66.66% Kamen Rider Kabuto Within The Arrowverse / Chapter 22: Advance!

章節 22: Advance!

Johnathan and the Star lab crew were currently coming up with a way to counteract the powers of the rage-inducing meta-human. Just then Barry came running in and stopped in the center of the room with Felicity. The only thing was that her shirt was on fire.

"Oh, God!" Barry shouted as his instinct kicked in and tried to pat it out. But quickly stopped due to where the fire was. Felicity quickly took off the shirt and threw it to the ground and Caitlyn quickly put it out with the fire extinguisher. Everyone stood there shocked for a moment until Felicity realized that she was currently shirtless and only her bra was showing. So she quickly covered up with her bag,

"You guys remember Felicity, right?" Barry asked with an awkward grin.

"I'll always remember this," Cisco remarked with earned him a slap to the back of the head by Caitlyn. Who also grabbed another shirt to give to Felicity.

"Good thing I didn't decide to go bra-less." Felicity awkwardly said. Caitlyn grabbed Felicity and took her to one of the other rooms to get changed.

"Where did you go?" Johnathan asked Barry.

"After the incident, I went to go meet up with an old friend," Barry replied.

"The Arrow!" Cisco shouted,

"How would you know that?" Johnathan asked with a puzzled look.

"Because Felicity works with him!" Cisco replied to which Caitlin punched his arm.

"Ow, what's that for?" Cisco asked while rubbing his shoulder not realizing the girls made their way back into the room.

"Did you forget that Felicity said not to tell people that she worked with him!" she angrily stated to him. Realization finally sunk in for Cisco as his face slowly turned into fear, because Oliver aka The Arrow told him that if he ever let out anything related to the Arrow. Cisco would receive an arrow in his back.

"Uh, forget everything I just said. Johnathan, we are good friends right." Cisco said as he made the shush sign to Johnathan and Felicity began to laugh at Cisco's predicament.

"So why is the Arrow in Central City?" Johnathan asked Felicity.

"We are currently investigating a Criminal who uses Boomerangs." She replied.

"Sick!" Cisco replied which earned him another smack from Caitlin.

" We would be happy to help out, Felicity," Caitlin told her and led the group to the work lab, but Johnathan got a text message from Iris.

"Do you mind meeting up at Jitters, so that we can continue our conversation?" the message said, Johnathan, sent back his reply to which he agreed and she replied with a smiley face.

"I have some things to do tonight, so I will meet with you guys tomorrow. Just let me know if anything major comes up and I'll come running." Johnathan told the others as he got up and headed out of the doors of Star Labs.

Earth 38

Two female figures could be seen on top of a parking lot in the mountains. One of the females was levitating in the air wearing a blue skin-tight long sleeve shirt with a red S on the chest, along with a short red skirt and long red boots, with a short red cape fluttering in the wind. The other female was standing next to a black sedan and was wearing a grey overcoat with a black lapel that held it closed.

"It's you, I mean who are you?" the woman standing next to the sedan asked,

"Which other woman can fly around this world other than me?" The woman in the air replied with a smirk.

"Hmm, seems like someone else has a bit of fire in their speech. I respect that." The woman on the ground replied with a smile,

"Just trying to match the amazing Cat Grant. I am Supergirl, well that is the name you have given me." Supergirl stated.

"Eh, still trying to trademark that." Cat replied.

"So, I heard that you had questions for me. I gave it some thought and I agree to answer them." Supergirl said.

"May I record this session?" Cat asked to which Supergirl nodded,

"So where are you from?" Cat asked.

"I am from a distant planet far from Earth called..." Supergirl tried to state,

"Krypton," Cat interrupted.

"Yes... My parents sent me to this planet so that I could be safe from the devastation of our planet." Supergirl finished,

"I feel like I heard this story before." Cat stated.

"Yes, but this is my story!" Supergirl retorted,

"Okay, but what are your powers. Do you have everything that the Man of Steel has, like super strength, flight, laser vision, and the freezy breath thing?" Cat asked.

