[If you are interested in reading 10 chapters ahead, go check out my Pa.tr.eon with the link https://www.patréon.com/LazySageDao, or just type in my writer's name in the website. The plot is getting exciting there and you guys can support me in any way you can.
Additionally, go read my other novel [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] and [The Otsutsuki Clan: A Legacy of Blood and Destruction], it's a Naruto Fanfic with an evil MC born in the Otsutsuki clan.
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As Edward realized the crack on the Void Shield, he analyzed the severity of the situation. The crack of the shield cannot be repaired unless it could absorb a large quantity of Void Energy. However, the current situation did not allow this.
Additionally, he also understood that the shield can protect from Tier 10 attacks, however, there is a limit to the number of attacks, so, he cannot waste them.
'Morgana, can you analyze the energy level of an attack and determine its Tier?'
'No problem.'
'In that case, be on the watch. If he uses a Tier 10 attack, deploy the Void Shield, otherwise, use other shields.'
Immediately following his order, the void shield was replaced by one created by mana. Although Edward's tactic seemed unwise to weaken his defense, however, that's because he has to take the long run into account.
It's best to preserve the Void Shield when he needs to run away or in case the enemy decides to use another Tier 10 attack. Based on his estimation, Yahweh should not be able to use a lot of these attacks because of his injury.
While Edward was rapidly communicating with Morgana through their soul, he felt the environment suddenly change. He was still in space and he could see Earth and the solar system. However, his surroundings seemed bleak.
'Danm it,' cursed Edward internally as he realized another difference in level with high Tier individuals. Their speed of thinking and reacting is on a different level from him; he could not even react and did not know what Yahweh did.
"Morgana, bless me with all your processing power. Plus, quickly review what just happened."
"Master, your soul cannot bear such massive processing power."
"Prepare all the Soul Healing Potions we have on board. Have Severus make more in the process, and if things get out of control, use the Pool of Eternal Life to heal me.
"It's about time that I see what my limits are."
Morgana nodded and immediately acted. Edward his mind could calculate everything in the universe in a matter of seconds. Although this was an exaggeration, this was how he felt.
He knew that Morgana's main server–the Brain Room–had a very extraordinary origin and is related to a great secret of the universe. If any of the Gods were to know of its existence, they would not hesitate to massacre everyone in the Empire.
Truth be told, all the rooms that were once located underneath the Ministry of Magic were of similar origins, and they were all equally valuable. Edward has long noticed that the Earth was not a simple little planet.
Whether it is how malleable and odd the frequency of wizard's mana is, all the Main Rooms and their origins, Herpo's strange way of becoming a God, Bermuda's Triangle, Atlantis, and even the unnamed creatures underneath the sea: all proved that this planet was not simple.
And those are probably only the tip of the iceberg.
While all these thoughts rapidly flashed across Edward's mind, he also reviewed and analyzed what spell Yahweh used.
"Mirror Dimension?" he muttered. This Christian God teleported them to a dimension similar to the Mirror Dimension from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As such, although everything looks the same, it is only a reflection of the real universe.
He guessed that the latter wanted to avoid causing large-scale destruction during their battle. After all, with the Floating City, Edward's energy level reached Tier 9, which is enough to destroy a few Galaxies. And the same goes for Yahweh.
However, under this enormous processing power, Edward was able to deduce that Yahweh did not do this out of the kindness of his heart. Most Gods are callous and only care about their believers.
All other people or things are nothing but heathens, sinners, godless, and so on. He would not care how many other lives he would kill in the process of a fight.
Unless there were consequences for doing so. Most likely, there are rules which restrict such a powerful god as him from doing so. And who could restrict such a powerful individual?
Two possible explanations: the Universe's Will or a more powerful individual. Edward favors the latter as a better explanation as this Universe's Will was very dormant or inactive.
Although all of these thoughts flashed through Edward's mind, not more than a second passed by since he arrived in this mirror dimension. So, after coming to a conclusion, he focused on this battle.
With a glance, he analyzed that ordinary Arcane Rune Spells would not work on his opponent. So, he decided to use high-class ones. A three dimensional model of runes and magic circles instantly appeared inside his Soul Space before casting a spell:
Star Armageddon.
Although the spell was 3D inside his mind, it still appeared in the form of magic circles on the outside. More than a hundred thousand magic circles appeared around Yahweh, and from each of them manifested a fireball the size of a star.
The sheer size and gravity generated by these Fireballs bend space-time like any stars in the universe, making the space in the surrounding area very chaotic and difficult to teleport.
