3.34% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Triple

章節 8: Chapter 8: Triple


I felt like quite the rock star when I walked over to our usual lunch table on Tuesday with both Megan and Cassidy hanging onto my arms. We had to let go of each other to sit down; but once settled, both girls went out of their way to kiss my cheeks before digging into their food.

"Oh. My. Gawd." Abigail Sanders' jaw dropped when it finally hit her. Two seconds later Allison Sanders repeated it as if there was an echo and suddenly there were two young brunettes staring at the three of us and completely ignoring their food. This of course got the attention of our other friends.

When Kenny Doyle arrived, he soon realized that Cassidy was in his usual seat instead of sitting next to Megan. He went through his usual trying-to-be-funny flirting but Cassidy just giggled and wrapped herself around my right arm.

"Dude!" Kenny drawled when he saw my smug grin and figured it out for himself.

By then, we had the attention of half the table and in perfect coordination, both Megan and Cassidy leaned into me and kissed my cheeks at the same time, giggling constantly.

"Oh. My. Gawd." Elaine Fukuhara's exclamation sounded like another echo of Abigail's. "Are... ? The three of you... ?"

Megan and Cassidy glanced at each other across me and started grinning. Post- coital yesterday, the three of us had gotten into a rather serious discussion about where we would go from here. Tentatively, the girls agreed to share me and both be my girlfriends. Mondays would be shared with all three of us at Cassidy's house. Weekends we would play by ear if someone became available. And for now, Friday night dates would be with all three of us as well, unless one or the other girl couldn't make it. They discussed trading turns, but neither girl wanted to miss a week with me.

I groaned at what those dates would do to my wallet. I was stretching things pretty thin as it was. But I figured I could ask my parents for extra chores or things to boost my allowance, or even get a job. Having both Megan and Cassidy would be worth it.

However, as far as all the parents were concerned, Megan and I were the only dating couple. None of us knew how our parents would react, and we all figured Megan's parents would react rather negatively. But more to the point, Cassidy's parents had no idea their daughter had ever had a steady boyfriend, much less was sexually active. They were absent parents who just didn't have a clue and Cassidy had no intention of clueing them in.

Unfortunately, that was why Cassidy could never get parental consent to get a birth control pill prescription, so we were stuck buying condoms for her. It would take a little extra maneuvering since Cassidy swore that post-condom penis tasted absolutely HORRIBLE, but I figured we'd eventually work out a cleaning system or something.

Daniel started grinning and he elbowed Elaine, flashing her a suggestive look. But Elaine rolled her eyes and then bopped her boyfriend upside the head. "Don't even think about it," she spat.

Abigail spoke up. "So how does it work?"

I shrugged and Megan answered for us. "We're not sure yet. It's not like any of us have done this before."

"But we'll make it work," Cassidy said confidently.


Our first date was wonderful. Believe it or not, Megan's parents decided to go out on a date of their own, leaving Megan's house wide open for us to play in. Everyone got fucked. Everyone was happy. And Megan was THRILLED to have sex in her own bed again, something we hadn't done since I'd taken her virginity. I even alternated taking the girls while they lay back across Megan's bed, fingering one while screwing the other. Megan and Cassidy spent the entire time looking at each other and giggling at how wild they were behaving.

The following Monday was wonderful as well. Now that we were "together", Cassidy was perfectly happy for us to all have sex in HER bed instead of using the guest room. The girls took turns and generally got excited for each other, and I started to have high hopes for this three-person relationship.

But our second date was a disaster.

Dinner was fine. We went to the usual burger shack and got only a few odd glances when both girls kissed me over fries and a milkshake. Conversation was easy and more than a little suggestive. It seemed to help that both Megan and Cassidy were turned on by watching the other have sex, even though they weren't directly participating, and their comments to that effect had the expected result on my anatomy.

We also caught a movie, each of them holding my hand throughout, although my fingers found their way to their legs and even between their legs on a couple of occasions. Both of their hands also meandered over my crotch more than once, the girls giggling whenever their hands met together over my bulge.

The girls were even gracious about trading off who sat up front with me and I started to think this whole thing might really work. But once we drove to the beach parking lot, everything started to go downhill.

It started with the physical limitations of a 1990 Toyota Corolla. Things were a tight squeeze with all three of us in the backseat, tight enough that neither girl could even find a comfortable position to give me a blowjob.

Frustrated but still horny, we switched to the front-passenger-seat-reclining method with Cassidy sitting in my lap to fuck herself on me while Megan stayed in the backseat, leaning over my face to feed me her nipples and kiss me.

Megan and I managed to make it work, even though it wasn't very comfortable. But she was 5'4". Cassidy was 5'8" and even with the angle, she banged her head on the roof twice which wasn't very pleasant.

Megan tried giving her advice on shifting her knees and going to a swirling motion while an annoyed Cassidy insisted to Megan, "I got it. I got it."

In a nutshell, everyone got frustrated and no one wound up getting off.

Then, Cassidy leaned in and said, "I'll make it up to you tomorrow."

I arched an eyebrow and Megan asked, "Tomorrow?"

Cassidy nodded. "I just found out my parents are going out of town for the weekend. They're leaving me home all alone."

The redhead fixed her green eyes on me and tapped her finger on my nose. "So ... Big Ben ... I thought I might get a little better acquainted with my new boyfriend."

"Ooh! We're gonna have so much fun tomorrow!" Megan enthused. "I thought we'd have to wait until Monday!"

"Uh, well, Megan..." Cassidy drawled and started to look apologetic. "I was kinda hoping Ben and I could be alone on Saturday. I mean, I'm not trying to shut you out or anything, really. It's just that I've never really been alone with him. You had six months to go on solo dates and talk and have sex and everything. Is it okay if I just have Saturday?"

The color drained out of Megan's face and Cassidy quickly added. "We still have the Monday study group! That's not so far away, is it?"

"Oh, okay," Megan nodded. "I mean, yeah ... you two deserve some alone time," she said with obvious dejection in her voice.

I think Megan was hoping at that point for some guilt or at least sympathy from Cassidy. You know, 'I'm really sorry for taking him away from you but I just really need this but oh I'll make it up to you because you're my best friend.'

But Cassidy didn't react like that. Instead, she simply got excited and turned to me, kissing me fiercely. "We're gonna have SUCH a good time tomorrow! And I can't wait until I get on the pill!"

Megan was stewing over her best friend's seeming lack of remorse when the pill comment hit her. "Wait, pill, what?"

"Wait, what?" I repeated.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you guys," Cassidy gushed. "I was talking with Elaine this morning and complaining about how I always have to use a condom because I couldn't tell my parents I was having sex. But she told me that she got her prescription from Planned Parenthood, where they don't require parental consent. She said that HER parents don't really know she's having sex either; or at least, they don't want to know."

