
章節 101: Spy Games Ch. 22

"Out of my way."

The shoulder-check from the bald man in a suit didn't do much to me, and in fact, it nearly sent him careening into his female companion instead. We both end up stopping and turning to face one another at the same time, and I can't help but smile as he sneers, eyeing me up and down and ultimately finding me wanting. But then, of course he did. I was in disguise and it would be a fairly terrible disguise if I was in any way noticeable. No, instead I was the most average looking human in the world.

As the man stares at me, his female companion tugs at his arm.

"Leave it, we're late as is."

The corners of my mouth begin to curl up into a smile. The pompous man sees this of course, and realizes he can't just walk away now that his woman has tried to corral him. Else, I'll think less of him as a man. Humans could be so very… predictable, men especially.

"No, no I don't think so. You, apologize for bumping into me."

I don't bother with a verbal response. Instead I lift a single brow at him, my lips still quirked into a smirk. As expected, this infuriates him and the businessman stalks forward, closing the distance between us in a couple steps. He gets in my face and presses a finger into my chest, even as the woman's voice raises, alarmed.


In that moment, I look into the man's eyes and silently compel him, backing it up with the strength of the Mind Stone. His face goes slack and I know his entire life story, and the life story of the woman behind him, in about a second. If I wanted to, I could use the Mind Stone to hear and comprehend the thoughts and desires and plots and plans of every sentient being on Earth, every second of the day… but I don't. Where would the fun in that be? Boredom, that's what such an existence would lead to.

Still, I had fun messing with pissants like this one. Only, as it turned out, Darren Cross was not quite as pissant-y as I'd initially thought. No, the man was a CEO of his own company, Cross Technologies. Of course, the truly valuable information in Cross' mind wasn't about him. It was about his mentor and his mentor's daughter, the woman behind him.

A long, long time ago, I'd been a simple human, living in a simple world without monsters and gods and men with flying armor suits and the like. There'd been a time when I wasn't a Hybrid, where I wasn't the unholy union of a vampire and a werewolf, made to feed and made to kill and made to live forever. And while that had been millennia ago, one of the benefits of being what I was, was a perfect memory.

Unfortunately, the movie Ant-Man hadn't come out yet before I'd been plucked from my world and inserted into the Mikaelson Family. The pre-knowledge that I'd abused so thoroughly these last few years had come to an end with the second Avengers movie, which I'd put a stop to long before it could get off the ground by plucking the Mind Stone right from Loki's Staff. There had been no Ultron and there would never be a Vision.

Still, it was rather serendipitous, that I be running into Darren Cross and Hope Van Dyne, daughter of Hank Pym, out here in the middle of the street. After all, I had seen the trailers for Ant-Man, and if these two were still together, that meant I had time to play around, as well as get a front row seat to the fun. My cocky smirk morphs into a full-blown grin as these thoughts all race through my mind in the space of a second. And then I make a tweak to his reality and Darren goes from slack-jawed to smiling in an instant as he moves to my side and wraps an arm around my neck.

"You old dog! Where have you been all this time? Hope, don't you know who this is?"

Hank Pym's daughter is of course bewildered by her boss' abrupt change in personality. She furrows her brow as he begins to walk me forward, towards their car, which is in fact parked right down the block.


The man looks at her in sudden annoyance.

"Hope, please. Don't be rude."

I roll my eyes and flex my power, and Hope Van Dyne's jaw clicks shut as she becomes momentarily trapped within her own body. Frog-marching her to the car is easy enough, and once we're all piled into the spacious vehicle, I make sure neither Cross nor the driver are paying any attention to us as I release her from my control. The woman is a bright sort, she's already realized that I've done something. When I release her, she stiffens in her seat and glances towards her boss.

After a moment, she grabs for the door handle, only to find the lock will not come undone, no matter how hard she tries.

"We're moving at a fairly high speed now my dear. You probably don't want to do that."

My voice, silken in tone, flits through the air as it reaches her, causing her to shudder a bit in fear and impotent fury. Her next step is to open her purse and pull an actual, honest handgun out of it. She points it at me, but her hands are shaking as she does so, noticeably in fact. I lift a brow at her and she snarls.

"Stop this. Stop this right now or I put a bullet in your chest."

I like her. Instinctively, I know I like her. Not to sound too cheesy, but she has spunk. Grinning wickedly, I incline my head slightly towards the gun.

"You'd have to take the safety off first my dear."

Her lips press together in a fine line and her eyes narrow. She inhales and then exhales slowly, and I watch as she steadies her nerves and ends the shaking in her hands. Once she's done so, Hope takes off the safety, and for good measure, she pulls back the hammer and cocks the gun as well. Her finger slides along the trigger and she glares at me in a way that makes me more aroused than anything else.

"Don't test me asshole."

