28% A Grindelwald's Tale / Chapter 7: Chapter 6 One bad day

章節 7: Chapter 6 One bad day

In hindsight, Rodrick really should've put more thought into this, for example, when should he actually show up to the first-floor corridor? How could he get away from his friends without them noticing? And most importantly, why the hell didn't he tell any of the professors in the first place? He knew from experience his dreams shouldn't be taken lightly. Honestly, the weirdest part about all this was that he'd found himself in the first-floor corridor with Luna Lovegood and Theodore Nott of all people. The three of them running towards the scene Rodrick had the unfortunate luck to dream of near 20 times. How the hell did it come to this!?

The most irritating part was, he'd had a vision about that particular event so many times, and when it came to pass, it really didn't turn out as bad as he'd thought, in fact, it was almost harmless as far as he was concerned. Then again that may have had something to do with the fact something, completely unrelated to the visions and as far as Rodrick's was concerned was far worse, happening on the same day.

Thinking back to that morning Rodrick couldn't help feeling agitated... So much could've been fixed if it weren't for the stupid vision.


It had been a relatively normal morning. He'd left his dorm on his own, Blaise still refused to wake him up after the Quidditch training incident, everyone else in his year had left for their breakfast already. If it had been any other time, he would've woken up fine on his own, last night, however, he'd had another dream... One that made his skin crawl. He'd seen what the large shadow was; he knew what might've potentially killed the creature he saw.

A massive dark scaled snake, he hadn't even been sure if it was a regular snake or not... Until it turned its eyes towards him, two big yellow eyes that carried a malevolent aura. The simple sighting of them sent him into a panic attack in his bed, he'd opened his eyes and to his horror, he'd found himself unable to move. It had taken almost an hour before he was able to move his limbs. He only knew of one creature that could cause such a thing, one of the few his grandfather had warned him to avoid no matter what. The king of serpents itself, a Basilisk.

Rodrick sighed, to think a Basilisk's stare was strong enough to paralyze him from a dream. He knew, then and there, he had to get to that corridor unless he wanted a Weasley's blood on his hands. He got his things and made his way towards his least favourite lesson of the year, Defence, no doubt any chance to get any breakfast was long gone. Halfway towards the lesson, Rodrick remembered the forgotten present; he contemplated going back for it... Well, he thought about it as he turned back to the dungeon. Ok, it really wasn't much of a contest, Lockhart could hardly be considered a pain, a gift-less girl on her birthday was far more dangerous.

The sudden detour had, quite fortunately, made him late for the lesson. When he entered, however, he regretted it somewhat... Lockhart was in a bad mood. Rodrick cursed missing the spectacle that could've caused that. That bad mood however also translated to Rodrick getting detention for being late.

Rodrick blinked as he heard the teacher give him detention, it was probably the first time he'd gotten one, he wasn't sure how to act about it... What he said next clearly wasn't the right question.

"Are you sure Professor?" He asked slightly confused, earning quiet laughter from his classmates. Ron had wanted to say something before he was pinched quiet by Granger.

"Sure? Of course, I am sure! You've missed half the lesson!"

That was when Nott had gotten his detention.

"Lucky him," he'd spoken a little too loudly.

Rodrick took a seat next to Nott; Daphne looked to argue about it before he dropped a small box in her hands on his way, her eyes suddenly sparkled at it. He turned towards Nott and asked what was eating up their faux Professor. The boy snorted at the wording.

"Someone's questioning his credibility; they said they knew some people who were supposedly involved in his work," Rodrick was a little taken back, his brows furrowed slightly however as he asked his next question.

"Why would that matter? I am sure he gets people like that all the time."

Nott smiled thinly at this, "Yeah, but apparently it's not just any random person this time, rumours state it was Albus Dumbledore himself."

Rodrick whistled at that reveal before turning his gaze back to the nervous Lockhart "I can see why that would be a bit of a problem." He snorted.

The lesson ended on a sombre note for the two students, Lockhart had asked them to come around before the feast started for their detention, it gave him a reason to avoid the headmaster.

Rodrick left the classroom with his three friends plus Nott, Malfoy was preoccupied with Potter, he'd been using the new spell Rodrick taught him to make the Gryffindor and his friend's lives harder, if the Slytherins didn't know any better, they'd think Malfoy was in love with the guy. He was certainly obsessed.

Daphne and Tracey eyed Nott warily, the boy gave no indication of either noticing or caring, Rodrick shrugged, it really didn't matter, he'd have to spend a detention with him anyway... That was when it clicked... He needed to go to the first-floor corridor; he could use his detention to get out of the hall. He was sure Lockhart wouldn't mind at all, well he didn't really care either way. That also meant he'd need to take Nott with him... Well, at least the boy could stay calm, although how well he could do that in front of a Basilisk was another matter. In fact, he'd probably start a new theory on Dumbledore hiding illegal creatures in Hogwarts, if he survived anyway.

Daphne was quite put out he'd miss the feast, although she looked a little jealous, she'd asked him whether he wanted company or not. Blaise joked she only wanted to stay with Lockhart earning two slaps from the girls although Tracey looked amused more than anything. Daphne was flustered.

Nott turned to him with a raised eyebrow, "Ignore 'em, their idiots."

The three turned their attention to him and slapped him across his head. Nott snorted but kept his mouth shut.

The group, surprisingly Nott included, went to the Library to finish off a charms assignment, with the amount of time Rodrick had spent on Herbology and Astronomy he was falling behind on some of his other assignments, never potions though, Rodrick shuddered at the thought of missing a potions assignment. Thankfully, his male friends were even less likely to have done it. The girls accompanied them to help, but Nott more or less believed it was to watch them suffer through it.

It took several hours before they finished it, mostly due to Nott and Blaise bickering about one thing or another. They finally made their way to their last class of the day, Charms. Other than Malfoy's already big head getting 'accidentally' enlarged nothing else happened. Although after the lesson, Ron was set on fire, that was entertaining to watch. His friends, even Nott for that matter eyed him warily after that.

He'd had a broad grin on his face on seeing Ron run around trying and failing to take out the fire on his sleeve.

"Are you okay?" Blaise asked.

Rodrick turned towards and flashed him a massive smile "Never better."

The four students stared at each other, "Never smile like that again," Nott spoke first, earning nods from the rest. Rodrick was baffled, Nott was criticizing him on his smile, the world really was about to end.

Nott separated from them at that point, finding more interest in Malfoy laughing and walking after a burning Weasley.


The group made their way to the Great hall for the start of the feast, although Rodrick planned to leave earlier for his 'detention.' As Rodrick sat down opposite Daphne he spotted a blonde blur show up behind him, settling down on his right, Blaise took the seat on Rodrick's other side.

Oh if only he knew what was about to happen...

"Hello, everyone," She greeted them in her strange voice.

"Hello, Lovegood," Rodrick remarked.

Daphne and Tracey followed with their greetings, Blaise, however, kept to himself. Several Slytherins glanced towards them but said nothing. Rodrick ignored it all and started filling up his plate with food, the rest copied him and started eating.

Luna was still glancing towards his face every now and then, but Rodrick said nothing. There was a slight churning feeling in his stomach, but he shrugged it off as hunger. It was then Daphne took out her gift and opened it, seemingly remembering now.

Rodrick tried to suppress the smile on his face as the girl's face twitched. Tracey looked away, Blaise was the first to start laughing. It was a small pad of animated pictures of Lockhart struggling with the pixies.

"You're such a fan you know, I thought you'd love it," Rodrick remarked in a suppressed tone.

Daphne closed the book and put it away in her pocket and in an icy tone, thanked him. Rodrick could've sworn he felt the temperature drop.

"I am sorry," Luna broke the tension quickly.

