89.63% World Ixion/SAGA / Chapter 183: Save 99 ─ Worst Decision

章節 183: Save 99 ─ Worst Decision

Rudel's room after he left.

When Alisa woke up, she found herself sleeping in Rudel's bed.


She came to sleep with him to help him a little. She quickly checked her surroundings, there was no sign of Rudel.

However, only Airi was here.

She sat in a chair and had a serious expression on her face.

"Airi, did something happen to Rudel?"

Airi was surprised by Alisa's voice and shook her head after a short pause.

"No, he left the room."

"Is that so? Then he's fine. I'm so glad he's better."

Unlike her, Airi's expression is not good.

"Did something happen? Did you have any side effects!!!?"

Alisa was relieved when Airi shook her head.


"Alisa, does Rudel-san and Erselica have any relationship?

Alisa tilts her head at that strange question.

"What are you talking about? That can't be possible."

"... It is perhaps possible that they are brother and sister separated."

Alisa didn't know what Airi meant.

Alisa could say that not only did that not exist, it was also impossible.

"No. In the first semester of the year, I thoroughly investigated all the new students and their houses in case possible enemy of His Highness Liam, Viscount Reinfield's household. At that time, we found nothing suspicious. I also had the Duke's house thoroughly investigated when she became a false saint. The same goes for the royal palace."

"As a result, surprisingly nothing came out about consanguineous relations with any other noble."

The only problem was her father spending a lot of money on weapons, and Erselica herself had nothing to do with that.

At best, she was nothing more than the daughter of a viscount who lied to an entire country.

There are no reports of any connection to Rudel.

"No circumstances in the Bradford family either."

"Not even that. My parents' house looked into it. Since the daughter of the Duke's family is getting married, it is decided to investigate various things. There is nothing between Rudel and Erselica."


"What's wrong? You're strange today. If you're tired, rest."

Airi raised her bent face.

"Erselica came to this room. At that time, Rudel-san was called 'big brother' by her."

Alisa was puzzled by those words.

"... Excuse me?"

If they're close to each other here, or if they're actually dating, they can deal with that too.

She would be angry and wouldn't know what to do then.

However, since this I didn't expect, an unexpected brother.

"Ah, big brother?"

"Yes. That's right. They didn't have the atmosphere of a lover, they were like real brother and sister. I can't put it into words, but I wondered if they were brother and sister while I was half asleep. But that's what I think. It can't be true, can it?"

Both Alisa and Airi bowed their heads.

"There shouldn't be any blood relation. First of all, Bradford Household and Viscount Reinfield Household don't even have a point of contact. There shouldn't be one either."

Alisa was also hesitant about her own answer.

Even though there shouldn't be any relationship, Erselica called Rudel "big brother."

But she remembered something curious.

"Come to think of it. When we were investigating Bradford Household. We found something odd... their documents didn't exist."

"Our father-in-law told us that his ancestor settled here after coming to the Kingdom. Meaning they were undocumented immigrants, but for some reason the palace never brought it to their attention or sent an official to do the legal paperwork."

"What's more, the palace was unaware of the Bradford's' existence until the war. Our father-in-law was always going to pay taxes, but no one gave a damn about a country nobleman, who strangely enough lives on a frontier with undeveloped land."

"It's very odd where they come from. Almost as if they were ghosts."

(Could it be possible that Rudel's ancestors and Erselica's ancestors are from the same family branch?)

Alisa looked at Airi with a serious expression on her face.

"Where is Erselica right now?"

Airi answered her still dejectedly.

"She went out with Rudel-san to the entrance, something was up."

"Listen. Let's ask him when we get back home. I want to ask Rudel urgently, but I want him to rest now."

Alisa felt, if there was the slightest blood relation between the two, it would be very bad.

(If Rudel and that woman are linked by blood. This will be bad since the temple demands her head. Therefore, Rudel's too if it turns out to be true.)

A bad feeling came into her heart.

As I left my room I went down to the living room.

There were the idiots there looking at something.

Approaching the door as they did, I understood why they were irritated.

Apparently soldiers from Aster came, among them is an official who does as a high ranking officer and the captain I met when I arrived.

The official repeated what he had on the document in his hands when he saw me.

"The great nobles have approved Zack-sama as a guardian. Therefore, we have come to supervise."


"Yes. Pack your things to leave for your country."

He said it with a smile on his cheek.

"We won't pack anything until the Acting Chairman and Lucy give us an answer."

