Edward and his team soon arrived at their destiny with no issue, or so they thought. As soon as they entered the new world, everything spun even worse than the first time.
"What's going on?" asked Edward.
"I don't know," replied Morgana before running more diagnostics. The process lasted longer than expected, and it wasn't until everything stopped spinning that Edward received an answer.
"Well, what was it?"
"This universe seemed to be shaking and moving."
"Moving? How is that possible?" He knew his destination, and this place should be very safe— especially for someone of his power level.
"Did the universe suddenly acquire consciousness and become a living creature?" he asked after thinking about their previous experience.
"It appears it's not the case."
Edward grunted. Small accidents kept occurring, and he did not like this. "Alright. How are our systems?"
"It appeared some of them were destroyed or malfunctioning."
"Are you serious?" Even the previous chaos in the Void did not damage any of the city's systems, so how could entry into a universe do such damage?
"What's going on?" Edward asked before receiving an answer, Morgana continued, "Boss, we are surrounded."
A screen materialized before Edward and his pupils shrank, "Are those — Amazonians?" Many women dressed in armor, holding cold weapons, and some on horses surrounded the city. His gaze focused on one woman with long black hair; she was beautiful, regal, and full of power and charm.
"Wonder Woman?" He was sure it was her as his memory of a particular animated movie popped into his mind. Before his reincarnation, Marvel dominated the box office while DC was supreme in the animated movie department. They had a new rebooted Justice League animated movie, and this Wonder Woman resembled that version.
"Can someone tell me what is going on?"
His destination was the Flash TV Universe, which was only the CW universe. His purpose was to study the Speed Force, another manifestation of time. As such, Wonder Woman should not exist in that universe.
"I don't know either," replied Morgana, and Edward exhaled deeply. He closed his eyes to contact the Akashic Record. Soon, he saw a customer service response from a small blue-winged elf AI similar to his.
"Sir, Edward, how can I help you?"
"You people sold me the wrong coordinate."
"That's not possible. We would never make such an error."
"Then explained the situation to me," he replied, showing her the screen Morgana was displaying. The little elf frowned before saying, "Wait a moment before I open up your file."
After a few seconds, she had an apologetic look.
"So, you did make a mistake."
"Technically, yes and no."
"What do you mean?"
"The coordinates are the ones you asked for. However, a major change has occurred in the Void recently. We should have sent you a warning but failed to do so."
"What major change?"
"I'm afraid this is beyond your security level."
"You are the one who made the mistake, so you can repay me by answering my question."
The blue elf paused for a few seconds; she seemed to be doing something. Then, she spoke:
"To answer your question, universes like DC and Marvel are experiencing an event called [Convergence]. Previously, many of the 'anime,' 'films,' and 'television' you used to know were separate but connected worlds of the main universe—the comics. But now, everything is fusing."
It took every fiber and ounce of strength of Edward's body not to curse out loud. He had read the comics, so he knew how terrifying they were. The minimum power level was Tier 12, and it might go as high as Tier 14. With his measly Tier 8 and even Tier 10 Floating City, he was nothing but a slightly large cannon fodder.
'Wait, my main destination for this voyage is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Doesn't it mean that world is also screwed?' He exhaled to calm down.
"What's going on with this Convergence? Doesn't that mean the danger levels of these worlds are now much higher?"
"Yes, not the point of exaggeration. The DC Universe Convergence has just reached the late stage while Marvel is still in the early steps, so there is still plenty of time before the danger level of these worlds reaches the highest peak."
Edward sighed in relief. As long as he hurries with his affairs in DC, he can rush to his destination and still take his time. He looked at the elf:
"Can you tell me how long before the process ends?"
"Unfortunately, such knowledge is beyond your security level."
Edward could tell she would not budge on this issue, so he did not insist and focused on something else:
"Since this was your error, are you prepared to compensate me?"
"Of course. We have reimbursed your previous purchase. I hope our response is satisfactory."
"I am indeed pleased," nodded Edward as he sensed his Knowledge Points balanced increase. "Well, thank you for your service."
"Wait a moment."
"Is there something else?"
"You have a message from Sir Merlin," said the elf. "Would you like to read it now?"
"Yes! Hurry."
"Don't worry. I'm fine; I'm just busy. And grow faster, time is running out."