The four Slytherins quickly turned their gaze towards her, "I don't have a gift, I wasn't aware it was your birthday," She added on.

Daphne's eyes softened before telling her it was all right.

Blaise gasped, "You didn't tell me that..." He spoke, astonished.

Daphne's eyes turned back to ice before stating he had plenty of time to remember. Rodrick chuckled at the look before she turned it on him, he promptly looked away, although his face still showed too much amusement, if the glare on Daphne's face was to go by...

That was when Rodrick's life flipped over on itself.

"Rodrick, you really shouldn't leave your expression so open like that on purpose, it's quite rude,"

'Ah, shit,'

Blaise was the first to ask, of all the times he chose to speak to the Ravenclaw it was now. "What do you mean?"

Rodrick knew he should've put a stop to it at that point, bad feelings shouldn't be ignored, but his curiosity took over.

"For someone so talented in human Transfiguration, you really should be able to hide your amusement a bit better." She answered smiling.

Dread tensed through Rodrick, he still found himself unable to utter any words.

"What are you talking about Lovegood?" Daphne asked, her eyes showed no emotion. Her brain was already bringing up old memories she'd found strange at the time.

Luna flinched slightly but finished on anyway, if she'd turned towards Rodrick she would've seen the silent panic on his face. "I mean he's always using it on his face isn't he?" She admitted, slightly unsure, she'd thought his friends would've known about it. "He doesn't actually look like this right?" she added on, maybe she'd been mistaken it herself?

All the attention fell to Rodrick, his face impassive. He promptly got up from his seat and muttered something about detention; he refused to meet Daphne's eyes. He quickly left. He knew it was a stupid thing to do, but if he stuck around and tried to explain, it would take too long, someone else was in danger. Unbeknownst to him, Luna got up and followed.

The three students left at the table stared at the disappearing students. Blaise quickly turned his eyes to Tracey, "Well... That was interesting, do you think she was right?"

Tracey looked back, a bemused expression on her face, "Probably?" before she continued eating.

Daphne was conflicted, unsure of what to think the situation. She then turned her attention to the two around her, "That's it? That's your reaction to that!?" she almost yelled at the two.

They stared at her slightly unsettled before Blaise remarked, "You sound surprised."

Daphne's eyes twitched at that, "Of course I am surprised!" She hissed. "You heard him, he practically admitted the blonde was right. He's been hiding what his face looked like! For over a year!" she whispered the second part.

Tracey patted her friend on her shoulder, "Their his own secrets Daphne, I mean I am surprised don't get me wrong but... Well." Tracey stopped herself; she wasn't sure where she was going with it.

Daphne looked towards her friends and noticed the same expression on her face, 'She's hurt as well...' she quickly realized.

"I am not exactly one to judge him; he's still been a really good friend." Tracey finished before she looked down at her food, upset.

Blaise looked at the two before he snorted, "The guys the definition of Slytherin, what else did you expect?"

The two girls turned to him.

"I mean come on... The first Halloween should've been proof enough..." He added on.

It took them a few moments before the message kicked in, Blaise was referring to his knowledge of magic, it took a few more moments before it hit home. Rodrick had been an orphan before he turned up at Hogwarts, they'd always ignored that fact before, but now it was starting to daunt on them. He knew too much for his age, who exactly did he learn from? He put himself off as an orphan. He never tried to search for any family members, that meant he already knew what happened to them, was it such common knowledge? An orphan knew it? He'd been hiding what he looked like since their first term in the castle... Malfoy's interest...

Tracey was staring at her slightly worried, Daphne turned towards her friend and smiled. "It's fine, you're right anyway," she spoke, Tracey smiled back, but Daphne knew she didn't believe her.

Blaise had a small smile on his face. There was a small chance he might finally find out who his friend really was.

Daphne stared down at her food... Thinking about the different possible reasons he'd have to go so far... For Malfoy to have enough of an interest to go behind the ministry's back... None of them were good. She sighed, she was feeling horrible, she didn't know anything about one of her closest friends... He lived with her family... And she never once questioned the strange things surrounding the boy. How much did her family know?

Even then, she was surprised to find she was mostly angry at him for lying to her from the beginning, just how much more about him was a lie?

She quickly finished up her food and left the other two, Tracey had tried to get up, but Daphne shook her head. She wasn't in the mood for the feast anymore.


Rodrick paced away from the great hall, more ran away actually, it took him a few moments before he realized he was being followed. Turning around he saw blonde hair. Luna. The person who may or may not have just made him lose his friends... Rodrick sighed.

"I am sorry..." the blonde spoke, "I didn't know it was supposed to be secret..."

Rodrick chuckled despite himself, "I wouldn't be hiding my face if it wasn't,"

The girl flinched anyway, but before she could say anything, Rodrick shook his head and told her it was alright.

"It's not your fault, don't worry."

"Your friend didn't look too happy," Luna remarked, looking to the floor.

Rodrick laughed, "No I don't think she was," he put his hand on the girl's shoulder, "It'll be fine, I am hard to hate," he joked.

Luna had shaken her head before she moved up to his side.

"Where were you going?" she questioned.

Rodrick had a thoughtful look on his face, "Deten-" he started before he remembered why he'd left so quickly.

"Crap..." he added on before he started running towards the first floor.

Luna surprised at the sudden action sprinted along herself, albeit slower.

Coming up to a staircase, Rodrick crashed into someone else, both of them falling to the floor.

"Watch were your go-" The boy snarled before he recognized Rodrick. "Ah hello," Nott spoke.

The two boys got up quickly, Rodrick nodded his head before he sprinted past the boy.

"Hey, Lockhart's office isn't that way," Nott yelled after the fleeing boy.

Rodrick didn't reply; Nott turned to see a blonde girl run in the same direction.

He stood there for a few seconds before he shrugged and chased after the other two.

Rodrick reached the first-floor corner; he was about to move on ahead before he saw his two companions, 'Ah right... forgot about them...'

"Where are we running exactly?" Nott asked.

"I have no idea," Luna remarked dreamily.

Nott raised an eyebrow at the girl, "You chased him for no reason then..."

Luna turned her eyes to the Slytherin before giving him a look regarding himself.

Nott snorted when he realized her meaning. They both turned their gaze to see Rodrick's pale face; he was staring ahead towards the corridor.

"Are you ok?" Luna asked. Rodrick didn't respond.

Both Nott and Lovegood walked up towards the boy and turned around the corner to get a look at the corridor themselves.

"What... is that?" Nott questioned, he turned to see Luna's surprised face. They were staring at something down towards the middle; it was in midair being held by a rope.

Rodrick was the first to move towards it; the two followed him although Luna slowed down a lot more.

A quarter of the way in, they saw three other heads pop up on the other side of the hallway, "Potter," Nott snarled to himself. He had almost slipped on the puddle of water before the three decided to tread with more care.

Rodrick's group reached the hanging object first.

No one said a word, the object hanging from the rope was a cat, Filch's cat to be exact. On the wall, something was written in blood.

He was the first to move towards the cat; it was frozen, completely still, he attempted to move one of its hand but found it stuck in place. He sighed in relief and moved his hand away from the cat. He looked at the puddle on the floor and assumed the cat had seen its eyes there.

"What did you do?" Questioned someone, Rodrick turned to see Harry Potter, he'd come closer as well.

Rodrick eyed him warily before he told them it wouldn't do anyone any favours been caught here. "Best get a teacher." He added on.

Luna had a frightened look on her face, "Is she?" She was about to ask, a slight quiver in her voice before Rodrick shook his head quickly. He could see some relief return to her face.

"Enemies of the heir, beware," Nott started reading out the second part of the writing on the wall, his lips twitching upwards slightly.

