6.31% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 16: Chapter 14: Reconnecting II

章節 16: Chapter 14: Reconnecting II

We'd come to the dancing portion of the evening and I proceeded to prove I was at least moderately coordinated as I hopped around the floor with Adrienne. I didn't know any formal steps or waltzes or anything, but I could keep my feet to the rhythm whether it was a fast or slow song.

During the fast ones, we all danced in a group and Adrienne twirled amongst everyone, giggling and flirting almost constantly. As usual, she charmed all the guys and even some of the girls, and I saw quite a bit of her natural charisma that made her a shoo-in to be the next year's Cheer Captain.

During the slow songs, my girlfriend molded her body to mine and swayed with me, pushing the envelope of how close to miming sex she could get away with without adult chaperone interference. More than once, I had to remind myself to gaze into her eyes instead of ogling the firm breasts I felt being pressed into my chest.

We also began trading partners. Lynne wasn't a big fan of slow-dancing with her cousin, so I had several turns with her. I also was free to dance with some of the other girls as Adrienne was a popular dance partner and other guys were frequently asking me if they could cut in. The gorgeous blonde soaked up all the attention, but I was pleased to see that she never ground her crotch against them or pushed her tits into their chest, as much as the guys might have wanted her to.

I also took a few breaks to sit down and rest. Fitting with her reputation, Adrienne could also dance all day, but I needed a breather here and there. It was during one such break that I felt a tap on my shoulder and then a cute redhead popped into view. "Hiii, Ben," Cassidy beamed at me.

"Hey!" I said with happiness in my voice.

"Can I steal you for a dance?" She asked with a twinkle in her green eyes, and the opening bars of a brand new pop/country ballad started up.

"Sure, thing," I beamed and took her hand as we moved out onto the dance floor. Quickly we assumed the standard high school position with her arms around my neck and my hands on her waist, and as we swayed Cassidy let her head tilt to the side as she looked up at me rapturously.

"Mmm ... I miss doing this with you, Ben," she sighed.

"We didn't dance much, Freckles," I chuckled.

"Not just dancing. Just feeling your arms wrapped around me," she hummed.

"C'mon. I've seen you have a few slow dances with Derek tonight."

"Not that. It's different from feeling YOU." There was a hitch in her voice. "I still miss you, Ben."

I took a deep breath, not sure how to deal with that particular phrase. We were broken up and I was with someone new. It wouldn't be right for me to dwell on the past right now. So I stayed silent and we just kept moving as the song launched into its chorus.

"Hmm, I love this song," Cassidy purred as she squeezed a little tighter, pulling our bodies an extra inch closer so that our torsos were just bumping into each other. And as I looked down, I saw her mouth moving as she began lip synching to the song.

// Livin' might mean takin' chances, but they're worth takin' // Lovin' might be a mistake, but it's worth makin' // Don't let some hell bent heart leave you bitter // When you come close to sellin' out reconsider // Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance // And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance // I hope you daaaaaance!

As Cassidy hit that first line of the chorus, she put a little more force into her hips, pushing herself against me and causing us to sway in a big arc together, spinning us around in a way that made me gasp and Cassidy to giggle as we quickly slowed down again.

I felt a rush of adrenaline pump through me as I was momentarily afraid we would fall, and my heart was racing as I we regained our balance. As for Cassidy, there was no mistaking the beaming smile on her face and as the song continued, she tugged herself even closer to me.

And when Cassidy's green eyes flickered up and she looked at me, all I could see was the girl I once loved, looking at me with an expression of such joy and happiness. I recognized the look in her eyes. She wanted to be kissed.

Fractionally, I moved my head down towards hers. It just felt so natural to do so. We'd done it what felt like a million times. And as my head bent down, I saw her close her eyes and tilt her face up to meet me.

But at the last moment, I remembered that I wasn't dating Cassidy anymore. She wasn't my girlfriend. And in fact, my girlfriend might very well be watching me at this very instant. And just in time, I turned my head and Cassidy's lips met my cheek.

She pressed against it for a moment before jerking herself back, surprised that I'd turned away. Immediately, a hurt expression crossed her face.

Biting my lip, I held her at arm's length. "I'm sorry, Cassidy," I began, deliberately using her full name. "I wanted to, but you know I shouldn't."

Her eyebrows went up in a wistful expression, but she sighed and nodded. "Sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have tempted you. But like I said, I miss you, Ben."

The song was winding down and I took a step back from Cassidy, glancing over to see if Adrienne had witnessed my near-miss at kissing another girl. But she was too occupied with the current boy fawning all over her and showering her with all his attention. I sighed in relief and then looked back to Cassidy with a smile. "I'll see you at school?"

She smiled and nodded her head in a half-bow. "Of course." And then still with that serene smile, Cassidy turned and headed back to her own group.

I stared after the cute redhead, musing on how it felt so natural to want to kiss her, but that I'd held myself back. Maybe I was starting to learn some self-control. In any case, I exhaled with relief that I hadn't gotten caught and returned back to my girlfriend.

Dancing with Cassidy DID seem to break the ice between me and my old crew. Once they saw that even my ex-girlfriend was reconnecting with me, and that my new girlfriend wasn't objecting, we began to intermingle.

Abigail and Allison Sanders were the first to hop over and request dances with me. I also took a turn each with Stephanie Vo and Anh Le. And the new intermingling also prompted Kenny to ask for dances with some of the Junior cheerleaders.

Of course, I didn't go near Megan again, and Elaine still wanted nothing to do with me. But all in all, I enjoyed myself much more being able to interact with my old friends at such a big social event like Junior Prom.

In the end, I didn't dance that much with Adrienne. That was okay. She had a much more intimate (and horizontal) dance planned for us later on.

"Gawd, Ben! I NEED you right now!" Adrienne was clutching my arm and rubbing her hand in my crotch less than a minute after I pulled out of the parking lot, action that made me swerve in my lane.

"Whoa! Whoa! Adrienne," I half-yelled while jerking the steering wheel to get us back into line. "I'm driving! Your car!"

She calmed down ... sort of. "Then you'd better find somewhere quiet ... NOW." Her hand was back in my crotch, this time deftly unzipping my tuxedo pants.

A minute later, my cock was in her mouth and I was groaning as I slowly took the next exit ramp at only 30 mph, causing the Benz behind me to flash his headlights and honk in annoyance. I didn't care. I was getting a VERY enthusiastic blowjob from a gorgeous 16-year-old blonde and it took all my spare focus not to crash.

They say your brain is smarter than you are. I'm not sure how I got there, but I wound up turning into a new housing construction project that was completely empty at this late hour on a Saturday night. The only paved roads that were complete were those leading to the sales office and model homes, and at the last second I skipped the turn towards the sales office and went around back behind some homes that were only half-built.

The streetlights weren't even installed yet and the moment I turned off the engine, the headlights went out and plunged us into the darkness. Adrienne picked her head out of my lap, looked around, and ordered, "Get out of the car."

She was already popping the door to her side by the time I managed to open my own door, not even bothering to zip myself up. Adrienne circled around and then climbed onto the Mustang's hood, which had been warmed during the drive but wasn't too hot.

My intensely aroused girlfriend then squirmed and wriggled on top of the car, grabbing the hem of her own dress and yanking it upwards to her waist. And then I realized that she was without panties, and had likely been panty-less for the entire evening.

The only illumination was the moonlight, which cast the lovely teenager in dark shadows and gave her skin an ethereal glow. And the pale light also reflected her eyes, which were wild and stormy as Adrienne leaned back and growled, "Eat me, Tiger."

"You're certainly hot to trot tonight," I grinned. "All the guys showering you with attention at Prom?"

