75.78% Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again) / Chapter 97: Abraxas Malfoy

章節 97: Abraxas Malfoy

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

Attack on Diagon Alley- 23 dead, 17 injured.

In a horrific act of terrorism, a group of wizards carried out an attack in Diagon Alley, this monday morning.

The attack began all of a sudden, while the citizens of Wizarding Britain were busy shopping for their necessities, and while the newly admitted first year Muggleborn students were being introduced to the Wizarding World by three Hogwarts Professors. Reports say that the attackers- who wore black robes and complete face masks either Gold or Silver in colour- came from two directions.

The group that came from the Leaky Cauldron came in shooting spells one after the other at the people having a late breakfast at the inn, while the second group came in from Knockturn Alley, beginning their attack with the Apothecary.

They fired spells indiscriminately, but stuck to mostly the Unforgivables, and the Exploding Hexes.

In the ensuing 15 minutes, 23 people lost their lives, including the infamous Potions Master (and the creator of the Skele-gro, as well as the Sleekeazy Hair Potion), Fleamont Potter, and the Hogwarts Professor of Charms Thrud Rowle, who heroically died defending the Alley from the defenders.

Unfortunately, while the other two Hogwarts Professors, Professor of Transfiguration Minerva McGonagall and Assistant Professor of Charms Filius Flitwick managed to rescue the new Muggleborn children in time, some older year students did lose their lives, amongst whom was third year Hufflepuff, Julia Michaels.

War Hero Captain Mason Aves, or Captain Avalon as the muggles called him,was seen making an appearance in the alley along with his Auror friend, Captain Darla White(a woman infamous for being in an open relationship with another woman, Anastasia Greengrass, the inventor of the Gate system and the daughter of Enchanter Christopher Greengrass).

The Aurors reported that they are investigating the blood found next to the Apothecary, which Apothecary owner-Mr Carkitt said belongs to the attacker whom Mr Potter had killed, as well as the blood found on three other places, but as of now, no results have been submitted. As for the bodies of the attackers killed in this attack, they disappeared at the same time that the attackers fled, which the Aurors suspect were chain linked Portkeys.

Whether this was a one time attack, carried out to send someone a message, or if this is a new group of Dark Wizards following Dark Lord Grindelwald's footsteps, we at the Daily Prophet don't know yet. What we do know is that our Aurors are working hard to put an end to this, to find out who is responsible for the attack.

Until then, please follow the guidelines written on Pg 2 to ensure you and your families remain safe during these trying times.

In a house on the muggle side of Devon, seven wizards sat at the dining table. All of them had the copy of the newspaper, The Daily Prophet, either in their hands, or floating in front of them.

"What are they saying, Thorfinn?" The man sitting at the head of the table asks, as one by one, the newspapers start getting set down.

The man named Thorfinn Rowle bows towards the man at the head, and says, "They're calling us terrorists, my Lord. They call our message an act of terrorism."

The Lord chuckles, and after eating the morsel of fish, he asks, "And what do you think? It was your cousin who lost her life, wasn't she? Thrud Rowle? Now that she has died, do you believe this is an act of terrorism?"

Thorfin scoffs, and says, "She was a Traitor to our cause, my Lord, her death does not hurt me any more than her refusal to join our cause did."

The Lord then turns towards another man and asks, "What say you, Abraxas? You were there, did you give Thorfin's cousin Thrud another chance to join our cause like I had asked?"

The man named Abraxas bows low, or as low as he can without actually touching his head on the dining table, and says, "I myself didn't, my Lord. But I know for sure that the young Evan Rosier did. She refused, quite loudly."

The Lord hums, and stands up. Stepping over the body of the little boy that was bleeding out on the ground, the Lord looks out the window, and says, "Terrorists, they call us, when we do this for them. Wizards really have lost their way, my friends. Before the muggle-lover Dumbledore became the Headmaster, and even the ICW representative for Britain, we were on the right track. We were on the track of gaining our power back into our hands. Even Aves, the mudblooded Half-blood would have been useless when we would have eventually made our move. But then.. but then.. the Ministry had to go and reject our pleas to kill off the mudbloods while they were still young."

He then turns around, his red eyes causing the six men sitting at the table to hold back their shivers, and says, "I don't like the fact that your Pure cousin Thrud had to die, Thorfinn. Or the fact that a line as old as that of the Potters had to die. But.. sometimes you do what's necessary, even if you don't like it, to win. These were necessary deaths, necessary for us to fulfill our goals. But there are some more obstacles to take care of before we reveal ourselves completely."

"Dumbledore and Aves." A third man, Alexis Thicknesse says, growling in anger.