How can I not? She's adorable, like a hissing kitten. My grin widens, and ever so purposefully, I lean forward in my seat. I'm not wearing a seat belt, and I'm half off the seat, still moving oh so slowly towards her, when she finally fires. No one outside the car hears the loud gunshot, and neither Darren nor the driver pay it any mind either. The bullet slams into my chest and I let it enter me, though I don't allow it to exit through my back. Instead, the Aether running through my veins catches it and holds it fast, even as I sit back in my seat as if I've been pushed back by the force of the shot.

Hope doesn't smile, she doesn't crow in victory. No, she's not that kind of woman, and she's definitely proving herself to be a smart cookie. She keeps firing. The beauty empties the entire clip into me, and I sit there and take it in silence. By the time she's done, she's realized somethings wrong. Her jaw drops as she stares at my chest. The disguise I'm wearing is riddled with bullets, but there's not a drop of blood, as I easily push the rounds from my chest and allow them to fall into my hand, one by one.

Slowly, Hope Van Dyne puts the now empty handgun back into her purse, sitting back in her seat. She gives Cross one last glance and then swallows thickly before looking back to me.

"What do you want?"

My grin had diminished somewhat, as I'd waited for her to finish her little shooting spree. Now, it returns in full force as I drop the flattened bullets onto the empty seat beside me. I stare her in the eye and cock my head to the side.

"Hope Van Dyne. I wish to offer you immortality."

That takes the beautiful woman aback to be sure. Her brow furrows in confusion, and she sputters.

"W-What?! Who the fuck are you?!"

I chuckle darkly and shake my head back and forth in response.

"No one important my dear. You are though. You're very important. A mind as brilliant as yours, you deserve more than this, don't you think?"

Even as she opens her mouth to respond, I nudge her mind just a bit, and she tells me the truth without any outright prompting on my part.

"I'm doing something important where I am right now. This is important. The man beside me that you've… done whatever you've done to, he's not a good man. He's trying to recreate technology that my father once made, technology that could kill many, many people if it falls into the wrong hands. My father and I are going to stop him, we're going to destroy his research and discredit him. I… why am I telling you all of this?"

Clever, clever girl. She glares at me, even as I shrug a shoulder, giving her an amused little grin.

"Mm, perhaps I just have one of those faces."

She scowls at that, snarling almost.

"Whatever game you're playing here, you're in over your head. We're heading for Cross Technologies. The security there is quite literally some of the most sophisticated in the world. You might have done something to Darren, but if you stay with us all the way there, you WILL get caught."

I manage to hold back my laughter at that.

"Thank you for the advice my dear."


Thirty minutes later, we're safely ensconced in Hope Van Dyne's office and she's staring at me in horrified fascination. I'd proved her wrong of course, walking right around the building's security in a show of power. No one saw me, no one paid me the slightest mind. I didn't show up on the security cameras, and I didn't register to the naked eye. Hope had nearly gotten in trouble more than once while staring distractedly at me in disbelief, but now here we were.

"… What are you?"

I chuckle and incline my head towards her.

"Now that my dear, is the right question. What am I indeed? I suppose I might as well be a god, by your species' definition of the word."

Hope's jaw sets and her eyes flash with irritation.

"We've had gods come around recently. Norse ones. You attached to them?"

I shake my head, despite it technically being true. I'd certainly had enough interactions with Thor and Loki to be considered 'attached'.

"No. I am not of the Norse Pantheon. They are not truly immortal, not like I am. Not like you could be."

Hope frowns and taps her fingernails across her glass desk, an obvious nervous tic. My eyes track down to them and when she notices what she's doing, she stops and pulls her hands into her lap.

"What's the catch? You want to make me immortal, why me? What do I have to pay for this… 'gift'?"

As I said before, she's a clever girl.

"You pay nothing my dear. I demand nothing of you. But you are right to be concerned by the idea of immortality. You will outlive everyone you've ever known and loved, and everyone you ever will know and love. It is not simply ever-lasting life though of course. You will be stronger and faster and tougher as well. In a word, you will no longer be human."

I'm expecting the answer she gives me before it even arrives, so when it finally does, I barely react.


Smiling slightly, I use the Aether, enhanced by the Power Stone, to do a bit of magic. I form a small business card out of nothing and etch my phone number onto it. Putting it on the desk, I slide it over.

"If you change your mind, call me."

She reaches out for it, but before she can take hold of it, she falters due to my sudden disappearance. I smile a bit as I remove myself from her perception of reality. Now, I am as invisible to Hope Van Dyne as I am to everyone else in this building. The beautiful woman looks about in confusion for a long moment, and then she finally takes hold of my 'card'. I half-hope she'll rip it up and throw it away, simply so that I can make it show up around her again and again in the coming days.

