62.16% [Random Novel Ideas] / Chapter 280: Boring Summer [#9]: Too Cute, Too Much

章節 280: Boring Summer [#9]: Too Cute, Too Much

'Fuck, who did this?' Stiles moved his fingers, twirled them in the air before he casted [Heal Zone Rune], one of the new healing spells he learned- The two weeks he spent after meeting Derek went by as he focused more on potions and medicine, trying to learn how to make potions, and thanks to his [Witch] background he learned how to make a ton of potions! He went by Deaton and got a lot of books on potions before making his own copies and sending them back to the Druid with a thank you note- The green bag he sent Derek to go pick up was another magical item, one of the [Bag of Holding] that he has! The green one is where he puts his potions and potions ingredients that he buys from the shop, thanks to his permanent 25% Discount on any item that can be used as potion ingredients. A wave of healing energy left the rune he drew in the air, that was the Egyptian Hieroglyph for Life, the immediate result wasn't good, it almost looked like Urian got worse? "Here!" Derek quickly appeared beside him and gave him his green bag, Stiles kissed the man's hand as a quick thank you before he focused on Urian, the big guy was looking ashen and even a little bit worse, which means whatever attacked him either cursed him, poisoned him, has necrotic abilities, or a combination of them to hinder regeneration useless. 

Stiles looked around the injuries- He pulled out this thick bottle with an equally thick or even thicker green oily-looking liquid, he also pulled some bandages: "Here, hold this." Stiles saw how Howard was not hurt, which means that whatever attacked them focused on Urian or Urian made it focus on him! He gave the bandages to Howard before pulling another bottle, this one was an almost pure white liquid, there were, however, these sparkly things twinkling ever so slightly, making it look more like it was silver. Stiles pulled out also a crucible and his cauldron, he started to put the white liquid before adding the green one and stirring with a simple movement of his finger as he used [Shape Water]- "Bandages!" Stiles extended his arm and soon pulled the bandages when he received them, the mixture between the green and silver-white liquid made this disgusting-looking bright brown liquid that smelled really bad! The liquid floated out of the cauldron slowly as Stiles applied them to the bandages, he turned to look at Derek and spoke with a rather harsh tone of voice: "Help me here." 

Derek helped Stiles wrap the bandages around Urian's unconscious body, even though the liquid smelled awful, what happened after it made contact with the cut skin was worse! This black smoke started to be released from the werebear's body, and it smelled putrid even to Stiles' human nose. 

"Fuck!" Stiles used [Gust] to push the smoke out of the way, blowing it out through the window before using [Prestidigitation] and [Thaumaturgy] to get rid of the smell in quick succession, he also did grow flowers with [Druidcraft] to make sure he forgot that awful smell. "Thanks Derek." Stiles sighed- It seems like it was a combination of poison and necrotic energy, which implies that a monster out there can have both! "What happened?" He ignored the way Derek was looking at him with his eyes overflowing with emotion for the time being, they can deal with that later, preferably alone, in a bed, naked. "We were attacked-" Keaton said "-when we were leaving Howey's apartment, this weird thing that looked like a black spider with knives for legs attacked us, well, attack Uri here." Stiles furrowed his brows- What could've possibly attacked them? Stiles spent a lot of time healing the Nemeton as well, it was now no longer a sapling but bigger and even more expressive, ever since Stiles learned [Speak with Plants] he has been having great conversations with trees. 

It was like having a conversation with another sentient being, except their words and the way they use it is different. "Warn ou- your pack Derek, make sure they are aware of this ordeal." Derek did not comment on the fact that Stiles almost said 'our' when referring to the pack, instead he decided to obey- However, neither Keaton nor Jammy let it go, they gave Stiles the knowing look and he just responded with the stinky eye: "So, necrotic poisonous spider strong enough to take down an Alpha Werebear is out there and we need to be careful, Jammy, can you try to feel for it through divination? Adrian, do you have any information you managed to get through observation? Howard, do you need some water? He is going to be fine, don't worry, even if he died I would've brought him back for you." Howard nodded just as Stiles handed him a water bottle, Stiles got up and started to check on the Queens more throughout, casting [Cure Wounds] just to be sure that there was no other internal damage. 'I need to focus, being a healer is not easy.' Yeah, he should've casted [Detect Poison and Disease] before he pulled the [Multi-Antidote] potion and the [Unicorn Blood] to make a salve to remove necrotic energy from a body better than [Holy Water] does while also neutralizing any poison! He didn't want to risk casting [Curing Mist] because the necrotic energy could have reacted badly to the spell.