"I'm still working on that last one," Supergirl answered,

"So you are not up to his level yet?" Cat asked with a bit of sarcasm to which Supergirl shot the ground next to Cat with laser vision.

"Why wait till now?" Cat asked,

"I'm not sure what you mean by that," Supergirl replied.

"If you have been on Earth for so long, why now? Where were you when the earthquake hit two years ago, devastating thousands of people? Or better yet what about the wildfire last September that killed eight people?" Cat retorted.

"This is a job that I do not take lightly. I had to make sure I was ready for anything." Supergirl replied.

"Even Kabuto? Someone that even the Man of Steel has never brought down." Cat asked,

"Kabuto will soon be caught either by me or the Man of Steel. Kabuto is a coward and a murderer who only knows how to run away and fight when he knows that victory is assured." Supergirl stated.

"But if you know victory is assured then doesn't that make it easier and more beneficial to someone." Cat replied.

"If someone knows that victory is assured, then they will begin to become sloppy due to the overconfidence that has formed due to assurance," Supergirl said.

"Hmm, I suppose you are referring to the incident that happened four years ago with Kabuto and Superman." Cat stated,

"Exactly. Kabuto was too confident and got many innocents killed that day. Even though he could've asked for help from Superman, Kabuto wanted to be the one who shined. The only thing is we can't put all the blame on him, because Lex Luthor was the one who started the whole problem." Supergirl replied.

"So are you and Superman related to those alien-looking creatures that have been popping up randomly in Metropolis and National City," Cat asked,

"No, god no! Those things are abominations and I don't know what those things are. If anything we need to get rid of those imminently." Supergirl replied.

"But what if they have conscious and are just here because of special reasons?" Cat asked,

"If they have a conscious then they wouldn't be mercilessly killing anyone and everyone they get their hands on," Supergirl responded. Cat nodded due to the press covering most of the incidents that occurred. Her people have covered most of them also because of the popularity.

"Enough with all the depressing questions. So do you have any plans on starting a family?" Cat asked,

"Nobody ever asks my cousin these questions, why only me?" Supergirl retorted to which shocked Cat,

"So you two are cousins!" Cat shouted,

"This interview is over!" Supergirl retorted and flew off into the night. Cat tried to ask more questions but it fell on deaf ears. It was soon daytime and Kara was sitting inside a café shop eating a cinnamon-covered sticky bun. Soon a waitress came up with another plate of the same dessert,

"I don't know how you could eat this many sticky buns for breakfast and still stay slim?" The waitress asked with a bright smile.

"I'm just an alien," Kara replied with her bright smile, once the waitress left the table Alex soon showed up and sat down in front of her. The two sisters greeted each other as usual,

"I tried calling you all night," Alex said.

"I fell asleep pretty early, yesterday was a very long day." Kara replied and just then a dark skin man standing at 6"1' with a nice shaved head. He was wearing a grey shirt with a black jacket and grey jeans. The man greeted the two sisters,

"What are you doing here?" Kara asked with a bright smile.

"Well, this is the only place I could find that has my favorite drink... Tea!" He replied to which Kara laughed hysterically. Alex looked at the interaction of both of them and realized her sister was acting very weird. Once realized that Alex was giving Kara a weird look,

"Alex, you remember James Olsen?" Kara said to which Alex nodded.

"How is the covert alien-hunting business?" James asked,

"Not as covert as we would prefer," Alex responded while glaring at her sister.

"Uh... I didn't tell him," Kara quickly told her sister.

"It's okay, I can be trusted with big secrets." James jumped in,

"Well, I hope you can extend that to my sister," Alex stated.

"Definitely!" James responded and then said goodbye to the sisters. When James left the café, Alex looked at Kara with a huge smile to which Kara gave a weird look back.

"You like Jimmy Olsen," Alex teased, and Kara began to blush.

"Stop it!" Kara retorted to which Alex just smiled at her little sister's tantrum.