"You should've seen me after a football game," she laughed. "All those men ogling me in my cheerleading outfit for more than three hours? Gawd dammit I got so horny! Now shut up and eat me!"

I went to work.

Adrienne coated my face with nectar twice within a few minutes. I got the distinct impression that she'd already been fingering herself while sucking me on the drive over. And after her second orgasm she picked her torso up and started shifting around, looking for the best position to get fucked.

At first, Adrienne wanted me to climb onto the hood with her, but the waxed surface was a little too slippery and sloped and she wound up just sliding off and standing in front of the grill. And to my absolute delight, Adrienne then spread her legs, lifted the back of her dress over her naked ass, and bent over the hood invitingly.

I knew what I was supposed to do.

At 5'10" not including heels, Adrienne was the perfect height for my entry from behind. And she was certainly wet enough. So on the first lunge, I skewered her cunt on my cock and rammed her forward hard enough to make her chest thump against the hood.

"Ohhh, FUCK, Ben!" she groaned.

And then I slammed forward and bumped her into the hood again.

And again.

And again and again and again.

Midway through our lusty fuck, I pulled down the straps of Adrienne's dress and let her slip her arms out of the loops, which bunched up the satiny fabric together at her waist. The bra was next and then my hands went around to palm her heaving tits, squeezing them as I aggressively pounded my girlfriend from behind.

In the darkness, most of the details of her naked back were washed out, leaving only her silhouette and the dusky gray moonlight rippling over her back in an ever changing array of shadows. This gave her perfect, peach-shaped ass the most amazing appearance, and it was such a thrill to watch my thick column of man flesh pushing in and out of her body.

"That's it! Fuck me, Ben! Harder! Pound me! FUCK! Fucking FUCK!" Adrienne cursed and moaned and flung her hips back at me even harder. I recognized her particular mood from the times Keira just bent herself over a couch and needed me to simply ravage her body without thought or care. And that was fine with me.

When a girl got into a mood like this, it didn't matter if I was trying to make her cum. Actually, it was better when I wasn't trying to make her cum, as if the concept of me just using her cunt as a masturbatory device turned her on. So it was with Adrienne while I pounded her over the hood of her own car, and soon enough she began wailing at the top of her lungs as her orgasm went crashing over her like a tsunami.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!" she yelled before her breath gave out. And after a deep inhalation, she simply started screaming "Fuuuuuuuuuuck!!!" again.

I powered my way into her clenching pussy all through Adrienne's orgasm. And after she finished cumming, she collapsed against the hood and just lay there limply while I kept on pumping my cock in and out of her half-naked body.

I was on such a power trip that I could have kept going forever. But Adrienne soon got her energy back as she began humping herself back at me, and then she reached back and grabbed her own buttcheeks, pulling them to the sides. "Fuck my ass, Ben. Finish in my ass. Fill up my bowels with your hot cum."

I didn't respond verbally, just growling as I pulled out of her sodden pussy and aimed my soaked dickhead at her puckered anus. Adrienne exhaled and relaxed her sphincter as I began pressing forward, and with typical ease I pushed through that tight ring and started burrowing down my girlfriend's teenaged anal chute.

"Ungh," she grunted when I hit rock bottom. And then Adrienne was rhythmically thrusting her ass back at me while I started in on my pumping motions. "Yes..." she crooned.

After a minute, Adrienne just let her arms collapse onto the hood, pressing her chest against the warm metal while her lower body jiggled each time I reamed out her bunghole. "Fuck me, Ben. Fuck my ass. Cum in my ass, Ben. I'm going to go home and crawl into bed with your cum leaking out of my stretched asshole, Ben. Fuck me..."

I had already started getting close while I drilled myself in and out of Adrienne's rectum. But hearing those words got me even more turned on and I started thrusting faster, barreling towards my own release.

Adrienne picked up on my renewed energy and she kept up her naughty chatter. "Mmm ... fill me, Ben. I'm going to lie under the sheets while your cock cream drizzles out of my ass. I'm going to wipe it off my thighs and suck your cum into my mouth. And when there's no more on my thighs I'm going to stick two fingers into my poor, little, abused asshole and scoop even more out. Fill me, Ben! Fill me! OHH! Cum in my ass, Ben! I'm cumming too! I'm cumming too! Cum in ME! AAAAHHHH!"

Adrienne shrieked. I screamed. And with my pelvis compressing her asscheeks into her own body and my heavy weight crushing her tits even more forcefully against the hood of the car, my cock erupted in the depths of the gorgeous 16- year-old's bowels where the moonlight would never shine.

My throat felt sore from the power of that first yell. But when I took a breath, I felt another wad of cum exploding out of me into my girlfriend's asshole and I started yelling again. Adrienne was screaming right along with me, our voices echoing off the bare walls and wooden frames of the unfinished homes around us.

And then we were done. I could only imagine how we might look to an outsider. A 16-year-old blonde babe, completely naked save for a Prom dress squished into a wide band that was more belt than dress at this point. She was bent over the hood of a cherry red Mustang, her massive tits pressed to the hot metal while a young man, fully dressed in a tuxedo, had his cock embedded in her ass, his pants puddled around his ankles.

The situation was out of a wet dream. And if this was how Junior Prom went, I could only imagine how crazy Senior Prom might be.

Junior Prom was most likely the high point of my relationship with Adrienne. That's not to say it was all downhill from there, far from it. But while there were peaks ahead, intensity like Prom can't last forever.

The immediate drop-off in my relationship with Adrienne came with her period. Now the last time she had her period, my girlfriend had still been perfectly willing to give me blowjobs and she even got her own orgasms during anal sex. But this particular period was announced first by some really evil PMS and then later by wicked cramping.

It started when I casually slipped my hand onto Adrienne's ass as we were leaving school. She batted my hand away and barked at me, "Is that ALL you think about?"

Immediately I was apologetic, but my girlfriend already started off on a PMS- induced tirade in which she complained that I was distracting her away from her studies and how her GPA had been dropping ever since she started dating me.

I offered to help her study but she rolled her eyes and air quoted, "Translation: Ben want to fuck even more."

"No, I really mean 'study'," I insisted.

But she wasn't buying it and proceeded to verbally bite my head off. I quickly learned to just shut up and take it until she ran out of steam. And then Brooke, who had been hanging back, finally approached and asked if we were going home.

I kissed my girlfriend on the cheek, drove home, and wound up doing a puzzle with Brooke after we finished our homework.

I didn't DARE to go over to Adrienne's house.

The next day, she apologized profusely, but didn't invite me to her place. And by the end of the week, she was bitching about cramps and I didn't dare to bring up even the concept of sex.

And then came Friday.

I was in front of my locker in between periods when someone behind me said, "Hey, Ben," in a sultry voice.

I turned and saw a beautiful bottle-blonde with curly hair and tits that were not only on display in her scoop-neck halter, but were actually pushing upwards above the fabric of her top, forming two spherical mounds as if there were cantaloupes in her bra. Her dark eyes were nicely accented by heavy makeup, giving her the sensual, alluring quality of a porn star. I recognized her but had never personally talked to the girl. But I smiled at her sloping cleavage and replied, "Hey, Donna."

Donna Kincaid was one of the recognized sluts of the school. She wasn't a cheerleader or a prissy snob or even a stoner. She just loved sex and everybody knew about it. Now I'd gotten around a bit in the last year, but everyone knew she'd gotten around even more. Her known "hit list" was pretty extensive.

Personally, I knew Drew Walker and Adrienne's ex Robbie Pederson were on her list of conquests. And as Donna slid up to me, I got the distinct impression that I was her next target. And since I hadn't gotten laid since Monday, the idea wasn't exactly repulsive to me.