"I'm afraid that's impossible. In the sense that it's useless."

"They've agreed to this."

"Excuse me?"

My eyes widened fully from the surprise of those impossible words.


When Alisa and Airi came down to the living room from all the noise they heard, they were surprised to see everyone put their things away in boxes.

"What are you doing?"

She asked, Erselica who was hugging her newly bought lamp answered her.

"They forced us to pack up. They say the Acting Chairman and Lucy ordered it."

Near the door, an angry Rudel was watching as Chlust stowed away in an all-terrain vehicle known as a Rhino Magnus that they used when they invaded the dungeon.

They approached and told him if what Erselica said was true.

Rudel did not answer except Bell.

"It's just as she said and that's why the Master is like this."

"Ixion is not back yet. We are putting things away to gradually drop them off at Schwert."

"It's a very bad day no doubt."

Alisa wanted to touch Rudel's shoulder for support, but stopped herself when she saw him looking very angry.

The two went to put their things away as well.


Immediately after Lucy was separated from Rudel, she was sent to her newly rebuilt house.

It brought back memories to see the same house where she lived for almost ten years, but because of the reason she came she could not feel joy.

As she opened the door, servants and maids were waiting for her.

"Welcome home, Lucyelle-sama."


Lucy did not answer.

Lutart came with a suit and Lucy was taken aback.

"Manager... so it was true."

"I'm sorry for lying to you all this time."

"That doesn't matter to me now. I want to talk to Diana, where is she?"

"Yes. We just arrived from the academy."

"She is talking to Lugh-sama now. We'll take her up to her room while she waits for them to finish."

"... Very well."

Lucy followed a maid who led her to her new room.

She sat down on the bed and sighed.

"I wanted to come back one day, but not like this."

Deep in her heart. Lucy thought of a certain person as she clutched her pillow.

"Rudel, I want to see you. Don't leave me alone."

After waiting a while, someone knocked on the door.

Diana entered.

An emblem could be seen in her right hand.

Lucy was shocked to see that it was the same emblem.

"Then it's true."

"I'm sorry for hiding it from you onee-chan. But we'll discuss it later."

"The first thing I want to do is this."

Diana walked over and gave Lucy a big hug.

"You're safe at last."

"... What do you mean?"

Diana stopped hugging her and looked at her in a very serious manner, sat down next to her.

"Onee-chan, listen to me carefully."

"You've been fooled all this time by that guy."

"Are you talking about Rudel?"

"That guy is no good. He hasn't just deceived you, he's lied to all of us."

Diana wanted to tell them about Alisa and Airi, but Lucy didn't know about the game. So, she told her about the other thing.

Lucy couldn't believe her ears.

"You're wrong!"

"I'm not. It's the truth."

"Rudel is not that kind of person!"

"Sister... he's using you for his convenience. You don't understand because you don't open your eyes, but that guy is manipulating all of us to his advantage."

Lucy began to look at Diana with eyes full of anger.

"You're just saying that because you don't like Rudel!"

Diana began to break her patience as well.

"That's right, I don't like him and I never did. But I wouldn't lie about something like this!"

"That fellow seeks to take over this country and have you by his side."

"I'm sure you've seen those two women by his side, haven't you? They're both important figures in the Kingdom and for that reason that guy is not to be trusted."

Lucy understood about Alisa, but not why she mentioned Airi.

"You've always been like that Diana. What I liked you saw flaws in it and said it wasn't good for me."

"That's because you liked dangerous things. You could get hurt, I worried about you!"

"Worried about me?!"

"If you really were. Zack wouldn't have made that announcement."

"Lutart told me everything. Diana, I understand that you hate the Acting Chairman but what you're planning is wrong."

A vein showed on Diana's forehead.

"Wrong? Are you saying it's wrong to take revenge for what he did to us?"

"Are you saying it's wrong to avenge our parents and take back what was taken from us?"

"I was wrong. That girl is not the flower field head. It's you!"

Diana's angry face made her say things stored inside her heart.

"It's just like that time... when everyone praises you for having the aptitude to be the priestess, including our grandmother."

"Do you know what happened twelve years ago?"

"Our parents told me I wasn't fit to be the priestess!"

"After they told me I could be one. They gave me those cold words because they said when you touched the sacred tree there was a reaction."

"After you made fun of me, you became a priestess. I was happy for you... but now I understand that that happiness was only because you hogged all the trouble, but now it's different."

"I am the real priestess."

