89.26% Reborn with a Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System / Chapter 183: Planning Ahead...

章節 183: Planning Ahead...


How much longer!?!

We've been fighting for nearly two days!!"

"… What would you do if I said Sphinx was close to completing the infiltration… for the hundredth time?"

"FUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!!!" Elyh shouted as loud as he could, utterly furious over the poor state of the mission progress so far.

Since the beast and creature's horde crashed into them when they came across the mountain wall, they were working away at the incredibly tough stone until a unique metal door stood in their path.

For over 10 hours, Kristoff had Sphinx working away to unlock the door by hacking through the side interface mainframe to gain access, but nothing worked up until now.

At first it was the low ability of Sphinx that restricted it from performing greater computations but after Layla made the request, all of the necessary computing power needed for Sphinx to complete the hack was provided.

Unfortunately, the mainframe system of the huge hanger type door interface was tougher than Sphinx ever expected.

The ever-growing Virtual Profile Intelligence was struggling to hack into the hardware, even with the boosted computing power.

It fought hard to get past the Uz'Triyon Defensive Firewall, but seeing no success, it asked for assistance from its Master.

Even Kristoff found the request weird, but he decided to help out, even though it still took forever to complete the infiltration.

His Bloodline Ability opened a small point to begin the infiltration into the mainframe, but it was difficult to maintain, with the strain falling back on the body.

Elyh wasn't the only one who was furious at this point for the time it took to open the door.

There were small mountains of corpses laid around the hill which led into the small cave that was created to find the metal bunker door.

None of the Clansmen under Elyh command failed to keep themselves and others from harm but the sheer size of the horde was intense and difficult to fight after roughly 48 hours.

Quailiyah led the battle with her Beserker Skill, while amplifying the rest through Zaro's Bloodline Ability, allowing them all to keep fighting their peak for longer but it was becoming mentally exhausting after fighting for two days.

She heard Elyh's pointless question once again, leaving her furious and annoyed at the lack of progress.

"SOMEBODY HELP KRIS WITH THE DAMN SYSTEM!!!" Quailiyah ended up roaring out of frustration, just as her own V.P Intelligence informed her about the poor progress of the hack.

"Hang on, let me go help him out." Claudette ran over from her side of the conflict to support Kristoff.

The Androids took over the slack left behind by her, but she quickly showed her worth but improving the infiltration of the door mainframe after her Bloodline Ability helped Sphinx connect with system and beyond by sheer luck.

Kristoff could only watch with his mouth agape as the massive door and its weapons system activated to help keep them safe to enter after Sphinx registered everyone as a friendly.

By the time everyone raced inside, Kristoff finally decided to speak, while hoping to lighten the mood.

"… So… we now know to have Claudette help out Sphinx in such situations…"

If looks could kill, Elyh was ready to painfully skin apart Kristoff right now.

The Clansmen Commander ended up walking away from Kristoff, so he didn't accidently attack the person he was supposed to keep safe.

Quailiyah similarly walked away from Kristoff's smirking face and found a place to rest while consuming some serums to help hasten the healing process.

Only one person was able to see the funny side of Kristoff's joke and that was his best friend Rian.


You suck asshole…

I thought we would have died several times over by this point."

"Admit Rian, you loved the shitstorm ahaha." Kristoff relaxed and drank half a dozen potions to help himself move past the exhaustion on his body.

Just as he started to regain some energy, Sphinx made him aware of the clean-up progress outside.

"The requested support has arrived in huge numbers with heavy fire from above.

Some of the Drones are working to clean up the beast and creature corpses, but the horde seems unending, even after roughly 48 hours.

But some goods news… the beasts and creatures have awarded us already with 10 million Ark Credits each.

Considering the number of beasts accounted for up until now, there is roughly around a million or so and increasing.

All of them will be added to the Space Ark before their tamed and sent to our fields to manage and utilise." Kristoff added just as he picked himself up to start heading deeper into the bunker within the mountainous cave.

The others wanted to follow but they still felt exhausted and hoped to gain some sense of rest before moving any further.

Unfortunately for them, Kristoff started moving with Claudette following him to ensure the progress was much faster instead of frozen still for several days.

"Can't you wait for us to gain back our strength before moving on, Toffy!"

"Genie, I want to get the hell off this planet as soon as possible!!

Fuck this stupid mission already…" Kristoff wasn't fond of his childhood nickname that Geneviève and the others would call him because they found it hard to say his full name.

In fact, they all had their own embarrassing childhood nickname that came up once one of them was highly annoyed with the other.

"Both of you, quiet down.

