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章節 23: PHOh No

— Relationship Advice Thread —

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Topic: Cape Relationship Drama

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay

Feychick (Original Poster)

Posted On Mar 24th 2011:

So, we've had two new developments in the Brockton Bay Cape scene, and I decided to make a thread to cover them both

Firstly, Glory Girl was seen kissing Prophet after the fight with Lung, and it looks like the DeanXVicky and GallantXGloryGirl ships are well and truly sunk


Also the ProphetXKingMidas ship, but that also leads to the second development.

We've heard them mention it before but it's now confirmed by both of them that Midas and Prophet are brothers, which will make the hordes of girls shipping them either very sad or excited, I know what some of you girls are about

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Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Aww, I thought Vicky and Dean made such a cute couple, but it was always weird that she was always hanging off Gallant

But after her and Gallant's argument on the boardwalk a while back, I wonder if she's using Prophet as a rebound guy?

►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

No, I'm not.

I know Prophet's a bit older than me but after my breakup, I decided I was more interested in men instead of boys. Prophet gets me (probably because he's a big brain thinker but still), we never get into stupid arguments over little things, and he's done a lot for me and my family.

Also, he's hot af under his mask, but that's for me to know and you to probably never find out, and he gives the best massages

Why wouldn't I like him?

Plus if anyone gives us shit about the age difference, lemme just remind you that I am legal and cape life doesn't exactly have the best life expectancy, I'm not gonna let some judgemental assholes get between us

Plus, before anyone accuses him of anything (looking at you, you shiny gold asshole), I came onto him. I've never been shy when I know what I want

Also, look how cute we are together! It'd be cuter if he wasn't masked but oh well.

[photo1] [photo2] [photo3]

►Answer Key

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Is Prophet okay? Last we saw him he got punted by Lung…

►TheOracleofBrockton (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

I'm fine, but thanks for the concern. I turned my body to gold before the impact to prevent myself from taking any serious damage.

Yes, me and Glory Girl are in a relationship, and Midas is my brother. I'm happier about one of those, unfortunately you can only choose your girlfriend but are born to family, so I'm stuck with my annoying little brother.

►Feychick (Original Poster)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Okay yeah, you two do look cute together even if the whole black mask thing is kinda intimidating.

How did you two even meet?

►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Prophet was helping me out with the whole leaked pictures situation, and since my boyfriend dumped me on the fucking moronic belief I was sending them to other guys (I wasn't, I just like taking pictures of myself), I was single again.

it didn't take me long to realise I had a thing for smart older men, so I made a move

Okay, maybe he was kinda a rebound guy at first but it's gone way beyond that now

►TheOracleofBrockton (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

I'm styling myself as an information broker and consultant of sorts for heroes (primarily independents), and I decided to lend my services pro bono to Glory Girl, admittedly so I could start to develop a reputation but things spiralled from there

►Brandish (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

I will say that while I'm not thrilled with the situation, Prophet makes Victoria happy and I've come to accept it (as much as a mother can accept her daughter being in a relationship)

They don't exactly have my blessing, but Victoria is a grown woman and they don't need it. Aside from that, I don't believe it's anyone else's business.

►Laserdream (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

They definitely make a cute couple, and I'm not just saying that to keep my access to Prophet's power upgrading and magic hands

He is seriously good at massages, I'd say he has a golden touch but well… you know

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

That's because he cheats, my dear

I have a Thinker power that allows me to master almost any skill at an incredible rate, and the parasite is once more using my success to coast through life

This means it would be very accurate to say he has a golden touch

It must be nice to get all the benefits of my hard work with none of the effort

►TheOracleofBrockton (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

It is, thanks

And don't act like you work that hard to get your new powers, you won the power lottery, the least you can do is share with your lovable big brother

But then you never did learn to share, did you?

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Sharing is for communists and hippies

If you want something, earn it and don't just expect the world to just give you things for free

►TheOracleofBrockton (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

You sound like dad

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Thank you, but I'm still going to crush you

No hard feelings but we are enemies

►TheOracleofBrockton (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

…that wasn't a compliment

And try me bitch


Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Okay, so definitely brothers then

Also don't you do a load of charity work?

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

There's a difference between ensuring the prosperity of my territory and letting deadbeats who aren't willing to work for themselves thrive from your hard work

►TheOracleofBrockton (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Do you seriously have nothing better to do than spend all day lurking on PHO?

