91.21% Reborn with a Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System / Chapter 187: Sovereign State Orb Activated!

章節 187: Sovereign State Orb Activated!

Thinking of the past, Ptah remembered the location of the throne, but he assumed by this point it would be ravished by the elements of the weather.

"I have a feeling that if I sit down on the throne… I might just have enough luck to save your world from complete death…" Esmond proposed a wild plan that only worked in some sense because of the wording issued by the System when establishing the quest of the CounterWorld.

Ptah thought the young mortal child was asking something stupid and daring, but he thought about the difficulty of finding the underground cave and mausoleum.

Carter knew it was ridiculous to ask such a request but apparently Ptah seemed willing to obliged after he received a couple more potions to replenish his energy.

The three left the cave after Ptah removed the glowing coffin from the mausoleum and placed it in a void space for the time being.

As they raced towards the location of the throne, they were once again attacked by all manners of beasts and creatures, but this time Carter decided to bring over some help.

The four Direwolf Kings came to fight with the Ice Dragon Frigus roaring into battle, much to the astonishment of Ptah, who'd never seen such creatures before.

Jones also came to fight and advance his own strength, which helped manage the large stream of creatures coming from the River Nile.

Esmond also wanted to send out Jones into the river to clear up most of the creatures and beasts hidden within the water, but he held off for now since their main fight was coming from the desert.

Ptah struggled to understand how his rescuers could fight in such a brutish way without any regard for their own safety.

Even their tamed beasts fought recklessly, while also getting their own fill eating through the carcasses of the creatures.

'Amun-Ra, what kind of abominations have I decided to help?' Ptah cried to himself, knowing it wasn't possible to go back of his promise to help his new friends.


After a couple hours of travelling, they finally reached Waset, the capital city and throne of Amun.

As they reached the deserted city outskirts, a group of Serpopard creatures raced to the group aggressively with the intention to slay the mortals and broken god, but their attacks were nothing than claw scratches that couldn't leave behind a mark.

Esmond and Carter shred apart everything with their bare hands until the city became closer for the small group, even though the run-down appearance caught them by surprise.

"*Sigh* The great city of Waset… to fall from its previous glorious beauty and extravagance." Ptah exclaimed as he looked on at the cracked and broken buildings, crumbling away into the desert sand.

"With us around, Ptah, we'll bring this place back to its former glory in no time." Esmond said after noticing the sad tone and aura exuding from the Egyptian God.

"That is yet to be seen my new friend…"

The group said nothing more and continued to walk in silence through the broken and fading buildings that once had gold and white marble stone trim.

When they came through a grand opening with a concealing feature to enclose the place, Esmond and Carter figured it was the open room plan of the throne hall.

In the distance, Esmond saw the sparkling throne that was cracked and broken all over.

"The seat of Amun-Ra… the King of the Egyptian Pantheon…"

Esmond turned to stare at Ptah as he heard another particular word being stated with high importance.

He already knew that to establish his own Pantheon, he would need to become a God, but it was difficult to achieve currently, even with the unlocked Higher Plane within the Spatial Ark Star World.

'What if I take the Egyptian Pantheon as my own…' Esmond thought before moving towards the throne.

Ptah was about to stop Esmond, but he paused once Carter spoke up.

"Igdra is ready to settle the World Tree roots as back up if the throne trick doesn't work out."

Immediately Ptah became interested in this 'Igdra' person, ignoring Esmond as he reached the grand throne.

It was high off the ground, making it difficult for any average person to be able to take a seat.

If he was 20 metres or so it would be no trouble at all, but his current size meant he had to fly up and then take a seat.

But as Esmond got within touching reach of the throne, it would exert an immense amount of pressure to stop him from nearing the seat.

Through brute strength, Esmond pushed on until he unlocked all of his power to battle the natural aura of the forged throne.

Just as he reached the ledge and pulled himself up while straining his body and mind, Esmond finally sat down just as the System recognised his efforts.




[Analysing Earth CounterWorld Throne…]


[Authority of Throne: Amun-Ra]

[God Leadership Structure: Divine Monarchy]

[Divine Nation: Ancient Egypt]

[Cosmos Energy Source: Ma'at]

[Divine Energy Source: Akh]

[State of Divine Nation: Dying]

[Divine Guardian Spirit: N/a]

[Pantheon Gods:

- 1 Awake

- 1,200 Slumbering

- 799 Killed]


[Analysis Completed!]



[Spatial Ark Star World is connection through ArkPoint to accomplish Throne Authority takeover!]

[Host's Body Status & Class is undergoing improvement to deal with the authority of the CounterWorld Throne!]

[Host please select choice for Divine Guardian Spirit!]

[Guardian Spirit of Atlaestreous has been selected as Divine Guardian Spirit by Host!]

[Characteristics and knowledge of Guardian Spirit Empyran will be influenced across Divine Nation, Ancient Egypt!]

[Please wait patiently Host while selections are enforced! 😊]




[Host's Body Status has settled as 1st Rate Primordial Royal Prince (Great Monarch)]

[Egyptian Pantheon Thrones Unlocked in Spatial Ark Star World, Higher and Lower Planes]

[Host needs to gather Divine Essence of partial Gods & Goddesses to revive them]

[Host has achieved takeover of Waset!]

