36.58% Reborn with a Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System / Chapter 75: Unexpected changes...

章節 75: Unexpected changes...

Esmond nor Carter had woken up by the time the changes had finished occurring to the two.

Echo was currently examining Esmonds body to find it had many changes.

His Body and Soul Core had shattered and merged into a white star that transformed Esmonds heart organ which in turn affected the rest of his body.

Every organ had been reconstructed under the pressure and heat of a star.

His entire anatomy went through a transformation though it didn't overly affect his appearance, Esmonds body did seem to have a denser build before his Primordial Body condensed the muscle mass.

But his facial features had some changes like his sharper eyes that seemed to stare down at creation.

His noble aura and charm was unlike anything it exuded before.

Carter had similar changes to him as well, but it was more obvious that Carters powers had continued to grow, affecting the other A.I Spirits too but Carter was managing the changes, so it wasn't too sudden.

"Seems like Esmond was able to fix his soul…" Isabelle commented, having returned back to the space when Echo called her.

"Mm… the energy of the serum was consumed by his soul actually.

That's why it's healed now.

Esmond only received maybe the power of around 1000 exploding suns…

But its more than enough.

His soul is the centre of the star, with the sparks of the elements surging around him and imprinting on the core of the star.

Even his mental walls condensed into a prism and matrix that seems to be a protective measure created through the transformation.

I… really don't know if there is anyone capable to go up against him." Echo had to admit, there was no one that could compete with Esmond.

Knowing as much as he did from Carter, Echo knew there was competition for Esmond out in the Galactic society, however they were very far from joining the society and meeting those dangerous foes.

Who knows, Esmond might exceed their power by the time he met them.


Esmond woke up sometime later to find out it was the 16th of February and he'd been passed out for roughly 24 hours.

Curious, Esmond opened up his system interface and checked his status.

Amazed at the changes, Esmond noticed the Attribute Breaker was placed on many of his attributes.

Strength, endurance, dexterity, agility, and magic were locked to a set point that Esmond was comfortable with using around the general public.

In combat Esmond could easily remove those limitations and use the full extent of his abilities, but he was thankful for someone else having paid attention and done so.

Esmonds first concern was trying not to break or kill anyone once Esmond saw his new stat numbers.

Checking his body, Esmond wanted to see how the Artus Anima Star worked.

To his surprise it was similar to the Stellar Cores Esmond received back when he was the crown prince of the Xoplis Empire.

Though the Artus Anima Star was much stronger in comparison, it worked much the same.

Esmonds soul would sit at the core of the star and bask in the energy and heat of the star which would continue to full and improve the rest of his body.

Because the core of the star had the sparks of the elements Esmond had an affinity with, the star would burn with energy created of those elements, in turn affecting the rest of Esmonds body.

When he would train by cultivating the Internal Body Energy, the elements would also be affected and improve, however they would also affect the rest of the body to adapt to the elements down to the purest level.


Esmond came down from his room and found some food for himself in the kitchen with a note from Echo asking him to head over to Stovi once he'd eaten.

Even though Esmond had his own plans to head over to the institute, he listened to Echo and left for Stovi.

It would be a perfect chance for Esmond to train and clean up the forest while also catching up on the changes happening to the small town of Vileta.

Carter came down from his room just as Esmond was about to leave and held him back for a moment just so they could figure out what changes had happened.

"I've got greater processing and computing powers than before, but even the control over the space has improved.

If you wanted, I could use soil from the Mainland and created another planet at this point within the Star System section." Carter was pretty blunt about the power he had within the space, especially with the number of quantum computers increase everyday as the factories were churning them out.


That's… I don't even know what to say…

Well… can you help with something then?"

Esmond left Carter with the task to extract ogryx from another metal so they could have pure ogryx within the space and start upgrading the genetic code of the residents.

If he could have them at the Mortal level at the minimum, they would be already far ahead already in comparison to the majority within the galactic society.


Esmond left for the Medicinal Garden first and found Rosie creating a scenic painting of the view.

Not wanting to disturb her, Esmond found one of the works and asked them to lead him to a plot of free land.

It didn't take him long to find something suitable.

Before thanking the staff member, who was more than grateful to help out their Lord, Esmond planted the Galactic Human Species (Mana) Tree.

