19.91% [Random Novel Ideas] / Chapter 89: Magic and Symbiote (#2) [Slightly Edited]

章節 89: Magic and Symbiote (#2) [Slightly Edited]

'So he has Venom?' Derek hummed as he looked at his status, he wanted to create more symbols, since the amount of symbols that he could use could be increased if he really tried to make more- He could draw symbols and give it meaning, with the meaning and understanding of what he wants to do, he can create a symbol- As far as he understood how this magic worked... Symbols are also like runes, he can make them in the air, and he can carve them somehwere to be permanent, some things can be symbols, but he needs to find out more about it, research about it later.

Just now he created an [Offensive] Magic Symbol, that he named [Punch], which did exaclty that, created a fist made out of magic and shot forward, punching whatever it hit. He also discovered that he could fuse symbols, making other symbols, stronger symbols. Using both the [Arrow] and [Punch] Symbols together, he crate the [Punching Arrow] symbol, that sent a faster punch, that penetrated the body like an arrow.

he also tested the [Shield] and [String] Symbols that were interesting. The [Shield] Symbol created a barrier of energy that blocked attacks, and the [String] Symbol created a faint blue thread of energy that he could control, he could even make more and more strings as he wished, he just had to spend more and more [MP] on it. He could create 10 threads, because he used [100] points to create one thread, and he recovered 1 point every second, which was interesting.

Eddie took a long bath, probably because he hasn't taken one in a while, maybe he was fapping there- Heh, that would be dirty, or maybe Venom's eating his ass, with that large tongue of his, oh, that would be definetly hot, specially with the whole possessive behavior Symbiotes have with their hosts.

Okay Derek, get your mind out of them dirty thoughts!

Suddenly, he heard the footsteps of the man he was thinking dirty thoughts about a few seconds ago, the man who was now clean, his beard still was not trimmed still slightly wild, but he was better than before. And he smelled like his perfume, which was a good perfume! "Oh, and there you are." He smiled at the man as he greeted him, his eyes glowing with a certain feeling that was barely hidden and made Eddie's stomach turn in nervousness, like a girl in front of her crush- Why did he used that analogy? Venom was thinking about something, he took control over Eddie's body for a second to push Eddie forward before he encouraged him: [Go on Eddie!]

"Are you hungry still?" Derek asked, and the answer he got was the grumbling their stomach did, which resulted on Eddie's face going fully red. "i know we met today, but that's cute." He turned around to go to the kitchen and missed the way Eddie's hand clenching his chest as he looked down- Why did his heart skipped a beat? Damn! "You like pasta? Or do you fancy something sour and salty? Milk's good too i guess." Derek turned to smirk at Eddie, who awkwardly sat down on the chair just before the dining room's table, which was in front of the kitchen- It was a small apartment, so it had to conserve some space. "Did you have your breakfast today yet? Sorry to assume, but you kinda looked like a hobo, so i thought you didn't ate much today... Or the week past?" Rude, but it showed he was worried about Eddie's eating habits, which he does a lot- Eating, that is.

It's just that Venom sometimes takes a lot of sugar from his blood, and he needs to eat more candies, he literally can't get diabetes thanks to the symbiote.

"Oh well, what about bacon and pancakes?" Derek turned and looked at Eddie, who suddenly felt like they just hooked up and he woke up on the morning, took a bath, and now was here to eat breakfast- Or they were married, husband and husband (And Venom, because he can't imagine living without him) who loved to cook for each other- and those two thoughts sent him on a spiral of shame and embarrassment that burned his soul and face red hot like the flames of the first layer of hell!. "I'll take that red, adorable blush, as a yes." Derek was loving teasing him, due to the red hue that Eddie's face took each time. He looked absolutely ready to be eaten- Okay, horny thoughts!

[I wanna keep him] Venom whispered on his mind, making Eddie huff in annoyance for just a second, he agreed. "Hey, what you want to drink?" Derek was now at the fridge, taking out a carton of milk and putting some of it on a glass cup, before taking out a can of whipped cream and adding some of it to his milk- Don't judge him, seriously, don't- and drinking it. He turned to Eddie who had this look in his eyes, making Derek wait for a few seconds as Eddie made a decision- Oh, he nodded in agreement, putting some milk on another cup, Derek got his mixer that he used to make shakes of protein for his workout sessions and put milk and chocolate pieces on it, before making the milk into chocolate milk. He filled the cup again with the chocolate milk before adding whipped cream on it, giving it to Eddie with a flourish of exxagerated flamboyant movement. He chuckled as he offered the whipped cream can to Eddie and asked: "Want some more?" Eddie was stunned, he just watched someone do something so simple for him, and yet, it touched his heart.