Rodrick moved away from the cat; Harry Potter did the same.

Ron was about to speak before herds of footsteps were heard coming from every direction. Rodrick could see Malfoy, slowly coming over, ahead of the others in his direction. His eyes lit up when he saw the hanging cat; he was about to comment on the writing before he saw Nott and Rodrick standing far to close compared to Potter.

Rodrick shook his head slightly.

Silence reigned over the hallway, Rodrick scanned the crowds of students and relaxed when he caught Ginny's face among them, she didn't die it seemed... So why did he see her in his vision? He found Tracey and Blaise amongst the crowd but was slightly put out not to see Daphne.

Filch's voice broke the silence; he had marched through the crowd before he fell to his knees and started shrieking. Surprisingly to Rodrick, the man blamed Harry Potter, even though he was standing closer to the bloody thing.

"You! You murdered my cat! His eyes were popping out, "You've kille-" He was about to finish. As much as Rodrick enjoyed the sight on Ron's freaked out face. He spoke up.

"She isn't dead," his voice rang over the shrieking caretakers.

Black beady eyes turned to Rodrick in that instant.

"What did you say!?" he demanded. Before pointing towards the cat, "Look at her! What do yo-" he was about to finish before the headmaster's voice stopped him.


Heads quickly turned to the old wizard. Rodrick could see the man eyeing the cat before turning his gaze over between himself and Harry. 'I should've kept my mouth shut...'

He detached the cat and called out for the six students to follow him. He could see regret go over Nott's face; the boy most likely had considered falling in with the mass of students to hide. Luna was staring at the cat whimsically. It was then Lockhart showed up, he muttered something about his office been upstairs.

Rodrick turned to Nott, "I thought you said his office wasn't this way!" he hissed at the boy. Nott raised an eyebrow before asking him if he actually would've gone to the detention or not. A twinkle appeared in Rodrick's before he smiled slightly and whispered back. "We were on our way there remember?"

Nott looked slightly confused before he understood and a small smirk took over his face.

Luna was about to object, but a glare from both Slytherins had her chuckling instead, they looked like such vulnerable snakes.

The six students, Headmaster, Lockhart, Professor McGonagall and Snape, filtered into a darkened office. Rodrick's nose twitched when he saw the number of photos of the defence professor on the walls. Turning to Nott, he saw a similar expression. Luna laughed as one of the photos tried to hide away, it was still working on its hair.

Snape eyed them warily but said nothing.

Dumbledore put the cat down on the desk before he began to examine it.

Rodrick had been planning to stay quiet until Lockhart started giving out suggestions.

A small grin appeared on his face.

"It was the Transmorgrifian torture curse that killed her! I have seen it many times." The man spoke with confidence. Rodrick could see Filch eye him with both a distasteful and hopeful look.

Rodrick opened his mouth at that, "But sir, she's not dead."

That quickly got everyone's attention although Dumbledore was still inspecting the cat, Snape raised an eyebrow at him but still refused to speak.

Lockhart turned to him slightly annoyed, "I know that particular curse, I-" but once again he was cut off.

Rodrick shook his head, "I am telling you she's still alive, she's only been-"

"Now listen here the cat i-" Gilderoy cut him off and went off on a rant about the times he'd seen the curse happen.

Rodrick had rolled his eyes before he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned to see Snape with a finger over his lips, Rodrick nodded. He could see Filch growing more and more panicked as Lockhart ranted. Rodrick went and took a seat in the office before he was followed by Nott and Lovegood.

"Are you sure?" Nott asked.

"Very," Rodrick replied.

"I think the headmaster is finished," Luna spoke quietly, she felt it unfair that everyone else had their head of house with them and she didn't.

"She's not dead," The headmaster spoke; he swept a gaze towards Rodrick's direction.

The light returned to Argus Filch's creepy looking face.

The look on Lockhart's face was the best thing he could've ever asked for. Rodrick beamed before he remembered his situation and took on a more passive look.

"She has been petrified," Dumbledore added on, Lockhart's face quickly changed to match one that said he'd already known. Even the professors rolled their eyes at that. "But How I cannot say,"

"Ask him!" Filch yelled off, pointing towards Harry Potter. Once again surprising Rodrick.

Before he could say anything else, Rodrick spoke out, "It wasn't him." Everyone's eyes turned to him at that, even Filch's.

"How wou-" he was about to speak.

"Because we got there before them," Rodrick spoke pointing to his group, he quickly added on "We were going to our detention with Professor Lockhart, they showed up after us," It took a lot out of Rodrick to call him a professor, Nott noticed if the small smirk on his face was anything to go by.

"Is that so?" Dumbledore turned his attention to the professor who simply nodded on, completely forgetting the fact that Luna didn't actually have a detention with him.

"How did you know it wasn't dead?" Rodrick turned to the source of the question, it was Granger.

"You even know what was wrong with her before the headmaster!" added on Weasley.

No one else said anything; they were waiting for him.

"I checked when I got there; she wasn't moving."

"She could've been dead; you saw the blood on the wall!" Ron replied, he quickly regretted it. Filch was glaring daggers at him at that.

"If it were her blood there would've been signs of someone taking it out of the cat, considering there weren't any injuries on it, I assumed she was stunned." It sounded a lot better than I saw it in my dreams, there was no way he was mentioning a Basilisk.

The people around stared at him, before Dumbledore broke the silence, "A good assumption," He moved away from the cat, "I believe the students are tired and will be wanting their sleep." Dumbledore spoke, his eyes gazing over the six students.

The six all but ran outside the classroom, each group going their own ways.

Snape sneered slightly at the thought of Potter leaving without trouble but there was no helping it, if anyone were likely to get into any, it would be his own students, they were there first after all. It was only later that Snape realized Potter and his friends were never asked what they were doing there in the first place.

"Why did you decide to help Potter?" Nott asked as soon as they left.

Rodrick was a little surprised; he expected Nott to be a bit smarter than this. He wasn't the one who answered though.

"Because the others, or more specifically, that red-haired one could've pinned the blame on us instead, we were there first remember," Luna spoke in a surprisingly normal voice.

The two stared at her, that wasn't normal. "Ah... fair enough, and his name is Weasel, Broke Weasel." Nott spoke, laughing at his own joke.

Rodrick sighed.

"Nott, leave the jokes to... Everyone else..."

Luckily for Luna, Ravenclaw tower came up first before the Slytherins nest of snakes, when she turned to Rodrick she saw him wink at her before she realized he took a longer way so she wouldn't be going off on her own. She smiled and thanked him; she chuckled once the two were on their way, the look on Nott's face was quite amusing.

"I didn't take you for the sentimental type," Nott spoke to the Slytherin next to him.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow before asking what he took him for.

"... I have no idea actually."

Rodrick smirked, "Good," Causing Nott to roll his eyes.

"And it's hardly sentimental; we got to see where Ravenclaw's Common room is." Rodrick lied, he wasn't risking that basilisk suddenly craving blondes.

Nott's eyes lit up at that; a mischievous grin took over his face.

Rodrick shook his head slightly; it really wasn't worrying, he hadn't met a Slytherin capable of answering a riddle to save their lives yet.

Arriving at the dungeons, Rodrick was both grateful and upset that Daphne wasn't there waiting for him. The others weren't either, but that wasn't new. He found Malfoy in the middle of a group of Slytherins. When he saw them, he quickly waved them over... Here Rodrick just wanted some sleep... Remembering the visions, he quickly thanked Malfoy in his head. He silently prayed not to have one again so soon.

He had a vision that night.


