It took less than three days for the doctor to get everything ready. After Edward checked everything, they began the plan. Clara placed a device on her head and closed her eyes.
"Concentrate — you only need to constantly think about reaching Gallifrey," said Edward with a reassuring voice before looking at the doctor. The latter had his own device, but it was a bracelet on his wrist.
"Let's begin."
The Tardis shook slightly, and each had a screen before them. They saw the Tardis hurling the floating city, traveling through these blue corridors in the Time Vortex. Another part of the screen showed them countless data.
"She has accessed my timeline," said the doctor, surprised by how easy that was. This fact only proved that Edward was telling the truth and was deeply interconnected with Clara.
"Clara, what do you see?"
"I see…me and different versions of you. Young, middle-aged, handsome, ugly, and even a woman exists."
"Woman? My next regeneration is a woman? Bloody hell, this should be interesting."
Edward looked at him and did not explain. The current doctor has not gone to Trenzalore and received another round of 12 regeneration. As such, he believes his life will soon end with his next regeneration.
"Clara, focus. Follow the doctor to a time of a major war–that's our destination," said Edward.
"War? There are a few — too many to count."
"Go for the biggest one you see."
"O…Okay," she said as her face concentrated.
The Tardis shook so intensely that everyone flew from their position. Edward acted swiftly as his boot magnetized, sticking him to the floor; he even had time to create a magnetic shield around Clara. With his athleticism, he remained on the spot, but it was not the same for everybody else.
The doctor was relatively fine; his Gallifreyan physique was stronger than that of humans. However, Clara was bleeding in the nose despite Edward's actions.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, thank you."
"No problem." Edward looked at the doctor, "What happened?"
"Lucky we took preventive measures," said the doctor, looking at Clara's fading pale complexion. His eyes then shifted to the screen.
"The Time War is a fixed point in time, so it's protected in the vortex by an immense amount of time energy. Normally, it would be impossible to travel to that era, but since we're only using it as a mode to reach the Gallifrey pocket dimension, we can come close."
"So, the turbulence is our direct confrontation with all the time energy?"
"Okay. Let's continue. Is everything still operating? Ms. Oswald, how do you feel?"
"I'm fine. I can continue."
"Our system has no problem," added the doctor.
"Let's proceed. Ms. Oswald–"
"Call me Clara."
"Alright. Clara. Focus on our destination."
The Tardis and its companion traveled through the vortex for a brief period before hitting something. It tried to pass with incredible difficulty.
"Argh," yelled Clara as she held her hands.
"Clara." (2x)
"Her mind cannot bear breaking through the dimensional wall of Gallifrey," commented Edward beside her. "Didn't you prepare for this possibility?"
"Yes, Tardis," yelled the doctor, and this weird orange light emanated from the tardis and entered Clara's head. She stopped screaming and opened her eyes.
"Are you alright?" asked Edward.
"I…I'm fine."
"Do you want to stop?"
"What about your plan?" she asked.
"Now that we're here, it's only a matter of using extreme means to enter."
"It's okay, I can still continue."
"Are you sure?"
"Are you worried about me?" she asked with a beautiful smile.
"Of course. Since I promise nothing will happen to you, I intend to keep my word."
"Only because of this," said Clara underneath her breath. Of course, Edward heard him, but he did not mention it. Soon afterward, they broke into the dimensional wall with Clara's effort and the protection of the Tardis' Core.
"Gallifrey," said the doctor in a voice full of awe and reminiscing after walking out of the police box. While he was in a daze and Clara was looking everywhere, Edward had a screen floating before him that only he could see the content.
'Morgana, how is it?'
'I already scanned the entire planet and found the places we wanted.'
'That's good."
"Let's go," he said to the group. They soon found themselves in a city, but everything was frozen in time. The people, the animals, the flying ships, and even the buildings seemed static.
"I'm going to the central hub to get what I want," said Edward, stopping the sightseeing mood. "Once I'm done, you can decide whether to unfreeze or release them. I don't think you need my help for this."
"...No, I'll be fine alone."
Edward went to the central hub, where most of the data on Gallifreyan's technology was kept. Normally, this place was of the highest order of security, but it was now very easy to get into. The only trouble was retrieving the data during the time stop.