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

It's called multitasking

I can quite easily plan your downfall, manage my territory and shitpost at the same time

After all, you might be able to copy my powers, but I'm still superior to you in every way

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►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

I bet your worse in bed

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:


And I'll take that bet since you're apparently volunteering to referee

►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Eww, fuck no

That's not what I meant, and you know it you Thinker asshole

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Oh, suddenly you're not so confident?

Then how about we raise the stakes.

If by the end of the night you can say Prophet is better in bed, I'll take my Syndicate and leave Brockton Bay forever. If I win, you have to wear a golden version of your cape outfit. Entirely in your favour, no?

I'm very serious and I always keep my word, I'm sure Prophet can confirm that.

►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

You're insane.

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

No, I'm just confident.


Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

I mean, those are some seriously favourable stakes


Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Fuck no, we don't want Midas to leave

The ABB or Empire would be a major downgrade if they took over the Syndicates territory

We're rooting for you, Midas! Screw the barbie dolls brains out

►Feychick (Original Poster)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

…can I referee?

Also, this is going to inspire so many fanfics, isn't it?

►TheOracleofBrockton (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Have I mentioned that I hate you?

Because I really do.

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Possibly, I tend to zone out your inane bullshit.

But I digress, if you ever decide to back up your words Glory Girl, the offer is on the table.

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Closing her phone in disgust, she glared at it for a moment as Jin moved behind her, gently rubbing her shoulders.

"He made that bet because he knows how much it'd get to you, to make you feel bad for not playing his idiotic games," Jin explained, making her smile over her shoulder at him, her hand reaching up to touch his.

"…would he keep his word?" Vicky asked reluctantly.

"Yes, if he lost. He also wouldn't lose, because while he won't break his word, he'll also cheat his ass off," Jin explained as she let out a sigh.

It sounded so tempting, all she had to do is win a bet and she'd drive Midas out of her city. The stakes were low, and the rewards were high.

But if she lost, everyone would see her wearing gold and know she slept with Midas and lost. It'd hurt Jin and embarrass her.

"Do you think Midas is good for the city?" Vicky asked, changing the subject as Jin sighed himself.

"Yes, but I also doubt it'll end. Midas is a tyrant, he's benevolent now but if he wins and drives the other gangs and the heroes out of the city? I don't know how long he'd stay benevolent. I hope he will, but I can't read him nearly as well as I can other people, and I won't risk Brockton Bay on a hope," Jin finally said.

"And if he is? What if he never stops being a benevolent dictator, if the people love him more than they do the heroes trying to fight him?" Vicky asked, making Jin chuckle.

"Then I might have to quietly accept defeat, I want to help the city, not make things worse just to spite him," Jin said before he smirked. "Or maybe I'll go conquer my own city, a bigger one and do his job better than he does. I've always been a sore loser, but let's not waste all our time talking about him," Jin said, turning her around as she felt her lips twitch up into a smile.

"And what else would we spend our time doing?" Vicky asked, backing up against his desk as he approached.

"I'm sure we can find something more entertaining to occupy our time with," Jin said as he approached, her legs spreading as he settled between them, his hands moving under her skirt,gripping her panties and pulling them down as they kissed.

Fuck Midas and his little games, he could talk about being the better brother all he wanted, but he was nothing compared to Jin, and as Jin sheathed himself inside her, she moaned into his mouth and admitted to herself that she might have actually fallen for him.

— Healer, Heal Thyself —

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Topic: Where is Panacea?

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Mar 25th 2011:

So, the recent battle with the Empire, ABB and Lung made me realise something.

Panacea wasn't there, and while it isn't that unusual for New Wave's healer to not be around while the fighting has happened, she was never seen at all, despite some of the heroes being injured. Sure, it was just some minor injuries, but historically she's always healed them immediately after the fight.

So I did a little digging and my sources in the hospitals said that she's not been seen at all in over a week, not the longest amount of time but again it's entirely out of character for her.

So, my question is… where is Panacea?

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Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

Doesn't she work at the Brockton Bay General Hospital?