Rodrick was currently running around the same hallway, he turned to his side and was surprised when he saw a giant rabbit there jumping on along with him. The two seemed to be running through the same hallway over and over again. When he finally turned to look down on himself he recoiled slightly, his body was on fire, looking towards his feet he shook his head and turned back up. It was either a dream, or he grew talons. It was then that the repeating hallway seemed to stop repeating. As he entered through the closed doors he felt a sharp pain in his chest; he turned towards the giant rabbit only to see it hopping away frantically. Turning back ahead he saw the familiar girls bathroom; it was the abandoned one. He saw three students come out of it, Potter and his friends. They were standing there in front of him, unmoving. Behind them he could see steam coming out from a cauldron, small bits of ingredients whirling around it, there was a giant firework explosion before he saw more ingredients appear from Granger's pocket. when he turned his face back to the students, he found them in Slytherin robes, their faces starting to change.

The dream ended in a blaze of fire.

Rodrick woke with a start, for the first time he understood what was going to happen, well long as he ignored the fire... That was the first time that happened, he wasn't happy he'd had a vision so soon but he was glad it was understandable. Those three idiots were making the Polyjuice potion, if that wasn't bad enough, Slytherin was involved. If he had to guess it meant they were going to try to make it around Slytherin? No... They were going to get their ingredients around some Slytherins... Potions. They were going to try and steal them in Potions. Either that or they planned to try and pretend to be Slytherins... Knowing his luck... It was both. Rodrick sighed, does he stop it from the start or does he let it occur and see what happens? Plus what could they possibly want from pretending to be Slytherins?

'Don't tell me they think it'll save them from the basilisk?'

Rodrick's facepalmed himself. It was an actual possibility.


It had been a couple of weeks since the attack; He'd been questioned several times since by housemates and one Lovegood on why he'd been there in the first place. He gave them same excuse each time; he had a feeling the Gryffindors were planning something. He doubted anyone believed him.

He didn't really care who believed him. They were never going to guess the fact he could see bits of the future nor where they going to blame it on him as he'd had plenty of witnesses.

Rodrick groaned as he got up off his bed, the visions were still putting a toll on him, not that he could complain all that much, they were certainly useful. At least this time it didn't look like anyone was in any actual danger, it was only those three Gryffindors planning something stupid at potions. He sighed, he had no intention of letting them ruin one of his only bearable lessons. He'd that particular vision several more times since Halloween, each time slightly more was revealed, it was a painfully slow process, sometimes it made no sense. The most recent vision showed Harry Potter in a different position to the last couple of weeks.

Things with Daphne seemed to hit a standstill; she was content in ignoring him until, Rodrick assumed, he told her the truth, he was still working on that department. Well trying to decide whether he should or shouldn't anyway.

He'd actually been wanting to check out the first-floor corridor again, if only to see there were any clues surrounding it, the writing hadn't disappeared. It was still crowded with students gaping at it. Even the library seemed to be packed with students trying to find out anything on the chamber of secrets. Rodrick decided to wait a while longer before trying to find any clues, at least until the writing's appeal died and the students found other things to amuse themselves with.

He made his way downstairs and found his group of male friends, Blaise, Nott, and Malfoy, lounging on the sofas, the girls nowhere in sight. He absentmindedly noticed Crabbe and Goyle surrounding the Malfoy heir.

Looking at Blaise he couldn't help but feel grateful to him, as well as Tracey, they hadn't really changed much regarding his secrets; Really it was only Daphne who overreacted... Rodrick did know the hypocrisy involved there... He would've felt the same way if it was the other way round.

"Well, if it isn't Slytherins youngest snake charmer," spoke out Blaise, looking towards Rodrick.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at him, confused. That was a new one. He quickly went to take a seat on an empty spot in one of the sofas, next to Nott. "What are you talking about?" he asked back, only to get a shrug from the boy. Rodrick rolled his eyes before he changed the subject. "So ready for your Quidditch game in a couple of days?" he asked Malfoy.

Draco slowly turned a different colour at the question, "Oh, I completely forgot about that..." He groaned, before his eyes lit up slightly again, "You're interested in that?" He questioned disbelievingly. His hatred for flying was well known.

Rodrick shook his head, "More into seeing how our year does than anything else," He answered.

Malfoy nodded, he looked more cheerful than before, no doubt wanting to show off his prowess. Rodrick was more interested in how Tracey did, but Malfoy didn't need to hear that.

"When do you think the first Mudblood's getting attacked?" Malfoy asked eagerly. Rodrick and Blaise narrowed their eyes slightly but said nothing.

"What makes you think one is going to get attacked?" Rodrick asked tersely. Nott turned to him slightly surprised while Malfoy raised an eyebrow before chuckling.

"I am referring to the chamber of secrets, You've heard of it haven't you?" Questioned the blonde.

"I've read about it..." Replied Rodrick.

"Of course you have," scoffed Blaise, there was a small smile on his lips as he said it. Rodrick rolled his eyes before turning back to Malfoy.

"Well, what about it?" Rodrick asked.

Malfoy exchanged a strange glance with Nott before he spoke, "The chamber was made by Salazar Slytherin to kill off Muggle-borns, only his Heir could open it." Malfoy spoke confidently, Rodrick was surprised he hadn't used the word mud-blood again.

Silence permeated the group after that, Rodrick realized they were waiting for him to speak. "And? Where does Mud-bloods getting attacked come from?" he asked. Earning confused looks from them.

"It's obvious, isn't it? The Heir is going to attack them." Malfoy drawled.

Rodrick rolled his eyes, "How do you know Mud-bloods are his enemies?" he asked.

Malfoy was startled before he managed to utter a reply, the others were watching with keen interest, some other years around them glanced towards their side, no doubt having heard the conversation. Rodrick noticed some of them glancing towards him as well.

"Slytherin considered them his enemies!" Malfoy spoke.

Rodrick shook his head, "Slytherin considered Muggle's his enemies, he didn't like teaching Muggle-borns, he never named them enemies."

That seemed to send them into a small silence.

"Then whats the chamber for?" The question didn't come from them, Rodrick turned to find a curious third year on one of the leather chairs.

"I imagine it was meant to attack his enemies," Rodrick answered sarcastically, earning scoffs from his friends. The third-year narrowed his eyes slightly before Rodrick continued. "We don't actually have a lot of knowledge about what happened during the founders time, for all we know there might've have been dangers that required such a chamber to exist."

The group stared at each other as they contemplated the words, Rodrick then decided to add on, "Besides... Imagine the Heir decided that purebloods were his enemies... What would happen then?" He had a small glint in his eye as he asked.

The horrified looks meant they really considered it. "That's not possible! The Heir is most likely a pure-blood themselves why would they want other..." Malfoy started to speak only for it to dawn on him then that a pureblood would probably gain more from another purebloods death than a random muggle-born.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow before he finished it for the Malfoy, "Not all pure-bloods are concerned about blood, Malfoy, some are more concerned about power." He noticed others surrounding them looking fearful as they contemplated his words, 'Was half the bloody room listening in on that?' Rodrick then decided to ask a question he'd regret, "So who do you guys think the Heir is anyway?" That seemed to lift the Slytherins spirits.

His friends had glanced towards each other before they turned their heads toward him.

Rodrick noticed the looks, his stomach starting to tense slightly, "What..?" He questioned.

"Well... There's a bet going around, every house is doing it, on who the Heir is... They were supposed to choose someone from their own houses..." Nott started. "And you're on a winning spree," He finished.

Rodrick blinked, "What?" he asked again.

Malfoy had an amused smile on his face, "Most of the years have already cast their votes, you got the most."

Rodrick was staring at Malfoy before his face took on a horrified expression, "Who exactly voted for me?" he snarled.

A bemused expression went around the group, the other years seemed to have lost interest as they turned back to what they were doing.

"Well, I don't know about the other houses..."

