97.29% Out for Karma: One Piece / Chapter 72: Chapter 65: I kissed a girl and I liked it, hope my boyfriend don't mind it

章節 72: Chapter 65: I kissed a girl and I liked it, hope my boyfriend don't mind it

Chapter 65: I kissed a girl and I liked it, hope my boyfriend don't mind it

It has been a week since the strawhats, aboard the Sunny, had left Thriller Bark and continued their journey towards Fishman island or as Sanji and Brook now referred to it: Mermaid Island. Brook with his shadow back was free to sail again but after being alone for decades he accepted Luffy's offer to join him. The fact that they had a friend in common helped a lot. Laboon was a whale living in the sea near Twin Cape Lighthouse, the first stop when ships enter Grand Lineat the base of Reverse Mountain, and has been waiting for Brook's return for more than 40 years. With the skeleton on board, music to entertain everyone on the boring days at sea was heard quite often. Yet despite the uplifting songs, three people were unaffected.

The first one was Rick, still in a coma. The lightest of his wounds had healed, but the most severe ones like his broken ribs or his cracked skin and internal organs were not completely done with their recovery.

Robin and Nami were the second and third. They were taking turns watching over him constantly, day or night. Sometimes, Chopper came into the room to see Rick's recovery's progress or Sanji brought snacks for the one of the two sitting at the bedside of their Vice-Captain.

Zoro and Sanji decided to keep mum about their friend approaching the end of his life. It wouldn't have done any good for the rest of the crew, unaware that Robin and Nami were in the know. For their part they didn't disclose the news either for the same reason. After their augment on Thriller Bark their relationship sour a bit. Nami had asked Chopper to do a full check up on Rick but he didn't find anything abnormal. She refused to believe her Vice-captain was dying but his prolonged comatose state and his own statement birthed doubt. She was in denial but deep inside she knew that it was the truth as Rick is always right. Not for the first time she hated that fact. What she hated as much was her inability to apologize to Robin, it would have meant that she was acknowledging Rick's state.

Robin had fooled everyone. Smiling and laughing when she was with the others but in reality she was heartbroken. She only showed her true feelings when she was watching over Rick. It tired her to no end. She spent as much time as she could with him without tipping her crewmates about their secret relationship.

Currently Robin was the one watching him and it was about time Nami took her place. She was reading out loud a book for her boyfriend and talking to him about its content, hoping to hear an answer that never came.

When Nami came into the room to relieve her of her duty, she had had more than enough and spoke up to her friend.

"I'm sorry."

Robin stopped reading but didn't look at her, her eyes fixed on the man she loved laying on the bed.

"I was in denial, because I was afraid that if I accepted it, it would be true."

Robin still kept silent but tapped the seat beside her indicating for Nami to come sit by her side which she did. Once seated the brunette just took her friend's hand in her and squeezed it.

"That's okay, I know where that was coming from, so I forgive you." she said.

That was true. Robin for the most of her life had become used to accepting things and moving forward, doing otherwise would have signed her death warrant. But to Nami who only lost Belle-mère long ago and was surrounded by loving people it was not an easy thing to do. Though, even if Robin was in acceptance of hers and her boyfriend's situation it didn't make her pain any less.

Hearing her friend forgiving her Nami was relieved and this time was the one to squeeze her hand. They stayed like that for a while before the redhead spoke up again.

"I think I know what happened to him on the island."

"Nami, I was the one who told you what happened." replied Robin.

"I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about Rick being… different. With the horns and a completely different personality."

"Oh... that. What did you find?"

"I should not share this because he told me in confidence. But…"

Robin raised an eyebrow. Rick confided in Nami and not her? She didn't like that. Nami quickly caught on and explained herself.

"It was just after our talk about trusting him or not so don't look at me like that!"

That actually reassured Robin a bit.

"Honestly you would have known if you hadn't been caught eavesdropping, so you only have yourself to blame!"

That was true. At the time Rick saw the ear she had bloomed to spy on him and blew air into it making her dispel it.

"Anyway, considering the situation and because I'm almost 100% sure he won't be pissed at me for it, I'm telling you: Did he ever tell you how he met Vivi?"

When Robin answered negatively, Nami proceeded to tell her Rick's and Vivi's meeting and the subsequent kidnapping and rescue of the latter.

"You're thinking the same thing happened back then?"


"What makes you think that, we don't know if Rick remembers or not his state during the fight with Moria."

"True, but the trigger is the same."

"Which is?"

"Anger for the people he loves Robin. From what I understood of their relationship, Rick was already quite protective of Vivi from the moment they met and Vivi… you can't help but love her. So when he saw her chained like an animal… He said that he had never been so angry before. Now on Thriller Bark, you got done by Moria. He must have seen it and been more than furious because less than a second later Rick is lifting and choking him with one hand, a different personality and with horns. What comforts me in this is that, just as I speculated, you were the only one to calm him down."