She fixed my leg there a year or so ago after a car crash, so I just kinda assumed she was employed there


Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

No, Panacea heals there but I'm pretty sure she doesn't actually work there

There are probably some legal reasons involved, still hope she's okay! She's helped a lot of people


Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

I'm a nurse at the general hospital and I can confirm that she doesn't work at the hospital itself and she's not been around in quite a while

She volunteers here, but she doesn't have a rota or anything she just comes in when she has time to help out.

Honestly, I hope she's taking a vacation, that girl works herself way too hard, more than a few of us are worried she's going to burn out.

I've brought it up to both her and Brandish, but neither seemed to take it seriously :(


Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

GloryGirl LaserDream can you confirm she's fine?


Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

Fuck, I hope she comes back soon

My grandma is in the hospital with pretty late-stage cancer, Panacea is basically her only chance


Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

Or just go to one of the clinics in the Syndicate's territory, King Midas's healing beds are a godsend around here

The clinic doesn't charge for using them, and there are a few of them now


Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

Oh yeah, go get healed by a supervillain

That'll end well

►LaBrava (Verified Midas Fangirl)

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

A supervillain who has done more for BB in a couple of months than the PRT and 'heroes' have done in years.


Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

I'm just surprised nobody has tried to steal them from him yet.

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

They have, and were dealt with accordingly.

No capes have tried yet, but I imagine it's only a matter of time. Thankfully, I've made preparations for the possibility of them being stolen and they won't work even if someone manages to get past the considerable preparation made to stop their removal.

Also, while they were made for the people in my territory, anyone who chooses to travel to one of the clinics is welcome to make use of them, as long you respect the rules of my territory. Even Heroes, should they behave themselves.

And if they don't? Well, the Syndicate and the League will be happy to teach them the consequences.


Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

So you can hold it over our heads later? Yeah, nah. Nobody should risk being indebted to a supervillain.

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

Do you truly believe you're so interesting as to be worth my time and attention?

You are not.

Besides, if I decided I wished to bring you under my control, what makes you think I'd need you to be indebted to me?

You'd be serving my interests without ever realising you were my puppet, dancing to whatever tune I felt like humming for you.


Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

That's both hurtful and terrifying

I'm sorry, please don't come after me?

►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

I know you're smart enough to already know how much good your beds could do for the world, so I won't even bother patronising you by saying that, but I truly implore you to not hoard this technology.

I realise you likely have no interest in working with the PRT, but villainous status aside both the Guild and I would be more than happy to work with you to both confirm the safety of this healing tech and spread it further than just Brockton Bay.

If doing good alone isn't enough, I'm sure it'd be an incredibly profitable business endeavour

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►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

Did you not already confirm its success when you sent an injured agent to my clinic? How is he? I know his broken leg was healed immediately, but I imagine he's feeling much better with his early-stage cancer cured as well.

Or was that the PRT agent? You've all sent so many that even I get mixed up.

If you're going to send agents into my territory, save yourself the embarrassment and do so openly, I'll find out either way.

As for your request? I am not opposed to working with the Guild, or even the PRT themselves if they accept the sovereignty of my territory.

However, I do have a single demand before I even begin any negotiations. Pardons for Canary and Bitch (though I believe you prefer to call her Hellhound).

All their situations have extenuating circumstances and the legal system has failed them entirely, now that they are under my employ I do not intend to do the same.

►Dragon (Verified Cape) (The Guild)

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

I'll speak to my PRT contacts, I can't promise anything but I'm certainly hopeful that we'll be working together soon.

►Alexandria (Verified Cape) (Triumvirate)

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

I'll talk to the Chief Director as well. This goes beyond heroes and villains.

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:


Regardless of whatever happens, I'll also supply them during Endbringer attacks, as long as I have the PRT's assurance under the Endbringer Truce that all of them will be returned to me afterwards (excluding extenuating circumstances such as the Endbringer destroying them)

They don't work as fast as Brockton Bay's miracle worker, but they work all the same.

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

I'm fine, by the way

I'm taking some time off, spending it with my friend. PhysicianHealThyself you were right, I should have relaxed more before, but it took my new friend to show me how close to the edge I was, thankfully he pulled me back.

All I did was heal, basically my every waking moment was either school, schoolwork or healing, and I didn't realise how much it was hurting me mentally. Sorry, but I won't be coming back for a while, and when I do I'm going to cut down my hours (and probably stop taking patients who would be fine without my help)

►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

Holy shit, Amy! Why didn't you say anything?!