Rodrick twitched.

"Half the first years," Blaise continued when he noticed the look on his face, "Mostly because you were the first person there."

"So was I..." added on Nott before Malfoy snorted.

"Yeah, but who's going to believe that?"

"Who else Blaise?" demanded Rodrick.

"A quarter of the third years, your reputation for harming Gryffindor's points gave them that idea; they're at the bottom of the rankings which is actually why you won the Gryffindor bet as well, Slytherin is so much further ahead" There was almost a tone of respect in his voice.

'House points are been brought into this?' Rodrick snorted. "Can't really blame them, to be honest, I want to try and get them to finish with 0 points by the end of the year, make it all the more controversial when Dumbledore decides to give them 500 points out of nowhere."

Nott raised an eyebrow before he chuckled, "I doubt that's possible, we'd have to win the Quidditch games to ensure that and with our seeker as Malfoy..."

Malfoy glared at Nott, but before he could say anything, Blaise continued, albeit trying to hold his own laughter.

"A couple of fourth years and one-fifth year, the rest voted elsewhere, although the sixth and seventh years were too busy to bother," Blaise answered with a hint of a smirk on his face.

Rodrick nodded along before he realized his year wasn't mentioned. "What about our year?" he asked carefully, glancing at each face.

It was a few moments before someone answered.

"About that... We all thought it'd be best if we just voted for one person... You know unity and all..."

Rodrick narrowed his eyes, "You didn't..." he spoke.

No one said anything.

Rodrick sighed.

"So any chance you can tell us who your enemies are?" Malfoy asked sarcastically.

Rodrick rolled his eyes, "I am not the bloody Heir ok?" earning laughter out of them.

He got up from his seat; it was the weekend, so no classes were in effect, he glanced at each of the students with a raised eyebrow. Blaise was the first to get up after him. Rodrick turned to Nott and Malfoy.

"Well, get up then!" He demanded.

Nott narrowed his eyes, "What?" he questioned.

"I am bound to get targeted thanks to your lack of thinking, no doubt results of your little bet has gotten out."

Malfoy raised an eyebrow amused, "You want us to be your bodyguards?" he questioned incredulously.

Rodrick snorted, "More of meat shields but you can call it that if you want."

Malfoy rolled his eyes before he got up, his two goons following him. Nott stayed in place, defiant.

"I refuse to be used in such a manner," He huffed, raising his nose.

"Don't bother arguing; it's pointless." Blaise scoffed.

"I doubt that, anyway I am not even hungry anyway." Nott replied glancing away.

Rodrick looked amused more than anything. "That's cute; you think you have a choice." he spoke sarcastically.

Nott narrowed his eyes, "I'll have you kno-"


Rodrick walked to the hall with his little group of snakes, Malfoy and his goons, Blaise and of course Nott.

"I can't believe I let you convince me..." Nott spoke despairingly.

"Don't pin that on me it was your own choice," Rodrick snorted.

"I am still not convinced that's true," Malfoy laughed.

Rodrick glanced over the Slytherin table before his eyes landed on Daphne and Tracey, he contemplated whether to go towards them or not before he decided to risk it. He moved over towards the seat opposite the girl.

Nott blanched slightly, "We look like a bunch of Hufflepuff's grouped up like this,"

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at this before muttering, "Good, Means we're acting like proper Slytherins."

Nott wasn't convinced, "No one will take us seriously."

"Exactly," Rodrick remarked.

It had taken a few moments before it set in, "Fair enough..." added on Malfoy, the hint of a smirk on his lips. A Slytherin you took seriously was far less dangerous than one you underestimated.

Rodrick took his seat across Daphne, Tracey noticed him before smiling sheepishly, Daphne, however, didn't even deign to react, 'Silent treatment, when will it ever end...' If the others noticed they didn't say anything. Blaise took a seat next to Tracey, Nott and Malfoy took a seat on both of Rodrick's sides. Malfoy's goons were a little put out before they both took a seat on Malfoy's open side. Rodrick could hear whispers regarding their small group, he shrugged it off and dug into his food. Daphne didn't stay very long before she uttered a goodbye and left, Rodrick replied his own but knew she hadn't said it towards him. Nott made a theory about that, Rodrick hexed his tongue with a sticking charm. Malfoy never looked so grateful.

Rodrick was wondering how Christmas would go; he had his gift for Daphne ready, he just wasn't sure he'd get the chance to give it.


The Quidditch game was postponed.

The teams were the first to show up to the pitch, Rodrick had tagged along with Tracey and Malfoy, it had been far too awkward. Daphne was there with them. The icy atmosphere managed to put off the lot of them. It didn't help that Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger had shown up with the Gryffindor team. Malfoy had asked Rodrick what his problem with Greengrass was but he'd waved it off. When Professor Hooch had brought out the chest of balls, Rodrick felt something strange emanating from it. It seemed the others hadn't noticed. Some of the stands had started filling up.

"I think there something wrong with the chest," Rodrick spoke first.

The others including the professor started eyeing him warily.

"I doubt that, the chest is checked thoroughly before and after every game to keep it from damage," The professor replied, an eyebrow raised.

Rodrick insisted.

"Probably too scared to play us, Must've realized brooms don't make up for skill." Ron Weasley, of course, had to open his mouth.

Malfoy looked about ready to hex him before Rodrick spoke out again.

"Check the chest, Professor, just in case."

The professor gazed at him before nodding much to the Gryffindors annoyance.

That was when they found the cursed bludger. The game was postponed two weeks.

A cursed bludger usually wouldn't take such a long time before it's fixed, loss of bones did. The bludger had practically charged towards Harry Potter, Ron Weasley tried to make it disappear. his spell backfired and hit their team captain, sending him straight to the hospital wing, without him the professor had to move the game back, much to everyone's irritation. Messages were quickly sent out to any families that had been planning to attend, telling them of the change in plans. Weasley had gotten banned from using his wand until it was fixed, it wasn't the first time a spell had backfired on him, from the way the other Gryffindors stared at him Rodrick was no longer worried he would be targetted for anything. The Slytherins had initially been vexed about the change of plans, at least until the second howler came for the redhead regarding his broken wand.

Plus the 20 points for pointing out the cursed bludger seemed to help; even Dumbledore was looking worried, it was getting harder and harder to guarantee a Gryffindor house cup victory after all. He'd never seen the Gryffindor prefects look so lost.

Malfoy had remarked that it was a missed opportunity, the bludger breaking down Potter may have made for a good show. Rodrick pointed out that even if Slytherin had won that game, the others could've blamed the bludger and demanded a rematch. That seemed to placate the blonde.

Rodrick was sure disaster was averted, that is until the Basilisk attacked again. Colin Creevey had been petrified. Gryffindors were calling this Slytherin's retaliation, after having their bludger attack failed, completely forgetting the fact that it was a Slytherin who had caused it to fail in the first place. Of course the fact the Slytherins had taken advantage of the chaos caused to make money by selling fake artefacts didn't really help their image all that much. 1 step forward, 3 steps back.


Two weeks seemed to pass in a blur, Malfoy was in a despondent mood on the nearing first game. It was a couple day's away. The letter to stay over Christmas had already come by, Rodrick didn't sign it, he still wasn't sure whether he'd be at the Greengrass Manor or not.

Rodrick and his friends, minus the girls, were on their way to double potions with Gryffindor. He was feeling more and more put out as time went on, he was starting to miss her, he was on the verge of just outright telling her and dealing with the odd chance she outright ends their friendship. He wasn't even sure if that was likely to happen, the risk simply put him off.