Cassidy giggled, "Soon, Ben. I can't start them until my next period. But soon you'll be able to just bend me over and take me whenever and wherever you want! Ooh, Megan, have you guys done it at school yet? Maybe in the janitor's closet? Wouldn't that be so kinky?"

"Right," Megan blinked, looking a little disturbed. I would find out later that she considered herself the "primary" girlfriend. Cassidy was an add-on because Megan had wanted her best friend to enjoy some happiness and good sex, but Megan would always be first. For one thing, she was on the pill and I could be more casual about having sex with her without worry. But now Cassidy would also be on the pill, so our sexual encounters wouldn't have to be as orchestrated. And on top of that, Megan was being banished from us for a day while her best friend got to spend intimate alone time with me. That wasn't sharing. Sharing was the three of us together. Me being alone was ... being alone ... with my OTHER girlfriend.

Of course, I didn't know all this at the time. Megan bottled up her negative thoughts behind a mask of happiness for her best friend. So when I glanced at her to read her emotions, I saw nothing out of the ordinary and I simply chuckled along with Cassidy, imagining having kinky sex with her, without a condom, in some various places around the school. Maybe on top of the chemistry lab countertops?

Thinking about the possibilities got me rock hard again, something that Cassidy took full advantage of as she got more careful about the roof and managed to bring us both off to pleasant orgasms.

But Megan was out of the mood, and once we tried to include her, the foul mood spread and I ended up driving the girls home.

Megan kissed me goodnight at least, promising to see me on Monday.

Perhaps I should have at least called Megan on Saturday. But I didn't.

I was too full of hot, naked redhead. Cassidy was really excited to have me all to herself for a day, and after I made an offhand comment about how gorgeous she looked naked, neither of us put any clothes on for the entire day.

We screwed in the morning, Cassidy wanting to experiment by fucking over the couch and on the living room floor. We even tried the dining table, but she declared that the hard wood made her butt sore so we wound up moving back onto the couch to finish up and I filled the first condom near bursting.

Cassidy then wanted to make love while listening to one of her all-time favorite romantic songs. Donning her usual headphones, my new girlfriend lay naked on her bed with her eyes closed, listening to some bubblegum pop ballad on repeat while I first went down on her and brought her off to a pleasant orgasm. I then donned a fresh condom and slowly pumped her to another climax before pouring out my second load.

After that, we took a break. Cassidy then made us some food and we spent an hour just talking and also nibbling various bits of food off each other's body. She even had me dunk my cock into a glass of orange juice, which was COLD. But I was soon warmed up inside her hot little mouth. And that started off a very nice blowjob where with just a few helpful pointers, Cassidy and I successfully proved that she certainly COULD suck dick if her life depended on it. And she could suck dick quite well.

She even started to get used to the taste of my spending, although she admitted that she would probably rather spit it out than swallow. I told her I didn't mind.

And then we spent the afternoon truly making love in her bed. I was gentle and I was kind, whispering romantic things into her ear and practicing everything Keira had taught me so long ago. I rather enjoyed experimenting and learning all of Cassidy's buttons. And the same way a comedian can recycle the same old jokes to a new audience, I was able to show off my own little tricks for inducing pleasure in a brand new girl.

By the time I left Cassidy's house, I was a dehydrated but happily sated young man. And it didn't hurt that I'd gotten to know her a lot better than I had before.

Cassidy was my friend. We'd scratched the surface with each other a LONG time ago. There was no need to ask about each other's family or basic things like what majors we planned on or what careers. But I'd never known before that Cassidy always wanted to have a kitten, but her parents would never let her. I'd never known she was afraid of the dark and slept with her table lamp on. I'd never known that she was absolutely happiest when I was spooned behind her with my arms wrapped tightly around her body.

And SHE'D never known she'd actually like it when I started called her "Freckles" on the way out the door.

"Don't call me that!" Cassidy insisted. "I don't like my freckles."

"I think they're adorable," I replied sincerely and reached over to caress her cheeks with my fingertips.

Cassidy just blushed and then sighed, "Oh, alright."

"You're sweet, Freckles," I smiled and then kissed her goodbye.

That evening, when I dragged myself exhausted to the dinner table, Brooke just gave me a knowing grin. Mom asked how my day was with my girlfriend and Brooke innocently added, "Which girlfriend?"

My eyes went wide, but mom just chuckled and admonished Brooke, "Don't play dumb, Brooke. You KNOW Ben's girlfriend."

Brooke grinned her evil little grin. SHE'D heard the rumors around school, rumors that were getting traction now that we actually WERE a threesome. But I didn't let Brooke bother me; it had been a wonderful day.

Still, I should have called Megan.

Sunday flew by without a second thought for either of my girlfriends. My parents had assigned me some chores to do in the afternoon. Once they'd realized I was capable of being a pretty good handyman with all the work I'd done for Keira, they'd occasionally hired me for more elaborate remodeling projects around our house as well.

I didn't mind. With two girlfriends, I needed the extra money. And I didn't call either girl on Sunday. I was too busy worrying about two-by-fours and brackets.

In fact, it was my little sister Brooke who brought my girlfriends to mind. I was on a self-imposed break from working, sipping a Gatorade while enjoying a light breeze in the backyard when she came out and plopped down in a chair beside me. "So the rumors are true? You're dating both Megan and Cassidy?"

I sipped my Gatorade and shrugged. Ever since camp, I'd promised to never lie to Brooke about dating or sexual matters. That didn't mean I had to go out of my way to volunteer information, but if asked I would answer her honestly. "Yeah," I nodded.

"Are you having sex with both of them?"


"Don't they get jealous?" Brooke twisted her face up. "I mean, if I caught Perry even KISSING another girl, I'd get really pissed at him."

"Most girls would. But Megan and Cassidy are different. They're best friends."

Brooke snorted. "Jennifer is MY best friend. If I caught Perry kissing her I'd be even MORE mad."

I shrugged and waggled my Gatorade bottle, thinking of Brooke and Jennifer Vo, Stephanie's little sister. "I don't have a good answer to that. When Megan found out Cassidy was in love with me, she invited her to join us. It just goes to show how much she cares about her best friend being happy, that she'd even share her boyfriend."

Brooke looked at the ground. "I guess. I mean, I'd want Jennifer to be happy. But there's a difference between sharing candy bars and clothes versus sharing a boy." Brooke blushed. "I mean, I won't even share Crunch bars with Jennifer because I like them too much. A Kit Kat or Skittles or whatever, sure. But if I can't even share a Crunch bar, then no way could I share Perry."

