11.06% [Random Novel Ideas] / Chapter 49: Gaymer Wolf (#2)

章節 49: Gaymer Wolf (#2)

It's been a week since the shop opened and Stiles has yet to have his first costumer, so he kept focusing on leveling up his skills and upgrading the wards of his shop as well. He was just relaxing on the counter, thinking today would be another uneventful day when:


The dangling of a bell could be heard as a costumer entered the shop, this was the first costumer Stiles had! He looked up at the person and saw that the person was a young man, maybe in his late 20's or so, he had a strange aura to him and Stiles just curiously used [Observe lvl 1] a skill he neglected a little, but it was enough to show him:

[??? (Nosferatus)- Lvl 105]

'Huh, i need to level up that skill more, it'll be way more useful later on.' Stiles thought as the client approached the counter with a smile in his lips, hand in his pockets, and blue eyes darting and looking around. "Good morning, how may i help you?" Stiles' formal greeting aas met with an raised eyebrow before the man chuckled as his eyes glowed in a pale blue light, his voice had am echoing sound as he said: "Tell me, human, why do i feel strong magic coming from this place?" Stiles felt an energy leave the man's eyes and try to enter his head when-

[Gamer Mind blocked Mental Attack]

A single notification that made him relax a little more as he blinked and looked at the man, saying: "Please do not use compulsion inside ny shop, or else I'll have you banned from this establishment." The young-looking man's eyes widened as Stiles kept the eye contact with the man, he promptly sighed as he shaked his head and said: "As for the magic, It was my Wards, that I'll use on you if try that again. You've been warned, Nosferatus." The pale man's face became even paler, practically pale paper white as he realized hus mistake... He just used compulsion on a powerful magic caster! He was having an internal panic attack as he nodded, saying: "Of course sir, I'll make sure to never use it again here." The problem was, Compulsion works against Magic Casters, and stronger Vampires, in his cade he was a Nosferatus, a prowerful Vampire that had a very powerful vompulsion ability that even some strong magic casters would take a few moments to shrug off...

But that man?

It didn't even seem like he was affected at all! The amount of power someone would need to do that was immense, and to offend someone like that was like a death sentence- He prayed to Sangmnia, Goddess of Blood and Darkness for her mercy as the man stared at him intently, making him feel like he was sweating, which was impossible since vampires can't sweat. 

"Are you going to order anything? Because if you haven't noticed yet, there's a costumer behind you." And true to the man's words, there was someone behind him, he didn't notice them because he was completely freaking out inside his head, but turning to look at who was behind him, he was surprised to see one of his acquaintances here as well, a young- well, she was 1000 years old, compared to his Master, who was a 10,000 year old Nosferatus, was young- vampire lady, not a Nosferatus, only a normal vampire, who was wearing this large black hat with a black veil that ended on her shoulders that protected her from the sun alongside long sleeved gloves that covered her whole arm, and a long black gothic dress that didn't leave a single skin to be touched by the sun. 

"Oh, Amalithia, how sweet it is to meet you." He smiled while Stiles used his [Observe lvl 1] on the woman he now knee as Amalithia. 

[Amalithia (Vampire)- Lvl 65]

Nodding to himself internally, Stiles watched as the young woman, with green eyes and a pale white skin smiled at the man, saying: "Ah, it's good to see you again, Mortherio, how have you been?" The man that now Stiles knew as Mortherio smiled tensely at the woman, who easily caught his expression and looked back at Stiles, who raised an eyebrow at her as if asking 'What?' Before she shifted her eyes back Mortherio with a confused expression that quickly vanished away as she heard him say: "Very well, alive still- Even though i never was alive to begin with... Oh, this is- I'm sorry, what would your name be?" Stiles smirked a little, seeing the man's tense shoulders get tenser when he smiled: "Well, you would get only to know me as Void. Because this is my establishment, the Void Cafe, where our products are so good you'll consume them like your stomach is an endless void."

Of course Stiles would not tell them he named it Void Cafe because he survived a Nogitsune. 

