65.48% [Random Novel Ideas] / Chapter 276: Boring Summer [#5]: Guerra Pride

章節 276: Boring Summer [#5]: Guerra Pride

Stiles has a hunter to torture.

After they took a nap, Stiles took Alejandro to Sacramento, he left the others behind after he gave them clear instructions of what to do and called his dad to warn him about the whole zoo inside his house. Getting to Sacramento took about 2 hours, they waited there for the remaining hour with Stiles talking to the kid about what he could do to be a better person, like doing his best at school and having a nice job, being kind to others and accepting of the world around him, not being a douchebag and essentially knowing when to be good. Stiles did tell him that if someone hurts him or his to go apeshit on the person and destroy everything they love! What? That's what his mom taught him, and he takes it to heart. "They're almost here, are you ready to go home?" The next flight to Mexico is in about 3 hours and Stiles got the family a place on that flight thanks to his good friend Danny! Stiles and Alejandro waited for about half an hour and soon they saw them- A tall dark haired man with short hair and a short beard being followed by a beautiful woman with long dark hair and sharp features! 

"Alejandro!" The moment the kid saw his parents, he ran to them with no hesitation- It was honestly beautiful to watch the famiy reunion between them, the father and mother hugged the son and they cried together before falling to their knees, causing quite the scene! It took about 15 minutes of crying for them to notice he was there with them, but when they noticed the first thing the father did was hiss at him with his eyes flashing red, making Stiles raise his eyebrows at the man. Soon his wife slapped the back of his head as she said: "Stupid!" With a heavy accent, she looked at him for a moment before she pulled him into the family hug, Alejandro was purring! And that was adorable, Stiles chuckled when the mother started purring too, just as did the father. "So, the name's Stiles, I guess I'm a friend of Alejandro now." The kid blushed as he hummed, his mother kissed his forehead before she began thanking Stiles in several languages, he understood about five of them, being them English, Spanish, Portuguese, Latin, and French. He chuckled before he pulled them to his jeep, since they came here they must be hungry! 

Stiles got them all burgers before he sat down with them and talked, asking about what they knew about their son's abduction: "It happened last month-" Adriano, the father, had to stop himself from crying as he tried to remember the specifics. "-We had a fight, he wanted to go out with this boy from an opposite pride and I didn't think it'd be good for him, i didn't think the boy would be a good mate for him, but he went anyway." His wife sighed as she leaned into his space and rested her head on her husband's shoulder, Eleonor continued the story: "Later, we received the news that the pride of the boy he went to meet was attacked, they managed to fend of the attackers, but they took our boy." Alejandro tensed up for a moment before he roared angrily- Stiles was glad they were away from others -saying: "They fucking threw me towards the hunters! Those fuckers, they- They gave me up to them!" His dad was instantly hugging him while his mother was livid, she was so fucking angry that her red blazing eyes did not stop glowing: "Huh, so you're both Alphas huh? That's interesting to see." Adriano sighed as he explained to him: "Well, no, i am the Alpha Mate, she is the Alpha, our eyes shine red because we are mated. We're like Werewolves and other Weres, Werepanthers have Alphas and Betas, but the Omega term is used to describe a Werepanther whose job in the pack is to take care of the cubs."

"Oh, that's interesting." Stiles and the Guerra Pride of Werecats, they had 12 Werepanthers, 7 Wereleopards, 3 Werelions, and 1 Werecat who was their Emissary! They also had about 15 humans in their pack, having a total of 41 Pride Members counting the Alpha, Alpha Mate, and Alpha Heir that was Alejandro. "So they gave up the Alpha Heir of an enemy Pride, let me guess, they called the hunters themselves?" Stiles sighed as the alpha and alpha mate pair growled angrily, Alejandro just looked ashamed: "Don't worry kiddo, you're not at fault here- And hey, looking on the bright side, you at least know how to full shift now!" That had both parents look at their son in surprise and shock, which had the kid grinning brightly: "Hell yeah!" They talked for about 2 hours and a 45 minutes, which was the time Stiles took them back to the airport and told them their flight back home was already paid for and they didn't need to thank him.