I smiled at my little sister's analogy. "What's that supposed to mean? I'm just a Kit Kat to Megan?"

Brooke smiled. "Maybe. You ARE pretty worthless..." But then she sighed. "But be careful Ben. I shared my Crunch bars with Jennifer back in the beginning because I wanted to be a good friend. But underneath, I still resented it; and it ate away at me for months and started ruining my relationship with her. In the end, she said it was no big deal and I could keep my Crunch bars. But if she hadn't, we might actually not be friends anymore. Over a stupid candy bar."

"Well I'm not just a candy bar, Brooke."

"No you're not. You're a boyfriend. Girls are a little more possessive about those."

Monday was tense. There was something going on between my two girlfriends and while they were polite to each other, they weren't as friendly as usual at school.

But once we got to Cassidy's house in the afternoon, the girls and I got down to business in a hurry. Since she'd had me all Saturday, Cassidy graciously offered to let Megan go first.

But to both our surprise, Megan put on a sweetly honeyed voice and said, "No ... please ... you're the new girlfriend. YOU should go first."

"Um ... okay..." Cassidy replied more in confusion than excitement. We could both tell there was something forced in Megan's tone. But when Megan insisted, Cassidy was only too happy to get naked and flop onto her back while I proceeded to remind her how good I was at eating pussy.

Megan took it upon herself then to remind me how good she was at sucking dick. And I was very appreciative.

Once Cassidy got her first orgasm, she then offered to swap places with Megan. My first girlfriend just popped off and said in her syrupy voice, "No, no ... you go on and have all the pleasure you want. I'm more interested in pleasing MY man."

Cassidy looked confused, especially when Megan's eyebrows popped up as she said the phrase "MY man". The redhead might have even stopped and tried to talk to her friend, but me being a guy, I was more interested in sex than conversation, so I simply groaned happily as Megan tongued my cockhead and pushed Cassidy back to work her up to another orgasm. And once my tongue swiped along her pussy lips, her worries were washed away again.

When Cassidy peaked again, there were no more questions. Megan already had the condom out and slipped onto my erection, so it was an easy matter to slide up and bury myself to the root inside my new girlfriend. We fucked each other to nice climaxes, and after Cassidy finished squirming beneath me, Megan was beside us stroking her friend's hair and saying sweetly, "I'm so happy that I can give you such pleasure by sharing MY boyfriend with you."

From the tension in Cassidy's jaw, it seemed that her blissful post-orgasmic feelings were evaporating quite quickly. "OUR boyfriend, Megan. He loves us BOTH," the redhead clarified.

Megan's smile was anything but sweet. "Right. OUR boyfriend." Her eyes narrowed.

Cassidy grinned and all of a sudden, I started to realize something was off. But before I could react, Cassidy had rolled me over, removed the condom and was wiping me up with the moistened towel she'd remember to bring. And in the same syrupy tone Megan had been using all morning, she crooned, "And now it's YOUR turn, Megan dear. I'm so happy that OUR boyfriend can give you such pleasure now."

And then the redhead switched to a commanding tone that was anything but sweet. In a deep voice, Cassidy growled, "Eat her out, Ben. Make her SCREAM."

I reacted instinctively to the order and quickly rolled Megan onto her back, kissing her and massaging her firmly to try and ease the inexplicable tension in her muscles. My first girlfriend started panting when my lips got around her nipples, and soon she began whimpering as my mouth approached its destination. Whatever else was going on in her head, she hadn't had sex since the past Monday, six days ago, and she was quite wound up.

Megan did scream. She had her first orgasm barely two minutes into my oral attention while Cassidy lavished her own oral attention on my quickly reviving cock. The petite brunette was close to another climax when I pronounced myself hard enough to shatter bricks and I moved up to enter my second tight pussy of the morning.

I brought Megan to the brink of orgasm, teasing her on its very edge, and then I pushed the petite brunette over into ecstasy when I slammed my dick into her body. And this time, even though I had the extra staying power from having cum once before, feeling a tight pussy naked with my own skin instead of latex had me very, very excited.

It must have shown in my fucking, because I rode Megan harder and with more aggression than I had Cassidy, something that both girls noticed. Spurred on by my passion, Megan fucked herself back at me with every ounce of energy she had, the two of us putting on a raunchy and exciting display of sex that turned out to be one of the best fuckings of our lives.

"Oh, FUCK ME, BEN! FUCK ME!" Megan screamed.

"I'm fucking you! I'm fucking you! So good, baby! So tight, so good!" I howled right back.

When I came, it was with my face buried against Megan's neck, screaming my lungs out while my whole body tensed and I absolutely exploded inside of her, flooding her pussy with so much cum that it almost immediately bubbled out around my cock and started drenching the towel beneath us.

When we were done, Megan rolled me off of her and then quickly ducked her head to slurp up all the juices from my cock, both mine and her own, without having to pause for condom removal or cleaning. And when she sat back on her heels, she didn't even look at me. I was a toy that once used, could now be discarded. Instead, Megan's beatific smile was entirely for Cassidy, who fidgeted nervously and refused to meet her best friend's gaze.

You could cut the tension in the air with a dull spoon.

I didn't understand what was going on, but I knew I didn't like it. So mumbling some excuse about having to get home, I quickly got dressed and ran away.

On Tuesday at school, the girls were going out of their way to shower me with affection. Megan cornered me by my locker and then proceeded to give me a deeply passionate kiss right in front of everyone. She even brushed her hand over my bulge and giggled cutely before kissing me again.

When we finally broke for air, my girlfriend leaned in and whispered, "You know I'm really glad you can give Cassidy some happiness. She's been crushing on you for a long time and I do really want to share you with her. But still," Megan took a deep breath. "You know I love you more than she does, right?"

I just blinked twice and smiled at the pretty girl who made me feel so good. "I love you, too, Megan."

My girlfriend beamed at me, and then she gave me another soul-searing kiss.

Between second and third periods, I was cruising down the hall to my next class when Cassidy slid up beside me, wrapping herself around my right arm and sighing happily. "Hi, boyfriend," she giggled.

"Hi, girlfriend," I replied in kind.

"I love you, Ben," Cassidy said in a voice fraught with emotion, her eyes staring up at me and shimmering in the light.

"I..." I paused. If she was my girlfriend, she deserved to hear the phrase, right? "I love you, too, Freckles."

She beamed and kissed me quickly, sighing happily. "Oh, Ben. You were wonderful yesterday. I wish we'd had time for more..." she said in a low voice.

"Yeah, me too."