Venom whispered on the bsck of their mind: [Loser...]

He barely took care of himself, but now, having someone do that for him (Even though this was a simple and common gesture) it felt amazing... 'I get it now, why people like to be spoiled... Am i getting spoiled right now?' Eddie was confused, his Bisexuality was no secret to him (neitheir Venom at this point, since he lived on his head) but he never fell in love after his Fiancé dumped him... Don't think about her, she was mean, she was bad, she wasn't worthy it. "I... Thanks?" Derek just chuckled, his back moving and his muscles flexing as he crouched to get something on the lower closet, he smirked when he felt Eddie'seyes on his mudculsr back- Suddenly, a black blur dsrted from the corner of his eye, making him raise his head and stare up just as something left the corner of his vision, he frowned because there were some options here that could be, but he knew the most probable one would be Venom. "Huh... Strange." He whispered to himself just loud enough to have Eddie hearing him as well, he saw him whisper something to Venom as he got up, he went to take some flour from over closet behind to make some pancakes.

Eddie, however, was cursing Venom who just stole a piece of chocolate from the top of the counter, almost dropping it on the ground as he pulled the slab of chocolate from the counter too fast, but thankfully he grabbed it before it fell! Eddie nervously drank the chocolate milk- which was incerdibly delicious by the way- and nervously hummed as Derek got up and began making pancakes, his hands moved with precision as he grabbed the chocolate and frowned before sighing and getting chocolate in powder form [OH, is he making Chocolate PANCAKES!?] Venom quipped in after eating a large size of chocolate, his voice carried a child-like wonder that Eddie had never heard before, which he wouldn't deny- It was cute. "I guess..." Eddie whispered as Derek began working on the eggs and bacon, frying them on separate frying pans- more things for him to wash aparently.

It took some minutes, but when it was ready, Eddie wanted to marry him. Derek could only watch in wonder as Eddie devoured 20 large pancakes so fast that he would chocke at any second, but still didn't: "Wow, you're so good at it that you don't even choke!" Derek chuckled to himself, a second later he smirked because only then did he realizee the innuendo, and he did that without meaning to. Eddie was coughing, only after Derek commented about how good he was, he started to cough and gag also chocking a little on the pancake- His face red, from both the lack of air, and the lack of shame that Derek had, like, how do you say something like that to someone with a straight face!? "Ergh... I guess?" Eddie wanted to say something after that, but Derek just nodded and continued to eat- [I wanna keep him. He looks big enough for us, just need to know if he is resistant enough for us.] Venom whispered on his head, making Eddie blush for a moment before he looked away, knowing exaclty what Venom was talking about.

Venom explained to him once how reproduction works on Symbiotes- They can lay eggs inside people, or they can absorb DnA to make Eggs inside themselves, and one of the sources of DnA is semen! He could use Eddie's semen, but he could also use someone else's semen- And that's what Venom discussed with him- Symbiote believe that the stronger the person, the stronger their children will be, which is technically true due to the DnA, but also because the child that will be born from the use of the DnA of two people, but would also be most the compatible parts of both DNAs, mixing them up perfectly. So it's basically: A guy cums inside him, he (Venom) has children from that guy, mixing the best aspects of both Eddie's and the guy's DNA- There isn't much about Eddie's DNA that is good, but he can make it better- Or so he thinks.

Plus, Venom is obssessed with the idea of having strong children!

Mostly due to the fact that Carnage was strong, and Symbiotes kinda competitive personality when it comes to strength among themselves- Just a little.

Hell, Venom was kinda like a loser back with the others of his race!

"Hey, Eddie?" Derek smiled as he lowered himself, trying to seem less intimidating- He was really intimidating when he tried to be, and even when he didn't tried to be intimidating, so he unconciously lowered himself when talking to someone he waned to help. "Can you tell me why you're here on New York? It's fine, i won't judge you, you know?" He tried to know how Eddie got to this universe, which resulted on said man to close his eyes and sigh before he said: "Would you believe me when i say i don't know how i got here?"

[New Quest!] Derek raised an eyebrow, the screen apperaed in front of him, golden letters shining:

[Helping a Stranger: Eddie Brock accidentally joined your universe, help him!

