90.47% A Devil's Show / Chapter 17: Milim vs Pandora's Actor II

章節 17: Milim vs Pandora's Actor II

Transforming himself into what's known as a trap. He wielded the 'Shadow of Yggdrasil'. A simple looking piece of wood that was a powerful item. It was made for one thing. To enhance his AOE attacks.

{Maximize Magic: Nature's Temper}, {Maximize Magic: Forests Reach}.

The surrounding roots and trees began moving radically as the forest began moving at his will. All of it began flocking towards him as it looked like he was the forest itself. But that wasn't all as the ground began splitting apart. Red boiling lava spurted out as it surrounded him.

{Summon Natural Golem}!

A green magic circle appeared in front of him as the staff he was holding glowed green. A golem about the size of a house appeared from the circle as it roared to the skies. But then the two spells that he casted before began reaching out to the golem as it slowly covered him into it.

This was a something new he came up with as well. {Perses' Wrath} was the name of the technique. The combination of it was something dangerous as the golem that was about the size of a house grew to the size of 45 meters.

At once, another great blue magic circle indication another super-tier magic was made once again. This time he didn't bother using a cash item as the spell slowly began charging up. Milim who had just arrived smiled seeing another opponent.

"Hahah!! This really is fun!" A huge grin was made from her. She charged at the titan who threw a punch at her as she did the same. Both attacks clashed with each other but the end result was the titans arm being destroyed.

Surprisingly though, the arm began regenerating as the roots and flames from below covered the arm as it grew back to normal. "Hooh! So it can regenerate." She exclaimed surprised a bit.

Of course she knew this wasn't much of a threat as she flew at it and went through its chest making a hole within it. "Let's see if you can regenerate through this!" Her speed and power increased as she sped up making holes and damaging it. If one saw it now, its might was now as good as dust as it struggled to stand and finally disappeared.

"That Golem last longer than I expected. I thought 3 seconds was what it would give but it was 4 instead. Not bad." Pandora smiled. His blue magic circles expanded and moved as he launched his attack.

{Super-Tier Magic: Fallen Down}!

A huge ray of blue light landed on Milim as it expanded even more making the intensity of the attack increase. The ray of light's attack reached over a couple of miles as it devoured the forest they were in. Nothing could be seen from the attack.

It finally settled down after a couple of seconds showing the destruction it caused. The ground that they were in sunk a hundred meters and no speck of life was within sight. Suddenly a figure could be seen being sent of the firing range as it started to fly away.

Pandora transformed into the birdman as he tried running away. Knowing that attack wouldn't be enough to immobilize her or put her out of commission. But flying through the debris was Milim as she found Pandora running away.

"Don't run! The fight's just getting started!!" Blue aura gathered from her hands as the magicules in the air came to her call. 'That's a whole lot of magicules. Doubt that I can handle that hit head on and come out in one piece.' Pandora discerned the damage of the attack.


Several beams of pure magic power locked on him as it came at an unbelievable speed. Pandora seeing this would normally be scared but instead he smiled. A crazed smile seeing this power. The peak of power that he wanted and he was ready to experience it as he transformed.

The attack hit him head on as countless explosions took place creating a huge mushroom cloud that was as wide as the sky. "Oops... maybe I should've gone a bit less serious." Milim said in a nervous tone. "He's probably alright! Pandora's a Demon Lord now. Hm. That's right! This was planned by me. The Great Milim! Yuahaha!"

She rambled on about her greatness as Pandora hid around the smoke and dust so that he could not be seen while activating a couple of spells to better hide himself. He came out unscathed from the attack as he transformed into Albedo who had the ability to transfer the damage she received to a piece of armor that she wore up to three times.

Using this, he suffered no injury but he had to use all three times to nullify the attacks.

"Time to start the next phase and prepare for the endgame." This was his final move before the last effort. He had prepared everything and although some things didn't go his way, he expected it for them to. It was time to start the show.

Pandora took out a number of items from his pocket dimension. One was a golden statue resembling a goat with six arms each holding an orb. Another one was the Shadow of Yggdrasil that he had just used. The other items were the equipment that Ainz always used.

{Armageddon Evil}! Hordes of Demons appeared. Whether they'd be Greater or Lower demons.

{Death Parade} Hordes of Undead given form were created. Whether they'd be Greater or Lower Skeletons.