"We can, you know," Cassidy husked and then pushed me into a little alcove beside the hallway. When I arched an eyebrow in confusion, she batted her pretty green eyes at me and said, "Monday's not the only day my parents come home late. They're never home before 6pm on ANY weekday. So why don't you come visit me this afternoon and we can make up for lost time."

Ooh ... more sex ... My eyes lit up as bright as Cassidy's smile. "Great! You think Megan wants to?"

Cassidy pouted. "Why don't we just leave Megan out of this? After all, she could have been bringing you to my house every weekday all semester. But she wanted to keep it only Mondays because she wanted to focus on her schoolwork, right?"

"Uh, right..." I answered in confusion.

"Great! We're agreed. See you this afternoon!" Cassidy kissed me again and then whirled away, hurrying off to her class.

"Aren't you coming in?" Brooke held her door open and looked at me funny when I didn't shut off the engine even thought I'd parallel parked on the curb.

"Uh, no, I'm meeting up with ... friends ... this afternoon. I'll see you later."

Brooke just shrugged and then went inside the house. I screwed up my face and wondered, why hadn't I just told her I was going to Cassidy's to have sex? It wasn't like Brooke couldn't handle the information. My little sister certainly knew about my relationships and that I fucking both girls. And yet I'd lied to her.

Was I feeling guilty or something?

"More Ben! Gimme more! Oh, harder, Ben! Harder! Oh! Oh! Aaaaaahhh!!!"

I was only a few seconds behind, arching my back and bellowing as I emptied my nuts into the condom. My hands were gripping her shapely hips while my pelvis was pressed tightly against her ass. And after we both came, Cassidy's limbs gave way and she collapsed flat onto her stomach while I fell across her back.

She started giggling almost immediately while I extracted myself out and then tossed the condom. Afterwards, I spooned in behind Cassidy and cuddled her the way I knew she loved.

"Wow, Ben ... I never thought I'd like doggy-style. Drew loved doing it, but it was all just a power trip for him. I really enjoyed that!"

"Glad to hear it," I wheezed. The orgasm had been great, but I couldn't help but feel guilty over it. And when I felt guilty, I couldn't enjoy the aftermath of a good cum. "You sure Megan won't mind us doing this?"

Cassidy shrugged. "I'm pretty sure. Like I said, she only wanted to meet with you on Mondays and Fridays. Tuesdays through Thursdays were open even before I came along. I'm just filling in your gaps."

She turned and smiled at me. "What, do I hear you complaining?"

My eyebrows went up. "Oh, no, no."

"Good. Cuz I wanna fuck again tomorrow afternoon."

For some reason, I was really tired at school on Wednesday. I hadn't slept very well, visions of Megan and Cassidy both floating through my brain all night, and not always in a good way.

"Heyyy, Ben," came the sultry, sweet voice from my left. I turned just in time to see Adrienne Dennis fall into step with me, her spray-on jeans hugging her every curve while her big tits wobbled enticingly in her too-tight top.

Despite my surprise, it took me less than a second to get my bearings. "Hey, Adrienne. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Mind if I walk with you?" Her smile was dazzling.

"Please, be my guest. How's Jake?" I asked, referring to Adrienne's Varsity Starting Quarterback boyfriend.

She shrugged. "He's ... he's Jake," she hedged. "He's popular. He's handsome." Adrienne then leaned in conspiratorially and pouted, "But he's lousy in bed."

My eyebrows went up and Adrienne giggled, "What about your sex life?"

I blushed but preened, "I've had no complaints. My girls usually cum at least three or four times and it seems like they can't get enough." My eyes went wide. Did I actually just say that in public?

"Girls?" Adrienne grinned, pretending she hadn't heard that I was dating two girls at the same time. "As in plural?"

I just grinned and looked forward.

"Well, then," Adrienne drawled while sliding her hand down my arm. "Maybe sometime you'll show me what I'm missing out on."

I smiled widely at the image of Adrienne fucking-goddess Dennis lying beneath me while I drilled in and out of her hot cunt. Was she serious? No way. Not Adrienne Dennis. Could it even be possible that the most gorgeous girl in school had just made a pass at me? ME?

I felt my ego puffing up like a balloon and I managed a cocky grin. Adrienne noticed my positive response and she smiled beautifully, showing me sparkling white teeth and she leaned in towards me invitingly.

But then the image of Megan separating my cock from my body with a dull butter knife popped into mind. It wasn't a matter of choosing between Megan and Cassidy versus Adrienne. It was a matter of choosing one night with Adrienne versus a lifetime with a severed dick. Besides, Adrienne was surely just teasing me. I suddenly tensed up and looked apologetic. "Uh, probably not. I'm not one to cheat on my girlfriends."

"Aww, too bad..." Adrienne sighed and looked forward. "I SOOO need a good fucking."

My cock was iron hard and doing its level best to burst out of my jeans. I groaned as the image of Adrienne beneath me once again intruded into my consciousness.

Cassidy would be in for quite the workout this afternoon.

On Friday, everything seemed to have been smoothed over between the girls. Since she'd gotten laid on Tuesday, Wednesday, AND Thursday, Cassidy was quite relaxed and mellowed out, willing fading a bit into the background to let Megan take center stage. After all, I told Cassidy every day that I loved her.

Megan, not knowing WHY Cassidy had mellowed out since neither of us had told Megan about our afternoon trysts, happily resumed her position as primary girlfriend and we all got along famously.

For one thing, we mutually decided to let Megan drive her car for this date. For a mild control freak like Megan, being in charge of the wheels instantly put her more at ease. Yeah, I had to put up with Megan driving exactly the speed limit wherever we went. But when I complained about her sticking to 50mph on one of the big boulevards, Cassidy leaned over the back seat and tapped my shoulder. "Relax, just be glad it's Orange County. If we were anywhere else in the country, a street this size would have a 35mph speed limit."

I shut up, and Megan beamed at her best friend.

Megan's Civic wasn't really any bigger than my beater Corolla, but it was just a tad larger which helped the geometry of musical chairs to make everybody happy. I'd either be in the backseat with one of them, making out and letting one girl practice her blowjob skills while the other watched from up front. Or I'd be in the reclined front passenger seat getting ridden by one girl while the other played with herself in the backseat.

Then things got really kinky when Megan wanted me to fuck her from behind over the hood of her own car, Cassidy keeping a lookout for us while I spunked into my primary girlfriend from behind.

Megan was happy. Cassidy was happy. Hey, this might actually work out.

Unfortunately, by Monday Cassidy was itching for some extra attention and had no interest in playing second fiddle again. It wasn't that she was going out of her way to compete with Megan or anything, but she was stressed out and wanted some loving from her boyfriend.