"How you doin'?" she asked me casually while fluttering her eyes at me and jutting out her hips. She also did this leaning thing which put her cleavage on further display without seeming to slouch or otherwise lower her height.

"Uh, I'm good, I'm good," I nodded agreeably while ogling what was being offered.

"And how are things going with Adrienne?" she asked sweetly.

My frown was instinctive, giving away my mood before I recovered and smiled. "Fine, just fine."

"That bad, huh?" Donna's eyebrows went up as she sighed sympathetically. "Problems in paradise? The honeymoon phase over?"

I arched an eyebrow. "Uh, I don't think that's any of your business, Donna."

She shrugged. "Couldn't help but notice you've been dragging your feet the past couple of days, Ben."

"And why would you notice a guy like me dragging his feet, Donna?"

Her smile turned from sympathetic to predatory. "Because a guy like you has quite the reputation around school, Ben. Word is you've rocked the world of more than your fair share of girls this year. Supposedly even little Lynne Arian raves about your beautiful cock. Can't blame a girl for being curious."

Donna then took a step forward. "And word is there's more than one girl just waiting for you to become available so they can find out if the rumors are true."

Holding Donna's gaze steady, I asked, "And are you one of them?"

Donna's grin bared her teeth. "I'm not one to wait until you become available."

True enough. She'd stolen Robbie Pederson before he'd broken up with Adrienne and she'd banged Drew Walker several times while he was dating Cassidy. But I stayed firm in my love for my girlfriend. "I'm not cheating on Adrienne, Donna."

She shrugged, still smiling as she turned her profile to me. "Not like you haven't done it before, Ben."

"Not on Adrienne," I said gruffly, already getting turned off by the conversational direction. "Some people learn from past mistakes."

Sighing, the sexy blonde tilted her head. "Your loss. I won't be around much longer," she stated, referring to her impending graduation. But then Donna quickly stepped into me, pressing her chest into mine and putting her face right next to my ear. "But if the urge ever strikes you, Ben," she husked while fondling my ass. "Call me ... anytime."

I felt warm lips pressing to my cheek while I felt a piece of paper sliding into my back pocket. And then a gruff "Ahem" got both our attentions.

Adrienne was standing not three feet away, arms crossed over her prodigious bosom. Her expression was NOT one of amusement.

Donna quickly released her arms from around me and stepped back. She smiled sweetly at my girlfriend and in greeting, said, "Adrienne!"

"Donna..." Adrienne growled threateningly. My girlfriend was still cramping and looked ready to take the older blonde's head off.

"See ya around, Ben," Donna said in a sing-song voice, and then she skipped off, leaving me alone with one steaming girlfriend.

"Nothing happened, Adrienne," I said reassuringly.

"Uh-huh," my girlfriend grunted, clearly not believing me. Then she reached forward and scraped her fingers along my cheek, holding up the red stain of lipstick that now dotted her fingertips.

I squirmed and started to explain but Adrienne just held up a hand to shush me. "Don't want to hear it. Just get to class," she barked.

"Yes'm," I bent my head and then scurried away.

This week SUCKED.

I was heading for the parking lot after the last class of the week, cranky and eager to get home.

"You okay, Ben?"

I glanced to the side to see Cassidy fall into step beside me, pulling her headphones down around her neck and thumbing her CD player off.

"Trouble in paradise?" the redhead asked.

I frowned. "Why does everyone keep saying that?"

She giggled and shook her head. "Sorry. You just look like you're having girlfriend problems. You had the same look on your face whenever Megan got mad at you."

"It's nothing. Really." The last thing I wanted to do was explain how my girlfriend was PMSing and cramping and it was fucking up my sex life.

"Okay, okay," Cassidy help up her hands. "But you want some advice?"

I looked hopefully at Cassidy. ANYTHING to stop the torture. "Sure."

"Just give her a little space," Cassidy reasoned. "From what I've seen of Adrienne, she's got some girl thing going on, like her body is not cooperating with her or something. Is she on her period?"

I arched an eyebrow. "Yeah. You can tell?"

"Happens to all of us," Cassidy shrugged. "Nothing you can do. Another girl might be able to help keep her calm, but since guys don't bleed, you'll never understand. So just back off and wait. The cramps can't last forever. And Adrienne loves you, Ben. She'll come around."

"Do I have to?" I frowned. I didn't WANT to wait. I wanted to get LAID, and I still felt the crinkle of that piece of paper in my back pocket, the one with Donna Kincaid's phone number on it. But I wasn't so desperate that I'd go looking to cheat.

Cassidy just giggled at the look on my face. "What? Mr. Stud-muffin Ben has never gone this long without getting laid?"

I rolled my eyes.

She laughed some more and patted me on the back. "Suck it up, big boy. She'll come around."

I sighed and nodded. "Thanks, Freckles."

"No problem."

Just then, Adrienne came walking up with Brooke in tow, Brooke's acolytes Erin Roberts and Jennifer Vo following the pair. They were chatting comfortably, but Adrienne stiffened when she saw I was with Cassidy.

"See ya later, Ben," Cassidy touched my elbow and then walked away.

Still in her foul mood, Adrienne walked up, leaned forward menacingly, and coldly glared at me. "What did SHE want?"

"Whoa, whoa." I held my hands up. "Cassidy's my friend. And actually, she told me to just give you some space. That you love me and if I just let you get through this everything will be alright in the end."

"Oh," Adrienne stood up straight, chagrined. "Okay. I'm sorry Ben. It's the cramps. I'm not usually this twitchy."

I managed a weak smile. "It's okay. I love you."

She smiled and leaned in to hug me. "Love ya too, Ben."

Giggling, Brooke jumped in a hugged me too. "Love you too, big bro!"

I groaned in embarrassment. Seriously, how many teenage boys want their little sisters announcing 'I love you' in front of the whole school?

But Adrienne just laughed and let me go. "I'll make it up to you, Ben," she promised.

"You're going down, Ben," Kenny glared, turning his back to me with one shoulder threateningly aimed back at my face.

I growled and crouched, readying myself for his attack. I hadn't gotten laid in almost a week, not even blowjobs, and I had some extra aggression to burn off.

It came without warning, Kenny spinning his body in the opposite direction while his left elbow came whistling past, forcing me to instinctively back away just enough to let him dribble by and give him a clear path into the lane. Daniel shouted a warning to Kaito, but it was too late. Kenny smirked, knowing he had beaten me...

... but I wasn't out of it yet. I grunted and darted after him, and just as Kenny rose up to toss in an easy layup, I leaped above him and swatted the ball, sending it flying away at a right angle to its intended path.

"Boo-yah!" I crowed, pumping my fist while Kenny slumped and sighed.

"Not bad!" a new voice called out from the direction of the ball. We all looked over to see Drew Walker and some of his Varsity B-ball teammates walking up, dressed to play in baggy shorts and sleeveless shirts. I glanced at Daniel and arched an eyebrow before returning my gaze to Drew, who was dribbling our ball as he approached.

There was an easy smile on Drew's face and he gave me the usual bro's head nod. "What's up, Ben? You guys got room for a few more players? Our usual court is doing city maintenance or some crap."

I glanced around. We had six on this Saturday and had been playing 3-on-3 halfcourt. Sung looked surprised Drew was even talking to me. Daniel had his chin up confidently.

"C'mon, we've got four, you got six," Drew dribbled and pointed to us. "I'd say that's tailor-made for 5-on-5, wouldn't you?"

I nodded, "You guys might be a little out of our league." Daniel and Kenny were both under 5'8". The shortest of them was 5'10" and I knew they all had ball skills.