Main Objective: Discover why or how Eddie came to your universe.

1 Bonus Optional Objective: Keep him on your universe

2 Bonus Optional Objective: Send him back to his universe.


Main Objective: [Magic Drawing (1)]

1 Bonus Objective: [???]

2 Bonues Objective: [???]

Good luck.]

"I would yes." Derek nodded and he watched Eddie, who sighed before frowning with a confused expression in his face- A black, sludge-like entity crawled out of Eddie's neck and formed a protrusion with pupiless white eyes that stared at Derek as Eddie panicked internally. "Oh, hi there." That was Derek's only reaction, and that confused Eddie to no end because- first of all, who reacts to Venom like that? And second of all, this is the first time someone didn't flinch, panicked, or even just cursed out loud after seeing Venom! "Is that yours, Eddie?" Eddie only nodded, his eyes still showing his confusion as Venom spoke, voice deep and husky- Even more than Derek's own voice: "I'm his and he's mine... I like you, i want you to be mine as well." Derek raised an eyebrow at the boldness of this Symbiote, his lips raising on the corner of his mouth before he chuckled and said: "I've never seen a black goo confessing he wants me before... That's kinda romantic."

"Wait, you're not freaking out?" Eddie shouted out, surprised that Derek was so chill about a fucking alien inside his house! This isn't a normal reaction, right!¿ "Should i...?" Derek turned to look at Eddie, offering him a small tender smile that Eddie only receive from his mother and sister, saying: "You're not the first one who i met who was different." That's true, the first person he met who was different was a girl who had a demon inside her, the girl sadly died because the demon killed her, but he couldn't do anything about that back then... "And plus-" Derek moved his fingers quickly on the air, bending and turning, drawing an arrow rune on the air and grabbing it with his hands before throwing it to the side, hittig the wall and making another hole on it. It was a fast projectile, fast as a bullet actually, so when Eddie looked to the side, he saw the blue arrow vanish slowly into a blue dust before vanishing from sight completely. "i don't think you're immune to magic, are you?" Derek's smirk grew as Venom and Eddie both looked at him for a moment before Eddie said, in awe: "That was... Cool." and Venom said, in horny: "I really want you right now."

-Scene Cut-

"So, let me get this right."


"You're saying magic is real, and yer a wizard?"

"Nice reference there."

"Thanks, i loved the books... And what was that thing you told us?"

"I said, and i quote, 'You're here in this universe for a reason, and i wanna know why that is, so i ask you to stay here for a while so i can understand why you suddenly came to this universe' and 'For some reason you appeared in front of me, and not in front of other people, so you're my magical responsability from now on.' and even 'Yes, other realities, dimensions, and universes are real, yes, even anime ones.' as you asked."


"[Can i have another chocolate?]"

"This is new, you asking things..."

"[When there's someone who can use magic- magic Eddie, and is strong, i will be what you humans call polite, because like that, i can convince him to be our Mate, Boyfriend, Husband, whatever the fuck he wants to be- Think of the children, Eddie! Our future children! Eating heads, casting magic, destroying hopes and dreams- And conquering worlds! This, this is the best thing that i could hope for~]"

"Okay, that was honestly cute, you really are obssesed with the idea of children, aren't you?" Derek chuckled as his hands patted the little cat-like black goo that lied down on his shoulders, rubbing itself against him as he kept purring like a real cat, Derek's hands skillfully moved and he drew an [String] Symbol and grabbed it, transforming it into a long blue thread of magic that he could control with his mind, and made it wrapp around Venom- "Now, take your parasite dear." Derek definelty noticed the black tendril that came out of Venom's front, slowly trying to reach out and get a hold of his dick by entering his pants, to suck him off of his seed- It would've been hot, but not now.

"So... What now?"

"Eddie, now we're going to my dojo, i have children to teach- you can come along. just act cute and stay on the side."

"But i-"

"See? You're already doing your part, acting cute is easy for you."

Derek got up, ignored the stunned Eddie, gave him his Venom, and left to take a quick bath before going to work with a awfully silent Eddie Brock, who was lost in a conversation with Venom.

"[Damn, he's smooth!]"


"[You got no game, Eddie.]"

"Since when do you even know about 'having' game?"

"[Just saying, but i have a better game than you.]"

"You were literally acting like a cat in heat-"

"[Don't judge me- You have eyes, you saw why!]"

And they kept bickering for a little while.

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  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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