Edward did not waste time and used his Time Authority to speed up the process. Afterward, he traveled around the planet where core databases were located and took everything.
One of his priorities was the technology of the Tardis, and he took all of them in the museum–from the first generation to the latest Tardis. Once he finished, he returned to the group.
"Have you decided?"
"Give me a little more time," he said, and Edward did not rush him. He returned to Tardis while Clara followed the doctor. In the next few days, they will return before going out again. More than a week later, the doctor finally made his choice.
He would unfreeze Gallifrey but would not free them from their prison. He believed the return of his people was not good for the universe. Edward looked at him and did not say anything. As long as the Time Lords regain their mobility, they will definitely try to escape this prison.
The doctor did not meet anyone from Gallifrey. Through the Tardis, he unfroze this dimension before leaving.
"Are you sure you cannot stay? You could travel with us for a while," asked the doctor.
"That's a terrible idea." Edward shook his head. "Although we have many things in common, we have even more differences. A short voyage is fine, but not a long one. Plus, like I said, I have people counting on me. I can't say long."
"Will we see you again?" asked Clara
"I'm afraid the chances are low."
Once he has processed and analyzed the acquired data, he will leave for his next world immediately.
"That's a shame."
Edward smiled as he looked at her, "I hope you found your purpose in life, and I wish you fulfillment in all your endeavors."
"Thank you, and I hope you can save your people." She gave him a hug before Edward focused on the doctor. They shook hands firmly.
"Any words for me."
"Yes, " nodded Edward. "Now that you've dealt with Gallifrey, I hope you can stop running from your past and find peace. River Song is a great woman who deserves more than you gave her."
"You're maybe right."
They hugged tightly before Edward entered Netheril, rushing into the sky and disappearing.
"Are you sure you want to leave?" asked Morgana. "This world has a lot of potential."
"I know, but it's best not to have too much interaction with someone like the Doctor."
Edward would not be surprised if the Doctor one day developed Omniversal Travel and one day reached his home world. In this stage of his development, it's best not to deal with these kinds of people.
"Let's analyze our loot on this trip," said Edward with a smirk.
"I love how your thieving days are far from over, even after so long."
Edward blushed as he remembered his youth, traveling the world and infiltrating places like the Vatican to steal books.
"What do you know? It's all for the pursuit of knowledge and truth."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, but I know you enjoy the thrill of it all."
"Shut up and show me what we got."
Edward did not leave the universe and hid somewhere to analyze the data he had just acquired. With Morgana's help, he swiftly categorized things and focused on the more important information they had.
Edward began with the course Cosmic Science and Higher Dimensional Physique, one of the main cores that all Gallifrey who wish to become Time Lords must pass.
With this course, Edward was able to see the evolution of the Time Lords' understanding of the universe and time from their infancy until the peak of their powers,
"Hew, that was a lot," muttered Edward as he finished.
"Hehe," chuckled Morgana.
"What is it?"
"Although you never admitted it, a part of you always believed magic was superior to science and technology. Now, can you say the same?"
Edward smiled in embarrassment as he knew she was right. The Time Lords have truly pushed the boundaries of science and technology. A perfect example of their accomplishment is the Dematerialization Gun–a weapon that can erase people from time, making them feel as if they had never existed in the first place. He could only do such a feat after controlling Time Rules.
Furthermore, the Dematerialization Gun was not the only method the Time Lords created to manipulate reality and erase a person from time.
"Once we finished analyzing this universe's data, science and technology in the Empire will almost catch up to magic," commented Edward.
"That is true,' nodded the little elf before continuing their work. Their next focus was on the Tardis and its engineering marvels of using time energy. Edward learned many things in the process, even making great strides in understanding and applying Time Rules.
As soon as he finished, he began to work on Project OMN Gate, or his attempt to create a gate or portal that connected two universes scattered in the Void. Edward's path will not follow the Magus and leave the Astral Universe for the Void.
Instead, he will open portals to other universes while keeping his original one as the main base. As such, he needs high-level technology that can bypass the danger of the void.
