Before his three-year retreat, Edward had yet to have a concrete plan for what to do with the Nova Empire. So, he controlled a few people of the Nova Empire, including a struggling, talented scientist, and had the latter rapidly rise through the ranks. Now that he had a plan, he began using these pawns.
During an experiment involving the development of external dimensions and exploring the multiverse, the scientist known as Kirul discovered an unknown green lamp. The thing was soon labeled as the highest secret of the Nova Empire, despite no one knowing that the lamp was. However, the origin of the lamp and the massive energy they detected once they first discovered it was more than enough to pay attention to it.
Then, a few days later, when Kirul repeated the experiment, he recorded a terrifying saw — the destruction of a universe. To be precise, the crashing of two universes/timelines. At first, Kirul and the rulers of the Empire thought this was a rare cosmic phenomenon that they were lucky to encounter. However, the experiments kept showing more timelines crashing together before destroying.
Everyone started panicking, wondering why these timelines were being destroyed and whether theirs would be next. More importantly, they asked how to prevent it or protect themselves in a worst-case scenario. No one had an answer since Doctor Kirul had only recently developed the technology to observe and interact with dimensions.
The upper echelons debated their next step. Some thought they should find ways to escape this timeline, others believed they should continue fighting, and many considered telling other factions so they could prepare. Sadly, no decision could be made as everyone bickered incessantly.
Luckily, before the dispute escalated to a severe level, Doctor Kirul had unrivaled the effect of that lamp. After a meeting with the ruling class, an order was given to gather people from across the Empire. They had to have a clean background, noble or decent character, and a person of high willpower. The Empire accelerated the recruitment of these individuals, almost alerting their enemies or allies.
Special Location:
Kirul was a humanoid alien with slightly purple skin and two small horns as small as three centimeters. He had a stoic demeanor, especially when focusing on the tablet. After a few seconds of tapping on the tablet, he finally raised his head to look at the group of 15 individuals before him.
"This should be Group 2. But why is there only so few?"
"The others have still not passed basic training," replied his assistant, a green-skinned alien of the opposite gender. "I could ask them to accelerate the speed."
"No need. We want quality, not quantity," Kirul replied before focusing on the group. "Welcome to the Green Lantern Corp. Stay quiet and follow me." He led the group through an enormous door, and everyone gasped as they looked at that towering green lamp.
"Hyros, ID: 3A765FE. Step up to the lamp and recite the activation code."
Hyros was a lizard alien with four arms. He hesitated briefly before following orders.
[In brightest day, in darkest night,
[No evil shall escape my sight.
[Let those who worship evil's might,
[Beware my power — Green Lantern's light.]
The giant lantern released a green light immediately after Hyros finished his words. Then, a green ring floated before him, and he put it on with a smile. Basic information about the ring entered his mind, so he only focused before creating a sword projection.
"You'll have plenty of time to use your power after training. So, stand to the side so the others can proceed," Kirul stated, waking Hyros from his excitement. Kirul called someone else, and the ceremony proceeded.
Edward — who was invisible and the mastermind behind everything — calmly watched this ceremony. "This Green Lantern Corp should serve as the middle-level powerhouse for the Convergence."
This timeline needed powerful Tier 10 and above powerhouses to survive, but they also required middle-tier fighters (Tier 4 to Tier 9). He chose the Nova Empire to fill this role, and by using such a method, he managed to select individuals willing to fight for this timeline's survival without the need to force, mind-control, or trick them.
These people knew the objective of the Green Lantern Corps and what they were fighting for. That's why Edward chose people with good morality and a sense of duty. It's also why he used the Green Lantern's oath. Words have powers, and a group's motto or philosophy can significantly influence cohesion. The oath's ideas and philosophies will bind the Green Lantern Corp members.
"What about the other corps?" Edward asked.
"We've built the Yellow (Fear) and Red (Rage) Corp and even recruited demons as members," Morgana replied before showing him an image of the newly established corps. Clones and golems were responsible for everything, including controlling the souls of these demons.
"The Orange Corp (Avarice)? We should have the technology to make it."