How? Well, the necrotic energy could've fed on the energy of the spell, making it stronger and making Urian's situation worse, meaning this was an Anti-Healing curse that is natural to the spider, which implies that the spider's prey normally regenerates! "Fuck…" Stiles sighed before closing his eyes, clasping his hands and concentrating on the world around him- With a snap of his fingers, there was a wave of energy and soon for about 1000 feet he would feel for the spider and know if it was close, according to the description given to him of course. "Come here, I'll help you get clean, I can get you all some good quality clothes- Here's the phone, order a pizza, we can all eat… Eli! Ammy! Come here, everything's fine now cubs." Stiles used magic to get rid of the scent of blood in the air as he cleaned Urian's unconscious body with [Prestidigitation], soon Eli and Ammy came into the room rushing over to Stiles- They were Werecreatures, they could smell the blood, and that made them scared and anxious, so he started to nuzzle and sing lullabies for them.

He was singing Lullaby of Woe to them- Their favorite! Of course he changed the lyrics to be better, but the creepiness of the song was increased by about a thousand fold when he did special effects with the song just to scare them- They did, however, also like it once they learned it was magic. They normally sleep in the guest room or with Stiles when they have nightmares about what happened to them, sometimes Stiles spends time with them shifted in their animal forms, him using his Wildshape to transform into an adult version of their forms, like how he turned into a big white stag when he went to walk around the preserve with Eli, or when he transformed into a big capybara to give Ammy a bath. Stiles focused for a moment when he noticed Urian start to sweat really badly, sweat a black liquid, which was the necrotic poison leaving his body! He quickly casted [Heal Major Injury:

[Heal Major Injury: 3rd level, Evocation

You imbue a creature you touch with restorative magic potent enough to heal even potentially lasting injuries. This spell also ends blindness, deafness, poison, and any diseases affecting the target, and it remedies any damaged body parts, such as broken bones, although it doesn't restore missing limbs or organs.] 

Why didn't he cast it? Necrotic Curse of Anti-Healing! This shit is serious, the stronger the healing spell you use to try and cure it, the stronger and harder it is to get rid of the curse! 'Need to get a spell to break curses…' He'll look through the shop later! "Howard, take him to my bathroom- Derek, can you help him? There's clean towels, you can take the bandages off now too." The smell was awful, but not as bad as it was at the beginning, but Stiles knew for Weres it was worse than for his own nose. "Also, Adrian, Keaton, contact Danny and tell him to be careful and surround his house with the mistletoe mountain ash mixture i gave him, just in case." With a small 'yes Stiles' Keaton called Danny to warn the boy, Jammy closed his eyes and concentrated while Adrian was noting down the things he analyzed from the spider- Which wasn't much to be honest.

'Huh, Large legs, about 8 feet tall? Hides really really well, black carapace, green eyes, foul smell… This thing is probably undead or from an undead variety, possibly Aberration or Monstrosity.' The list Adrian gave him only listed a few things, the spider's estimated size, the fact that it could hide somehow as none noticed the spider before it attacked, not even Urian, and the spider's eyes and carapace colors. 'Might need to buy that-'


[The Beta DnD System has been updated to 2.0]

[New Features- Transformation, Spells, Equipments, Shop, more.

Your world is undergoing Transformation, things will start blend in! Starting with dimensions, planes, and monsters. More magic will pour into your world, soon the world will start to change- Times will change, and you are the catalyst for the change in this universe! For such, your name has been written in the tapestry of destiny as Unforgettable!]

[Unique Feat - Unforgettable: 

You cannot be forgotten by the universe, making you completely immune to being erased by divine or supreme entities and beings beyond your comprehension. The universe considers you and yours to be Unforgettable, to be its children.]