{Treants Sole Goal} From the forest emerged trees that were given life. The Shadow of Yggdrasil disappeared as he used it.

Transforming into a new being. An undead vampire. Shalltear had been born donning her pipette lance and signature crimson armor with angelic and bat wings. Licking her lips, she activated her own skills.

{Summon Household}. A skill that allows her to summon a multitude of different familiars, such as Elder Vampire Bats, Vampire Bats Swarms, rats and Vampire Wolves that were clouded in shadow.

{Einherjar}. A white clone of Shalltear emerged from her as it held the same equipment as her.

Transforming back to Ainz. One skill was left to finalize his plan.

{Skill: The Goal of All Life is Death}! A yellow clock appeared behind him.

This skill had the effect of forcing someone to death. No matter how strong your will is, you will be dragged down to the abyss that is death. 'That' was its goal. Enhanced with Pandora's Ultimate Skill, this was a frightening combination.

The only problem was that it took a full 9 seconds to activate this skill. Thanks to his transformation into becoming a 'True Demon Lord' he had managed to make this skill shorten by 3 seconds.

That may not be seen to be much but three seconds in a battle can cause you to die a million times over when you fight a 'True Dragon'.

{Lock-On Target}. A red dot appeared on Milim as she was in the sky.

At the first second, Milim noticed she had been hit with a skill that locks on her and dived towards Pandora after finding his location.

The second second, she was meet with the demon army which she razed through it like it was nothing.

The third and fourth second was used by her to destroy the undead army. It was more numeric and powerful because of the enhancement of the 'Ultimate Skill' and the buffs of an 'Overlord'.

At the fifth second, she destroyed the Treants wiping them all out.

The household of vampire monsters didn't last long as well and were wiped out in the next second.

Einherjar, the clone that copied both equipment and stats without any repercussions was destroyed as well. They were now at the seventh second.

Without anything, blocking her path she arrived in front of him and with a wide grin, launched a fist coated with her destructive magic power.

At this moment, he was in the form of Ainz Ooal Gown but with just the defense buffs, they couldn't hold and were broken through. Pandora put up his arms in defense. Her fist didn't even slow down as it landed on his arms breaking the bones.

Pandora widened his eyes when seeing this.

"This is the finisher!" Milim yelled out before throwing another attack, this time directly to his face.

But instead of fear, he smiled gleefully.

The clock behind him has finally hit the 12th marker.

"12... The End has come." The skill activated making everything go white. All but white light remained as it engulfed the entire battlefield.


"Hahaha. HAAHAHAHAH!! That was a good attack! Was that your ultimate skill?!" Milim walked out of the zone of attack. Though she wasn't unfazed as she had blood dripping out of her mouth and nose.

"The damage was good! It hit my soul didn't it. But-" She screamed out as power erupted even further. The ground shattered from her power and the wind flew outwards as Pandora looked at her still emotionless. "You need to have something stronger than just this to beat me!"

Milim lifted up her hand to the sky as purple lightning gathered around her hand. That purple lightning slowly turned into a blade. A black blade that had a purple-ish hint in it with a golden handle. A red eye was in the center of the handle. The Tenma Sword.

"You really are the best Pandora! No other Demon Lord wanted to fight me but you did. And making me bleed." The grip on her sword tightened. "Just shows me how powerful you really are!"

Pandora chuckled. "You're right. I am strong. But not strong enough to win. Fortunately for you, that doesn't mean that I'll let myself lose." His magic showed once more.

'Throughout this fight, I didn't use much mana. I had been saving it up to the end. Most of the things I did were reliant on skills that didn't utilize my magicules. Because I knew I need my best for the end.' He thought.

"You should really pay attention to your surroundings Milim." Pandora pointed to where they were. They were back to where it started. "Come out." He calmly said as the ground behind him started to move.

A red shrine with sakura trees emerged from the ground as a girl could be seen within it. She donned a red Miko outfit and a white blindfold. It was a creation that he had replicated from the info he got within the guild. Having full authority over it. He had all the info of everyone. And that included the youngest Pleiades seven sisters.

Aureole Omega.

"Do it." She nodded as a translucent image of a lake with cherry blossoms everywhere appeared. That image slowly made its way into Pandora's body as he greedily absorbed everything.