Entering the classroom, however, changed his focus. He saw Potter sitting elsewhere from his usual seat beside the Longbottom boy. Rodrick couldn't blame him for that, the boy was a menace, even he probably couldn't fix a working potion with him as his partner and he was from what he could tell the most proficient in his year. The endless practice over the summer seemed to ensure that. No, it was the fact Potter was willingly sitting close to a predominantly Slytherin focused area of the class, it was closer to the teacher, the Gryffindor almost always sat as far away as they could unless Snape wanted them closer. Malfoy seemed to notice it as well as he narrowed his eyes, he was about to go up to Potter and start a rant before he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Malfoy turned with a slight sneer before he saw Rodrick, his eyes were locked onto Potter. "Keep an eye on him," Rodrick spoke, "Don't say anything though."

Malfoy wanted to argue but he saw the grave look on the boys face before he agreed. He moved over and took Goyle's usual seat, Potter eyed him warily to which Malfoy sneered.

Rodrick turned his attention over towards Potter's friends and noticed them exchange worried glances between each other.

'It's today.'

He took the wand holster from the side of his trousers and clipped it hidden inside the sleeves of his wand arm, no one noticed him, they were all paying attention to the source of tension in the class. Potter and Malfoy. Rodrick was impressed, neither one said anything and they still managed to set the class on edge.

For the first time ever Rodrick's potion wasn't doing well. They were, fortunately, working on their own today, so it didn't bother him too much, he was more focused on making sure there were no accident's, he kept his eyes locked over towards Potter's area. Snape had frowned when he saw the state his potion was in, however when he saw where his attention was pointed to... He didn't say anything, only sneered.

'He's expecting something to happen...' Thought the Potions professor, he glared towards Potter, waiting to see what the menace was planning. His glare darkened when he saw the boy quickly glance to him and turn back. 'He's waiting for me to turn away...' Thought Snape disdainfully. Snape turned back to one of his favourite Slytherin's and noticed him still eyeing Potter before the gaze turned towards him... A gamble then.

He nodded towards him and moved away, he kept his attention away from Potter giving him his chance to act out.


Harry Potter was surprised to see Snape looking away from his direction for the first time ever, he quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out the firework. Once he made sure Malfoy's attention wasn't on him, he threw it into his unsuspecting cauldron. Harry had been about to move away in order to avoid the incoming explosion but to his shock he found the firework stuck in midair.

Hermione blanched.

Ron swore.

Everyone's attention turned to the floating firework near Harry's table, his arms in the air having just thrown it. The smirk on Snape's face was downright terrifying. Looking around they all saw Rodrick, his wand out pointing towards the floating firework, a sheepish smile on his face. There was a chaotic flurry of murmurings as Snape took three students out of the class.


Harry Potter expected detention. He got so much worse. He hadn't realized how bad it looked until after he was brought into Snape's office, Rodrick, and Malfoy in tow, both Professor McGonagall and the headmaster, were waiting for him.

"What is the meaning of this, Professor?" McGonagall asked, glancing between the three students.

"Mr Potter here tried to sabotage my lesson, he attempted to throw a firework into young Draco's cauldron, I do not need to tell you how dangerous that is! Thankfully one of my other Slytherins managed to stop his insidious plot,"

Professor McGonagall flashed an impassive look towards Harry, she expected him to refuse the accusations, his silence disappointed her a great deal. Gryffindor was already behind... This was going to hurt.

Malfoy was practically beaming.

"What pray tell was this insidious plot?" asked the headmaster, his eyes gazing towards Harry, a kind look on them.

Snape smirked. It was at this moment that Rodrick knew why Malfoy was brought along.

Harry Potter was quiet, he couldn't tell them they'd been trying to steal from Snape's storage, he and his friends would definitely get expelled. He wasn't sure what he should say, he quickly decided to play it off as revenge for Malfoy having done something similar earlier in the year, before he could speak however Malfoy said something that sent him down a spiral.

"There's a game coming in two days," Malfoy mentioned, a smirk on his face.

The Transfiguration blanched, she turned towards Harry who had a fearful look on his face.

"Indeed, no doubt Potter here decided causing an accident to the Slytherin seeker would help them win their game," Snape added on.

"That's not true!" Harry yelled out.

"Really? What is?" To everyone's surprise it was Rodrick that asked, Harry, locked eyes with the one responsible before he flinched, the way the boy was staring at him... 'He knew... He knows what we were trying to do... I don't know how but he does.' Harry thought panicked. 'He hasn't said anything... He's giving me a choice...' He kept his mouth closed. They'd get expelled if Rodrick decided to speak up.

"I think it's fairly obvious all things considered, if it wasn't for Rodrick's intervention, Slytherin would be down a seeker and with the game in a couple days, we would've undoubtedly lost." Snape's eyes took an almost savage smirk, "I believe an appropriate punishment is expected... It's not the first problem he's caused this year." He finished with a snarl, his eyes glared at Potter.

Dumbledore was the one to intervene, "Indeed..."

"Am I getting expelled?" Harry asked horrified.

Malfoy's eyes lit up, McGonagall was looking more uncomfortable by the second.

"No my dear boy, you are not," Dumbledore replied kindly.

Harry sighed slightly, he turned to see his Transfiguration professored and noticed her disappointed gaze on his face... If it wasn't for Dumbledore, he wasn't sure he would be staying. When he turned to Snape expecting a frown, he found the same smirk in place... 'Oh no...' Thought Harry.

"Perhaps the more appropriate punishment would be his removal from the Quidditch team."

Harry Potter inwardly swore. Malfoy's smirk grew. Rodrick showed no emotion.

"That is goin-" Dumbledore started.

Rodrick cut him off, if Snape didn't get that then he was sure to make matters worse... Who was he kidding? Slytherin loyalty all the way. "Sir if Potter was successful, Draco would be the one unable to play! You can't seriously think it's fair that he gets to try that and get away with it?"

Professor McGonagall decided to intervene, Harry had a small amount of hope his Professor would get him out of his situation before it was taken away. "Rodrick is right, as sad as it is to see, attempting to injure a fellow classmate so as to gain an advantage... I am very disappointed Mr Potter, there will be no more games for you, at least for this year,"

Harry hung his head low, there was no way it could get worse.

"30 points will be taken away from Gryffindor, 20 will be given to Slytherin," Snape sneered, he was hoping the brat would be banned for life.

The headmaster agreed reluctantly... Perhaps the Gryffindor team will still win and gain the house points back...

Harry was downright depressed.

Rodrick and Malfoy were dismissed, they both felt the elation the head of Slytherin was feeling, even Rodrick had to agree, he was glad he received points for it, he felt bad for Potter, but at the end of the day, it was the Slytherin to do. Plus Gryffindor lost 30 points; it was a good day. He wondered whether the Gryffindor's were considering murdering him right now, or at the very least hoped the Basilisk ate him.

Malfoy was downright skipping. "I don't know how you knew Potters plan and at this point, I don't care, Well done,"

Surprisingly the comment from Malfoy meant more than he realized, Draco looked genuine when he said it. Rodrick questioned just how much the boy had to put behind a fake veil out of fear for his image or perhaps simply disappointing his father.

He would've felt bad if they weren't happy about the situation they were in.

The Gryffindors were outraged when they found out, when they heard the full story... Rodrick was fairly sure the only reason Harry Potter was still alive was that he killed Voldemort. Of course, that meant he himself had to be extra careful his historic achievements didn't inspire loyalty, at least not from the Gryffindors. The Slytherin dungeons, however... They received him and Malfoy as heroes. Even Daphne let off a genuine smile towards his side, although that was more due to him stopping the accident then destroying Gryffindors hopes and dreams. Wood, the captain of the team was gutted, he had tried and failed to lift Potter's ban repeatedly.