We were into Finals Week, the last week before our Winter Break, and all three of us had spent the weekend studying our asses off. This was our Junior Year, and therefore one of the most important academic years for our college applications. And after a weekend of cramming, Monday brought our first wave of finals, fully six hours worth of mind-numbing exams, after which we were all on edge and looking to unwind for a bit.

Even Brooke was edgy. It was her first experience with formal, multiple-hour finals and she couldn't wait to get home. I'd barely brought the car to a stop before she was out the door and going into the house to find other things to occupy her time. And her door hadn't even closed before I shifted the car into gear and drove off for Cassidy's house, the door slamming shut from my acceleration.

"Thank god you're here," Cassidy groaned once I came through the door. She was already naked and masturbating on the bed, condom in hand.

"Come fuck me, Ben," Megan said from right beside her, similarly naked and similarly masturbating.

"No, me first!" Cassidy whined. "It's MY bedroom!"

"But I'm the first girlfriend!" Megan spat back, rubbing herself furiously while glaring at her best friend. "And I SOOO need this after today!"

"I do, too!"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "If you two were THAT horny you could've helped each other get off."

Megan turned her glare to me. "Don't even START, Ben." At least she wasn't glaring at Cassidy anymore.

I shook my head and just dropped my clothes, getting naked and not willing to say anything further to reduce my chances of getting laid. After all, I was just as stressed out and horny as they were.

"Come on, baby," Megan pleaded. "I need you."

"I need you, too," Cassidy whined. "I'll let you in me without a condom today. I'm safe. My period's due this Friday."

"Come on, Ben," Megan said in a harsher voice. "Choose."

Good lord this was annoying. I was in a lose-lose situation and it pissed me off. So I shook my head and angrily spat, "No. I'm not 'choosing'. Now both of you, stop whining or I'll go home and ask BROOKE to take care of me."

"What?" Megan looked at me like I'd just turned neon green.

"Huh?" Cassidy chimed in.

And then before either girl could react, I jumped on top of Megan, who happened to be the closest to me, bending down and kissing her fiercely. My girlfriend happily accepted my tongue and moaned as she wrapped her arms around my head, shifting her hips to try and line up my cock.

Meanwhile, Cassidy whimpered in frustration, but soon she gasped when I abruptly released Megan and then moved over to kiss my other girlfriend as well.

Megan seemed to be too pleased that I kissed her first to really complain that I'd left her. And Cassidy was too wrapped up in my kiss to care at this point. And then Cassidy got even happier when pressed the head of my cock into her naked pussy and slid my way inside.

"Ohhh ... FUCK, Ben!" the redhead crooned. "I knew you'd fuck me first."

I sighed. "I kissed her first. I fucked you first. It doesn't mean anything. I love you both!" I insisted even while I started pumping in and out of the horny teen.

"But you fucked her first," Megan whined.

I rolled my eyes and briefly wondered if this was all worth it. I really, really liked both girls. We'd been very good friends and they were very cute. But I'd never felt the same intense passion for them as I'd felt for Dawn or even Keira. Was all this whining and complaining really worth it?

Well, I had the BOTH of them wanting me to fuck their lights out. I supposed some competitive bitching was inevitable, and to get laid by two such pretty girls, I could live with some of the drama. And that meant finding a way to keep both Cassidy and Megan happy.

I didn't really want to pull out right then. Cassidy's vaginal walls felt SO good. But I had to play some politics, so I yanked myself out of Cassidy and moved two feet to the left to forcefully spread Megan's thighs and roughly shove myself into the brunette teenager's pussy.

"Ohhh ... FUCK, Ben!" the little Asian girl groaned.

Angrily, I drove myself in and out of her several times, fucking her into submission while I gripped Megan's shoulders and lunged my hips over and again.

"Stop IT. Both of you!" I yelled once I got that burst of rage out of my body. "I love you both. I want to make BOTH of you happy. And I'm going to fuck you BOTH within an inch of your LIVES. Got it!" With that, I pulled out and roughly flipped Megan over onto all fours, steadying her body into place before violently taking her from behind.

Megan sighed when I re-entered her, completely acquiescent in the face of my forcefulness, letting me fuck her to my heart's content. Meanwhile, Cassidy went silent and simply turned around onto all fours herself, waiting her turn. And after two more minutes, I pulled out and switched back to the redhead.

This continued on for the next fifteen minutes, with me alternating which girlfriend I fucked doggy-style. Neither girl got enough sex to cum, and the frequent breaks similarly delayed my own ejaculation. That all changed when I was in Megan and pounding away, still driven with an extra dose of anger and adrenaline from the dual frustrations of finals and girlfriend annoyances. That was when Megan finally started to reach her peak, and I ground my hips, reached around to rub her clit and finally brought her to orgasm.

"Oh, yeah ... oh, yeah..." Megan sighed. "Oh! Oh! I'm cumming, Ben! You're making me cum first!" And then her scream tore off into the night, echoing through the empty house as she bent her back and quivered beneath my body.

It took a bit of effort to extract myself from Megan's clenching pussy muscles, but she was still climaxing when I pulled back and moved two feet to the right and rammed my way into Cassidy's pussy, her tightness having been loosened up by all our sex.

"More Ben ... Gimme more..." she drawled while I gripped her hips and pounded away. I had to admit, it felt REALLY good to be inside Cassidy's pussy without a condom. It was different enough that the sensations were pushing me towards my own climax, and I felt my balls begin to tighten. But somewhere in the back of my head came Keira's golden rule: I had to make the girl cum first.

So without further thought, I leaned down and pressed my chest against Cassidy's back, effectively spooning myself against her. I held my weight up with my left hand, but I used my right to reach down and palm her nicely shaped breast, rubbing the nipple and squeezing it while it's twin continued to sway from our fucking motions.

"Oh, Ben..." Cassidy sighed while I pressed my body tightly against her. "I love you sooo much, you know that? It feels sooo good to have you this close to me. I want to make you happy. I always want to make you happy. And I'll let you cum inside my unprotected pussy. I love you that much. I'm not even worried about getting knocked up. Because I know you'll always love me, right?"

I grunted and fucked her even harder, the instinct in me reveling in the idea of flooding an unprotected womb with all my sperm.

"Oh, Ben!" Cassidy moaned. "I'm cumming! Can you feel it? My pussy is massaging you. My womb is calling for you! Cum for me, honey! Cum in me! I'm cumming too! Cum with me!" And then she shrieked as the orgasm swept through her.

All at once, Cassidy's tightness was back. Her muscles clamped down and that heavenly sensation was all I needed to cum as well. But I couldn't do it. I'd lost control once before and spurted into Cassidy's unprotected womb, and the next week had been absolute hell for me. This time, I wasn't going to do it. And at the last possible second, I yanked my cock out and began blasting all over Cassidy's rosy asscheeks, bright pink after my repeated banging into them.