"I don't know if you're right but it's plausible. Now the question is… why does it happen in the first place. Where does that...Transformation comes from?"

"My guess is as good as yours."

They didn't talk anymore about this topic and watched over their man in silence. Yes, their, because ever since Rick let it slip that Nami could have some fun time with him she considered him hers. That was the thought she had at the moment which prompted her to get clarification from Robin.

"So….." she began.


"Rick said that you agree to let me have him." announced Nami with a grin.

"He said what?!"

"It's not true then?"

"He wasn't supposed to tell you!"

"It's true then! Wait, why wasn't he?"

"I wanted him for myself a bit longer. We were supposed to rail you up with teasing and innuendo. Why did he blab?" said a lamenting Robin

"I see… Anyway it wasn't really his fault, you can't put all the blame on him."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Rick told me that you were attacked by something invisible?"

"Yes, that thing licked my cleavage! I had to take a shower afterwards!"

"Well that thing actually attacked me too while I was taking a bath in the manor. Thankfully Rick saved the day before… well… before."

"Thank goodness."

"Yeah. He got an eyeful though." confessed Nami with a laugh.

"Yes! Though not for long. He put his overcoat really quickly over me. Anyway, that invisible guy somehow knocked me out and kidnapped me to make me his wife. Well I shocked him good and ran back to Sunny to change clothes."

"Change clothes?"

"He dressed me up in an actual wedding dress!"


"Yes! And that's what I was wearing when Rick found me on his way to Sunny. His words were, and I quote, 'I know Robin said you could have me but don't you think a wedding dress is going a bit too far?'." that made Robin laugh.

"I understand why he would let it slip then. I won't punish him too badly."

"Actually you should reward him."

"Why is that?"

"He refused to carry me because of my outfit and just made me float back with him to Sunny, saying that you would cut his balls off in his sleep if you weren't the first for whom he'll do that!"

"What?! He wants to…" began Robin with an astonished look on her face.

"Sorry! I probably shouldn't have said that."

"No no ! Tell me more!" the archaeologist asked, eager.

"Well I was surprised too at how much he loves you and he replied that when you know, you know. The only reason he didn't propose was because you haven't been together that long."

Robin didn't say anything and just thought about it. She knew she loved Rick, but marriage? She didn't have an answer to that. Seeing her friend retreat in her own world led Nami to change the topic.

"So… How do we share him? Do I take even or odd days?"

That brought back Robin from her thoughts and made her laugh.

"Oh Nami… I'm not sharing Rick."

"But you said…"

Robin put her hands on each side of Nami's face.

"We are sharing you."

And proceeded to kiss her right on the lips. Nami was too shell shocked to do anything. It wasn't until Robin's tongue entered her mouth that Nami finally kissed her back. That was her first kiss. That it was from a woman, threw her off a bit, that she loved it? Even more. When her friend stopped the kiss and leaned back they looked into each other's eyes.

Robin had worry in hers. She was worried about Nami's reaction. Nami's had confusion, her feelings were now all over the place. They stayed as they were, in silence and face to face for a moment, so close they could feel each other breath. However the moment was soon broken by an impromptu voice.

"Is she as tasty as she looks?"

""RICK!"" exclaimed the two ladies jumping out of their seats in surprise.

"When did you…" started Robin as Nami ran towards the door, her flight instinct winning over her fight one.

Nami didn't go very far though as hands appeared on the door of the bedroom blocking it. She was trapped. She turned around and saw the couple looking at her.

"You didn't tell her?" asked Rick.

"I didn't tell anyone, including you. You just found it on your own. Wait! Nevermind that! How are you? When did you wake up?"

In a flash, Robin was all over him checking his condition. Which wasn't really necessary as the only thing that changed was that he was now awake.

"Sore all over and really happy."

"I can see that." replied Robin in a playful tone seeing the sheets tenting.

"Well you're here of course I'm happy. Plus you were kissing Nami, there was no way I would not have reacted. As for when I woke up I'd say when you laughed? Now if you don't mind I think there is something more important to deal with." said Rick pointing to Nami with his eyes.

"Nami are you alright?" he asked.

"I-I …"

He made her float and pulled her towards him, making her seat on the side of the bed. She was positioned between him and Robin, who was still sitting on her chair.

"That's okay, take a deep breath and let it out." he advised her.

She was too confused to do it so Rick put his hand on her head and patted her slowly and gently. It had the intended effect as she calmed down pretty quickly and relaxed her tensed body.

"Feeling better?" asked Robin who got an affirmative nod from the redhead.

"Nami, do you remember on Skypiea when we were camping, you bullshited Robin saying I was bullying you, sicing Sanji on me?" this time it was Rick who asked a question to which Nami nodded affirmatively again.