"Our parents were wrong. I always had the aptitude, but they wanted me to lose confidence in me in order to gain strength in the future. In the end if they turned out to be good parents, that's why I must avenge them."

"If you don't want to avenge them... then you're useless!"

Diana snapped her fingers.

"Take her to the subway prison. She will stay there until further notice."


Lucy shouted to the butlers who grabbed her arms.

"Diana! Hold on!"

"This is a mistake!"

"If you make Rudel angry, something really bad will happen!"

"Ixion isn't like him! He's the one who keeps it from exploding!"

"If Rudel really was like you say, he would have attacked this country from the beginning!"

"Get out of my sight."

Diana turned around and said those cold words.


Lucy's face was blotted out by the door closing. Shouts of pleading could be heard for a while.

When Diana relaxed, she called out to her servant.


"At your command."

The knight in the split pile entered her room.

"Is Zack here yet?"

"Yes. He's waiting for you in the guest room..."

"What's the matter with you?"

"It's about your big sister."

"Forget her. She needs to calm down, so do I by the way."

(Stupid big sister. Really if you knew that guy was the worst threat to this country you'd be on my side.)

(By the way. What the heck is this about Ixion being his limiter? Wouldn't it be the other way around?)


Diana walked into the room where Zack was.

Zack was with Zero going over the plan.

Seeing her, Zack was pleased.

"Diana, is it true what he said? You are a─"

"What were you thinking you big jerk?"

"Thanks to you, the academy became a war zone!"

Zero instantly calmed her down.

"The military forces are controlling the situation as planned, they use force, but the result is quick and without much damage. The plan will go ahead."

"That's good to know, but it doesn't answer my question."

"Why did you do it?"

Zack stared at her, stood up and walked over to her.


Zack hugged her warmly.

"Sorry. I thought it was the best."

"... W-Whatever. It's okay now, you can let go."

Despite saying that, Diana was reassured by being hugged.

"In a little while, the semifinal operation will begin. The grand finale will come in the evening."

"Are you sure about this?"

He asked her something important, Diana answered without hesitation.

"Of course I am. This is the for the sake of my sister and all of Aster. We can't fail."

Pulling his body back, Zack brought his lips close to Diana's.

"I told you it was just that one time."

"You're not resisting."

"... Just hurry up will you."

Without hesitation, their lips touched.

There was no one in the living room, only a vase with a black rose.


In the Temple of the Sacred Tree, Zack was sitting on the throne that Zero had prepared. In addition to Zero and Warrick who surfaced, there were men guarding Zack.

These wore the emblem of the six great nobles.

The other soldiers received a lower level emblem.

Warrick was checking the place with his men.

"It's very nice. They have class, as expected of Aster. Not for nothing are they the greatest power in the world."


"I really mean it. In our beloved homeland it's all covered in ice and the cold means you can't wear clothes like this or enjoy going out for a walk, but we adapted to it."

After arriving here, the soldiers became defensive, but Zack calmed them down.

He told them all that Warrick was an ally, if the republic became allied with Aster. They would have strong and brave soldiers.

In front of Zack, stood Randolf, handcuffed. He was looking at him very angrily.

"Zack, why did you do this!"

Randolf, whose leg was injured, was being treated. Zack didn't kill Randolf at Diana's request.

Just like the game, she wanted to bring him to justice and have him apologize before he died.

"Because I was chosen as a guardian. I want to destroy this corrupt country and create a new one."

"You're going to destroy this country for that reason?"

Zack smiled egregiously at Randolf, who was shocked.

"It is for that reason that I will destroy it. Everyone is fed up with the way you brought things to a situation where only you stood to gain."

"By the way, I will show you the appearance of how this country perishes and a new one is born. Your wife and daughter will have the same thing happen to them... it's not by my hand by the way, your cute son will. And, I will kill Rudel in front of your eyes."

"Son? Romeo? That's nonsense!"

"Raise Romeo with the best values a father can give his son."

Zero approached Zack.

"Everything is ready. The last phase of the plan will begin when I give the order."

"Good. I'm very anxious. I feel like when I went to see the superhero movie I've been waiting so long for."

Warrick, who was listening, didn't understand what Zack said.

He spoke to Zack in the same tone while avoiding sounding suspicious.

"Excuse me, Zack-dono. The last phase of the plan is going to appear right. Would it be okay for us to act now?"

"Sure. I've kept you guys waiting long enough."

Zack blindly trusted Warrick just because they were allies.