[First Heavenly City Established (Outside of Spatial Ark Star World)]

[Host can set up a Church of Primordial Chaos!]

[Host can set up a Knight Legion to protect inhabitants of the city and ever-growing Kingdom!]



[System Level: 1]

[Host Level: 27]

[Experience: 121,868,166,500/49,00,010,000]

[Credits: 111,462,246,500]

[Body Condition: Healthy]

[Soul Condition: Healed (Condensing)]

[Body Status: ֍ 1st Rate Primordial Royal Prince (Great Monarch) ֍]

[Class: Primordial Regent Prince of Chaos

[Xrian Organism Count: 1,450]

[MP: 2,600,000/2,600,000]

[Status: Healthy]

[Elemental Affinity:

- Refined Chaos

- Refined Lightning

- Refined Fire

- Refined Water

- Refined Light

- Refined Dark

- Refined Earth

- Refined Wind

- Refined Ice

- Refined Thunder

- Refined Blood

- Refined Nature

- Refined Metal]

[Strength: (560 → 590🔓)]

[Endurance: (560 → 590🔓)]

[Stamina: (560 → 590🔓)]

[Dexterity: (605 → 635🔓)]

[Intelligence: (660 → 690🔓)]

[Agility: (550 → 580🔓)]

[Magic: (465 → 495🔓)]

[Wisdom: N/A]


Army of Death

Nanotech Armour Manipulation

Direct Cybernetic Interface

Spectral Consciousness


Universal Lifeforce Control

o Lifeforce Pace

o Lifeforce Body Strengthening

o Lifeforce Vision

o Lifeforce Manipulation]


[Artus Anima Star]

[֍ First Nucleus Formed ֍]

[Quality: Elite Grade]

[Grade: 1]

[Level: 2]

[Exp: 5,000/10,000]


[Spatial Ark Star World]

[Grade: 0]

[System Level: 19]


[Hunting Grounds Generator]

[Stage: 0]

[Level: 2]


[Universal Sentient Lifeform (Lifeforce) Body Refinement]

[֍ First State Universal Steel Body ֍]

[Grade: 1]

[Level: 2]

[Exp: 5,000/10,000]


[Universal Sentient Lifeform (Lifeforce) Body Essence Energy]

[֍ First State Universal Golden Body Essence ֍]

[Grade: 1]

[Level: 2]

[Exp: 5,000/10,000]


[Universal Sentient Lifeform Essence Spring]

[Grade: 0]

[Level: 19]



'Hmm… now this is interesting…' Ptah thought to himself as he saw the sky suddenly darken as thunderous clouds settled in.

Looking on at Esmond, Ptah noticed the Throne was going through some changes as was the land around them and beyond, but it wasn't the only thing to attract his attention.

Carter lit up like a blazing sun as the evolution to Esmond would also affect him too.

Ptah wasn't aware of this unknown fact and thought that his other new friend had some hidden gifts that came to assist the other fellow.

Yet it didn't take him long to notice as a God that Carter was somehow gaining partial authority over the Egyptian Realm along with Esmond.

But the true power remained with the man on the throne that was resizing itself to suit his body frame.

Just then, Carter's glowing aura settled with portals opening around the soil for the World Tree roots to come through from the Spatial Ark Star World.

Ptah gasped as the dense healing aura of the World Tree roots sent his mind into disarray over the wealth of assets in the hands of his new friends.

All he could do for now was wait and watch as Egypt began to reshape itself under the strength of its new King.


"… Hm… Still not a fucking God yet…"

'You're not too far off from it… but you won't be a normal God, that much I'm positive about.' Carter's voice reached Esmond as he sat atop the throne of Amun-Ra.

He gained some sense of the Egyptian God's authority when he took over the throne, which changed under the influence of the hidden world to be made from Divine Primordiam Steel Alloy.

The World Tree roots of nature also intertwined with the throne to give it an imposing aura from two aspects of creation.

Earth, and Science.

"Bring the others to help you Carter…

I wish to take control of this city and beyond."

'It'll be done…' Carter disappeared from the CounterWorld as he went to gather the Celestial A.I Egos to help the development of Ancient Egypt.

In the meantime, Esmond called on its new Divine Guardian Spirit, who never expected to receive such authority and responsibility.

"Seems you aren't adjusting to your new duties as easily as I thought, Empyran…"

"To be given such an honour to evolve into a greater state, I must be honest and say I have no words but my gratitude, Master."

"Do not think much of it.

The long journey has yet begun to fix up this CounterWorld…

By the way, tell me… what powers and abilities do you have with the transformation?"

Esmond asked the Guardian Spirit of his homeland who also took on the position of Divine Guardian for Ancient Egypt.


I don't know if I can use my abilities here without changing the landscape."

"Explain…" Esmond felt raw power building up as Igdra continued to expand her World Tree roots through the enormous Ancient Egypt that was ten of thousands of times bigger than current size of Earth.

"… I'm influenced by the Divine land of Atlaestreous and its people, which then changed to the Spatial Ark Star World.