"No problem. We'll split up. Whaddaya say? Games to 11 by ones and twos? Full court?" While Drew had all of his usual swagger, the sneer wasn't on his face and the guy genuinely seemed like he wanted to ball with us.

Daniel was grinning and I shrugged. "Let's do it."

Drew Walker ... playing basketball with me. I still remembered the day he'd body- checked me into the lockers. Life certainly had changed.

Of course, my team was up point-8 when Drew elbowed me in the ribs, causing me to hit the asphalt rather painfully, and this time there was no one to stop him as he drove the lane and actually dunked the ball.

He did come back to help me to my feet, grinning the whole while. I guess some guys are STILL rat bastards even when they're trying to be friendly.

"Making some new friends now, are we?" Adrienne grinned as she slipped her hand into mine on Monday. Her mood had much improved since the previous week.

I turned, smiled, and leaned forward so that we could give each other welcoming "hello" pecks. Then I arched my eyebrow as we started walking again, heading for the lunch line. "New friends?"

"Drew. Word is you guys were playing basketball together Saturday," Adrienne explained.

I rubbed my sore ribs where he'd checked me. "Yeah. How'd you know?"

Adrienne gave me a mysterious smile. "I see everything Ben. Didn't you know that?"

I feigned panicking and darted my head around as if I'd just gotten caught doing something naughty, to which Adrienne started giggling. And then she caught movement off to her left side and started grinning widely.

I saw the change in her expression and arched an eyebrow at her. "What?"

She giggled a bit more and said, "Well, uh, I've got a little surprise for you this afternoon. Think you can swing by my house after school?"

I smiled and nodded. Adrienne was certainly still on her period, but there was a big tube of KY Jelly at her place with my name on it.

Just as I started to fantasize about sodomizing my willing girlfriend, I felt a new hand sliding into mine from the left side and turned just in time to see Mizuho Nishioka beaming at me. "Hi, Ben," she leered, obvious desire in her eyes.

"Uh, hey Mizu," I stammered before glancing back at Adrienne with an interrogatory expression on my face. But my girlfriend just grinned enigmatically at me.

Mizuho just leaned in and husked right into my face, "Adrienne said you two were looking to add a little spice to your relationship."

"We were?" I asked in confusion. I hadn't been aware of any such conversation.

"So, how spicy do you want me this afternoon, Tiger?" Mizuho drawled, her mouth gaping open for an extra second as she panted in a way that made my heart flutter. Her use of Adrienne's pet name for me was just icing on the cake.

My eyes went wide as I looked to Adrienne for confirmation. She just smiled wickedly, and thoughts of threesomes started percolating in my brain.

Did I mention I LOVED Mondays?

On Tuesday I was strutting down the hallway towards Adrienne's locker. The previous afternoon had been incredible and I wanted to thank my girlfriend for a truly memorable three-way romp. I hadn't been able to screw her pussy, but we'd found many (many) other ways of finding pleasure.

Along the way, I passed Mizuho gabbing with a few of her friends and the perky Asian cheerleader took one look at me and grinned. Then she tilted her head towards me while muttering something, and then as one, four other girls rotated their heads to look at me with evaluative expressions on their faces. Mizuho topped it off by miming how much her buttcheeks hurt.

But unfortunately, I didn't find Adrienne by her locker or at her usual morning hang-out spot. Perhaps she was elsewhere on the campus or even looking for me. I shrugged. I'd meet her for lunch at the very least. And so I headed off for my first class, lest I be late.

I turned the corner just in time to see Jake Harbor walking at an angle to me, and instinctively I shrunk back. He hadn't bothered me at all since getting suspended a day for punching me, but I still preferred to avoid him whenever possible. I just felt awkward around the guy knowing I was banging his ex-girlfriend.

But then to my surprise, I saw Adrienne bounce out of the nearest hallway, toss her hair, and sidle up next to Jake. She did her hip bump thing with him, which made the handsome football star grin at the gorgeous blonde and then the two happily chatted as they cruised along.

My eyebrows furrowed and all the pleasant feelings I'd had for Adrienne disappeared in a green tidal wave. What the fuck was Adrienne doing giggling and flirting with Jake Harbor?

Just then, the bell rang. Adrienne and Jake were heading down one corridor while I had to turn to get to my class. Steaming inside, I growled to myself and then turned.

It was probably nothing, right?

I was a little surly during lunch. Everyone else at the table chatted happily, but I just shoved my food around. Adrienne made exactly two attempts to draw me into the conversation before giving up, choosing to be a social butterfly with her friends. After all, both of my responses had been gruff one-word answers.

I was in a slightly better mood by the time the last bell rang. Adrienne had been at the very tail end of her period yesterday and by pure math, she should be in the clear by today. There were no cheerleader practices or afternoon games to attend, so I was looking forward to a little one-on-one time with my girlfriend. Yeah, we'd had the threesome with Mizuho yesterday, but I wanted a chance to be alone with Adrienne for a couple of hours.

Unfortunately, when I met up with her at our usual meeting place, Adrienne begged off. "I'm sorry, Ben. But I've got this thing I've got to go to, okay? Tomorrow. We'll hook up tomorrow."

I sighed. "Tomorrow there's a game, remember?"

"Oh yeah. Well maybe Thursday. C'mon Ben. I'll make it up to you. And I KNOW you liked how I made it up to you yesterday," she grinned.

I felt a twinge of annoyance in my gut. But I also felt a stirring in my cock at mention of what she and Mizuho had done to me yesterday. I sighed and glanced over as Brooke approached us. Then I turned back to my girlfriend and hugged her. "Okay. Love you."

She squeezed me briefly before letting go and then striding away. "Love ya too, Tiger. Oh, hey Brooke."

"Hi, Adrienne!" my little sister beamed as the taller, older girl winked and continued away.

I sighed and looked to Brooke, flipping my keys in my hands. "Let's go."

On Wednesday I found myself lying on my bed, feeling quite lonely.

My gorgeous girlfriend was off cheerleading for the basketball team, soaking up the attention of hundreds of guys ogling her bouncing boobs in her tight uniform. She was an attention-whore, she'd get horny, and who knew what she was capable of? Maybe she'd end up having a quickie in the locker room with the game's MVP?

I sighed. I should have gone to the game.

But I hadn't. And even at home I was being ignored. Brooke was off with friends since I was actually home to "babysit" the twins, who were old enough to not really need supervision. But even Eden and Emma weren't hanging out with me. They were holed up in their room working on some project together and barked at me to leave them alone when I asked if they wanted to play a game or something.

And so I sagged against my pillows, staring at the ceiling, feeling quite sorry for myself.

Then the phone rang.

I was in a daze and it took me a couple rings before I grabbed the receiver. "Hello?"

A very familiar voice sounded on the other end. "Ben?"

It took me a second to recognize her. Hearing someone in person is always a little different from on the phone, and I'd only rarely ever heard her on the phone. But once it hit me my lethargy evaporated and I was seized by a sudden burst of joy. There could be no more perfect time for her to call. "Dawn!"

I heard her smile. "Ben!" she cheered. "How are you?"

"I'm great now," I sighed happily. "What's up?" Phone calls between us were quite unusual. We had our own lives apart from each other most of the year. We were always best friends at camp and off doing our own thing the rest of the time, and in the six years we'd been apart there had been maybe five phone calls in total.

But then, in previous years, we hadn't had sex together nor fallen in love.

"I ... uh..." Dawn faltered for a second. "I can't explain it. I was doing my homework and for the past hour, I just couldn't stop thinking of you."

"You were trying to stop?" I chuckled.