[Spells: You've unlocked Epic Magic, Lvl 10, 11, and 12 Spells! The limitations of needing more than one spell caster has been removed, however, you will risk being exhausted, losing limbs, temporarily losing your magic, or worse: Death]

[Equipments: You've unlocked the systematic blueprints section, where you can buy and create incredible things!]

[Shop: You've unlocked the Materials aspect of the shop! Here you can buy, as the name suggests, materials for building! From rocks to magical rocks, we have everything.]

[More: Some bugs fixed.]

Stiles gaped at the screen before his eyes- Did he just become immune to being erased from reality? Him and his? "Stiles?" Blinking, Stiles looked back at Derek who was holding his baby Eli, immediately it was like he was punched in the heart because the feeling of sheer love he felt at that moment scared him shitless: "Yeah?" Stiles smiled and prayed Derek didn't notice how his heartbeat increased, but the small smirk was all that he needed to see to know that he did indeed notice the quickened heartbeat and scent of affection that rolled off of his body like water from a waterfall. "Dinner?" Stiles nodded before he sighed- He can deal with whatever a little later, now?

Now he'll eat with his pack plus Derek.


Later that evening, Derek was back at the loft, lying on his side as he giggled silently to himself as he held his pillow to himself as he thought about how well his day went- He remembered the moment he shared with Stiles, he played around with the kids and learned so much about them, mostly about Eli since the boy didn't leave his side for more than five seconds unless Stiles called for him, no matter how many times his uncles/aunts called for him, he just ignored them all and stayed beside Derek, he even turned into this tiny doe baby when he fell asleep on top of Derek's chest which promptly had the wolt giving up on leaving so he slept there too.

When he woke up, however, there was also a baby capybara on top of him and a small white fox curled around the capybara- He had transformed into his large black wolf form and together with Stiles they circled around their children as they slept, which was the behavior that mated pairs with kids have. He absolutely melted, almost had a heart attack, and ended up waking up Stiles with licks to his face because he couldn't really control his instincts, he was kicked out by Stiles because he ended up waking up the kids and it was late afternoon almost night, so Derek had to go home anyway. 

When he came back to the loft smelling like Stiles, children, affection, and happiness, Peter had hit his face on the wall from shock- Why? Derek was smiling! He hasn't smiled like the way he's smiling right now since Paige died! Like, what the fuck!? Derek was in such a good mood that he ignored the questions his Betas had, he was on cloud nine and everything was fun, everything was allowed, he didn't even bat an eye when Erica threw a cup at Cora and it ended up shattering on the wall, he just kept on smiling like an idiot. "So it was that good huh?" Peter forced both girls to clean up their mess before he sat down beside Derek: "Yeah…" Sighing, Derek paused- He blushed heavily before coughing awkwardly, but before he could escape questions came rushing in! "What was it like?" "You smelled so happy, what happened there?" "Is that blood on you?" "Fuck, Der, when you're gonna ask Stiles to marry you?" 

"Shut." Only one word had every wolf quiet, Derek raised five fingers and spoke: "First off, Stiles' fine, he has a pack of his own, he has children-" There was a 'WHAT' from at least four people as Derek lowered his first finger: "-He has pack members and he… he is amazing." Derek's heart almost melted when memories of the day rushed in, Stiles feeding his kids while looking so adorable in that tight red shirt, his doe eyes staring at baby Eli curled up on Derek's chest as he slept, Ammy playing with Skoll and Hati, the two wolves warming up to him once he played with them, Stiles playing a little melody with an ocarina, and the scent of happiness and love flowing in the house. 

That was Derek's dream, having a family like that. 

"Stiles has children!? As in, more than one!?" Erica's eyes were shining brightly as she looked at him- "Yeah, Eli and Ammy, they're adorable." After hours speaking to his Betas, now Derek lies on his bed, smiling as he imagines how his day will go- Tomorrow he will go out with Stiles, he accepted going out with him! He has a plan in his head, he asked Stiles to bring the kids if he wants to because they will be at the Preserve having a picnic! Derek was so excited for tomorrow that he could barely sleep, he tried to think about Stiles being beside him in bed but it quickly became dirty with images of Stiles choking on his large cock before he knotted his baby's throat- From there, imagination went wild and he could not hold back the thoughts anymore, his room stank of arousal and affection, as well as cum and sex since he couldn't help but rub one off to the thought of Stiles riding his knot while big and fat with his children.