"We do, but according to my calculations, these demons become more difficult to control because of the ring and augmented greed. There is a chance of troubles coming our way if we make the Orange Corp. Do you still want to do it?"
"No need. I trust your judgment." Edward was delighted with Morgana's new upgrade as she could finally keep up with him and anticipate his actions.
"The Death Corp?" He asked.
"A prototype is being built," she replied, showing him the current construction. "However, you'll need to add the final touch once you've regained control of your Death Law."
"Excellent. In that case, our work here is done. Let's return home." He opened a portal to return to Earth. "What do you think our next move should be?"
"The Eternals," Morgana responded without hesitation. "However, you should know that your clone is about to meet Tony Stark."
"Oh? What's the current time?"
"A week after the Iron Man event."
"So, the world already knows he's Iron Man? Let's see how things are going over there."
Tony Stark's Malibu Mansion:
Edward was conversing with Pepper Potts, and the TV sound was in the background. Something covered was next to him, but no one cared about that as the two laughed and conversed as if they were old friends. A door slid open, and Tony, wearing pants and an undershirt, walked inside while washing away his sweat with a towel.
Pepper frowned as soon as she saw him. She sighed internally as she had messaged him that they were having an important guest. "Tony, this is Secretary Bones from SHIELD. He's here to meet you." Edward slowly stood up. "Mr Stark." However, he did not offer a handshake.
"Can we do this another time? I'm in the middle of something really important." Tony had come up to get something to eat before returning to his lab.
"It won't take long."
"You say that because you don't know how valuable my time is," Tony responded before walking to the fridge. "Are we changing him hourly?"
"Tony," yelled Pepper.
"I'm just saying," he uttered before taking a sandwich and a drink from the fridge. He took a bit and returned to the living room. "You have five, no, three minutes," he said to Edward with food in his mouth.
"Fine by me," Edward replied calmly before pushing a button on his watch to display a hologram. Tony's eyes immediately squinted.
Tony looked at this perfect rendering of his Iron Man armor and was immediately speechless. He could not understand how the government had his technology. Did he have a mole? However, only Jarvis had access to this technology. Even if they could salvage something from Obadiah's suit, it should not be so fast or detailed.
"Purely talking about robotics, the suit is nothing special," Edward stated before Tony could wake up from his shock and start talking. However, these words did hit him with another shock.
"However, the Arc Reactor is worth looking at," Edward continued as he thrashed the blueprint for the armor, leaving only the information about the reactor.
"A miniaturized fusion reactor built in a cave and under duress. Now, that is praise-worthy."
"How did you get that?" Tony asked, trying to control his anger. Someone had basically stolen his invention, and the worst part was that it was the US government.
"You can think we've reverse-engineered your armor," Edward stated calmly. "But that's not why I'm here, nor is it important."
"I think it is." Tony could not imagine the horror of the world if the US government could create his suit — that would be truly catastrophic.
"I'm here for three main reasons," Edward continued.
"Are you listening to me?"
"Firstly, it is to speed up things. Time is running out, and some things cannot be dragged out. Secondly —"
"Are you deaf?" Tony held him by his collar.
"Tony, stop." Pepper rushed over to pry him over.
"The Palladium you use for the reactor is poisonous and should be slowly killing you," Edward finished.
"Wait, is that true, Tony?" Pepper asked, but Tony did not answer. He only found out two days ago and hadn't processed the news. Edward walked a few steps to unveil what was covered on the couch.
"Your father discovered a new element. However, he could not create as he was limited by the technology of his time, so he left it to you to finish his work. That element can perfectly replace Palladium, and it will kill you."
Tony stared at him, but Edward continued talking.
"The third reason is for the Avengers Initiative Project." He handed a document to Pepper. "Read it and think about it. Now, Ms Potts, it was a pleasure meeting you. As for you, Mr Stark, have a nice evening."
Edward walked toward the exit, and Pepper wanted to lead him. "No need. I'll see myself out." He left the mansion and entered the back of his vehicle. While his driver led him home, he was deep in thought.
'Dealing with Tony Stark will be a bigger headache than I anticipated.' Most geniuses have a few things in common: opinionated, headstrong, arrogant, and finally prideful. Edward suffered from a similar affliction, but he's learned to control himself — especially since dealing with the other geniuses of the Empire was required.