The game between the two teams was so one-sided, half the Gryffindors had left the stands midway through it. Draco caught the snitch and finished it off at 450 to 70. Tracey had done very well. The Gryffindor team looked depressed; they'd been somewhat glad Draco had finally caught the blasted snitch and ended the horrifying game.

At the end of the match, the winning house went off to the Dungeons to celebrate, all of them except one student. Daphne watched Rodrick slip away from the rest after he'd congratulated Tracey on her first successful game. She quarrelled internally with herself before she decided to follow him.


Rodrick was in the first-floor corridor, he was staring up and inspecting the writing on the wall, his wand hovered over each letter. Daphne watched him hidden behind one of the doors from the south side, the one Harry Potter and his friends had used. He had been trying out all kinds of different spells on it, spells she'd never even heard off, however, all of them seemed to bounce off the writing with no effect. He'd been at it for almost an hour. Daphne had been trying to pull herself together into talking to him but always gave in every time he shot off another spell. She watched aimlessly as sweat started pouring down the boys face, the magic was getting to him. He quickly holstered his wand before he sat down and stared up at the wall. It was then that Daphne noticed Dumbledore walk past her, she almost yelped before covering her mouth. The headmaster didn't react to her presence as he walked up towards Rodrick.

"Powerful magic," Dumbledore spoke, surprising the seating boy.

Rodrick quickly got up off the ground before dusting his robes, "Sorry? Sir?" He questioned.

Dumbledore was still staring at the writing, "The writing, there are powerful enchantments surrounding it,"

Rodrick sighed slightly before he nodded, "I think it's Rune magic, none of my spells managed to do anything"

Dumbledore had a bemused expression, the boy really was smarter than he looked. "Indeed it is, quite powerful Runes at that, no spell would remove it, not even the Unforgiveables could have an effect,"

The sudden tension in the hallway rose sharply, Rodrick could hear a gasp but he wasn't sure if it was his own or someone else. He slowly turned his gaze towards the headmaster and saw an amused look on his face. He sighed before muttering two powerful words. "You know,"

"Who?" Dumbledore quipped.

Rodrick rolled his eyes.

It was a few moments before the headmaster spoke up again.

"Was there a particular reason you decided to use such dangerous magic? I am sure you know the rules regarding it..."

Rodrick nodded on resigned. "Azkaban," he muttered.

"Indeed," Albus replied, waiting for the boy to continue.

"I didn't want to risk it," Rodrick started, "My friend was in danger... I know I could have used a more legal spell but..." he stopped unsure of what to say.

"There's no uncertainty with the unforgivable curses," Dumbledore finished for him.

Rodrick lowered his head at that, "If it failed... I would've lost my best friend." He sighed, it practically happened anyway, only a year later. Rodrick mused to himself sadly.

"The risks of that spell are still there," Dumbledore spoke, he couldn't condone such an action even if he agreed that it was sometimes necessary, it wouldn't do to make a habit out of it.

Rodrick looked back up at the writing, "You could remove this," he stated matter of factly.

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at him, "If I could, why haven't I?" he asked, a twinkle in his eyes.

"Better to risk it than to regret it," he spoke, internally making another decision.

Dumbledore didn't react, although his lips almost seemed to twitch upwards.

"If you removed it... Whoever opened it might feel it was necessary to recreate the writing, next time things may not be so fortunate," Rodrick finished.

"Certainly true," remarked Dumbledore. "I suppose some times, risking something is necessary"... "I must congratulate you on your house's victory," Dumbledore finished with a smile.

Rodrick lowered his head, "I am sorry, about Harry I mean... I saw him reach in-" before he could finish however Albus put his hand up.

"You did the right thing. The consequences involved are not your responsibility," Albus spoke with a smile. Rodrick nodded his head gratefully.

Rodrick nodded his head gratefully.

"I must be on my way, if there is anything you find out about this, please feel free to visit my office and do give my regards to your young friend waiting by the door." Dumbledore finished with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Rodrick's eyes widened slightly before he heard a huff, looking past the headmaster he saw Daphne standing at the door. When he turned, he saw the headmaster walking away slowly.

When the headmaster was out of sight, Daphne slowly walked up to Rodrick. Before she could speak, however, Rodrick took her hand and led her away, the same direction the headmaster had taken.

"Wher-" she started to talk before Rodrick to her annoyance shushed her.

"You'll see,"

They made their way past the abandoned toilet and two subsequent hallway doors before they found an empty class room.

Unbeknownst to both of them was the red-haired witch who walked through the once again empty hallway, a black book in hand.


Entering the class room, Rodrick let Daphne go in first before he muttered a wandless locking charm on the door and set off a silencing spell. Daphne's eyes widened in curiosity.

Rodrick moved past her and took a seat. "Didn't expect you to cooperate,"

Daphne had a bemused expression on her face, "That was only because of what you said to the headmaster..." she accidentally spoke out loud, earning a chuckle from the boy.

Rodrick quickly changed the subject, "I suppose you want to know what the big secret is?"

Daphne raised an eyebrow at that, "Here I thought that was why you locked and silenced the room, did you have anything else in mind?" she joked. She found herself chuckling when she saw his face turn red.

Rodrick coughed trying to get control of himself back. "Of course no-"

"I am joking,"

"In all fairness-"

Daphne gave him a deadpan look.

Rodrick sighed, his thoughts scrambled, he wasn't sure how to even start.

"It'll be easier if I just show you I suppose,"

He took his wand out and waved it over his face, earning a confused look from the girl, he saw her face slowly adopt a shocked expression as his own changed.


It had taken a few seconds before Rodrick's real face showed up, he turned to see a thoughtful look on Daphne's face, Part one is done...

Daphne was gazing at his face curiously; he had strands of blonde hair flowing about his usual black hair, his face's shape changed slightly... She was confused; he didn't look worse. He looked better for that matter... So what exactly was he hiding? She didn't recognize the face from somewhere.

"You look better", She blurted out.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that before he started laughing, "Why am I not surprised that's the first thing you think off?"

"Very funny," she replied.

"You said it not me."

Daphne rolled her eyes before she asked him why he used the magic in the first place. The look on his face set her stomach churning.

"Because someone might recognize me..."

"It can't be that bad... Rodrick?"

Rodrick turned his face up towards her; she was a couple of feet away right next to the door, an impassive look on it. "I am the grandson of one the most dangerous Mass murderers in history," he started. He recoiled at the look of shock that begun to adorn the girls face. 'Probably shouldn't have started with that...'

Daphne was speechless, from the way his face was set... he looked serious. "W-what are-" She stuttered.

Rodrick had sighed before he stood up, "My grandfather is Gellert Grindelwald, I am Rodrick Grindelwald," he finished and closed his eyes.

'No, no, no no no no, this can't be happening...' The thoughts quickly swarmed around her head, 'He can't be...'

Rodrick opened his eyes. He felt his stomach lurch at the girl's terrified face.

Daphne's mind quickly wormed through the different thing's she'd seen over the year, the spells he knew, the people that followed him... His name... The vault he always hid, refused to speak about... His sudden friendship with Malfoy.

Rodrick slowly reached for his pocket.

In hindsight, it wasn't the best thing to do.

Daphne saw him before she grabbed her wand. Afraid. 'His wand.. he's reaching for his wand... What's he planning to do...'

Rodrick's face almost broke at the girl's sudden reaction. 'Is it really that bad...'

He slowly moved his hand away from the box and got up from his seat; he tried to make his way over to the girl. "Daphne... Just calm down for a second..." He started, as soon as he made two steps the girl raised her wand, frantic, her face was terrified. A flash of anger went through his mind at that... It wasn't fair. He quickly spoke in a betrayed voice. "If you do that I can assure you, you'll regret it."

He, of course, had been referring to their friendship.

She assumed something else entirely.