"Payback time!" he yelled and brought her down for a kiss.

Nami didn't know where she was anymore. In less than five minutes she had been kissed twice and loved every second of it. The tongues' duel was starting to drag on too much for robin taste and she bloomed hands to separate the two. Rick had a stupid grin on his face and Nami was blushing even more than after Robin's kiss; her breath was ragged.

"Nami... Robin and I, we're a package deal. So if you can't accept being with Robin…"

"You can't be with him. It doesn't mean that we won't love you anymore…"

"If you turn us down though. We love you to death, that's why…"

"We want to share you. But we would understand…"

"If you're not interested in Robin."

"Okay stop it! It's creepy!" yelled Nami.

The couple were hurt by her words and Nami caught on; she expressed herself poorly and got misunderstood. She quickly explained her words.

"That's not what I meant! I meant, you, completing each other's sentences. It's on a whole new level than just finishing them."


"Now if you don't mind, I have questions. First, how did it go from Rick being shared to ME being shared? And no completing each other's sentences please!"

Nami got her fire back. She wasn't going to let the two of them control the conversation, there was simply no way of that happening. Robin and Rick looked at each other for a moment. It looked like they were communicating silently. The brunette finally spoke up.

"Do you want the long or short version?"

"Let's start with the short one." replied Nami.

"Okay, so… Rick is the best thing that happened to me since… ever."

"It's mutual." interjected the man in question.

"You quiet!" ordered Nami shutting him up before signaling Robin with her hand to keep talking.

"And with all the women after him and those who will be after him..."

"What women?"

"Vivi, his obsessive ex, you… Let's be honest here, he is a ladies magnet. There is no way he will not catch the eye of others." replied Robin

"Fair enough. That still doesn't answer my question."

"Instead of fighting for him and potentially losing him I would rather share but he wasn't okay with that."

Nami had a dubious look on her face and looked at Rick as if she wasn't sure if he was real or not.

"What?" he asked.

"Why? I don't think there is a single man on the planet who would be against that idea." Nami replied.

"That's more or less what I said at the time." said Robin with a smirk on her lips before continuing.

"You see, in his dense head of his, if he's shared then I'm shared too. You know equality in our relationship … The problem is he doesn't want to share me. At least not with a man."

"Wait! You're gunning for another guy?!" asked a dumbfounded Nami.

"NO!" Turning to Rick and taking his hand in hers added " You're the only man I need, I hope you know that." which earned her a bright smile and a squeeze.

"Anyway way… Rick deducted that I was into women too and was more than interested in you. So I spinned the share part around. We're not sharing each other, we're sharing others."

Nami kept silent, that was a lot to take in. She drew a long breath and exhaled slowly.

"Okay. Robin, your idea was stupid. I mean, what would have prevented the woman you shared him with to still take him from you?"

"That's not possible." interjected Rick.

"For the last time: QUIET!" she scolded him.

"I thought that he wouldn't leave two women for just one." answered Robin to Nami's question.

"Somewhat an acceptable answer but it's still stupid. Now my second question: You're into women?!"

"What made you realize that? Robin telling you or the hottest kiss I've ever seen she gave you?" Rick said, clearly mocking her.

The redhead blush furiously. She took one of the pillows within her reach and tried to suffocate him.

"You've been warned! Twice! Now suffer the consequences!"

Her assault didn't last long as Robin got up and grabbed her chest from behind and dragged her away from Rick. Nami immediately let out a high pitched scream and let go of the pillow bringing her hands to grab Robin's.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't hurt my boyfriend Nami, at least not when he's recovering."

Nami simply nodded but didn't dare move or talk as Robin was… molesting her breasts. She was enjoying it but soon snapped out of it and tried to get away with no avail. Robin's hold was too strong. When the brunette started to kiss her nape it sent an electric shock through her spine. Any idea of trying to get free stopped.

"Robin, would you stop please?" Rick asked kindly.

Robin pouted and released her prey.

"Nami we love you, and we want you to be with us. We don't expect an answer right away, take your time."

Still speechless, Nami nodded affirmatively again. Before she got up from the bed, Rick leaned over her and whispered.

"If you liked what her hand did, you will love to feel her tongue."

The navigator's face was at its most reddest it has ever been. Even her ears had changed color. Without sparing her friend a look she quickly left the room, the arms blocking the door having disappeared.

"I think you went too far." said Rick.

"I think I should have taken her right in front of you." joked Robin.

"I thought I was the insufferable one?" he laughed

She looked at him for a moment, wondering if she should confront him about the time he had left but decided against it.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"What's wrong is that it's been a week since we cuddled."

Rick raised the sheet on one side.

"Then come and cuddle away as much as you want."

She did.

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