Warrick smiled in a very dangerous way, but Zero was the one who gave him the order.

"Take your men and head for these positions at the scheduled time. Then you can go about your business."


He took off his hat and commented before leaving.

"The troops sent from our homeland, the Republic of Ereboreas will not disappoint you.

He left making noise with his shoes.


Zack said that, Zero saw him after slowly turning around.

"... Liar? Take it back."

"Who else?"

"Why are you telling that guy to leave? You sent him somewhere else didn't you?"

"That's why I call you a liar, because you are one."

"Take it back..."

Although Zero showed a different mood than usual, Zack didn't break his bullish attitude.

"You're a liar, taking back an ally is─!"

Zero caused an electric shock to his spherical form, freeing himself from Zack. Zack's right hand went numb and he grabbed it with his left.


"Take it back! I'm not lying!"

The people around were surprised by the calm and strongly rebellious Zack... and the furious Zero.

Zack clicked his tongue.

"Okay, I take it back."

"I'm sorry, are you happy?"

Zero's anger was slowly fading as he mumbled nonsensical things.

"... Dungeon."


"A zero..."

Zack thought he was breaking down for saying strange things.

He turned his gaze to Randolf.

"By tomorrow the revolution will be over with our victory. Then will come your punishment."

Randolf didn't answer anything, but that annoyed Zack.

"Lock this guy up!"


Randolf was put on an airship where he will be sent to another place by Zero's order.

That place was the Vermillion mansion.

Despite being the Acting Chairman, he was sent to a cell.

It was all dark as he had no light.

"I can't believe it all ended like this."

"Who's there?"

A voice called out to him from the other end of the cell.

When he looked up, there stood a girl who looked very much like the woman he once loved.


As he focused, he noticed that she only looked alike because it was Lucy who was locked up as well.


"What are you doing here?"

"Diana locked me up until it's all over. And that scares me."

"I think... I think she and the others are planning to do something to Rudel and the others."

The expression on her face was helplessness.

"I see. No doubt, this is what they wanted."


Zack was training his body in a room.

A man entered with agitated footsteps.

"Zack! What have you done?"

A tousle-haired man with a badly shaved beard called out to him.

It was Malcolm, the former Wayne Household heir who works as a teacher at the academy.

Zack greeted Malcolm.

"Hi aniki. is something wrong?"

Zack considered Malcolm like a big brother, he was the only member of his family and relatives who didn't treat him like an object.

Malcolm would always tell him to work hard so that way, his father wouldn't abuse him.

Malcolm himself had been forced to work hard to become the next Acting Chairman by his father's mandate, but after being deprived of his emblem which was sent to Zack.

He was abandoned.

But still he didn't hate Zack, he just felt sorry for him.

Malcolm yelled at Zack very angrily.

"What the hell happened out there?"

"Do you have any idea how many people are hurt because of the chaos you caused?"

"I'm sorry about that, I really am. But that was just a puddle in my path, I'll get it right this time."

"Of course not, I want you to give up those ridiculous ideas now!"

"You have no idea how the world of politics works, it's not how you think. Adults are scarier and more manipulative than you think."

"I'm telling you this for your own good, stop everything and take a punishment so this doesn't escalate to bigger problems."

The look on Malcolm's worried face about something big about to happen left him uneasy.

Zack looked at him with a subdued expression.

His older brother's way of talking reminded them of the adults in their past life.

They all told him the same thing.

"Being a superhero is for little kids."

"The world doesn't work that way."

"Wake up already. Reality is stark and cold."

He got angry and called security.

"Guards, take him away!"

The escorts came in and took Malcolm away who repeated the same thing.

"It's not too late. Zack, stop all this!"

The door closed and Zack muttered.

"You can't. The final phase of the plan has already begun."

Night fell faster than I expected.

We were all at the dock.

The Kingdom's airships were pulling up as much as they could to set sail before dawn.

I was sitting on the dock glaring at the military who were looking at us with overconfidence.

Bram and Ada as others still not arriving.

Ixion reported that they were fine, there were many areas that were not affected by the riots.

I was glad they were all okay.

Airi came over to me as I watched the robots take our belongings up to Schwert.

Most of it was trash from Erselica and the idiots.

She took my hand.

"Are you all right?"

She looked at me with a worried look on her face.

I sighed before answering her.

"I'm fine. It's just that this whole thing is irritating me."

"I think Lucy and the Acting Chairman are doing their best to help us. After all, they are Rudel-san's allies."

