wondered if I'd bitten off more than I could chew.

"Ben." Adrienne's voice carried more weight than I'd ever heard before. "Tell me you love me."

"I love you, Adrienne," I replied almost nervously.

"Tell me you care about me."

"I care about you, Adrienne," I said a little more confidently.

"Tell me you'd never want to hurt me."

"I'd never want to hurt you," I stated rather emphatically.

"Tell me you want to be with me."

"More than anything in the world, Adrienne," I said softly, but rich with emotion.

"I need you, Ben." Adrienne's voice dipped into a plaintive plea.

"I'm here for you."

"I need your love."

"You'll always have it."

"I need your support."

"I'll always be there for you."

Her face scrunched up and she started shuddering slightly. "I love you, Ben."

I stood up from the bed, drew her into my arms, and said in a quiet but fierce voice. "I love you, too." And then I kissed her.

They say Prom Night is perhaps the most romantic night of a young person's life. It's a social ritual that forces them to go out and ask someone for a date. And even if they've been on dates, for many a teenager, Prom is the first time dressing up and going to what amounts to a formal ball. It may be the first time they have professional photos taken of them as a couple. And of course, it's the night when many lose their virginities.

It's a night when, from beginning to end, a young near-adult soaks in every experience from the photos to dinner to dancing and even the popularity contests known as Prom King and Queen. A teenager socializes with their friends as they near the end of their high school journeys together, staying up late into the night to have one of the biggest parties of their lives.

Adrienne and I didn't care. We'd left early, and we wouldn't be returning. We had each other, and that was all that mattered. Who the hell knew I'd be voted Prom King and Adrienne Prom Queen?

Adrienne sort of made sense as Prom Queen. She was immensely popular, gorgeous, and Captain of the Cheerleaders. Personally, I thought she'd been a little erratic socially, what with the Ben-is-invisible period and all, but apparently she still had the innate charm to get enough votes to win.

But me? Prom King? WTF? After all, I wasn't a jock, or the most handsome, or even the most popular. But the non-jocks outnumbered the jocks and for some reason, my defense of Brooke and the fight with Drew and Marco just a month ago had raised my profile considerably. Only later would I learn the boys' ex- girlfriends had been stumping for my candidacy, which combined with my association with Adrienne and some of the other hottest girls in the school, had apparently earned me the win.

Our absence created somewhat of a stir. We were both announced down in the ballroom and neither of us could be found, and the Prom emcee was somewhat at a loss for what to do. A few others nearby turned on Allie when we turned up missing, and the ballroom was abuzz with gossip when Allie had to explain that we'd already left the party.

That was also when both our cell phones went off. Adrienne and I weren't quite fucking yet, and by the second time the phones started ringing we both just switched them off and got back to business.

Adrienne lay flat on her back, her hair clips removed to let the long curls and waves stretch out across the pillow. Since I'd removed her dress, her upper body was bare save for the necklace, the open-heart pendant having slid to the crook of her neck and shoulder. And after switching off my phone I returned to suckling on an upraised nipple while palming the other.

After ensuring both magnificent breasts had received suitable attention, I slid my lips up to meet Adrienne for another nuclear kiss while I slid my hand down across her flat belly, running over the white garter belt and over her thong- covered pussy mound.

I was topless myself, but I still was fully clothed below the waist, a situation I intended to rectify. Gently, I pried Adrienne's hand off my cock, which she'd pulled through the fly of my tuxedo pants. Then I slid myself down the bed to drop trou and kick both shoes and socks off. Now fully naked, I slithered back onto the bed between Adrienne's stocking-covered legs, reaching to the white thong and then dragging it down her legs and over the obstacles of her strappy silver heels.

I was now completely naked and Adrienne wore her jewelry, the garters, stockings, and heels. And that was all we were going to remove. I dived back down to this stunning blonde's now naked pussy, which was already wet with anticipation, and I proceeded to double and then triple-check her lubrication by bringing this heavenly creature to one and then another blissful oral orgasm.

There's just something inherently erotic about feeling stocking-covered thighs against your ears while listening to the muffled sounds of a woman shrieking out her climax. In fact, I enjoyed it so much I started working her towards another one, but then I felt painful tugging at my hair. Unwilling to have follicles separated from their roots, I let Adrienne pull me up her body so she could grab my face and plant another nuclear kiss on my lips.