Kristoff take along Claudette and connect with whatever system that runs this hidden bunker.

Quailiyah, take a breather for now so you can get back your energy.

Who knows what else there is underground.

Zaro and Rian take along two squads to keep our technicians alive.

Captain Rikton I suggest you take your team."

"Affirmative Ma'am…"

"Alania, go over and look after the Direwolves.

Their all exhausted more than usual.

*Sigh* If Amelia came along, at lease Frigus could have helped deal massive damage in a wide area at once." Layla scratched Brutus playfully while he groaned and winced from time to time because of the pain from the beast and creature attacks.

All of the Direwolves and their pack members found themselves hurt or consumed by the intensity of the battle with the horde that they felt into a deep sleep to recover.

Alania requested aid from the Androids that remained with the people that didn't follow Kristoff to feed the potions to the Direwolves so their recovery would be faster.

Indigo, one of the Direwolf Kings was panting heavily at the sight of the serums and potions she was being fed.

The pleasant warmth that followed the serums and potions helped manage the immense pain she felt when her bones would crack back into place or rebuilt themselves from the broken state, they were in.

Indigo wasn't the only complaining about the sheer pain, with other tamed beasts of the group also furious over the damage they'd sustained in the battle.

Layla thought about calling for Carter or Esmond to help hasten the complete of the mission, but she held off from making the call since she wanted to trust her team to finish what was required instead of asking on another.


Meanwhile, Kristoff finally reached the next major door but this time used Claudette's ability to help improve the seed of the system infiltration without activating some trap.

Sphinx already rummaged around within the grand system that managed the whole bunker, but it was taking the Virtual Profile Intelligence quite some time to breakthrough every firewall.

However, it had enough strength to open the new door in the way of the group.

Kristoff and those around him all watched closely for anything that might attack them but also for unique items that might appear out of nowhere.

When they looked past the slowly opening door, the group noticed various tools and equipment that still sustained energy to work without fault or issue.


This place has retained its beauty and structure throughout time without fading away." Claudette couldn't help but look around the vast open space with stars in her eyes.

She was mesmerised by the technology and science required to build it all.

Similarly, Kristoff felt overwhelmed by the equipment around him, such as hundreds of vertical liquid pods that contained humanoid people in a near death state.

"Cryogenic-Pod technology…

My god!

The Uz'Triyon were able to save their Clansmen from extinction…

Kris… are the people still alive?" Elyh asked as he neared one of the pods to get a closer look.

Much like the other Great Warring Clansmen, the Uz'Triyon members within the Pods were tall and muscular people.

Their appearance matched the humans of Earth, but they were gifted with great strength, stamina agility, intelligence and dexterity that made them a different species.

Additional organs, denser bones and tougher muscle fibres put the Great Warring Clansmen ahead of space faring humans.


"… Surprisingly, yes…

Sphinx has come across the medical system that monitors the Pods.

According to the saved reports, the Pods have maintained themselves for several millennia…

I'm still trying to figure out the source of the power that's continued powering the facility."

Kristoff moved over to stand next to Elyh, looking on at the nude man within the Cryogenic-Pod, floating around in the liquid.

"Guys… I think you need to see this." Claudette shouted out with her voice slightly echoing in the massive underground open space.

Kristoff, Elyh and the other members of their small team moved quickly to Claudette's location, only to discover a mammoth robotic machine that exuded an aura that was hard to describe.

The only way Claudette could describe it was as if the machine had a soul of sorts.

Part of her felt excited to jump into the cockpit of the machine, but the rational side of Claudette stopped her from possibly making a huge mistake.

"… Ma'am, I suggest you step away from the Mechanised Robotic Machine.

We've haven't scanned the foreign instrument, so we don't know what dangers and traps it may hold." Captain Rikton moved in-between Claudette and the giant robot, that felt alive.

The air around them felt suffocating and hard to understand with their current knowledge of Spiritual Energy, but for those with awakened Bloodline, they could sense more than others.

Claudette could feel something more dangerous and potent in the bunker somewhere, that came to sense their arrival.

Without missing a beat, she shouted to Kristoff to get them all out of the unknown area.

"Y-Yeah, Captain Rikton is right…


We all need to back out of this place and call on Essie or Carter.

This place is too much for any of us to handle." Claudette didn't even bother to wait for Kristoff to send a message to the Ark Network.

Before Kristoff could reply, Echo called through and appear through Hologram in front of Claudette and the others who were exploring the unknown area.

"Seems like you've all come across something fascinating, indeed." Echo was mesmerised by the mechanised robot only for a moment before he moved towards a powered down junction.