Since Earth had no mana, Esmond believed he had to either way till he came across a mana infused planet with civilization or purchase it from the Retail Market if possible.

Thankfully he received something far more deadly and painfully annoying, even if it gave him a superior edge than most.

Esmond couldn't overly celebrate because the Galactic Human Species (Mana) Tree, while allowing humans the ability to create a Mana Core within their body and have affinity to the various elements, it would be incredibly hard to improve.

Galactic Humans were born with an improved body anatomy to be compatible with space and the problems that come with travelling and living within space.

Now that might seem like a great thing, and rightfully so considering the number of humans scattered across galactic society.

The problem it caused was how difficult it became to find humans with mana affinity and even if they were, most would be taken away by slave traders.

Once the seed Esmond planted sprouted, he would become privy to which element it had an affinity with.

After that, he would need to find the other seeds of the Galactic Human Species Tree and figure gather them so he could upgrade the tree to its next stage.

Esmond knew the next stage of the tree would make him the ultimate Empire in the galaxy however it required so much work and effort that Esmond didn't expect to find everything in less than 3000 years.


Planting the seed, Esmond left and decided to fly over to the gate that led into Stovi.

Esmond stumbled at his first few tries, but around the fourth time, after digging himself out of the ground, Esmond started to get the hang of it.

He expected that once Wind became part of his affinities, flying would becoming extremely easy.

But Esmond still wanted to learn to control his body without the need of magic to assist.

His mind was able to sense gravity around him and powerful enough to change the molecular structure around himself to fly.

Esmond was loving the sensation of flight while realising he could do wonders with his heightened intelligence.

However, he didn't head to the institute and decided fly through the gate to Stovi, appearing at the Lords Estate.

Esmond stopped flying and landed, suddenly feeling the weight of his powers and energy hitting him.

Even though he had the might of 1000 exploding suns, Esmond noticed the locks really affected his skills and strength without fault.

If he had unlocked his stats, maybe it would have been easier, but Esmond finally noticed the strength it required.


Esmond looked around and was subjected to a luxurious estate, that seemed to be lined with gold statues and marble stone paths.

The floral garden around the property seemed all like exotic plants and had medicinal trees as well to keep the air fresh and clear.

It was obvious to Esmond everything came from the Space, but it was astounding to see how much Isabelle had done.

Mind you, Esmond had technically been away for 45 days within Stovi, and in those 45 days, Isabelle had full rights and control to do whatever she wished.

Julius and Levas weren't going to face off against their benefactor's sister and Angela seemed to have found a friend in Isabelle and vice versa so the two guys fell to her whims.

Aven, one of the droid Commanders Esmond worked with when Esmond played Mass Effect and battled the Geth, was leading the droids currently station within Vileta and on the borders to the dangerous forest which was official named as Wicked Grove.

Named for its nature to be used by bandits in the past to slaughter unsuspecting merchants, every quickly took up the name, believing it to be the perfect identify for its brutal past.


Esmond was about to look around the enormous palace which seemed to be the Lords Manor.

Obviously, Isabelle had gone to Rosie and Archie for help on the design of the castle which was a palace in Esmonds eyes just from the quality of the materials used.

No doubt Esmond felt the same had happened to the town of Vileta and was ready to fly into the air to see what changes had occurred.

But as he was about to break the stat units locked, Esmond heard the sounds of guards approaching his position.

Waiting to see who it was, Esmond was delighted to see his Droids racing over, who were surprised to see their Lord.

Knowing full well not to bow to Esmond, one of the higher ranked Droids came running over to Esmonds side, asking if he would like a tour of the town.

They knew Esmond had been away and since appeared again, they were left with the duty to show Esmond around by the orders set by Isabelle.


First, they showed Esmond the grounds of the Lords Estate which had taken up more of the free space that was originally behind the estate.

Creating a wall to enclose the property, Isabelle included the ability for the walls to show the other side of the wall through cameras and projection.

It was quite the beautiful feature which was highly out of place for a medieval world, but that's why it was all the more magical.

The size of the castle was quite an original design, obvious by Rosies signature mark left with a stature in the courtyard of the castle.

5 floors, easily with the height of several dozen feet on each floor, Esmond thought it was overkill, but he knew nothing yet until he exited the gates of the estate.