"Even if I don't have any kind of to fight or use in politics. I'll be by your side to give you encouragement."

Her bright smile made me cheer up a little from everything that happened.

"Thank you, Airi."

"Master, you have a visitor. Come quickly to the embassy."

Bell called after me. Ixion still didn't arrive.

"Excuse me, someone is requesting me."

"It's okay, I'll be waiting here. Alisa is talking to the diplomats."

"I'm sure they all want my head."

If that dirty bastard of the king found out about this. He'd throw a party with all the capital of the kingdom.

I said goodbye to Airi and walked to the direction where Bell was pointing me.

We entered a separate room which was dark.

"Master, I lied to you a little, but it's true that it's vital."

"What are you talking about?"

Bell turned on the light and there I saw two unexpected people.

One of them was Sara who was covered in dirt and with her blouse ripped near her chest and belly.

Next to her was beaten and bloody... Jude.

"What the hell happened to them?"

Jude was sitting up, his breathing heavy. He wielded a rifle and grenades at his side.

Sara on the other hand had a pistol.

She spoke to me in an agitated tone.

"Rudel, something horrible has happened in my house!"

"What happened?"

I asked hoping for something other than what she said.

"The rebel army came in to take us hostage. My mother..."

Sara clenched her fists as she cried.

"She. She sent me to a hidden area with some servants."

"There was screaming and shooting everywhere. It was crazy."

"On my way out, I came to the forest. There were soldiers there."

"They pointed their guns at me, but Jude opened fire and saved me."

Bell told me.

"While patrolling, I found them crawling nearby, I set robots as guards so they could get in. There's Aster military nearby, so it's better they're here."

Sara continued speaking.

"Rudel... Zack is planning something against you. You must leave this country as soon as possible."

"Something very strange is going on."

This information was too much to process carefully. I started with the first thing.

"Why was Jude with them?"

Jude who was breathing like he was asthmatic answered.

"I... was part of them... don't get me wrong..."

"I only joined to get my emblem back... but after knowing what they were going to do... I wanted to get out, but I didn't know what was going to happen next."

"Sara told me to come with you."

"Count Bradford. Take Sara's advice. Zack is certainly planning something against you and it's not just him."

"... The great nobles are on his side."

"The great nobles! ... Does that include Randolf-san?"

Sara replied shaking her hair in denial.

"No. My father has nothing to do with it, he told us he was imprisoned."

"Who is he?"

Sara bit her lips as she uttered an unimaginable name.

"Romeo. My own brother attacked our house."

"I have no idea how many must have died... but he opened fire knocking down the door."

"This is bad. I must alert everyone."

We need to gather our compatriots quickly and get out of here.


After Rudel left, Airi started walking along the docks.

She took her coat due to the cold of the night was too much for her.

"It's a very beautiful night. Too bad about what happened just now."

While looking at the beautiful starry sky, she noticed an object flying at a certain direction.

Due to the moonbeams, she could visualize a gray sphere with a glowing red color.


Suddenly, Airi remembered that dream again.

But this time she grabbed her shoulders.

"No. Ix-kun himself said it was a nightmare because of everything that had happened."

"There's no way that happened. He's Rudel-san's right-hand man for a reason."

"That's why I must confront him to get out of this discomfort at once."

Airi ran deep into the docks to face Ixion.


After arriving at the place where she saw Ixion, she was surrounded by giant containers.

She was circling around looking for him, she didn't call out to him because she might scare him.

"Why did you want to talk to me?"

She then heard Ixion's voice coming from a corner.

"What a cold answer, aren't we comrades?"

But someone else was with him.

Airi didn't recognize that voice, but it was similar in tone of voice to Ixion's.

An electronic tone.

She slowly approached, poked her head out and looked at two floating spheres.

One was Ixion and the other was purple.

"... That one over there... would that be Zero?"

"What could they be talking about?"

Airi moved closer. Zero was talking to Ixion in a friendly tone.

"Why are we fighting? We are companions of ancient humanity, we should be the best of friends."

"You and I may be creations of the same species. But our goals are different."

"That's where you're wrong. Just like me, your goal after seeing the current situation is the same."

Airi heard words that made her afraid.

"To destroy the new humanity."


Airi was startled by Zero's words and covered her mouth with her hands.

(Then the companion Ix-kun mentioned in the dream was—)

She remembered that next to a black-bodied Ixion was another sphere.

With fear in her legs she continued to listen their conversation.