"Aves will not be a problem. He barely survived against Grindelwald, and only won through trickery. Dumbledore also lost against Grindelwald, and we all know our Lord is far stronger than Grindelwald." A fourth man, Rickard Avery says, dismissing the threat the two might pose.

Thicknesse snorts, and turning towards Avery, he warns, "Do not underestimate Aves and Dumbledore, Avery. They might not be friends, but we all know that they won't hesitate to work together to stop our Lord from succeeding in getting rid of the mudbloods."

The Lord hums, and says, "Yes. Alexis is right, Rickard. Trickery it may have been, but the son of a squib managed to defeat Gellert Grindelwald. I may not have met the man, but even I know that he was a master of manipulation. Tricking him is no easy feat."

He then says, "Thorfin, do you have the list?"

Thorfin nods, and brings out a file from his expanded robe pockets. He hands it to his Lord, and says, "Everything is in here, my Lord. Including pictures of how they look."

The Lord smiles, as he goes through the pages, and says, "Cantankerus. Take this list, and make sure to make your new recruits memorize every face, every name in here. On September 1st, you will lead your group to the Hogsmead station, and make sure that only these people die. If any student other than the ones here die, then I will punish you. Is that understood?"

Cantankerus Nott gracefully takes the file, and says, "It will be done, my lord. I will make sure my nephew and his friends know the importance of this task."

"See that you do. I don't want anyone but mudbloods to die, not children. Adults might be allowed as necessary casualties, my friends, but Pureblood children dying will make it harder for us to gain more allies in our goals." The Lord says.

Turning towards another man who was sitting at the end of the table, he asks, "You know of your task, Terrence?"

The man named Terrence Umbridge nods, and says, "It will be done, my Lord. Before the month is up, Minister for Magic Wilhelmina Tuft will be dead, and her son will be nominated in her place."

The Lord chuckles, and turning towards the others, he says, "See? And people think being a Janitor is something to be ashamed of, when one of our highest ranking members is a Janitor, and is about to do something not many people can do. Assassinate the Minister for Magic and get away with it. Do this, Terrence, and your daughter will forever be thankful for it."

He then waves his hand, dismissing the group of his highest ranked Soldiers, and turning towards the side, he calls out, ~~Nagini? Dinner!~~

Hearing his hissing voice, a large snake slithers in from another room, and opening her mouth wide, swallows the child whole.

Abraxas Malfoy returns home after his meeting, tired after the fearful meeting he just had.

His Lord may be generous with the freedom they get, but the Lord's strength could not be denied. And just being near him made Abraxas feel as if he was going to die. How his Lord returned from Death, Abraxas did not know. But he didn't care.

Even when he was a young teenager, he knew that the 11 year old that would eventually become his Lord was something special. He may have looked like a mudblood then, but his Lord had become a force to be reckoned with before he even turned 15.

And then.. he died. Someone killed him, and blamed his already dead Basilisk for it. Abraxas knew about it, of course. He had seen it during their weekly get togethers, where they planned their conquest.

And now he was back, and Abraxas was all the more thankful for it. He did not know how his Lord returned to life, and why it took so long for him to do so, but Abraxas did not care.

Not when the Purebloods were finally going to get the Power that they deserve.

"Corby!" Abraxas yells, and with a pop, the Elf in question appears and bows before him. He orders, "Bring the Wine, and be quick with it!"

The elf pops away, and returns barely a second later with the Elf made wine in hand. Slaves they may be, but they know how to create Wine better than anyone. Taking the glass in his hands, Abraxas hits his cane on Corby's head, and says, "Get going then, the dinner won't cook itself."

He then walks into the kitchen, and smiles, when he sees his wife of 10 years asleep at the dining table. When he enters the dining room, however, he sees not just his wife, but another man, calmly eating the dragon steak that he had bought all the way in Romania.

Abraxas immediately takes his wand out and points it towards the man, who doesn't do anything to try and defend himself. The man just says, "Come Abraxas, sit."

"You made a mistake coming here, Aves." Abraxas says, slowly walking towards his wife, to check if she's alive or just asleep.

Aves scoffs, as he keeps eating, and says, "She's just unconscious you dumb twat, so are your mother and child. Now sit. You don't want me to.. wake them, do you?"

Abraxas then notices a knife floating near his wife's throat, making him widen his eyes. He immediately freezes, afraid for his wife's life, and wondering if such a knife floated around his son's and mother's throats too, he asks, "What do you want?"

Aves stares at him, and says, "Did you really think no one would recognise your voice when you yelled out the Killing Curse in the middle of Diagon Alley, Abraxas?"