"Ohhh, fuck!" I grunted as my ab muscles tensed and I spat out another jet of cum, the creamy white a stark contrast to Cassidy's pink skin. And she kept moaning in her own orgasmic delight while I emptied the contents of my balls all over her ass.

Having had some time to recover, Megan was quickly all over me once I finished. Before I'd even finished with the last few drops, my first girlfriend had my half- hard cock in her mouth, slurping at me while I winced and told her to go easy, I was still really sensitive. And on the other side, Cassidy simply dropped face- down on the bed, rubbing her own pussy with one hand while rubbing my cum into her asscheeks with her other hand.

"Mmm ... you finished with me," Cassidy sighed happily, as if she'd won some victory over Megan.

"That's okay," Megan popped up and stated. "Because you made me cum first."

Cassidy drawled, "You let yourself cum first. He was fucking us both equally."

"Doesn't matter," Megan sat back. "I know I love him more. Because today I'm going to let him do something he's never done to either of us."

Cassidy turned her head. "What?"

I looked down and arched an eyebrow. "Yeah, what?"

Megan grinned and took another long suck at my prick, which was hardening at the thought of something new. She stayed down there, slurping on me and prolonging the anticipation while both Cassidy and I waited to hear what she had to say.

Finally, Megan popped off and grinned. "Ben, I'm gonna let you fuck my ass."

It took a little while for everything to sink in. Cassidy was staring at her best friend with a mixture of shock, disgust, and arousal. I was just shocked.

"Come on, Ben," Megan twinkled her eyes at me. "Haven't you done this before?"

"Uh, yeah..." I stammered. Fucking Dayna Evans' ass had been one of my all- time sexual highlights. The physical sensations were just so different from a pussy; not necessarily better, but very different. And the mental aspect of buggering a girl's ass was just so ... naughty... "Uh, I didn't think to bring any lube, though."

"Oh, that's okay," Megan smiled and reached over the side of the bed to her backpack and then sitting up with a small tube of KY jelly in her hands. "I did some research and came prepared. This stuff is medical grade and my parents just had it lying around the house."

I perked up then. Dayna had a wonderful ass, and I was certainly curious to see how different petite little Megan would be. Megan saw the grin on my face and she beckoned me to her. "Come eat me, baby. Let's get me ready for an assfucking!"

I was quickly into position, grabbing up the tube of KY. Megan then rolled onto her back, pulling on the backs of her knees to raise herself up and spread her thighs to the sides to give me an unimpeded view of her neatly trimmed pussy and exposed asshole.

I'd never done it from this angle before. I'd always fucked Dayna's ass from behind, squirting the Astroglide directly into her hole before coating myself. But I figured I could make this work as well.

I started by squeezing a healthy dollop of KY onto my two fingers, feeling the oddly slippery sensation that was just a little different than the Astroglide had been. And then ever so gently and while watching her face, I pushed my index finger into Megan's rectum.

She shivered at the cold touch and tensed up; but at the same time, I ducked my head down and took a long lick at Megan's slit. She cooed and relaxed, the familiar pleasure helping to tame her obvious nervousness.

Meanwhile, Cassidy simply stared at us with wide eyes. Whatever competitiveness she'd been feeling earlier was now gone. She clearly had no interest in contending assholes with Megan and just watched with great interest.

After some more licking, Megan had gone from tense nervousness to pleasurable moaning and I decided to introduce the second finger to her anus. She tensed up again when I pushed in my middle finger, but then moaned and sighed as I began to work the two digits in and out of her rectum while also bringing up my thumb to push into her pussy. And with three fingers sticking her like a bowling ball and my tongue on Megan's clit, my girlfriend was soon lost to the pleasurable sensations.

I committed myself to waiting for Megan to get at least one climax before I attempted to enter her. When I'd popped Megan's cherry, I'd done so while she was in the throes of an orgasm and she'd barely felt her hymen tear away. It sounded like a good plan for the first time a girl would have her ass stretched, especially by my seven-and-a-half inch weapon.

So wanting to take my time, I paused to relube my fingers and also coat a third finger with the KY, and then I resettled myself in a more comfortable position on my side before bending over and continuing to eat out the petite brunette while pushing all three fingers into her ass and stretching her out.

Cassidy decided to take my new position as an opportunity, and on her own initiative she slid down to my hips, pulling my cock to her and then swallowing as much of my meat as she could.

I tensed up when Cassidy started to blow me, and without realizing it I shoved my three fingers even deeper into Megan's asshole, causing her to moan in pain. But she quickly moaned again in pleasure when I kept on rubbing her, and soon enough, I knew she would be ready.

Megan decided as well. "Oh, Ben! Oh, Ben! I'm ready ... I'm ready. Fuck my ass now," she gasped in a breathy voice.

"In a second, baby," I soothed. "I want you to cum for me first, okay?"

"Oh ... Ben, I'm gonna cum soon. I'm gonna cum soon!" She panted.

I was breathing hard myself by this point, both from arousal and oxygen deprivation from focusing on eating out my girlfriend. That's when I turned to my other girlfriend.

"Cassidy, I need you to help me," I wheezed. "Megan needs your help too, okay?"

Wide-eyed, Cassidy pulled off my dick and nodded. Whatever competition thing they had going, Cassidy clearly had care for her best friend etched into her eyes. "I need you to lube up my dick, that way it won't hurt Megan so much. Can you do that?"

The redhead nodded and then she went to squeeze the KY into her hands, actually squeezing out a lot more than I would have expected. I shrugged; you could never have too much lube. And with her hands overflowing with clear jelly, Cassidy started to coat me.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Megan was bucking her hips at my face as her orgasm approached. And then with a few more licks and a suck on her clit, I finally brought her over the edge. "Yes! I'm cumming, Ben! I'm cumming!"

That was my cue. Moving my hands to Megan's knees, I forced her legs back to spread her wide and open up her slightly-stretched anus. And then with careful aim, I slotted the head of my lubricated dick to her gaping hole and then firmly pressed forward.

"Aaagh!" Megan cried when she felt my mushroom head stretch her wide, the pain mingling with the ecstasy of her still-continuing orgasm, but soon the stretch was gone as my head popped in and then I was quickly burrowing all the way into my girlfriend's ass. And before her orgasm stopped, I was already balls deep up her rectum.

"Oh, FUCK!" Megan groaned when she came to her senses. "Is that it?"

"It's all the way in, baby," I soothed.

"Feels so full!" She moaned.

"So I'm told," I grinned. And then I slowly began to pull out.

