36.9% Naruto : The System Files / Chapter 31: Chapter no.31 Herald of Hephaestus

章節 31: Chapter no.31 Herald of Hephaestus

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[ Naruto's POV ]

[ Alert: Chain Quest ]

[ Quest Name: Tenten's Awakening ]

[ Description: Tenten is on the verge of unlocking the class "Herald of Hephaestus." Fight her and force her to awaken ]

[ Reward: A Loyal Ally in Tenten, ? ]

[ Failure: Tenten's Death ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Quest ]

I took a deep breath, the weight of the katana feeling just right in my hands.

Time for reflection was over; it was time to act.

Even though I had only known Tenten for about a week, she had quickly become a cool friend—one I respected and trained with.

A fleeting thought crossed my mind—Isn't death because of some words a bit much?—but I pushed it aside and focused on the moment as I watched Tenten walk away.

"Fight me," I called out firmly.

Tenten stopped in her tracks and turned to face me.


I swung the katana back and forth, feeling its balance and edge.

As I did, something clicked inside me, activating the weapon master feat. My stance shifted instinctively, morphing into that of a seasoned swordsman. I gripped the katana with both hands, my knees slightly bent, the blade angled forward, poised and ready.

"Why wait for the Chunin exams? Show me the true power of the weapon specialist, Tenten," I challenged, my voice serious and steady.

Tenten's expression hardened in response, her eyes narrowing with focus as she gripped her own katana, mirroring my stance.

Mr. Higurashi, witnessing the unfolding scene, took a deliberate step back, his expression a mix of concern and understanding.

This was a pivotal moment for his daughter, a clash that seemed necessary for both her and me.

I launched into the duel with a burst of speed, my katana cutting through the air as I closed the gap between Tenten and me in an instant.

My blade arced down in a smooth, controlled strike aimed at her midsection.

Tenten's reflexes snapped into action, her blade rising swiftly to intercept mine. The sound of metal clashing echoed sharply as our swords met.

Without missing a beat, I unleashed a series of three rapid strikes, each aimed to test her defenses.

Tenten moved with a fluid grace, her katana an extension of her will, perfectly synchronized with her movements. She parried each attack, her blade redirecting mine with precise, clean motions. The force of my assault briefly pushed her hand upward, but she skillfully used the momentum to pivot her body, countering with a swift, powerful horizontal swing aimed back at me.

Our swords clashed once more, the impact resonant enough to send a shockwave through the shop around us. Shelves rattled, and the hanging weapons vibrated from the force of our exchange.

"This is the first time I'm experiencing this," I thought, gritting my teeth as I maintained my focus.

Sword duels were intense, and every move had to be precise.

With a resounding boom, Tenten and I both stepped back, granting ourselves a brief respite.

The tension hung heavy in the air as she lunged forward again, her katana slicing through the air with lethal intent.

I found myself driven back, each block and parry I performed pushing me further toward the defensive.

Tenten's strategy was clear; she was trying to control the flow of the fight, dictating the pace and direction with her aggressive approach.

I kept my footing light, shifting my weight from one leg to the other, ready to change direction at a moment's notice.

My arms worked in tandem, my right hand gripping the katana firmly for slashes and cuts, while my left hand assisted in guiding the blade for more controlled blocks.

As Tenten's blade came at me in a diagonal slash, I sidestepped, redirecting her momentum to throw her off balance. This opened her up for a counterattack. Seizing the opportunity, I aimed a quick thrust towards her side, trying to slip past her defenses. But Tenten was quick to recover, twisting her body to let my blade slide harmlessly away, her counter-move a mere blur.

My movements melded agility with precision, narrowly dodging Tenten's relentless strikes.

In a fierce display of her skill, Tenten's blade sliced through a display stand, severing it cleanly in half.

Debris clattered to the floor, yet she didn't pause, her katana a continuous blur as she pressed her assault.

As Tenten executed a complex wrist twist, her katana arced swiftly towards my head. Reacting in the nick of time, I raised my sword, the guard intercepting the blow.