No such luck unfortunately, she's tempted enough that she takes the card and tucks it away. That's a good sign at least. It means she's considering my little offer. Now it's only a matter of seeing if the events that follow will lead her back into my waiting arms.


I'm not too invested in the events of the Ant-Man movie, even if said events are now part of my reality. The good guy always wins of course, and my minute interference will not affect that. Still, I figure I'll stick around to keep an eye on things and watch how it all plays out. I follow Hope home and enjoy hers and Hank's conversations. I watch as they plot and plan against Cross, all while keeping an eye on his ventures back at Cross Technologies as well.

Things proceed as expected. The 'hero' of the story shows up in short order, and I watch as Scott Lang gets tugged around by Hank Pym, until eventually the thief is fully conscripted into their plans against Cross. At the same time, Cross is getting closer and closer to perfecting his version of Pym Particles, as well as his version of the Ant-Man suit, which he's already calling 'Yellowjacket'.

Honestly, I got the whole bug theme, but it was all a little silly in my opinion. I had no desire to grow that small, even though I probably could mimic the effects with the three infinity stones I had under my control. I could also more than likely enlarge myself to the size of a mountain as well. It just wasn't worthwhile. All the people, all the games I wanted to play around with, were down here, on humanity's level. And that's where I needed to be as well.

Hope finally called me about a week into Scott's abysmal training. She told me to meet her in her office at Cross Technologies, which worked quite well for me, since I was already in the building. A quick teleport had me landing next to the chair I'd sat in on my original visit, and a moment later I'm sitting down and making myself visible to her, all while still on the phone with the beautiful woman. Her eyes widen for a moment, but then she calms herself.

"… I am… interested in what you have to offer."

I can't help but grin and cock my head to the side.

"Are you now? Why the sudden change of heart?"

Another mental nudge has her telling me the truth.

"My father is trusting an idiot, instead of his own daughter, with the safety of his technology as well as countless lives! I'm not going to depend on some two-bit thief to save the day. I need to be strong enough to stop Cross myself."

She comes to the end of her explanation and her lips pucker as if she's had something sour. Her eyes accuse me of once again meddling, but I just smile in return. Yes, I'd meddled, but I wasn't about to say so. Instead, I pull a small jar of my blood from nowhere and set it down on the table.

"You will need to drink this."

Hope looks at it with a frown on her face.

"What is it?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I settle back into the chair I'm seated in and lace my fingers together.

"It is immortality. I can no more explain the magic behind it to someone like you, than I can explain how I bypass your pitiful attempts at technology. All you need to know is that you WILL be strong enough to stop Darren Cross, once you've drunk the contents of that jar."

There's a long pause, and I wonder if she's going to refuse me. But finally, Hope Van Dyne grimaces and grabs hold of the jar. She unscrews the top and though the smell makes her grimace even harder, she eventually brings it to her lips and begins to drink. She immediately coughs and sputters, but even a single drop is enough, and she'd gotten a gulp down her throat before she stopped.

"This… this is blood."

I grin at that.

"Well yes. Yes, it is. My blood, to be exact. Mixed with an exceedingly potent poison."

Hope's eyes go wide at that admission, and then her heart gives out and she falls face first onto her glass desk, dead. I stare at her for a second, and then pull a jar of human blood out of seemingly nowhere as well, unscrewing the top and setting it down in front of the momentarily dead woman. And then I wait patiently, twiddling my thumbs and whistling to pass the time.

… Nah, who am I kidding, I push Hope's corpse aside and mess around on her computer until she finally comes back to life. I don't even look at her as I reach out and nudge the open jar of human blood closer to her. I'm in the middle of an engaging game of Minesweeper after all. I hear her drink and I hear her gasp as the effects of the transformation into one of my Hybrids are finalized. And then, her hand is on my arm and she's spinning me to face her as she bares her fangs at me.

I stare in fascination at the way her veins glow red and purple beneath her skin. Her eyes aren't just the normal gold and black either, the golden pupils are glowing with the same yellow glow as the Mind Stone. She is the first Hybrid I've made since acquiring my third Infinity Stone after all. It seems she'll be a different one.

"I am hungry."

Lifting a brow, I smile at her and nod to the small jar, which she's already downed. She shakes her head in return, and then begins to grab at my pants, at my belt.

"Not that kind of hunger."

What follows… well, if I wasn't willing, I imagine it would be called rape! At the very least, I had a good case for workplace harassment, given the way Hope threw me into her chair, mounted me, and rode me to kingdom cum. Her pussy walls tightened and gripped at my cock as she bounced up and down on my length, her skirt hiked up, her pantyhose torn apart in her haste, and her panties pushed to the side to give my shaft access.