Edward was first relieved the old man was okay. After not hearing about him for so long, he started worrying. Luckily, nothing has happened to him.
Then, he sensed the ominous shadows behind these words. The previous sensation that he had all the time in the world was gone, replaced by a sense of urgency.
"Is this all, or is there something else?"
"That's all."
"Thank you."
Edward opened his eyes to a flurry of questions: "Well, what did they say? Do you have a better understanding of the situation? And what's our next step?"
Edward grunted before explaining the situation to her.
"So, this world is indeed moving and expanding. Our sudden entrance must have disrupted the process and created a tide of chaotic energy that swooped us."
Now, they finally understood the situation. "What's next?"
"You fix the damage to our systems, and I will deal with the people outside."
"Are you sure? These people hate men and should not be too friendly."
"I know, but if the situation is not dealt with swiftly, they could alert the Gods in Olympus, leading to other problems. So, it's best to find a peaceful and diplomatic solution."
"I'll be fine — I think. But what about you?"
"This world is very accepting of magic, so we don't have to worry about adapting for too long. So, the only problem is fixing these damaged systems."
"Alright, I'll leave everything to you."
Edward walked out of the city with his hands raised. As soon as he appeared, countless spears, swords, and bows pointed at him.
"Easy, I came here in peace."
"A man? Why have you intruded into our territory?" asked Hippolyta, the Queen of Amazon and Diana's (Wonder Woman) mother.
"An accident. My ship landed in this place by accident?"
"Ship? Such a large city is a ship?" asked Diana.
"Well, although a little flamboyant, but yes — it's a ship."
Edward saw her beautiful eyes light up, probably wanting to say a compliment. Alas, before she could speak further, Hippolyta spoke. "You are now under Amazonian soil, so accept surrender before we discuss how to deal with you. Do not make any hostile moves."
Edward frowned as he pondered. It would be easy to subdue these people, showing them he could have easily harmed them. But such an act might elicit a negative response.
If it was only Diana, this could work. But with how Hippolyta is portrayed in different media, such a move might make her consider him a bigger threat and escalate the situation.
'Fine, let's allow them to capture me. Anyway, these people cannot harm me, and I can consider this situation as experiencing bondage after a long while.'
Edward placed his hands together to show his surrender. Hippolyta motioned for one of the Amazons to tie his hands. Edward secretly shook his head at how primitive such a move was. He thought they would use some magical artifact, but it was just a robe made with a unique material. Such a restraint was a nightmare for a normal mortal man, but nothing to him.
"Follow us," said the queen with a stern face.
Edward was in the middle, surrounded by all these Amazonians. Such a scenario where so many beautiful women surrounded him should have been his dream, but sadly, he was in cuffs.
'Well, I can see this as just some spicy stuff.'
'Can you be any less shameless?' sneered Morgana in his mind, but he ignored her. He looked around, taking in the sight and beauty. No one would believe he was a prisoner without his cuff hands.
"What a beautiful place," he uttered. "The air is fresh, everything is natural, and I feel closer to nature; I haven't felt this way in a while."
"Quiet, you are still a prisoner," said one Amazonian as she used the butt of her spear to hit Edward on the back. Bang! His body generated a shockwave, destroying the spear and sending her flying more than five meters before crashing. Everyone pointed their weapons at her.
"My apologies. That's just my natural defense; it was not intentional." He was not lying as he did not expect the woman to attack him suddenly. If he did not respond swiftly enough, she would have been obliterated.
"Are you a God?" asked Hippolyta with a stern face.
"Oh, no. On the contrary, I have quite the disdain for that term." Edward immediately stopped himself from talking about his views about godhood as he remembered the Amazonians in this world worshiped the Gods of the Olympics.
"So, what are you?" asked the queen.
"I'm an Arcanist or a Mage if you prefer."
"You can use magic? That would explain why your ship is a flying city," Diana commented.
"Exactly," replied Edward before looking at the person who attacked him. "Do you want me to heal her?"
"No need," replied the attacker as she stood up; only a few bruises showed she was attacked. She looked at him before returning to the line. Edward then remembered the Amazonians all had enhanced physical abilities.
Queen Hippolyta looked at Edward, glancing at his tied hands before ordering everyone to continue his journey. Soon, they arrived at their destination, and Edward was still looking around like he was on vacation.