Immediately Esmonds eyesight was awashed with buildings that had modern structure design elements and feature like lighting and signage.

The streets were wide and clean with streetlights above for later times.

Glass windows had names of the businesses with their own logos, such as Gartons butchers and son, who had a beast head and cleavers on their side as their logo.

Other additions were the plants and nature of the vines that laid between the buildings and roofs.

Vines dropped down the sides of buildings, though everything was trimmed and cleaned up heavily, Isabelle seemed to have created an automated watering system to keep everything going.

Seeing the clean and smiling people who were healthier than ever before, Esmond was ready to hear what had happened in his absence.


"What do you mean, 'it just happened'….?" Esmond was trying to understand what he just heard from Julius and Levas.

Isabelle seemed to have her head down, trying not to meet Esmonds fiery gaze, however Isabelle didn't know how fearless her friend was until she heard Angela go up to battle her brother.

"Listen here, while you've been away Isabelle has done so much work every single that she would return home close to exhausted.

We haven't seen you in over a month and you come back with a scornful gaze like that…

As much as I am thankful for what you have done Lord Esmond, you are to blame for going away for so long."

Julius wanted to scream at his wife to run, having seen the anger in Esmond, especially seeing him now, Julius felt Esmond seemed mightier and graceful, like the holiest emperor.

Levas was just praying to drink a couple more mouthfuls before his life ended…

He became a fanatic for the alcohol Isabelle brought over from the space since its distilled products were far superior to anything on offer throughout Stovi in Levas perspective.


Esmond sighed before calming down and asked Angela to pour him a glass of scotch, knowing that Isabelle had brought such items over already.

"So, how the hell did you expel the Bishop and his cronies?" though he knew the alcohol would have no effect, Esmond enjoyed the bitterness before preparing himself for what was to come.

"*Sigh* Well, once Lady Isabelle started changing and transforming the town, news of course reached villages in the vicinity.

The population started to grow and quickly the Bishop began to outcry the work of the city was down to the churches hard work.

Some believed it but Isabelle had the Sicarius Clan members go around and tell the truth, disproving what the church had said.

Furious, the Bishop sent his guards to the clan headquarters to find you, however since we told them you were away in the Wicked Grove, they thought they could attack and kill everyone."

Isabelle had summoned a spiritual essence infused scotch for Esmond, knowing it might have some effect, while Julius paused to catch his breath for a second.


"Unfortunately for them, the clansmen made quick work of them and dragged them back to the church before deciding on gathering evidence.

The Bishop put up a fight but since his guards attacked first and Lady Isabelle said we have proof, it was fine.

That's when we found the people under the church within the dungeons, chained up.

Gathering everything we could, we gave the Adventurer Guild all the proof and sent the church out of the town.

Since then, Isabelle has placed others within the church, giving it a makeover so the church was more approachable and friendly."

What really was astonishing to Esmond was the number of people captive.

Apparently, the staff at the church said they were brought with the Bishop and used for his 'entertainment', but the fact it happened altogether infuriated Esmond.

Thankfully with them gone, Isabelle had continued with the expansion of the town, keeping it from advancing too far into the future, but enough to make live much more pleasant.

She also left enough room for growth with magic since Isabelle knew how important it was in everyday life.


Angela even added the Guild were asking for an upgrade of their facilities by Isabelle once they noticed all the changes around town.

Even the Guild master had come searching for Esmond once he found out Isabelle was a member of the Sicarius Clan.

In the end Isabelle only agreed with some help and rewards.

"… They ended up paying with some spells, equipment, ores and stuff that would be helpful for us." Isabelle finally spoke up, noticing it was her turn to speak.

"Errgh… *Sigh* Fine…

What spells and ores at least did they give you?"

"Darksteel, Whitesteel, Cold iron and some magical crystals and stones.

I got a variety so we wouldn't have one element, though some seem to be much dearer than others."

The magical stones and crystal seemed to have different properties and uses with crystals being used to increase a mages strength or power up enchanted weapons.

Stones on the other hand could be recharged by the mana energy within the air and used for a much longer period of time, only every being replace once the mage became stronger or the weapons were upgraded.

PhantomMedjay PhantomMedjay


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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C75
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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