I sit there, allowing her to get it out, my hands resting casually on her hips as she gasps and groans and moans. She's moving with the speed of a hybrid as well, and I end up having to reinforce the chair with the Reality Stone to keep the thing from breaking under the strain of our rough, violent fucking. Hope's cunt tightens around me again and again, and she cries out as her pussy juices slide down the length of my cock.

Her orgasm is explosive, and I feel it along every inch of my member. With a grunt of my own, I begin to cum inside of her, much to her shock and reluctant arousal as she snarls and tries to bite me. I catch her before she can, and kiss her instead, a kiss she hungrily returns, though eventually she does manage to sink her fangs into my lip. I give as good as I get though, and we're both a little bloody by the time we're done and she's finally satisfied.

Panting heavily, Hope pushes herself up from my chest where she'd rested her head for a moment. She looks at me searchingly.

"You told the truth. I've never felt stronger, faster… more alive. Cross and his technology… hell, my father and is Pym Particles… it doesn't compare to this."

I grin wickedly in response, and rub circles into her hips with my thumbs.

"I'm interested to see what you do next, Hope Van Dyne. How will you handle your boss, hm?"

Hope bites her lower lip at that and eventually shrugs.

"… I'll give them one change, my father and Lang. Let them have their stupid mission. I'll be there, ready to pick up the pieces when it all goes to shit."

That draws a chuckle from me.

"I'm sure you will my dear, I'm sure you will."

She scowls, seeming to think I'm mocking her. Before she can say another word though, I thrust up into her stuffed cunt and her eyes go wide with renewed lust as I give her a knowing look. Soon enough, she's riding me once more, crying out as she climaxes around my hard length.


I'm there of course, when it all goes down. In the room, to be exact. Darren tries to sell the Yellowjacket suit to whatever remnant of HYDRA has crawled out of the woodworks for this moment. Honestly, after everything I was just shocked that they were STILL operating on a level capable of buying the Yellowjacket Suit from Cross.

Regardless, Scott Lang, the new Ant-Man ends up trapped and Darren orders Hank killed. That's when Hope moves, faster than anyone else can even see. In the span of a few seconds, every man in the room besides Darren and Hank are on the ground, unconscious or simply dead. Hope stands between her father and his protégé, her eyes gold and black and her fangs bared as he stares back in wide eyed fascination.

"Well I'll be damned…"

And then she's on him, and she's feeding and oh if it isn't a glorious sight, watching the beautiful woman lose her composure and outright savage the man who'd dared to threaten her flesh and blood. Of course, there's always the aftermath of a moment like this. Once Cross is dead, Hope has her father to contend with. Her father who's holding a gun on her, as well as Scott himself, who's pounding against the glass in confusion.


Her vampiric face and the blood dripping down her chin don't do Hope any favors as she looks to her father and finds herself staring down the barrel of the shaking gun he's holding with both hands. She pauses, and her eyes and teeth return to normal. She can't exactly wipe away Darren's blood though, nor can she erase what her father has seen.

"It's me. It's still me."

There are tears in Hank's eyes as he shakes his head.

"Who did this to you? Was it Vali?"

Ooh, now that's interesting. Hank isn't as decoupled from SHIELD as I thought! Hope pauses, confused for a moment.

"Vali? I… do you mean the Avenger? No, no it wasn't him."

Hank shudders, clearly horrified by what his daughter has done, what she's become. I'm a little amused. If I'm reading the air correctly, the old man understands more about what it means to be a Hybrid than most non-hybrids. He believes Hope to be a monster… and he's right, to be fair. After a moment, Hank lowers the gun and sobs, covering his face with his free hand. When Hope tries to move towards him, to embrace him, her father notices and lifts the gun up again, clearly afraid of her.

As soon as she realizes this, the beautiful woman pauses… and then she speeds out of the room. I make sure she doesn't set off any alarms on her way out, and I leave Scott and Hank to explain away everything, though the cameras would probably back them up. I'm waiting for her, when she finally stops running a few miles away in a forest clearing. The disheveled business woman bends over, not actually out of breath, but sobbing and panting for air nonetheless as tears fall from her eyes.


My voice draws her attention and she looks up at me. The sire bond has her in my arms in a moment, and she cries into my chest as I smile and run my hand through her hair.

"Why don't we go away for a little while, hm? Give your father time to come to terms."

It takes her a few minutes to calm down, all those pesky emotions of hers amplified by her new existence. Eventually though, she pulls back and stares at me for a long moment. Then, she just nods.

"I'd like that… I'd like that a lot."

Well now, it looked like I had my plus one for the next few weeks at least. Going off of the tried and true movie formula, I imagined Hope and Scott were supposed to get together or something like that, in the canon that I never got to see. Perhaps there was still hope for them… but I doubted it. I'd stolen Ant-Man's Wasp before she ever had a chance to don the suit.

Life was good.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon.com/Cambrian

Thanks for reading!

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