But they did anyway!

"As the Alpha of the Guerra Pride, i hereby declare Stiles Stilinski-" He told them his surname, just to be polite. "-our most honored ally and guest. I hope you visit us in the future." Stiles grinned and said his goodbye to them before leaving, of course he hugged Alejandro before leaving! He did not hear nor saw the way Eleonor grinned at her son's blushing face and said: "He might be a little bit too old to you kiddo." They did not know, in fact, that Stiles was only three years older than their own son.

When he got back home, Stiles was received by the excited twins- Skoll and Hati were both at his feet callig him "Mama!" Apparently they weren't old enough to know more words, but hey, what are mothers for if not teaching their son? He is going to make the best little hunters he can! "Son, can you help me here!?" He went to his dad carrying his babies, and there he found his dad hilariously being assaulted by three mountain lion cubs and a large mountain lioness who was giving a tongue bath, such scene had Stiles smiling warmly at his dad: "Eli? Ammy?" He called out to them and in a few moments they appeared, the small capybara and doe walked from the backyard accompained by Erebus, soon Avalon was there too as was Nalunod: "Good, everyone's here. Dad, did you find out about what i asked?" His dad went from laughing at Nana's tongue bath to serious in a moment as he said: "I did- Eli and Ammy are not in the list son, not on the missing, but they are declared dead." Stiles' face froze- what?

"They've been declared dead at birth, four and three years ago, respectively." So Eli's 4 years old while Ammy is three years old? What the fuck!? "Hunters." There was a growl in Stiles' voice as he hugged tightly the two kids as they shifted back, Stiles wanted to turn into a fox and curl around them and comfort them with his best yips. Fuck, these weird instincts are getting stronger! "Most likely yes." His dad got up as Naer, Noel, and Niin tried to play with him, he did pat them before he turned to look at Stiles with a serious expression: "Son, this is large... What are we going to do?" Stiles hummed for a moment before giving his dad the Guerra's Pride phone number and telling him to contact them: "In our Pack, you're the Emissary dad, so please help me with this while i deal with the hunter. He had take a rest in the way from the and to the airport in Sacramento, so he had about... Half of his SP. 5 points equal five [Cure Wounds]! "I'll be takin' Avalon with me, please take care of your grandchildren." John sighed because yes- they were his grandchildren, he knows Stiles has the habit of taking in strays ever since he was a kid.

Now he just upgraded to people and supernatural animals! 

"Alpha, may i enquire what do you need my help with?" Stiles grinned at the Devil Bird as he landed on his shoulder, the owl tilted his head sideways as Stiles answered for him: "You'll tell me when our little friend is about to die." The owl only nodded as Stiles called out to Nalunod, the Kelpie helped him get to the truck easily seeing as he was able to run faster than Stiles could at the moment, they arrived at the truck in 15 minutes just as the sun was setting in the sky. "I want you to hide Nalu, me and Avalon will be the only ones here." He had locked the hunter inside the truck after making sure he had nothing to help him get out, he had even broken the guy's legs.

But now he knew that they had most likely taken Eli and Ammy the moment they were born, which means: Stiles has a hunter to torture.


Derek Hale was confused. Not only him was confused, but everyone else was! His uncle, however, was having a ball! "Pffft-" Holding his stomach and falling to his ass and laughing like he was dying, Derek never saw his uncle laugh so hard! Well, he saw it, but only before the fire. "-Oh my gods! You're just like Talia the first time she full shifted!" Derek huffed annoyed, he jumped towards his uncle go bite him but he felt more playful than ever, and so did his uncle because they were swatting at each and play fighting in a second! The other Betas watched for a moment before they joined in, besides Scott every Beta was playing with their wolf Alpha while Lydia watched from afar with genuine amazement at how childish they were being. 