"Very well, this is Void, a good gentleman that is the owner of this establishment, and i would highly recommend to not offend him, alright?" Confused but concerned, Amalithia just nodded as Mortherio turned back to look at Stiles as he spoke in a less arrogant voice compared when he first spoke to him: "Ahem, Void, please forgive me for my... Offense, earlier. I would like to enquire about your products, do you have a list, a menu, with what those would be?" Formalities appart, Stiles simply nodded and asked a simple extra question: "Would you like the standard menu or the special menu?" Amalithia just gave him this burning curious glance as Mortherio just grabbed her hand and said with a polite nervous smile: "Both, i would like both please." 

Nodding to himself, Stiles pointed at one of the tables to the corner of the shop, near one of the windows as he said: "The standard menu would be on the tables, if there is any missing i would just replace them. And two special menus..." Stiles moved his hand forward, which for both Mortherio and Amalithia just vanished in thin air, but for Stiles he just got his hand inside his [Inventory] and pulled 2 special menus. "Here." He gave them the two slightly golden menus that had a shimmering light to it while ignoring the shocked expressions on their faces, he just observed the menu and saw that his enchantment worked when a opaque golden glow emanated from it, it was something that Stiles managed to enchant to hide away from mundane costumers, they would only see the standard menus and nothing else. 

"If you would like anything, just call my name and I'll take your orders." He returned to the back to take out the baked goods that he left there, he entered the kitchen to see Feiry, his first and only summoned fairy and assistant, thr little creature was sentient to some degree and followed his every order, he was now on the process of cleaning the table that was used to prepare the dough with white flour, Stiles took out the items from his [Inventory] and began to decorate the little cookies with surprisingly detailed wolves. He noticed how his cooking ir baking skills were not added, until he baked something, which led him to believe some of his skills were still locked and he had to perform them to unlock them. Which was something he was not expecting at all... Anyway:

[Cooking lvl 29: Increases speed in which you cook/bake and flavour of cooked/baked food by 29%]

Meanwhile, both Amalithia and Mortherio were having a whispered conversation under their breaths.

"What the fuck was that?" Surprisingly for a so delicate-looking young woman, Amalithia had a very bad cursing habit that she was very proud of, as she should. Mortherio just sighed a shaky breath as he tried to keep it together for a moment, saying: "Well, this new guy... He's a very powerful magic caster. I came here because i felt a strong magical aura, I'm surd you felt it too, right?" Amalithia nodded, confirming his assumption. "Well, apparently thar aura comes from the wards he made to protect this place, and before you think he's only good at making wards, I used my Compulsion to make him talk..." Amalithia titled her head a little confused, asking with her silk smooth voice: "So?" Mortherio took a deep shaky breath as he looked at the door behind the counter as if waiting a monster to leave that door and devour him: "He wasn't affected."


"He wasn't affected!"


"He wasn't affected!!!"

Amalithia almost lost her shit at that sentence, she couldn't help but look at the door behind the counter as well and curse under he breath: "What the fucking fuck?" Her whisper was of course heard by Mortherio, who couldn't help but chuckle nervously as she continued to say: "Your Compulsion even works against Mercy! And she's the Emissary of my brood!" She was not bragging, well, she was, but the Emissary of her Brood backed it up pretty sweetly! The only reason Mortherio's Brood decided to form an alliance with Amalithia's Brood was because of the Emissary of her Brood, a powerful Witch that was able to turn the leader of thejr Brood into a Nosferatus through a ritual that was used to turn normal vampires into Nosferatus, the only issue was that the one who did the whole ritual needed to be Witch with a great affinity to Blood Magic.

And those were rare.

"I know!" Mortherio whisper-shouted as he looked nervously behind his back at the door behind the counter once again, just to make sure he was not heard, and kept whispering: "He was not affected, at all! And he looked at me so calmly, his heartbeat was steady, his scent was nowhere near anxiety or even fear, he was completely calm! And you know my intuition, it saved us that one time with the hunters." True, they managed to escape a large group of 50 hunters due to Mortherio's so called intuition that was sharp as a knife. "And it tells me not to mess with that guy. When he looked into my eyes, i felt like i was sweating! And you know what that means, right?"