The architecture of Themyscira was mostly Greek, with primarily white pillars; they added a touch of gold that symbolized the divine.
"Very beautiful," he commented, but no one attacked him this time.
Hippolyta dismounted her horse before taking out her sword. With a swing, she cut off the rope binding Edward, who remained calm and composed throughout the situation.
"This will be your dwelling. Please do not leave without any instructions."
After saying these words, she walked away, leaving a small group to watch the house.
'Well, things are better than I anticipated,' thought Edward as he entered. He had things to do while he and the floating city adapted to this world. Besides repaying his Knowledge Point, the Akashic Records gave him the coordinates to the timeline where the CW Flash TV was located.
His original object was him, and he did not want to deal with the other flash versions. He knew how terrifying Flash was from the comics and did not want to deal with them. However, despite having the coordination, he also needed to calibrate his landing so he would land in the early stages of that Flash's development.
He had to be cautious for many reasons. Firstly, he knew the latter would become more powerful the older and wiser he was. Secondly, he only saw the first four seasons of that show and did not want to pay the exorbitant price that the record asked for him to learn about everything, and the knowledge Salomon gave him did not include the CW Flash.
Themyscira, Council Room:
Hippolyta sat on the main seat, surrounded by her most trusted advisors.
"How do you think we should deal with our intruder?" she asked.
"Isn't it obvious? He's an intruder and a man, so we should eliminate him," said an Amazonian with golden hair and a voluptuous body.
"That's too radical," argued another one with a darker complexion and braids. "We are not barbarians."
"This is not an argument of morality. The intruder's presence endangers the existence of Themuscara. We have isolated ourselves from the world of men for so long. Do you want us to be discovered?"
"Now, you're just using fear-mongering tactics. One person will not affect our isolation."
"You might be willing to take the risk, but I am not."
"Our default solution should never be violence."
The two began to argue, but the queen never said a word. A little while longer, someone else spoke. A woman who was of Hispanic descent said:
"You two are always arguing and, as usual, failed to see the crux of the issue."
"And what would that be?"
"Can we kill that intruder? You saw his strength and his magical city. Are you sure we can take him down?"
The blonde woman paused momentarily before continuing, "He's only a man. I do not believe he can defeat all our sisters' might combined and the protection of the Gods.."
"True, but what price will be paid for fighting with him? How many of our sisters will not walk out of such a meaningless confrontation? What will happen on the unlikely chance that he escapes and we have made a formidable enemy?"
"All sacrifices necessary for the protection of our home."
The room quieted down, with all eyes now focused on the queen. Hippolyta did not say anything but asked another Amazonian.
"What do you think?"
"You know what I will say. We—"
"Forget it," She knew she had asked the wrong person and stopped her from spewing nonsense like forcefully breeding with the intruder to create more powerful sisters.
{AN: In some comics, the Amazonians used sunken ships to forcefully have their way with marooned individuals before killing them. If the baby is a girl, they keep it. If it's a boy, they either killed it or returned it to the world.)
The queen's eyes finally landed on a petite Amazonian dressed not in armor but in loose white robes.
"Seren, what do you think?"
Seren calmly looked at everyone, "We have lost contact with the Gods."
Everyone's heart secretly beeped as this was true. A while ago, they lost all contact with Olympus, not knowing what had occurred.
"As a result, the magical barrier protecting the island is rapidly fading. We will be revealed to the World of Men in a few hundred years if the Gods do not respond to us. No, the time might be shorter with the intruder's forceful entry."
"What are you trying to say?"
"Isn't he a Mage? We can ask him if he can repair the barrier and ensure its continuation—in exchange for his freedom."
"This is a good idea."
"Not really. We will have to give the man access to our barrier. What if he breaks or controls it? We cannot take the risks."
Another argument was about to happen, so Seren quickly said, "My queen, what say you?"
"Our main issue is trust toward that man. So, let's test him to see if he's trustworthy."
While Edward was doing calculations, he received an uninvited guest in the middle of the night.
"You quite bold," said Edward as he looked at Diana.
"How so?"
"Visiting a man in the middle of the night. A man whom you know nothing of and could be dangerous."
"As Themyscara's greatest warrior, I think I can care for myself."
"True," nodded Edward. "So, to what do I owe this pleasure?"