Rodrick was thrown back by the point blank banishing curse; he landed roughly on the chair knocking it over. 'She shot me...' What the hell is wrong with her!?

Daphne's eyes widened at what had just occurred... She didn't expect that to happen, Why didn't he block... It was obvious... he didn't expect her to attack... Why would he... She remembered Tracey's words, telling her everyone had a reason for their secrets... She just proved Rodrick right... She attacked him. Daphne panicked, she moved towards him and tried to help him before he pushed her hand.

"Rodrick... I a-" she started before she felt something hit her chest, only to fall off to the ground. She lowered her head and saw a crushed wrapped up box... 'A gift... He was reaching for that...' The thought threatened to make her cry. She turned her head back and tried to apologize but was repulsed by the look on his face.

"Leave," He snarled at her. He took his wand out and crumbled the gift on the floor.

"Ro-" Daphne started frantically before she was cut off.

"Get out! You've made your point!"

The shock of his words left her stunned; She could feel something snap. At the look on his face, she turned and left, the door's locking charm no doubt gone due to Rodrick's outburst. She quickly marched out of the way... She was tempted to go inside the abandoned girl's bathroom but held back when she saw the writing on the wall. She made her way down instead, walking around aimlessly.

She was a few feet from the Dungeon before she set off towards the working girl's bathroom instead. She bumped into the only person she wanted to see, Tracey.

Tracey's eyes widened when she the state her friend was in before she pulled her along through the bathroom door.

"Whats wrong?!" Tracey asked, worried something might've happened.

Of all the things to say at that moment.

"Rodricks a Grindelwald!" Daphne accidentally yelled out.

Tracey's eyes had widened at that before she saw Daphne swear and cover her mouth.

'Wrong words, Wrong words, I shouldn't have said that. Oh, Merlin what have I done... I was supposed to tell her the secret caused a problem, not the bloody secret itself!'

Tracey had not planned for this.


Rodrick fixed up the room, his disguise already back in place. He refused to show anyone else after that... If his supposedly closest friend acted like that, there was no telling what someone else might do. Unless they were a Malfoy.

Did he overreact? He wasn't sure. Could he have worded things better? Definitely.

Did she overreact?

She hit him with a freaking banishing charm.

Yes. She probably did. What the hell did she expect him to do? Obliviate her? Imperius her?

He sighed.

He didn't appreciate Occulumency enough. No one did.

He turned around and left the classroom before he bumped into someone else, blonde hair hitting his face, knocking him to the floor. 'It really isn't my day today is it?' He thought resigned.

Getting up, he saw the creature that had run into him, Luna Lovegood; he quickly offered her a hand which she took gratefully. "You don't look well," The girl pointed out when she saw his face.

Rodrick chuckled slowly, "No I suppose I don't..."

"Mhmm," Luna hummed along.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow, "Not gonna ask?" he deadpanned.

Luna shook her head, "If you want to tell me you will." she spoke in a dreamy voice.

Rodrick shook his head, "Showed my friend my real face" he spoke.

Luna's eyes widened, "Is it that scary!?" she asked.

Rodrick was surprised, he quickly started laughing and thanked the girl for it.

She smiled before cocking her head to the side, "Is it though?"

Rodrick had winked at the girl before he asked her what she was doing.

"Winking isn't an answer you know," Luna spoke seriously. "Anyway, I was on my way to visit Myrtle," she added on cheerfully.

"Myrtle? Rodrick questioned.

Luna nodded, "She lives in the abandoned girl's bathroom, she's a ghost."

Rodrick's eyes widened, she might know something about the chamber...

Luna noticed his expression before she smiled and asked him if he wanted to join, Rodrick bobbed his head up and down causing the girl to laugh.

The two made their way through the hallway doors into the corridor. five feet in, however... Rodrick felt a sudden sharp pain in his chest.

Images of the dream's he'd had, walking through the same hallway flashed through his mind, he expected the worst.

Luna eyed him warily before panicking, Rodrick had his hand over his chest as he crashed into the nearby wall, he barely kept himself standing.

She was about to try and help him before his voice cut through, sharp and clear with a commanding tone.

"Get the Headmaster now!" Rodrick shouted off.

Luna stood there still, confused about the situation when she heard him yell again she nodded her quickly before she sped off back through the doors they'd entered.

Rodrick straightened himself up, the pain had subsided, he took his wand out and then it happened. 'Of all the bloody times!' Where his last thoughts before he drifted off into another vision. The vision started off like normal with him running through that hall before abruptly stopping. The only difference was he didn't see the three Gryffindors this time...

He stared aimlessly at the Abandoned toilet, where the three students had shown up before, his eyes widened slightly as he saw something move. It was the sink, it looked like it was opening up... A few moments later and his fears were confirmed, a large head of a snake peeked through the open sink before its eyes locked onto Rodrick's, he felt another stab in his chest before he blinked his eyes open.

The vision had ended.

The Basilisk was coming. He'd seen its eyes, he knew his body would stop reacting soon enough, he couldn't run away... He lifted his wand arm up, facing it towards the sink, he could feel his muscles tightening, paralysis taking over.

Rodrick cursed, he was stuck, back against the wall, his muscles refusing to budge, his spell wouldn't be as powerful if he couldn't make the necessary wand movements... Rodrick chuckled madly; he doubted they'd have any effect anyway. He wondered aimlessly if the blood writing was where his back was, poetry and all. He saw the toilet sink start to move. 'Yup... I am going to die... Wonder what Daphne will think about all this?'

He closed his eyes; he could hear the sinks movement stop. He waited patiently, he heard the first hiss and then heard his own voice. 'Screw it. They can't send me to Azkaban if I am dead,'

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green light crashed into the giant serpent.

There was no sound, 'Did I kill it?' Rodrick thought slightly hopeful. He heard the snake hiss, 'Please tell me that's the sound of it dying...'

At the last second, Rodrick shouted out "PROTEGO," 'Really should've started with that.' before he felt something crash into his wand arms shoulder and the wall behind him. The blinding white hot pain followed.

He screamed. Where the hell is everyone!?

The Basilisk had bitten into his shoulder was the first thought. The second was the sudden dread feeling of his imminent death. The third, 'What the hell is dripping onto my arm?.'

That was when it clicked. The basilisk had crashed its head towards Rodrick, it bit his shoulder... The dripping fluid, its venom? It was falling on his arm... His wand arm was inside the Basilisks mouth, he could feel it slowly go numb. He could feel the Basilisk try to lodge its head away but fail, it was stuck. The crash against the wall, the bottom set of teeth must have hit the wall just below his arm.

Rodrick snorted, the Basilisk couldn't aim for shi-

'My wand arm is in its mouth,'

The thought echoed itself over in his head before a savage smile took over the boys face.


The Basilisk's screech was like a melody to the boy, it forcibly removed its mouth away from the wall, scratching the bottom part of his forearm, no doubt letting in more venom. If it weren't for the shield charm he would've lost the arm altogether. His body crashed into the floor from the sudden justle, Rodrick opened his eyes. He stared wide-eyed in shock and satisfaction as the great Basilisk thrashed around the air, burning from the inside. He could smell the beasts organs slowly dying to the flames. It wasn't long before it crashed onto the corridor floor with one final screech, spitting its venom all across the hallway. Rodrick saw one of its eyes; there was a jagged scar on it.

'The killing curse did that? No wonder it couldn't aim...' When he fully took in the carnage... 'That spell is legal!?'

He could slowly feel the darkness encompassing him, he tried to turn in vain to see the damage done to himself before his head started feeling lighter, the last thing he saw was a Phoenix staring back at him, A long white beard dangling over his face before something dark covered his view. The darkness had taken over moments after that.

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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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