►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

I would have had to have realised myself to do that, like I said, I didn't realise how much it was hurting until I stopped

►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

The moment I see you I'm giving you the tightest hug, well not the tightest I don't want to snap you, but you know what I mean!

Also, unrelated side note


►Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

Ugh, I'll talk to you later.

I'm not dealing with this right now.

►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 25th 2011:

Fine, fine

Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go shout at mom.

A lot.

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Smiling slightly at Vicky's worry, she immediately frowned to herself a moment later. Would she still be so caring if she knew that Amy was making herself at home in a villain's lair?

That she'd helped Midas fake someone's death?

Making that fake body of the ABB cape went against so many of her morals, but she knew she was wrapped up in Midas's web so tightly she didn't think she'd ever get free, even if she could gather the motivation to try.

Bakuda would have caused countless deaths, but she'd given that weapon to Midas now, for him to use however that big brain of his wishes.

Maybe he'd torture her, or decide she wasn't worth the effort and kill her, and that blood would be on her hands as much as his.

She'd seen Bakuda's handiwork, though she hadn't had a name to put the blame on at the time, Bakuda's occasional field tests had left bodies so twisted even she couldn't help them.

And Midas knew that, he preyed on her anger, her fear, and convinced her to help him neutralise the threat before it could become so much worse.

And she didn't even feel bad, that was the worst part.

She feared what would happen if Vicky found out, but Bakuda? She felt nothing for her fate.

Well, that was a lie, she felt satisfied and happy when Midas praised her, kissing her and calling her his good girl, as condescending as it was.

And despite her worry, she was only helping him more and more, doing whatever he asked of her if it meant she got to play around with her powers instead of just healing.

She'd gone so far beyond healing now, and as she looked at the living, breathing, utterly inanimate body being operated on by Midas's machines, she bit her lip and looked at the minion also being operated on at the same time.

She hoped this went well, Bob was a nice man for the right hand of a supervillain but he'd volunteered for this, and Yin had agreed.

She was here in case of any problems, even if the machines were installing cybernetics into his very brain. She didn't do brains, that was her oath, an oath she'd broken within about an hour of being allowed to do what she wanted, her first plant having a human-like brain she'd made from scratch to help it learn.

The surgical machines finally came to a halt as they finished healing him up, and Bob slowly opened his eyes, moving off the table as the second body did the same.

"This… is odd," Bob finally said as he turned and looked at the second person, as the identical copy of Bob turned to look at the original.

Midas was a genius, and definitely a cybernetic tinker of some sort to add to the list of bullshit he could do.

"Do you feel okay? Any issues controlling both bodies?" Midas asked, making both Bob's turn towards him shake their heads.

"It feels weird to see myself from the outside, but it's surprisingly easy," Bob answered, one body jumping while the other dropped and started doing push-ups.

"I expected as much, I know exactly what my own technology does after all. Thank you for volunteering though," Midas said easily, making Bob grin.

"Couldn't let the big man himself test this tech out, anything I should do to test this?" Bob asked, making Midas shake his head.

"No, take some time off and have fun with your new… talent for multitasking. If you experience anything unusual, report it immediately," Midas ordered, making Bob nod with a smirk.

"Will do, boss man," both Bobs said simultaneously as they grinned. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go confuse the fuck out of some people," Bob said as he gave them a nod, both Bobs walking past them and getting dressed in the black and gold jumpsuits all the guards wore.

As Bob left, she glanced over to the healing chamber with a perfect copy of Yin resting in it, feeling a burst of guilt.

How much trouble could Midas cause with the ability to be in multiple places at once? Why was she so willing to enable him?

"Excellent work, my dear," Yin said as he walked up to her, gripping her chin and tilting her head so he could kiss her, answering her question without saying a word as she melted into it.

"…you promise you won't hurt my family, right?" Amy asked, she couldn't see Midas losing even without her help, but she was surely speeding up his control of Brockton Bay.

"I won't, I promise," Yin said with a surprisingly soft smile as he brushed some of her hair out of her face before he paused. "Well, I'll probably hurt them if they fight me, but nothing serious or permanent. And I might hurt Brandish, just a little. I don't think she's the type to listen to reason." he added as she rolled her eyes.

"You know what I meant, I don't want to be responsible for my family being destroyed," Amy said, making him chuckle as he kissed her again.