"Danger..." Amalithia whispered in a scared tone, she had seen Mortherio fight against a whole pack of Werewolves and kill them all, she had seen him burn alive and survive to kill every single hunter that was involved, she has even seen him kill the leader of another Brood, getting himself the status of Nosferatus through merit and not birth. So of course, he was strong. She knew he was strong! And if someone like this can be scared by someone else... "Have you decided what you'll order?" Suddenly they both heard Void's voice and when they turned to look, he was right beside them. "H-how did you get here so fast?" Amalithia stuttered as her face grew even paler, if that is even possible. "Hum?" Stiles tilted his head towards the woman and smiled gently at her, saying: "Oh well, dear Amalithia, this is my shop and i can be as silent or loud as i want be... I can do everything i want to do." She felt a shiver run down her spine as she looked at him nervously, he only smiled and asked again: "So, you decided what you want to order yet?"

[Due to special circumstances, you received a new skill]

[Intimidate lvl 1: You release an intimidating aura around you, making those around you or those you focus you aura on, intimidated. Your aura's strength is 1% stronger]

Stiles controlled himself to not raise an eyebrow at the two powerful vampires, how in the nine hells did he intimidate them? How the in nine hells did he scared them? Made them fucking nervous? What- You know what, he's probably overthinking it, well, he got a new skill, that's great. "I..." Mortherio just looked over both menus before focused on one of the products on the special menu, written in golden letters. "I want a [Faery Fearus] please." The nervous smile he received after the end of that sentence made Stiles' smirk to grow, which in turn made Mortherio's nervousness to grow as well. "And you, sweet lady?" Stiles looked back at Amalithia, who held back a curse at being called a 'sweet lady', smiled unnaturally gently (at least Mortherio thought so) as she said: "Ah yes, i want one... [Spiral Fire] please." Both were drinks from the special menu, which were products (food and drinks mostly) of the supernatural world.

Both these drinks were recently added as Stiles got himself a good stock of their prime material to make these drinks. They come from the [Fairy Shop] on the first Dungeon he has completed! They were the [Fairy Seed] and [Spiral Seed] which were both special seeds of flowers that could be made into teas, while [Fairy Seed] would grow into a [Faerium Begonis], the tea made from this pink flower's petals was sweet and had a strawberry flavour, it also had the magical ability to make find yourself in a minor, good situation. Like finding money on the street, getting complimented by someone you like, or just putting the USB cable on the first try! It, however, couldn't affect major things like saving your life from a shot, make you stop walking before a truck without control slams into you, or just save you from drowning if you are in the middle of the ocean.

So, only minor things.

Now, the [Spiral Seed] grew into a beautiful golden flower that had oranges, yellows, and reds alongside their petals that grew in a spiral way around the long, tube-like body of the plant. The name of the plant was called [Spiralis Ouranis] and the tea made out of its petals was a spicy tea, it burned hot but could be drunk by anyone, giving the person the ability to magically resist fire for one hour. That and it made the eyes of the person who drank the tea glow golden too! 

Already thinking about the reaction the mundane individuals would have, Stiles placed a really complex ward on his shop. It blocked the view of every single person that was not in the known of the supernatural and made them see other things, he took the inspiration from, of course, Percy Jackson with the Mist. For example, if someone saw his little fairy servant and they were not aware of the supernatural world, they would see a little firefly, but if his little fairy servant would take the orders or clean the table, they would see nothing and wouldn't even question how this person got theur tea at the table or how this table got clean when it wasn't five minutes ago and no one touched it. It took him a long time to make these wards not only because they are complicated but also because he kept not being able to draw the last rune necessary to shut all the ward and complete it.

"Feiry, if you would be so kind to take these over to table 5 please?" Stiles gave the tray containing the two teas as well as some biscuits because he made too much of them. 10 each, filled with raspberry soft cream, when you have magic cooking is way easier as well. 

Let's take a look at his status?