As a Celestial A.I Ego, Echo was able to materialise anywhere that was explored and mapped by the Spatial Ark Star World.

The group explored enough of the underground bunker that Echo could easily materialise and establish an unbreakable bond through to the Spatial Ark Star World.

Echo connected himself with the available junction and decided to take over the mainframe system of the bunker in the hopes to find any traps or issues before someone else came across them by accident.

To his surprise though, the system didn't fight back against his intrusion, but rather accepted him wholeheartedly with mountains of information being sent straight over to Echo.

In a short period of time, Echo gained complete control over the bunker as he turned the lights on for the whole place while opening portals to the Space Ark for Androids and Drones to enter.

"Start moving everything over to the Spatial Ark Star World.

If anyone needs healing or medical attention, go attend to them now.

Also, be careful when moving over the Cryogenic-Pods.

They each have roughly a 24-hour charge as back up if the main power network of the bunker fails, so move efficiently."

Echo gave out his orders before appearing beside Elyh.

"Commander, I think you need to make a detail report to the Council of Warring Elders.

Things are what they seem in this part of the Zone…

Anywhere, I need to leave and meet with Esmond immediately.

Please take everyone through to the Spatial Ark Star World, where Staff will move you directly over to the PSS Necthea."

"Understood, Lord Echo." Elyh started moving right away by dragging Kristoff from the collar while shouting out to the small scouting team.

"Time to move out everyone.

Send the orders to the others.



All of the Androids, Soldiers and Clansmen in the area shouted in unison as they received their new orders.

5 minutes later the whole group had left the underground bunker and returned to the Spatial Ark Star World, only to find themselves traveling back over to their home in the Tartarus Zone with their findings and rewards.


On the other hand, Esmond had a tough time overlooking the dense amount of information that Echo gathered within a few seconds.

He was still on the Star Alcazar, awaiting the arrival of the First Fleet that was supposed to reach the Deep-Space Megastructure Habitable Station in the next few days.

They would be stopping by Tryeous first before entering the nebula to reach the Star Alcazar but the new findings on the planet made Esmond reconsider the plan.

"Celeste, reorganise the flight trajectory of the new Resident Fleet.

Have them come straight towards the Star Alcazar, instead of stopping by Tryeous…

Even though the Space Elevator and Bridge is constructed and setup to work immediately, the planet just isn't ready yet."

Esmond sighed as he crashed back into his office chair seat while staring out into deep space through his expansive window.

Yvetteya joined him in the office, after leaving the PSS Necthea with Esmond for the Star Alcazar.

She wasn't interested in exploring a chaotic Tryeous when her source for alcohol and weed was about to disappear elsewhere.

Besides, Layla gave her the responsibility to manage Esmond's secretarial work while with him, but most of the work was managed by Gabriel's Virtual Profile Intelligences team that inhabited hundreds and thousands of Androids across the Star Alcazar.


Since when did you gain the damn rights to create a 'revolutionary' Skyscraper, just off Shark Island in the Sydney Harbour?

Holy shit!

The New South Wales Government has changed the damn routes of the ships to not interfere with the construction.

How much did you pay to get them onto your side?!" Yvetteya couldn't hide her astonished expression as she stumbled upon the article on the Liber Tellus News website.

Esmond looked over at his cousin who nearly spilt her drink when she read through the news article.

"… What the hell are you on about, Teiya?"

"Read this bro…"

Yvetteya sent over the article to Esmond, only to see him sigh out of annoyance and frustration.

"Celeste… can you call Archie, Eddie and Rosie for me?"

"Sure." Esmond clicked his finger to while pointing to his empty glass for Yvetteya to notice.

"Can you please refill my glass?"

"Yeah, I got it."

Esmond took a moment to stretch back in his seat just as several Hologram forms of the three Celestial A.I Egos appeared.

"You called bro?" Eddie asked.

"*Sigh* Yeah… what the fuck did you pricks do in Sydney?" Esmond was close to shouting at the three of them but held back with Yvetteya being present.

"Ah… well… some of people were selling their homes on the Darling Point... so I thought it would be great to buy up the land and redevelop it into a hub of sorts.

Rosie and Archie decided to help me out and soon enough, we created the Arcology styled Harbour Bay Tower that adds to the land property of the Sydney Harbour National Park.

First the plan is to extend out Darling Point through the assistance of Jones and the Kraken, while Igdra helps solidify the land before the construction of pier and subsequent Arcology styled Harbour Bay Tower.