"Thanks Aureole. You can go back now." She disappeared as he commanded as he now turned his attention towards Milim. 'I sent her back at the start of the fight to start the buffing spells. These spells are powerful so they take a long time. Fortunately, I managed to hold out.'

His power was now far greater than before. If compared to before, he would at least be 3 times stronger. At least in the quantity of magicules. Taking out scrolls from his inventory, he used them all at the same time.

These scrolls were imbued with a magic spell. Although he could of casted them like before, not wasting magic here was now crucial.

{Perfect Warrior}. A green glow surrounded him as his clothes changed into that of an armor. The World Champion Armor 'Compliance With Law'. It's a shining white armor with a helm that has a huge sapphire embedded in its chest, radiating with pure and divine light.

The final step had commenced. He transformed once more, Milim who saw this instantly noticed the difference in strength between Ainz and this new being. The being who was now in front of her was a red haired girl who had lifeless yellow eyes. Her outfit was a mix between black and red as the armor disappeared yet remained transparent.

Rubedo, The Strongest Entity in Nazarick.

{Ultimate Lifeform}.

Her once elegant look turned grotesque as arms, scales, tentacles, etc had come out of her body. With multiple limbs, each now had a divine class weapon. Rubedo was the perfection of Alchemy. Born from a World Item known as the Caloric Stone, she was already different from anyone.

The sole being born from a World Item made her unbelievably strong. But with alchemy from Tabula, he managed to create a monster that even he didn't know her full capabilities. And now-

"I have her power! And more!!" His power erupted as for the first time in the fight, he charged at Milim. His speed could match up to Milim as all his limbs swung at her. The land shook as their power clashed.

Within the cloud of dust, Milim had her sword caught the the attack as she also blocked with her hand. Rubedo opened her mouth as the limbs and tails turned into heads. The power they amassed released as they all fired off a blast of their own.

{Chimera Blast}!

One was already strong enough but receiving over 25 of them was devastating. The blow completely destroyed the landscape as only the remains of the blast survived.

But coming out of the smoke was Milim as she had minimal injuries on her. "Not bad." She said calmly yet her expression betrayed her as a glee could be felt from it.

But suddenly, a gigantic red arm appeared behind her as it came at her. Milim reciprocated as she threw one of her own. Clashing once again the power of the blow could be felt even more. In other nations, earthquakes could be felt and powerful beings like Demon Lords recognized the power behind this.

Clash after clash.

Blow after blow.

They both continued fighting for days on end as the world had to bear witness to the strength of these Demon Lords. Guy Crimson had to step in as he placed a barrier to minimize the damage that was already done.

Until the 3rd day, where Pandora was on one knee and was bleeding all over his body, his injury which should of healed were still open. Shattered metal that were remnants of his weapons were on the ground. His magicules had dwindled as his former power disappeared.

"It's the end. Pandora." Milim claimed as she wiped off the blood on her. It was certainly an exciting battle even for her. Her injuries were much less severe as Pandora who was still in his Rubedo form. She had a bit of blood on her and her armor had parts of it cracked and broken destroyed. Her single red horn was cut in half.

His Rubedo form was glitching out with his real one as his limit was nearing. He had to end this quickly.

{Sacrificial Goal}.

His aura erupted for the last time in this fight as the crimson red aura turned dark into a demon like state. This would let him clash with Milim one last time. "Let's do this." Blood spilling out of his mouth, eyes and ears from using this skill.

Pandora dashed towards Milim as he equipped new weapons. He clashed with her as she realized that his strength vastly increased. Pandora didn't let up as he continuously attacked her until-


He had managed to overpower her. He had pushed her weapon away and an opportunity was presented. Pandora gathered all his might as all his weapons stabbed her making her cough blood.

Pandora pushed his weapon even further but a hand stopped him. It was Milim with that ominous glim in her azure eyes. Pink concentrated magicules gathered around her as a silhouette of a dragon appeared behind her.


Pandora had nothing to think of seeing this. He knew he had lost when he saw her smiling at him. The final attack hit hard as it engulfed his entire being. But even if he lost, he still had that satisfied smile on his face.

'Now that was a good show.'

WutDelusional WutDelusional

Tell me if you don't like this, if you don't then I probably won't upload something similar to this. I just uploaded it to buy time so that I can then update the actual fanfic.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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