"Has your dad contacted the Sheriff about missing reports for both Erica and Boyd?" Allison, who was beside her boyfriend, looked towards Lydia with a soft smile as she walked towards her: "Well, he did check up with the Sheriff and he said there weren't any missing person posters for Erica or Boyd, it seems like their family doesn't care about them." Lydia frowned heavily, it's almost a whole month and their parents don't even care? What the fuck? "Oh well, it seems everyone here has family issues." Oh, cheers I'll drink to that! Was the thought that passed through everyone's mind, Lydia's parents were also not present in her life, Jackson's parents think they can buy anything and anyone, Allison's family is a bunch of psychopathic people who kills for sport, Isaac's dad was an abusive asshole, Scott's dad too, and we don't talk about the Hales! Stiles? His family life was also pretty shitty after his mom died.

No one really knew that his life got shitty the moment his mom was diagnosed with dementia.

"So, what else could we do to try and find them?" Allison asked as she sat down beside Lydia who offered her a cup of coffee: "Well, we could ask Stiles to check the police database or we could ask Danny to hack the cameras?" Jackson reacted instantly by getting off of the puppy play fighting bubble as he appeared beside Lydia: "No. I don't want his life in danger!" Lydia sighed heavily, but she and Allison were surprised by Isaac's next words: "Besides, Stilinski isn't even Pack, so why ask him?" Lydia looked over at him, the wolves had stopped fighting amongst themselves as the discussion between Allison and Lydia reached the Stiles and Danny territory. "Wait, what do you mean by that?" This time, bones broke and rearranged themselves as Derek turned from a wolf into a very naked scowly guy: "Because-" He huffed as he stretched his arms, feeling those muscles weirdly crampy: "-He and Scott betrayed me." 

Lydia frowned and pointed out: "Then why is Scott here?" Derek also frowned as he answered: "Because we have a truce for now, and once we find Erica and Boyd he won't bother us ever again." Scott this time smelled and sounded very confused as he asked: "Wait how did Stiles betrayed you?" Derek knew that Scott is stupid, but to be this stupid? He was really, really surprised by his lack of intelligence! The bar was so low it was basically a tripping hazard in hell, yet here is Scott, limbo dancing with the Devil. "Seriously Scott? I'm not stupid enough to believe you would make genius plan of switching Gerard's cancer medication for mountain ash pills and then have me bite him, you're not smart enough for that advanced amount of thinking, of course Stiles thought of that for you." Derek's eyes were glowing with a red so deep not only due to his anger at the fucking Omega that Scott was, but also because he couldn't stop his own feeling of betrayal or how hurt his wolf felt: "Uhm, what? What are you talking about? Stiles didn't plan- he didn't even know i was working with Gerard, Deaton told me to switch his medication and have you bite Gerard, not Stiles." 

It took Derek five whole seconds to process what was said.

In five seconds, his whole world fell apart as he remembered the day he kicked Stiles out of the pack, the hurtful words he said to his own Mate: "You're not even part of this pack Stiles, you're just the little annoying kid that follows me around- You're nothing to me but annoying Stiles!" He felt his own stomach lurch, his body fell forward as he felt his body and bones change as he transformed back into his wolf form, he did not think as he ran out of his own loft. 

He fucked up- He really fucked up.

He ran to the Stilinski's household to get to Stiles, but he wasn't there, he couldn't hear his Mate's heartbeat on his room, he could hear his father talking to other people alongside a few other heartbeats, Sheriff Stilinski did not know about Werewolves so he can't exactly ask him where his son is! Derek reluctantly went back to his loft, feeling like the worst asshole in the planet to ask for Lydia's help- 

He hopes is not too late to make this okay again.


"So, are you going to be a good boy and tell me everything i want to know, or are you going to be a bitch still?" 

"Fuck you!" 

"Alright." Stiles grinned as his hand clenched on the vicious burn mark on the man's thigh as he casted [Conduct] as sparks of electricity channeled through his fingers into the body of the hunter, who screamed bloody murder as pain assaulted his whole body: "You're going to tell me everything you know, it's just a matter of time my dear." Stiles was channeling his best Peter Hale- I mean, his inner protective psycho whose family was hurt, because let's be honest here, Stiles is a mom at his core now and he has a weakness for anything broken and vulnerable, and the occasional asshole alpha with various issue. "Avalon, keep an eye on him for a moment, okay?" His Devil Bird nodded before Stiles left the truck, he took the truck's key and messed around with it, he searched through the whole truck for anything that could give him any hint of information about what the hunters were doing.