It'll easily become the tallest building in the world at 1,066 metres and 250 floors, but its best point will be the support it adds to managing the necessary public services like clean water, sewage, and rubbish management."

Rosie decided to add, "I've made sure to add certain features to the tower without compromising the landscape and transportation web of the city.

We've added an underground train station that links onto the nearest track line since we're so close to the CBD and can't have our line created.

Overall, though, the design adds to the wonder of the city and unique city culture of Sydney."

"Rosie and I worked together to restructure the road network of Darling Point, including the infrastructure layout in the area that needs a serious overhaul." Archie said without any concern for Esmond's reaction.

He knew Esmond wasn't mad about the tower or their design plans but rather the cost to buy so much land which required a face and image to lead the project in the public's eye.

"… Anything else I should be aware of?" Esmond asked with his eyes locked onto the three Celestial A.I Egos.

"… What if I said… the plans for the first Saharaian City may have begun?" Eddie whispered, only for his voice to be picked up by Esmond without a problem.

Even Yvetteya could hear Eddie, yet her mind tried to figure out why and how the Saharaian City would be constructed without a water source close by.

Yet she found the answer to her questions a moment later.

"So… the canals, rivers and lakes are set up, right Eddie?"

"Yeah… well somewhat…

We have to ask Igdra for some help, after which the Elves, Fairies, Dryads and Sylphs set the land in place without the landscape being destroyed or overcome.

Jones sent some Kraken Younglings to help create an eco-system marine life throughout the new water network starting from Tunisia and leading across the western side of the African continent.

Funnily enough, we've found more success in our efforts in Iraq.

After Rashid sent his Hassassin back to the region, they've been working tirelessly with members of the Templars and Assassins to gain control of the government." Eddie continued on to explain the situation in Iraq with Rosie and Archie filling in the blanks.

"From the point where the Tigris River begins in Iraq, the Construction Androids and Drones have worked tirelessly, day and night, to widen the river but also increase the waterflow through an Arkpoint connection.

A dam was constructed act as a 'hydro-generator' but its true purpose is to provide the extra amount of water into the river.

At the same time, a new web of manmade rivers and lakes have been created from the larger Tigris River.

Even the small peninsula between the borders of Iran and Kuwait has been quickly transformed into a new port for the redeveloping nation.

We're trying to start diplomatic relations with Kuwait to jointly develop the Bubiyan Island into a national park with room for a city that connects with two nations instead of further splitting them apart after their war."

"Also, to inform you, Kane has suggested to lead one of the splintered rivers from Tigris to head towards the Caspian Sea.

Eventually Iran will come under the Space Ark's control, but to get ahead of the curve, Kane hoped we would take his thoughts onboard." Archie added out of nowhere.

Esmond was pleasantly surprised by the idea, since it meant their ships could easily enter Russian land through the waterways, that would leave a trace behind of their movements for any noisy person to follow.


While Esmond continued listening to Eddie, Rosie and Archie, another Celestial A.I Ego was busy interacting with Hans Enoksen, Greenland's Prime Minister.

"Miss Manston, its lovely to meet you again!

I have to say thank you so much for suggesting the Astrum Bank and its resources.

Honestly, nobody expected Astrum Bank and the Primal Management Group to help our nation so much in such a short period of time."

"It's quite fine, Hans.

The decision to provide our support to your nation came from my brothers, Esmond, and Carter.

But I'll make sure to pass on your thanks to them.

Anyway, I came to Greenland to ask if the government was looking to expand industrially, without of course affecting the environment.

You see, our latest plans with the Icelandic government means we're looking to create a few tourist city hotspots inland on both island nations while building the economic strength through immigration."

Gabriel gracefully asked her assistant, that was an Android, to pass on the folder with the relevant information.

Hans started reading through the concept plans with the projected income for Greenland, removing their dependency on Denmark for assistance to manage nation.

It also included a military, medical, fire, and police service that would be performed by Phantom Security Services.

The low price of it all was the best part for Hans, since he expected the costs to be astronomical.

"So, Gabriel…

What exactly are you hoping to achieve through my homeland?"

"Just… a strategic position that helps our business operate without source and distribution problems."

Gabriel cheekily smiled, as her eyes fell on the map of the United States of America that spun past her eyes on the table side Earth globe.

PhantomMedjay PhantomMedjay

Eventually I will stop uploading this story here and move it to MegaNovel.

They've contracted the story and I wanna get paid after writing 400K!!

I'll make sure to warn everyone before that happens, but until then, enjoy the freedom ya filthy muggles.

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  • 人物形象設計
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