The force jolted me backward, but I quickly regained my balance and countered, my blade sweeping upward to leave a shallow cut across Tenten's shoulder.

"Do you want to continue?" I asked, my concern breaking through as I noticed her determination not waning.

Her eyes narrowed, flames of determination igniting within them. She responded with an Iai attack—a swift draw-and-cut technique from the scabbard—that caught me off guard. The sheer power of her strike overwhelmed my defenses, pushing me back and nearly toppling me over.

Switching tactics swiftly, I dropped my katana and unleashed a barrage of shurikens and kunai. Tenten, with astounding speed, sliced through each one, her katana moving in a rhythmic, deadly dance.

Not done yet, I threw a scroll towards her, which she instinctively cut, releasing a billowing cloud of smoke into the air. I seized the moment and lunged forward from behind the smokescreen, but Tenten was ready. She parried my attack, yet the force of the master strike sent her skidding across the shop floor. Using her katana, she managed to stop herself, digging the blade into the ground to halt her backward momentum.

I let my katana glow with an ominous energy as I issued a stern warning, "Defend or else, you'll die."

"Why didn't you use your last attack?" Tenten asked, dusting herself off as she rose from the debris.

"Last thing I checked, a weapon specialist isn't limited to a katana," I shot back, knowing full well Tenten had more tricks up her sleeve.

Without a moment's pause, Tenten hurled her katana straight at me. I raised my own blade in response, clashing against hers mid-air, sending a shower of sparks flying around us. Before I could regain my footing, Tenten unfurled two scrolls, each spilling forth a dense cloud of smoke that swiftly enveloped the area.

As the smoke cleared, I was taken aback to see hundreds of weapons embedded into the ground around us, transforming the battlefield into an armory laid bare. Tenten wasted no time. She grabbed a kusarigama — a weapon consisting of a weighted chain linked to a sharp sickle — and swung it with practiced ease. The weighted chain flew towards me first, which I managed to block with my katana, the sound of metal striking metal ringing sharply. But the sickle followed a swift arc, slashing across my face and leaving a stinging, bloody mark.

"Let's do this then," Tenten declared, her voice thick with resolve. "A fight where either you kill or be killed."

Determined not to be outdone, I steadied myself as Tenten wielded the kusarigama with deadly precision. She spun the chain expertly, creating a dangerous zone around her that was difficult to penetrate. The sickle whizzed through the air, aimed repeatedly at my vitals, while I parried and dodged, feeling the air slice as the blade passed dangerously close.

I knew I had to close the distance, negate the reach of her chain. Waiting for her next attack, I anticipated the swing of her sickle, stepped inside the arc, and with a quick, upward slash of my katana, aimed to sever the chain connecting the sickle. Metal clashed against metal with a grating sound. Sparks flew as my blade met the chain, and with a forceful twist of my wrists, the chain snapped, rendering the sickle harmless as it clattered to the ground.

Now disarmed, Tenten was quick to react, backflipping away to reach for another weapon from the ground. I didn't give her the chance. I advanced, slashing and thrusting with my katana, forcing her to dodge and weave, picking up smaller throwing weapons and hurling them in quick succession. I deflected them with the flat of my blade, my arms working tirelessly.

Tenten swiftly grabbed a handful of Makibishi—sharp, caltrop-like spikes—and scattered them across the ground in a strategic pattern, aiming to restrict my movements.

I noticed the trap just in time and leapt gracefully over the spikes, landing lightly with my katana poised and ready.

Next, Tenten grabbed a shuriken, her fingers positioning it with practiced ease.

She threw it with a spin that turned it into a whirling dervish of death, slicing through the air towards me.

As the shuriken approached, she used the Academy shadow clone technique to multiply it, creating a barrage of deadly projectiles swirling around me. I readied myself, my sword sweeping through the air in broad, swift strokes, deflecting the incoming shuriken with precision.

I knew this onslaught was just a diversion.

Seizing a pair of Sai from the ground.

The light glinted off the metallic prongs as she brandished them confidently.