Fuck, he has a new kink it seems.


"Papa?" Stiles had to resist the urge to squeeze the kid, but Eli wearing a wolf onesie was something he couldn't resist! He squished his cheeks just as Ammy pulled the kiddo's tail, she also was wearing a wolf onesie that he got, however hers was modified to look more like a fox because she wanted to, and I quote, "Be like papa." Which he couldn't fucking say no to that! He modified it himself, and now it was a white onesie with sharp fox ears and a slimmer fox tail, completely white too so it resembled him, while Eli's onesie was completely black, the wolf head had red eyes just as the white fox had blue eyes and he melted. Derek would melt too probably, and he did modify Eli's onesie just to mess with the Werewolf's instincts and fuck it up for him for a while.

But it backfired because Stiles had to resist each time he spoke to not squish his baby's head until it popped into blood and gore- He wouldn't do that, but his brain was telling him to. He has aggression towards cute things, don't judge him okay? "Yeah Eli?" Getting his baby to his arms, Stiles continued to scramble the eggs he was cooking for himself, Ammy was sitting on the chair by the table eating her pancakes while Erebus was munching with Avalon on another single pancake, his dad was eating too while talking to Ammy: "Chocolate?" Eli can speak more than one word at a time, he just doesn't want to most of the time! Now he was asking for chocolate chips on his pancakes, which will have Ammy want too, and in turn his dad- Stiles just sighed before smiling: "What about this, baby-" he grabbed from the deep dark blue bag strapped on his side a small pot, this was one of the things the [Shop] sold, berries for potions, specifically this berry is really sweet and very healthy too! "You can share these with your sister and grandpa, okay?" Eli's green eyes shined as he stared at the little container the bright pink berries were, he loved them mostly because deer don't eat meat! They love, absolutely love berries and fruits. "Now-" Stiles stopped.

There was someone knocking at the door.

"Huh." Stiles put the baby on the chair beside John again before putting the container on the table, he heard his dad whisper something to Amy as he flickered his fingers and the stove turned off with a simple use of the cantrip [Thaumaturgy]. "Gotta learn the on off one." The cantrip to turn on or off technology, which can be really useful. He stopped at the door before he expanded his consciousness and casted [Detect Good and Evil]- The ping he felt from the presences behind that door were mixed, one was good, two neutral, and one was neutral with a little bit of evil in there… He groaned internally as he opened the door to see: Erica, Boyd, Cora, and Peter. "Huh." Stiles was about to ask them 'What are you doing here?' When Erica did not wait for a moment before jumping towards him- Stiles easily caught her, and soon he was having his bones crushed in a tight hug! "Batman!" She grinned and Stiles chuckled.

He likes Erica- Boyd smiled at the two of them, Cora had this look on her face, Stiles never met her before but the grin on Peter's face spoke volumes: "We heard the Stilinski family has received some… new pups?" Stiles nodded, a little unease but he knew he could take Peter out with a simple flick of his hands! "Well, wanna meet them?" He knows they kept their distance for so long because Derek must've told them to, but now that Derek himself visited him, then they are also allowed to come visit! "Sure thing!" Erica practically dragged him to the dining room, where his family was gathered at- Skoll and Hati went hunting with Malia again this morning, so now there was only Avalon, Erebus, Eli, Ammy, and his dad at the dining room! "Hey pops, look at who came-" Peter was already sitting down by the table, Cora beside him, looking at the two kids- They had their eyes wide, Stiles knew exactly what they were thinking as they watched the mini sourwolf eat pancakes.

He looked exactly like Derek.

"Did Derek make you magically pregnant or something?" Cora asked bluntly before pointing at Eli: "He's practically Derek! And her-" This time she pointed at Ammy, whose eyes flashed a bright blue- The glow of a killer, Stiles knew she must've killed her mother when she was born either accidentally or because her inner animal drove her to survive, which led to the death of someone- as Cora kept talking: "She has Mom's face!" Huh, what a coincidence. "Well, maybe you're exaggerating-" Instantly, a phone was shoved on his face, and there he saw a gorgeous woman holding a handsome man (Who looked like an older Derek), and sure enough! She looked like a grown up version of Talia Hale: "-And you're not exaggerating! Great… Well, when the adoption papers are ready, I can change her full name to Ammy Talia Stilinski if you want." The look on Peter's face was like he just gave him the best gift, he looked vulnerable, almost as if he was about to cry, but he held it in.