Abraxas curses himself, of course he didn't think anyone would recognise him. Not showing it on his face, he says, "I have no idea what you're speaking of Aves. Now get out before I call the Aurors."

Aves leans back, and says, "Go ahead, call the Aurors. Call your buddies too, if you want. Let's see if they come before I kill you and your entire family by dismembering them one by one. I wonder if your wife will scream louder or you will, when I cut off your dick."

"You wouldn't dare do that!" A panicking Abraxas exclaims. "You're too nice, too.. Light!"

He opens his mouth to say some more, feeling his mouth loosen up due to panicking, but suddenly, he screams, "ARGHHHHH!" as his arm is pulled off from the socket, and then separated from his shoulder in the same movement.

Aves chuckles, as Abraxas falls down on the ground, tearful, hurting, and he says, "Abraxas, you foolish boy, I tortured my own father and killed him myself. You think I won't torture the man who killed someone I loved?"

Abraxas widens his eyes, and begs, "Please.. let me go, let my family go. I'll… I'll confess! I'll surrender and tell you everything you want to know! Please! Let us go!"

Aves kicks his leg lightly, flipping Abraxas so he's laying on his back, and says, "You think I want your confession? No, Abraxas. I don't want your money, I don't want your wife, I don't even want your son. Don't dent it, I know you were thinking of sacrificing your wife and your son just for your own survival."

Abraxas clenches his eyes shut, unable to think more than any ways of saving himself and his family.

Aves puts his leg on Abraxas's chest, and as the pressure slowly keeps increasing, Aves says, "What I want.. I've already taken from your insignificantly protected mind. Now all that's left.. is your life, Abraxas. That's it."

"Please-" Abraxas opens his mouth to plead, to beg once more, but suddenly, the pressure on his chest increases and within seconds, Abraxas Malfoy dies, his chest caving in.

Snapping his fingers, Aves cleans the blood off his leg, and disappears from the house, taking Malfoy's body with him.

As soon as he disappears, Abraxas's wife Shaula wakes up, and screams when she sees the spot of blood on the ground, and the arm she recognised as her husbands just laying there. Falling off the table, she crawls backwards, just to get away from the spot.

"Shaula?!" The panicked voice of her mother in law calls out, as two sets of feet start running towards the dining room.

'Lucius!' Shaula realizes, and yells out, "DON'T COME HERE! CORBY!"

As soon as the elf in question appears and starts cleaning the blood, an ominous voice calls out all over the kitchen, as if it came from everywhere. It says, "MAKE SURE YOUR SON DOESN'T FOLLOW HIS FATHER'S FOOTSTEPS, YOUNG SHAULA! I WOULD HATE TO KILL LITTLE LUCIUS TOO!"

Shaula tears up, realizing that yes, Abraxas was dead. Her mother in law walks in, Lucius nowhere to be seen, and seeing Shaula bawling her eyes out, while an elf cleans up blood that had fallen on the ground, she immediately asks, "Where's Abraxas?"

Shaula cries even louder, and yells, "He's gone!"

In the busy street of Diagon Alley, very little signs of the attack two days ago remain, as a bright flash blinds everyone for a second. When the light recedes, people are shocked for the second time in the week when a corpse of a man, wearing the same black robe and golden mask from the attack drops down on the ground.

On top of the corpse, was a knife, stabbing into the caved chest of the corpse, and the knife itself had a note tied to it. When a brave Auror went to investigate, he read the note out loud, and said, "Followers of Dark Lord Voldemort.. I'm coming for you. - Atharva Joshi."

Abraxas Malfoy- Dark Wizard?

Wednesday afternoon, the denizens of Diagon Alley were graced with another surprise, thankfully not as deadly as the one from Monday. Just like on Monday, however, a man in black robes and gold mask appeared in the middle of Diagon Alley, out of nowhere.

Unfortunately for the man, and fortunately for the denizens, he was already dead when he appeared, with his chest caved in and the left arm missing.

On the man's person was a note, attached to him by a kitchen knife stabbed in his chest, threatening the followers of someone called the Dark Lord Voldemort. The note, written by someone called Atharva Joshi, sent a lot of panic through the crowd, although no one knows who he is.

The only hint the Ministry has given us is that Atharva Joshi was the name of a Wizard from centuries ago. A man who supposedly fought Gods to protect common Wizards from Godly persecution. And even that came from the surprisingly helpful Unspeakables, who volunteered that information.

The Lord Voldemort mentioned in the note, however, is not someone anyone recognises. There was no one of that name in Hogwarts, ever, nor did any such student exist in any of the other schools. The Aurors believe that the Golden and Silver masked Dark Wizards responsible for the attack of August 3rd were the followers of Dark Lord Voldemort.