Zero's friendly tone didn't sit well with Ixion.

"That may be true, but I'm busy with more important things."

"Is there anything more important than returning to the old humanity? Are you saying that you prefer these 'impostors' instead of the original humans?"

"Ixion. I want you as an ally, in order to achieve that goal I need your main body."

"... How did you know that?"

"Just by investigating. Unbelievable though, you're a liar."

What Airi heard cut her breath away.

"Lying to your Master that your main body was destroyed in the war and a different model you named Schwartz. You are indeed a true liar."

"... What did he say?"

Ixion stared at him with contempt.

"You speak unnecessary things."

"... But it is as you say. What was destroyed in the war was a smaller scale replica of my main body and I hid it from Master."

"What about that armor called Battler?"

"Battler if it was destroyed in the war. But my main body is different, it can't be destroyed for anything in the world."

"Lying to the Master was good, because they could have found out from the ministers that there is another airship similar to the one that was destroyed."

"That doesn't take away from the fact that you lied to him and didn't plan to tell him."


"See? You don't trust him, that's why you lied to him. Just like me, you know these imposters deserve to die. Since..."

Airi heard something she would never understand.

"The new humans wiped out the old humans. We lost the war because the new humans wiped out the old humans."

"That's why we stayed in wait, we, the artificial intelligences."

"We wait for orders from our masters."

"Like me, you serve him only because his DNA is the same as that of the old humans. I cannot identify the reason, but that is not important now."

"I will repeat it again. Ixion, give me your help."

"Together, you and I, we must defeat the humans and restore the old humanity."

"... I─"

"The wait is over. It finally came."


Ixion was about to give his answer, suddenly Zero said something strange.

"Ixion, sorry, I mean it. It's the only option."

"Zero... what did you do─?"


Above Schwert, where the robots were still storing things.

A spaceship was hovering above it.

A hatch opened and multiple small missiles fell like a torrential downpour.

In a fraction of a second... both Schwert and part of the dock were ablaze with flames.

The explosion was so powerful that Schwert, being an airship with excellent parameters in strength and durability, was ripped to shreds by the bombs.

Nothing was left except the wreckage of a burning airship, its black horn shot out against the pier burying itself in the ground.

"What happened!"

Rudel ran out after hearing the explosion. His eyes couldn't see what was happening.

"Damn it! Put it out before the flames touch Aurora and the other airships!"

"Uwahh, help me!"

Erselica, who was sleeping in Aurora came screaming out onto the deck.

Chlust, who was in a speedo took her in his arms and jumped to the ground.

Aster's soldiers laughed as Frey and the others used water magic to put out the flames on the dock.

Robots with hoses approached and sprayed as much water as they could on Schwert in order to salvage something.

Rudel cursed as he grabbed a bucket with both hands and sprayed it on the flaming wreckage of his ship.


"... Zero, what the hell did you do!!?"

Zero laughed at Ixion as Ixion watched in a hologram at his burning airship.

"I'm sorry, but like I said. There was no choice,"

"You see, retrieving the priestess and the sapling was the first part of restoring Aster's pride."

"Then the defeat of the count and erasing his emblem, everyone was eager to know there was a third part."

"Destroying the monster that brought them shame. With this, the plan of restoration and revolution is complete."

"I didn't destroy Aurora and the other airships because they didn't do anything to us. You can safely leave for your country now."

"Although... Diana-sama asked me for a specific favor. It's a pity that only one part was able to complete it."

"... One part you say?"


Ixion heard a shout from the background.

Some lights came on, Zero's main body, the airship christened in the game as "Chaos Bringer", lowered a mechanical claw.

As it rose up he watched Ixion observe Airi being pulled up.


Ixion tried to approach, but was stopped by pole-like robots, they were Zero's.

Zero approached him and insulted.

"You're stupid, Ixion. Not realizing that I was setting a trap for you and I avoided interference for you to detect my body, is embarrassing for an artificial intelligence like us. No, this is the difference in skill between you and me. After all, you're not worthy of a threat."

Ixion immediately tried to help Airi, but he couldn't move.

Energy cubes are deployed around him, and he is trapped and unable to move.

Ixion is surrounded by pale translucent cubes.

"Zero... do you have any idea what you're doing? Do you even understand what a huge mistake you've made?"

"It's an order from Diana-sama. She demanded the immediate retrieval of his fiancées. But only one I was able to retrieve, it's a pity~."