This project was nothing but words on paper for many years with little to no development. That changed after Edward got his hands on Rick Sanchez's portal gun, and he made great strides. His idea is to create a portal liquid that combines Rick's technology with Void Energy, allowing him to navigate the infinite void like it was his back garden.
After studying the development of Tardis's technology from the earliest prototype to the nearest novel, he had new ideas to try. The Void Portal Liquid he will create might function similarly to the Time Vortex by creating a unique Time Tunnel or Void Tunnel between two universes.
"This could work," said Morgana as she looked at the new development of this project. "But it's not enough."
"Yes, but it's good as long as we make improvements." Edward was confident he might succeed after this Time Tour he was going on.
"What's next?"
"The Time Lord's biology," explained Morgana before showing him a blueprint, and Edward's eyes soon focused on them.
"They are truly the definition of a Time Race," said Edward excitedly. The Time Lords can look into the past, present, and future through the time energy weaved into their DNA and every cell in their bodies.
They have a terrifying immunity to Time Stop and any temporal-related anomalies. More importantly, they can change fixed points in time, making them acausality.
Not to mention their ability to regenerate as a way to heal, granting each Time Lord 12 lives.
"These Time Lords are true Time Lords," commented Morgana, and Edward understood what she meant. Time Lords can alter a timeline instead of creating a new one in their universe. All the time lords in this universe have this ability.
"If my guess is correct, these Time Lords are immune to the rules of the Time Guardian," commented Edward with envy.
"There is no need for envy; we have their Life Code so that we can copy."
"True. Add them to the Ultimate Magic Body," nodded Edward with excitement. Once he creates a perfect way to break the Soul Limit, he can condense his Ultimate Magic Body, thus acquiring one of the best magical talents in the Omniverse.
"Okay, but we have to deal with the issue of regeneration."
The flaw in the Time Lord's regeneration is that they will acquire a new face and new personality.
"The regeneration process changed their DNA slightly while also altering the chemicals in their brain, hence the change in appearance and personality. We should have absolute control over our bodies so the problem won't be an issue. However, there is the possibility that the process affects the soul."
Edward did not think the Gallifreyan could not deal with such a simple issue. This universe's law of physiques does not deal with the soul but the brain. However, he was different and needed to prepare for this eventuality.
"Let's run some tests," said Edward, and they immediately experimented. The result was similar to the Time Lords in the universe. The clones did not change appearance because of the mana and [Aura] inside their bodies.
"Their soul changed, which led to a change in personality," commented Edward. "Even their Mana Imprint changed. What's the reason?" He had experimented on the relationship between time and the soul, and such an anomaly should not appear.
"Time is living," suddenly said Morgana.
"Are you saying time in this universe is a living creature?"
"Not exactly, but more along the line, it has a slight consciousness. So, during the regeneration, the consciousness will affect organic matters, including the soul."
"Do we have time energy from our universe?"
"Yes, but they should have been corrupted by the laws of this place."
"Try it and see."
The experiment proceeded, and the result was the same. However, Morgana was proven to be true.
Edward grunted as this experience was a lesson to learn. In the future, they would not allow everything they brought to a new world to adapt so that they could do experiments like this.
"Let's wait until we leave to continue this experiment."
"Okay. So, what's next?"
"There are still a few things to do," Edward commented before proceeding to the next step. They stole Darlek's technology, which was on par with Time Lords. If the Gallifreyan's technology was based on space and time, the Darlek's tech was based purely on destruction—including the eradication of space and time.
He stole from the cybermen, who were the pinnacle of robotics and cybernetic technology. He took a sample of the creature known as the Silence, who had a natural talent for memory wiping and hypnosis.
Finally, Edward made a great effort to capture Weeping Angels, one of the scariest races in this universe. One touch by these statues-looking creatures will send you back in time while feeding on the time energy of the life you could have lived.
He was interested in their ability called Quantum-Locking, which turned them into statues as long as someone looked at them. He believed if he could harness this ability, it would be perfect for his Assassin Squad.
Imagine a group of assassins that were invisible as long as you looked at them. Although it sounded like a normal invisible spell, it was more. In the magical world, there were many ways to "look" at someone —including through fate. This ability would work on all of them.
Once that was done, Edward hopped in his city and proceeded to his next destination.