"Oh, wait, wait, wait," Megan quickly stuttered and I came to a halt. "Lemme get used to this," she panted.

I waited and relaxed. Good thing too, because there was no way I would have lasted very long. If I thought Cassidy's pussy was tight, good freakin' lord Megan's ass was even tighter!

Soon, Cassidy had wiped her hands off on the towel and she was quickly beside her best friend, squeezing Megan's left hand with both of her own. "You okay, Meg?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Why'd I have to pick a boyfriend with such a big dick?" Megan whined.

"Do you want him to stop?" Cassidy asked with concern, all of her focus on her best friend. I got the distinct impression that the fiery redhead would call everything off on her own initiative if she thought I was hurting Megan.

"No, no. I'm getting used to it." Megan took a deep breath, and then another. And then she looked back at me. "Okay, Ben. Go ahead."

Careful to make sure Megan wasn't in any more pain than should be expected, I slowly pulled back and then reversed course before my crown popped free. Megan inhaled sharply as I began to fill her again, and I glanced down to rub her clit with my still lubricated fingers.

"Ohhh ... Ben..." Megan sighed as I settled into a steady pumping motion. She bit her lip and seemed to focus inward while I pistoned back and forth, and I felt her hips twitching when I tweaked her clitty.

"Fuck me, baby..." Megan sighed. "Fuck my ass ... It's starting to feel good."

"I'm fucking you, Megan. I'm fucking your ass," I replied in a husky voice.

"He's really fucking your ass!" Cassidy exclaimed in amazement. But then Megan squeezed Cassidy's hand really hard and the redhead went back to focusing on her friend, stroking Megan's forehead while I pumped in and out.

It quickly became clear that while Megan wasn't in major pain, she wasn't getting enough pleasure to have an orgasm either. So I closed my eyes and worked on getting myself off quickly, concentrating on my own release. And once I started to feel the tingling in my balls, I opened my eyes again to witness the sight before me.

Petite Megan was naked and spread before me, her legs hunched around my waist. Her cute tits were still perky with dusky erect nipples that stuck out a quarter inch. Her pretty pussy was pink and slightly open, filled with the moisture from her climaxes. I watched my dark prick splitting her asshole wide open, and felt a surge of "naughty" energy spurring me on. And her eyes were half-lidded as she panted and moaned, her face the picture of eroticism. "It's feeling GOOD," she sighed.

Cassidy was similarly naked and focused on her friend. Her larger tits were just as firm and her paler pink nipples were just as hard and erect. Whatever misgivings Cassidy had about assholes and anal sex, she was clearly still turned on by what we were doing and by the moans coming from both me and Megan.

And then I was there. My breathing sped up, my hips sped up, and then Megan was clutching my arms, grunting with every thrust into her ass as we all clearly knew I was about to cum.

"Do it, baby," Megan urged. "Fill my asshole with your spunk. Don't you see how much I love you? I'll deny you nothing. You can have my whole body. Cum on my face. Cum in my mouth. Cum in my cunt. And now you can cum in my ass. I want you to cum in me all the time. I love you. I love you!"

"I love you, too," I groaned, and then I was cumming like she asked. My hips jerked violently out of rhythm, and then I felt the wonderful relief as I started pouring out my spunk, almost as if I was pissing into her ass. My hips jerked again and I let out another LONG string of cum, and over and over again I painted Megan's bowels with my cream.

And as I felt the ecstatic pleasure ebb and flow away while my orgasm passed, I collapsed forward to cuddle with this wonderful girl who gave me so very much.

The assfucking called for a shower, and giggling, we hopped over to the Master Bathroom to use Cassidy's parents' shower, which was big enough to hold all three of us.

Megan was quite sore, but she was enthusiastic about helping Cassidy soap me up. I also spent a lot of time soaping up both girls as well, and with enough teasing, they even spent a full five seconds rubbing soap into each other's breasts, which started to get me hard again.

My suggestion to get them to kiss again, however, fell on deaf ears. Megan looked annoyed with me and so I made it up to both of them by introducing both of them to shower sex. The shower had a bench in it and the girls took turns riding me. I still wasn't willing to cum into Cassidy's unprotected pussy, so Megan was more than happy to get a load of spunk into her pill-protected womb to add to the load I'd dropped in her ass.

Then at last, we were all clean and it was time to go home.

We dried off and got dressed. Despite the stress-induced competition at the beginning over who I would fuck first, we'd all mutually calmed down and gotten our pleasure. I'd thought we could now put the "who's Ben's favorite girlfriend" questions behind us, and that everything would be wonderful from now on.

I was wrong.

Just inside the front door to Cassidy's house, I wrapped up Megan in a hug and kissed her tenderly goodbye. Megan grinned and asked, "So, did you like fucking my ass?"

I grinned. Despite Megan's discomfort, it HAD felt really good for me. "Yeah. You know I did."

"I meant it, Ben. Whenever you want, you can have all of me, any part of me." Megan batted her eyelashes at me. Her voice was swimming with honey.

I thought Megan was being a little melodramatic, but I appreciated the sentiment. I smiled and said, "Thank you, Megan."

"Just give me time, Ben," Cassidy interjected in a worried voice, feeling a little left out. Biting her lip, she nervously stammered, "Let me get used to the idea, and then you can do it to me too."

I sighed. "This isn't a competition and you don't HAVE to do anything, Freckles."

"Freckles?" Megan arched an eyebrow and glared back and forth between the two of us. "How come SHE gets a cute nickname?"

"Oh my GAWD," I groaned in exasperation and rolled my eyes.

"Doesn't matter," Megan harrumphed. And then she glanced at Cassidy with a haughty expression. "I give you all of me right now, Ben. That's why I'll always be the first girlfriend."

Cassidy's eyes flared with anger for a moment, but she bit her lip and just hung back. Eventually, Megan released me and she started for the door.

The redhead was then quick to take Megan's place, hugging me and pecking me quickly. She had an extra twinkle in her green eyes, and with a little chuckle, she hummed, "See you tomorrow, Ben."

The comment itself was innocent enough, but Cassidy put enough emphasis on the word "tomorrow" that Megan picked up on the innuendo. "Tomorrow?" Megan asked.

"Oh, didn't you know?" Cassidy grinned and hugged me even tighter, laying her cheek against my shoulder while looking at Megan. "We're all together on Mondays and Fridays, but Ben's been visiting me the other weekdays so we could fuck in my bed."

"Wait, WHAT?!?" Megan cried in anger, her eyes flaring.

"That's right, little miss first girlfriend," Cassidy sassed. "When it was just you two, you only wanted him twice a week. So I'm just filling in the gaps. You didn't need him Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday afternoons anyways. I might as well get the alone time with him when I need it. After all, you WERE first. So I've got some catching up to do."