[Name: Mieczyslaw Stilinski]

[Age: 22]

[Gender: Male]

[Lvl: 15]

[Race: Human (Spark)]

[Class: None]

[Titles: [He who runs with Wolves], [Spark], [Survivor]

[He who runs with Wolves: You are a human who has run among Werewolves. (+5 to Agility when running alongside Werewolves)]

[Spark: You are a rare spark, a being of pure magic, trapped within a mortal anchor. (+ [Spark Magic])]

[Survivor: You survived something that you shouldn't have, this makes you stronger than ever before (+10 to Endurance and Will when below 50% HP)]

[Apprentice Fae Slayer: Does +10% Damage to all Fae/Fairy Type Creatures]

[Apprentice Undead Slayer: Does +10% Damaga to all Undead Type creatures]

[HP: 150/150 (Vit ×5)]

[MP: 300/300 (Int ×5)]

[SP: 150/150 (End ×5)]

[Strength: 15] (Physical strength, physical damage)

[Endurance: 30] (Resistance to damage, pain, and physical ailments such as disease and poison)

[Dexterity: 24] (Flexibility and control over your body)

[Agility: 30] (Moviment speed, reaction speed

[Vitality: 30] (Life force, life span, health)

[Intelligence: 60] (Memorization, gathering of information)

[Wisdom: 50] (Experience, knowing how to use said information)

[Charisma: 50] (Aura, Presence, Beauty)

[Will: 60] (Resistance to Mental ailments such as Confusion and Pain)

[Spirit: 50] (Strength of the soul, ability to sense things beyond human senses)

[Extra Stats Points: 100 (-10 to Wisdom), (-8 to Agility), (-5 to Endurance), (-5 to Vitality), (-10 Intelligence)]

[Skill List:

Passive: [Sharpshooting Mastery lvl 8], [Lying lvl 22], [Hand to Hand Combat lvl 10], [Blunt Weapon Mastery lvl 5], [Reading lvl 52], [Research lvl 50], [Mumble lvl 40], [Driving Mastery lvl 11], [Pain Resistance lvl 25], [Physical Damage Resistance lvl 18], [Magical Damage Resistance lvl 13], [Charismatic lvl 18], [Iron Will lvl 25], [Magic Manipulation lvl 26], [Elemental Magic Affinity lvl 25], [Supernatural Senses lvl 10], [Rune Making lvl 27], [Enchanting lvl 22], [Writing lvl 14], [Cooking/Baking lvl 29], [Bladed Weapon Mastery lvl 5], [Sage Wisdom lvl 2], [Intimidate lvl 1]

Active: [Spark Magic lvl 25], [Run! Lvl 25], [Observe lvl 1], [Summon Fairy lvl 1], [Draining Touch lvl 10]

Unique: [Gamer Body], [Gamer Mind], [Dungeon Creation/Destruction lvl 3], [Inventory], [Allspeak]


Loot: [Fairy Wings (259×)], [Fairy Glitter (30×)], [Fairy Hair Brush (10×)], [Long Battle Needle-Sword (3×)], [Zombie Teeth (195×)], [Zombie Flesh 107×)], [Zombie Heart (49×)], [Zombie Core (10×)]

Bought on Shop: [Fairy Seeds (30×)], [Spiral Seeds (30×)], [Gook Seeds (30×)], [Peluny Seeds (30×)], [Burum Seeds (30×)], [Holy Water (10×)], [Zombie Venom (10×)], [Steel Long Sword (1×)]

Miscellaneous Items: [Water Bottle (2×)], [Condoms (10×)], [Pan (1×)], [Kitchen Knife (3×)], [Paper Sheet (109×)], [Blue Pen (2×)], [Candle (7×)], [Backpack (1×)], [Headache Medicine Pills (2×)], [Butter (1×)], [Plastic Containers Tupperware (10×)]


Copper: 09

Silver: 70

Gold: 15

Before you say anything about his [Summon Fairy] skill or his [Observe] skill, let me say he just focused on his magic, and those wards because damn, it took a long time. 