"Ben..." Dawn groaned. "I'm serious. It was weird and I just felt like I had to call you. I can't talk long. You know my mom and flipping out over these seven cents a minute calls."

"I know. But it's still great to hear from you."

"You too, Ben," Dawn said sweetly. "So how are you Ben? How's that girlfriend of yours?"


"Is that her name? You never told me back at camp. Your whole 'no names, no identification' thing."

"Oh!" I shook my head even though she couldn't see it. "No. My girlfriend back then was someone else. We, uh, we broke up." I frowned at the memory of why Megan and I weren't together anymore. "Adrienne's my current girlfriend. She's doing okay."

"Oh, I see."

"How about you? Mark, wasn't it?"

"Broke up too," Dawn said glumly. "Long story. But otherwise, I'm doing pretty well!"

"That's great to hear," I smiled. But then I fumbled for something else to say. I was never a phone person. Some people can spend hours on the phone just chatting about nothing to their friends. Brooke, for example. But I'm not one of them. In person, sure, I can talk for hours. But being on a phone when I can't see them just feels so ... impersonal.

"So..." Dawn started. "You're doing alright? School, all that?"


"Well, I don't want to keep you from whatever," Dawn said, sensing that I wasn't 100% into the conversation. She seemed a little sad by that. "I'll let you go before this bill gets any higher."

"Dawn," I interrupted. "I ... I miss you, Dawn."

She went quiet for a second and sighed into the line. But when her voice came back it was infused with warmth and honey. "I miss you too, Ben. I can't wait for the summer."

I pictured my Dawn, radiant smile and beautiful face as she reclined in an inner tube while floating on the lake. She was an angel. "Me neither. Thank you so much for calling. You don't know what it means to me."

"Don't sweat it. It was really nice to hear your voice," she replied sweetly. "Bye, Ben."

"Bye, Dawn."

Thursday afternoon Adrienne and I finally tumbled into her bed together. She popped my fly and knelt on the carpet, cramming my dick into the back of her throat in one swift motion.

I hadn't gotten laid since Monday, and I hadn't been in Adrienne's pussy for well more than a week.

She made it up to me.

Saturday, I played b-ball with the guys, although this time Drew and his gang stayed at whatever court they usually played at.

My afternoon was blissfully free of chores or house projects, and I called Adrienne's new cell phone hoping we could get together for a little while. Maybe go for a drive somewhere since her dad was home being a couch potato.

But she was out with her girlfriends, doing some shopping and other girly things. She blew me a kiss into the phone and promised we'd hook up on Monday. And then she was gone.

I sighed and settled in around the house. Eden and Emma wanted me to teach them poker and blackjack with fake chips anyways.

Monday was a good day. I did love Mondays. Adrienne and I screwed each other silly and we even spent a good hour just chatting about our weekends. Still, I couldn't help but notice how she would check the clock every now and again. She wasn't obvious about it and my girlfriend genuinely enjoyed the conversation. But I couldn't help shake the feeling that her focus on me just wasn't as intense as it used to be.

Tuesday morning I went to find my girlfriend again. And for the second week in a row, I came down the hallway just in time to see her bump into Jake Harbor, flirt, hip-check him, and giggle as they walked off together.

My ears burned and I felt green anger once again, but tamped down on it. Clearly, I was Adrienne's boyfriend. We sat together at lunch, snuck kisses in the corridors, and she'd fucked me very well the previous afternoon, even taking one of my loads right in her face where it splattered into her hair and dripped down onto her glorious tits.

She and Jake probably had the same first period. It made sense for the two of them to walk to class together. And I could dismiss the flirting. Adrienne flirted with EVERYBODY. And besides, class started in less than five minutes. It's not like they had the time or privacy to do anything naughty.

If I could hang out and chat with Cassidy without anything happening, surely Adrienne could hang out and chat with her ex-boyfriend.

It was probably nothing ... right?

"You up for an encore today, babe?"

Adrienne giggled and removed my hand from her ass. "Settle down, Tiger. And sorry, I can't."

I looked at her expectantly for further details, but none were forthcoming. I sighed and asked, "When?"

"Boys! Is THAT all you think about?"

"Yes," I grinned. "With a body like yours, babe, how could I NOT?"

Adrienne beamed and posed, emphasizing her assets. And then she threw her arms around me and planted a nuclear kiss on my lips. I felt my knees wobbling from her intensity.

"There!" the gorgeous blonde exclaimed when she pulled off me. "That oughta hold you for another few days."

"Yeah, right," I growled and pulled Adrienne's pelvis against the erection bulging through my jeans. "You just made me want you even more." My eyes were boring forcefully into her soul.

Adrienne gasped and then smiled, defusing my passion with a ticklish peck to the nose. "Really, Ben. I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow!"

And with that, my girlfriend spun and headed off. Not three feet away was Cassidy, holding her books and walking directly for us.

"Oh, hey," Adrienne greeted in surprise.

"Hi, Adrienne," Cassidy replied cordially, if not warmly.

Adrienne paused to look back at me for a second, and then shrugging the hot blonde teen continued away, leaving me alone with my redhead ex-girlfriend.

"Hi, Ben," Cassidy's voice now became warm. Her expression was focused in on me, letting me know this wasn't just a casual greeting in passing.

"Hi. What's up?" I asked.

The cute girl fidgeted for a minute before screwing up her face and deciding to just spit out her question. "Ben, I, uh, was wondering if you're busy Saturday night?"

I arched an eyebrow. "Are you asking me out?"

"Well no, not exactly. That came out wrong," she stammered. "See, my parents are dragging me to this wedding up in Malibu. Normally they'd just go themselves, but the bride is a cousin and they're insisting I go because the groom is one of their important business partners. There's really very few people my age and I'd be all alone and well, there's this creepy coworker who's always trying to touch me and I figured, well, if I have a date then he could help shield me away from the guy, and also keep all the other drunken letches from hitting on me and I immediately thought of you, Ben, because-"

"Okay. I'll do it."

Cassidy blinked three times rapidly, partially looking like she would just continue rambling on. But she got her bearings and stood up straight. "Really?"

"Sure thing." I smiled warmly. "You really thought of me?"

"Yeah," Cassidy smiled weakly. "Whenever I think of having a boy beside me, it's always you."

I frowned and looked pained for a second. She still would have me beside her if I hadn't gone and screwed it all up. And as she thought about it as well, Cassidy started to look saddened and on instinct, I moved forward and hugged her.

Neither of us spoke for a good minute. But then Brooke arrived, took one look at us, and arched her eyebrow.

Embarrassed, I jerked back and let go of Cassidy, who looked at me with surprise at my abrupt release and then whipped her head around in alarm. She looked rather relieved that it was just my sister.

"So Saturday. What time?" I asked Cassidy.

"Why don't you come over at six? Full suit. You sure Adrienne won't mind?"

"Nah," I waved. "She's been pretty busy lately. It's no big deal."

"Okay," Cassidy beamed. "See you Saturday!"

My girlfriend actually took the news without concern. "Saturday?" Adrienne asked.

"Yeah. We're just friends and she needed a date." And then I added for reassurance, "We're not going solo or anything. Her parents are driving us up and back."

Adrienne actually smiled. "It's kinda cool that you can still be friends with Cassidy even after everything that's gone down."

"So it doesn't bother you?"

Adrienne shrugged. "Actually, it makes me feel less guilty for stealing you. Like I haven't totally ruined their lives." And then the stunning blonde smiled beautifully and rubbed her tits into my chest while wrapping her arms around my neck. "Besides, I can't worry as long as you've still got the hots for me."