"Hey, Ammy baby-" He pointed at Peter: "That one right there is called Peter, you can call him Uncle Creepy if you want." Peter didn't even say anything, Ammy's eyes faded back into her brown ones before she grinned like a mini-Stiles: "Unca Crepy!" The look of absolute determination in Peter's eyes was enough to make Stiles tense up, but then that look faded as he held out his hand to her and bowed: "At your service, my queen." And okay, it seems like Ammy just got herself a loyal knight! "Oh my Gods-" Erica, meanwhile, was beside little Eli and absolutely squishing him like a true auntie: "You're so adorable!" Eli's eyes watered as Erica hugged him, and soon after he started crying- Everybody stopped, Stiles' eyes flashed a deep dark green as he stared at Erica and his crying baby before his whole body shifted into a large white stag before their eyes! "Eli, baby, come- shift with me." Shifting into his full form was something that always calmed Eli down whenever he was having a panic attack or just crying, Ammy was the same.

Ah, fun fact, Stiles managed to make their clothes magical. What does that mean? It means that whenever they shift, their clothes are absorbed by their form so when they come back to their human forms, they aren't naked. "Papa-" Eli's cries stopped as his body shrank and expanded as he shifted into the baby doe, being released by Erica in a panic- He was about to hit the ground (Which wouldn't hurt him, since they're shifters) but Stiles used a simple [Air Cushion] to break his baby's fall without a problem: "Come here baby." Eli ran to him, Stiles moved them to a wall and he sat down, letting Eli hide behind him until he calmed down a little: "I'm sorry Stiles-" Erica tried to apologize, Stiles shaked his head as he explained: "It's not you Erica, he just- He's not used to aggressive hugs from people he doesn't know, trauma y'know?" She still looked like a kicked puppy, which Boyd helped with as he hugged her from behind: "Anyway, these are my kids-" Stiles large antlers hit the wall behind him, making a small hole there: "Oh shit-" The exasperated look his dad had was amusing, until Ammy smirked and shouted: "Shit!" Stiles felt a sense of failure for a moment before- Oh, who gives a fuck? They'll grow up to cuss anyway, it doesn't hurt to start early!

"No!" Peter, however, looked scandalized: "Queens don't say bad words, my queen, when a queen wants to say a bad word they say a good bad word, a backhanded compliment when they want to insult, be graceful and witty!" So he's teaching his kid how to be a good bad person? "Well, Uncle Peter is the best teacher at being an ass." Cora snickered, and for that she got a slap on the back of her head: "Oh, right- you guys wanna eat anything?" 

And like that- The eight of them (Plus Avalon and Erebus, who were bickering) ate breakfast together. Eli let Erica hug him after he calmed down enough, this time she didn't set him off in a fit because she was more careful, Boyd was like a gentle mountain where Eli sat on the shoulders of, Ammy commanded Peter around and had Cora as her maid through the whole breakfast and morning! Their picnic was on the afternoon, the four werewolves left but not before taking pictures of Ammy and Eli wearing those adorable onesies and sending them to the [Hale Pack Chat Group]


[QueenDeath: What?]

[Lizardboi: I think her seizures are back.]

[Coraline: *images*]

[Coraline: So, we met Stiles' kids.]

[McCallister: Wait, thozeare Stiled kids!?]

[MeridaWannabe: Scott, check your spelling- Also, OMG HOW CUTE!]

[Uncle Psycho changed his name to Servant of her Majesty]

[Servant of her Majesty: Well, the boy's name is Eli and the girl's name is Ammy, both of them will receive the Stilinski surname, maybe even the Hale-Stilinski in the future if everything works out.]

[MountainMan: Derek's being awfully quiet…]

Derek, at the moment, was lying on the ground face first- He had died.


Too cute too much. 

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