She lunged forward, thrusting and jabbing with the sai, each strike precise and aimed to disarm or incapacitate.

As she advanced, I readied my katana, understanding the unique challenge the sai posed.

Unlike a sword, the sai could trap and manipulate an opponent's weapon with its prongs.

I had to be careful not to let my blade get caught between them.

Tenten thrust one of the sai toward my midsection, a direct and dangerous attack. I sidestepped, using the length of my katana to maintain distance, and parried the thrust to the side.

The metal clanged loudly as our weapons met, sparks flying from the force of our contact.

She switched tactics rapidly, attempting to hook the hilt of my katana with her sai to disarm me. Anticipating her move, I twisted my katana at an angle, avoiding the hook and bringing my blade down in a swift motion aimed at the shaft of her sai. The impact was precise, and the sai's shaft buckled under the force, rendering it less effective.

Tenten didn't pause, however.

With her remaining functional sai, she executed a series of quick, stabbing motions, each one faster and more aggressive than the last.

I parried each attack, the sound of our clashing metal a constant echo in the charged atmosphere.

Recognizing an opening as Tenten overextended one of her thrusts, I stepped in closer, inside the reach of her sai. This was risky, as it put me dangerously close to her secondary weapon, but it also gave me a chance to destroy the weapon. With a quick flick of my wrist, I maneuvered my katana in a sweeping motion aimed at disarming her. The blade of my katana struck the handle of her sai, knocking it from her grasp with the impact.

Now unarmed, Tenten stepped back, assessing the situation with a quick, calculating gaze as she transitioned to metallic nunchaku.

She wielded them with such grace and fluidity, they seemed like mere extensions of her arms.

Each movement was a mesmerizing display of her skill; the nunchaku arced and whipped through the air, forming both a shield and a weapon as she spun them deftly around her body.

Facing her, I tightened my grip on my katana, my focus narrowing to match her tempo.

As Tenten launched her attack, her nunchaku slicing towards me in swift, calculated arcs, I used the blade to parry with precise timing.

The metallic clang of our weapons meeting filled the air.

She was relentless, each swing of her nunchaku aimed to exploit any opening. However, I stayed close, limiting the swing radius of her nunchaku, which required space to be most effective.

Each time her weapon came toward me, I countered, my katana moving in a controlled blur, aimed at disrupting her rhythm and finding a gap in her defense.

In a rapid exchange, Tenten's nunchaku swung towards my left side—a quick, sharp movement aimed at catching me off guard. Anticipating her strategy, I stepped forward instead of back, closing the distance even further and angling my blade towards the chain of her nunchaku. With a swift, targeted strike, I aimed not at Tenten but at the connecting chain of her weapon.

The sound of metal on metal was sharp as my katana met the chain. The force of my strike was enough to break the chain, severing the connection between the nunchaku's two sections. The broken weapon clattered to the ground, rendering her attack incomplete and throwing her momentarily off balance.

As Tenten advanced, her Sunetetsu—a slender, needle-like weapon—flashed in rapid jabs, each thrust aimed with precision at the weak points in my guard.

She moved like a dancer, her steps light and her strikes sharp, trying to target the vulnerable spots beneath my arms.

Suddenly, Tenten shifted tactics, blending her weapon strikes with smooth, grappling movements reminiscent of jujutsu. She aimed to unbalance me, her body twisting in close to leverage my own weight against me. I jumped back, dodging her piercing strike, and as I landed, my katana met her Sunetetsu in a powerful, sweeping arc. The master strike activated and with a resonant boom, Tenten was propelled backward, crashing into the scattered arsenal behind her.

As Tenten slipped on her Tekagi-Shuko, the metal claws glinting menacingly, she lunged forward.

Her hands, transformed into deadly weapons, swiped at my katana, aiming to disarm me.

I sidestepped smoothly with her claws scraped against the air, missing me by mere inches.

In response, I countered with a rapid thrust, my blade slicing through the tense air towards her.

Tenten ducked under my attack.

Just as I prepared another strike, she dropped a smoke bomb at her feet.