Once again Stiles could hear the door of the shop open, making him sigh, making his wards stronger attracted a lot of attention it seems. He will look into concealing them if he can, he will have to look to see if he can make a rune like that, because he keot failing because his skill was not higher level, so if he can't right now, he just needs to continue to try. He left to go to the counter and just as he was about to step forward, something crashed on the counter, making hin stop. 'The fuck? Wait? My counter!' Stiles felt the rage build up inside him when-

[Gamer Mind suppressed the Emotions]

He sighed, calm. Heartbeat didn't even change, he could think perfectly fine. Okay, assert situation, see what caused the commotion and deal with it accordingly. He opened his eyes to see Mortherio lying on the now broken counter, he had enxhanted it to be resistant to some damage, but never in his wildest dreams did he would've thought someone would be thrown against it, when he looked up the very first thing he saw was a flash of red as a tall, broad shoulders, dark hair, bearded Alpha Werewolf was looking at the Vampire and Nosferatus he just threw on the counter while a woman with long wavy blond hair stands on the side with her hand on her forehead, facepalming hard while the vampire lady Amalithia just shakes her head.

"If you came to this coffee shop to break the things i have around here, i would have to politely ask for you to leave." His calm voice seems to startle both the Vampire and the Nosferatus who grow pale, the Alpha just raises an eyebrow at this when suddenly his legs shift and he is upsidedown, a giant hand made out of the floor wood comes from the ground below him and grabs his legs, dangling him there. "Noe, give me a good reason why I shouldn't throw you out and ban you from ever entering this establishment. You have five seconds." They all looked at him, he had his hand raised while black sparks of light flickered around his hand, Feiry just comes in with a little broom and begins to clean the destroyed counter a little, making Stiles nod at him in thanks. Seeing they were silent, he just sighs and flexes his fingers, soon everyone was dangling with their hands now containing wood shackles that restricted their hand movements.

"So, you, little Alpha." This earned him a growl, making Stiles smile in nostalgia, remembering a certain hot Sourwolf. "Why did you throw my costumer on my counter?" His eyes shifted to the blond-haired lady who had a shocked expression on her face, making him smirk, oh, she must be a magic user. This is the defense mechanism Stiles developed, he couls activate it anytime and the floor, walls, and ceiling would capture whoever was making a ruckus and through runes, lock their magic if they have any, use Mistletoe on them if they are any other supernatural creature. "And you, Rapunzel wannabe, don't you know that you need to keep your dog on a leash when you enter my establishment?" This earned an angrier growl from the Alpha, a raised eyebrow from the woman, and a snicker from both Vampire and Nosferatus, making Stiles look over at them: "I still don't know if you two are the victims or not, so just shut the fuck up before i give you highly concentrated garlic juice down your throat."

Vampires and Nosferatus may not be weak against garlic, but it tastes terrible for them, so feeding them garlic is more of a torture.

"Who the fuck are you-" the Alpha tries to say something but his mouth is covered by a thick layer of wood wrapping around his mouth. "Shut up doggie. You come to my coffee shop and you dare to ask who I am!?" Stiles really wanted to rip this guy in two. "You, blondie, Regina George, owner of the doggie, tell me why the fuck are you here and why the fuck did you had to break my fucking counter. Also, your little Alpha puppy will pay for it." He locked eyes with the woman who was sweating cold, her mouth was opening and closing while she tried to form words. "The fuck!? Wht can't i break these things!?" Amalithia shouted as she tried to break the wooden shackle and chains wrapped around her arms, only then did the Nosferatus and Werewolf tried to move their hands and arms and found out that they couldn't break from these chains, their eyes went wide when Stiles said the magical word: "Mistletoe."

"Why do you have Mistletoe in the wooden floor!?" Mortherio shouted, Stiles only looked at him like he was an idiot and raised an eyebrow, he got this from Derek, raising eyebrows and all that. "Why else would i have put powerful wards around my shop? Because of people like you four. People who wants trouble, and I've been through enough to know that peace but a lie, so tell me what the fuck happened here or I'll just throw you all out. And you two will pay for the tea you drank as well, by the way, nice clothes Nosferatus." Stiles complimented the Nosferatus, just getting rid of the nice thing that would happen to him today, the menu have a description of all the teas and magical consumables and their effects, so Mortherio just sighed in disappointment.