The only thing he did find was a single document, a contract? Not exactly, more like a letter from a person called Ringmaster. "So fighting rings huh?" Stiles dreaded that, but oh well, fighting rings for supernatural creatures and animals was a nightmare come true! On the letter, there were instructions to leave the truck at this place in this specific location closer to the border between Mexico and US of A but still inside Mexico at this specific hour, so what did Stiles do? He contacted the Guerra Pack! He told them about what he was doing and the information he managed to gather, Eleonor was beyond thrilled to help him with that! She invited him to come visit someday and he promised he would, but for now he had a hunter to torture and gather information from. "Good hunting Eleonor!" She thanked him as he entered the back of the truck again, this time his hands were clean thanks to [Prestidigitation], on his finger stood a long 10 feet vine full of thorns as he grinned viciously: "So, ready to talk yet?" 

He did indeed talk, Stiles came to know that the guy was afraid his usefulness was not worthy enough keeping him alive because he didn't know shit about the organization that controls these fighting rigs nor did he know who the fuck Ringmaster even is! Stiles got more information about how this gathering of supernatural creatures and animals worked- They had a whole system with three witches who would trap Werecreatures in their own bodies, some changed into animals while others didn't, their work was to take the Werecreatures to them first before getting them to the locations the letters told them to, and so they were paid a very hefty sum of money! Stiles grinned so deviously that the man actually called him the Devil, but thankfully Stiles decided he was better off alive. Well, the Guerras needed someone to fuck over right? Werepanthers are really protective of their young after all! 

Stiles knocked the guy out with a hit to the head, healing him with a [Cure Wounds] to make sure he was still alive before tying him up in rope and driving the truck away. He called his dad too! "So, I'm going to Mexico." 

It took a second for his dad to react: "What?" Stiles chuckled as he turned the wheel of the truck, driving through the dirt road of the preserve: "Well, I'll take Eli and Ammy with me, in fact, I'll take all my pack with me, I need to go bust the organization that did this in the first place. Don't worry about me being alone, the Guerras will be with me, y'know? Alejandro's family and powerful Pride?" It took about half an hour to convince his dad that he would be okay, his dad made sure to get him a gun however, he also made sure to give him money before saying his farewells, and in about an hour and a half, Stiles was taking the road in a large truck to Mexico with two little shifter kids who were silent, a Kelpie, a Coyote, a Raven, a Devil Bird, and two little wolf cubs on the back of his truck. "So, who wants food?" He did feed his Pack, but Ammy and Eli didn't eat raw meat and he didn't have the utensils to cook it, so he drove up to the nearest convenience store before buying them a bunch of junk food. 

They were having a blast! 1068 miles in about 18 hours if they didn't stop to rest, which they did! Stiles played with the kids and taught them how to speak Druidic, or as much as they were willing to speak to him in Druidic, they did talk every now and then, but most of the time they were quiet amongst themselves and slept a lot, mostly because they wanted to. "Nalunod, Avalon, Erebus, Skoll, Hati, Eli, and Ammy-" There was a bark that he easily interpreted as a "Hey!" From the female coyote, making him grin widely as he added: "-And of course, Malia, we are going to Mexico to meet the Guerra Pride of Werecats, I'm actually friends with them so we'll be fine, just don't attack them and we'll be fine too." Stiles spent about one and a half days driving until he crossed the Mexican border, they passed by Phoenix in Arizona and San Diego in California before they came to a stop in the Pride Lands of the Guerra Pride in the city of San Nicolas in Sonora, Mexico. The city was small but cozy, Stiles was received with open arms by the Pride, and everyone was very curious about him.