"And you won't be, I wouldn't do that to you," Yin promised, and despite her common sense telling her not to trust the supervillain, she melted into his hug. She believed him, and only time would tell if she was being played.

"Now, I think your work deserves a reward…" Yin said, his smile growing hungry as he picked her up and carried her to a nearby table, placing her atop it as he spread her legs, making her blush at his knowing smile. "A short skirt and no panties? Somebody was hoping for this…" Yin teased, bunching her skirt up around her waist as he undid his belt and pulled out his cock.

"Maybe a little…" Amy admitted, bright red as she felt the tip of his dick press against her lower lips, a moan slipping free as he teased his head against her folds before sheathing himself inside her slick walls.

"Good girl," Yin whispered, kissing her roughly as her worries were promptly forgotten.

— Doubts —

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Topic: The League's Heist Spree

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Mar 28th 2011:

If you're from Brockton Bay and you read the title you're probably pretty baffled, since I doubt you've even heard of a single heist, let alone a spree

And you'd be right to be, because this particular set of crimes was downright ridiculous

Last night, the League of Villains successfully hit two banks and a museum at the same time, looting a massive fortune.

What you probably will have heard of is the Jokerz getting into a fight with Assault and Battery after hitting a bunch of shops on the boardwalk, having to be bailed out by the League (specifically Jinx, Dusty Ash and Volcana) after reinforcements arrived.

What the PRT didn't realise is that while they drove off the clown-themed villains, they were just the distraction.

At the same time, Catwoman and a group of Golden Syndicate minions were stealing priceless art and artefacts from the Brockton Bay Museum, Star Sapphire was leading another group into the vaults of one bank while Cheetah was doing the same across the town, and none of the alarms went off until long after the villains had left the scene.

The League hasn't done much aside from busting Shadow Stalker out until now, but it looks like they're finally moving and proving that they're still villains, just unionised.

Though it is worth noting, not a single civilian was harmed during any of the attacks. All three heists used what is hypothesised to be some kind of tinkertech gas to knock out the guards, simply taking what they came for and leaving within the hour.

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Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

So, this is what happens when you get a bunch of powerful villains gathered up under an even more powerful Thinker, who has a horde of minions?

Honestly, gg to Midas for pulling this off.

►RevUpYourHarley (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

Hey! We did a lot of work too!

Beating up heroes is hard work, ya know?

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

And you performed your part admirably, my dear.

You put on such a magnificent show, the local heroes couldn't help but come and watch.


Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

Do you just have a program that pings you whenever you or the league is mentioned? You always show up so fast.

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

Yes, I do.


Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

I thought you were like a godfather kinda villain, feels weird to see you robbing banks.

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

I care for the people in my territory, and we've not hurt any of the civilians.

The money in the banks is insured, the banks and insurance companies are the ones we robbed, not the everyday civilian.

Besides, I am a villain. Just because I don't let my schemes harm the local population, doesn't change that fact. I just have more class, that's all.

As for the museum, my lair was looking a little bare so I decided to spruce the place up. Half of them were forgeries anyway, very disappointing to be honest.

Perhaps the next museum will have a better selection of decorations, still, the artwork looks wonderful in my office [img]

►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

God, you are such an insufferably smug asshole

I can't wait to wipe that grin off your face

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

And I can't wait to put you in your place, collateral damage barbie doll.


Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

So now we just have heroes and villains taunting each other online? Things got weird when Midas showed up, but at least it's fun to watch.

Also, sweet office Midas

►FollowMyFluffyTail (Verified League of Villains Member) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

You have no idea how many times I've been bent over that desk, it's surprisingly comfortable!

Also, there were four heists, not three. What did I steal, I wonder~


Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

An impressive scheme.


Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

Man, it has not been the PRT's month, has it?

►ShadowStalker (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:


The PRT hasn't got a fucking clue what they're doing. Doesn't surprise me that Midas is running circles around them, bet Piggy must be about to burst with all these fuck ups.

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Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

wait, aren't you a wanted villain now?

►ShadowStalker (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

Wanted yes, but I'm not a villain

I'm an independent vigilante again, without the PRT trying to leash me and make me play by their rules.