Then, all of them exploded at the same time. A heatwave powerful enough to destroy countless solar systems if not galaxies headed straight for Yahweh.
However, the Christian God just opened his mouth and blew, and instantly, the scorching heat of these Star Fireballs was extinguished. Nevertheless, this was not the end of this attack.
Seeming to predict this outcome, Edward used another spell to direct the force generated by the explosion to attack Yahweh. This attack was similar to if someone was punched with the force of more than a hundred thousand stars exploding.
Yahweh's body suddenly lit up for a moment and once the attack reached him, he was only forced to take a few dozen steps back.
'Physical Attack Immunity?' thought Edward as he immediately began his next offensive; he did not want his enemy to have any room to breathe.
Arcane Rune Spell: Cosmic Meteor.
This was a summoning spell, and what did it summon? Everything in Edward's surroundings: planets, asteroids, stars, nebulae. Then, an acceleration spell is applied to them before launching it at the opponent.
As Yahweh watched all these planets and stars falling on him at the speed of light like meteors, he was still calm.
Divine Spell: Death Burst.
A black circular energy wave came from his body and traveled in all directions. And everything that it touched turned into dust; they decayed, they died.
Edward could immediately sense the power of [Death Authority] since he had studied it deeply from Herpo and from the one he stole from Truth. So, he immediately reacted and a black shield surrounded the city to protect it from this attack.
The Floating City was also pushed back after blocking this attack. However, Edward did not immediately attack again. Not because he did not want to but he couldn't.
By now, he was breathing heavily and sweat was dripping from his body. With how strong his body was with [Aura], capable of blasting a hole through a planet with a punch, this showed how bad of a shape he was.
The reason for that was simple: The massive amount of mana flushing through his veins from the Aether Core that powered up the Floating City was the reason he could use such powerful spells.
However, it started to take a toll on his body. Adding to that Morgana's processing power that was weighing on his soul, his situation was not ideal currently.
So, he began to use his Gate of Truth to help alleviate the pressure, and also help him better control the energy from the Aether Core. Unfortunately, he also knew that this measure only allowed him to fight a little longer.
But it was enough.
While Edward was doing all this, a sword made of light suddenly appeared in front of him, ignoring both the City's defense and his personal one, and impaled him.
He had little time to react nor understand what happened to him.
Next Chapter Title:
Edward looked at half of his body that sliced into two a frown on his face. In his current Mechanized Mind State, his emotions and things along the line of pain did not affect him much.
He quickly calculated what happened before coming to a conclusion.
"Causality Spell."
This attack used the Laws of Karma or Causality to ignore all his defenses and go straight for him. If he did not use a Soul Shield at the last minute to defend himself, then his soul would have been annihilated and be gone from the world.
This is the first time in his magical path that he came so close to death; well, at least, not even since he was young and defenseless. If he was not in an emotionless state, he would have liked to ponder the ramification that his death would have on the people close to him and other people.
But now was not the time to do so.
'Morgana used the Karmic Artifact we have and create a defensive measure against such spell.'
"Immediately, sir.'
'You want to play causality, two can play at this game.'
Edward did not have a deep understanding of Causality Magic, however, there is one thing that he was a master of that involved causality: curses. As long as a magic-user had something that belongs to another person, they can use it as a medium to cast curses.
Although that was a very low-level application of causality, it was more than enough in his hand.
Then, two things appeared in front of him: A very small drop of blood along with a golden sphere. The drop of blood was taken from the Spear of Destiny that stabbed and killed Destiny.
If the Christian bible is correct, Jesus is either Yahweh's son or another part of him. Either way, it can be used as a curse medium. As for the golden orb, it was the power of Faith of all the billion Christians that worshipped him.
This was another medium that Edward was going to use, and this one was a very powerful one as well. Yahweh's facial expression immediately changed after seeing the things in front of Edward.
So, he quickly attacked again, using the same causality spell.
This time, Morgana was able to block the attack, but not all of it. As such, both of Edward's legs were destroyed. However, he did not care as he already cast his spell and his Phoenix Flame activate to heal his injuries.
Arcane Rune Spell: Energy Absorption Curse.
A black tattoo suddenly appeared on Yahweh's blue skin, then, he felt a powerful suction that was rapidly draining his divine energy. So, he immediately cast a Curse Removal Spell to remove the curse, but Edward prevented him from succeeding.
He increased the power of this spell to keep it on. So, Yahweh used the power of Causality to remove the connection he had with the mediums that Edward was using.