"Stiles!" Alejandro came running at him in his panther form, closely followed by another one and a lion, Stiles was honestly impressed by their impressive build and powerful demeanor, he chuckled and held the teen panther that was visibly smaller than the adult one: "Hey Alejandro." Greeting the boy, Stiles hugged him tight, surprising the other full shifted werecats who watched as Stiles spoke to the shifted panther like he could understand him perfectly- Which he could! "It's good to see you again, Stiles." Smiling at Eleonor and her husband Adriano, Stiles bowed respectfully before saying: "Alpha Eleonor, I come in hopes of asking for the help of your Pride, I have information about the meeting between the people who took your son." And soon he started explaining to her before her whole Pride (Since she asked him to) what he knew and what he wanted to do to those people.

"Of course we're willing to help you Stiles, you are an ally of the Guerra Pride!" Stiles smiled- The meeting will happen in about three days, so Stiles had time to come up with a good plan with the Pride's Emissary! She was a young ginger woman who was a Werejaguar, one of the Weres who are naturally inclined to magic, they are vicious by nature but Amanda was a beautiful girl who was very protective of her Pride, she also loves animals and babies, which was how she held Eli to her chest as Skoll and Hati played with Malia and Erebus, the kittens of the Pride watched from afar before they joined in, Nalunod and Avalon stood from afar just watching. "So this is your pack?" Stiles nodded as Ammy played with a few other girls, she was shy but still smiling, her smile was almost blinding like the sun, but Stiles contained himself. "Yeah, they're my family- Well, I am getting help from one of my friends to get Eli's and Ammy's adoption papers ready, they'll be named Eli and Ammy Stilinski." He patted the head of the sleeping doe boy who just shifted in Amanda's arms who smiled at him brightly.

"So, you're becoming a single teenage parent? That's very brave of you." Stiles huffed- His dad was already attached to the kids and won't say anything to Stiles when he has the adoption papers on his hands, Danny's great at falsifying information but Stiles just asked him to make it as believable as he could, put it on the government registration system and all that jazz! "Well, I am a mother by nature, besides, I'm never letting these kids go." Stiles moved his hands before he summoned the system screen before stopping at the [Background] category- he hasn't really explored that one? He mentally clicked it and suddenly:


[Automatically searching for options…]

[Options Acquired]

[Witch] | [Wronged Hero] | [Mystic] 

[Witch: Witches are a whimsical folk. Often secluding themselves in enchanted forests and old shacks. A witch can be the nicest person you've ever met who would spend hours creating a cure for a little boy's disease, while simultaneously murdering an entire country just because they didn't like their shoes. While not all witches are as morally and mentally unsound as most rumors would have you believe, it goes without saying that "if a witch wants to do it, they will do it!" It is said that witches are masters of medicine and can tend to wounds and diseases far better than any priest or cleric. Witches are sought after for their skills and abilities but are hunted by churches as heretics since witches by principle, although there are exceptions, do not worship gods. Witches also do not worship nature as druids and shamans might, instead they follow a more scientific approach to both magic and medicine, relying on the process rather than faith. You would be hard pressed to get a witch to do anything for you, but if you somehow manage to convince them, be prepared for some of the craziest and incomprehensible prices.]

[Comes with: Alchemist Supplies, Herbalism Kit, A small cauldron, 6 glass vials, 1 to 4 books on spells and potions, 15 Gold Coins.]

[Wronged Hero: You saved them. You helped them. They turned and bared their teeth at you, eyes in incredulous fury; fury over what you had not done, but they believed you to be the perpetrator. How had it all gone so wrong? Those whom you trusted have turned their backs on you, perhaps even betrayed you and left you to the wolves. The ones you sought to save now see you as an enemy, savior no longer. Forced from your spot in the limelight, you fled persecution for unjust condemnation and have hidden for the last few years maybe. No longer are you a revered hero. To them, you are a thug, or worse maybe. But you know the truth. You were a hero wronged.]

[Comes with: A journal from your days of glory past, a set of common clothes, and 20 Gold Coins]

[Mystic: By magic, psionics, communing with spirits or otherwise, there are special people who have a sixth sense. These people sense things invisible to most others.]