Been taking the fight to the fucking Nazis now that I don't have Armsbastard and Piggy breathing down my neck

If they don't like it, they can try and catch me

►Vista (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

Shadow, you need to be careful

The Empire shouldn't be taken so lightly and I doubt Midas just let you go for free.

►ShadowStalker (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

Oh, so I should turn myself in so they can send me to juvie at the very best? Fuck that, I can handle myself, so go back to flicking yourself off over Gallant, I don't need your concern

►Vista (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

…why did I even bother


Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

Ooh, catfight!


Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

Are we ignoring the fact that Midas had a museum robbed to decorate his office? What happened to just going shopping?

►TheOracleOfBrocktonBay (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

He's always liked having expensive things to make up for his lack of a personality

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

Your tastes as just as expensive as mine, brother

I just have the means to acquire far finer things than you

►LaBrava (Verified Midas Fangirl)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

Your office is amazing, King Midas!

The statue definitely looks better there than in some dusty display case

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 28th 2011:

Thank you, my dear

I certainly appreciate your fervent support of me, watching you argue with my detractors has been something of a hobby of mine

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 38, 39, 40

Closing the page with a scowl, Battery rubbed her neck in annoyance.

They'd been played for fools. Again. What was that saying again, 'fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me?'

So what did it mean when Midas had fooled them so many times?

In truth, she was thankful for him taking out the Merchants and Grapist, they were a festering blight on Brockton Bay, and she was happy to see them get crushed, but she couldn't deny things had been hard since Midas had shown up.

The Merchants were hard to deal with because they were like cockroaches, no matter how many you arrested, they'd rebuild fast using desperate hobos and junkies, but the Syndicate?

The Syndicate was an entirely different breed. Their men were well trained, well-armed, and had the support of the population.

The fact was that the people in Syndicate territory didn't want the heroes or law enforcement around, and a lot of them didn't hesitate to show it.

Plus, the League headquarters was sitting in the middle of his territory as a shining reminder that there were a lot of powerful capes nearby.

So, how do you fight a villain who was slowly sinking his claws into the city, when you couldn't risk going into his territory or seriously fighting his capes?

You didn't, apparently. It felt like Midas had the run of the city and it was driving her mad.

"Penny for your thoughts?" a soft voice asked, making her turn around and smile slightly as she spotted a slightly older woman in a skintight red and black outfit, with a yellow 'I' in the centre.

"Hey Elastigirl, I was just thinking about Midas. It feels like we're constantly playing defence against him, and we can't even seem to do that right," Battery admitted, making Elastigirl smile sadly.

"Dealing with powerful Thinkers usually ends like that. Sometimes I honestly prefer a good old fashioned Master. At least then you usually know when you're being controlled instead of second-guessing everything you do, wondering if you're playing into some Thinker's plans," she agreed, before pausing. "Also, call me Helen."

"Got it, Helen. And it's Jamie," Jamie said with a slight smile. "It still doesn't feel good to be stuck reacting to whatever Midas does."

"Indeed, I didn't realise just how badly Brockton Bay needed more heroes until I got here. It took Bob less than a day to get into a fight with a pair of giant Nazis. This city is certainly something," Helen laughed, making her chuckle.

"That's one way of putting it, I just hope this agreement with Prophet works out," Jamie shrugged.

"Ah, I heard about that. I have to say, the concept of having my powers upgraded is almost tempting enough for me to seek him out myself, but I doubt I could afford his rates," Helen said with a shrug.

"Possibly, but we don't even know what his rates are yet. A part of me thinks him and Midas are playing a long con, making a superpower arms race with them as the only two suppliers," Jamie admitted, making Helen sigh.

"But if Midas is upgrading villains, we can't fall behind or we risk losing so much more than whatever Prophet demands as payment," Helen finished, making her nod. "It's quite the position for them to be in, neither side gains any true advantage while they both benefit. Of course, we'd probably never be able to prove it even if it was true, still…" Helen trailed off.


"I'm going to talk with the Director to see if I can get permission to approach Prophet. I can think of several upgrades or modifications that could help my family, and the longer we wait the more Midas pulls ahead," Helen said, clapping her hands together.

"You sure you want to risk that?" Jamie asked, making her laugh.

"I've been a hero for a good long while now, there's not much I haven't seen or done. I've dealt with plenty of Thinkers, Trumps and Masters. I can handle Prophet," Helen said with a small grin.

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