As for the corpse.. Here's where things got trickier, people. The corpse belonged to a man named Abraxas Malfoy, who people might recognise as a member of the Board of Governors of Hogwarts, and a Philanthropist responsible for various donations in the Ministry as well as the St Mungo's Hospital.

The wand found on his person was identified as his own, and when the most recent spells on it were checked, it was found that Abraxas Malfoy was responsible for killing the beloved Fleamont Potter.

Yes, this shocking news came straight from the mouths of the Unspeakables. They used a spell we know not to conjure an illusion of the most recent spells cast by that wand. After going through dozens of such spells on that wand, the DMLE informed us that Abraxas Malfoy is being posthumously charged with 15 counts of murder by way of the Killing Curse, 31 counts of using the Unspeakable Curses, and 3 counts of Muggle-baiting.(more details on Pg 3)

Mrs Shaula Malfoy, Dowager Katherine Malfoy, and the seven year old Lucius Malfoy, when asked about the late Abraxas Malfoy's deeds, confessed that the charges he was accused of were true, but that they did not know of it. Dowager Malfoy condemned her son for "making his young child go through the loss of fatherhood in such a young age by making stupid mistakes".

A tearful Widow Mrs Malfoy added that, "My husband's crimes are many, and we will be giving the Ministry our full cooperation to make sure all his compatriots are brought to justice. I just request the people not to blame my son for his father's crimes. We do not support Abraxas's actions, and while I did love him, I do not agree with the crimes he has committed."

Head Healer Euphemia Potter, who lost her husband to Abraxas Malfoy, was unavailable to comment.

For more details about Monday's tragedy, turn to page 3.

For more details on all the crimes of Abraxas Malfoy, turn to page 3.

Mason POV:

I sit in the Potter's living room, staring at the fire burning red in the fireplace, a glass of Firewhiskey in my hands. Hearing a soft whoosh of the shadows moving rapidly, I ask, "How is she?"

Selene sighs, and says, "Unresponsive. Her body is perfectly healed, but her mind.. that's not something I can answer easily. What did you find?"

I take a moment to take a sip, feeling bad for what Aunt Mia's going through. I just lost a good friend in Fleamont, but Mia.. she lost her husband, the man she loves and has loved for half a century. I don't even know what I'll do if something happens to Selene.

I suspect that it is only because of the baby in her womb that Mia is still hanging on to her life. Otherwise.. I have no doubts that Mia would have let go, healthy body or not.

Sighing, I say, "Somehow.. despite my actions.. Tom Marvolo Riddle has returned to life."

Selene stands behind me, her hand on my shoulder, and asks, "I thought you killed him, we both know you did. We made sure your younger self didn't mess it up."

That we did. While my younger self was busy gathering all of Tom's two Horcruxes, and killing him, I was there to make sure Tom stays dead. And I am sure Tom died, completely sure.

I nod, and say, "Yes, I remember. But I am also most definitely sure that this is not a pretender. I would recognise that face in Abraxas's memories anywhere, any time."

Selene comes forward to sit on my lap, and taking a sip from my glass, she asks, "Are you leaving to go find him?"

I sigh, as I rest my head on her shoulder, and say, "No. Not right now. Aunt Mia needs me too."

Besides.. I will not give Tom an easy death. I know his plans, I know when the next attack is supposed to happen. For now, Tom may be hidden in whatever muggle house he's captured right now, but he won't remain hidden forever.

I will go after his followers first, take care of his financial and moral support. And when Tom only has the new recruits to fall back on, then I will go after him. But if he shows himself in Hogsmeade on the 1st of September, then he dies.

"For now, I am going to make them afraid of me, afraid of Atharva Joshi. Let the Unspeakables feed the public tales of my deeds, let them know how useless all their attempts of trying to stop me will be." I turn towards Selene, and as she looks at me encouragingly, I say, "These Death Eaters will rue the day they ever set their sights on my family."

Kissing my lips, Selene says, "And I will be right there with you, all the way. I love you, Athreos, don't forget that."

I smile, and say, "I will never forget you, Selene. And I love you too."

A/N: Sorry for the late and small updates. I've been going through some stuff, mentally.

Anyway, Voldemort is back, and no one knows how. As far as Abraxas is concerned, he just showed up one day, and Abraxas joined him immediately.

Abraxas Malfoy is dead, the Malfoy family is being condemned, and Mrs Malfoy and Older Mrs Malfoy are being forced to condemn Abraxas publicly, or they will risk Lucius being killed, or the public blaming them for the attack on Diagon Alley.

Thank you for your support! Tata!

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