I'm an amalgamation of both worlds and cultures but more so with the Atlaestreous people.

This means the mortals that might come into existence here will be influenced by an amalgamation of Atlaestreous, Space Ark, and Ancient Egypt cultures.

If you look out across the land that has come under your purview, it's beginning to change and be influenced by knowledge and identity."

Esmond followed along with the Guardian Spirit's words and expanded his senses through his Throne to oversee Ancient Egypt in his control.

It was all shockingly changing from its desert appearance to a massive paradise of flora from the Space Ark that brought about a healthy atmosphere.

A partially dried up, River Nile was beginning to fill up once again and return to a healthier state with Jones advancing the growth of the aquatic life.

Seeing that everything would still require time to be completely built, Esmond decided to leave some tasks to Empyran, as he disappeared to the Lost Continent on Earth.

Carter reappeared with the Celestial A.I Ego Family with Empyran providing them news of Esmond's tasks while Ptah stood to the side and watched on in amazement.

"And I'm supposed to be a Creator Deity… how laughable…."




[Sovereign State Creation Orb (Rare Grade) Activated on Lost Continent of Earth (Mortal Grade)]

[Sovereign State: Atlaesyxrian Imperium]

[Landmass Area: 10 million km2]

[Location: Atlantic Ocean (Rests across equator)]

[Ruling Power:

- Primordial Royal Regent, Prince of Chaos

- Great Imperial House Atlaesus]

[!¡! ALERT !¡!]

[7 Island territories of Host are included in establishment of Sovereign State Orb!]

[11,939,000 square kilometres of land have fallen under the control of Atlaesyxrian Imperium!]

[Host has named Sovereign Capital: Atlantis]

[Please design the coat of arms and crest of the Sovereign Ruling House!]

[After Sovereign Colour and Design is set up with the type of Government Structure, System will generate the First Guards and Officials of the Sovereign Capital]

[!¡! ALERT !¡!]

[Planetary Bodies Mars, Mercury, Venus, Titan, Europa, Ceres, and several other moons have been included in the Landmass Area of the Imperium]

[!¡! ALERT !¡!]

[Host's Body Status has activated special parameters for creation of the Sovereign State!]

[Spatial Ark Star World will accept new parameters brought to the Sovereign State and its landmass!]

[!¡! ALERT !¡!]

[Host's Class has activated special parameters for creation of the Sovereign State!]

[Spatial Ark Star World will accept new parameters brought to the Sovereign State and its landmass!]



Esmond decided it was the right time to set up the Sovereign State Orb after settling on the Throne of Egypt.

However, he wasn't expecting the extensive list of requirements by the System.

Esmond had to call on Rosie to help with the design of the Coat of Arms and House Crest that would be recognised by the System and world.

Using the Sicarius Clan crest as a template, Rosie used a golden stellar star as the centre piece with a crimson Kraken in the background alongside Frigus, the Ice Dragon to the left and Spina, the Undead BoneLight Dragon to the Right.

Rath and Ace positioned themselves to the bottom, with Direwolves on either side of the Coat of Arms that was represented through a Dark Scythe and Holy Sword.

It appeared heavy on the eyes, but the heavy detail spoke of the different aspects that were covered alone by the power of House Atlaesus and its Primoradial strength.

Esmond quite liked the inclusion of the tamed beasts because they met quite a lot to the Empire as a whole.

They each covered various aspects of the Space Ark and its responsibilities outside of it as well.

Rosie also quite likened them to the mascots of the Space Ark, so they agreed on the Coat of Arms for the Imperium and House Atlaesus.

Esmond actually wanted to include the 'Primordial' title onto House Atlaesus but it wasn't acceptable because his grandfather was technically the current ruler and not a Primoradial Human.

If they contained a drop of refined Primoradial blood, then it would have been possible to take on the title, but besides using one of the Omnipotent Cards he received from the System on Day One, he had no clue.

The only thing to make life easier for him was the knowledge that the System accepted his Class and Body Status as a Ruling Power because the Sovereign State would eventually fall into his control.


Rosie chose to refine the colours of the Imperium to use a molten crimson red, holy golden and platinum white with midnight purple and abyss black.

She saw them as colours of greatness and power which was a vital component of imagery, especially in the game of politics and expansion.

Because of the Mortal Grade of the Sovereign State Orb, Rosie also designed Atlantis with some assistance from Archie to create the perfect city layout.

This further expanded out to the culture and art of the Imperium, leaving Rosie with plenty to do as the Imperium needed her to design all sorts of things.

She had to add her personal touch to the armour of and clothing of the army that would spawn with the Sovereign Capital City.

Rosie liked the bulky design of the Mjolnir Powered Armour Suits with a renaissance appearance that took on a fantasy aspect.

It appeared unrealistic but the materials Rosie wanted to use and could easily supply from the Spatial Ark Star World, meaning the design concept would come to life.

The government system would make sure it worked out by leaving majority of the power in the monarchy with government overseeing ministries and departments.

Oversight was a key part of the government to stop any information leak and abuse of power, but it also depended on loyalty of the Imperium citizens.

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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C187
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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