And he did succeed, albeit only a little. He did sever the connection between Jesus' blood and him, however, this spell was not as effective when it came to the faith of the Christians.
'Damn this power of faith,' thought Yahweh. All the Gods from different pantheons knew the danger of faith, hence the reason that they did not rely on it too much.
As Innate God born from [Authority] and energy from the birth of the universe, their powers come not from faith, but through countless years of studying, training, and developing the Authority they were born with.
The more talented and hard-working ones–like Odin, Zeus, Brahma, Vishnu, Olorun, and so on– grew rapidly and surpass the others. Unfortunately, studying and understanding [Authority] which is the fundamental concept or laws of the universe is not only difficult but also takes time.
Many of them have spent billions of years moving from one tier to another. Some could not withstand the loneliness and stopped moving forward, indulging in the vices of the world.
Yahweh remembered how life was in the Heavenly Realm before faith was discovered; although there was competition and conflicts, things were generally peaceful.
However, when the gods discover that by spreading their names, doctrines, and ideas to mortals and gathering faith, and said faith can help them in their understanding of their [Authority] and in turn increase their power, war broke out.
Different factions were formed based on their origins in the Heavenly Realm, hence the concept of the Pantheon was born. Finally, all the gods fought and competed for the faith of mortals.
They were lucky not to be completely polluted by faith because for some reason, they were forbidden to expand their battle and conquest to the rest of the universe. Nevertheless, faith changed everything.
Yahweh knew that it could not remove that curse that used faith as a medium unless he was willing to completely sever his ties or connection to humans. Additionally, as the gods with the largest amount of followers and faith, doing so would result in a harsh Karmic backlash.
So, for now, he was satisfied with weakening the curse. Now, all he had to do was to weaken it to the point of making it relatively useless.
Divine Spell: Angel Summons.
A large army of angels appeared in the sky. They form a hierarchy based on their position in the sky and the number of wings on their backs. One Tier 9 Angel who had 16 wings stood at the top, a hundred Tier 8 angels with 14 wings stood beneath him, followed by Tier 7 angels with 12 wings, and so on.
After seeing this situation, Edward quickly took action.
'Severus, leave the potion making to a golem, then use this faith orb to continue casting dark magic and weakened him.'
As soon as he said this, a massive amount of energy from the Aether Core entered Snape's body, boosting his strength to barely Tier 9.
'Hermione, you're in charge of the army. Lily, you're in charge of both the city and our defense.'
The other two were also connected to the core; this act greatly alleviated the pressure that Edward has to control such a massive amount of energy. However…
"Master, the energy from the Aether Core is depleting at a faster rate."
"Keep watch on and make sure we have enough energy to run away. Once it reaches that threshold, initiate the Void Jump immediately and get us out of here."
"Found them," suddenly said, Hermione. Then, countless magic circles suddenly appeared in the space. And from them appeared a large army. This army was composed of fallen angels that had black wings, normal angels with white wings, devil-looking creatures that looked like something that came out of nightmare movies, humanoid creatures, and many of them that looked like they were from mythology.
However, one thing that they all had in common was that their bodies looked pale gray like corpses, and many of them had limbs missing, still had weapons impaled in their bodies, and had part of their bodies that were burned or chopped off.
"Undead," muttered the Tier 9 Archangel. She could tell that these people were fallen warriors from that war in the Heavens. She even recognized some of them as they were her enemies, personal slain by her, and some of her comrades.
Immediately, anger appeared on this angel's beautiful face; she hated how these Internal Sorcerers desecrated the bodies of these warriors–especially her former comrades.
Using the processing power of Morgana and her drastically increase senses, Hermione was able to locate many dimensions where these creatures were located.
However, she discovered that the majority if not all of them were dead. So, she controlled the massive negative energy created by the death of all these once-powerful individuals to reanimate their bodies and turned them into undead.
Then used her talent to summon them. She encountered some resistance from the people or angels who once fought on Yahweh's side, however, the others were more than happy to come back as undead for another chance at revenge.
"Has the war continued again?" asked one of the fallen angels summoned by Hermione. This one also had 16 wings.
"Lucifer?" asked Michael, the Tier 9 angel. "No, you're not him."
"You're right, my beloved sister. I am nothing but the resentment left on my flesh after you personally destroy my soul. Nevertheless, I am still glad to see you again," said Lucifer as he laughed maniacally.
"Hello, father," he continued as he looked at Yahweh with resentment. "Not looking too good are we?"