The area instantly clouded with thick smoke, obscuring my vision.

Despite the sudden blindness, I relied on the mind's eye.

With a swift motion, I struck where I predicted she'd be, my sword meeting resistance.

There was a metallic clang as my blade connected with her Tekagi-Shuko, the force of my strike overwhelming the claws, breaking through the metal.

As the smoke dissipated, I noticed the remnants of Tenten's Tekagi-Shuko scattered on the ground. I spun around just in time to see her seizing a Kama, its curved blade gleaming ominously. She swung the sickle weapon in a broad, sweeping arc, intending to catch me off-guard. I ducked swiftly, feeling the air shift above me as the blade sliced through it.

Rising quickly, I responded with a rapid slash from my katana, aimed directly at the handle of her Kama. Tenten, anticipating the counter, leapt backwards, narrowly avoiding my strike. Her movements were fluid, yet each step was calculated, using the Kama not just to attack but to control space, hooking and pulling at defenses to create openings.

Despite her skill, I pressed on, my own blade moving in a blur. I parried another swing of her Kama and followed up with a forceful thrust.

As Tenten hurled the kama at me, I pivoted swiftly, executing a swirling kata to evade the spinning blade. She didn't pause; retreating slightly, she grabbed a chigiriki—a chain weapon with a weighted end—and swung it with lethal intent. I countered instinctively, my katana slicing through the air, catching the chain mid-swing and redirecting it with a flick of my wrist, steering the weight away from me.

In the same fluid motion, Tenten drew a jitte, a pronged weapon designed for disarming. She thrust at my katana, aiming to catch and control my blade. Anticipating her move, I sidestepped, the jitte passing harmlessly by. I spun around, my counterstrike swift and precise, targeting the jitte itself. My blade struck the jitte near its base, the force of my strike snapping the weapon in two.

The rapid exchange was a blur of motion and metal.

Tenten lunged at me with her Neko-te, claws affixed to her fingers like deadly extensions of her own hand. Each swipe was aimed with deadly precision, designed to slash or grab at an opponent. I responded with rapid, sweeping movements of my katana, parrying her strikes just inches from my face. The air hissed with the sound of our weapons meeting.

In the heat of our exchange, I noticed a pattern to Tenten's attacks. Seizing a fleeting moment, I adjusted my stance, ready to exploit her next move.

As she swiped again, I stepped closer, inside the reach of her claws, using the flat side of my blade to redirect her arm to the side.

With her defenses momentarily open, I executed a swift, controlled slice, targeting the straps that secured the Neko-te to her hands.

My blade cut through the material, and the claws clattered to the ground, rendering her momentarily weaponless.

As Tenten's hand closed around the Kusari-Fundo, a weighted chain, she snapped it forward with a fluid motion. I responded instantly, my katana slicing through the chain, severing it with a sharp clang. The severed pieces clattered to the ground, a brief pause in the relentless tempo of our duel.

Without hesitation, Tenten picked up a Tonfa. She wielded it expertly, using it to both attack and defend. Her movements were sharp and precise, but my swordplay matched her skill. I circled around her, my blade parrying and then countering, exploiting the brief openings in her defense. Our weapons clashed repeatedly, the sound echoing around us.

The duel escalated as Tenten reached for a Tetsubo, a massive war club. Despite its size, she swung it with surprising agility. However, my katana, honed and swift, met the heavy weapon mid-swing, slicing through it and breaking the club in two. The halves thudded to the ground.

Unyielding, Tenten then grabbed a pair of Tekko—metal knuckle guards. Her fists flew towards me, a barrage of rapid punches. I countered each strike with my katana, the metallic ring of our weapons a constant backdrop to our fierce combat.

Next, she seized an Ono, a traditional battle-axe. She swung it in wide, powerful arcs. I dodged and weaved through her attacks, my counterstrikes chipping away at the axe handle until it finally snapped under the relentless assault.

In rapid succession, Tenten switched to a Kuwa, a short-handled hoe. She slashed at me, her movements aggressive and desperate. I met her attack head-on, my blade striking hers with such force that the Kuwa's blade shattered.