"Oh, definitely," I grinned. And then I leaned in to get one of my gorgeous girlfriend's nuclear kisses.

Cassidy's parents never knew she and I had been dating. In fact, I was pretty sure they thought their daughter was still a virgin. So when I arrived on Saturday evening to be her escort, I got the usual parent-boy grilling.

It wasn't too bad. Cassidy explained that we were just friends and she even said, "Relax Dad. Ben's girlfriend Adrienne is like the hottest girl in school. He's just coming to keep me company."

"Don't say that, sweetie," Mr. O'Leary said warmly. "Your mother and I know you're the prettiest girl at that school."

Cassidy blushed easily, her fine white skin turning red at the drop of a hat. And she was quite pretty. Her makeup was just right, her coppery hair done up, and her dress was quite flattering, the strapless design allowing a wide expanse of creamy skin across her chest.

Cassidy was quite beautiful this evening, even with the red blush. And she blushed even deeper when her mother reminded her to "leave the CD player at home." And then we were off.

The Malibu wedding was gorgeous. The multi-million dollar house was perched on a bluff overlooking the ocean. The backyard was decorated to the nines. And the bride was stunningly gorgeous, especially since she was in her mid-twenties and had enough silicone to re-float the Titanic. Her 50-year-old husband couldn't be happier.

True to form, one of the groomsmen was constantly trying to chat with Cassidy even though she made it quite clear she wanted nothing to do with the old letch. I spent half the evening just physically interposing myself between him and my date.

But the rest of the time, us two teenagers just hung back and admired all the expensive decorations, making witty and sarcastic comments to ourselves about golddiggers, plastic surgery, and the recent development of Viagra making these kind of marriages possible.

All in all, it was a nice evening. I hadn't talked like that with Cassidy in forever and on the drive home, she fell asleep on my shoulder while I reflexively cradled her in my arm. It was a nostalgically wonderful feeling.

When we arrived, the O'Leary's made themselves scarce, although not without exchanging little winks at each other. I think they figured out Cassidy had girly feelings for me. And just before I left, while I was hugging my friend goodbye, Cassidy tilted her head to mine and planted a soft, tender kiss on my lips.

It felt good. It felt really, really good.

Cassidy had a unique flavor. All girls did. And kissing her brought back a rush of so many happy memories. The memories were often intertwined with Megan as well, which brought back even more nostalgia, and for a few minutes, I was transported back in time. Back when Cassidy was my girlfriend. Back before I'd screwed things up by cheating. Back when I was in love with two girls at the same time, and when both of them loved me back almost as much as they loved each other as best friends.

When it was over, Cassidy blushed and looked down, softly apologizing, "Sorry..."

I blinked a few times and kept on holding her in my arms. My tongue dragged across my lips where the cute redhead had been so intimately touching me just moments before. And for a moment, I was tempted to just drag her to my car, find a quiet spot, and make sweet and tender love to this beautiful young woman.

But I didn't. Instead, I replied softly, "It's okay." And then taking a deep breath, I looked my ex-girlfriend in her bright green eyes and smiled. "I'll see you Monday."

"Okay," she smiled back. "Bye, Ben."

"Bye, Freckles."

I love Mondays. Have I mentioned that?

Monday got off to a great start simply because I woke up and felt energized knowing it was a Monday. It was also April 30, which meant that May was up next, with June just around the corner. School would be over soon. I was feeling happy this day and I even got into Brooke's hyper-chatter on the drive to school.

Monday got even better when I got to school and met up with Adrienne. We hadn't been together since a backseat romp on Friday night and my gorgeous, busty, nymphomaniacal girlfriend met me with a nuclear kiss.

We had ten minutes before class started, and excusing ourselves from our friends, Adrienne pulled me apart from the crowd and then husked in my ear. "I need you now, Ben."

My eyebrows went up as my heartbeat accelerated. "What, now?" I hissed.

"Now. C'mon, there shouldn't be anyone in the Chem Lab." She started tugging me along, her eyes bright gold.

"The Chem Lab? Are you crazy?" I hissed again while my girlfriend dragged me along.

"Crazy about you, Ben!" Adrienne giggled.

I looked around at the throng of people surrounding us and as we turned a corner, I saw the door to the Chem Lab. There were a few dozen people milling around just outside of it. And since the doors only locked with a key, if the thing was open, we wouldn't be able to lock ourselves inside. "Adrienne, we can't! There're too many people!" I protested.

"Don't worry!" she insisted.

"All those kids are gonna see us go inside. You KNOW at least one of them is gonna open up the door and peek. Can't you wait until this afternoon?"

"No, I can't," she moaned. "I've got this thing this afternoon."

Disappointment was evident on my face. This was MONDAY. MY MONDAY. My eyebrows furrowed. "Where do you keep GOING these afternoons?" I asked in disbelief.

She fidgeted. "It's personal, okay? Just let it go. C'mon, let's find somewhere else."

I sighed and looked at my watch. We'd already burned four minutes. "No time." Not to mention my libido had taken a big hit and I wasn't going to get hard fast enough to finish.

Adrienne huffed and frowned. "Dammit." She exhaled and then leaned forward to kiss me. "Okay, see you at lunch."


Donna Kincaid arrived at my locker at the end of the day. With no nooky to look forward to, I was in a bad mood at the collapse of my Monday and I growled and looked away as the busty bottle-blonde moved herself into my personal space. "You haven't called me, Ben," she pouted.

I sighed. "You knew I wouldn't."

"C'mon, Ben. You have something better to do this afternoon?" She pursed her lips and pouted again. She wrapped her arms around her waist and lifted, elevating her cleavage while pushing her tits together for maximum effect.

I rolled my eyes. I'd PLANNED on something better. But Adrienne was ... busy ... or whatever. I realized that I still had no idea what she was doing these random afternoons.

"Looks like you don't," Donna caught onto my train of thought. "So why don't you let me entertain you?" Her tongue trailed out and her jaw dropped, giving me just a teasing hint of what the hot blonde would look like with her mouth wrapped around my dick.

I sighed and shook the image out of my head. "I told you, Donna. I'm not cheating."

"C'mon, Ben ... It's not cheating. I'm not trying to be your girlfriend or anything. It's just sex." Donna's smile oozed sensuality and I had to admit, she used a perfect choice of words. I'd made the same rationalization to myself many times with Keira, Dawn, Dayna, and Brandi. It's not really cheating, is it?

But then all of those girls were outside this school. Donna was a student here. Adrienne knew her. To sleep with Donna would be no different than me screwing Adrienne while I was dating Megan and Cassidy.

"It would be cheating, Donna," I insisted. "And I'm not gonna do it."

She shook her head. "Why not? What? You don't think Adrienne's stepping out on you? She's been awfully chummy with Jake, don't you think?"

My eyes dropped to slits and Donna knew she'd hit a nerve.

"Don't take it personal." Donna's voice became syrupy honey. "She's still your girlfriend. There's a difference between love and sex, Ben. I'm only asking for the sex part. Really, Adrienne wouldn't mind. It's just the way we've always done things."

"It's not the way Adrienne and I do things," I growled. "I'm staying loyal. And so will she." I pushed past the slutty blonde and stalked away.

"Believe what you want, Ben," Donna called after me. "Adrienne's done it before and you can't change a girl overnight."

No way. I knew Adrienne loved me. I loved her. I'd learned from my mistake in cheating on Megan and Cassidy. I wouldn't make the mistake again. And Adrienne HAD changed. She'd always dated jocks and bad boys before. She'd never gotten emotionally invested in them. But I was different. She really CARED about me. And she wouldn't mess that up with any flings on the side.