"Well, i was just drink my tea, doing my thing, when this brute and wild dog came into the store with the blondie and glared at me before picking me up and throwing me at the counterz that was when you came back." Mortherio gave a brief summary of what happened, Amalithia nodding along with his explanation, making Stiles sigh and say clearly: "I do not care about the padt between you four, but when inside my fucking establishment, you will be on your best behavior or I'll kick your ass and lock you outside, like a bad dog." His eyes shifted to tbe Alpha, who flashed his eyes red, making Stiles huff and roll his eyes as his hand was raised, making everyone fall to the ground. The blondie was still shocked, but now mortified beyond measure as the Alpha growled and got ready to pounce at him: "Really?" Stiles asked as he was ready to defend himself, but then the woman grabbed the Alpha's head and made him bow deeply to show respect.

Maybe of Japanese descendance? Huh, curious.

"We're so sorry." She said, her voice trembling with fear, the Alpha could smell it because his eyes widened in surprise as his head moved and looked st the woman with a incredulous look. Both Pale Ones could also smell it, they only nodded in response to this. "We're so sorry to causd damage to your establishment... We will pay for the damages, please forgive us, we will be on our way." The Alpha still had this deeply confused puppy look that made him look adorable, that reminded Stiles of how confused Derek would be when he would talk about random things so fast, switching the theme of the conversation so fast he couldn't keep up- No Stiles, thinking about that will only hurt you more. No use thinking about him when he abandoned you there in Beacon Hills and never came back! 

"Oh, you will? That's great, now i won't have to hunt you down and break every bone on your little red-eyed puppy with Wolfsbane too." Stiles reached his hand out inside his inventory and took out a piece of paper and a blue pen, but to others it looked like his arm simply vanished from thin air and when it appeared again, he was holding a piece of paper and a blue pen. "Let's see..." Stiles mumbled as the paper floated before him, his hand moved quickly and he wrote a contract, he also placed runes on the contract, enchanting it and making it a magic contract. He also focused, and finished the runes, there were several of them and when he finished, they all started thrumming with magic power, making him nod. "That's about it... 1,000 dollars. Sign the contract and you won't have to deal with me coming to get your ass."

The blond ladie was still shocked at seeing his ability to simply manipulate space, and she ado saw the fastest magical contract making ever! Normally you have to train for years to even know the runes you need to draw to make the contract, you have to know which meaning yo use for every single aspect of the contract z the conditions, and the punishments as well! And every single different punishment required a different rune, every different condition required a different runes, everything about the contract required a different rune! And his handwriting is so fine too! She took the pen and looked over st the contract, she could read some of the runes there she was more than impressed to see them so perfectly drawn, so neatly arranged and organized on the paper-

It was amazing.

"Where do i sign?" She asked without hesitation and ignoring the protest her Alpha audibly expressed by saying: "Wait, Emeril-" The woman turned her head towards the man, saying angrily: "With all due respect Alpha Ergp, you've done enough damage to our reputation, and now we're at a bad relationship with a very strong and skilled magic user! You just shut up for a moment while i try to amend some wrongs here!" Her voice was barely a whisper, but everyone there could hear her scolding her Alpha like he was a child, making the Alpha sigh deeply and nod.

"I once again apologize. If you meed anything, we're from the Ergo Pack and we would be absolutely pleased to help you." She tried to smile, but Stiles' eyes could see her tense shoulders clenching tighten up as she gave him the papers back. He read them and nodded, everything was fine. "I would rather be fucked over by life than get help from your pack, you've shown how..." He looked at the Alpha up and down, making the man a little shy, Stiles just huffed at that: "Great with people your pack is..." But before they left, he used [Observe] on them:

[Bartholomew Ergo (Alpha Werewolf)- Lvl 55]

[Emerillian Ergo (Druid)- Lvl 50]

He looked at the other two and sighed deeply before saying: "Store's closing now. Please leave." Seeing that they had no choice on the matter, they left without doing any more damage at all. Which Stiles was grateful for... "Now... Clean up."

Oh boy, little did he know that his life would now get even more exciting and dangerous.

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