"First of all, he likes to be called James, and second we are only friends," Kara said and only saw Alex nod with the same huge smile.

"So if you are interested in James, then you wouldn't mind if I went after Johnathan?" Alex asked while leaning back. Kara was in the middle of taking a sip of her drink and once she heard what her sister asked. She spit the drink back out spraying it all over Alex,

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Kara stated while helping clean Alex up with extra napkins.

"So you still have feelings for Johnathan, but with James coming into the picture how are you going to deal with that," Alex stated while laughing as she cleaned herself up.

"I don't know. First of all, I never know when Johnathan is in town or out. He is never consistent due to his job. Granted I support him in every way, but our job schedules don't match up. Also, I feel like he is hiding a lot of secrets from us. I mean he came into town for only three weeks and then left without saying anything to us. James on the other hand, his new job is the same as mine. Also with him always being in town, I can get to know him better and don't have to worry about when he is coming back." Kara let out.

"Why didn't you tell all this to Johnathan when he was in town?" Alex replied while putting her hand on top of Kara's.

"I didn't know when to bring it up, and when I was going to. He wasn't answering his phone and I tried to contact his agent but their phone was also off." Kara said. Just then on the news one of the anchors announced that Cat Grant had interviewed Supergirl and found out that she was cousins with the man of steel. Alex just glared at Kara to which Kara looked away while sipping on her drink. Kara was walking into CatCo and every tv was covering the interview between Supergirl and Cat. Kara soon walked past Winn,

"Interesting choice to include that in the interview," Winn said.

"I didn't mean to. She tricked me.... she is like a villain. A super interviewing villain." Kara stated.

"That is like the most boring superpower ever," Winn replied. Right then Cat called for Kara to go into the office. Kara just let out a sigh and made her way into the office. A few hours later Kara could be seen walking next to her sister and Hank inside a secure location inside a bunker.

"I can't believe that you went to an interview with Cat?" Alex asked in disbelief while Hank gave Kara a disapproving glare,

"I'm sorry. It's just I didn't know what it meant to be Supergirl and I was thinking that if I had the interview with Cat. It could have given me some type of reference and sense of dignity." Kara replied with a sad expression which Alex sympathies with. Just then one of the techs that watched out for any alien or dangerous activities notified Hank and the sisters about the huge wreckage that occurred on the interstate.

"Check the scan for any alien activities, and you Supergirl. Next time you talk to the press." Hank tried to say but Supergirl had already taken off to the wreckage. He just shook his head while Alex was smiling. Supergirl arrived at the wreckage and a civilian quickly ran up to her,

"Supergirl, the driver is still trapped inside the truck!" he said and she just nodded and quickly made her way to the truck. She noticed that one of the cable lines was fritzing out next to the spilled gas, so she ran over to pick it up and bent it to stop the electric circuit. Supergirl then flew up and descended into the flipped bus to look for the driver.

"Help!" the driver shouted hoping that anyone would hear her and help free the restraints pinning her to the seat. Supergirl made her way to the driver and ripped off the restraints pinning the driver. Supergirl then picked up the driver and quickly made her way out of the bus. The paramedics had the stretcher ready and once they saw Supergirl flying towards them with the driver, they quickly made their way to her. Supergirl gently laid the driver on the stretcher,

"Take care of her," Supergirl said to the paramedics to which they nodded and took off with the driver. Supergirl was watching them for a moment and then an energy blast came out of nowhere that rag dolled her. She looked up to where the blast came from and saw a figure levitating in the air. The figure was covered in grey armor with a red reactor in the middle of the chest,

"Who are you?" Supergirl asked.