Unfortunately, it seems Tony was the kind of genius whose ego had to be the largest in the room. At least, it was hard for him to deal with the current Tony Stark. Edward's watch suddenly rang, so he pressed a button to manifest a screen before him.
"What is it?"
"How did the meeting with Stark go?" Fury asked.
"Not as good as I would want to, but not the worst-case scenario," he replied calmly.
"Is he fit for the Avenger Initiative?"
"As he is currently? That would be a no."
Fury frowned.
"We still have time to observe and evaluate him," Edward continued. "What is Hulk's current situation?"
"Banner is hiding out, and we are secretly monitoring him. I've also led him to the scroll you wanted to give him."
"That's good."
"May I ask what's on the scroll?"
"A meditation method that will allow him complete control over the Hulk," Edward replied.
"Such a thing exists?"
"The world is more vast and complex than you know or can imagine," Edward replied. Fury gave him a side-eye glance with that one eye. It appeared he wanted to say something but stopped himself. The two talked more about the upcoming Avengers and information about locating Hydra.
Kamar Taj:
"Where is Loki?" Edward asked after watching over the clone.
"He's out on a mission," Morgan answered.
"Leave him a message to come see me once he returns," Edward ordered before opening a portal elsewhere.
"Who are you?" asked a beautiful woman in a weary tone.
"I am the Sorcerer Supreme, Edward Bones, and it's a pleasure." The woman stared at him, indicating this status meant nothing to her.
"I believe this is the part where you introduce yourself."
"I don't know who you are and what you want, but leave this place immediately."
"I guess I need to be more direct. I came here specifically for you, Prime Eternal — Ajak."
"How do you know about me?"
"The human world has advanced a lot. You should have paid more attention,' Edward replied.
"And what exactly do you want?"
"My title indicates that I'm Earth's Protector. But the existence of the Eternals has ruined this safety."
"Nonsense. We have protected this planet since the dawn of civilization," Ajak argued.
"Yes, but you forgot to mention the part about raising us like cattle before annihilating us during the emergence."
"How do you know this?" Ajak asked, and before Edward could answer, she rushed toward him. She punched him with her superhuman strength. Before succeeding, chains appeared out of nowhere to tie her. Edward was not surprised by her reaction.
Ajak changed her mind about her mission after being influenced by the Avenger's actions. Currently, she is absolutely loyal to Arishem and her mission. The Celestial Communication Sphere flew out of her body into Edward's hand.
He summoned a few more chains that opened a portal to an unknown destination. After a few seconds, all the Eternals appeared before him in chains.
"Does anyone know what's going on?" Kingo asked.
"Ajak?" Sersi added.
"Druig? Is that you?"
"Don't do anything stupid," Edward said, looking at the mind-controlling Eternal. "I already don't appreciate your actions of mind-controlling humans. Don't make me put you down."
Druig suddenly groaned as blood dripped from his nose.
"Are you alright?" asked Sersi, but Druig did not answer.
"What do you want with us?" Ajak asked.
"With you? Nothing. But I do have business with your boss," Edward replied as a magic circle that covered the entire planet manifested above him. Luckily, this thing was invisible, or the whole planet would enter a state of mass hysteria. The circle released a spatial fluctuation, and a few seconds later, the celestial living at the planet's core was teleported. The magic circle then turned into a sphere.
The other Eternals were confused, except for Ajak, who knew what had happened. "Do you understand the severity of your actions?"
"More than you can imagine," Edward replied before using the communication sphere to contact Arishem, the Judge.
"Ajak, is there a new situation developing?... You're not Ajak."
"Very astute, aren't we?" Edward teased. "I'm Edward Bones, the Sorcerer Supreme, and Guardian of Earth. We need to talk about how your actions have endangered the lives of my people."
Arishem glanced at him before directly disconnecting the communication. Less than a second later, a black hole appeared outside Earth's atmosphere, and the celestial walked out.
"I guess it's easier to communicate face to face," Edward muttered before teleporting before Arishem with the other Eternals with him.