Moving swiftly, Tenten picked up a Masakari, a broad axe, and aimed a heavy blow at me. I parried it skillfully, sparks flying from the contact. With a swift and clean strike, I cut the axe's head off, rendering it useless.

Her determination unquenched, Tenten then wielded a long staff, spinning it with practiced skill. I was faster, my katana slicing through the staff, splitting it in two.

She wasn't done yet. Grabbing a Kyoketsu Shoge, a hooked blade with a rope, she swung it toward me. I deflected the hook and swiftly closed the distance between us, severing the rope with a sharp flick of my blade, neutralizing another of her weapons.

Tenten then took up an Eku, a boat oar, using its length to try to keep me at bay. But my blade was relentless, cutting through the wood effortlessly.

She picked up a Nagamaki, a long-bladed polearm. She thrust and slashed, each move swift and calculated, but my agility and swordplay were superior. I dodged her strikes and countered, my katana a blur of motion as I maneuvered around her relentless attacks.

Tenten gripped the Naginata, its long pole topped with a curved blade that glinted menacingly in the light.

She launched into an assault, the blade slicing through the air with precision.

Her movements were fluid, utilizing the Naginata's reach to keep me at a distance, sweeping the blade in wide, arcing strikes aimed to cut or push me back.

From my perspective, each of Tenten's maneuvers was a lethal dance, demanding my utmost attention. I wielded my katana defensively, the shorter blade requiring me to be agile. I parried her sweeping cuts, sidestepping the slicing arcs, and ducking under the high swings.

As Tenten switched to thrusting, aiming the sharp point of the Naginata directly at me, I recognized my chance. She was extending herself slightly with each thrust, an inevitable vulnerability given the weapon's length. Waiting for her next forward push, I deflected the tip of her Naginata to the side with my katana, using a classic redirection technique.

The moment her weapon veered off its intended path, I stepped inside her guard, the proximity negating her weapon's advantage.

With a quick pivot, I brought my katana up in a swift, rising slash aimed at the shaft of her Naginata.

The blade cut deeply into the wood, severing the pole, and effectively halving the reach of her weapon.

Tenten quickly snatched up an Uchiwa, a rigid fan traditionally used for defense, and started using it to parry my sword strikes. Her movements were precise, the fan snapping open and shut with a sharp flick of her wrist, creating a barrier that momentarily diverted my attacks. Each time my katana came slicing through the air, she maneuvered the fan with skill, attempting to deflect the blade and create openings for her counterattacks.

Despite the rapid pace, I could see the fan straining under the force of my sword. The Uchiwa, while adept at redirecting lighter blows, wasn't built to withstand the sustained assault of a sharp-edged weapon like my katana. With each strike, I increased the intensity, my blade cutting closer and closer to the fan's delicate structure.

I feinted a strike to her left, and as she moved the fan to block, I quickly reversed my grip and swung with a backhanded slice. The katana met the fan with a resounding crack, slicing through the bamboo ribs and shredding the paper. Pieces of the destroyed fan fluttered to the ground like fallen leaves in a storm.

Tenten's next several choices, including the Su Yari, Tsuki Nari Yari, Tajiri Nari Yari, Ōtsuchi, Bishamon Yari, Tantō, Kagi Yari, Wakizashi, Kama Yari, Dansen Uchiwa, Kata Kama Yari, Ninjatō, Ju-Monji Yari, Daītō, Kikuchi Yari, Ōdachi, Sasumata, and Tsukubo, were all met with the same fate. Each weapon was wielded with incredible skill and precision, but Naruto's mastery of the sword and his keen awareness allowed him to counter and destroy each one.

"How?" Tenten asked, breathless and incredulous, staring at the katana in Naruto's hands.

"This," Naruto said, holding up the katana with a sense of reverence, "is an amazingly made weapon, crafted by someone strong."

Tenten's expression hardened into a growl, but before she could react, Naruto tossed the katana towards her. She caught it reflexively, her confusion evident.