"I'm just a ghost," he replied,

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I only want the man of steel to suffer just as I did. I want him to know what it is like to lose everything. Starting with you!" The ghost stated as he charged up energy from the red reactor and aimed with his arms shooting off another blast towards Supergirl. The blast knocked Supergirl off her feet and into one of the vehicles behind shattering the windshield while denting the front also. Supergirl quickly got up and dodged a few more energy blasts from Ghost while making her way towards him. Once Supergirl got close she began to fight with him in close combat, he tried to hit her with a left hook but she ducked under the punch. She countered with her right hook aimed at his face when her fist made contact it made a thunk sound yet Ghost was unfazed by her power. Supergirl tried to attack once again, but Ghost was parrying all of her attacks then he grabbed onto her leg and let out an energy surge that paralyzed her for a moment. The ghost then pulled the leg of Supergirl up to trip her. Then he tried to stomp on her, but Supergirl rolled away and pushed herself back up. Supergirl and Ghost then got into a power struggle for a moment, but Supergirl pulled him into a knee to the face then she push kicked him away. He got up and crack his neck while smiling, then he generated more energy from the reactor. He aimed once again and shot out two energy blasts that knocked Supergirl away into another car. She noticed that Ghost was charging up again, so she quickly got off the car and ripped off one of the doors to block the incoming energy blasts. The Ghost shot out multiple energy blasts at the door that Supergirl was holding up, and from what he could see was that she was struggling to hold on. Which made him more excited and gathered more energy from the reactor to shoot more energy blasts. Supergirl finally had enough and threw the door like a Frisbee towards Ghost, once it made contact with Ghost's chest armor that was holding the reactor it began to short out. He tried to fire off more energy blasts but notice that it wasn't working so he decided to retreat for now. As he tried to fly off a blur could be seen running towards him it jumped off one of the wreckages. The blur knocked Ghost out of the air and he landed on the ground. Supergirl looked confused for a moment but soon she focused on the figure and saw a white bulky bug monster with giant mantis blades.

"It's those murderous aliens!" a civilian shouted and everyone began to run away in a panic. The monster noticed the fleeing crowd and set its sight on them. Just then several green bug monsters appeared from the crowd and began to spread chaos. Supergirl quickly sprung into action and used her freeze breath to contain two green monsters, she then set her sights on another one but before she could make a move. The white monster sprinted towards her at super-speed knocking her away into the bus. The impact sent the bus towards the edge of the bridge, the remaining green monster began to corner Supergirl. Before she could make a move two more blurs could be seen zooming in and taking out two green monsters.

"Sheesh, it looks like you might be getting your back end handed to you," a blue, gold, and silver figure with two stag beetle horns attached to his red visor helmet. He was wielding two short blades that resembled his horns.

"Stop harassing her, unless you want the boss' wrath," a purple and black figure with a big scorpion attached to the top of his neon green visor helmet. He was holding a purple Katana with a mechanical scorpion attached to the hilt. The blue figure shuddered at the thought,

"Don't joke around like that Sasword," the blue figure said with a quiet voice.

"Gattack, when have I ever joked around," Sasword replied. Supergirl was confused by the two people's conversation as were the remaining monsters. The white bug monster motioned for the green monsters to move forward to attack the trio. In the midst of all this confusion, Ghost was able to finally get away from the battlefield.

"I know our boss has a bad rep at the moment, but it looks like we have to work together to get rid of these freaks," Gattack said to Supergirl. She pushed herself off the ground from the kneeling position,

"Alright, this one time I will agree to this truce." Supergirl agreed and got into her fighting stance, along with Gattack and Sasword. All three of them rushed forwards and the green monsters did too. Sasword jumped six feet into the air and slashed downwards towards one of the green monsters. It tried to block it but it felt the blade slicing through its arm, so it threw its body to the right side regarding its arm. Sasword landed on his knees and quickly slashed sideways to his right to where the green monster went. Even though the monster was able to evade the first attack it couldn't react in time to the second one. The blade cut the monster cleanly in half and the body began to melt into a puddle of water. Sasword set his eyes on the white monster, Gattack was currently battling two green monsters at once. Gattack push kicked one of the monsters away and turned towards the other one so he could slash it. The blades made contact but they were embedded into the green monster's shoulders and Gattack couldn't pull them out. The green monster held onto the arms of Gattack and ran towards the other green monster that was kicked away. The monsters had a singular mindset so they both knew what the other was thinking. So the green monsters decided to self-destruct and take Gattack with them. Once the three got close to each other the bodies of the green monster began to glow light green and in a split second they blew up.