[Comes with: A protective symbol, a costume, a quill, a bottle of ink and 5 sheets of paper, a Mystic Tool, a page with an important person or event described on it and 10 Gold Coins]


Okay, Stiles looked at the three options and didn't even think before he selected the [Witch] background because- fuck, he gets books on magic! He watched as the option on the screen vanished before the screen itself vanished, in a moment a small fairy popped beside him, scaring Amanda for a moment before the fairy gave him a small little box: "Thank you." Stiles nodded at the fairy who disappeared before opening the box, which instantly grew to the size of a backpack- inside was the alchemical tools and supplies to make potions, a green-ish small box that must be the Herbalist Kit that he knew how to use both, a small black cauldron, 6 vials, and- "Holy shit." There were 4 books there! Stiles grinned before he grabbed them- two were books on potions and two were books on spells, and they all looked handmade! "What 's that?" Curious, Amanda approached but Stiles shaked his head before closing the box, instantly the box shrank to the size of a matchbox again and Stiles picked it up and put it in his pocket. "Some of my things I forgot to bring and had a friend come to give me, I forgot them back home." 

She dropped it and did not comment further. 

Later that evening Stiles was reading one of the two spell books, this one was [How to Make Nature your Bitch, by Evergreen Honey], which was an interesting book! Stiles also bought the [Healing With Nature, Spells and Potions by Eleanco Everygone] now that he had 15 Gold Coins! He stopped himself from buying several books so now he had 5 books to read, he did learn a few 1st Level Spells though! Mostly they were really simple, he learned five in one single day: [Earth Crush], [Summon Rain], [Stone Tent], [Create/Destroy Water], and [Detect Magic]! He didn't cast any other spells that day other than Cantrips to play with the children of the Pride and his own little pack! He helped them gather information on this weird organization and soon the Pride's Left Hand, a man by the name of (hilariously enough) Miguel, was really intrigued and enamored with him. I mean, Stiles can be pretty oblivious but when a man looks at you up and down and says: "You look good in those clothes, I bet you would look even better without them." You know they want to fuck you! 

Stiles actually played around with him, flirting back and forth, but nothing more. The second day he was with the Guerras he spent reading and practicing spellcasting, and soon he learned an Evocation 2nd Level spell! The spell was named [Gust of Wind] and he accidentally casted it when he was trying to push more energy into the [Gust] cantrip to push Amanda away in their sparring- Because of course she wanted to test him! He panicked when she lunged for him when he was physically tired that he accidentally casted the spell, which sent her flying about 60 feet in the air before Stiles caught her and landed safely on the ground with [Air Cushion]. She laughed her ass off and asked to go again, which he denied because he was tired- That was the day Amanda declared herself his best girl friend, Miguel was a little jealous so he started spending more time with Stiles, trying to impress him in any way he could- Miguel was one of the ones who could Full Shift and he was a Werelion, he was more than impressed when Alejandro invited Stiles to run with his Pride and he turned into a white lion right before their own eyes. 

Miguel eagerly played with him, which had Stiles laughing his ass off at their shock when he said in a clear human voice: "Stop trying to bite my ass, Miguel!" The third day of his stay at the Guerra Pride was less fun and more… tense, because that day was the day he and about 10 members of the Guerra Pride were going to investigate this meeting place and the Ringmaster. "Are you guys ready?" The Left Hand ¹(Miguel), Alpha ²(Eleonor), Right Hand ³(A big guy, Eleonor's brother, named Enrique), Emissary ⁴(Amanda), about 4 Betas (Jorge, Carvalho, Pablo, and Jessica), and one of the human members of the pack who was a trained policeman named Pedro. 

The 12 of them- (Stiles left Eli, Ammy, Skoll, Hati, Nalunod, and Erebus behind, bringing only Avalon with him) -soon left.

They had a fucking organization to destroy. 

-Little Theater-

Stiles: See kids- *points to lion* - That's a big kitty. Go pet it.

Eli + Ammy: *pets lion* Hmm… Kitty.

Miguel, the lion: *confused but enjoying it*

Miguel, the lion: *good cubs, must protect* *looks at Stiles* *looks back at cubs* Hm… Mate material.

Derek, somewhere: I feel a disturbance in my Stiles-sense.

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