"You want to show the world your strength? Do it with a great weapon. Not a mediocre one," Naruto said firmly, his eyes locked on hers.

At that moment, Mr. Higurashi, having watched the duel with a mix of apprehension and pride, threw another katana towards Naruto. With swift reflexes, Naruto caught it mid-air, the blade gleaming in his grasp.

The air crackled with tension, both Tenten and Naruto understanding the gravity of the next move. It would end with one decisive attack.

Naruto watched as Tenten's katana began to hum, a soft glow emanating from the blade. Suddenly, the sword burst into blue flames, its light casting a surreal glow on Tenten's determined face.

[ Tenten's Awakening has commenced ]

[ Conditions have been met. Tenten's class has been changed from 'Blacksmith' to 'Herald of Hephaestus' ]

[ Tenten has activated her martial spirit, the 'Flames Of A Blacksmith' ]

With a shared nod, they lunged towards each other, their movements a blur of speed and precision.

Their katanas met in a single, earth-shattering clash.

Naruto's sword, overwhelmed by the sheer force and newfound power of Tenten's blade, shattered into pieces. Tenten's katana, now glowing intensely, stopped just at Naruto's neck.

"I win," Tenten declared, her voice steady but her eyes shining with triumph.

Naruto smiled, his expression one of genuine respect and a touch of chagrin.

"Of course you won, Tenten. I'm sorry. I'm an idiot who doesn't know when to shut up. I'm sorry if my words hurt you."

Tenten's expression softened, and she placed a gentle hand on his head.

"You'd make a great Hokage someday."

"And you," Naruto replied with a grin, "will earn the title of the world's strongest weapon specialist."

"Ahem," Mr. Higurashi's voice cut through the air, pulling the duo's attention towards the wreckage that was once a perfectly good shop.

With a simple point of his finger, he made his expectations clear.

"You two are paying for all the damages."

"But Dad..." Tenten began, deploying her most powerful weapon—her doll eyes, hoping to melt her father's resolve. But Mr. Higurashi stood as unfazed as a mountain, immune to the charm that would sway most.

Meanwhile, Naruto fished in his pocket and pulled out a single Ryo, accompanied by a coupon for one free ramen. With a grin that could light up the Hidden Leaf Village, he offered his treasures to Mr. Higurashi as if presenting a royal decree.

"Well then, I should go now!" he announced, matching his words with a nervous grin, attempting a casual, backward retreat.

Before Naruto could make his grand escape, Mr. Higurashi's arm shot out, landing heavily on Naruto's shoulder. Naruto glanced up to see the veins and muscles in Mr. Higurashi's arm standing out like the roots of an ancient tree, a silent but clear message. Naruto let out a nervous chuckle, the sound a mix between a squeak and a gulp.

"You are paying for it."

"Yes, sir," Naruto squeaked out.

[ Quest Completion ]

[ Reward Granted ]

- Ally: Tenten now a loyal ally.

[ Hidden Reward: ]

- Destroying all of Tenten's weapons has earned 1000 Experience Points.

- Additional Quest Unlocked: Paying Back Debt ]

[ Chain Quest Alert ]

[ Quest: Paying Back Debt ]

[ Objective: Earn 50k Ryo to pay for the damage to Mr. Higrashi's shop, with the assistance of Tenten. ]

[ Rewards: ]

- [ +500 Reputation with Higrashi Shop ]

- [ Friendship with Tenten ]

- [ 1000 Exp ]

- [ Special Item from Higrashi Shop ]

[ Failure: No monetary loss, but -700 with Higurashi Shop and missed opportunity for a loyal ally in Tenten. ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Quest ]


[ Author Note:

Bloody hell, such a fucking big-ass chapter to write. You know, the hard part wasn't writing this chapter; rather, it was watching videos on YouTube on how the majority of these weapons are used. I hope you all had fun reading this pure action chapter.

Anyways, if you are reading this on Webnovel, then look at the comments. I shared pictures of each weapon used alongside some actual historical facts about said weapon as a bonus.

Hope you enjoy!

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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