"Clock up!" a mechanical voice uttered amid the explosion, a blur could be seen making its way out of it and straight towards the white monster. Supergirl punched one of the green monsters away and used her laser vision on another that pushed it off the bridge and it exploded into green fire. She jumped into the air and stomped down on the other green monster she punched away, after the stomp, it melted into a puddle of water. She turned towards the white monster to see what it was doing and saw Gattack running around it while slashing with his two swords. Sasword was fighting it head-on and using the openings that Gattack created,

"Wow, their teamwork is impeccable. There are no flaws nor openings that I can see, I hope I don't mess it up." Supergirl said before jumping into the fray. Sasword noticed that Supergirl was jumping in so he put his left hand on top of his rider belt and slid it to the left,

"Clock up!" the mechanical voice uttered and soon Sasword was in super speed mode. The monster noticed that it was now fighting against two speedsters and a powerful being so it went into super speed mode too. Supergirl began to pick up her speed too but was not able to keep up with them as well. She was able to see them though which helped her anticipate the white monsters' attack, along with Gattack and Sasword's intervenient in most of its attacks.

"Clock over," The mechanized voice uttered. Gattack and Sasword grabbed onto the arms of the white monster,

"Quickly, punch with all your might. Don't hold back!" Gattack shouted to Supergirl. At first, she was hesitant but remembered that most of these alien look-alike don't have a sense of guilt or mercy so she jumped forwards to gain momentum for a big punch. Once the punch made contact, Gattack and Sasword let go because if they held on then the monster wouldn't be sent flying alone. As the monster was sent flying Gattack and Sasword initiated another clock up, they both quickly made their way to the sides of the monster.

"Rider Slash," the mechanized voice uttered,

"Rider Kick," the mechanized voice uttered. Sasword raised his sword into the air and a toxic sludge began to flow out of the blade as he slashed down. Gattack jumped forward then front flipped towards the white monster. Yellow lightning traveled from Gattack's zecter to the top of his helmet and back down to his right foot. Gattack used the Rolling Thunder kick technique smashing his right foot into the white monster's chest, while Sasword slashed down on the neck of the white monster. The monster melted into a puddle after taking all three huge damages, after making sure the monster was defeated, Supergirl then turned towards the armored duo with her fist still raised up.

"Uhhh, sorry but this is not part of the order so we are going to dip out of here," Gattack said while his hand hovered over the button on the right of his rider belt. Sasword's left hand was put over his rider belt also and both of them initiated their clock up. Soon the duo disappeared from Supergirl sight and once she knew they really left she sat down to catch her breath.

"Wow, when was the last time I felt this exhausted," She said to herself before taking off once she caught her breath. A few moments later back at the DEO hideout,

"So who was that man?" Supergirl asked Hank who was currently doing something on the main computer.

"His name is Reactron and his current identity is unknown," Hank replied,

"So what is our next move?" Supergirl asked Hank.

"Nothing, because it is not in our jurisdiction, but those other aliens you took out with those two criminals. That is closer to what we are supposed to take care of." Hank replied,

"All of the advance biomedical tech Reactron uses is man-made, so it has nothing to do with us. But the white and green aliens that were taken care of. We still don't know their origins so hopefully next time we will be able to capture one of them alive. Most of the ones I have caught and others, they always melt into puddles or explode themselves." Alex added.

"So we are just going to let a mad man run around and cause chaos." Supergirl retorted.

"I must keep this division a secret to the world and only detain aliens that are either hostile or have any intention to take over. If you want someone to fight for justice, go call your cousin to come to take care of it." Hank stated and walked away.

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