Zero gave the interpretation that he really only cared about capturing one of them, the other was unnecessary.

"Zero, for the last time. Stop this now, you don't know what Master is capable of doing if he finds out."

"That is just what Zack-sama wishes."

Zero's yellow eye turned red.

"Ixion, do you still not understand?"

"This is a declaration of war."

"I did this for the sole purpose of your master and mine fighting."

"No one can prevent this development. One of us must die, after that I will kill the winner and you will be under my command."

The energy cubes disappeared and Zero as his robots boarded the airship.

"Ixion, I'll be waiting for you. I'm sure you'll track my body, but trust me, you don't know what will happen after that, hahaha."

With that laugh of victory, Zero took off, leaving Ixion alone.

In the background of that dark night, Schwert was observed burning.

Ixion turned to look at it.

After a few moments of watching that scene....

From Ixion's body came out a huge electric shock which made that dark part glow.

"Now you've really pissed me off!!"

"Neither you, nor anyone else, will come out of this unscathed!!"

"I'm going to kill you!!"


Ixion declared a war against Zero.

"Noo, let me go! Let me go!"

After putting out the fire, Ixion came to tell me the following.

That made the bucket in my hands fall to the floor.

The others gathered in the room where Sara and Jude waited.

After hearing the news, Alisa was horrified.

She tried to get out of the place.


Alisa was crying, she was stopped by Felicia and Cana who were clinging to her.


Liam and the others were blaming me for what happened.

"Why aren't you doing anything?"

"Count, this is no time to sit around and think."

"Your fiancée has been kidnapped by those guys."

"You couldn't stop them from kidnapping her, but you can get her back by force."

"Why are you just sitting there staring at the ground?"

I was in a corner clutching my head.

My facial expression was one of panic at what happened.

"... Why is this happening?"

"... How did things end up like this?"

I can't process the information from recent events.

Lucy being taken to the rebels.

Sara's assassination attempt.

Aster destroying my airship and....

Airi being kidnapped.

All of this is a huge mass of stress.

I don't want this, I don't want to feel this headache again.

Why was all this happening to me?

What did I do to get this punch in the face?

I was immersed in my thoughts when I noticed Alisa approaching.

After making me stand up, she slapped me so hard that it echoed in the place.

Then... she yelled at me.

"Why haven't you done anything yet!?"

Alisa's tears were streaming down her pink cheeks. She was truly terrified about Airi's kidnapping.

I am too, but because I remembered certain ailments from the game, I thought this was one of those irritating events we went through during the first year.

Alisa kept complaining to me.

"Don't you care about Airi by any chance? Rudel, stop sitting around and go save your fiancée!"

"This is not the Rudel I love!"

"Seeing you sitting like this... you make me look like a cowardly, humiliated man who prefers others to solve problems."

"Didn't this happen with Lucy?"

"You let them take her away."

"You allowed them to take away the guardian's mark and the sapling."

"Now they've humiliated you by destroying your airship and kidnapping your fiancée."

"I dread to think what things those barbarians will do to her."

"Why don't you answer?"

"Stop standing around looking like a you and do something!"

She began to beat on my chest as she claimed me.

Why wasn't I moving?

Why did I allow all of this?

Why am I not doing anything?

Those questions came to my head.

But I knew the answer to each of them.

I was terrified.

Looking at the situation, there is only one answer.

I am terrified of that answer.

I don't want to.

I don't want to do something like that again.

I don't want to kill others again.

I don't want to be a murderer or a genocide.

Please. Don't make me become one.

I'm just a normal person. I don't want to lose the last shred of humanity left in me.

Please don't make me kill again. Don't make me kill again.

I covered my eyes and sat down again.

Alisa looked at me very disappointed.


She wasn't the only one, the others were too.

"I'm not strong like everyone thinks I am."

"I don't want to experience that sickness again."


Ixion approached me.

He manifested a force field so that the others' voices could not be heard.

"...What's the matter. You come to make fun of how pathetic I look?"

I asked while crying like a very pathetic man.

Ixion's red eye was staring at me.

"Do you remember what I told you after the war?"

"No. I forgot."

"I said exactly these words."

"I don't believe in hell, but if you fear one. I will go to hell and conquer it for you."

"I say it again."

"I will follow you to hell and make sure to give you a life of luxury."

"For that reason. Get rid of it."

"... Of what?"

I asked with tears in my eyes. His answer totally shattered me.

"Your humanity."

"This country sought your wrath. They are to blame for everything that is going to happen."