I had to find her. I had to talk to her just to reassure myself that we were as strong a couple as I believed. So instead of heading for the parking lot, I backtracked to Adrienne's usual hangout spot with the other cheerleaders.

Lo and behold, Elyse Laughton was the first person I saw as I came upon the cheerleaders. Steam was coming out of my ears as I rapid-marched amongst them and the gorgeous, raven-haired Senior looked at me appraisingly. "Can I help you?" she asked in a snooty voice.

I ignored her and glanced to Candy, who was chatting with Summer and Mizuho. "Have you guys seen Adrienne?" I practically shouted.

Candy's jaw dropped at the tone of my voice and she nervously glanced at her friends. But before she could respond, Elyse glided in and smiled sweetly. "Why of course, she's just over there."

Elyse pointed and I turned my head around to follow, and now it was my turn for my jaw to drop. Adrienne was giggling and standing in front of Jake while he milled around with some of his football buddies. And mid-laugh Adrienne patted the big guy on his chest, pausing to rub the hardened muscle beneath his shirt.

"Awfully chummy with her ex-boyfriend, wouldn't you say?" Elyse leaned in and husked into my ear.

I felt my heart thud somewhere into the pit of my stomach. And without another word, I turned away and practically ran for the parking lot.

I locked myself in my bedroom, veritably steaming. Brooke had picked up on my mood and was silent for the drive home. Eden and Emma took one look at me and stayed clear. I couldn't blame them. I was radiating 'get the fuck away from me' signals.

I fought not to blink. Every time my eyes closed I started picturing what position Adrienne was in while Jake fucked her. MY girlfriend. With HIS hands on her glorious tits. FUCK!

I was gripping a pillow, tensing my hands tighter and tighter as I wanted to rip the thing apart. And just as I was about to bite down on the offending piece of fluff, the phone rang.

Glaring at the electronic device, I let it ring twice more before I snatched the receiver up and gruffly answered, "WHAT?"

"Uh, Ben?" Cassidy's burbled through nervously, no doubt taken aback by the vehemence in my voice.

"Oh, Cassidy, sorry," I sighed and grimaced.

"Are you okay?" She asked with real concern.

"No, not really," I grumbled.

"Oh, uh, okay." She paused on the other end of the line, clearly gathering herself. "This can wait. I'll talk to you later."

"No, no," I interrupted and let out a long exhalation.

"No really," Cassidy insisted. "I don't want to-"

"Cassidy," I growled, emphasizing her name. "What is it?"

"Well, uh, uh..." She stalled. The normally bubbly and talkative girl was clearly hesitant, even though she'd initiated the call, and I started to feel my own concern for her melting through my annoyance with Adrienne.

I sighed. "You okay, Freckles?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I was just wondering ... I mean, I wanted to talk to you ... And uh, there was something I wanted to show you."


Cassidy was apologetic. "Like I said, it's no big deal. It can wait. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"No, it's okay," I exhaled. Anything to take my mind off of Adrienne. "You want me to come over?"

"Uh, uh ... okay ... Place is kind of a mess."

I chuckled. "You think I care? I'll be right over."

"Okay. See you soon." Cassidy sounded simultaneously pleased and freaked that I was coming over. Oh, well, I'd figure it out when I arrived.

"Hi, Ben."

"Hi, Freckles," I said as I stepped into her house. Cassidy gave me a nervous smile and backed away, leading me into the living room. She was in her usual T- shirt and jeans, although I did notice the jiggle of her breasts to indicate that she was braless beneath the thin cotton.

"You want something to drink?" she asked.

"Uh, Sprite?" I said distractedly. My mind was still on my girlfriend and her ex- boyfriend.

"Sure." Cassidy disappeared.

I flopped onto the couch and then let my head loll back until I was staring at the ceiling. It was nothing. Adrienne and Jake were nothing. She was just a flirt and he was a cute guy. Period. She'd even told me the guy was no good in bed and she'd specifically dumped him to date me. I had nothing to worry about...

... so why couldn't I stop thinking about it?

I finally did stop thinking about it when Cassidy returned with two Sprites and a packet of photos. She handed me the drink and then shrugged, holding up the thick, oblong envelope. "This is, uh, what I wanted to show you. It really wasn't any rush."

"Don't worry about it," I reassured her. "It was a good excuse to come hang out with you. I haven't spent nearly as much time with you as I want to."

Cassidy visibly brightened at that. "Really?"

"Really. You were one of my best friends, Freckles, before I went and fucked it all up," I finished bitterly.

She put her hand over mine. "Stop beating yourself up, Ben. I told you, I get it. I wasn't happy with it, but I get it. Adrienne's smokin' hot."

I shrugged. "Maybe. But even now, I feel like I know you better." I sighed and shook my head, trying to force images of Adrienne and Jake out of my brain. "Right now, I wish I'd never touched her. Then I wouldn't be in this mess right now."

"Mess?" Cassidy asked.

"Nothing. I'm sure it's nothing," I dismissed her with a wave.

"If you say so," Cassidy nodded and then managed to smile as she plopped down onto the couch beside me. And then with obvious enthusiasm, she opened up the envelope and handed me a stack of photos taken from the recent Malibu wedding.

"Do you realize that was our first date, Ben?"

I arched an eyebrow. "Uh, we went on a LOT of dates, Freckles."

"Not without Megan. And certainly nothing with suits and dresses. I was kind of looking forward to going to Prom with you, but then ... well..." she trailed off and I grimaced, knowing I'd ruined that particular dream.

"Speaking of which," I piped up, trying to change the subject. "How are things with Derek Rigby?"

Cassidy snorted. "Nah, not my type. No chemistry there." The cute redhead giggled and then leaned into my shoulder. "Not like you and me."

I grinned as I felt the warmth of a young woman pressing her shoulder into mine, and then we looked at the photos. They were out of sequence, but Cassidy had certainly gone out of her way to collect pictures of just the two of us, whether solo or together. One shot was me in a Hercules pose with the ocean as a backdrop. One was the two of us sitting at the banquet table together. And another was Cassidy looking radiantly beautiful amongst a flower bed. "You were gorgeous on Saturday, Cass," I murmured.

The cute redhead turned and hit my shoulder. "What, I'm not pretty now?"

I smiled and looked at her, my eyes obviously dropping up and down her body. "Well, you have to admit, the dress does show off your cleavage much better than this ratty T-shirt."

"Hey! This T-shirt is quite comfortable!"

"If you say so," I grinned. "You seem cold. Or am I wrong in that your nipples are showing?"

Cassidy gasped and covered her tits with her hands, where her nipples were indeed poking out the fabric. And then she grinned and just dropped her hands. "What the hell. Like you haven't seen way more than this already."

"True. But maybe you should take off the T-shirt just to refresh my memory," I leered.

Cassidy slapped my shoulder again. And presently I came to a photo of the two of us standing beneath the wedding archway, posing as if WE were the ones getting married.

"Mmmm..." Cassidy swooned and sighed happily as she looked at the picture. It really was gorgeous, with the ocean backdrop and intricate flower arrangement along the white wooden latticework. In the photo, we made a cute couple, and we lingered on that picture for quite some time while Cassidy laid her head on my shoulder and just stared at it. I had no idea what she was thinking, but I knew the idea of being married to Cassidy was running through my head. And it wasn't an unpleasant thought.

Still with half her body pressed up against me, Cassidy then turned her face to mine. And as I stared into her bright green eyes, she dropped her eyelids shut and planted a soft, tender kiss on my lips.

It felt good. It felt really, really good.

I found myself returning the kiss, massaging her lips with my own until I pushed my tongue forward, piercing her mouth and adding it to our oral play. Cassidy moaned and wrapped her arms behind my head, pulling me tighter against her.