Her hips rotated and bucked beneath me as if we were in the middle of an earthquake, shaking me off-balance. And when I spread my hands to the sides to brace myself on the bed, Adrienne somehow notched my cock into place and then she managed to lunge up and capture the first three inches inside her.

I broke away from the kiss to groan at the penetration, fireworks exploding behind my eyes as I realized I was inside Adrienne for the first time since February. And then without any conscious thought of mine, my hips rammed forward and I slammed every last inch of my cock into the snug vaginal canal of the woman I loved.

Adrienne screamed and then bit down on my shoulder as I hit rock bottom, buried to the hilt inside her. And then she tilted her head to the side and husked harshly into my ear, "Fuck me, Ben. FUCK ME."

Out ... IN.

"Fuck me, Ben!"

Out ... IN.


OUT... IN.


Adrienne kicked her legs up and I moved my arms beneath them so that her calves were supported upwards by my biceps. The change in her hip position let me go in an extra half-inch deeper while my hands gripped her waist. She couldn't move. She couldn't twist away, even if she wanted to. I had complete control. And with her body completely helpless and pinned beneath me, I proceeded to ravage Adrienne's cunt without fear or restraint. I was fucking her as hard as I'd ever fucked anyone in my life, and yet we were making love.

It was our way.

Adrienne, the girl who could never lose control of her situation, ceded control to me. It wasn't about power, it was about trust. For the only man in her life she could trust, she let herself go and let me just pound the shit out of her. And in doing so, she found her peace and her pleasure.

"Fuuuuck, meeee," the stunning blonde 17-year-old groaned while I hammered her so hard that her entire body shook with each impact. Her massive tits bounced and gyrated and jiggled in wobbly orbitals. Her head was tossed side- to-side as our fucking motions made the entire bed quiver. If we'd been at a cheaper hotel with less-substantial beds, the headboard would certainly be banging off the wall. As it was, only Adrienne's deafening screams would alert the neighbors.

She came once, her pussy muscles clamping down on me, forcing me to work a little harder to continue my anaerobic thrusting. It was the only time she wasn't screaming or moaning something, as her throat muscles tensed and her jaw gaped open-wide, even though not a sound was coming out.

When it passed, she gasped and went a little limp beneath me, but still I continued my pistoning in and out of her tight snatch. And as she found her breath again, Adrienne began whimpering repeated chants of, "Oh, gawd ... oh, gawd ... oh, gawd..."

I slowed down just long enough to kiss her tears away. She was overcome with emotion, but the happy smile on her face reassured me into continuing. She reached her face up to kiss me and then pulled her legs back off my biceps, the two of us shifting slightly so that Adrienne could re-cross her stocking covered legs around my ass, her heels clicking together accidentally.

"Fuck me, Ben," Adrienne said softly. The tone and cadence of her words said 'I love you, Ben' instead.

"Fuck me," she repeated, making sure I understood her underlying meaning.

So I loved her. And I fucked her. And together, we came.

When my orgasm began, Adrienne's arms had circled my head, trapping my cheek against the upper slopes of her bosom. My hands were on her ass, jerking her body towards me with every thrust while she squeezed with her legs to draw me close as well.

The next time my pelvis slammed into her buttcheeks, at the point of farthest penetration my cock spat out its first wad of cum. Adrienne gasped and tilted her head back as she felt it splatter against her inner walls. And then she had just enough time to breathe before gasping and tensing again as the second wad splashed beside the first.

"I'm cumming," I grunted, even though she already knew. My own tone and cadence said, 'I love you'. And over and again I repeated in my heart 'I love you' with every successive ejaculation.

Spasming with her own orgasm, Adrienne's pussy milked me for every last drop of sperm. Her entire body quivered while my hips jerked and fired again. And she gasped while her pussy sucked my cum deeper and deeper into her womb.

And then I collapsed on top of her. Spent from my unrelenting thrusts, I dropped like a dead weight onto Adrienne's body. My heart was pounding in my ears and I was dripping with sweat. But she simply accepted my weight and wrapped all four limbs tightly around me. My cheek was now on the pillow beside her, and Adrienne turned so that we were face-to-face, just an inch apart, a silly grin on her face.

"I'm sorry I made you wait this long, Ben."

I just sighed and smiled back. "You're worth the wait."

"Thank you, Ben. I'll always love you."

"I'll always love you, too."

Fireces Fireces

i will MASS RELEASE when we reach the TOP 5 monthly. if we reach the TOP1 of powerstone perseason which is Basically IMPOSSIBLE.


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