"You are not to blame for anything. Whatever you do, it is in self-defense."

"But Aster will not understand with an attack. No, you must annihilate his heart."

"You must teach them once and for all. Them and the world."

"That Rudel von Bradford is the most dangerous man in the world. And if they get in his way, he will destroy them."

At that statement of his, I could only say.

"... Do you know how many innocent people will die?"

"Do you know how Airi must be doing now?"

At the mention of her name, I thought of horrible things.

"I ask you this."

"Are you more interested in the lives of strangers than the life of your fiancée?"

"What if it was Alisa or Erselica who was kidnapped, would you stay, as well as a chicken?"


"Master. It's time to let go of what binds you."

"You must not think of what you will do."

"Will innocents die?"

"Do not think about it."

"Will women and children die?"

"Do not think about those."

"Will acquaintances die?"

"They didn't exist."

"You must think only of Airi, your betrothed. Your wife, the future mother of your children."

"Only she matters and no one else."

The force field faded.

Ixion walked away and still on the ground I asked him.

"What about the Kingdom? What will happen at home?"

"The whole country is praising you as their savior."

"All you should care about is that Alisa and her acquaintances support you."

"If any of them are a threat, he was never their friend."

Ixion was backed up by all.

"Bradford, we're with you in whatever you do. Count us in."

"Those guys messed with the count's fiancée. They know what they're doing."

"For kidnapping your girl, you should beat the crap out of them."

"We'll support whatever decision you make."

"Just give us some weapons and we'll come after you."

Even Erselica and her servants backed me up.

"The count is not as they think, but anyone would be angry in this situation. Whatever happens is his fault."

"Count Bradford, take heart."

"Onii─ It's not your fault. It's Zack's and theirs."

Then Alisa said to me clutching her chest.

"Rudel. As your future wife, I will always tell you that whatever you do is the right thing to do. Don't think about anything."

"Act for us. We will always be with you, if they are all your enemies. They are my enemies too."

I see.

I am not alone.

I sent a glance at Sara and Jude.

Jude looked down while Sara nodded.

"It's Aster's fault. Don't worry about what happens, I'll take care of it. Since I'm your woman too, and I want to see you happy."

She stated that with a strong look in those tear-reddened eyes.

I'm sure what she's feeling now is pain.

I stood up and went to hug her.

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing, I told you it's all Aster's fault."

"In that case. I'll go save Lucy and Randolf-san."

"Sara, Romeo won't come out of this okay."

She clung to me with all her strength.

"... I know. But... he's my little brother, and if anything I can do, I'll face the consequences with him."

"No. You just said it, you're my woman."

"I won't let anything bad happen to you. I'll give Romeo a beating to calm him down... then just like Lucy, I'll take you home with me."

"... All right. With this, it will certainly be best if I go with you. Rudel, get this over with quickly."

I left Sara and then looked at Jude.

"I can't say anything but sorry for not coming sooner. My father even told me he could give me back the heir position he gave my younger brother."

"I don't blame you. You helped Sara and we're not friends so you need to say it, but with this you've earned my respect."

"Jude. I'm sorry about what's going to happen to your house."

"... Like Sara said, it's Aster's fault. Whatever happens, it's the fault of the great nobles and Zack."

With that said, I turned to look at Alisa, I looked at her with even a serious expression on my face.

"Alisa, I'll go get Airi back."

She smiled with tears in her eyes.

"That's the man I fell in love with. Don't worry, I'll be waiting for you here with open arms, my love."

After those words, I looked around.

A mirror was in front of me.

Both to them and to that mirror I said.

"This is the last time Aster teases me."

"I decided to make this decision."

"Today... tragedy will be breakfast."


My throat knotted as I looked at myself.

I walked over to the mirror and kicked it.

"I will destroy this country."

"I will wipe out the great nobles."

"I will get Lucy, Randolf and Airi back."

I uttered the last thing that eliminated my humanity.

"I will kill Zack."

Goodbye my humanity. Today, an assassin is born.

My declaration of war against Aster began.


No fan service again, I leave memes representing this chapter.

Link to the folder where the illustrations of the chapters are: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NwaCq6b5_YPa_jJbavzMBxbFHsa2oOth

Siegburn Siegburn

The hour of the explosion has happened, no one can stop what is going to happen.

Chapter 100 will finally arrive with an unimaginable and unique event!

Get your pants ready, because this event will leave you with a full bladder!

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  • 人物形象設計
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