And then I thought of Adrienne. I thought of my girlfriend. I thought of all my reminders to myself that I had learned from my mistake about cheating. I pulled away, leaving Cassidy panting and staring up at me. My eyes searched hers and then I asked softly, "Cassidy, what are we doing?"

She smiled dreamily and replied, "Just acting on how we feel." And then she pulled me to her for another kiss.

That one continued on for a long minute. Our tongue battle got heavier and heavier until Cassidy just reached down and ripped her T-shirt over her head, baring her naked torso to me and showing off those nice tits I remembered so fondly. So maybe they weren't E-cups like Adrienne's, but they were plenty big and round on a 16-year-old's slender frame. And my hands went to maul them while I once again attacked Cassidy's mouth.

But that only lasted another minute before I pulled away and winced. "I shouldn't. It's wrong."

Cassidy sighed and nodded, breathing heavily and trapping my hand against her naked breast with both of her hands. "Then we won't go that far. I just want whatever you'll give me Ben. I'll take anything you have to give." She rubbed my hand against her boob. And her eyes shone as she looked at me intensely, burning with an emerald fire.

And then I thought of Jake. I pictured him kneeling behind a naked Adrienne, staring at that perfect ass while he drilled his cock into my girlfriend from behind. I pictured his hands grasping her big, heavy tits as he pounded her. And I KNEW he was doing it to her RIGHT NOW.

It was Monday. It was MY Monday. It was MY time to be with Adrienne. But no! She said she had this "thing" to do. A "thing" she wouldn't tell me about. And she was flirting with Jake and touching his chest after school. Did she want to spend that time saying goodbye to me? Her boyfriend? No! She wanted to have her extra fucktoy on the side!

So why not me?

It was poetic. Adrienne was fucking her ex-boyfriend. Why shouldn't I fuck my ex- girlfriend? Fair was fair. And after all, didn't she seduce me into cheating on Cassidy in the first place? Cassidy DESERVED payback.

And besides. I WANTED to fuck Cassidy. So I asked, "Whatever I want to give you?"

The redhead nodded sincerely, her face just inches away from mine.

"I want to fuck you, Freckles," I growled and leaned in.

"Oh, gawd yes!" she gasped as her eyes went wide. Her lips trembled and then I was already ripping my own shirt over my head and attacking her face with my hands and my mouth.

"Ben!" Cassidy moaned in between lip-locks. "Ohhh. It's been so long!" Really, it had only been about a month and a half. But to a 16-year-old in love, that could be an eternity. She seemed energized by my willingness to be with her, and the cute redheaded teen suddenly became rather frantic in her desire to remove all our clothing and simultaneously get to the fucking as fast as possible.

But I wanted to do this in bed, in her bed. It was a place of fond memories, a place of many sexual encounters for us, both with and without Megan. Cassidy was still wearing her jeans, unbuttoned, when I scooped her into my arms and physically hoisted her up as I made a mad dash for her bedroom.

I knocked the wind out of Cassidy when I tossed her onto the bed. She was still gasping for breath when the giggles started as I yanked down her jeans and panties, revealing that natural red trimmed bush that hovered over a moist, pink pussy. Cassidy was scrabbling her arms out to me, begging me to mount her, but I couldn't resist kneeling beside the bed and diving my face in to taste my ex- girlfriend's sweet honey.

She was just like I remembered.

Her hips bucked up into my face the same way too. And running half on instinct and half on memory of what she liked, I proceeded to tongue-lash and finger- bang the cute teenage girl right up to an explosive orgasm.

"Oh, Ben! Ben! I'm cumming! Ben's making me cum! Aaaahhhh!"

I rode out her bucking hips without snapping my neck. And after her stomach spasms seemed to die down, I pried her thighs off of my ears and sat up to wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, grinning proudly at my handiwork. "Guess I still remember how to do that to you."

The dazed redhead couldn't focus her eyes on me, but she managed to reply, "You've gotten even better."

"I think you just missed me."

"You got that fucking right, mister." And finally Cassidy was able to focus her green gaze. Lasering her eyes right at me, she ordered, "Now get up here and fuck me."

"You still on the pill?" I asked with some concern as I undressed the rest of the way. Then I slid up onto the bed and moved her legs apart.

Cassidy pulled them even farther back, lewdly exposing her pussy. And then she replied. "Of course. I knew I'd have to fuck you again one day, Ben. I love you. Still love you."

I smiled and felt an upwelling of warmth in my heart. She still loved me. "And I still love you," I grinned. I'd known it was possible to have feelings for more than one girl. After all, I'd done it with Megan and Cassidy. And even when I broke their hearts, I never stopped how I felt about my ex-girlfriends.

Cassidy beamed and beckoned to me with open arms. "Make love to me, Ben."

I smiled and got into a push-up position over my prone ex-girlfriend. And as my cockhead found her vaginal lips and began to slide down, I dipped my head and kissed Cassidy at the same time.

My intention was to press my tongue into her mouth at the same time I hit bottom. But DAMN. I forgot she was this TIGHT. And in the end, we were french kissing long before our pubes met, the way having to be forced through repeated thrusts and withdrawals, gaining an extra inch of depth each time.

After five such pumps, I finally brought my pelvic bone up to Cassidy's, and together we found our old rhythms of love.

"Ohhh ... More Ben ... Gimme more..."

"So tight, Freckles! I'm fucking you ... Oh, so tight, baby. So good!"

"You like my tight pussy? You like that? Am I tight enough? Wanna keep thrusting into me?"

"Ungh!" I grunted and nearly came. Her vaginal walls squeezed down around me as if they had a mind of their own, coaxing my load out. But I didn't want to give it up just yet.

"More Ben!" Cassidy encouraged while she stroked my naked back. "Gimme more and cum in me. Let me feel you shooting inside me. I missed it so much, Ben. Fill me with your scalding jizz."

"Oh, Freckles!" I groaned with obvious arousal at her words. And my groan energized her even more as she wrapped her legs behind my ass and started tugging me even deeper into her.

"Fuck me, Ben! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck me! I'm cumming, Ben! Cum in me! Cum in ME!"

"Aaaarggh!" I roared as I felt my balls coiling, and instinct took over completely as I rammed my thick cock through Cassidy's tight tunnel repeatedly, hammering her smaller body with no mercy as I started off down the final path to orgasm.

And then I was there. My entire body tensed and then held, just for a split second. And then I burst, exploding outwards in a riot of passion and pleasure as I volleyed out several globs of cum deep into the very depths of Cassidy's womb, my sperm jetting out to begin their futile search for an egg that wasn't there.

But my sperm didn't care. I didn't care. And Cassidy certainly didn't care as she simply writhed and screamed and howled in my ear, thrilled to feel my cum jetting into her welcoming body. I hunched twice more, grunting and heaving as my prick spat out a few more globs of creamy spunk.

When we were done, I rolled off of Cassidy, amazed at the intensity of my orgasm. And together, we lay there panting at the ceiling and gradually cooling down from our orgasmic highs.

"You're incredible, Ben," Cassidy sighed. "The orgasms you give me are so fucking incredible."

"Thanks," I sighed. "You're pretty damn good yourself."

She giggled and rolled onto her side, propping her head up on one elbow. "You still have until 6:30?" she asked, referring to my usual "curfew" for dinner time.


"Good," Cassidy grinned and leaned over to lick our mingled fluids off my semi- hard cock. I already felt some fresh hardening at her soft touch, and as the cute redhead bent further down to swallow three inches into her mouth, I set my hand on her head and let myself float away on a cloud of bliss.

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