"You fucking SLUT!" Megan yelled and walked up to Cassidy, whipping her hand out without further thought and then landing a vicious slap to her best friend's cheek.

Cassidy shrieked and released me, ready to tackle Megan. But I was quicker, getting between them and shoving them both backwards with my longer arms. "Whoa! Whoa!"

"Let go of me you cheating BASTARD!" Megan shrieked.

"Let me go! I get to hit her back!" Cassidy screeched while I held her back with my other arm.

"Calm down! Calm down!" I yelled and physically held the girls back while they slapped at each other, only succeeding in hitting me.

"Slut!" Megan yelled.

"Bitch!" Cassidy retorted.

"What are you DOING? You're best friends, dammit!" I yelled. "What is GOING ON?"

"She's trying to STEAL YOU from me!" Megan started crying.

"She's trying to push me away!" Cassidy whined.

"SIT DOWN, BOTH OF YOU!" I raged, and with that, Megan abruptly stopped fighting me and turned away, walking three feet off towards the living room. And once Megan backed off, Cassidy stopped struggling and I was able to drop my hands, wringing out my arms and trying to fix my clothes.

Angry, Megan then turned around and glared at me. "You've been fucking her on the other weekdays?"

I sighed. "Only last week."


I shrugged. "She wanted to. I wasn't going to turn down having sex with my girlfriend."

Megan pouted. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't WANT him too," Cassidy whined. "Every time we're together, you're always trying to shove me to the side like I'm a second-class citizen. Only when we're alone can I get my BOYFRIEND to pay attention to me."

"But he's MY boyfriend," Megan complained.

"Mine, too!" Cassidy argued. "YOU invited me!"

"But he was my boyfriend FIRST! It's only right that he pays more attention to me. Shouldn't you be happy that I share him with you at all? I didn't have to. But you're my friend and I knew you were crushing on him. I was trying to help you out! And you BETRAY me!"

"I'm not trying to betray you!" Cassidy tossed her hands up, the tears bubbling out of her eyes as well by now. "I just want him to love me too! It doesn't do me any good to keep crushing on him and never get any attention! And you never saw him on the middle weekdays anyways, so what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is that you two HID it from me!" Megan took two steps forward. "Come ON, Cassidy! We tell each other EVERYTHING. The very first minute I walked out of the room after giving my very first blowjob at Elaine's party, I told you everything! The very first minute after I lost my virginity, I told you everything! And every shitty thing you did with Drew, you told me! So why did you HIDE this?"

"Because! Because every time we're together, you pull this 'first' girlfriend shit on me! You act like I'm a nuisance that's getting in the way! I'd rather you never invited me into this fucked up relationship than keep stringing me along like this! At least then I wouldn't have to SNEAK around to get some quality time with my boyfriend!"

Megan exhaled and looked up at the ceiling as if looking for divine intervention. The tears were streaking down her cheeks and she moaned forlornly. "I just ... I just wanted to help you, Cassidy ... You were so unhappy ... And I was so happy with Ben! And you were crushing on Ben! It just seemed ... It didn't seem fair that I got to be so happy and you didn't! And Drew was being such an asshole and then you'd never been eaten out before and..." Megan exhaled. "This is SOOO fucked up."

"I'm not leaving Ben, Megan," Cassidy set her jaw. "I'll fight for him if you try to uninvite me or something. He makes me happy. We have the greatest conversations on those mid-weekdays and the sex is incredible. He loves me, too. I'm not just stepping aside because you regret hooking us up."

"Oh, no, I would never want to do that to you," Megan insisted. "I love you, too, Cass. I mean, not like Ben. But you're my best friend. I STILL want you to be my best friend!"

"So what do we do?" Cassidy tossed her hands up and pointed at me. "This OBVIOUSLY isn't working."

Megan rolled her eyes. "I don't know ... I don't know ... FUCK! Why the hell did this have to happen during Finals Week? I've got AP Chemistry tomorrow! I NEED that to get into Pre-Med!"

"Ugh, don't remind me," Cassidy moaned. "Mr. Mikhail has been grading me really tough on U.S. History and I really need to ace the final tomorrow."

"Look," Megan offered, taking a deep breath and incredibly, she calmed in two seconds flat. "We'll work this out. But not tonight. We've both got to study. Let's ... let's deal with this after finals."

"I can't," Cassidy sighed, also calming. "I'm visiting family in Florida for the holidays, remember?"

"Oh, that's right!" Megan slapped her forehead. "I'm going skiing at Mammoth for the week." She took a deep breath. "When do you get back?"

"January 2nd. You?"

"December 30," Megan nodded firmly. "Okay, we'll meet on the 2nd or 3rd and figure this out. Talk EVERYTHING through."

I'd been ping-ponging my eyeballs back and forth between my two girlfriends, watching them go from raging mad to crying sad and to calmly rational so fast that it gave me whiplash. We were talking LOVE here, right? How could they be so calm about it? I stammered, "Wait ... what?"

Megan took a deep breath and looked over at me. "We're postponing the decision, what's it look like?"

"Can you do that?" I said in disbelief, screwing my face up.

Cassidy shrugged. "We just did." And then she smiled and said confidently, "Megan's been my best friend since we were little. We can do anything together."

Megan grinned and nodded. "Anything."

Cassidy piped up. "So after finals tomorrow, we're both gonna be pretty stressed out. Why don't you skip your whole Monday-only moratorium and come over tomorrow afternoon with us." Cassidy smiled and blushed almost as red as her hair. "We can ... unwind together. Who knows, maybe by the end of the week you'll convince me to try anal sex."

"Ooh, I dunno," Megan winced, holding her butt. "I'm not saying I won't try it again, but not this year, for sure."

"Ohhh," Cassidy's eyes opened and she smiled knowingly. "So that whole 'whenever you want you can have any part of me' thing was just bullshit?"

"Well..." Megan's eyes twinkled. "It was a little melodramatic."

"A little?" Cassidy cried in disbelief. "You put SO much pressure on me to try and keep up. If you laid it on any thicker I might've HAD to give Ben my ass tomorrow."

"I'm sorry. I'd never want to push you to do anything you weren't ready for." Megan sighed. "And I'm sorry for trying to make you feel like a 'second-class' girlfriend. I'm gonna work on that. Tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday, we'll be equals. No pressure. Just good sex and good conversation, deal?"

Cassidy grinned. "Deal."

And then to my absolute amazement, the two girls came together and wrapped their arms around each other in a warm hug. "Best friends?" Cassidy asked.

"Forever," Megan confirmed.

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